COLLEGE OF EDUCATION DEPARTMENTAL COURSE SYLLABUS 1. Course Prefix and Number: MAE 4652 2. Course Title: Technology for Teaching Secondary School Mathematics I 3. Regular Instructor(s): Richard Austin 4. Course Prerequisites (if any): Admission to the Mathematics Education Program 5. Course Description: This course is required in the undergraduate program in Mathematics Education. It covers the programming concepts and skills needed by mathematics teachers to facilitate computer usage at the secondary level. NCTM's Agenda for Action (1980) and their Curriculum and Evaluation Standards (1989) both recommend that school mathematics programs take full advantage of calculators and computers at all grade levels. The Florida Sunshine State Standards (1996) support the use of integration of computers in teaching secondary school mathematics. Further, The NCTM Guidelines for the Preparation of Teachers of Mathematics (1981) recommends that senior high teachers be able, "to use a suitable computer language to write programs to solve problems of some complexity." The computer languages chosen for programming are QBASIC and Logo. These are the two most frequently used computer programming languages in the schools today. 6. Course Goals and Objectives: Upon completion of this course, the student will have demonstrated: 1. The ability to operate a microcomputer from a programming aspect. 2 Fundamental knowledge of that subset of the computer language QBASIC that is appropriate for teaching secondary school mathematics courses. 3. Fundamental knowledge of that subset of the computer language Logo 4.0 that is appropriate for teaching secondary school mathematics courses. 4. The ability to write programs relevant to the teaching of secondary school mathematics topics. 5. An awareness of some Internet potential for mathematics classroom teachers, including at least a demonstration of how to get there. 6. Experience working with mathematical software appropriate for secondary mathematics classrooms 7. An awareness of how a projection device can be used to show the output from one computer to an entire class. July 20, 1998 7. Content Outline: First 7 weeks, approximately, will be devoted to those commands and statements of QBASIC related to the teaching of mathematical topics in grades 7 - 12 mathematics classes. This includes: Formatting output on the screen types and uses of variables in QBASIC Wide variety of looping procedures Working with conditionals Built in mathematical functions and user defined functions Arrays or subscripted variables A wide range of graphic applications, including graphing user defined functions and relations Next 4 weeks will focus on uses of Logo programs, Topics include; Fundamental Logo syntax and introduction of fundamental turtle graphics Defining, Editing, Saving and Loading Logo Procedures Variable types in Logo Built in mathematical functions Cartesian coordinates in Logo Recursive procedures in Logo The remaining weeks on geometric utility software. (Goemeter’s Sketchpad currently) Brief introduction to the Internet, sufficient to review for the third major project. 8. Evaluation of Student Outcomes: Students are evaluated on the basis of: 5 Quizzes 3 Major Exercises. 11 lab Exercises. 1 Final Examination 9. 10. Grading Criteria: % of grade ranges Grading Scale 5 Quizzes 3 Major Projects 11 lab Exercises 1 Exam TOTAL Possible 25 - 35 % 10 - 15 % 20 - 25 % 25 - 30 % 100 % 92% - 100 % 84% - 91% 76 % - 83% 68 % - 75 % under 67 % A B C D F Textbook(s) and Readings: There is no text - However, Students are required to purchase a QBASIC and Logo Notes and Lab booklet written by Dr. Austin for this class. Due to the specific nature of the course there has been no suitable text written that would meet the needs of this course. 11. Please complete Attachment I (for College of Education files). Complete Attachment I, including the matrix by listing the (1) course objectives, (2) related July 20, 1998 topics, (3) evidence of achievement (including performance-based assessments, as appropriate) to be used to ensure that students have acquired the objectives, and identify the correlated Accomplished Practices (Attachment II), if applicable. July 20, 1998 COLLEGE OF EDUCATION DEPARTMENTAL COURSE SYLLABUS ATTACHMENT I MAE 4652 Please respond to each of the following questions and complete the attached Matrix: 1. Rationale for Setting Goals and Objectives: What sources of information (e.g., research, best practices) support the formulation and selection of course goals and objectives. Every five years the National Council of Teachers of Mathematics (NCTM) reviews the National Council for the Accreditation of Teacher Education (NCATE) guidelines. In October 1998, a very slightly revised guideline was sent to the NCATE ‘s Specialty Area Studies Board for approval. The Florida Department of Education’s Education Standards Commission Subject Matter Standards The ancillary curricular materials that are provided with current secondary mathematics text series involve computer programs in both QBASIC and Logo. 2. List the specific competencies addressed from the relevant national guidelines. Current list from NCTM 1.6.2 2.4 Use computer software to explore and solve mathematical problems Programs prepare prospective teachers who use a variety of resource materials such as software, print materials, technology, and activity files to enhance the learning of mathematics The new NCTM guidelines, if adopted, will require a narrative response relative to technology: Teachers of mathematics use appropriate technology to support the learning of mathematics. This technology includes, but is not limited to, computers and computer software, calculators, interactive television, distance learning, electronic information resources, and a variety of relevant multimedia. 3. Are there field-based experiences in this course? If so, please briefly indicate nature and duration. NO 4. Is technology used in this course? If so, please briefly indicate type of technology and how it is used to manage, evaluate and improve instruction. Are students provided opportunities to access and/or demonstrate use of technology in instruction in this course? If so, please briefly describe. THE WHOLE COURSE IS TECHNOLOGY USE. July 20, 1998 5. List the specific competencies addressed from the Florida Adopted Subject Area Competencies, if applicable. While many of the lab exercises have a basis in the high school mathematics competencies, they are not addressed in order to teach any of them, rather as a review. 6. Are there any components of the course designed to prepare teacher candidates to help K-12 students achieve the Sunshine State Standards? Is so, please identify. The whole course is designed to prepare secondary mathematics teachers who can use computers, specifically involving programming, with the purpose of helping their grade 6 - 12 students meet the mathematics standards listed in the Sunshine State Standards. (Continued) July 20, 1998 DEPARTMENTAL COURSE SYLLABUS Attachment I (cont'd) MATRIX (For College of Education files only) 7. Complete the following matrix showing the association among (1) course objectives (item #6 of syllabus), (2) related topics, (3) evidence of achievement of objectives (including performance-based assessments, as appropriate), and (4) Accomplished Practices (Undergraduate and Plan II Master's Programs). Course Objectives Topics Evidence of Achievement Predominant Accomplished Practices* (For Undergraduate and Plan II Masters Courses Only) (Note: Objectives should be numbered 1.0, 2.0, 3.0, etc.) What topics are used to fulfill each objective? 1.0 The ability to operate a microcomputer from a programming aspect 1.1 All of the programming specific topics from the first 12 weeks lab exercises #12 technology 2.0 Fundamental knowledge of that subset of the computer language QBASIC that is appropriate for teaching secondary mathematics courses 2.1 All of the topics from the first 7 weeks deal with QBASIC quizzes lab exercises major projects 1 and 2 final exam #12 technology 3.0 Fundamental knowledge of that subset of the computer language Logo 4.0 that is appropriate for teaching secondary mathematics courses 3.1 All of the topics from the 8 – 12 weeks quizzes lab exercises final exam #12 technology 4.1 All of the topics from weeks 1 12. Lab exercises major projects 1 and 2 An awareness of some Internet potential for mathematics classroom teachers 5.1 introduction to the Internet major project 3 6.0 Experience working with mathematical software appropriate for secondary mathematics classrooms 6.1 Geometry drawing tool software weeks 13 – 15 Geometer’s Sketchpad labs 7.0 Awareness of how a projection device can be used to show the output from one computer to an entire class 7.1 most classroom presentations classroom observation of instruction 4.0 The ability to write programs relevant to the teaching of secondary school mathematics topics 5.0 #12 technology #12 technology #12 technology #6 Ethics #12 technology #2 Communication