MUCHEA CATTLE REPORT 9th September, 2013 Landmark reports 1,298 cattle sold at Muchea, Monday 9th September including 110 sold in the calf yards. The overall quality improved this week with a better representation of local yearlings and cows coming forward. Heavy slaughter bulls remained equal whilst lines suitable for live export firm with continued additional competition. The few grain assisted lots barely held recent rates. Best quality British bred store steers improved to sell to With the exception of odd pens heifers were equal. Local heavy cows were well sought after to peak at 140c/kg, however it was best medium and light pastoral cows with good cover that made best gains of 8-10c/kg in places. A fair yarding of good quality young pastoral heifers again received strong enquiry to remain fully firm. REP SALES – Cattle SW Richards & Co - Dandaragan 7 SH X STRS 8 SANTA STRS 595kg@154c/kg 591kg@150c/kg =$917.00 =$887.00 GC & LF Styles - Esperance 23 M/G X STRS 7 M/G X STRS 376kg@196c/kg 258kg@211c/kg =$737.00 =$544.00 GM Humphrey & Co - Walebing 18 ANG STRS 299kg@227c/kg =$679.00 GE & HL Lethlean - Badgingarra 9 M/G HFRS 342kg@188c/kg =$643.00 PE & RM Linke = Mogumber 11 BRAHAM HEIFERS 8 BRAHAM BULLS 256kg@130c/kg 259kg@170c/kg =$332.00 =$439.00 Bulloo Downs Trust – Newman 16 S/H HFRS 311kg@125c/kg =$389.00 Beefwood Pastoral Co – Meekatharra 1 STR 598kg@143c/kg =$855.00 1 7 8 STR SH BULLS SH BULLS 752kg@135c/kg 213kg@185c/kg 618kg@113c/kg =$1015.00 =$395.00 =$698.00 Pinnacles Pasotral Co – Via Leinster 1 SH BULL 460kg@128c/kg 4 BRAH BULLS 328kg@160c/kg 3 S/HORN 283kg@175c/kg =$589.00 =$524.00 =$495.00 Tunbridge Investments – GinGin 6 LIMO COWS 632kg@141c/kg =$891.00 Bullara Estate – via Carnarvon 10 D/MASTER COWS 8 D/MASTER COWS 441kg@133c/kg 489kg@135c/kg =$587.00 =$660.00 JW & JP Caunt – Gascoyne Junction 10 BRAH COWS 467kg@131c/kg =$546.00 Mileura Cattle Co – Cue 4 S/H BULLS 1 S/H STEER 3 D/MSTR COWS @$758.00 per head @$840.00 per head @$756.00 per head MUCHEA CATTLE REPORT Date:9th Sept, 2013 Total Yarded:1408 Live Weight:1298 Landmark Yarding: Live Weight: MARKET TONE FROM LAST WEEK C/KG LIVEWEIGHT Up Local Export Steers Local Medium/Light Steers Local Heavy Heifers Local Medium/Light Heifers Local Store Steers Local Store Heifers Pastoral Export Steers Equal NY NY NY NY 10 Down Values this week c/kg liveweight 185-210 ODD 140-175 ODD 120-158 NY Pastoral Store Steers Pastoral Heavy Heifers Pastoral Light/Medium Heifers 120-160 100-133 ODD Grain Finished Steers Grain Finished Heifers 190-210 185-200 ODD + Vealer Steers NY Vealer Heifers NY Local Heavy Cows Local Medium/Light Cows Pastoral Heavy Cows Pastoral Medium/Light Cows Local Heavy Bulls Local Medium Bulls Local Light Bulls Pastoral Heavy Bulls Pastoral Medium Bulls Pastoral Light Bulls Summary of Yarding: Store Demand: 5-7 5-7 135-140 115-132 132-140 90-132 5-8 8 10 90-110 145-180 180-220 105-112 135-170 150-212