“People Like Us”: The impact of ethnic concentration in

“People Like Us”: The impact of ethnic concentration in diverse societies
Friday 16th April 2010
Manchester Conference Centre
This free to attend conference will examine and discuss the origins and implications of ethnic
concentration, or ethnic density. Four sessions will cover key topics, each with two papers, a
response from a discussant and plenty of time for broader discussion among the conference
attendees, who will include academics and those working in the policy arena from central and
local government and from NGOs.
In addition, posters covering other pieces of relevant research will be shown throughout the
day. Please follow this link http://www.ccsr.ac.uk/events/peoplelikeus/ if you would like to
submit a proposal to show a poster.
Manchester Conference Centre is a purpose built conference venue and hotel facility in the
heart of Manchester city centre, just 300 metres from Manchester Piccadilly Station. For
directions follow these links:
Booking form
9.30 – 10.00
10.00 – 10.15 Welcome and introduction: Professor Richard Wilkinson, Professor Emeritus,
University of Nottingham
10.15 – 11.30 Migration, mobility and deprivation
Chair: Dr Nissa Finney, CCSR
Professor Ludi Simpson, CCSR, Patterns of concentration and how they arise
Professor Yaojun Li, ISC, Where am I in the queue? A study of the impacts of
ethnic concentration and diversity on minority ethnic employment in
Britain and the US (1990-2000)
Discussant: Professor Ceri Peach, ISC
11.30 – 12.00 Posters, Coffee/Tea
12.00 – 13.15 Social capital and civic participation
Chair: Professor Ed Fieldhouse, ISC
Dr Laura Morales, ISC, Immigration, Diversity and Social Capital in Spain. A
longitudinal perspective
Professor Eric Uslaner, University of Maryland Trust, Diversity, and
Segregation in the United States and the United Kingdom
Discussant: Professor Yaojun Li, ISC
13.15 – 14.00 Posters, lunch
14.05 – 15.20 Racism and tolerance
Chair: Stephen Jivraj, CCSR
Alfonso Echazarra, CCSR, Ethnicity and perceived crime in Spain: three
alternative stories
Dr Laia Bécares, UCL, The ethnic density effect on experiences of racism
among ethnic minority people in the UK
Discussant: Professor Angela Dale, CCSR
15.20 – 15.45 Posters, Coffee/Tea
15.45 – 17.00 Health and health inequalities
Chair: Professor James Nazroo, CCSR
Professor Kate Pickett, University of York Ethnic density effects on physical
Dr Mai Stafford, UCL Neighbourhood ethnic density and health: evidence and
explanatory pathways
Discussant: Vanessa Higgins, CCSR
The conference is organised by CCSR and ISC at the University of Manchester, the
Department of Epidemiology and Public Health, UCL, and the Department of Health
Sciences, University of York. Some of the conference funding and several of the papers are
drawn from two research projects, one funded by the Medical Research Council and the other
by the Economic and Social Research Council.