Wissenschaftlicher Lebenslauf

Contribution of P.C. Endler to the WHO-Report on Homeopathy
Research, (to be published by the WHO in 2004)
Section Basic Research on Zoological Models
Thyroxin was administered in succussed high dilution (30X, 10-30) to amphibian larves at the
end of their metamorphosis from tadpoles to frogs. In the observed stage, the thyroxin level of
the larves is comparatively high, and molecular thyroxin is well known to speed up
metamorphosis. In contrast, under the influence of thyroxin 30X, metamorphosis slowed down
(Endler et al 1994a,b, 1997, 1998a, Zausner et al 2002). This was found in independent studies
in 5 laboratories.
The slowing down effect of succussed thyroxin dilution was even more marked, when the
animals were previously hyperstimulated (intoxicated) with molecular doses of thyroxin
(Zausner et al 2002, Endler et al 2003). Analogous observations were made when information
of the succussed thyroxin dilution was transmitted through an electronic device, including
digitized information storage (Senekowitsch et al. 1995, Endler et al 1995, 1997).
Section Basic Research on Botanical Models
As a repetition of a plant study from the beginning of the 20th century, a succussed high dilution
of silver nitrate (24X) was administered to wheat seedlings. In consecutive series of
experiments, wheat seedling development was highly significantly enhanced by the test dilution,
compared to analogously prepared control dilution (Pongratz et al. 1994, 1998)
Endler P.C., Pongratz W., Kastberger G., Wiegant F.A.C., Haidvogel M. Climbing activity in frogs and the effect of
highly diluted succussed thyroxine. Br. Hom. J. 1991;80:194-200
Endler P.C., Pongratz W., Kastberger G., Wiegant F.A.C., Schulte J. The effect of highly diluted agitated thyroxine
on the climbing activity of frogs. Vet. Hum. Tox. 1994a;36:56-59
Endler P.C., Schulte J. (eds.). Ultra High Dilution: Physiology and Physics. Kluwer Academic Publishers, Dordrecht
Endler P.C., Pongratz W., van Wijk R., Waltl K., Hilgers H., Brandmaier R. Transmission of hormone information by
nonmolecular means. FASEB J. 1994c;8,4:A400 (Abs.)
Endler P.C., Pongratz W., van Wijk R., Wiegant F.A.C., Waltl K., Gehrer M., Hilgers H. A zoological example on
ultra high dilution research. In: Endler P.C., Schulte J. (Hrsg.). Ultra High Dilution: Physiology and Physics. Kluwer
Academic Publishers, Dordrecht 1994d
Pongratz W., Endler P.C. Reappraisal of a classical botanical experiment on ultra high dilution research. Energetic
coupling in a wheat model. In: Endler P.C., Schulte J. (eds.). Ultra High Dilution: Physiology and Physics. Kluwer
Academic Publishers, Dordrecht 1994
Endler P.C., Pongratz W., Smith C.W., Schulte J. Non-molecular information transfer from thyroxine to frogs with
regard to ´homoeopathic´ toxicology. Vet. Hum. Tox. 1995;37(3):259-260
Endler P.C., Schulte J. (Hrsg.). Homöopathie - Bioresonanztherapie. Physiologische und physikalische
Voraussetzungen - Grundlagenforschung. Verlag Maudrich, Wien-München-Bern 1996
Endler P.C., Pongratz W., Smith C.W., Schulte J., Senekowitsch F., Citro M, Non-molecular information transfer
from thyroxine to frogs. In: Bastide M. (ed.), Signals and Images, Kluwer Academic Publishers Dordrecht, 1997; pp
149 - 159
Endler P.C., Heckmann C., Lauppert E., Pongratz W., Alex J., Dieterle D., Lukitsch C., Vinattieri C., Smith C.W.,
Senekowitsch F., Möller H., Schulte J. The metamorphosis of amphibians and information of thyroxine. In: Schulte J,
Endler P.C. (Hrsg.). Fundamental Research in Ultra High Dilution and Homoeopathy. Kluwer Academic Publishers,
Dordrecht, 1998a
Endler P.C. Fundamental research on high dilution effects. A classification of non-clinical research topics. In: Schulte
J, Endler P.C. (Hrsg.). Fundamental Research in Ultra High Dilution and Homoeopathy. Kluwer Academic
Publishers, Dordrecht, 1998b.
Schulte J, Endler P.C. (Hrsg.). Fundamental Research in Ultra High Dilution and Homoeopathy. Kluwer Academic
Publishers, Dordrecht, 1998c
Pongratz W., Nograsek A., Endler C. Highly diluted agitated silver nitrate and wheat seedling development. In:
Schulte J, Endler P.C. (Hrsg.). Fundamental Research in Ultra High Dilution and Homoeopathy. Kluwer Academic
Publishers, Dordrecht, 1998
Pongratz W., Nograsek A., Endler C. Highly diluted agitated silver nitrate and wheat seedling development. In:
Schulte J, Endler P.C. (Hrsg.). Fundamental Research in Ultra High Dilution and Homoeopathy. Kluwer Academic
Publishers, Dordrecht, 1998. Also in: Taddei-Ferretti C., Marotta P. (Hrsg.) High Dilution Effects on Cells and
Integrated Systems. World Scientific Publishers, Singapore - London, 1998
Lauppert E., Endler P.C. Enhanced inversion effect of thyroxine 10-13 by agitation. Curative effect following
hyperstimulation in frogs. In: Taddei-Ferretti C., Marotta P. (Hrsg.) High Dilution Effects on Cells and Integrated
Systems. World Scientific Publishers, Singapore - London, 1998
Endler P.C. Expedition Homöopathieforschung. Ein altes Heilsystem wird plausibel. Maudrich Verlag, Wien, 1998d
Zausner C, Lassnig H, Endler PC, Scherer W, Haidvogl M, Frass M, Kasteberger G, Lüdtke R: Die Wirkung von
"homöopathisch" zubereitetem Thyroxin auf die Metamorphose von Hochlandamphibien - Ergebnisse einer
multizentrischen Kontrollstudie. Perfusion 2002; 17: 268-276
Endler P.C.: Homeopathy - An Expedition Report. An old healing system gains plausibility. edition@inter-uni.net,
Endler P.C., Lüdtke R., Heckmann C., Zausner C., Lassnig H., Scherer-Pongratz W., Haidvogl M., Frass M.:
Pretreatment with thyroxin (10-8 parts by weight) enhances a "curative" effect of homeopathically prepared thyroxin
(10-13) on lowland frogs. Research on Complementary Medicine / Forschende Komplementärmedizin, 2003; 10: 137142