Modern Fiction Vocabulary List #4 81) apparition ap·pa·ri·tion noun -a supernatural appearance of a person; a ghost Synonyms: phantom, specter, spirit [ap-uh-rish-uh n] 82) delirium de·lir·i·um [di-leer-ee-uh m] noun -a state of mental confusion; a state of uncontrolled excitement or emotion Synonyms: ardor, frenzy, madness Antonyms: apathy, indifference 83) devour de·vour [di-vour] verb -to consume hungrily, ravenously, destructively, recklessly Synonyms: ingest Antonyms: regurgitate 84) inducement in·duce·ment [in-doos-muh nt, -dyoos-] noun -something that brings about an action or a desired result Synonyms: bait, encouragement, stimulation 85) onslaught noun -a violent attack on·slaught [on-slawt, awn-] 86) pallid pal·lid [pal-id] adjective -pale Synonyms: anemic, bloodless, sallow, uninspired, weak Antonyms: flushed, robust, strong 87) quiver quiv·er [kwiv-er] noun- a case for holding arrows; the arrows in the case verb- to shake with a small but rapid motion Synonyms: tremble, vibrate Modern Fiction 88) repress re-press verb -to keep under control Synonyms: check, quash, subdue Antonym: release [ree-pres] 89) stupor stu·por [stoo-per, styoo-] noun -a state of reduced sensibility; mental numbness Synonyms: bewilderment, lassitude, torpor 90) ventilate ven·ti·late [ven-tl-eyt] verb -to allow air to circulate; to freely give an opinion Synonyms: discuss, scrutinize Antonyms: close 91) acrid ac·rid [ak-rid] adjective - unpleasantly sharp or bitter to the taste or smell Synonyms: astringent, biting, pungent Antonyms: mild, palatable, savory 92) derive de·rive [di-rahyv] verb -to obtain or receive from a source; to arrive at by reasoning Synonyms: conclude, deduce, glean Antonyms: create, invent 93) grievous griev·ous [gree-vuh s] adjective -causing great sorrow; atrocious Synonyms: atrocious, calamitous, lamentable Antonyms: favorable, fortunate, wonderful 94) monotonous mo·not·o·nous [muh-not-n-uh s] adjective - lacking in variety; boring Synonyms: dreary, soporific, unrelieved Modern Fiction Antonyms: interesting, varied 95) mutter mut·ter [muht-er] verb -to speak indistinctly, usually in a negative Synonyms: complain, grumble 96) ostracize os·tra·cize [os-truh-sahyz] verb -to banish; to exclude (from a group) Synonyms: boycott, excommunicate, exile, snub Antonyms: accept, welcome 97) patronizing pa·tron·iz·ing [pey-truh-nahy-zing, pa-] adjective -behaving in an offensively condescending manner Synonyms: arrogant, disdainful, supercilious 98) reminiscence rem·i·nis·cence [rem-uh-nis-uh ns] noun - the act of recalling past experiences, events, etc. Synonyms: memory, nostalgia 99) reverberation re·ver·ber·a·tion noun -an echo-like force or effect Synonyms: repercussion [ri-vur-buh-rey-shuh n] 100) voracity vo·rac·i·ty [vaw-ras-i-tee, voh-, vuh-] noun -the condition of having an insatiable appetite Synonyms: gluttony, greed, ravenousness Antonyms: aversion, disinterestedness, temperance