Erik Cohen

38 Bethlehem Rd., Jerusalem 93504
University of Nanterre, France
Jerusalem Fellow, Israel
The Sorbonne, Paris, France
University of Lyon, France
University of Lyon, France
PhD in Sociology
DEA in Socio-linguistics
M.A. in Philosophy and Psycho-Sociology
B.A. in Philosophy and Sociology
School of Education, Bar-Ilan University
Ashkelon Academic College, Bar-Ilan University
Melton Center for Jewish Education in the Diaspora, Hebrew University
Efrata Academic College for Education, Jerusalem
Alperin Regional College of the Jordan Valley, Bar-Ilan University
School of Education, Bar-Ilan University
1995-2000 Fellow Research at the Jerusalem Institute for the Study of Israel, Jerusalem
Dushkin Israel-Diaspora Education Award.
Facet Theory Association.
The Israel Network for Research in Jewish Education
RTf 20 Méthodes (An international group of 57 methodologists)
2001-2005. Scientific Committee, the Van Leer Institute Intellectual Integration of the CIS
1998-2001 Scientific Committee, the Van Leer Institute Divided Cities Project and the Memories of
Morocco, Jerusalem.
1992-1996 Scientific Consultant Committee of the Joint Authority for Jewish Zionist Education,
1991-cont. Academic Committee, Midreshet Bait Ham, Training Institute for Social-Educational
Youth Workers, Jerusalem
Youth culture and leisure
Jewish education
Educational evaluation
Educational tourism
Peace education
Methodological development in multidimensional analysis
Cohen, E.H. (in press). Etre Juif en France: [provisional title], Akadem – Elkana Editions: ParisJérusalem.
Cohen, E. H. (in press). Identity, Values and Social Pursuits: Israeli Youth in the Year 2000.
The Kelman Center, School of Education, Tel Aviv University.
Cohen, E. H. (in press). The Jews of France at the Turn of the Third Millenium: A Sociological
and Cultural Analysis. The Ruth and Baruch Rappaport Center for Assimilation Research and
Strengthening Jewish Vitality.
Cohen, E. H. and Ifergan, M. (2005). La jeunesse juive: Entre France et Israël, Paris:
Observatoire du monde juif.
Cohen, E. H. and Cohen, E. (2000). The Israel Experience Program: A Policy Analysis,
Jerusalem: Jerusalem Institute for the Study of Israel (in Hebrew).
Cohen, E. H. (1991). L'étude et l'éducation juive en France, Paris: Editions du Cerf.
Cohen, E. H. (2006). Perceptions of Peace: A Socio-Semantic Pilot Research. In Iram, Y. and
Wahrman, H. (Eds.). Educating towards a Culture of Peace. Information Age Publishing, Inc.
pp. 161-189.
Cohen, E. H. (2006). Religious Tourism as an Educational Experience, in Dallen J. Timothy and
Daniel H. Olsen (ed.): Tourism, Religion and Spiritual Journeys. London and New York:
Routledge. 78-93.
Cohen, E. H. (in press). Israel Experience: A Case Study of Youth Culture, in Schmida, M. and
Romi, S. (Eds.). Informal Education in Israel, Jerusalem: Magnes Press (in Hebrew).
Cohen, E. H. (in press). Informal and Formal Education Methodological Approaches: A
Comparison, in Schmida, M. and Romi, S. (Eds.). Informal Education in Israel, Jerusalem:
Magnes Press (in Hebrew).
Cohen, E. H. and Levy, S. (in press). Mapping the Jewish Education, in honor of Mike Rosenak.
Cohen, E. H. (in press). A Theory of Ethnic Identity, in honor of Seymour Fox.
Cohen, E. H. (in press). Are there potential clients for the Jewish day schools in France? An a
posteriori analysis of a prognosis, in Della Pergola, S. (Ed.).
Cohen, E. H. (in press). The Role of Israel in French-Jewish Identity, in Ben-Moshe, D. (ed.)
Israel and Diaspora Jewish Identity, Sussex Academic Press.
Cohen, E. H. (in press), Jews of France born in Morocco, Algeria and Tunisia: A Structural
Axiological Comparison, in Bar-Asher, M. Sharbit, S. And Amar, M. (eds.) Fes: Thousand
Years of Creativity.
Cohen, E. H. (in press), A structural analysis of Spicer's 'enduring peoples': Towards a typology
Curriculum Vitae / COHEN Erik Henri / 2 / December 2006
of traits of cultural persistence, in Yaniv, E. and Elizur, D. Facet Theory: Theory and Research
in Social Sciences. Jerusalem: Akademon.
Cohen, E. H. (in press), French Jewish Students in Israel: A Structural Study of Values, in
Yaniv, E. and Elizur, D. Facet Theory: Theory and Research in Social Sciences. Jerusalem:
Cohen, E. H. (2005). Jewish Education in France: Diverse Strategic Perceptions. A Comparative
Socio-Historical Analysis of the Lay and Professional Leaders. In E. Chazan (ed.). Between
Tradition and Progress: Leadership and Cultural Processes in North African Jewry, The Bialik
Institute, Jerusalem, and The Dahan Center for Culture, Society and Education in the Sephardic
Heritage, Bar Ilan University, 213-228.
Cohen, E. H. (2004). Preparation, Simulation and the Creation of Community: Exodus and the
case of diaspora education tourism. In Coles, T.E. and Timothy, D.J. (eds) Tourism, Diasporas
and Space. London: Routledge (Chapter 8), 124-138.
Cohen, E. H., Pianelli, C. and Abric, J.C. (2003). The Social Representation of the Use of Seat
Belts: A Facet Theory Approach, in Levy, S. and Elizur, D. (Ed.): Facet Theory: Towards
Cumulative Social Science. University of Ljubljana: Faculty of Arts, Center for Educational
Development, 325-335.
Cohen, E. H., and Amar, R. (2003). Sampling a Universe of Contents: A Theoretical,
Mathematical and Computer-Based Contribution, in Levy, S. and Elizur, D. (Ed.): Facet
Theory: Towards Cumulative Social Science. University of Ljubljana: Faculty of Arts, Center
for Educational Development, 41-48.
Cohen, E. H. (2002). Le fait et la manière: Contribution à la sociologie juive d’Albert Memmi in
D. Ohana, C. Sitbon et D. Mendelsohn (Ed.): Lire Memmi: Déracinement, Exil, Identité.
Genève : Factuel, pp. 111-124, 233-239.
Cohen, E. H. with E. Cohen (2002). The Value System of Parents of Fifth Grade Students in
General and Religious State Schools, in N. Maslovety and Y. Iram (ed.) Values Education in
Various Teaching Contexts, Tel Aviv: Ramot Publishing – Tel Aviv University, 163-176 (in
Cohen, E. H. with C. Sabbagh (2001) Distributive Values Israeli and East-German Adolescents:
A New Partial Order Analysis, in D. Elizur (Ed.): Facet Theory: Integrating Theory
Construction with Data Analysis, Karlovy University of Prague, pp. 255-265.
Cohen, E. H. (2001), Images of Israel: Diaspora Jewish Youth’ Preconceived Notions about the
Jewish State, in D. Elizur (Ed.): Facet Theory: Integrating Theory Construction with Data
Analysis, Karlovy University of Prague, pp. 197-209.
Amar, R. with Cohen, E. H. (2001) Hypothesized vs. Random Regionality in SSA, in D. Elizur
(Ed.): Facet Theory: Integrating Theory Construction with Data Analysis, Karlovy University
of Prague, pp. 87-93.
Cohen, E. H. (2001) Facet Analysis of Jewish Education, in D. Elizur (Ed.): Facet Theory:
Integrating Theory Construction with Data Analysis, Karlovy University of Prague, pp. 151164.
Cohen, E. H. (2000) The Shlihim Training Institute: A Contribution to the History and Analysis
of Educational Shlihut. In D. Zisenwine and D. Schers (Eds.) New Trends In Research
Curriculum Vitae / COHEN Erik Henri / 3 / December 2006
Education: Tel Aviv: School of Education, Studies in Jewish Culture, Identity and Community,
Tel Aviv University. pp. 39-60.
Cohen, E. H. (1995). Toward a Strategy of Excellence, A Systemic Analysis and Policy
Research Based on External Variables in SSA. In Facet Theory Analysis and Design (J.J. Hox,
G.J. Mellenbergh, P.G. Swanborn, Eds.), University of Amsterdam, 55-62.
Cohen, E. H. (1992). Jewish Education in France and the State of Israel as Perceived by
Leaders and Professionals. In French Jewry, Zionism and the State of Israel, (B. Pinkus, D.
Bensimon, Ed.), Ben Gurion Research Center, Ben Gurion University, and INALCO, University
of Paris, 271-298 (in Hebrew).
Cohen, E. H. (1989). Les volontaires Juifs de France pendant la guerre de Kippour, contribution
à une phénoménologie du volontariat. In Les Juifs de France, le sionisme et l'Etat d'Israel,
Actes du Colloque International, (D. Bensimon, B. Pinkus, ED.), INALCO, Paris. Appeared in
Hebrew in French Jewry, Zionism and the State of Israel, (B. Pinkus, D. Bensimon, Ed.) (1992).
Ben Gurion Research Center, Ben Gurion University, and INALCO, University of Paris.
Hornik, J, Cohen, E.H. Amar, R. (in press). A Facet Metatheoretical Approach to Advance
Consumer Behavior Knowledge", Psychology and Marketing.
Cohen, E. H. (2007). Researching Informal Education: A Preliminary Mapping. Bulletin de
Méthodologie Sociologique, Volume 93, pp. 70-88.
Cohen, E. H. and Y. Bar Shalom. (2006). Jewish Youth in Texas: Towards A Multimethodological Approach to Minority Identity. Religious Education. Volume 101 (1), pp. 4059.
Cohen, E. H. (2006). Research in Religious Education: Content and Methods for the
Postmodern and Global Era. Religious Education. Volume 101 (2), pp. 147-152.
Cohen, E. H. (2005). Student evaluations of course and teacher: Factor Analysis and SSA
approaches. Assessment and Evaluation in Higher Education. Vol. 30(2), 123-136.
Cohen, E. H., Sagee, R. and Reichenberg, R. (2005). Being, Having and Doing Modes of
Existence: Confirmation and Reduction of a New Scale. Bulletin de Méthodologie Sociologique.
87, 38-60.
Cohen, E. H. (2003[2005]), Images of Israel: A Structural Comparison along Gender, Ethnic,
Denominational and National Lines, Tourist Studies. 3(3). 253-280. This article, accepted in
September 2004, was actually published in January 2005.
Cohen, E. H. (2004). Assessing the Human Development Index through the Structure of
Welfare. Bulletin de Méthodologie Sociologique. 84, 40-48.
Cohen, E. H. (2004). Components and Symbols of Ethnic Identity: A Case Study in Informal
Education and Identity Formation in Diaspora. Applied Psychology: An International Review.
Vol. 53 (1), 87-112.
10. Cohen, E. H. and Gabriel Horenczyk (2003). The Structure of Attitudes towards Israel-Diaspora
Relations among Diaspora Youth Leaders: An Empirical Analysis. Journal of Jewish
Education. 69(2), 78-88.
Curriculum Vitae / COHEN Erik Henri / 4 / December 2006
11. Sabbagh, C., Cohen, E. H., Levy, S. (2003). Types of Social Justice Judgements as Portrayed by
Partial-Order Scalogram Analysis: A Cross-Cultural Example. Acta Sociologica. Vol. 46 (4).
12. Cohen, E. H. (2003). Tourism and Religion. A Case Study: Visiting Students in Israel. Journal
of Travel Research. Vol. 42 (1), 36-47.
13. Cohen, E. H. (2003). A Questionable Connection: Community Involvement and Attitudes to
Intermarriage of Young American Jews. The Jewish Journal of Sociology. Vol. 45 (1-2), 5-19.
14. Cohen, E. H., Meir, E. I., Segal H. and Amar, R. (2003). Tension, Adventure, and Risk (TAR)
and the Classification of Occupations: A Multidimensional Analysis. Bulletin de Méthodologie
Sociologique, Vol. 77, 5-18.
15. Cohen, E. H. (2003). The Bitter and the Sweet: A Structural Analysis of Mimuna. The Journal
of Ritual Studies. Vol. 17 (1), 90-98.
16. Cohen, E. H., M. Ifergan and E. Cohen (2002). The Madrich: A New Paradigm in Tour
Guiding: Youth, Identity and Informal Education. Annals of Tourism Research. Vol. 29 (4), pp.
17. Cohen, E. H. and R. Amar (2002). External Variables as Points in Smallest Space Analysis: A
Theoretical, Mathematical and Computer-Based Contribution. Bulletin de Méthodologie
Sociologique. Vol. 75, pp. 40-56.
18. Cohen, E. H. (2001). A Structural Analysis of the R. Kahane Code of Informality: Elements
toward a Theory of Informal Education. Sociological Inquiry. Vol. 71 (3), 357-380.
19. Cohen, E. H., R. A. Clifton and L. W. Roberts (2001). The Cognitive Domain of the Quality of
Life of University Students: A Re-analysis of an instrument. Social Indicators Research, Vol.
53, 63-77.
20. Cohen, E. H. (2000). Mifgashim: A Meeting of Minds and Hearts. Journal of Jewish Education,
Vol. 66 (1-2), 23-37.
21. Cohen, E. H. (2000). A Facet Theory Approach to Examining Overall and Life Facet
Satisfaction Relationships. Social Indicators Research, Vol. 51 (2), 223-237.
22. Cohen, E. H. (2000). Multi-dimensional analysis of international social indicators: education,
economy, media and demography. An explorative study. Social Indicators Research, Vol. 50,
23. Cohen, E. H. (1999). Prior community involvement and ‘Israel Experience’ educational tours.
Evaluation and Research in Education, Vol. 13(2), 76-91.
24. Cohen, E. H. (1999). Informal marketing of Israel Experience educational tours. Journal of
Travel Research, Vol. 37, 238-243.
25. Cohen, E. H. (1988). Le masque et le visage: vers une sociologie de l'éducation juive en
France. Studies in Jewish Education, Aviad, J. (Ed.), Vol. 3, Magnes Press, Jerusalem, 166-196.
26. Cohen, E. H. (1986). Tourisme et identité: Pardès, Vol. 4, Paris, 84-97.
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Cohen E. H. (2006). Evaluation of the Yad Vashem International School for Holocaust Studies
Seminars for European Teachers 2005-2006. Jerusalem (107 pages).
Cohen E. H. (2006). Lycéens et étudiants Juifs de France en Israël: Une étude des besoins.
Sacta-Rashi: Jérusalem (46 pages).
Cohen E. H. (2005). Touristes Juifs de France en 2004. AMI, Paris-Jérusalem (59 pages).
Cohen E. H. and Iluz, S. (2005). Religious State Schools: Towards an Evaluation of the
Educational Initiatives in Jewish Issues. Institute for the Study and Advancement of Religious
Education, The School of Education, Bar Ilan University (80 pages).
Cohen Erik H. (2002). Les Juifs de France: valeurs et identité, FSJU, Paris (169 pages).
Cohen, E. H. and Cohen, E. (2001). The Israeli Socio-Educational Counselors: Status and
Training. Jerusalem: Efshar and Research & Evaluation. (in Hebrew) (105 pages).
Cohen, E. H. (1997). Educational Shlihut: An International Systemic and Policy Analysis,
Jerusalem: Joint Authority for Jewish-Zionist Education (150 pages).
Cohen, E. H. and Cohen, E. (1996). Gray Education in Israel. Jerusalem: Institute for the
Study of Educational Systems (ISES) (184 pages).
Cohen, E. H. (1993). The 1992 Summer Israel Experience Educational Programs, the Melton
Center for Jewish Education in the Diaspora, the Hebrew University of Jerusalem (62 pages).
10. Cohen, E. H. (1993). 1989-1990 Adolescent New Immigrants from the USSR, A Pilot
Attitudinal Profile, Jerusalem: NCJW Research Institute for Innovation in Education, Hebrew
University (in Hebrew) (78 pages).
11. Cohen, E. H. (1993). The Impact of External Agents on the Work of Schools' Principals and
Teachers in Israel, Jerusalem: Institute for the Study of Educational Systems (ISES) (136
12. Cohen, E. H. (1992). The World of Informal Jewish Education, Joint Authority for Jewish
Zionist Education, II Volumes (385 pages).
13. Cohen, E. H. (1991). The 1989-1990 Counselors' Training Courses for the Summer Programs:
An Evaluation, CRB Foundation (127 pages).
14. Cohen, E. H. (1991). Education and Socio-Economic Achievements, Jerusalem: Institute for the
Study of Educational Systems (ISES) (77 pages).
15. Cohen, E. H. and Sigal, L. (1988). Etudes juives et hébraïques dans l'enseignement supérieur et
dans la recherche. Paris: Comité de coordination pour l'éducation juive (105 pages).
16. Cohen, E. H. and Cohen, M. (1987). Les cercles d'études juives. Paris: Comité de coordination
pour l'éducation juive (135 pages).
17. Cohen, E. H. (1977). Le guide de l'animateur, Introduction méthodologique à "Repères",
Département de la Jeunesse et du Hechaloutz, Jérusalem. Repères and Le guide de l'animateur
Curriculum Vitae / COHEN Erik Henri / 6 / December 2006
(winner of the Dushkin Israel-Diaspora Education Award, 1978), and Repères: Judaïsme et
modernité, II Volumes, Jérusalem (335 pages).
Cohen, E. H. (2006), Excellence in Educational Youth Tourism: The Case of the Israel
Experience Program. 24th EuroCHRIE Congress, University of the Aegean, Thessaloniki,
Greece, October 2006. Pages 1-9.
Cohen, E. H. & Amar, R. (2005). External Variables: Some Novelties and Applications. Facet
Theory: Design, Analysis and Applications. (W. Bilsky and D. Elizur, Ed.). Rome, 231-240.
Cohen, E. H. (2005). Towards a Typology of Values: Application of the Facet Theory to the
Study of French Jews. Facet Theory: Design, Analysis and Applications. (W. Bilsky and D.
Elizur, Ed.). Rome, 263-273.
De Rosa, A. S., d'Ambrosio, M. & Cohen, E. H. (2005). Modeling Social Representations of
European Nations and European Union: A Facet Theory Approach. Facet Theory: Design,
Analysis and Applications. (W. Bilsky and D. Elizur, Ed.). Rome, 49-56.
Cohen, Erik H., Tension, with Elchanan Meir, Hila Segal and Reuben Amar (2002). Tension,
Adventure, and Risk (TAR) and the Classification of Occupations: A Multidimensional
Analysis, in Abraham Sagie and Makary Stasiak (eds.): Work Values and Behaviour in an Era
of Transformation. Lodz. Pp. 102-107.
Cohen, Erik H and Naomi Bloom (2000). Evaluating the “Good Manager” and the Self
According to the BEM Sex Role Inventory, in Work Values and Organizational Behavior
Toward the New Millennium, Jerusalem. Pp. 77-82.
Cohen, E. H. (2000). Student Evaluations of Course and Teacher - A Guttman Approach.
Presentation # PO21103, pp. 1-15. In Social Science Methodology in the New Millennium,
Proceedings of the Fifth International Conference on Logic and Methodology, Cologne,
October 3-6, 2000. Edited by: Jörg Blasius, Joop Hox, Edith de Leeuw and Peter Schmidt,
ISBN 90-801073-8-7.
Cohen, E. H. (1999). What is an excellent Madrich? The Israel Experience Participants' View
of their Counselors. Seventh International Facet Theory Conference, Design and Analysis.
(Ruth Meyer Schweizer Ed.). Berne, 367-383.
Cohen, E. H. and Shlomit Levy (1999). What is a Good Educational System? Seventh
International Facet Theory Conference, Design and Analysis. (Ruth Meyer Schweizer Ed.).
Berne, 353-365.
10. Cohen, E. H. and Reuven Amar (1999). External Variables in SSA and Unfolding Techniques:
A Comparison. Seventh International Facet Theory Conference, Design and Analysis. (Ruth
Meyer Schweizer Ed.). Berne, 259-279.
11. Cohen, E. H. and Clara Sabbagh (1999). Justice judgments among adolescents: Israel and
Germany. Seventh International Facet Theory Conference, Design and Analysis. (Ruth Meyer
Schweizer Ed.). Berne, 111-126.
12. Cohen, E. H. (1997). Les pédagogies spécifiques et leur évaluation dans les écoles israéliennes.
L’école de la deuxième chance, Institut de la Méditerranée, Colloque de Marseille, Commission
Européenne, Editions de l’Aube, 98-103, 121-122.
Curriculum Vitae / COHEN Erik Henri / 7 / December 2006
13. Cohen, E. H. (Sept. 1997). Tourism and religion. A case study: visiting students in Israel. Sixth
International Facet Theory Conference: Contributing to Cumulative Science (Mari Ito Ed.),
University of Liverpool, 218-228.
14. Cohen, E. H. (Sept. 1997). Formal and informal Jewish education: a structural comparison.
Sixth International Facet Theory Conference: Contributing to Cumulative Science (Mari Ito
Ed.), University of Liverpool, 58-72.
15. Cohen, E. H. (1993). Cross-cultural analysis: similarities and differences between CIS new
immigrants and Israeli-born youngsters in value structures. Proceedings of the Fourth
International Facet Theory Conference, Prague, 69-78.
16. Cohen, E. H. and Amar, R. (1993). External variables in SSA, including external profiles &
POSAC regions. Proceedings of the Fourth International Facet Theory Conference, Prague,
Cohen; E. H. (2006). A Jewish Religious Community in the French Republic, in DellaPergola, S.
& Yovel, A. (Eds.): The President's Study Forum on World Jewish Affairs, Series B, 2003-2005,
The Hebrew University of Jerusalem, 119-127.
Cohen, E. H. (2006). Intermarriage among Jews in France: Preliminary Remarks, in Reinharz, S.
and Della Pergola, S. (Eds.):
Cohen, E. H. (2004). Valeurs et identité des Juifs de France. Observatoire du monde juif. Bulletin
10-11, pp. 7-14.
Cohen, E. H. (2002). La grande enquête des Juifs de France. L’Arche, No. 538, 54-73.
Cohen, E. H. and Ben-Eliezer, E. (Fall 1998). The educational objectives of the Israel
Experience, Agenda Jewish Education, JESNA, Issue 10, 11-14.
Cohen, E. H. (March 1998). L’éducation juive en France, de la Révolution française à nos jours.
Les Cahiers de la C.E.R.F., Paris, No 18, 5-10.
Cohen, E. H. (Feb. 1992). Teenage Soviet Jewish immigrants, a special report. Jerusalem Letter,
Jerusalem Center for Public Affairs, No 249.
Cohen, E. H. (Jan. 1989). L'éducation juive: rapport sur l'état des recherches. Communauté
Nouvelle, No 41, 95-101.
Cohen, E. H. (Jan. 1989). Sondage: le sionisme, l'aliya et l'éducation juive. L'Arche, No 380, 6166.
10. Cohen, E. H. (1985). L'éducation juive informelle en France. Sillages, 11, Jérusalem, 93-103.
11. Cohen, E. H. (1982). Exilode: réflexions à partir de l’oeuvre d’André Neher. Sillages, 6, 41-60.
12. Cohen, E. H. (1981). Exil et retrait dans le judaisme mystique. Sillages, 4, 90-104.
13. Cohen, E. H. (1978). Judaisme et pédagogie: Entretien avec le Professeur André Neher.
Dispersion et Unité, 18, Jérusalem, 168-176.
Curriculum Vitae / COHEN Erik Henri / 8 / December 2006
International Conference on Leon Askenazi: Kabbala, Philosophy and Education, Dahan Center, Bar
Ilan University, December 2006.
● Manitou le sociologue
1. 24th EuroCHRIE Congress, University of the Aegean, Thessaloniki, Greece, October 2006: In Search
of Excellence for Tomorrow's Tourism, Travel and Hospitality.
● Excellence in Educational Youth Tourism: The Case of the Israel Experience Program
2. 8th International Conference on Social Representations, Rome Italy, August 28th - September 1st
● Political Participation in the Age of Globalization: The role of the culturally situated self on the
analysis of political protest
3. "Reframing Jewish day school education worldwide", the Melton Centre for Jewish Education,
Hebrew University, June 27-29, 2006.
● Comparison of attitudes, behaviors and values of French Jewish families with children enrolled in
Jewish day schools and other school systems
4. Facet Theory: Theory and Research in Social Sciences. Bar Ilan University, June 2006.
● Jewish French High School and University Students in Israel: A pioneer analysis
5. The Jews of France: past, present and future. An International Conference. Bar Ilan University, May
2006. I was the Chair of the Conference, and gave two lectures:
● Quelques remarques en vue d'une analyse de la situation des Juifs de France aujourd'hui
● Les Juifs de France et Israël: de près et de loin (avec Maurice Ifergan)
6. Religion et Etat: Aspects comparatifs entre la France et Israël. Bar Ilan, december 2005
● Israélite et Juif
7. World Center of Jewish Studies, Jerusalem, August 2005:
 Towards a typology of education intervention in a global youth organization: The case of Bnei
 Market Penetration of the Israel Experience Programs: An Indicator of Israel-Diaspora
Relationships. A Worldwide Data Analysis
8. Tenth International Facet Theory Conference, Rome, July 2005
● Towards a Typology of Values: Application of Facet Theory to the Study of French Jews
● Modeling Social Representations of European Nations and European Union: A Facet Theory
Approach, with de Rosa and d’Ambrosio
● External Variables: Some Novelties and Applications, with R. Amar
● Facet Theory: A Bibliography
9. Invited as Senior Expert in Facet Theory and Methodology (Mapping Sentence and SSA in
Theory Design and Assessment) to conduct a Special Seminar at the European Summer
School on Social Representations for PhD students, Rome, July 2005.
10. Russians in Israel and Beyond: The Meanings of Culture in Discourse and Practice: International
Conference at Van Leer Institute, Jerusalem, June 2005:
● A Threefold Distinction: Reflections towards the Replication of the Bourdieu's Study of Taste in
Israel: Towards a cross-cultural study of Russian Jews
Curriculum Vitae / COHEN Erik Henri / 9 / December 2006
11. Ninth International Facet Theory Conference, Ljubljiana, July 2003:
● The Social Representation of the Use of Seat Belts: A Facet Theory Approach, with C. Pianelli
and J.C. Abric
● Sampling a Universe of Contents: A Theoretical, Mathematical and Computer-Based
Contribution, with R. Amar
● Facet Theory: A Bibliography with S. Levy and D. Elizur
12. The European Summer School on Social Representations for PhD students, Rome June 2003.
Invited as expert in Facet Theory and Guttman methodology (Mapping Sentence, SSA, POSAC,
13. Demography of the Jewish People: Jerusalem December 2002.
● The French Jewry: Socio-demography and education.
14. The European Summer School on Social Representations for PhD students, Rome June 2002.
Invited as expert in Facet Theory and Guttman methodology (Mapping Sentence, SSA, POSAC,
15. The Joint International Conference of The Israeli Association for Research in Jewish Education and
the North American Network for Jewish Education, Haifa-Jerusalem, June 2002.
● Towards a Definitional Framework of Jewish Education: An Exploratory Mapping Sentence, with
Shlomit Levy.
● The Structure of Attitudes towards Israel-Diaspora Relations among Diaspora Youth Leaders: An
Empirical Analysis, with Gabi Horenczyk.
16. The 8th ISSWOV Conference, Warsaw, June 2002.
● Tension, adventure, and risk (TAR) and Classification of Occupations: A Multidimensional
Analysis, with Elchanan Meir and Reuben Amar.
17. Tourism and Diaspora Conference, Belfast January 2002. Special Guest of the Conference.
● Exodus: the meaning of young Jews' spiritual pilgrimages to Israel.
18. Eight International Facet Theory Conference, Prague, July 2001:
● Jewish Youth Perception of Israel.
● Towards A General Theory of Jewish Education: A Facet Approach, With the help of automatic
regionality in SSA.
● A Facet Approach to the Study of Fathers’ and Pediatricians’ conceptualization on
Communication Development in Early Infancy, with Maria C. D. P. Lyra, and Antonio Roazzi.
● Hypothesized vs. Random Regionality in SSA, with Reuven Amar.
● Distributive Values among Israeli and East-German Adolescents; A New Partial Order Analysis,
with, Clara Sabbagh.
19. International Conference of Jewish Studies: Demographic Section, Jerusalem: July 2001.
●Are there potential clients for the Jewish day schools in France? An a posteriori analysis of a
20. Fifth International Conference on Logic and Methodology, Cologne, October 3-6, 2000:
 Student Evaluations of Course and Teacher - A Guttman Approach, Lecture # PO21103.
21. European Congress Maastricht 2000, Maastricht October 2000:
● Inter-/Intra-Cultural Home Hospitality; Jewish-American Teens in Israeli Homes.
22. International Conference on Data Analysis, Paris, July 1999:
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● Guttman Data Analysis Methods, professional seminar for EHESS and European-affiliated
23. Seventh International Facet Theory Conference, Berne, July 1999:
● Educational Tourist Programs: Toward a Typology.
● External Variables in SSA and Unfolding Techniques: A Comparison, with Reuven Amar.
● What is a Good Educational System, with Shlomit Levy.
● Justice judgments among adolescents: Israel and Germany, with Clara Sabbagh.
24. International Conference of the Jewish Education Network, Los Angeles, June 1999:
● A Meeting of Minds and Hearts: A Comparison of Cognitive and Affective Models in Structured
Encounters between Israeli and Jewish-American Adolescents.
25. International Conference on Albert Memmi, sociologist and writer, Jerusalem, November 1998:
● Réflexion à partir des concepts de la sociologie juive chez Memmi.
26. Sixth International Facet Theory Conference, Liverpool, September 1997:
● Tourism and Religion. A Case Study: Visiting Students in Israel.
● Formal and Informal Jewish Education: A Structural Comparison.
27. International Conférence of “l’école de la deuxième chance”, Marseille, December 1996.
28. Fifth International Facet Theory Conference, Amsterdam, August 1995:
● Toward a Strategy of Excellence, A Systemic Analysis & Policy Research.
29. Fourth International Facet Theory Conference, Prague, August 1993:
● External Variables in SSA, with Reuben Amar.
● Cross-Cultural Analysis: CIS New Immigrants and Israeli-Born Youngsters in Values Structures.
30. Third International Facet Theory Conference, Jerusalem, June 1991:
● Adolescent Summer Programs Participants in Israel, 1989-1990: A Multi-dimensional approach.
Public Advisory Committee, Melitz Institute for Jewish Zionist Education, Jerusalem
Committee for Cultural Integration of the Ministry of Absorption, Jerusalem / Tel Aviv
Board of Directors, Melitz Institute for Jewish Zionist Education, Jerusalem
Board of Advisors, Galilee Restoration Project, Safed
Secretary of the Facet Theory Association
Chair of Board of Directors, Melitz Institute for Jewish Zionist Education, Jerusalem
Board of Directors, Melitz Institute for Jewish Zionist Education, Jerusalem
Chair of Board of Directors, The Rabbi Joseph H. Lookstein Center for Jewish Education
in the Diaspora, University of Bar Ilan.
2005-2007 Executive Board, Facet Theory Association (elected in July 2005 for two years)
Interim Chair of Board of Directors, Melitz Institute for Jewish Zionist Education,
Curriculum Vitae / COHEN Erik Henri / 11 / December 2006