Dropout Recovery Discussion Group All Invitees Lili Allen Program Director Jobs for the Future 88 Broad Street 8th Floor Boston, MA 02110 Business: 617-728-4446 / Fax: 617-728-4857 lallen@jff.org Cheryl Almeida Program Director Jobs for the Future 88 Broad Street 8th Floor Boston, MA 02110 Business: 617-728-4446 / Fax: 617-728-4857 calmeida@jff.org Thomas Applegate Senior Director, Business and Industry Initiatives Association for Career and Technical Education 6628 Wild Rose Lane Westerville, OH 43082 Business: 512-797-7271 / Fax: 614-839-4968 tomgobucks@insight.rr.com Laudan Aron Senior Research Associate The Urban Institute 2100 M Street, NW Washington, DC 20037 Business: 202-261-5673 / Fax: 202-463-8522 Laron@ui.urban.org Rosa Aronson Director, Advocacy and Strategic Alliances TREE Foundation National Association of Secondary School Principals 1904 Association Drive Reston, VA 20191 Business: 703-860-7279 / fax: 703-476-8937 aronsonr@principals.org Joan Auchter Executive Director GED Program American Council on Education One Dupont Circle Suite 250 Washington, DC 20036 Business: 202-939-9435 / fax: 202-775-8578 joan_auchter@ace.nche.edu Robert Balfanz Professor Center for Social Organization of Schools Johns Hopkins University 3003 North Charles Street, Room 200 Baltimore, MD 21218 rbalfanz@csos.jhu.edu Ana Bermudez Co-Director Community Prep High School 40 E. 29th Street New York, NY 10016 Business: 212-889-7567 / Fax: 212-889-8056 abermudez@cases.org Mason Bishop Deputy Assistant Secretary, Office of Strategic Planning and Employment and Training Administration U.S. Department of Labor 200 Constitution Avenue, NW Room S2307 Washington, DC 20210 Business: 202-693-2700 / Fax: 202-693-2725 bishop-mason@dol.gov Betsy Brand Director American Youth Policy Forum 1836 Jefferson Place, NW Washington, DC 20036 Business: 202-775-9731 / Fax: 202-775-9733 bbrand@aypf.org 2/17/2016 Jan Bray Executive Director Association of Career and Technical Education 1410 King Street Alexandria, VA 22314 Business: 703-683-3111 / Fax: 703-683-7424 jbray@acteonline.org Anne Bryant Executive Director ServicesNational School Boards Association 1680 Duke Street Alexandria, VA 22314 Business: 703-838-6722 abryant@nsba.org Cynthia Brown Director of Education Policy Center for American Progress 1333 H Street, NW 10th Floor Washington, DC 20005 Business: 202-741-6399 / Fax: 202-682-1867 cbrown@americanprogress.org Joseph Burks Assistant Superintendent for Districtwide Instructional Jefferson County Public Schools P.O. Box 34020 Louisville, KY 40232-4020 Business: 502-485-3672 joe.burks@jefferson.kyschools.us Michele Cahill Senior Counselor for Education Policy New York City Public Schools 52 Chambers Street Room 320 B4 New York, NY 10007 Business: 212-374-0210 / fax: 212 mcahill@nycboe.net Daniel Cardinali President Communities in Schools National 277 South Washington Suite 210 Alexandria, VA 22314 Business: 703-518-2561 / Fax: 703-837-4561 cardinalid@cisnet.org Terry Cash Assistant Director National Dropout Prevention Center 209 Martin Street Clemson, SC 29631 Business: 864-656-2737 / Fax: 864-656-0136 tcash@clemson.edu Michael Cohen President Achieve, Inc. 1775 Eye Street, NW Suite 410 Washington, DC 20006 Business: 202-419-1540 / Fax: 202-828-0911 mcohen@achieve.org Courtney Collins-Shapiro Director Multiple Pathways & Alternative Education School District of Philadelphia Office of Secondary Education 440 N. Broad, 2nd Floor Portal B Philadelphia, PA 19130 Business: 267-236-2601 / Fax: xxx Cacollinsshapiro@phila.k12.pa.us Antonia Cortese Executive Vice President American Federation of Teachers 555 New Jersey Ave, NW Washington, DC 20001-2079 Business: 202-393-8642 acortese@aft.org Alvin Crawley Assistant Superintendent for Student Services Arlington Public Schools 1426 North Quincy Street Arlington, VA 22207 Business: 703-228-6060 acrawley@arlington.k12.va.us Stephen Daeschner Superintendent Jefferson County Public Schools Van Hoose Education Center 3332 Newburg Road Louisville, KY 40232-4020 Business: 502-485-3251 / Fax: 502-485-3991 sdaesch1@jefferson.k12.ky.us 2/17/2016 Janet Daisley Senior Program Manager Commonwealth Corporation Center for Youth Development and Education 355 Bridge Street Northampton, MA 01060 Business: 413-582-9054 x 107 jdaisley@commcorp.org Ernest Dorsey Youth Opportunity Grant Project Director 101 W. 24th Street Baltimore, MD 21218 Business: 410-396-6722 edorsey@oedworks.com Lucinda Dugger Research Associate, Education Institute for Youth, Education, and Families National League of Cities 1301 Pennsylvania Avenue NW, Suite 550 Washington, DC 20004 Business: 202-626-3052 / Fax: 202-626-3043 dugger@nlc.org Fritz Edelstein Senior Consultant U.S. Conference of Mayors 1620 Eye Street, NW Washington, DC 20006 Business: 202-861-6737 / Fax: 202-293-2352 fritz@usmayors.org Karen Elzey Senior Co-Director Institute for a Competitive Workforce U.S. Chamber of Commerce 1615 H Street, NW Washington, DC 20062-2000 Business: 202-463-5644 / Fax: 202-463-5308 Kelzey@USChamber.com Thaddeus Ferber Program Director The Cady-Lee House The Forum for Youth Investment 7064 Eastern Avenue, NW Washington, DC 20012 Business: 202-207-3333 / Fax: 202-207-3329 Thad@ForumFYI.org Josephine Franklin Associate Director, Research and Information Resources National Association of Secondary School Principals 1904 Association Drive Reston, VA 20191-1537 Business: 703-860-7281 / Fax: 703-860-4017 franklinj@principals.org Braden Goetz Group Leader, HS Programs Office of Elementary and Secondary Education U.S. Department of Education 400 Maryland Avenue, SW 3W103 Washington, DC 20202-6200 Business: 202- 260-0982 braden.goetz@ed.gov Lisa Grossman Operations Associate MDRC 16 E 34th St., 19th Floor New York, NY 10016 Business: 212-340-8643 / Fax: 212-684-0832 lisa.grossman@mdrc.org Samuel Halperin Founder and Senior Fellow American Youth Policy Forum 1836 Jefferson Place, NW Washington, DC 20036 Business: 202-775-9731 / Fax: 202-775-9733 shalperin@aypf.org Linda Harris Senior Policy Analyst Center for Law and Social Policy 1015 15th St. N.W Suite 400 Washington, DC 20005 Business: 202-906-8012 / Fax: 202-842-2885 Lharris@clasp.org Kati Haycock Director The Education Trust 1250 H Street NW Suite 700 Washington, DC 20005 Business: 202-293-1217 ext. 311 / fax: 202-293-2605 khaycock@edtrust.org 2/17/2016 Angela Hernandez-Marshall Project Director Council of Chief State School Officers One Massachusetts Avenue NW Suite 700 Washington, DC 20001 Business: 202-336-7036 / Fax: 202-789-1792 angelahm@ccsso.org Ann Higdon President Improved Solutions for Urban Systems 140 N. Kiwi Street Dayton, OH 45402 Business: 937-223-2323 / Fax: 937-223-9303 ahigdon@isusinc.com Naomi Housman Director National High School Alliance Institute for Educational Leadership 4455 Connecticut Avenue, N.W. Suite 310 Washington, DC 20008 Business: 202-822-8405x131 / fax: 202-872-4050 housmann@iel.org Paul Houston Executive Director American Association of School Administrators 801 North Quincy St., Suite 700 Arlington, VA 22203-1730 Business: 703-875-0709 / fax: 703-528-2146 phouston@aasa.org JD Hoye President Keep the Change, Inc. 775 Day Valley Road Aptos, CA 95003 Business: 831-689-9190 / fax: 831-689-9170 jdhoye@aol.com Linda Huddle Director of Alternative Programs PCC Prep Alternative Programs Portland Community College 2305 S.E. 82nd Ave. Bldg. MSH Room 106D Portland, OR 97216 Business: 503-788-6119 / Fax: 503-788-6144 lhuddle@pcc.edu Audrey Hutchinson Program Director Education and Afterschool Initiatives National League of Cities 1301 Pennsylvania Avenue, NW Washington, DC 20004 Business: 202-626-3053 / Fax: 202-626-3043 Hutchinson@nlc.org Robert Ivry Senior Vice President MDRC 16 East 34th Street New York, NY 10016-4326 Business: 212-340-8672 / fax: 212-684-0832 robert.ivry@mdrc.org JoAnn Jastrzab Senior Research Associate Abt Associates, Inc. 55 Wheeler Street Cambridge, MA 02138 Business: 617-349-2375 / fax: 617-349-2670 JoAnn_Jastrzab@abtassoc.com Clifford Johnson Executive Director Institute for Youth, Education, and Families National League of Cities 1301 Pennsylvania Avenue, NW, Suite 550 Washington, DC 20004 Business: 202-626-3013 / Fax: 202-626-3043 cjohnson@nlc.org Debbie Kasak Executive Director National Forum to Accelerate Middle Grades Reform P.O. Box 11346 Champaign, IL 61826-1346 Business: 217-351-2196 dtkasak@gmail.com Peter Kleinbard Vice President Youth Development Institute Fund for the City of New York 121 Avenue of the Americas New York, NY 10013-1590 Business: 212-925-6675 / Fax: 212-925-5675 pkleinbard@fcny.org 2/17/2016 Howard Knoll Senior Director ARBOR Education and Training 212 West 35th Street New York, NY 10001 Business: 212-967-2619 / Fax: 212-967-2735 hknoll@arbornyc.com Dawn Krusemark Associate Director & QuEST Coordinator Educational Issues Department American Federation of Teachers 555 New Jersey Ave, NW Washington, DC 20001-2079 Business: 202-393-6373 / fax: 202-393-6371 dkrusema@aft.org David Lemmel Director of Youth Development The Big Picture Company 17 Gordon Avenue Providence, RI 02905 Business: 401-215-4718 dlemmel@bigpicture.org Dane Linn Director, Education Division National Governors Association 444 North Capitol Street, NW Suite 267 Washington, DC 20001-1512 Business: 202-624-3629 / fax: 202-624-5313 dlinn@nga.org Phillip Lovell Director of Public Policy Camp Fire USA 1319 F Street NW Suite 601 Washington, DC 20004 Business: 703.535.3862 / Fax: 703.535.3904 PhillipL@americaspromise.org Nancy Martin Senior Program Associate American Youth Policy Forum 1836 Jefferson Place, NW Washington, DC 20036 Business: 202-775-9731 / Fax: 202-775-9733 nmartin@aypf.org Carlas McCauley Project Director National Association of State Boards of Education 277 S. Washington St. Suite 100 Alexandria, VA 22314 Business: 703-684-4000 x105 / Fax: 703-836-2313 carlasm@nasbe.org Andrew Moore Senior Consultant Institute for Youth, Education and Families National League of Cities 1301 Pennsylvania Avenue, NW Suite 550 Washington, DC 20004 Business: 215-848-6910 moore@nlc.org Robin Nixon Excecutive Director National Foster Care Coalition 1776 I St., NW, 9th Floor Washington, DC 20006 Business: 202-756-4842 / fax: 0 robinnixon@msn.com Pedro Noguera Professor and Director Steinhardt School of Education, Center for Research on Urban Schools and Globalization New York University New York, NY Business: 212 998-5787 pedro.noguera@nyu.edu Ida Oberman Director of Research and Development Springboard Schools 181 Fremont Street, 2nd floor San Francisco, CA 94105 Business: 415-348-5513 / Fax: 415-348-1340 ioberman@springboardschools.org Alissa Peltzman Policy Analyst Achieve, Inc. 1775 Eye Street NW Suite 410 Washington, DC 20006 Business: 202-419-1573 / Fax: 202-828-0911 apeltzman@achieve.org 2/17/2016 Marion Pines Director, Levitan Center; Senior Fellow, Institute for Policy Studies Sar Levitan Center for Social Policy Studies Johns Hopkins University Wyman Building, 5th Floor 3400 N. Charles Street Baltimore, MD 21218-2696 Business: 410- 516-5398 / fax: 410-516-4775 mpines@jhu.edu Karen Pittman Executive Director The Forum for Youth Investment 7064 Eastern Avenue, NW Washington, DC 20012 Business: 202-207-3333 / Fax: 202-207-3329 karen@iyfus.org Bonnie Politz Vice President and Director Center for Youth Development and Policy Research Academy for Educational Development 1825 Connecticut Avenue, NW Washington, DC 20009 Business: 202-884-8270 / Fax: 202-884-8404 bpolitz@smtp.aed.org Daniel Princiotta Senior Policy Analyst, Education Division Center for Best Practices National Governors Association Hall of the States 444 North Capitol Street, Suite 267 Washington, DC 20001-1512 Business: 202-624-5387 / Fax: 202-624-7828 dprinciotta@nga.org Sally Prouty President National Association of Service and Conservation Corps 666 Eleventh Street NW, Suite 1000 Washington, DC 20001-4525 Business: 202-737-6272 / Fax: 202-737-6277 sprouty@nascc.org Jan Richter Advocacy Director Connect for Kids 1625 K St., NW 11th Floor Washington, DC 20006 Business: 202-454-5628 jan@connectforkids.org Sandra Ruppert Senior Policy Analyst/Program Director Education Commission of the States Denver, CO Business: 303-299-3624 sruppert@ecs.org Marc Saunders Associate Director for Education YouthBuild USA 58 Day Street Somerville, MA 02140 Business: 617-741-1250 / Fax: 617-623-4359 msaunders@youthbuild.org Gail Schwartz Director Division of Academic and Technical Education U.S. Department of Education 550 12th Street, SW Room 11106 Washington, DC 20202 Business: 202-245-7788 gail.schwartz@ed.gov Roy Seitsinger Director Office of Middle and High School Reform and Adult Education Rhode Island Department of Education 255 Westminster Street Room 500 Providence, RI 02903 Business: 401-222-8461 / Fax: 410-222-2537 roy.seitsinger@ride.ri.gov David Shreve Director of Education Committee National Conference of State Legislatures 444 North Capitol Street, NW Suite 500 Washington, DC 20001 Business: 202-624-5400 / fax: 202-737-1069 david.shreve@ncsl.org Laura Shubilla President Philadelphia Youth Network 714 Market Street, Suite 304 Philadelphia, PA 19106 Business: 267-502-3800 lshubilla@pyninc.org 2/17/2016 Carole Smith Chief of Staff Office of the Superintendent Portland Public Schools 6941 North Central Portland, OR 97203 Business: 503- 916-5438 csmith1@pps.k12.or.us Robert Smith Superintendent Arlington Public Schools 1426 North Quincy Street Arlington, VA 22207 Business: 703-228-6009 / fax: 703-228-6188 rgsmith@arlington.k12.va.us Mark Soler President Children's Legal Protection Center Youth Law Center 1010 Vermont Ave., NW, Suite 310 Washington, DC 20005 Business: 202-637-0377 / Fax: 202-379-1600 Marksoler@aol.com Adria Steinberg Associate Vice President Jobs for the Future 88 Broad Street 8th Floor Boston, MA 02110 Business: 617-728-4446 / Fax: 617-728-4857 asteinberg@jff.org Anne Stom Youth Development Specialist Employment and Training Administration U.S. Department of Labor 200 Constitution Ave., NW N4511 Washington, DC 20010 Business: 202-693-3377 / Fax: 202-693-3113 stom.anne@dol.gov Dorothy Stoneman President YouthBuild USA 58 Day Street, P.O. Box 440322 Somerville, MA 02144 Business: 617-623-9900 x1224 / Fax: 617-623-4331 dstoneman@youthbuild.org Christine Sturgis MetisNet 292 Arlington Street San Francisco, CA 94131 Business: 415-285-2686 chris@metisnet.net Christopher Swanson Research Associate Education Policy Center The Urban Institute 2100 M Street, NW Washignton, DC 20037 Business: 202-261-5880 / Fax: 202-833-2477 CSwanson@ui.urban.org Mala Thakur Executive Director National Youth Employment Coalition 1836 Jefferson Place, NW Washington, DC 20036 Business: 202-659-1064 / Fax: 202-659-0399 mt@nyec.org Jamie Tresselt Center for Youth Development and Education Commonwealth Corporation 529 Main Street, Suite 110 Boston, MA 02129 Business: 617-727-8158 / Fax: 617-242-7660 jtresselt@commcorp.org. Rhonda Tsoi-A-Fatt Senior Policy Analyst Center for Law and Social Policy 1015 15th Street, NW, Suite 400 Washington, DC 20005 Business: 202-842-2885 rtsoiafatt@clasp.org Sangeeta Tyagi Vice President for Education and Career Development Education Department YouthBuild USA 58 Day Street P.O. Box 440322 Somerville, MA 02144 Business: 617-623-9900 x1273 / Fax: 617-623-4359 styagi@youthbuild.org 2/17/2016 Dennis Udall Program Officer Walter S. Johnson Foundation 525 Middlefield Road Suite110 Menlo Park, CA 94025 Business: 650-326-0485 / fax: 650-326-4320 dennis@wsjf.org Paul Vallas Chief Executive Officer School District of Philadelphia 440 North Broad Street Philadelphia, PA 19130 Business: 215-400-4000 ceo@phila.k12.pa.us Merrill Vargo CEO Springboard Schools 181 Fremont Street, 2nd Floor San Francisco, CA 94105 Business: 415-348-5505 / Fax: 415-348-1340 mvargo@springboardschools.org Elliot Washor Co-Founder and Co-Director The Big Picture Company 17 Gordon Avenue Suite 104 Providence, RI 02905 Business: 508-369-6104 / Fax: 401-752-2632 ewashor@bigpicture.org Ephraim Weisstein Vice President Commonwealth Corporation 529 Main Street, Suite 110 Boston, MA 02129 Business: 617-727-8158 ext. 1229 / Fax: 617-242-7660 eweisstein@commcorp.org Brenda Welburn Executive Director National Association of State Boards of Education 277 South Washington Street Suite 100 Alexandria, VA 22314 Business: 703-684-4000 / fax: 703-836-2313 brendaw@nasbe.org Richard Whalen Program Manager, HS Programs School Dropout Prevention, Smaller Learning Communities U.S. Department of Education 400 Maryland Avenue, SW 3W107 Washington, DC 20202-6200 Business: 202-205-3785 richar.whalen@ed.gov Jack Wuest Executive Director Alternative School Network 1807 West Sunnyside Suite 1-D Chicago, IL 60640 Business: 773-728-4030 / Fax: 312-274-1848 jwuest@asnchicago.org Armando Zumaya Director of External Relations Springboard Schools 181 Fremont Street, 2nd Floor San Francisco, CA 94105 Business: 415-348-5505 / Fax: 415-348-1340 azumaya@springboardschools.org 2/17/2016