Articulation Agreement

Articulation Agreement
Chapman University College
2006-2007 Catalog
Folsom Lake College
The following agreement is a guide of Folsom Lake College courses that transfer to Chapman University College and
fulfill requirements for our Bachelor degrees. It is current for the 2006-2007 Chapman University College Catalog and
will be updated annually.
Please note: This agreement does not apply to the Chapman University Orange Campus programs and
requirements. See separate agreement.
The following sections are included based on programs offered at our Folsom or Roseville, CA locations:
General Transfer Information
General Education Requirements
Major Prep by Program
Bachelor of Science – Computer Information Systems
Bachelor of Arts – Criminal Justice
Bachelor of Science – Health Services Management
Bachelor of Arts Liberal Studies
Humanities Emphasis
Multiple Subject Teaching Emphasis
Early Childhood Education Emphasis
Bachelor of Arts – Organizational Leadership
Bachelor of Arts – Psychology
Bachelor of Arts – Social Science
Other degree programs offered at Chapman University College:
Bachelor of Arts – Sociology
September 20, 2006
John Snodgrass, Registrar
Folsom Lake College Articulation Officer
General Transfer Information
Students are generally given full credit for baccalaureate-level courses with the exception of work experience, co-op,
internship, practicum, and preparatory courses. No credit is given for professional, technical or vocational coursework.
Lower division courses approved to meet specific upper division course requirements do not apply to the minimum
upper division credits required for the degree: 21 in the major and 36 overall.
Chapman University College grants credit for a minimum score of 50 earned on selected CLEP and DSST exams
provided they fall within the limitations of credit as outlined in the current catalog. A list of approved exams can be found
on the following website: The listing of exams on the
website does not guarantee acceptance of credit. All students are subject to transfer policies and limitation of credit.
Chapman does not accept exams from other institutions.
A maximum of four credits in physical activity courses and 12 credits in applied dramatic art and music ensembles will
be counted toward the degree. See the current catalog section under Credit Limitations for additional limits to transfer
Up to 46 credits of military coursework can be applied towards general electives. Credit will be determined by the
Registrar’s Office upon admission and receipt of appropriate documentation. See catalog for specific details.
General Education
CSU/IGETC Certification
Chapman University recognizes the full CSU GE and UC IGETC certifications as meeting all Chapman University
College General Education Basic Skills and Breadth requirements provided it is completed prior to matriculation.
Recommendations for certification courses for CSU/UC based on prerequisites and major requirements:
Area A3 Critical Thinking / Area 1B English Communication Critical Thinking
-Writing course under English (courses equivalent to ENGU 104)
Area B4 Mathematics/Quantitative Reasoning / Area 2 Mathematical Concepts and Quantitative Reasoning
-Statistics (courses equivalent to MATU 203 or PSYU 203)
No double counting among GE requirements. Double counting with major requirements is allowed. All approvals listed
include honors versions of the courses.
Course to course
Students who have not completed certification will have coursework applied towards GE requirements based on course
to course approvals. Information on Folsom Lake College courses and their assigned Chapman course equivalency
may be found online at by logging on to Web Advisor for Guests from the QuickLinks or Student
resources menu. To locate Folsom Lake College courses select Search by Institution under Transfer Courses for
University College.
Transfer codes are used for courses that are not exact equivalents to Chapman courses and may be approved for GE,
major, or elective credit. A copy of the coding legend is available online which includes a breakdown of codes used for
specific GE requirements.
Bachelor Degree General Education Requirements – Course equivalencies by requirement
Folsom Lake College
Chapman University College
Basic Skills
ENGWR 300 College Composition
ENGU 103 Freshman Rhetoric
ENGWR 301 College Composition and Literature or
ENGWR 302 Advanced Composition and Critical Thinking or
PHIL 328 Critical Reasoning and Composition
Approved communication course or any course that satisfies areas
A1 or A3 of the CSU Breadth Requirement: COMM 301, 311, 315,
321, 325, 331, 361, ENGWR 301, 302, PHIL 328
MATH 300, 310, 335, 341, 343, 344, 350, 351, 370, 400, 401, 402,
410, 420, PSYC 330, STAT 300
ENGU 104 Writing About Literature
Oral Expression and Critical Thinking: Approved
course in communication or critical thinking
Quantitative Reasoning: MATU 104 or higher
Breadth Requirements
Twelve transferable semester credits in subjects from three of the
following areas: minimum two credits per area.
English, Foreign Languages, Sign Language
Architecture 310, Art, Art History, Comm. Media, Music,
Photo, Theatre Arts
Religious Studies (PHIL 350, 352, 356)
Humanities - 12 credits from a minimum of three
English, Foreign language
Fine Arts (Theater, Music, Film, Dance,
Humanities/Liberal Studies
Religious Studies
Not every course under each area may be accepted. See approved courses
by transfer codes using the course to course search through WebAdvisor.
Approved courses are generally those also approved for CSU Area C.
Six semester credits of transferable coursework from the following
subjects: Anthropology (300, 301), Astronomy, Biology, Chemistry,
Environmental Technology 304, Geography (300, 301, 306)
Geology, Natural Resources 320, Physical Science 302, Physics
Not every course under each area may be accepted. See approved courses
by transfer codes using the course to course search through WebAdvisor.
Approved courses are generally those also approved for CSU Areas B1, B2,
and B3.
Twelve transferable semester credits in subjects from three of the
following areas: minimum two credits per area
Economics, COMM 341, MGMT 360, 362, 372
Political Science, BUS 345
Anthropology (except 300, 301), Geography 310
Sociology, Administration of Justice
Natural Science – 6 credits required (no lab)
CUC approved subjects:
BIOU Biology, CHMU Chemistry,
ESCU Environmental,
FSNU Food Science/Nutrition,
LSCU Life Science, LPSU Life or Physical Science
PHYU Physics, PSCU Physical Science
Social Sciences – 12 credits from a minimum of
three areas
Economics / Organizational Leadership
Political Science
Social Science / other related areas
Sociology / Criminal Justice
Not every course under each area may be accepted. See approved courses
by transfer codes using the course to course search through WebAdvisor.
Approved courses are generally those also approved for CSU Area D
University College Foundations
Must be completed at Chapman
LBSU 300
Writing Proficiency Requirements
Complete at Chapman after the completion of a minimum of 60
credits and ENGU 104 (ENGWR 301, 302 or PHIL 328)
Junior Writing Proficiency Exam
No double counting among GE requirements. Approvals apply towards honors and cross-listed versions of courses listed.
Major prep by program
See current catalog for a complete list of degree requirements
BS Computer Information Systems: Minimum grade of C required.
Offered at Roseville only
Folsom Lake College course
Chapman University College course
MATH 370 Pre-Calculus Mathematics
MATU 104 Pre-calculus Math
STAT 300 Introduction to Probability and Statistics
MATU 203 Introduction to Statistics
CISP 440 Discrete Structures for Computer Science
MATU 250 Discrete Mathematics
ACCT 301 Financial Accounting
ORGU 202 Accounting
CISP 370 Beginning Visual Basic
CSCU 210 Intro to Programming – Visual Basic
CISP 400 Object Oriented Programming with C++
CSCU 230 Computer Programming I
No comparable course
CSCU 252 Computer Architecture I
ECON 302 Principles of Macroeconomics and
ORGU 308 Economics and Organizations*
ECON 304 Principles of Microeconomics
*Lower division courses used to satisfy upper division course requirements and/or content do not count towards the
upper division credit totals required for the degree.
BA Criminal Justice: Minimum grade of C required.
Offered at Folsom, Roseville, and Yuba locations
Folsom Lake College course
SOC 300 Introductory Sociology
PSYC 335 Research Methods in Psychology
No comparable course
ADMJ 300 Introduction to Administration of Justice
ADMJ 320 Concepts of Criminal Law or
BUS 345 Law and Society
Chapman University College course
SOCU 101 Introduction to Sociology
SOCU 201 Social Research Design
ETHICS: Global, Business, or Multicultural *
(PHLU/RELU 120, PHLU 316/OLCU 350, PHLU 304,
RELU 375)
CJCU 250 Introduction to the Administration of Criminal
POSU 240 Introduction to Law
Criminal Justice Institutions:
ADMJ 340 Introduction to Correctional Services
CJCU 380 Corrections*
ADMJ 305 Community Relations
CJCU 403 Police and Society*
Select six credits from the following list of approved
Major electives (9 credits)*
Six credits of lower division electives allowed
ADMJ 304, 322, 323, 330, 331, 332, 341, 342, 343,
344, 345, 346, 370
BUS 330, COMM 341
MGMT 308, 360, 362, 372
POLS 301, 302, 310
PSYC 300, 312, 320, 330, 340, 354, 356, 360, 372
SOC 301, 310, 321, 335
*Lower division courses used to satisfy upper division course requirements and/or content do not count towards the
upper division credit totals required for the degree.
BS Health Services Management
Offered at the Roseville location
Folsom Lake College course
STAT 300 Introduction to Probability and Statistics
Chapman University College course
MATU 203 Introduction to Statistics
Transfer credit for Registered Nurses: Registered nurses can receive a maximum of 64 semester credits for coursework
and training leading to their associate degree in nursing.
BA Liberal Studies – Multiple Subjects Teaching Emphasis
Offered at the Folsom, Roseville and Yuba locations
Folsom Lake College course
ART 430 Art and Children
ECE 350 Introduction to Elementary Teaching with
Field Experience
ENGLT 370 Children and Literature
ENGED 305 Structure of English
POLS 301 Introduction to Government: United States
HIST 344 Survey of California History: A Multicultural
MATH 310 Mathematical Discovery
FCS 312 Child Development or
PSYC 372 Child Development
ENGLT 303, 310, 311, 320, 321, 339, 340,
341, 345, 360
No comparable course (writing)
COMM 325 Intercultural Communication
SOC 300 Introductory Sociology
HIST 307or HIST 308
No comparable course
Chapman University College course
ARTU 450 Teaching the Visual Arts
EDUU 395 Education Field Experience
ENGU 450 Literature of Children and Young Adults*
ENGU 471 Introduction to Linguistics*
POSU 110 Intro to American Politics
HIST 372 California History*
MATU 206 Math for Elementary School Teachers
PSYU 323 Child Development*
+Depth of Study – Language Arts
Literature course (English or other language)
Advance writing course (200 level or >, excluding
ENGU 300)*
COMU 315 Intercultural Communication*
+Depth of Study – Social Science
SOCU 101 Introduction to Sociology
One approved World or Western Civ. course
One upper division history or political science
+Depth of Study – Early Childhood Education
Nine credits from approved Early Childhood
Education courses
*Lower division courses used to satisfy upper division course requirements and/or content do not count towards the
upper division credit totals required for the degree. A minimum of 21 credits of upper division coursework is required in
the major. Completing every option on this grid will require additional coursework in the major at the upper division
+Only one Depth of Study required in the major.
ECE 300, 302, 320, 321, 330, 331, 356, 361,
364, 400, 402, 404, 415, 430
BA Liberal Studies – Humanities Emphasis: Minimum grade of C or higher.
Offered at the Folsom, Roseville, and Yuba locations
Folsom Lake College course
One literature course from the following:
ENGLT 303, 309, 310, 311, 320, 321, 339, 340, 341,
345, 360, 370
No comparable course
Chapman University College course
Literature course 200 level or higher*
COMM 325 Intercultural Communication
POLS 301 Introduction to Government: United States
COMU 315 Intercultural Communication*
POSU 110 Introduction to American Politics
ETHICS: Global, Business, or Multicultural *
(PHLU/RELU 120, PHLU 316/OLCU 350, PHLU 304,
RELU 375)
Humanities Concentration (12 credits)
Choose the concentration from the following areas: Art,
English, Foreign Languages, History, Humanities, Liberal
Studies, Music, Philosophy, religious studies.
One lower division course allowed.
No comparable course
One lower division course is allowed in the area
selected. Course cannot double count with other major
requirements. Subjects offered at FLC include: Art,
English, History, Humanities, Music, Philosophy, and
Religion (see approved PHIL courses)
Advanced Writing Course 200 level or higher*
*Lower division courses used to satisfy upper division course requirements and/or content do not count towards the
upper division credit totals required for the degree.
BA Liberal Studies – Early Childhood Development Emphasis
Offered at the Folsom, Roseville and Yuba locations
Folsom Lake College course
PSYC 300 General Principles
FSC 312 Child Development or
PSYC 372 Child Development
Chapman University College course
PSYU 101 Introduction to Psychology
PSYU 323 Child Development*
Cross-Cultural: Three credits
COMU 315 Intercultural Communications* or
PSYU 421 Cross-Cultural Psychology*
Eligible electives offered at Folsom Lake College:
Major electives: Six credits from the following:
ART 430, ECE 361, ECE 364, ENGLT 370, MATH 310, ARTU 450*, ENGU 450*, LBSU 310*, MATU 206, MUSU
*Lower division courses used to satisfy upper division course requirements and/or content do not count towards the
upper division credit totals required for the degree.
COMM 325 Intercultural Communication
No comparable course
BA Organizational Leadership: Minimum grade of C- required.
Offered at the Roseville and Yuba locations
Folsom Lake College course
Chapman University College course
Upper division courses only. Exceptions done on
Foundation (12 credits) and Competencies (12 credits)
individual student basis with Division Chair.
Select nine credits from the following list of approved
Electives/Emphasis Area (18 credits)*
Nine credits of lower division electives allowed
ACCT 301, 311,
ADMJ 343, 344
BUS 300, 330, 340, 341
COMM 315, 331, 341
CISA 330, 331, 340
ECE 420
ECON 302, 304
MGMT 308, 360, 362, 372
MKT 300
*Lower division courses used to satisfy upper division course requirements and/or content do not count towards the
upper division credit totals required for the degree.
BA Psychology: Minimum grade of C required.
Offered at the Folsom, Roseville and Yuba locations
Folsom Lake College course
Chapman University College course
PSYC 300 General Principles
PSYU 101 Introduction to Psychology
PSYC 330 Intro Statistics for the Behavioral Sciences
PSYU 203 Statistics for the Behavioral Sciences
or STAT 300 Introduction to Probability and Statistics
PSYC 335 Research Methods in Psychology
PSYU 304 Research Methods for the Behav Sciences*
PSYC 312 Biological Psychology
PSYU 333 Physiological Psychology*
Select six credits from the following list of approved
Major electives (24 credits)*
Six credits of lower division electives allowed
PSYC 320, 340, 356, 360, 372
*Lower division courses used to satisfy upper division course requirements and/or content do not count towards the
upper division credit totals required for the degree.
BA Social Science
Offered at the Folsom, Roseville and Yuba locations
Folsom Lake College course
SOC 300 Introductory Sociology
PSYC 300 General Principles
PSYC 335 Research Methods in Psychology
Chapman University College course
SOCU 101 Introduction to Sociology
PSYU 101 Introduction to Psychology
SOCU 201 Social Research Design or
PSYU 304 Research Methods*
*Lower division courses used to satisfy upper division course requirements and/or content do not count towards the
upper division credit totals required for the degree.