Curriculum Modifier`s Toolkit

Curriculum Modifier’s Toolkit
The “toolkit” consists of materials and supplies that instructional aides
should keep on hand for use in making (or using as) adaptations. Below is a
list of suggested materials and supplies that can be kept in a file box, plastic
bin or portable crate. The idea is to keep these materials accessible so that
they can be used by the student as actual adaptations, or by the
instructional aide in the making of adaptations.
To Make Learning More Active
To Simplify Learning
∙ Adhesive Labels & “Post-it” Notes
to match, label or answer questions
(i.e., vocabulary, maps, diagrams, fillin-the blank, etc.)
∙ Velcro to sequence pictures, match
objects/items, and for math numbers
and symbols (to substitute and solve)
∙ Dry Erase Board to copy or write
words or respond to questions
∙ Magnets (with pictures/words
attached) to match, sequence and
respond to questions for use with
storyboards or Venn diagrams
∙ Number, Letter or Shape Stamps
to answer questions, “circle” answers
and/or substitute for writing
∙ Picture Stickers to label, respond
create stories, etc.
∙ Highlighters to identify key points
∙ Markers to color code information
∙ Index Cards to provide key
concepts, create flashcards with
pictures/words to track reading
∙ Office Supplies (i.e., Scissors, glue
stick, tape, liquid paper) to create
collages, reduce amount of
information, or add information (i.e.,
∙ Chipboard and Contact Paper to
mount pictures and make items more
durable or for use with student
∙ Sentence Strips with words or
pictures that students can use to
match/or create sentences
∙ Picture File and Magazines to use
as supplemental information, to
substitute for words (i.e., in journal)
and for use with projects (i.e.,
poster, collage, report, etc.)
Reading Adaptations
Books on tape
Have peer read story into a tape record3er and have student listen
while reading along
Send books and vocabulary home in advance for parent to read with
student before class
Alternative books with same/similar concepts and content at an easier
reading level
Highlight key words and/or important sections
Visual aids such as pictures, photos, graphs and diagrams
Summarize the reading passage into simplified text and add pictures
for vocabulary words
Main ideas on index cards (words & pictures)
Placeholders to track (index cards, ruler or bookmark)
Create a vocabulary word Dictionary (in an address book) or a word
bank (index card box divided alphabetically to store vocabulary words)
Videos, filmstrips of same material
Peers/teacher read aloud or to student
Enlarged print
CD ROM book on the computer
Color code vowels and keep a vowel chart for reference
Match words to definitions (can also be color-coded)
Allow the student to turn the pages in a book while a peer reads
Make a copy of the reader and cut up to have student place in
sequential order
Communication boards specific to a story/novel to answer questions
During word identification exercises/lessons, have student identify
single letters
Paper fluffers (popsicle sticks adhered to pages for easy turning)
Have objects, puppets associated with story for student to identify
during read aloud
Riddle, Joke books
Writing Adaptations
Dictate responses to a peer (or aide) who can write it out
Fill-in-the-blank (with words, stickers, written label, letter or picture
stamps, post-its)
Cut and paste words on small post-its, sentence strips or index cards
and have student put them in correct order
Graphic organizers
Peer note-takers
Use of Computer
Alternatives to written assignments (i.e., artwork, oral presentations
or other projects)
Draw picture to show comprehension
Make a collage/poster out of magazine pictures to depict
comprehension or write a story
Have student write about his/her own experience (have student bring
photographs from home to generate writing ideas)
Tape record discussions or responses
Copy words or sentences from a model
Use of modified materials (i.e., pencil grip, thick pencils, felt-tip pens,
masking tape on pencil where fingers belong, large-lined paper, graph
paper, dry erase boards, pocket chart)
Manipulatives (magnets, word/picture cards, felt boards, object
boxes, stickers, stamps) to sequence, match, label or create story or
Venn Diagram
Create a picture dictionary
Match picture-picture, picture-word or word-word
Trace over words written in yellow highlighter or broken
Provide true/false or multiple choice answers for tests
Tape paper to desk if student has difficulty keeping it there when
Green dot on left o to indicate “go” and red dot on right to indicate
where to “stop”
Spelling Adaptations
Create a shorter list (same words, different words or combination)
Have the student write initial sound of word rather than whole word
Use functional words as spelling words
Use spelling games and puzzles
Use dry erase board for practice
Trace over words written in yellow highlighter or broken pencil line
Match picture-picture, picture-word or word-word
Color a picture of the word
Locate a picture of the word
Fill in the missing letter
Write words on large index cards and cut up words for practice
(sequence letters)
Practice with sand, pudding, Play-Doh, wicky stix
Spell words using scrabble squares, letter cards, letter stamps,
magnetic letters (use this also to match to written word)
Identify word (select and place word on post-it note next to
appropriate number on test sheet)
Give a choice of 2-3 words and have student circle the correct one
Color-code parts of speech for spelling/vocabulary word cards
Math Adaptations
Calculator to compute and check work
Calculator to check peer’s work
Color coding questions and answers for matching
Use personal and real world examples
Use computer for math programs and activities
Focus on functional skills, i.e., using money to distinguish “enough v. not
Have student count out specific numbers when passing materials out
to class
Use number stamps, number tiles or peel-off labels to indicate
Touch Math
Number lines or an abacus
Show only 1 problem at a time
Graph paper to assist in placement/alignment of numbers
Use of addition, multiplication and division charts
Give directions in small, succinct steps, break problems into smaller
Teach student how to use “harsh marks”
Draw lines between columns of numbers
Number the steps involving the procedure
Use classroom clocks as a number line to 12
Box the ones column to cue where to begin
Draw arrows to assist with directionality
Teach the calculation process first, then the concept
Cut a hole in a sheet of paper to allow one problem to show at a time.
Social Studies/ Science Adaptations
Use “hands on” strategies as much as possible
Tape lectures
“Prime” the student by having reading materials sent home in advance
for parents to review
Provide true/false, multiple choice or oral expression for tests
Summarize key concept of lesson to the student’s reading level and
use pictures for difficult words or concepts
Substitute projects for written assignments or reports
Work with a partner/ group
For presentations, have student be responsible for pictures, photos,
globes, maps, etc. for his/her contribution
Review tests/lessons with teacher and create flashcards with key
concepts for student to use
Watch a video, browse a website regarding lesson
have the student listen to the textbook on tape during silent reading
Find materials written on the student’s reading level that cover the
same topic
Role play historic events
Bingo with state names
Match stickers to the 50 states to a U.S. map with an outline of the
Read state names and other basic facts from a children’s atlas
U.S. map coloring book
Discussion Adaptations
Activate pre-recorded responses on tape record, Big Mack or other
voice-output device
Prepare student ahead of time with questions that will be asked
Partner-learning (“think-pair-share”)
Student “calls on” students to respond (by pointing, saying peers’
Select responses from pictures and/or objects
Use Yes/No cards
Choral reading
Use games, review cards, song, to review most important concepts
Have student present with a group/partner
Use communication boards to respond to questions
Learning Adaptations
Pair verbal directions with visual model and written or picture outline
Give “alert cues” to communicate when especially important
Allow doodling or other motor involvement
Cooperative peer activities (“think-pair-share”)
Use active learning strategies more than explaining/lecturing
Provide picture sequences
P.E. Adaptations
Have student work with a peer
Include rest intervals
Change motor requirement
Adapt rules
Have student throw the ball instead of kicking or kick instead of
Hold the rope for peers to jump
Miscellaneous Adaptations
Create & follow routines (i.e., obtaining materials, directions,
homework, class activities)
Student can pass out/collect papers and/or materials
Minimize “overload” by reducing number of words in a sentence,
number of problems on a page, eliminating graphics from worksheets,
cutting up worksheets to allow for 1 problem at a time
Allow for alternative ways of responding, i.e. pointing, eye gaze,
Clean classroom library
Inventory classroom storage closet (good for counting!)
Put papers in student mailboxes
Deliver messages
Work in cafeteria
Choose a desired leisure activity (as a reinforcer)
Peer writes down page number and student use this to find page in
Indicate page numbers to questions (where to look)
Adaptive scissors
Color-coded system for organizing papers in notebook
Picture and/or written daily schedule
Use of communication boards, voice-output devices or other systems
to facilitate social interactions with peer as well as to indicate choices
Use of stencils in art class
Age-appropriate, high interest folder games or activities (when other
work is completed)
Separate pocket files or folders to organize homework and other
papers (also could be color-coded)
Change seat location to move desk or student loser to the board
Name stamp
Visual Perception
Students displaying visual processing problems may exhibit the following
-Reverses the order of letters or digits (was- saw)
-Lack of discrimination between letters of similar form (e-c, b-d, n-u)
-Difficulty using phone book or glossary
-Cannot discriminate words with similar shapes (boy-day)
-Shows signs of eye strain, squinting, blinking or holding head close to page
-Does not notice details in pictures, books, photographs, maps
-Has trouble following directions- written from board or on the printed page
-Frequently loses place when reading or copying
-Poor sight vocabulary
-Confused by worksheets containing too much visual stimuli
-Has difficulty remembering what has been seen
You can:
-Provide clean clear copy of an assignment
-Assure that assignments are visually uncluttered and there is ample space
for written response
-Provide student with a marker
-have separate directions for each section of the assignment
-Allow student to use a tape recorder, word processor or typewriter
-Provide ample time to complete assignments
-use a phonic or linguistic approach to teach reading
-Have the student practice using the dictionary
-Color code words
-Use a variety of ways to present material (oral, written, demonstration,
-Tape important reading material
-Give students oral rather than written tests
-Have students drill aloud with other students
-Have students read important information aloud to themselves
-Have students re-auditorize silently
-Have students repeat words aloud while writing them
Auditory Perception
Students displaying auditory processing problems may display the
following behaviors:
-Difficulty distinguishing fine differences between sounds in words (pin-pen)
-May not recognize that words are made up of different sounds
-Displays poor receptive vocabulary-does not understand directions, tasks or
-Has difficulty following a series of oral directions
-May watch the speaker’s face intently or leans forward toward speaker
-Repeats what is said
-Becomes annoyed by extraneous noise
-Difficulty discriminating speech sounds
-Difficulty sound blending
-Difficulty spelling; may reverse the order of letters
You can:
-Repeat directions or prepare written directions
-Use visual cues
-Segment assignments into sections; provide directions for each section
-Have the student repeat directions
-Place the student near the teacher
-Provide both written and oral directions
-Have a carrel or other quiet area where assignments can be completed
-Permit student ample time for oral response
-Use color coding for spelling
-Use whole word or linguistic methods to teach reading
-Use flash cards printed in bold bright colors
-Use a variety of ways to present material (visual, demonstration, model(s))
Sensory Motor Perception
Students displaying sensory motor deficits may display the following
-Difficulty with printing or handwriting
-Clumsy handling of materials
-Difficulty differentiating between left and right
-Skipping on a page, often on the wrong line
-Losing place while reading
-Reversals in reading
-Difficulty copying from the board
-Demonstrates fatigue during writing tasks
-Sloppy and disorganized handwriting
-Handwriting appears laborious and painful
You can:
-Provide wider spaced lined paper
-Provide short answer questions rather than essay questions
-have student dictates stories, essays, etc.
-Provide adequate time to complete tasks
-Provide enough space for answers
-Have peer write information and let student copy
-Allow student to take tests orally
-The student may want to tell stories into a tape recorder
-Green-dot-go- place a green dot on the left side of the paper with an arrow
to encourage left to right progression
-Use a “window” for reading
Helping all Students Succeed
Directions: In the second column list supports that could be provided based on the student
performance in the first column.
Student Performance
1. Student who cannot take
meaningful, legible notes
2. Student who reads significantly
below grade level
3. Student who learns by hearing
4. Student who fails tests
5. Student who has difficulty getting
6. Student who has trouble
organizing herself
7. Student who has difficulty with
8. Student who cannot complete all
of the assignment given
9. Student who learns from “handson” involvement
10. Student with low self-esteem
Tilton, L. Inclusion: A Fresh Look, 1996.
Suggested Supports
Helping All Students Succeed
What follows are 10 Common Difficulties and Realistic Classroom Adaptations to help students
succeed in the classroom.
1. The student who cannot take meaningful, legible notes needs a copy of the teacher’s note
or copies of two different students’ notes.
2. The student who reads significantly below grade level needs content presented orally first
before reading it, textbooks on tape, skeletal outlines and color-coded, highlighted texts.
3. The student who learns by hearing needs to study orally at school and at home, needs to
listen to text material and have tests read orally and needs to “say” the material internally.
4. The student who fails tests needs alternative forms of assessment, modified tests, extra
credit, retakes, additional time and review activities.
5. The student who “can’t get started” needs one-on-one time with the teacher occasionally.
6. The student experiencing organizational problems needs daily, weekly and monthly
calendars as well as a color-coded notebook system modeled by the teacher.
7. The student who has difficulty with vocabulary needs study techniques such as a note
cards system, operational definitions, vocabulary words paired with common terms and
vocabulary limited to the most important words.
8. The student who cannot do the assignment needs reduced or alternative tasks, some
assignments eliminated more time and alternative ways of learning.
9. The student who learns by “hands-on” involvement needs projects, kinesthetic
experiences, skeletal outlines, mapping, manipulatives, note cards and learning tools.
10. The Student with low self-esteem needs teachers who believe and expect that the student
can and will learn, frequent positive feedback, positive rapport initiated by the teacher,
emphasis on success, reduced emphasis on labels, to be called on when the student knows
the answer and a caring classroom environment.
The 10 difficulties listed are common. The solutions are manageable. Any teacher could
implement these independently, without system-wide change or an increased budget. The
biggest requirement is an awareness of what is needed and a desire to create opportunities for
student success. Attitude is a very powerful teaching aid.