Managing Complexity by Recursion by Bernd Schiemenz Chair for general business management and management of the manufacturing firm Philipps-University Marburg, Am Plan 2, 35032 Marburg, Germany (email: Abstract: Recursion is a well known concept within computer science and mathematics . In business management it is rarely used explicitly. Counterexamples are applications of dynamic programming and the ´Viable System´ of Stafford Beer [Beer, 1972]. This paper demonstrates the broad applicability of recursion to managing complexity, especially in business. It starts by showing that recursion is – in contrast to how it may appear in papers of e.g. H.A.Simon [Simon, 1973] – a special case of (intra-systems-)hierarchy. It shows the two different yet related forms of using recursion: recursive objects and recursive problem solving and gives general examples of both. It then focuses on recursive objects and problem solving in business and finally summarizes the advantages of recursion. Contents 1. Recursion as a special case of hierarchy 1.1 Hierarchy and Complexity 1.2 Recursive models 1.3 Recursive problem solving 2. Recursive models in business 3. Recursive problem solving in business 4. Advantages of recursion 1. Recursion as a special case of hierarchy 1.1 Hierarchy and Complexity In business the notion of ´hierarchy` is generally associated with a relation between a superior and her/his subordinates. This partly results from, but is not identical to what is here meant by hierarchy. Here we follow H.A.Simon, according to whom hierarchy is „... a system that is composed of interrelated subsystems, each of the latter being, in turn, hierarchic in structure until we reach some lowest level of elementary subsystem." [Simon, 1962, p. 468] More formally we can formulate: A system H = (A, B, ...) of subsets A, B, ... of a set O is called a hierarchy, when (a) O belongs to H; (b) if A, B belong to H, A and B are either disjunctive or one is contained in the other; (c) all subsets of one element only belong to H. [Schneider, 1991, p. 364] The importance of hierarchy in this sense was first elaborated in Simon’s famous article „The Architecture of Complexity“, showing that "Hierarchy ... is one of the central structural schemes that the architect of complexity uses." [Simon, 1962, p. 468] A statement that is frequently quoted in the literature. As far as complexity is concerned, our view is a combination of the views of the German sociologist H. Willke [Willke, 1987] and the German psychologist D. Dörner [Dörner, 1989]. A system, problem or decision field is the more complex, the more levels it has, the higher its connectivity is, the more important its consequences are and the less “Superzeichen”* an actor has in order to cope with them [Schiemenz, 1996] 1.2 Recursive Models In a later paper Simon states that "... nature is organized in levels because hierarchic structures - systems of Chinese boxes - provide the most viable form for any system of even moderate complexity." [Simon, 1973, p. 27] Similarly Grobstein speaks of "hierarchical order in Chinese boxes and subdivided triangles." [Grobstein, 1973, p. 32] Sketches of these Chinese boxes and subdivided triangles can be found in fig 1. Chinese boxes and subdivided triangles are indeed of hierarchical nature according to the definition given above. They are, however, a specific type of hierarchy. „An object is called recursive if it contains itself as a part or if it is defined with the aid of itself.“ [Wirth, 1983, p. 149]. Chinese boxes contain Chinese boxes, subdivided triangles contain subdivided triangles. They are recursive (hierarchical) objects. * Complex symbols like ‘change gears’, ‘innovator’ or ‘system’. 1 Fig. 1: Chinese Boxes and Subdivided Triangles as Examples of Recursive Models More recursive objects are surrounding us. Pieces of music, language or pictures contain smaller, but similar pieces of music, language or pictures respectively [Hofstadter, 1979]. Russian dolls contain puppets. In data management systems directories unfold into (sub-) directories, indicated by the same symbol. (Graphtheoretical) Trees exist of (sub-) trees, independent of how they are painted (see fig. 2) and are the usual way to bring order out of chaos. Fig. 3: A television picture presented live in TV as an example of a recursive object 1.3 Recursive Problem Solving With regard to problem solving recursion is defined as „... the reduction of the general task to a ‘simpler’ task of the same class.“ [Bauer/Goos/Dosch, 1991, p. 59] If one views the task as an object or problem to be solved, one recognizes the relationship to recursive objects. One can solve problems recursively if they contain problems of the same class. Feedback control uses this concept. The initial problem of eliminating a larger difference between a controlled variable and its target value YW (1) = W is stepwise reduced to the problem of eliminating smaller differences YW (k), k = 2, 3, ..., until YW (k) is small enough, when (stable) discrete time feed back control systems are employed And we all know how effective and frequently used feed back control is. „It is difficult to conceive of any control process not involving feedback that is scientifically interesting and significant“ [Tou, 1964, p. 2]. target value of the controlled variable W manipulated variable Yw controller controlled system U Z YW (k) = W - R YW (1) = W Y S R S disturbance variable YW (k-1) Fig. 4: Recursion in Feedback Control Fig. 2: Presentation of a recursive (hierarchic) structure by (a) nested sets, (b) nested brackets, (c) insertion, (d) graphs And if one feeds the picture of a man besides his television back to the television one sees an example of a recursive object too, as depicted in fig. 3. Modern control theory goes further. Not only does it aim at eliminating this difference but it strives to eliminate it in an optimal way. One approach used to achieve this purpose is dynamic programming with its underlaying principle of optimality: „An optimal policy has the property that whatever the initial state and initial decision are, the remaining decisions must constitute an optimal policy with regard to the state resulting from the first 2 decision.“ [Bellman, 1957, p. 83]. Using this approach, a problem with n steps, e.g. planning periods, is recursively seen as consisting of problems of the same class with (n1), (n-2), ....,1 steps and solved, beginning with the problem with 1 step only. Tapiero developed a whole theory of managerial planning on the basis of this approach [Tapiero, 1977]. But also in daily life we use recursive problem solving, quasi intuitively. One example is the insertion of cards into a stack (see fig. 5) . An other example is climbing a hill when it is foggy in the direction of the steepest ascent. The theoretical basis for this can be found in sort algorithms and in books on optimum seeking [e.g. Wilde, 1964] each other [Hall/Fagen,1956]. It is also characterized by the fact, that the system is part of a (super-) system of a lower resolution level, and its parts themselves are (sub-) systems of an even higher resolution level and that supersystem and subsystems are systems in the defined sense. (See fig. 6) [Schiemenz, 1993] Fig. 6: A recursive view of ´System´ Fig. 5: Recursive solution of the insertion of file cards A further utilization of recursive problem solving is in connection with complete induction: When the propositions A(n0), A(n0+1), A(n0+2) ...are given it is sufficient to show that 1. the proposition A(n0) is correct and 2. that for any nonnegative integer n n0: if A(n) then A(n+1) [Stowasser/Mohry, 1978, p. 19 ff.] To always model reality into similar objects is an advantage that seems to be more and more appreciated. In the ´Fractal Factory` [Warnecke, 1992, 1993] a factory consists of factories. And Ìntrapreneurship` leads to enterprises within enterprises. [Oden, 1997]. Similarly, cost centers can be resolved into cost centers, regions into (sub-)regions etc, 3. Recursive problem solving in business Products can also be constructed of products and projects can be subdivided into projects. (See fig. 7 and 8) Layer 1 2. Recursive Models in Business For cyberneticians and systems theorists, the best known recursive model in business is the ´Viable System´, first introduced by Stafford Beer [Beer, 1972] and further developed by members of the St. Gallen Business School [e.g. Malik, 1996; Espejo/Schwaninger, 1993) and others. According to this organizational approach a system is viable when it has a specific informational and control structure and when its operational subsystems are viable themselves. Independent of this, German economists [Zschocke, 1974; Eichhorn, 1993] suggested the concept of `Production System`. It is productive in so far as it takes goods (or also bads) up from its environment, combines these with others from within to new goods (or bads) of higher value for its own use or especially that of the environment. And it is a system in so far as it – recursively – consists of production systems on the next resolution level. This view fits very well into a (specific, recursive, multi-level) view of `System´. According to this view a system is not only characterized by the fact that it consists of elements with attributes and relations with 2 3 4 Fig. 7: Recursive Bill Explosion Therefore one can compute the demand for the products on level n and the time for their production recursively, starting with the final product on level 1. The level of a product here is determined according to the path with the maximum number of sectors between the product concerned and the final product. If one, correspondingly, wants to compute a project with multiple levels, e.g. its critical path, one first has to compute the critical paths between all incoming and outgoing relations of each (sub-) project of level n before 3 one can compute the projects on level (n-1). The same holds true if one wants to reduce the duration of projects with minimum additional cost. [Bauer, Goos and Dosch, 1991] F.L. Bauer, G. Goos and W. Dosch. Informatik - Eine einführende Übersicht. Springer Verlag, Berlin u.a., 1991. [Beer, 1972] St. Beer. Brain of the firm – The managerial cybernetics of organization. The Penguin Press, London, Herder and Herder, USA, 1972. [Bellmann, 1957] R. Bellman. Dynamic Programming. 1957 [Bohr, 1993] K. Bohr. Effizienz und Effektivität. in: W. Wittmann et al. (Hrsg.). Handwörterbuch der Betriebswirtschaft. 5. Aufl., Sp. 855 – 869. Schäffer-Poeschel Verlag, Stuttgart, 1993. [Dörner, 1989] D. Dörner. Die Logik des Mißlingens Strategisches Denken in komplexen Situationen. Verlag Rowohlt, Reinbek 1989. [Eichhorn, 1993] W. Eichhorn. Produktionskorrespondenzen. in: W. Wittmann et al. (Hrsg.). Handwörterbuch der Betriebswirtschaft, 5. Aufl. Bd. 2, Sp. 3443 – 3450. Schäffer-Poeschel Verlag, Stuttgart, 1993. Fig. 8: Recursive Computation of Project Networks Finally, recursive thinking can help to clarify the relation between the conceptions of efficiency and effectiveness that are so important in business management. According to Barnard efficiency means to do the things right (extrinsic aspects), effectiveness means to do the right things (intrinsic aspects). [Barnard, 1975, p. 19 ff.; Bohr, 1993] However, different levels of „right things“ exist, e.g. social welfare maximizing profit cost leadership cost minimization. Therefore „doing the right things“ is „doing the things right“ in reference to the higher level. 4. Advantages of Recursion [Espejo and Schwaninger, 1993] R. Espejo, M. Schwaninger (Ed.). Organisational Fitness – Corporate Effectiveness through Management Cybernetics. Campus Verlag, Frankfurt et al., 1993 [Grobstein, 1973] C. Grobstein. Hierarchical Order and Neogenesis. in: H.H. Pattee (ed.). Hierarchy Theory The Challenge of Complex Systems. New York, Braziller, 1973. [Hall and Fagen, 1956] A.D. Hall, R.E. Fagen. Definition of System. in: General Systems 1956, p. 18 – 28. [Hofstadter, 1979] D.R. Hofstadter, Gödel, Escher, Bach: an Eternal Golden Braid. Basic Books, New York, 1979. [Malik, 1996] F. Malik. Strategie des Managements komplexer Systeme. 5. Aufl., Haupt Verlag, Bern et al. 1996. Recursion is, as we have seen, a special case of hierarchy. It therefore has all the advantages of hierarchy, pointed out by Simon [Simon, 1962]. However, it has additional advantages. The recursive system structure makes it possible to use the same way of thinking on each system level. It contains principles to structure details, methods, techniques, programs etc. This accounts to a remarkable improvement in creative variety and leads to considerable rationalization effects. [Malik, 1996, p. 102] [Oden, 1997] H.W. Oden. Managing corporate culture, innovation, and intrapreneurship. Quorum Books, Westport et al., 1997. References [Schiemenz, 1993] B. Schiemenz. 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