Gifting the Bookbug Toddler Pack Effectively Gifting the Bookbug

Gifting the Bookbug Toddler Pack Effectively
Gifting the Bookbug bags with a clear and simple message to families about the importance
of early book sharing will strengthen the impact of the pack and encourage children and
families to share books together. Early book sharing helps to develop and foster positive
parent and child interaction. It will also help to develop early literacy skills.
The following quote, from Bookstart research, discusses the importance of gifting packs
with a message to families:
“The analysis of our data highlighted the fact that it was not just the giving of the Bookstart
pack in itself, but the taking on of the Bookstart philosophy which impacted on the
children’s literacy development. The Bookstart philosophy celebrates the vital role that all
parents play in exposing their children to a range of books and in fostering their reading
“Planting a Seed for Life”, University of Surrey Roehampton, Collins and Svenson (2005)
Bookbug Toddler Pack
Key Messages:
 Leave books accessible in toy boxes or on the floor so toddlers
can choose to look at them
 Let your toddler help choose which book they would like to read
 Allow children to make marks and experiment with writing tools
- children love making marks and doing so increases their desire
to learn to read and write
 Establish reading as part of a routine
 Let your toddler see you reading – the newspaper, magazines,
brochures, cereal boxes – show them that print is everywhere
 Reminder about Bookbug Sessions – free, at local library
 Reminder to sign up for Bookbug Alerts – information on inside
of Parent Guide cover
Sample Script for delivering Bookbug Toddler Pack
The Bookbug Toddler pack is a great follow up to your Bookbug Baby Bag. It has two new
books, a parent guide, some crayons and a story book pad for your child to make their own
drawings. Children will love making marks with the crayons. Read a story and encourage
your toddler to draw their own picture.
Toddlers are ready for slightly longer stories. We really think your toddler will enjoy the
books in the pack. Take time looking at the pictures in the book and asking your toddler to
point things out. Reading with your toddler is helping to develop their vocabulary and also
concentration and listening skills.
Toddlers are developing their own sense of humour and their own preferences. You can
take your toddler to the library so they can explore other books. Have fun with rhymes and
silly stories. Look for books, songs and rhymes that let your toddler get involved with actions
and activities.