Matter in the Mantle Lab Alternative

How does matter move in the mantle?
(Lab Alternative)
Task 1: Data Record
1. You will use these drawings as your observations about
the movement of the substances in the beakers.
2. Write all observations and answers in your notebook.
Task 2: Procedures
1. Notice the path of the food coloring took in beaker A
2. Rolled oats were sprinkled evenly across the surface of the water.
3. The rolled oats were cooked for ~5 minutes.
4. Notice the path of the rolled oats in beaker B.
Questions: (Answer these questions on the back of this paper.)
1. Describe the path taken by the food coloring. What pattern do you see in beaker A?
2. What part of the earth does the water represent?
3. What pattern do you see in beaker B? How does the movement of the rolled oats
compare with the movement of the food coloring?
4. What part of the earth could the rolled oats represent? Why?
5. How is the water similar to the mantle? How is it different?
6. Once the water is completely heated, it no longer serves as an accurate model of the
mantle. Why?
7. Write a short paragraph explaining how the beaker of water models the movement of
material in the earth’s mantle.
Everyday Application (extra credit) Convection is a common process of heat transfer in substances.
You experience convection currents every day. Give two examples of convection that you have
experienced. What type of matter is moving in each case?