ASSIGNMENT 7: Unsolicited Planning Proposal Assignment (Group)

Unsolicited Planning Proposal Assignment (Group)
Task #1: Read Proposals section in your handbook p. 420-439
Grading Criteria:
 Your outline:
o I will look for how you constructed it
o Is the outline complete
o Does it follow the normal conventions of an outline (you will have several
examples to follow)
 For your abstract/summary,
o I will look for how you constructed it
o Does the abstract/summary follow the normal conventions of a summary
(think annotated bib and the web site link on Summary Information)
o Is the abstract/summary complete
o Is the abstract/summary written logically with few, if any correctness
Task #2: Instructions for the Unsolicited Planning Proposal Assignment (Group)
Please note that this is a major assignment involving research. This is a group
assignment, so I will expect each group member to participate equally in the meetings,
design, and implementation of this assignment. Please read all of these instructions. You
will need to do this assignment over the next several weeks; plan your time wisely; do not
plan on being able to do this assignment in one evening.
Individual Log: I want you to individually keep a log of the meetings and events in
which you participated. This should include any phone call, email exchanges, and
meetings. Include the date, time, participants and subject of discussion (you can leave out
the social stuff ).
Here are the instructions for the Unsolicited Planning Proposal Assignment. I am giving
you the directions for this Unsolicited Planning Proposal Assignment in this file so you
can read and become familiar with this assignment now. This initial task has no point
value at this time. This is just to familiarize the group with the outline structure.
You may wish to consult the following websites for additional information on proposal
http :// select the “Proposals” link
Description of the Unsolicited Planning Proposal Assignment: (major portions of this
assignment come from Judy Hauser DMACC 2004)
Write an original researched-based unsolicited planning proposal in report format that is a
minimum of 4 single-spaced pages (excluding document supplements and Works
Cited/Reference page). Be sure to accurately cite sources. Any questions see me, after
you’ve checked other sources – links on the web site.
Options for Your Unsolicited Planning Proposal:
1. Present an idea to city government leaders to add, improve, or remove something in
or around the city: skateboard park, mountain bike trail, city ordinance, curfew for
minors, the addition of a new mall, etc.
2. Anti-drug, anti-crime, AIDS, pregnancy, gangs, stay in school program, etc. These
presentations are to be given to middle school or upper elementary students. (You may
wish to give them something to take home-pamphlet, bumper sticker (DARE), posters
yard signs, etc.)
3. Proposal to your boss/business about an area/section/department that requires
change, upgrading, renovation, etc. For example, you may wish to implement a wellness
program after work or start an at work daycare). These changes should benefit (profit) the
4. I must approve other suggestions that you may have. If the project does not have my
stamp of approval, you cannot do it.
One of these options must be followed, and you’ll need to let me know which one you’ve
selected. There should be enough flexibility in the options for all of you to find a suitable
topic. Unsolicited Planning Proposals that aren’t derived from this list of options won’t
be accepted.
Requirements for the Unsolicited Planning Proposal Assignment:
1. A minimum of 4 single-spaced pages excluding required and choice documents,
supplements and Works Cited page
2. Written in report format (well-developed paragraphs with parallel structure,
headings, clarity and conciseness) based on outline given below
Created this semester specifically for this class (no revisions of former work)
4. Written for a specific, identifiable audience that is discussed in the Audience and
Use Profile (Aud/Use Profile submitted with memo)
5. Achieved with the following required document supplements: title page, letter of
transmittal, table of contents, and informative abstract
6. Achieved with at least one of the following document supplements of your choice:
list of tables and figures, glossary, and/or appendix
Achieved with a minimum of four visuals
8. Achieved with research from a minimum of three sources, one of which must be
from a professional journal/publication associated with the topic. (I will check sources)
9. Achieved with documentation of primary and secondary sources using proper in-text
citation strategies using any of the following: MLA, APA, Chicago Manual of Style
(CMS is used by business, social sciences, fine arts, and humanities) (This is major and
should be done correctly - see me if you have problems or questions)
Prewriting for the Unsolicited Planning Proposal:
Submit a Justification Memo to me. Your memo should include rationalization for your
topic selection.
Submit an Audience and Use Profile. Be very complete in filling out this document.
Consideration should be given to: audience identity and needs, attitude and personality,
and expectations about the document.
Prewriting: A Justification Memo (see handout/link), which will include a discussion
based on the following three categories found in the sample: Introduction and
Recommendation, Costs and Benefits, and Conclusion.
Include as an addendum your group members, topic, and citation style as noted above.
Outline and Tentative List of Research Sources: Due
Look over this outline carefully. I’ve included suggestions in red. For your outline, you
will substitute the red text with specifics to be included in the written proposal. Your list
of tentative sources is also due on
Outline With Explanatory Notes in Red
Fill out the details for your specific proposal using the following outline. Please be sure
to write in complete sentences. (Do not just recopy this outline, though you should use
the format.) This outline is worth 20 points.
I. Introduction
A. Statement of Problem
Problem is clearly identified
B. Objective
Objective of proposal is clearly identified (i.e., what this proposal trying to accomplish)
C. Sources
Sources of data are clearly identified
Credibility of the research sources are established
D. Details of the Problem
Vivid details of problem help readers understand the problem and arouse the interest and
concern of readers
Can include scope of problem, causes, attitudes of people toward problem, etc.
E. Needs
Helps reader understand why the problem needs to be solved
F. Scope of Proposal (along with limitations and contingencies)
Clearly states what this proposal will cover
Clearly indicates the limitations of this proposal (areas the proposal does not cover)
Clearly indicates any contingencies of this proposal (i.e., will be enacted only given
sufficient funding)
II. Proposed Plan
A. General overview of the proposed plan (solution to problem)
B. Phrases of the Plan (Discussed in a minimum of three phases)
1. Phase One
2. Phase Two
3. Phase Three
Minimum of Three Phases of the Plan are required
Sufficiently and clearly discusses the implementation of the plan in each phase
Plan sufficiently addresses the problem identified in the introduction and is beneficial
C. Costs and Materials
Clear indication of how much the plan will cost (state the costs ∆ exact amounts are
preferable; ballpark estimates may be needed in some cases
Clear indication of the materials needed to execute the plan (state the materials needed,
quantity, etc.)
D. Facilities
Clear indication of the facilities needed to execute the plan (indicate the location and
condition of these facilities-give real locations, addresses, conditions, etc.)
Clear discussion of how planned facilities suit the needs of the plan
E. Personnel
Clear indication of the personnel needed to execute the plan
(Who are contractors, office personnel, etc.? It is preferable to state specific
names, but position titles are ok if names are unavailable, i.e., two in-house
daycare volunteers)
F. Feasibility
Clear statement of why the plan is both practical and realistic
Clear restatement of limitations and contingencies (if needed)
Plan is free from overstatement
G. Benefits
Clear indications of the benefits that will be derived from solving the problem with the
proposed plan
III. Conclusion
A. Summary of Key Points
Clear restatement of the need for the problem to be addressed by this proposal and how
this proposal clearly addresses the
B. Call For Action on the Part of the Reader
Clear indication of what the writer would like the reader to do (write a letter of
endorsement, fund the plan, etc.)
Clear indication of the benefits to the reader for taking the requested action
Tentative List of Research Sources
Construct a list of bibliographic information using a style format used in your field of
study for the three credible research sources that you have located for your report. The
style format could be MLA, APA, Chicago Manual of Style (CMS is used by business,
social sciences, fine arts, and humanities. You can find info on this style at This list is worth 5 points and is
also due
Final Version of Unsolicited Planning Proposal with Document Supplements: Due –
Dead Week (specifically, the day you give your presentation – assigned in class).
Grading Criteria for Final Version of Unsolicited Planning Proposal With Document
Supplements and Documentation:
Final Draft of Unsolicited Planning Proposal Grading Criteria: 102 points
Statement of Problem
Problem is clearly identified
2 points
1 point
Objective of proposal is clearly identified (i.e., what this proposal trying to
Sources of data are clearly identified
Credibility of the research sources are established
1 point
Details of the Problem
2 points
Details of problem are vivid
Details help readers understand the problem
Details help arouse the interest and concern of readers
Details show as well as tell about the problem
Includes appropriate choice of scope of problem, causes, attitudes of
people toward problem, etc.
1 point
Helps reader understand why the problem needs to be solved
Scope of Proposal (along with limitations and contingencies)
2 points
Clearly states what this proposal will cover
Clearly indicates the limitations of this proposal (areas the proposal does
not cover)
Clearly indicates any contingencies of this proposal (i.e., will be enacted
only given sufficient funding)
Proposed Plan
General overview of the proposed plan
1 point
Phase One - details of implementation for this phase are sufficient and
2 points
Phase Two - details of implementation for this phase are sufficient
and clear
2 points
Phase Three - details of implementation for this phase are sufficient
and clear
2 points
Plan sufficiently addresses the problem identified in the introduction and
is beneficial
1 point
Costs and Materials
2 points
Clear indication of how much the plan will cost
Clear indication of the materials needed to execute the plan
2 points
Clear indication of the facilities needed to execute the plan (location and
condition of these facilities given)
2 points
Clear indication of the personnel needed to execute the plan
(Who are contractors, office personnel, etc.? It is preferable
to state specific names, but position titles are ok if names are
unavailable, i.e., two resident watercolor painters)
2 points
Clear statement of why the plan is both practical and realistic
Clear restatement of limitations and contingencies (if needed)
Plan is free of overstatement
2 points
Clear indications of the benefits that will be derived from solving the
problem with the proposed plan
Summary of Key Points
3 points
Clear restatement of the need for the problem to be addressed by this
proposal and how this proposal clearly addresses the problem
Call For Action on the Part of the Reader
4 points
Clear indication of what the writer would like the reader to do (write a
letter of endorsement, fund the plan, etc.)
Clear indication of the benefits to the reader for taking the requested
Document Supplements
Required: Title page, letter of transmittal, table of contents, and informative
6 points
All four required document supplements have been included
All four are formatted properly
Choice (minimum one): List of tables and figures, glossary, and/or
4 points
Choice document supplement has been included
Choice is formatted according to the directions given in
8 points
Research from a minimum of three credible sources has been included
All direct and indirect quotes, ideas, paraphrases, summaries, and evidence has
have been cited with in-text citations (credit sources; don’t plagiarize)
A Works Cited/Reference page with a minimum of three entries that correspond
to in-text citations is included and correctly formatted according to proper format:
10 points
A minimum of four visuals have been included in this proposal
Visuals are numbered, titled, labeled, and referenced in the text of the proposal
Visuals are constructed and placed according to the guidelines given in
Ethics, Style, and Page Design
Proposal is Ethically Acceptable
Level of technicality is appropriate for primary readers
Tone is appropriate
Writing style is clear, concise, and fluent throughout
Language is convincing and precise
Proposal is a minimum of three pages in length (when printed)
Page design is inviting and accessible
Page design conforms to the guidelines
10 points
Spelling, grammar, punctuation, capitalization are correct
30 points
Be sure to proofread. Your audience cannot take action if your document looks or
sounds unprofessional.
Reminder! This is a proposal. Do not recopy the outlined items and hand it in as your
report. Be sure to look over the examples in your handbook other resources for guidance
on how to write your proposal.