Vermont Inservice and Continuing Education

VICE Bylaws
Vermont Inservice and Continuing Education
Vermont Inservice and Continuing Education is a multidisciplinary group that encompasses
Vermont and surrounding regions in networking for staff development for healthcare and
hereafter referred to as VICE, an affiliate of National Nursing Staff Development Organization
Section I - Purpose:
The purpose of VICE is to act as an official organization for, and in support of, all educators in
healthcare settings. As a not-for-profit organization established and organized exclusively for
educational purposes; VICE shall be conducted so that no part of its income or earnings will
inure to the benefit of any member.
Section II - Objectives:
VICE accomplishes this through the following objectives:
1. Facilitating professional networking among healthcare educators.
2. Providing a venue for sharing of education and resources.
3. Providing educational opportunities for members’ professional growth.
4. Promoting development of evidence based educational standards.
Section I - Membership
Persons eligible for membership in VICE are those whose primary responsibilities are for staff
development and/or continuing education in health care.
Section II - Establishment of Membership:
•Active membership is established on payment of dues. New members may join at any
time; dues are not prorated.
•Associate members are non-paid members who shall not hold office or chair
committees, and do not have voting privileges. They may participate for a trial period of 6
months, after which they will be expected to become paid members.
Section III – Voting and Election of Officers:
As revised June 11, 2010
VICE Bylaws
1. The officers of VICE shall be a President, President-elect, Secretary and Treasurer. The
President's position may be co-chaired.
2. Each elected officer of VICE must be an active member.
3. Officers may serve two (2) consecutive terms.
4. Elections shall occur every two years beginning in 2009.
5. Secretary and/or election committee send out call for nominations via email/mail by
August 1stof an election year.
6. Nominations must be submitted to the Secretary and/or election committee by September
1st of an election year.
7. Secretary and/or election committee sends the candidates notice that they have been
nominated. Candidates notify Secretary of their acceptance within two weeks.
8. Secretary and/or election committee enters candidates’ name on an electronic ballot or
paper ballot for distribution to all active members.
9. Active members vote anonymously for candidates electronically or by closed paper ballot
at least one week prior to annual Fall meeting.
10. Secretary and/or election committee are responsible for tallying and reporting election
11. Election results are announced at the annual Fall meeting.
12. All officers assume office at the first meeting of the subsequent calendar year.
Section IV: Termination of Membership
Membership in the organization may be terminated by the officers of the organization for failure
to pay dues or non-compliance with any pertinent provisions of the bylaws, rules, and regulations
of VICE.
Section V: Duties of Officers:
 is the chief executive officer of VICE
 presides at all meetings of VICE
 coordinates the activities of VICE
 sets the agenda for each meeting and sends a meeting reminder
 appoints the chairpersons of committees as authorized by the Executive
 performs such duties as may from time to time be directed by the Executive
 the President or designee acts as spokesperson representing VICE
 is a member of NNSDO
2. President-elect:
 acts in the absence or incapacity of the President
 performs such duties as the Executive Committee shall direct
 coordinates program planning with members
 is a member of NNSDO
3. Secretary:
 records and distributes minutes and all communications to the membership.
As revised June 11, 2010
VICE Bylaws
Makes minutes available within thirty (30) days following a meeting of VICE
4. Treasurer:
 receives, deposits, and maintains records of funds received by VICE
 disburses monies as authorized and maintains records of all disbursements
 at each meeting, provides membership with a summary of receipts and
 maintains a roster of currently paid members
 oversees the audit of the books as directed by the Executive Committee.
Members may call for audit
5. Executive Committee:
 consists of the four (4) officers of VICE
 President serves as chairperson of the Executive Committee
 represents VICE to NNSDO and other organized professional groups with
related missions and goals.
 designates the standing committees at the first meeting of the year, and defines
the functions of such committees
o the President shall appoint the chairperson of each committee
o if a vacancy should occur, the President shall fill each vacancy by
appointment; the appointed member serves until the time of the next election
Section I - Calendar Year:
The fiscal year will be from January 1 to December 31st.
Section II - Meetings:
1. VICE shall meet every month on the second Thursday unless the active membership
deems otherwise. The President or Secretary shall send a notice of the meeting with the
meeting’s agenda prior to the meeting date.
2. Special meetings or additional meetings shall be called at the request of the President or
upon request by three (3) or more members of the organization.
1. Dues are established by majority vote at the annual Fall meeting.
2. Membership dues are due by January 31st of the subsequent year following the Fall
3. VICE pays President and President Elect membership dues to NNSDO.
Section I: Additional Committees
As revised June 11, 2010
VICE Bylaws
Each committee shall consist of a least two (2) members. All standing committees submit annual
reports and such interim reports as may be requested by the President.
These bylaws may be altered, amended, or replaced by a two-thirds vote of the active members
present and voting at any annual Fall meeting of VICE. Any member may suggest changes in
the bylaws. Any proposed bylaw changes shall be sent to the Secretary by August 1st. The
Secretary will send proposed changes to all members at least thirty (30) days prior to voting.
Amendments to the bylaws that are approved by the membership shall become effective as
designated therein.
The organization shall be dissolved upon a two-thirds majority vote of members attending a
membership meeting, responding to a mail ballot, or when formal petition for bankruptcy is
filed. Upon dissolution and after the payment or provision for payment of all liabilities of the
organization, the Executive Committee will dispose of all remaining assets of the organization as
directed by membership majority vote.
As revised June 11, 2010