Ashley Coker TE 400 LESSON PLAN: Science GRADE: K I. Title: All About Weather II. Behavioral Objectives: After 20 minutes of instruction, 95 percent of the Kindergarten class will be able to complete the following with 100 percent accuracy: A. B. C. D. E. III. Materials: A. B. C. D. E. F. G. H. I. J. K. L. IV. Understand the term weather. Name four different types of weather. Identify characteristics of each type of weather. Recognize how weather changes. Demonstrate how we should react to weather. Text: Science for Beginners Chapter 2 Worksheet Homework Handout Quiz: All About Weather Today’s Weather Is… Chart Manipulative: What’s the Weather? Spinner Bulletin Board: Check the Weather Learning Center: What Should I Wear? Read-Aloud: Whatever the Weather by Karen Wallace Weather PowerPoint Pictures Pencils Crayons Introduction: A. Review: 1. The seasons: Winter, Spring, Summer, Fall 2. The visual changes in the seasons. 1 Ashley Coker TE 400 LESSON PLAN: Science GRADE: K B. Introduce the manipulative: 1. By giving each group a What’s the Weather? Spinner 2. By naming the four pictures on the spinner: rain, sun, cloud, snow. C. Have students: 1. Tell you what the weather is today. 2. Turn classroom What’s the Weather? Spinner to today’s weather. 3. Use Today’s Weather Is… chart. D. Read Whatever the Weather by Karen Wallace. E. Have students 1. Listen to the story. 2. Turn the spinner to the type of weather discussed on each page. V. Body: A. Direct students to: 1. Look at the classroom weather spinner. 2. Name the word that the picture describes. (sun, cloud, rain, snow) 3. Watch you as you write the words on the board. 4. Spell the words with you. 5. Practice writing the words in the air as you spell them aloud. B. Demonstrate: 1. That weather changes everyday by showing Weather PowerPoint pictures of different rainy, snowy, cloudy, and sunny days. 2. By having the students describe the pictures. 3. Have students decide if the day is rainy, snowy, sunny, or cloudy. C. Explain: 2 Ashley Coker TE 400 LESSON PLAN: Science GRADE: K 1. That weather is the condition of the air (or how the air feels) like wet or dry and cold or hot. 2. How weather is affected by: Sun: The sun is the big orange ball in the sky. It gives us light to see and heats up the earth. When the sun is out, we call it a sunny day. Sunny days are normally warm. Cloud: Rain: Snow: Clouds are the big white or grey fluffy things we see in the sky. When the clouds are out, we call the day cloudy. Clouds help cool off the earth by blocking the sun. When there are a lot of clouds, the earth can be cold. The clouds sometimes give us rain or snow. Rain is water droplets that fall from the sky. It comes from clouds in the sky. The water helps water the plants on the earth and fill our lakes and rivers. When it is raining outside, we call it a rainy day. Snow is like rain because it is made of water and comes from the clouds. It only snows when it is so cold outside that the water freezes and gets hard. Ask students what “ freeze” means. Explain that it is like freezing water to make ice cubes. When it is snowing outside, we call it a snowy day. D. Ask students: 1. What kind of day is it fun to play outside? sunny and snowy 2. What kind of day is warm and the sun is out? sunny 3. What are the white and grey fluffy things in the sky that cover the sun and cool the earth? clouds 3 Ashley Coker TE 400 LESSON PLAN: Science GRADE: K 4. What do we call the water droplets that come from the clouds? rain 5. How does the rain help us? waters the plants and fills the lakes and rivers 6. When it is very cold, water freezes and makes what? Snow 7. What would you wear if it was a hot sunny day? shorts, sandals, a hat and sunglasses, a bathing suit, etc. 8. What would you wear if it was raining outside? Raincoat, rain boots, carry an umbrella, etc. 9. What would you wear if it was snowing outside? coat, sweater, scarf, gloves, hat, etc VI. Closure (Conclusion): A. Review the term weather and the four weather words discussed: rain, snow, cloud, and sun B. Introduce bulletin board “Check the Weather.” 1. Direct the students’ attention to the bulletin board “Check the Weather” at the front of the classroom. 2. Read the directions found in the plastic sleeve. 3. Demonstrate how to match the weather symbol with the word it describes. 4. Point out that the answer key is located in the plastic sleeve for the students to check their work. 5. Ask for three (3) volunteers to demonstrate the bulletin board. C. Introduce learning center “What Should I Wear?” located on the back table. 1. Bring learning center to the front of the classroom. 2. Direct students’ attention to the learning center “What Should I Wear?” 3. Read the directions found in the plastic sleeve. 4. Demonstrate how to dress the little boys with the appropriate clothes. 5. Point out that pieces are numbered for the students to check their work. 6. Ask for three (3) volunteers to demonstrate the learning center. 4 Ashley Coker TE 400 LESSON PLAN: Science GRADE: K 7. Replace learning center in the back of the classroom. VII. Guided Practice: A. Have students to: Complete Weather Worksheet (all students except Group A). a. Privately instruct Group A (students in need of modification) to only draw the pictures. b. Privately instruct Group B (students in need of additional challenge) to complete the required assignment, plus draw a picture of two more weather words. B. Divide students into groups and instruct students to… 1. Take turns spinning the weather spinner. 2. Describe the weather to their classmates. 3. Guess what kind of weather they are describing. C. Walk among students, and observe responses; provide assistance where needed. VIII. Assignment: A. Have students to: • Complete assignment (all students except Group A). a. Privately instruct Group A (students in need of modification) only draw the picture. b. Privately instruct Group B (students in need of challenge) to complete the required assignment, plus bonus question. B. Instruct students to complete the assignment. C. Direct students to submit completed assignments tomorrow. IX. Evaluation: A. Conduct a question/answer session. 5 Ashley Coker TE 400 LESSON PLAN: Science GRADE: K 1. Observe students’ responses. 2. Check for understanding. 3. Repeat any needed information. B. (Later) check students’ homework assignments due for today. C. Record grade. D. Follow appropriate grading guidelines for Group A and Group B. 1. Located on the inside cover of Lesson Plan Notebook. 2. Listed under “Grouping Identification and Grading System.” E. Explain quiz covering All About Weather. F. Administer quiz. G. Take up quizzes and record grade. X. Self-Evaluation: A. Determine the following: 1. Did the students understand the Science lesson? 2. Were the instructions clear? B. Determine if students’ 1. Verbal 2. Written 3. Quiz responses. reveal adequate comprehension of the All About Weather lesson. C. Apply necessary changes to future All About Weather lesson. 6