PRESTON LODGE HIGH SCHOOL MINUTES OF PARENT COUNCIL ANNUAL GENERAL MEETING HELD ON THURSDAY, 3 JUNE 2010 AT PRESTON LODGE HIGH SCHOOL Present: Mr D Munro, Parent Representative and Chair Mrs L Morgan, Parent Representative Mrs L Robertson, Parent Representative Mrs M Stuart, Parent Representative Mrs C Turner, Parent Representative Mr J Tait, Parent Representative Mr R Devine, Parent Representative Mrs H Paterson, Parent Representative Mrs A Black, Parent Representative Mrs K Menzies, Parent Representative Mr J Duffy, Parent Representative Ms M Angus, Teacher Representative Mr G Clark, Head Teacher Mrs J Dunlop, Clerk Denise Walker Pauline O’Brien Suzanne Kinross Sharon Purves 1. APOLOGIES AND WELCOME Apologies were intimated on behalf of John Berg. 2. MINUTES OF 2009 AGM It was agreed that the minutes of the 2010 AGM were a true record. 3. ANNUAL REPORT Mr Munro presented the Annual Report (appendix 1) 4. APPROVAL OF ACCOUNTS Linda Morgan distributed a spreadsheet showing the accounts over the year (copy on file). The bank account is currently sitting at £1,868, although payments for the furniture for the Waiting Room and the Badminton tops have still to come off this. When this has happened there will be a balance of £844 to take into the next session. Gavin Clark queried the amount for the furniture and it was agreed that he would liaise with Linda Morgan regarding this. (Action Linda Morgan/Gavin Clark) Linda Morgan noted that there is still only two signatories on the account with Margaret Stuart’s not yet been processed by the bank. Linda Morgan agreed to contact the bank regarding this. (Action Linda Morgan) The Parent Council approved the accounts. 5. ELECTION OF MEMBERS The constitution requires no less than 6 parents members and no more than 12 parent members. John Berg stood down from the Parent Council with effect from theAGM. There are nine current members of the Parent Council who have year remaining on their term. Two members having served their two year term put themselves forward for re-election. Three parents also put themselves forward for election onto the Parent Council. Those elected onto the Parent Council for a period of two years were: Russell Devine Hazel Patterson Pauline O’Brien 6. ELECTION OF CHAIR/VICE CHAIR/TREASURER Chair Mr Munro agreed to remain in post as Chairman. This was agreed unanimously. Vice Chair Mrs Patterson was proposed unanimously as Vice Chair. There being no other nominations Mrs Patterson was duly elected as Vice Chair. Treasurer Mrs Morgan agreed to remain in post as Treasurer. This was agreed unanimously. Miss Carson and Miss Angus were re-elected onto the Parent Council as co-opted members. It was agreed that members of the Parent Council should give consideration to other members of the community who could be co-opted onto the Parent Council as there is are six further vacancies for co-opted members. Consideration would also be given to pupil representation on the Parent Council. 7. Head Teacher Update a) Curriculum for Excellence – the school will run an information evening for S2-S6 in August or September. The new S1 will receive information on 24 June at the P7 transition evening. b) Newsletter – Mr Clark reported on the issues which delayed getting the newsletter issued – the key problem was the installation of a new IT system in the office. There is also a problem with distribution because many pupils are out of school currently on exam leave. c) Parent Consultations – There are two parent consultations taking place currently. The first is on the schools aims and values where the five key words are : achievement, learning, respect, community and happiness. The second is a consultation on school uniform. d) Activities Programme – with the management information system in the office not working this presented enormous problems getting the programme organised. One teacher worked 30 hours over the weekend to ensure that the programme went ahead. The programme was a great success, and will be reviewed for next year. e) Waiting Room - the painting of the waiting room will begin shortly, with the new furniture arriving soon. f) Prefects – S3 have taken over prefect responsibility whilst the senior school is on exam leave. g) Budget – Mr Clark reported that the budget is £1,500 in profit. This year the surplus had to be below £60,000 or it would go back to the Council. The school has retained £50,000 for social areas. h) NQTs – the school has been allocated 13 NQTs for next term. Mr Clark explained that this is positive for the school but can also bring challenges. 8. HMIE Inspection Mr Clark reported that the school will be inspected week commencing 14 June. Dave Munro and Margaret Stuart will be interviewed as part of the inspection process. One quarter of parents and students have also been sent questionnaires to complete. A sample of the parents will also be interviewed. He noted that one of the strengths of the school is the Parent Council. Mr Clark distributed the pages from “How Good Is Our School” which covers the 5 points which the school will be inspected on (copy on file). The departments which will be inspected are Maths, English, Pupil Support, Biology and Art and Design although they will also be in other classrooms. The school will know the outcome of the Inspection on the Friday and a summary report and full report are also produced. Mr Clark will take advice on whether the full report can be shared with the Parent Council. Mr Clark explained the disengagement process whereby the Inspection stops on the Wednesday if the school is doing well with its self-evaluation, although only 10% of secondary schools achieve this. The Parent Council wished the school well for the forthcoming Inspection. 9. Development Plan The school wishes to further involve the Parents with the Development Plan and a document was issued for parents to complete and return to the school. 10. School Uniform The Student Council had questionnaired the pupils and the parents were also being sent questionnaires via the Newsletter. It is likely that there will be some changes resulting from the surveys. 11. Statement of Licensing Policy/Gambling Information had been received from East Lothian Council and it was agreed that the Communications group would meet to discuss the two policies and report back to East Lothian Council. 12. AOCB a) East Lothian Council Website – Parent Council members gave their permission for their names to be on the Council website with the parent council email the only contact given. b) P7 Transition – This is being held on 24 June and Margaret Stuart and Linda Robertson agreed to attend on behalf of the Parent Council to publicise the parent council and the 2000 club. It was agreed that the photo board would be displayed and that this would go on the agenda for the next meeting to update. c) Photocopying – Gavin Clark agreed to look into the Parent Council having swipe card which could be used for photocopying. (Action Gavin Clark) a) School Website – Mrs Stuart had consulted with parents regarding the website and suggestions for improvements included: * * * Splitting the website by year group. Although it was good to see so much information from ELPs, this sometimes overshadowed other information. Not enough information on sport. Mr Clark noted that the welcome page has been improved which explains how the site works. He will feedback the comments to Mr Stewart. d) PAIS – Mr Devine asked if consideration could be given to the timetabling of pupils who are part of the PAIS programme. Mr Clark explained that the school has no involvement in this and that they would need to know the pupils involved by April. He will though check with East Lothian Council how the school could be kept more informed of this programme. (Action Mr Clark) d) Bellany Triptych – Linda Robertson had been trying to get in touch with Mr Cramm regarding the wording on the plaque and it was agreed that she would contact him again once the Inspection was over. e) Prizegiving – Mr Clark reported that prizegiving is on 22 June and Parent Council members will be invited. f) Education Award – the school is now down to last 3 for the Awards. g) Parent Council – Mr Munro asked if consideration could be given by Parent Council members over the summer on how the Parent Council could be improved. Members were thanked for their contribution throughout the year. Future meetings: Thursday, 2 September Thursday, 7 October Thursday, 4 November APPENDIX 1 ANNUAL REPORT Introduction The start of the 2009/10 school year found both Preston Lodge High School and it’s Parent Council ‘under new management’. This could have led to a period of uncertainty while everyone adjusted to working with different personalities but that has not been the case, quite the opposite in fact. The smooth transition has been achieved largely due to the style of Mr Clark’s approach to Parent Council matters. His open, frank and informative manner has made the Council meetings very interesting and worthwhile. We look forward to developing this teamwork next year and beyond. Fundraising The fundraising sub-group continues to be very active and effective in raising essential money to be used to enhance our school. Some of the numerous and successful activities they have organised include the excellent Burns Supper and Chocolate Break Coffee Mornings. Amongst the projects the Parent Council have provided funds for are the refurbishment of the waiting room (next to the office), the room which gives most visitors the vital ‘first impression’ of the school, and assistance towards team tops and other expenses of the successful school badminton squad. Many thanks to all who put in their time and effort throughout the year. The Parent Council are also getting involved in the management of the very worthwhile 2000 Club which is a low-cost means for parents and others to raise funds which will be used to support and benefit our school. I would encourage as many people as possible to join this scheme which also hands out monthly prizes, lottery-style. Involvement There have been many issues that Parent Council has tackled this year. We campaigned for education to get it’s fair share when East Lothian Council was developing their budget , the concerns over home to school transport cuts were fully voiced during meetings and we are now keeping in touch with developments towards Community/Trust Schools. These were the most notable of the issues confronted this year but there have been many more. One very worthwhile venture has been the nomination of the school by the communication subgroup for an Education Award to recognise the work done by the staff with respect to Health and Well-Being. The winners of the awards will be announced later in June and we will keep our fingers crossed for the right result! The Preston Lodge Parent Council has also been well represented at meetings and conferences throughout the year and thanks go to those who made the commitment of time and effort to attend them. Conclusion In summary, the Parent Council has had a busy and relatively successful year. Throughout the year we have only had two parents, outwith Council members, attend meetings. We would like to see more interaction between the Parent Council and the Parent Forum so please accept our invitation to come along and see what is going on. There will be an opportunity to become more directly involved by putting yourself forward to be elected at the AGM. This doesn’t involve any more than expressing an interest to become a member and your name will be put into a random selection if there are sufficient applicants. We look forward to having your support again in the forthcoming year.