Ancillary Product Documentation: TOPO Description: TOPO is a fixed data product providing a land-water mask together with topographic height information over land. A 0.1 degree (“10-km”) version is used in processing ISCCP L2 (pixel-level) and is reported in the two ISCCP L2 products for each pixel present; some information from a 1.0 degree version is also used in the cloud analysis. A 1.0 degree version is reported in the ISCCP L3 (gridded) products. The 0.1 degree version is used in the SRB L2 processing and the 1.0 degree version is reported in the SRB gridded product. The 1.0 degree version is reported in the GPCP gridded product. The 0.25 degree version is used in the SeaFlux (land-water mask only) and LandFlux L2 processing and reported in their gridded products. The 1.0 version is reported in the GEWEX Joint Energy-Water Cycle data product. All of these versions are constructed directly from the same 0.01 degree basic product. Format and Contents: The format is netCDF4.0. The product reports land fraction in percent, “shore” distance in km, the mean and standard deviation of topographic height in meters (only land points included in the statistics in mixed land-water grid cells). Shore distance is the distance to the center of the nearest land-dominated (land fraction >65%) or mixed land-water (coast) grid cell if the map grid cell is water-dominated (land fraction < 35%) or to the nearest water-dominated or coast grid cell if the map grid cell is land-dominated. The distance is 0 km for coast map grid cells. Versions are available in equal-area map grids, equivalent at the equator to latitude-longitude intervals of 0.1, 0.25, 0.50, 1.0, 2.0 and 2.5 degrees, all produced directly from the same 0.01 degree version. Quantities Reported in Map Grid Cell Quantity Units Valid Range Fill Value Land fraction Percent0 to 100 32767 Mean topographic height above mean sea level Meters -405 to 6626 32767 Standard deviation of topographic height Meters 0 to 1351 32767 Distance to land for all water cells Kilometers 0 to 11500 32767 Distance to water for all land cells Kilometers 0 to 11500 32767 Input Data Sources: One land-water mask is from the USGS Global Land 1-KM AVHRR Project obtained from the USGS EROS data center at: and compiled from the World Vector Shoreline data set for ocean boundaries and the Digital Chart of the World for the large inland lakes, estuaries and rivers. These sources were rasterized to 1-km grid cells, where the type is assigned based on dominant area coverage. The original mapping is a Lambert Azimuthal Equal Area projection. The global digital elevation model used to provide land topographic heights is GTOPO30, obtained from the USGS EROS data center at: Topographic height in meters above mean sea level is reported at intervals of 30-arc seconds (0.008333 degrees) referenced to WGS84. Ocean areas have been masked to a “no data” value of −9999, hence this product also provides a land-water mask. The Digital Elevation Model is compiled from eight sources. Complete documentation can be found at: http:// and http:// The original product mapping is the Interrupted Goode Homolosine projection broken up into smaller tiles for convenience. Comparisons to Other Products/Evaluation: GTOPO30 was compared to ETOPO2v2 and the SRTM products. ETOPO2v2 is lower resolution than GTOPO30 but includes bathymetry for oceans and large lakes. Ignoring the differences for inland lakes, the main differences (less than ± 200 m) appear over high terrain, where resolution effects would be expected. However, there are larger differences up to 500 m over Greenland, both high and low, as well as along the southern boundary of the Himalayas. GTOPO30 was selected for use because it is a global digital elevation model at smaller spatial intervals and makes a clear distinction between continents and oceans. The land-water masks in the GTOPO30 product was compared to the 1KM AVHRR Project product; differences were reconciled as discussed below. Processing Steps: A. Modifications to Original: The 1-KM AVHRR Project product was re-mapped into the ISCCP-style equal-area grid at the same effective resolution using a nearest neighbor resampling approach and inspected for any flaws (missing values) produced by this step (none found). The GTOPO30 data were re-mapped to the same 1-km equal-area grid. In this step, the land fraction and (mean) topographic height are calculated. B. Filling Methods: None required. C. Reconciliation: The two land-water masks are reconciled in the ISCCP 1 km grid in favor of the GTOPO30 land fraction as follows: GTOPO30 Land Fraction // AVHRR Land Fraction 0 > 0 but < 100 100 0 100 0 GTOPO value 0 0 GTOPO value 100 The replacement of the GTOPO30 land fraction in the interior of continents when the 1-KM AVHRR reports all water is necessary to identify large lakes but the GTOPO30 topographic information is retained for these locations so they can be distinguished from open ocean locations which have no topographic information. During this processing an ice shelf fraction is determined for all locations poleward of 60 degrees where the AVHRR land fraction = 100% but GTOPO30 gives < 100%: in this case the ice shelf fraction is given by by 100 – GTOPO30 land fraction and land fraction is set to 0%. This dataset is further processed in creating the SRFTYP product. D. Merging and Derivation of Additional Quantities: The GTOPO30 dataset at 1-km, after the modifications to reconcile with the AVHRR Project land-water mask, is used to produce all other versions of the ISCCP TOPO product on equal-area map grids, equivalent to 0.1, 0.25, 0.50, 1.0, 2.0 and 2.5 degrees at the equator. All lower resolution values of land fraction, mean topographic height and standard deviation of topographic height are calculated directly from the 1-km product. In each mapping, an additional quantity, called “shore”, is determined as follows. First, each map grid cell is classified as water (land fraction < 35%), land (land fraction > 65%) or coast (intermediate land fractions). Then for grid cells classified as water, the distance from the center of the grid cell to the center of the nearest grid cell classified as either land or coast, up to 115 km, is determined. For grid cells classified as land, the distance to the center of the nearest grid cell classified as either water or coast is determined. For grid cells classified as coast, the shore distance is set to zero.