Mental Health Bulletin, July 2008

November 2010
This bulletin is produced every two months and relates to both cancer and the young adult and
paediatric oncology, and should be of interest to staff working in this area. Topics covered include
symptom management, screening/pathology/staging, psychological and survivorship issues. .
Many of the following articles are available online via the NHS Scotland eLibrary. Please use
the links where provided and your ATHENS password. A complete list of available online
journals and registration for ATHENS can be found at
If the article you require is not available via the NHS Scotland e-Library and you would like
to request a print copy, please submit your request online at
This bulletin contains a selection of material gathered from a search of the evidence base, and is
not intended to be comprehensive. Professional judgment should be exercised when appraising
the material. The Library takes no responsibility for the wording, content and accuracy of the
information supplied, which has been extracted in good faith from reputable sources. NHSGGC is
not responsible for the content of external internet sites.
Communication and Decision Making ………………………………………………………………2
Prognosis, Risk Factors and Incidence ……………………………………………………………..2
Psychological Issues ………………………………………………………………………………….3
Screening/Pathology/Staging/Biomarkers ………………………………………………………….4
Survivorship Issues and Quality of Life ……………………………………………………………..4
Symptom Management ……………………………………………………………………………….5
Therapies ……………………………………………………………………………………………….6
Working with Paediatric and Young Adult Patients ………………………………………………..7
Compiled by:
Alison McEwan
Assistant Librarian
Level 0, Education Suite, Beatson West of Scotland Cancer Centre, 1053, Great Western
Road, Glasgow G12 0YN
0141 3017283,
Cancer: Paediatric and Young Adult, November 2010
Alison McEwan, Assistant Librarian, NHSGGC Library Network
Communication and Decision Making
Chappuy, H. & Baruchel, A. (2010). Parental comprehension and satisfaction in informed
consent in paediatric clinical trials: a prospective study on childhood leukaemia. Archives of
Disease in Childhood. 95(10): 800-804.
Manicat-Emo, a. (2010). Truth-telling and an adolescent diagnosed with a malignant brain
tumour: who are we protecting? Canadian Journal of Neuroscience Nursing. 32(3):36-40.
Prognosis, Risk Factors and Incidence
Arkader, A. (2010). Pediatric extremity soft-tissue sarcomas: from diagnosis to surgical
treatment. Current Orthopaedic Practice. 21(5):508-517.
Brewster, D.H. (2010). Risk of skin cancer after neonatal phototherapy: retrospective cohort
study. Archives of Disease in Childhood. 95(10): 826-831.
Brewer, N. (2010). Longitudinal Predictors of Human Papillomavirus Vaccine Initiation
Among Adolescent Girls in a High-Risk Geographic Area. Sexually Transmitted Diseases.
Published ahead of print.
Carr, S. (2010). Oseltamivir-resistant Influenza A and B Viruses Pre- and Postantiviral
Therapy in Children and Young Adults With Cancer. Pediatric Infectious Disease Journal.
Published ahead of print.
Chow, E.J. (2010). Childhood cancer in relation to parental race and ethnicity: a 5-State
pooled analysis. Cancer. 116(12): 3045-3053.
Collins, L. (2010). Nutritional Status at Diagnosis in Children With Cancer I. An Assessment
by Dietary Recall-Compared With Body Mass Index and Body Composition Measured by
Dual Energy X-ray Absorptiometry. Journal of Pediatric Hematology/Oncology. 32(8):e299e303.
Cypel, T. (2010). Predisposing Factors and Outcomes of Malignant Skin Tumors in Children.
Plastic & Reconstructive Surgery. 126(2):508-514.
D’Angelo. P. (2010). Breast metastases in children and adolescents with
rhabdomyosarcoma: Experience of the Italian Soft Tissue Sarcoma Committee. Pediatric
Blood & Cancer. 55(7):1306-9.
Kaminagakura, E. (2010). Case-control study on prognostic factors in oral squamous cell
carcinoma in young patients. Head and Neck. 32(11): 1460-1466.
Karosas, A.O. (2010). Ewing's sarcoma. American Journal of Health-System Pharmacy.
Kayton, M.L. (2010). Primary lung adenocarcinomas in children and adolescents treated for
pediatric malignancies. Journal of Thoracic Oncology: Official Publication of the International
Association for the Study of Lung Cancer. 5(11):1764-71.
Cancer: Paediatric and Young Adult, November 2010
Alison McEwan, Assistant Librarian, NHSGGC Library Network
Kheifets, L. (2010). Pooled analysis of recent studies on magnetic fields and childhood
leukaemia. British Journal of Cancer. 103(7): 1128-1135.
Koshy, J. (2010). Breast Cancer Incidence in Adolescent Males Undergoing Subcutaneous
Mastectomy for Gynecomastia: Is Pathologic Examination Justified? A Retrospective and
Literature Review. Plastic & Reconstructive Surgery. Published ahead of print.
Machens, A. (2010). Papillary thyroid cancer in children and adolescents does not differ in
growth pattern and metastatic behavior. Journal of Pediatrics. 157(4):648-52, 2010 Oct.
Paradela, S. (2010). Prognostic factors for melanoma in children and adolescents: a
clinicopathologic, single-center study of 137 Patients. Cancer. 116(18):4334-44, 2010.
Phillips, B. (2010). Systematic review and meta-analysis of the discriminatory performance
of risk prediction rules in febrile neutropaenic episodes in children and young people.
European Journal of Cancer. 46(16):2950-64.
Poynter, J.N. (2010). Trends in incidence and survival of pediatric and adolescent patients
with germ cell tumors in the United States, 1975 to 2006. Cancer. 116(20):4882-91.
Ramandeep, S. (2010). Cancer at ages 15-29 years: the contrasting incidence in India and
England. Pediatric Blood and Cancer. Published ahead of print.
Revel-Vilk, S. (2010). Risk factors for central venous catheter thrombotic complications in
children and adolescents with cancer. Cancer. 116(17):4197-205.
Rosychuk, R.J. (2010). Childhood cancer trends in a western Canadian province: A
population-based 22 year retrospective study. Pediatric Blood and Cancer. 55(7): 1348-1355.
Rube, C.E. & Fricke, A. (2010). DNA repair alterations in children with pediatric
malignancies: novel opportunities to identify patients at risk for high-grade toxicities.
International Journal of Radiation Oncology Biology Physics. 78(2): 359-369.
Schellong, G. (2010). Late valvular and other cardiac diseases after different doses of
mediastinal radiotherapy for Hodgkin disease in children and adolescents: Report from the
longitudinal GPOH follow-up project of the German-Austrian DAL-HD studies. Pediatric
Blood & Cancer. 55(6):1145-52.
Zhang, J. (2010). Ameloblastoma in children and adolescents. British Journal of Oral &
Maxillofacial Surgery. 48(7):549-54, 2010 Oct.
Psychological Issues
Anderzen-Carlsson, A. (2010). Parental handling of fear in children with cancer: caring in the
best interests of the child. Journal of Pediatric Nursing. 25(5): 317-326.
Angstrom-Brannstrom, C. (2010). Parents’ experiences of what comforts them when their
child is suffering from cancer. Pediatric Oncology Nursing. 27(5): 266-275.
Ashford, J. (2010). Attention and working memory abilities in children treated for acute
lymphoblastic leukaemia. Cancer. 116(19): 4638-4645.
Fletcher, P.C. (2010). How do I cope? Factors affecting mothers’ abilities to cope with
Cancer: Paediatric and Young Adult, November 2010
Alison McEwan, Assistant Librarian, NHSGGC Library Network
pediatric cancer. Pediatric Oncology Nursing. 27(5): 285-298.
Kiernan, G. (2010). Psychosocial Issues and Care in Pediatric Oncology: Medical and
Nursing Professionals' Perceptions. Cancer Nursing. 33(5):E12-E20.
Pearson, H. (2010). Managing the emotional aspects of end of life care for children and
young people: Nurses face many challenges when providing care to families during this
difficult journey. Paediatric Nursing. 22(7): 31-35.
Broniscer, A. & Baker, J.N. (2010). Prospective collection of tissue samples at autopsy in
children with diffuse intrinsic pontine glioma. Cancer. 116(19): 4632-4637.
Engelen, V. (2010). Development and implementation of a patient reported outcome
intervention (QLIC-ON PROfile) in clinical paediatric oncology practice. Patient Education and
Counseling. 81(2): 235-244.
Kurashima, A.Y. (2010). A palliative prognostic score for terminally ill children and
adolescents with cancer. Pediatric Blood & Cancer. 55(6):1167-71.
Raval, M.V. (2010). Use of sentinel lymph node biopsy for melanoma in children and
adolescents. Journal of Surgical Oncology. 102(6):634-9.
Spradlin, K. (2010). Skin Cancer: Knowledge, Behaviors, and Attitudes of College Students.
Southern Medical Journal. Published ahead of print.
Survivorship Issues and Quality of Life
Amigoni, M. (2010). Low anthracyclines doses-induced cardiotoxicity in acute lymphoblastic
leukemia long-term female survivors. Pediatric Blood and Cancer. 55(7): 1343-1347
Barrera, M. (2010). Sexual function in adolescent and young adult survivors of lower
extremity bone tumors. Pediatric Blood & Cancer. 55(7):1370-6.
Chong, A.L. (2010). A cross Canada survey of sperm banking practices in pediatric
oncology centers. Pediatric Blood & Cancer. 55(7):1356-61.
Einarsson EJ. (2010). Long term hearing degeneration after platinum-based chemotherapy
in childhood. International Journal of Audiology. 49(10):765-71.
Fioredda, F. & Moser, A. (2010). Natural course of HCV infection in childhood cancer
survivors. Supportive Care in Cancer. 18(11): 1413-1420.
Ginsberg, J.P. (2010). Long-term survivors of childhood Ewing Sarcoma: report from the
Childhood Cancer Survivor Study. Journal of the National Cancer Institute. 102(16): 1272-1283.
Haddy, R.I. (2010). Lifetime follow-up care after childhood cancer. Journal of the American
Board of Family Medicine: JABFM. 23(5):647-54.
Hudson, M.M. (2010). Reproductive Outcomes for Survivors of Childhood Cancer.
Cancer: Paediatric and Young Adult, November 2010
Alison McEwan, Assistant Librarian, NHSGGC Library Network
Obstetrics & Gynecology. 116(5):1171-1183.
Loi, K. (2010). Attitudes toward fertility preservation in female cancer patients. Journal of
Reproductive Medicine. 55(9-10):411-6.
Ness, K.K. (2010). Physical performance limitations among adult survivors of childhood
brain tumors. Cancer. 116(12): 3034-3044.
Paxton, R.J. (2010). Associations between leisure-time physical activity and health-related
quality of life among adolescent and adult survivors of childhood cancers. Psycho-Oncology.
Penn, A. (2010). Child-related determinants of health-related quality of life in children with
brain tumours 1 year after diagnosis. Pediatric Blood and Cancer. 55(7): 1377-1385.
Schulte, F. (2010). Social competence in childhood brain tumor survivors: a comprehensive
review. Supportive Care in Cancer. 18(12):1499-513.
Speyer, E. (2010). Effect of adapted physical activity sessions in the hospital on healthrelated quality of life for children with cancer: a cross-over randomized trial.
Pediatric Blood & Cancer. 55(6):1160-6.
Tylavsky, F.A. (2010). Nutritional intake of long-term survivors of childhood acute
lymphoblastic leukemia: Evidence for bone health interventional opportunities. Pediatric
Blood and Cancer. 55(7): 1362-1369.
Van Dijk, I.W.E.M. (2010). Evaluation of late adverse events in long-term Wilms’ Tumor
survivors. International Journal of Radiation Oncology Biology Physics. 78(2): 370-378.
Symptom Management
Baggott, C. & Dodd, M. (2010). Changes in children’s reports of symptom occurrence and
severity during a course of myelosuppressive chemotherapy. Journal of Pediatric Oncology
Nursing. 27(6): 307-315.
Elmantaser, M. & Stewart, G. (2010). Skeletal morbidity in children receiving chemotherapy
for acute lymphoblastic leukaemia. Archives of Disease in Childhood. 95(10): 805-809.
Ladas, E.J. (2010). The safety of acupuncture in children and adolescents with cancer
therapy-related thrombocytopenia. Supportive Care in Cancer. 18(11):1487-90.
Landier, W. (2010). Use of complementary and alternative medical interventions for the
management of procedure-related pain, anxiety, and distress in pediatric oncology: an
integrative review. Journal of Pediatric Nursing. 25(6):566-79.
Linder, L. (2010). Analysis of the UCSF Symptom Management Theory: implications for
pediatric oncology nursing. Journal of Pediatric Oncology Nursing. 27(6): 316-324.
Phillips, R.S. (2010). Antiemetic medication for prevention and treatment of chemotherapy
induced nausea and vomiting in childhood. Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews.
9:CD007786, 2010.
Phipps, S. (2010). Complementary therapies for children undergoing stem cell
transplantation: report of a Multi-site Trial. Cancer. 116(16): 3924-3933.
Cancer: Paediatric and Young Adult, November 2010
Alison McEwan, Assistant Librarian, NHSGGC Library Network
Pillai, A.K. (2010). Anti-emetic effect of ginger powder versus placebo as an add-on therapy
in children and young adults receiving high emetogenic chemotherapy. Pediatric Blood &
Cancer. Early view online only in advance of print.
Thygeson, M.V. & Hooke, M.C. (2010). Peaceful play yoga: serenity and balance for children
with cancer and their parents. Pediatric Oncology Nursing. 27(5): 276-284.
Ullrich, C.K. (2010). Fatigue in children with cancer at the end of life. Journal of Pain and
Symptom Management. 40(4): 483-494.
Walker, A.J. & Johnson, K.P. (2010). Sleep quality and sleep hygiene behaviors of
adolescents during chemotherapy. Journal of Clinical Sleep Medicine. 6(5):439-44, 2010.
Yeh, C.H. (2010). A Pilot Study to Examine the Feasibility and Effects of a Home-Based
Aerobic Program on Reducing Fatigue in Children With Acute Lymphoblastic Leukemia.
Cancer Nursing. Published ahead of print.
Yilmaz, H.B. & Tas, F. (2010). Health professionals’ estimation of cancer-related fatigue in
children. Journal of Pediatric Oncology Nursing. 27(6): 330-337.
Yoo, H. (2010). Validation of the pediatric functional assessment of cancer therapy
questionnaire (version 2.0) in brain tumor survivors aged 13 years and older.
Journal of Pain & Symptom Management. 40(4):559-65.
Ahmed, B.A. (2010). Cumulative effective doses from radiologic procedures for pediatric
oncology patients. Pediatrics. 126(4): e851-e858.
Croog, V.J. (2010). Whole neuraxis irradiation to address central nervous system relapse in
high-risk neuroblastoma. International Journal of Radiation Oncology Biology Physics. 78(3):
Gesundheit, B. (2010). The Role of Angiogenesis in the Transformation of Plexiform
Neurofibroma into Malignant Peripheral Nerve Sheath Tumors in Children With
Neurofibromatosis Type 1. Journal of Pediatric Hematology/Oncology. 32(7):548-553.
London, W.B. (2010). Phase II Randomized comparison of Topotecan plus
Cyclophosphamide versus Topotecan alone in children with recurrent or refractory
neuroblastoma: a Children’s Oncology Group Study. Journal of Clinical Oncology. 28(24):
Menda, Y. (2010). Phase I Trial of 90Y-DOTATOC Therapy in Children and Young Adults with
Refractory Solid Tumors That Express Somatostatin Receptors. Nuclear Medicine.
Pawelczak, M. (2010). Outcomes of Children and Adolescents with Well-Differentiated
Thyroid Carcinoma and Pulmonary Metastases Following 131I Treatment: A Systematic
Review. Thyroid. 20(10):1095-101.
Rubie, H. (2010). Phase I study of topotecan in combination with temozolomide (TOTEM) in
relapsed or refractory paediatric solid tumours. European Journal of Cancer. 46(15): 27632770.
Cancer: Paediatric and Young Adult, November 2010
Alison McEwan, Assistant Librarian, NHSGGC Library Network
Ruggiero, A. (2010). Phase I study of temozolomide combined with oral etoposide in
children with recurrent or progressive medulloblastoma. European Journal of Cancer. 46(16):
Shaffer, R. & Vollans, E. (2010). A radiotherapy planning study of RapidArc, intensity
modulated radiotherapy, three-dimensional conformal radiotherapy, and parallel opposed
beams in the treatment of pediatric retroperitoneal tumors. Pediatric Blood and Cancer. Early
online in advance of print.
Schellong, G. (2010). Late valvular and other cardiac diseases after different doses of
mediastinal radiotherapy for Hodgkin Disease in children and adolescents: Report from the
longitudinal GPOH follow-up project of the German-Austrian DAL-HD studies. Pediatric
Blood and Cancer. Early online in advance of print.
Selo, N. (2010). Acute toxicity profile of radiotherapy in 690 children and adolescents: RISK
data. Radiotherapy and Oncology. 97(1): 119-126.
Szathmari, A. (2010). Correlation between pre- or postoperative MRI findings and cerebellar
sequelae in patients with medulloblastomas. Pediatric Blood and Cancer. 55(7): 1310-1316.
Widemann, B.C. (2010). Phase 1 trial and pharmacokinetic study of the farnesyl transferase
inhibitor tipifarnib in children and adolescents with refractory leukemias: a report from the
children’s oncology group. Pediatric Blood and Cancer. Early online in advance of print.
Zevallos, J.P. (2010). Modern multimodality therapy for pediatric nonorbital paramenigeal
sarcomas. Head and Neck. 32(11): 1501-1506.
Working with Paediatric and Young Adult Patients
Casillas, J. (2010). Transitioning childhood cancer survivors to adult-centered healthcare:
insights from parents, adolescent, and young adult survivors. Psycho-Oncology. 19(9):98290.
Da Silva, F. (2010). Impact of Childhood Cancer on Parents' Relationships: An Integrative
Review. Journal of Nursing Scholarship. 42(3):250-261, September 2010.
Delgado, E. (2010). Availability of palliative care services for children with cancer in
economically diverse regions of the world. European Journal of Cancer. 46(12): 2260-2266.
Foster, T.L. (2010). Pediatric Palliative Care in Childhood Cancer Nursing: From Diagnosis
to Cure or End of Life. Seminars in Oncology Nursing. 26(4): 205-221
Gibson, F. (2010). Children and young people's experiences of cancer care: a qualitative
research study using participatory methods. International Journal of Nursing Studies.
Gibson, F. (2010). Utilization of the Medical Research Council Evaluation Framework in the
Development of Technology for Symptom Management: The ASyMS(C)-YG Study. Cancer
Nursing. 33(5):343-352.
Haddy, R.I. (2010). Lifetime Follow-up Care After Childhood Cancer. Journal of the American
Board of Family Medicine: JABFM. 23(5):647-54.
Norbeg, A.L. (2010). Parents of Children Surviving a Brain Tumor: Burnout and the
Perceived Disease-related Influence on Everyday Life. Journal of Pediatric
Cancer: Paediatric and Young Adult, November 2010
Alison McEwan, Assistant Librarian, NHSGGC Library Network
Hematology/Oncology. 32(7):e285-e289.
Wicks, L. (2010). The adolescent cancer experience: loss of control and benefit finding.
European Journal of Cancer Care. 19(6):778-85.
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Sources used for this bulletin:
Jornals scanned:
Annals of Oncology
European Journal of Oncology Nursing
Journal of Clinical Oncology
Pediatric Blood and Cancer
Seminars in Oncology
Supportive Care in Cancer
Journal alerts:
Archives of Diseases in Childhood
Archives of Pediatrics and Adolescent Medicine
Clinical Journal of Oncology Nursing
Current Problems in Pediatric and Adolescent Health Care
Journal of Adolescence
Journal of Adolescent Health
Journal of Cancer Nursing
Journal of Pediatric and Adolescent Gynecology
Journal of Pediatric Health Care
Journal of Pediatric Hematology/Oncology
Journal of Pediatric Nursing
Journal of Pediatric Oncology Nursing
Paediatric Nursing
Paedatrics and Child Health
Pediatrics and Neonatology
Seminars in Oncology Nursing
Alerting services:
Zetoc alert
OvidSP Auto Alerts – MEDLINE and CINAHL
Cancer: Paediatric and Young Adult, November 2010
Alison McEwan, Assistant Librarian, NHSGGC Library Network
Cancer: Paediatric and Young Adult, November 2010
Alison McEwan, Assistant Librarian, NHSGGC Library Network