NYC Parks and Recreation Natural Resources Group Breeding Bird Classification System Rules and Guidelines for Breeding Bird Surveys Adopted May 2000 Data is collected and analyzed using a modified protocol fashioned from regulations established by the National Audubon Society and the Cornell Laboratory of Ornithology for bird censusing. The created methodology used for collection of data is very similar to the one developed for the Saw Mill Creek Breeding Bird Surveys from 1992-1994 (Aquila, 1995). It is a composite methodology that relies heavily on two sources of breeding bird standards. It incorporates the classification system developed by the Federation of New York State Bird Clubs (Federation of New York State Bird Clubs, 2000) and the mapping system developed by the National Audubon Society (Robbins, 1970). Our system fuses the two systems together in this way: any “mapped territory” as defined under the Audubon system constitutes a “Confirmed Breeding” status under the New York State Federation of Bird Clubs classification system. A Spring Breeding Bird survey consists of eight separate visits to the site between the dates of May 15 and June 30. Previous surveys performed by NRG have begun in the morning hours between 4:30 AM and 7:30 AM, and finished between 12:00 NOON and 2:15 PM. Since many of the birds are located by their singing/calling, the surveys began early, when many of the birds reach their peak vocal activity, roughly, 30 minutes after sunrise (Ralph, et. al, 1993). Using the National Audubon Society’s methods for mapping in bird census work, we map each observation. When located, either by sight or sound, each bird is plotted on a map; preferably at 1”=200’ scale. The map should consists of an aerial photographic base and a symbol layer. Each species of bird is given a preset abbreviation that was marked on the map. Another symbol is then given, indicating the behavior or movement of the individual bird. This system is instrumental in determining the breeding status of birds and in marking individual territories. Recording bird behavior is also helpful in distinguishing the non-breeders or “flybys” from those birds that were utilizing the marsh for a reason related to their breeding status. According to our classification system from the methods provided by the New York State Federation of Bird Clubs and the National Audubon Society system, bird behavior is categorized under three classes: “Confirmed”, “Probable” and “Possible”. To confirm the breeding of an individual bird in Saw Mill Creek Preserve, any of the following specified conditions had to be met: 1. Observing territorial behavior of the bird on consecutive dates towards humans and other birds upon approaching territory, or vocalization from locations around the perimeter of its territory three (3) or more consecutive dates. 2. Two (2) or more of the consecutive sightings must occur in the month of June. 3. Discovery of an active nest, eggs, or observation of a bird carrying food or a fecal sac, or, in the case of most bird species, carrying nesting material automatically confirms the bird as a breeder without having to meet the above requirements. Bird Survey Guidelines New York City Department of Parks & Recreation Natural Resources Group Prepared by: Carl W. Alderson & Philip A.Brown May 2000 For an individual bird to be listed as possessing “Probable” status, it had to meet any of the following conditions: 1. Observation of a singing male on more than one (1) date in the same place. 2. Observation of a pair of the same species during the breeding period suitable for the given species. 3. Observation of territorial behavior displayed by a single bird or a pair of the same species. 4. Observation of courtship or display, agitated or anxious behavior. 5. Observation of nest building (does not apply for all species). For an individual bird to be listed as possessing “Possible” status, it had to meet the following condition: 1. Observation of a species in a possible nesting habitat, but having no other indications of breeding. Birds seen that do not possess any category of breeding status are listed under a different set of conditions, which were created for this survey. Birds listed under these categories may have or may have not met any of the conditions listed above. The categories considered include “Non-breeding”, “Locally Breeding”, and “Migrant”. For an individual bird to be listed as “Non-breeding”, they have to meet the following conditions: 1. Observation of a species that is not known to breed in the region (Arthur Kill Waterway complex). 2. The individual did not indicate any signs of being a migrant (see below). 3. The individual did not meet any of the conditions to be considered for breeding status. 4. The individual demonstrated the capacity to linger in the area. (ex.- juvenile or injured bird) For an individual bird to be listed as “Locally Breeding”, it has to meet the following conditions: 1. Observation of a species that has been known to breed in the region (Arthur Kill Waterway complex). 2. The individual did not meet the conditions of a “Confirmed” breeding bird species. Bird Survey Guidelines New York City Department of Parks & Recreation Natural Resources Group Prepared by: Carl W. Alderson & Philip A.Brown May 2000 For an individual to be listed as “Migrant”, it has to meet the following conditions: 1. Observation of a species that is known to have a migration pattern through the area during the given time period. 2. The individual exhibited characteristics of a migrating bird. 3. The individual bird demonstrated the capacity to leave the region via migration. KEY – Behavioral Symbols for use in field. Perching, Sitting, Floating on water Singing, Calling on territory Nesting Foraging Circling Flying LITERATURE CITED: Aquila, C. 1993. The Breeding Bird Census at Saw Mill Creek, 1992. Internal Report to New York City Department of Parks and Recreation, Natural Resources Group. Aquila, C. 1994. The Breeding Bird Census at Saw Mill Creek, 1993. Internal Report to New York City Department of Parks and Recreation, Natural Resources Group. Aquila, C. 1995. The Breeding Bird Census at Saw Mill Creek, 1994. Internal Report to New York City Department of Parks and Recreation, Natural Resources Group. Aquila, C.D. 1995. Intertidal Salt Marsh. Resident Bird Counts: Supplement to Journal of Field Ornithology. 66 (4):101. American Field Ornithologists. Bird Survey Guidelines New York City Department of Parks & Recreation Natural Resources Group Prepared by: Carl W. Alderson & Philip A.Brown May 2000 Aquila, C.D., Alderson, C. 1994. Intertidal Salt Marsh. Resident Bird Counts: Supplement to Journal of Field Ornithology. 65 (2):108-109. American Field Ornithologists. Aquila, C.D. 1993. Intertidal Salt Marsh. Resident Bird Counts: Supplement to Journal of Field Ornithology. 64 (1):93-94. American Field Ornithologists. Aquila, C.D. Personal communication. Cornell Laboratory of Ornithology. Date??? Instructions for the Breeding Bird Census. Provided by James Lowe of the Cornell Laboratory of Ornithology. Federation of New York State Bird Clubs. February 2000. New York State Breeding Bird Atlas: Handbook for Workers. Federation of New York State Bird Clubs and New York State Department of Environmental Conservation. Kerlinger, P. 1997. The New York City Audubon Society Harbor Estuary Ecosystem Study: Nesting Population of Aquatic Birds of the New York Harbor, 1997. NYC Audubon, Internal Report. New York State Department of Environmental Conservation, Division of Fish, Wildlife, and Marine Resources, Endangered Species Home Page. “List of Endangered, Threatened, and Special Concern Fish & Wildlife Species of New York State”. Last modified: 6/28/00 Ralph, C.J., Geupel, G.R., Pyle, P., Martin, T.E., DeSante, D.F. 1993. Handbook of Field Methods for Monitoring Landbirds. Albany, CA: Pacific Southwest Research Station, Forest Service, U.S. Department of Agriculture. Robbins, Chandler S. 1970. Recommendations for an International Standard for a Mapping Method in Bird Census Work. Audubon Field Notes 24 (6):723-26. The National Audubon Society. Staten Island Institute of Arts and Sciences, personal communication. Staten Island Institute of Arts and Sciences, Section of Natural History, Committee compilation. 2000. The Birds of Staten Island. Staten Island, NY. Terres, J.K. 1980. The Audubon Society Encyclopedia of North American Birds. Alfred A. Knopf, New York. Bird Survey Guidelines New York City Department of Parks & Recreation Natural Resources Group Prepared by: Carl W. Alderson & Philip A.Brown May 2000 KEY: - Standard Abbreviations for use in the field. USGS Classification 2001. SPECIES COMMON NAME 465 466.1 225 190 133 221 488 529 139 360 286 697 687 761 559 125 137 228 118 71 173 13 92 241 352 507 616 365 613 368 152 250 660 390 27 216 163 ALPHA CODE Acadian Flycatcher ACFL Alder Flycatcher ALFL American Avocet AMAV American Bittern AMBI American Black Duck ABDU American Coot AMCO American Crow AMCR American Goldfinch AMGO American Green-winged Teal AGWT American Kestrel AMKE American Oystercatcher AMOY American Pipit AMPI American Redstart AMRE American Robin AMRO American Tree Sparrow ATSP American White Pelican AWPE American Wigeon AMWI American Woodcock AMWO Anhinga ANHI Arctic Tern ARTE Atlantic Brant ATBR Atlantic Puffin ATPU Audubon's Shearwater AUSH Baird's Sandpiper BASA Bald Eagle BAEA Baltimore Oriole BAOR Bank Swallow BANS Barn Owl BNOW Barn Swallow BARS Barred Owl BDOW Barrow's Goldeneye BAGO Bar-tailed Godwit BARG Bay-breasted Warbler BBWA Belted Kingfisher BEKI Black Guillemot BLGU Black Rail BLRA Black Scoter BLSC Bird Survey Guidelines New York City Department of Parks & Recreation Natural Resources Group BAND SIZE 0 0A 0A 4 4A F6 M7A 7A 6 5 0 0A 1C 4 4A 3B 5 1 0A 0 2 0 1C 9 9C 6 3 8 2 1A 7B 5 3A 3B 1B 1A 9 1A 0 6 7A 0 1C 7B 7A M 4 F 4A 0 1C 0A 3B 3A 4 2 1A 7A Prepared by: Carl W. Alderson & Philip A.Brown May 2000 80 77 326 636 400 270 388 662 735 202 596 55.1 40 226 661 654 667 597 477 751 140 Black Skimmer Black Tern Black Vulture Black-and-White Warbler Black-backed Woodpecker Black-bellied Plover Black-billed Cuckoo Blackburnian Warbler Black-capped Chickadee Black-crowned Night-Heron Black-headed Grosbeak Black-headed Gull Black-legged Kittiwake Black-necked Stilt Blackpoll Warbler Black-throated Blue Warbler Black-throated Green Warbler Blue Grosbeak Blue Jay Blue-gray Gnatcatcher Blue-winged Teal BLSK BLTE BLVU BAWW BBWO BBPL BBCU BLBW BCCH BCNH BHGR BHGU BLKI BNST BLPW BTBW BTNW BLGR BLJA BGGN BWTE 641 513 494 Blue-winged Warbler Boat-tailed Grackle Bobolink BWWA BTGR BOBO 60 740 641.2 343 726 126 705 495 Bonaparte's Gull Boreal Chickadee Brewster's Warbler Broad-winged Hawk Brown Creeper Brown Pelican Brown Thrasher Brown-headed Cowbird BOGU BOCH BRWA BWHA BRCR BRPE BRTH BHCO 262 153 172 686 147 650 736 Buff-breasted Sandpiper Bufflehead Canada Goose Canada Warbler Canvasback Cape May Warbler Carolina Chickadee BBSA BUFF CAGO CAWA CANV CMWA CACH Bird Survey Guidelines New York City Department of Parks & Recreation Natural Resources Group 4 2 1A 7V 0 0A 1C 2 3B 2 0 0A 0 1C 7A 1A 5 4A 4 3A 0 1C 0A 0 0A 0A 0 1B 23 0A M 5 4A, F 4A 5 0A 0 M 4, F 3 M 1A, F 1B 3 3B 0 0A 0A 0 56 0A 0 8A 9 8 23 M 1A, F 1B 1A 5 8 0 0A 7A 0 0A 1C 0 0A 1C Prepared by: Carl W. Alderson & Philip A.Brown May 2000 718 64 200.1 619 658 659 423 560 416 211 561 612 159 151 511 7 129 219 30 420 486 528 230 70 681 678 333 88 244 CARW CATE CAEG CEDW CERW CSWA CHSW CHSP CWWI CLRA CCSP CLSW COEI COGO COGR COLO COME COMO COMU CONI CORA CORE COSN COTE COYE CONW COHA COSH CUSA DEJU 1B 5 4A 6 1B 0A 0 0A 0 1B 0 oA 3 5 0 1C 1 7A 6 3 3B 89 7A 56 6M 2 1A 6 7A 0 0A 3 2 0 1C 0A 1C 1 M4F56 4 1A 604 120 34 394 243 766 444 501 Carolina Wren Caspian Tern Cattle Egret Cedar Waxwing Cerulean Warbler Chestnut-sided Warbler Chimney Swift Chipping Sparrow Chuck-will's-widow Clapper Rail Clay-colored Sparrow Cliff Swallow Common Eider Common Goldeneye Common Grackle Common Loon Common Merganser Common Moorhen Common Murre Common Nighthawk Common Raven Common Redpoll Common Snipe Common Tern Common Yellowthroat Connecticut Warbler Cooper's Hawk Cory's Shearwater Curlew Sandpiper Dark-eyed Junco(USGS=slate-colored) Dickcissel Double-crested Cormorant Dovekie Downy Woodpecker Dunlin Eastern Bluebird Eastern Kingbird Eastern Meadowlark DICK DCCO DOVE DOWO DUNL EABL EAKI EAME 456 373 Eastern Phoebe Eastern Screech-Owl EAPH EASO 1B 8 7B 3 1B 1A 1B 1B 1 1B M 3, F 2 3 0 1C 1 5 4A Bird Survey Guidelines New York City Department of Parks & Recreation Natural Resources Group Prepared by: Carl W. Alderson & Philip A.Brown May 2000 587 Eastern Towhee EATO 461 136 493 514 563 490 69 585 178 135 42 186 349 748 642 546 704 757 47 194 119 452 196 375 35 148 89 169.9 254 201 63 354 393 155 547 759 51 131 684 3 Eastern Wood-Pewee Eurasian Wigeon European Starling Evening Grosbeak Field Sparrow Fish Crow Forster's Tern Fox Sparrow Fulvous Whistling-Duck Gadwall Glaucous Gull Glossy Ibis Golden Eagle Golden-crowned Kinglet Golden-winged Warbler Grasshopper Sparrow Gray Catbird Gray-cheeked Thrush Great Black-backed Gull Great Blue Heron Great Cormorant Great Crested Flycatcher Great Egret Great Horned Owl Great Skua Greater Scaup Greater Shearwater Greater Snow Goose Greater Yellowlegs Green Heron Gull-billed Tern Gyrfalcon Hairy Woodpecker Harlequin Duck Henslow's Sparrow Hermit Thrush Herring Gull Hooded Merganser Hooded Warbler Horned Grebe EAWP EUWI EUST EVGR FISP FICR FOTE FOSP FUWD GADW GLGU GLIB GOEA GCKI GWWA GRSP GRCA GCTH GBBG GBHE GRCO GCFL GREG GHOW GRSK GRSC GRSH GSGO GRYE GRHE GBTE GYRF HAWO HARD HESP HETH HERG HOME HOWA HOGR Bird Survey Guidelines New York City Department of Parks & Recreation Natural Resources Group M 2 1A, F 1A 2 0 0A 6 23 1A 2 0 1 0A 4A 3 1A 1B 7A 6 6 7A 6 6 9 0A 0A 0 1C 1 1A 1B 7B 7A 7B 8 1A 1B 7A 7B 89 7A 7B 65 6 7B 3 3B 5 3B 7B 1A 2 5 0 1C 1B 1 6 56 0 1C 65 Prepared by: Carl W. Alderson & Philip A.Brown May 2000 474 519 688.2 721 251 43 598 677 273 162 208 536 552 58 641.3 106 191 467 242 74 50 272.9 149 255 583 200 60.1 622 232 366 154 676 657 132 132.6 90 249 725 357 316 679 178.2 Horned Lark House Finch House Sparrow House Wren Hudsonian Godwit Iceland Gull Indigo Bunting Kentucky Warbler Killdeer King Eider King Rail Lapland Longspur Lark Sparrow Laughing Gull Lawrence's Warbler Leach's Storm-Petrel Least Bittern Least Flycatcher Least Sandpiper Least Tern Lesser Black-backed Gull Lesser Golden-Plover Lesser Scaup Lesser Yellowlegs Lincoln's Sparrow Little Blue Heron Little Gull Loggerhead Shrike Long-billed Dowitcher Long-eared Owl Long-tailed Duck Louisiana Waterthrush Magnolia Warbler Mallard Mallard x Black Duck Hybrid Manx Shearwater Marbled Godwit Marsh Wren Merlin Mourning Dove Mourning Warbler Mute Swan Bird Survey Guidelines New York City Department of Parks & Recreation Natural Resources Group HOLA HOFI HOSP HOWR HUGO ICGU INBU KEWA KILL KIEI KIRA LALO LASP LAGU LAWA LHSP LEBI LEFL LESA LETE LBBG LEGP LESC LEYE LISP LBHE LIGU LOSH LBDO LEOW LTDU LOWA MAWA MALL MBDH MASH MAGO MAWR MERL MODO MOWA MUSW 1B 1B 1 1C 1B 0 0A 3A 6 1C 1 1C 1 2 6 5 1B 1B 4A 4 5 0A 0 1B 4 0 0A 1 1B 1A 1B 6 23 65 2 1C 0 6 3 1A 2 56 56 1C 1 0A 0 7A 7A 4A 4 4 1C 1 M 3A, F 4 3A 3B 0 1C 1 9C Prepared by: Carl W. Alderson & Philip A.Brown May 2000 645 Nashville Warbler Northern Bobwhite(not USGS listed) Northern Cardinal Northern Flicker (USGS=Redshafted Flicker) Northern Fulmar Northern Gannet Northern Goshawk NAWA 0A 0 NOCA RSFL 1A 2 3 NOFU NOGA NOGO NOHA NOMO NOPA NOPI NRWS 37 239 356 Northern Harrier Northern Mockingbird Northern Parula Northern Pintail Northern Rough-winged Swallow Northern Saw-whet Owl Northern Shoveler Northern Shrike Northern Waterthrush Northern Wheatear Olive-sided Flycatcher Orange-crowned Warbler Orchard Oriole Osprey Other Hybrid Duck Other Hybrid Goose Ovenbird Palm Warbler Parasitic Jaeger Pectoral Sandpiper Peregrine Falcon 6 8A 8 9 M 6 F 7A 7B M4F5 2 1A 0A 0 6 0 626 6 405 515 533 671 277 36 673 Philadelphia Vireo Pied-billed Grebe Pileated Woodpecker Pine Grosbeak Pine Siskin Pine Warbler Piping Plover Pomarine Jaeger Prairie Warbler 593 413 86 117 334 331 703 648 143 617 372 142 621 675 765 459 646 506 364 143.6 171.6 674 Bird Survey Guidelines New York City Department of Parks & Recreation Natural Resources Group NSWO 4 3A NSHO 56 NSHR 2 NOWA 1C 0 NOWH 1B OSFL 1 1B OCWA 0 0A OROR 1B OSPR 8 OHDU 4 to 7A OHGO 8 7B OVEN 1C 1 0 (not USGS listed) PAJA 4A PESA 1A PEFA M 6, F 7A 7B PHVI 0 0A PBGR 56 PIWO 4 3A PIGR 1A PISI 0 0A PIWA 0 0A PIPL 1A 1B POJA 5 PRAW 0A 0 Prepared by: Carl W. Alderson & Philip A.Brown May 2000 637 517 218 611 235 32 521 234 222 409 130 728 624 146 406 2 223 339 337 11 498 54 150 72 595 347 65 749 428 167 283 509 248 206 67 542 608 Prothonotary Warbler PROW Purple Finch PUFI Purple Gallinule PUGA Purple Martin PUMA Purple Sandpiper PUSA Razorbill RAZO Red Crossbill RECR Red Knot REKN Red Phalarope REPH Red-bellied Woodpecker RBWO Red-breasted Merganser RBME Red-breasted Nuthatch RBNU Red-eyed Vireo REVI Redhead REDH Red-headed Woodpecker RHWO Red-necked Grebe RNGR Red-necked Phalarope RNPH Red-shouldered Hawk RSHA Red-tailed Hawk RTHA Red-throated Loon RTLO Red-winged Blackbird RWBL Ring-billed Gull RBGU Ring-necked Duck RNDU Ring-necked Pheasant(Not listed in USGS) Rock Dove(not listed in USGS) Roseate Tern ROST Rose-breasted Grosbeak RBGR Rough-legged Hawk RLHA Royal Tern ROYT Ruby-crowned Kinglet RCKI Ruby-throated Hummingbird RTHU Ruddy Duck RUDU Ruddy Turnstone RUTU Ruffed Grouse(not listed in USGS) Rusty Blackbird RUBL Sanderling SAND Sandhill Crane SACR Sandwich Tern SATE Savannah Sparrow SAVS Scarlet Tanager SCTA Bird Survey Guidelines New York City Department of Parks & Recreation Natural Resources Group 0 1 1C 1B 45 1A 2 1A 5R 1B 2 1A 2 65 0 1C 1C 1 0 6 2 7A 1B 6 7A 7B 7D 7A 7B M 2, F 1A 4A 6 2 1A 2 7A 7B 4A 0A XB M 7A, F 6 23 2 1A 89 3B 1C 1B Prepared by: Carl W. Alderson & Philip A.Brown May 2000 550 724 274 246 332 Seaside Sparrow Sedge Wren Semipalmated Plover Semipalmated Sandpiper Sharp-shinned Hawk SESP SEWR SEPL SESA SSHA 549.9 231 367 534 197 376 256 629.9 581 95 214 263 233 610 166 342 758 584 647 31 614 199 731 Sharp-tailed Sparrow Short-billed Dowitcher Short-eared Owl Snow Bunting Snowy Egret Snowy Owl Solitary Sandpiper Solitary Vireo Song Sparrow Sooty Shearwater Sora Spotted Sandpiper Stilt Sandpiper Summer Tanager Surf Scoter Swainson's Hawk Swainson's Thrush Swamp Sparrow Tennessee Warbler Thick-billed Murre Tree Swallow Tricolored Heron Tufted Titmouse Tundra Swan(not listed in USGS) Turkey Vulture Upland Sandpiper Varied Thrush Veery Vesper Sparrow Virginia Rail Warbling Vireo Western Kingbird Western Sandpiper Western Tanager Whimbrel STSP SBDO SEOW SNBU SNEG SNOW SOSA SOVI SOSP SOSH SORA SPSA STSA SUTA SUSC SWHA SWTH SWSP TEWA TBMU TRES TRHE ETTI 1B 0A 0 1A 1B 1B M23F 3A 3B 1 1B 2 6 1A 1B 6 89 1A 1C 1 1B 1 45 2 1B 1A 1A 1A 1B 7A 7A 1B 1C 1 0A 0 6M 5R 1C 1 6 1B TUVU UPSA VATH VEER VESP VIRA WAVI WEKI WESA WETA WHIM 7V 3 2 1B 1B 1 23 0 1C 1A 1B 1B 4 325 261 763 756 540 212 627 447 247 607 265 Bird Survey Guidelines New York City Department of Parks & Recreation Natural Resources Group Prepared by: Carl W. Alderson & Philip A.Brown May 2000 417 184 727 554 631 240 558 522 165 258 466 224 280 109 685 722 144 755 639 215 652 463 402 387 683 203 497 655 628 663 Whip-poor-will White Ibis White-breasted Nuthatch White-crowned Sparrow White-eyed Vireo White-rumped Sandpiper White-throated Sparrow White-winged Crossbill White-winged Scoter Wild Turkey(not USGS listed) Willet Willow Flycatcher Wilson's Phalarope Wilson's Plover Wilson's Storm-Petrel Wilson's Warbler Winter Wren Wood Duck Wood Thrush Worm-eating Warbler Yellow Rail Yellow Warbler Yellow-bellied Flycatcher Yellow-bellied Sapsucker Yellow-billed Cuckoo Yellow-breasted Chat Yellow-crowned Night-Heron Yellow-headed Blackbird Yellow-rumped Warbler (USGS =Myrtle Warbler) Yellow-throated Vireo Yellow-throated Warbler Bird Survey Guidelines New York City Department of Parks & Recreation Natural Resources Group WPWI WHIB WBNU WCSP WEVI WRSA WTSP WWCR WWSC 1A 2 6 7A 1B 1 1B 0 0A 1A 1B 1B 1B 7A WILL WIFL WIPH WIPL WISP WIWA WIWR WODU WOTH WEWA YERA YWAR YBFL YBSA YBCU YBCH YCNH YHBL MYWA 4 0A 1A 2 2 1A 1A 1B 0A 0 0A 0 65 1A 1C 0 2 0 0A 1C 0 0A 1B 1A 2 1B 1A 7A M 2, F 1A 0 1C 0A YTVI YTWA 1C 1 0A 0 Prepared by: Carl W. Alderson & Philip A.Brown May 2000