ADVENT & CHRISTMAS WORSHIP Sunday 14 December : Second Sunday of Advent 3.00pm St Francis’ Church Carol Service Three Stiles Road, off Crondall Lane 6.30pm Christmas Words and Music at St Andrew’s with Farnham Youth Choir Tickets £10 on the door including refreshments Tuesday 16 December 1.10pm Lunchtime Carols 45 minutes of carols. Come and sing or listen. Soup and bread rolls with tea available or bring your own lunch. Wednesday 17 December 7.30pm Farnham Community Christmas Celebration with Farnham Youth Choir, with carols for all, attended by the Mayor and other Civic leaders Tickets on application from Farnham Town Council Sunday 21 December : Fourth Sunday of Advent 10.00am Parish Eucharist with children’s Nativity Presentation 6.30pm Christmas Carol Service Popular carols with the Christmas story told in traditional readings and music by the choir Wednesday 24 December : Christmas Eve 3.00pm Christingle Service A half-hour celebration for very young children and their families 4.30pm Christingle Service A half-hour celebration for older children and their families Donations from the Christingle Service will be going to The Children’s Society 11.30pm Midnight Mass The traditional way to begin the Christmas celebrations, lasting just an hour, with well-loved carols for all to sing Celebrant & Preacher: The Rt Rev’d Dr Christopher Herbert Thursday 25 December : Christmas Day 8.00am The Eucharist A quiet celebration of Holy Communion for Christmas morning, using the traditional language of the Book of Common Prayer, lasting forty minutes. 10.00am Festal Eucharist for Christmas Day A celebration for all ages, with lots of well-loved carols, lasting just an hour. Celebrant & Preacher: The Rev’d Patrick O’Ferrall Sunday 4 January : Epiphany of Our Lord 8.00am The Eucharist A quiet celebration of Holy Communion using the traditional language of the Book of Common Prayer, lasting forty minutes. 10.00am Festal Eucharist We celebrate the three magi who journeyed from the East to the infant Christ with their gifts of gold, frankincense and myrrh. Celebrant & Preacher: Canon Nigel Nicholson