SOUTHERN CONNECTICUT STATE UNIVERSITY SCHOOL OF HEALTH AND HUMAN SERVICES SCHOLARSHIP REASSIGNED TIME PROGRAM (SRTP) GUIDELINES Purpose To encourage and support scholarly/creative activities, which will enhance the faculty member’s professional development, reflect positively on the School and University, and further one’s discipline. This is one of a number of programs that seeks to implement the scholarship objectives of the University’s Strategic Plan. The School’s Scholarship Reassigned Time Program also serves as a mechanism for enhancing and fostering the interdisciplinary, collaborative mission of the School among and between faculty and students. Scholarly/creative activities are to be interpreted broadly. Thus, it may include research (for example, data collection), writing for publication, or writing grant proposals. If the project involves participation of human subjects the applicant must provide evidence that IRB approval has been/or will be received. If applicable proposals that involve participation of human subjects will be conditionally approved pending IRB approval. While this program has been established to facilitate faculty scholarship, please keep in mind that this is an expected behavior of the faculty role. It is also important to remember that faculty are expected to continue fulfilling their other responsibilities such as, teaching, committee assignments, and student advisement, while actualizing their scholarly pursuits. Eligibility Scholarship Reassigned Time (SRTP) is a program offered to full-time faculty on tenure track appointments in the university. Please note that faculty are not eligible to apply for any semester wherein they are already receiving credit for scholarship reassigned time. Faculty who serve on the Scholarship Reassigned Time Committee (SRTC) are eligible to apply for reassigned time, but must recuse themselves from participating in committee deliberations during the semester in which they are applying. Amount of Reassigned Time /Supports It should be recognized that proposals must be reviewed within the context of the total number of credits available to the School. Reassigned time may be granted for one (1) to three (3) credits per semester. This application for reassigned time is limited to the spring 2016 semester. Faculty may apply to continue research projects through submission of reassigned time applications for future semesters. Faculty should discuss with the Department Chairperson how the credit load is to be adjusted. Contingent upon availability, funds may be requested as part of the application process. If funds are being requested, a detailed budget justification must be included. If the applicant anticipates the need for other supports (as described in the application form), these must be identified in the proposal. Due Dates/ Submission Process To ensure the integrity of academic planning at the department level, proposals are due one (1) year prior to the semester for which reassigned time is being sought. Applications for fall semester reassigned time are due by October 1st and applications for spring reassigned time are due March 2nd. By the preceding due dates one hard copy of the original proposal, with cover sheet signed by the Department Chairperson, and one electronic copy of the same are to be submitted to the Chair of the Scholarship Reassigned Time Committee, Dr. Mark Cameron at Specific Procedures for Submission: 1. The Departmental Chair must sign the cover sheet and send the cover sheet and application to the SRTC chairperson. The committee cannot consider an application until the hard copy with the chair’s signature is forwarded by the department chair to the SRTP committee. The Departmental Chair’s signature is required on all applications as affirmation that: the research has merit; the time requested is reasonable given the scope of the work and the timeline presented in the proposal; and that the faculty member should be granted the time requested. 2. If a Departmental Chair is applying for reassigned time, the Dean’s signature will be required on the Chair’s signature line of the cover sheet before the hard copy is transmitted to the SRTC chairperson. 3. Limit your proposal to five (5) pages + Budget page, if needed. Any additional information that you believe supports your proposal may be attached as an addendum. 4. If your proposal seeks to continue work that you have done as a result of a previous award, ATTACH A COPY OF THE SCHOLARLY PRODUCT AND THE REPORT THAT WAS SUBMITTED AT THE CONCLUSION OF THAT AWARD. 5. One electronic copy must be submitted to the Chair of the Scholarship Reassigned Time Committee. The electronic copy may be in the form of an email with attachments. Please state, “SRTP Application,” as the subject heading on your email transmission. Reporting Requirements A final report will be due to the Dean within six (6) weeks of the completion of the reassigned time. Reassigned time for each subsequent semester will be contingent upon receipt of the interim report. Report Due Dates are as follows: Final/Completion Report If Completed Fall Semester Due Date: February 15th If Completed Spring Semester Due Date: September 1st Application Review The Scholarship Reassigned Time Committee (SRTC) serves a review and advisory function to the Dean of the School of Health and Human Services regarding applications for Scholarship Reassigned Time. The SRTC’s deliberations and subsequent recommendations to the Dean will reflect the merit of the projects submitted and, to the degree possible, promote distribution across the disciplines within the school. The SRTC is guided by the principle that each credit hour requested translates to 45 hours of direct time on the scholarship project. All participants must document the case for the specified number of credits requested. The SRTC adheres to its directives to spur healthy competition and encourage scholarly activity among faculty within the school. Review Factors: In reviewing each proposal, the SRTC will evaluate the extent to which: 1. the described activity clearly represents scholarly/creative activity; 2. the goals reflect enhancement of the faculty member’s scholarship stature within the discipline, the School and the University; 3. the activity promulgates the mission/strategic plan of the School and the University; 4. the activity will aid in an application for future external funding; 5. the outcome(s) will be measured by peer review process(es). Other Review Considerations In addition to the above review criteria, the SRTC will use the following factors in making award recommendations. These factors are not listed in any particular order of priority. Preference will be given to proposals that: reflect projects already in progress or near completion; describe activities that are community-based (that is, take place in one of our clinical, field or community agencies) and includes staff and/or students; generate grant proposal(s); develop manuscript(s) for publication; conduct research that addresses teaching, curriculum, or student issues. Consideration will also be given to doctoral candidates who are at the data collection or final stage of the dissertation. Finally, the number of previous awards received by the applicant will be considered with priority given to applicants who have not previously received reassigned time. Notification of Awards The SRTC will forward its award recommendations to the Dean of the School of Health & Human Services. The Dean will review the recommendations and make final award decisions. Applicants who apply in fall semesters will be notified by the third week of November. Applicants who apply in spring semesters will be notified by the third week of April.