Elementary Opportunity Program 2012-2013 Meeting Descriptions Possible Incoming Referrals 1. Opportunity Placement Meetings: The purpose of the monthly Opportunity Placement meeting is to discuss potential referrals from home schools. Please attend these meetings if there are students at your school that are displaying continual behavior concerns and not responding to the current disciplinary system and/or positive behavior support. It is imperative that you attend these meetings if you have students of concern. Your student will not be considered for placement if you have not attended a staffing. All staffings must be attended by administration. The Opportunity Placement meetings are scheduled throughout the school year at HerndonBarstow. The meetings will take place in Room 31 at 3:30pm on the following dates: September 18th, 2012 October 23rd, 2012 November 27th, 2012 December 18th, 2012 January 29th, 2013 February 26th, 2013 March 19th, 2013 April 16th, 2013 May 14th, 2013 (can discuss placement of 1st going into 2nd graders at this time) Incoming Referral Team Meeting Upon reviewing the complete referral packet, the Opportunity Team will set up a Referral Meeting with the Home School. If it is deemed that the student is an appropriate referral and the Home School has diligently followed the Opportunity Flow Chart, an In-take meeting will be set up and consist of the Opportunity Team, and the Home School-Administrator, psychologist, teacher, and parent. If it is deemed that at this point, the student is not an appropriate referral for the program, the Opportunity Team will meet with the Home School Administrator and psychologist to brainstorm ideas about how to further support the student and collect additional data. The student CAN NOT enroll in the program until this meeting is held. Current Students placed in Opportunity 1. Monthly updates: Amber Gallagher (Opportunity School Psychologist) will meet with Home School Administration/School Psychologist at their school site to update student progression, current interventions, grades, and behavior. 2. Home school/student relationship: The Opportunity Team highly requests that an effort be made to maintain positive interactions with your student during the course of the program so that a successful transition can occur upon 8/2012 completion. This positive relationship can be fostered through personal visits, letters in district mail (pen-pals), emails through teachers, etc. 3. Transition Meetings: Level 4- The Opportunity Team will meet with Home School Administrator/School Psychologist to draft a transition plan for the student. Effective interventions will be discussed and adapted for Home School use. Level 5- The Opportunity Team will meet with Home School-Administrator, School Psychologist, Classroom teacher, and parents to discuss the student’s transition. A final draft of the transition plan will be reviewed and presented. Home school will be held accountable for implementing the transition plan successfully. 4. Home-School Visit: It is recommended that the Opportunity Team and Home School set up a visit prior to official transition to re-introduce the student to the school. Student will be shown his/her classroom and introduced to point person/s. School expectations will be discussed and modeled for the student. 5. Home School Follow-Up: Amber Gallagher will be available to meet with the student or home school team as a reward for the transitioned student or as a resource if behavior becomes a concern. Contact Amber on an as needed basis for follow-up support. 8/2012