Herbicide drift into hedgerows: Extent, effects and mitigation Marianne Bruus1, Beate Strandberg1, Christian Kjær1, Per Løfstrøm2, Helle Vibeke Andersen2 1National Environmental Research Institute (NERI), University of Aarhus, Vejlsøvej 25, DK-8600 Silkeborg, Denmark 2 NERI, University of Aarhus, Frederiksborgvej 399, DK-4000 Roskilde, Denmark Email contact: mbp@dmu.dk 1. Background and aim In heavily populated countries like Denmark hedgerows serve not only as protection against wind erosion, but also as ecological refuges with a recreational value. Previous studies have shown considerably more plant species in hedgerow bottoms at organic farms than at conventional farms, indicating that herbicide drift from field spraying may affect plant species composition. Furthermore, some hedgerow trees (e.g. hawthorn and bird cherry) have proved sensitive to very low dosages of herbicides. The aim of the presented studies was to quantify herbicide drift into hedgerows under realistic spraying conditions, compare spray drift values with the sensitivity of hedgerow species to selected herbicides and estimate the effect of various mitigation methods on both hedgerow bottom vegetation and fruit yield of hedgerow trees. 2. Methods Herbicide drift into hedgerows was measured on five occasions. Each time the herbicide metsulfuron methyl and/or the dye marker sodium fluorescein were applied by tractor in five tracks parallel to the hedgerow. Spray deposit was measured at different height both on masts in the field and in the hedgerow. A drift model was established to calculate the vertical distribution of spray drift in hedgerows under varying spraying conditions such as time of spraying, choice of nozzles and nozzle pressure and introduction of unsprayed buffer zones. Herbicide effects on hedgerow bottom flora were studied by sowing a mixture of 33 selected species in 2001 and subsequently treating the field with low glyphosate dosages every year. 10 replicates of each treatment were established. Glyphosate effects were measured as number of species, species composition and cover and biomass of single species. Our knowledge of the sensitivity of common hedgerow trees to herbicides was extended by exposing Swedish whitebeam and elder to low dosages of metsulfuron methyl and measuring the effect on fruit yield. 3. Results and discussion 1.1. Herbicide drift and mitigation methods The drift measurements showed large variations, but nevertheless a very clear pattern. Spraying close to the hedgerow resulted in herbicide drift mainly to the lower parts of the hedgerow, whereas herbicide applied far from the hedgerow was more evenly distributed in the hedgerow (Figure 1). As a consequence unsprayed buffer zones will mainly reduce deposition in the lower part of the hedgerow (Figure 1). In contrast, chosing drift reducing nozzles (e.g AI 11004) or nozzle pressure (1 atm vs. 3 atm) will reduce spray deposition at all heights of the hedgerow, as will spraying at times when wind speed is low and air humidity high, i.e. early in the morning (Figure 1). Buffer zone 0m 3m 6m 24 m 6 4 2 0 B 8 Nozzle type and pressure XR 11002, 3 atm XR 11002, 1 atm AI 11004, 3 atm 6 4 2 2 4 6 8 10 Metsulfuron deposition, ng/cm 12 2 8 Time of spraying 6 am 11 am 4 pm 6 4 2 0 0 0 C Height in hedgerow, m 8 Height in hedgerow, m Height in hedgerow, m A 0 2 4 6 8 10 12 Metsulfuron deposition, ng/cm 14 2 0 2 4 6 8 10 12 Metsulfuron deposition, ng/cm 14 2 Figure 1. Estimated effects of unsprayed buffer zones (A), nozzle type and pressure (B) and time of spraying (C) on herbicide deposition in hedgerow. The graphs show how deposition varies with height. It is also worth noting that the spray drift measured in the present study significantly exceeds the spray drift values commonly used in relation to risk assessment. 1.2. Effects of herbicide drift on hedgerow bottom vegetation Drift-relevant dosages of glyphosate had very different effects on the biomass of single species. Grasses were generally less sensitive than dicot species, and sheep’s fescue even increased in biomass because it was less sensitive to glyphosate than normally more competitive grass species like couch grass and common bent grass (Figure 2). Consequently, glyphosate affected the species composition and the number of species present. C 2 100 Number of species/0.5m B 50 2 Biomass (g d.w./0.5m ) A 80 30 60 Cover (%) 40 20 20 10 0 40 0 14,4 72 0 360 Glyphosate application (g a.i./ha) 0 14,4 72 8 7 6 5 4 3 360 21-03-2005 2005 Glyphosate application (g a.i./ha) 2006 21-03-2007 2007 glyphosate 0 g a.i./ha glyphosate 14,4 g a.i./ha glyphosate 72 g a.i./ha glyphosate 360 g a.i./ha common bentgrass (Agrostis capillaris) sheep's fescue (Festuc ovina) couch grass (Elytrigia repens) other species bare soil couch grass (Elytrigia repens) sheep's fescue (Festuca ovina) common bentgrass (Agrostis capillaris) 21-03-2006 Figure 2. Effects of low dosages of glyphosate on biomass of single species (A), species composition (B) and number of species (C) within experimentally established field plots. The experiment was established in 2001 and had been treated with glyphosate (0, 14.4, 72 and 360 g a.i./ha) and nitrogen fertilizer (100 kg N/ha) every year in May. Figure A and B show data from 2007, i.e. after six treatments, and figure C shows data from the years 2005-2007. The arrows at figure C show the time of glyphosate application. 1.3. Effects of herbicide drift on fruit yield of hedgerow trees Elder was almost as sensitive as hawthorn to metsulfuron methyl, whereas Swedish whitebeam was somewhat less sensitive. Due to the diffences between species in sensitivity and the in vertical distribution of fruits, elder and hawthorn benefit more from the described spray drift reducing measures than does Swedish whitebeam (Figure 3). 0,8 0,6 0,4 0,2 0,0 0 6 Unsprayed buffer zone, m 24 C 1,0 0,8 Relative fruit yield B 1,0 Relative fruit yield Relative fruit yield A 0,6 0,4 0,2 0,0 XR 11002, 3 atm XR11002, 1 atm AI 11004, 3 atm Nozzle type and pressure 1,0 0,8 0,6 0,4 0,2 0,0 6 am 11 am 4 pm Time of spraying Hawthorn Swedish whitebeam Elder Figure 3. Effects of unsprayed buffer zones (A), nozzle type and pressure (B) and time of spraying (C) on fruit yield of hawthorn, Swedish whitebeam and elder relative to fruit yield of unsprayed trees. 4. Conclusions Both hedge bottom flora and hedgerow trees may be affected by herbicide spray drift from field spraying. Effects may be reduced by various measures. Unsprayed buffer zones will reduce effects mainly on hedgerow bottom flora, whereas drift reducing nozzles and pressure as well as early morning-spraying will benefit both hedgerow bottom flora and fruit yield of hedgerow trees. Acknowledgement – The research described was supported by the Danish National Environmental Protection Agency.