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Full name: ……………………………
Class: ………………………………....
Date of test: ……………………………
Listening Progress Test
I. Listen to a conversation between two students (1/7)
1. What are the students mainly talking about?
A. the new student identification card
B. The new check-out system in the library
C. How to use a transportation card
D. The new card to use instead of money
2. What does the boy think the most useful function of the new ID card is?
A. Borrowing books from the library
B. Working like a transportation card
C. Having all information on the card
D. Connecting with the computer system
II. Listen to a lecture and choose the correct answer (1/19)
1. What is NOT true about drone flies?
A. They look dangerous to eat.
B. They make a sound like bees.
C. They eat flies like birds and frogs
D. They would be tasty to birds and frogs.
2. What is the main topic of the talk?
A. The food chain in the wild
B. The difficulty to hunt in the wild
C. The way of bees’ living to survive in the wild
D. Animals’ special features to avoid being eaten
III. Listen to a lecture in a science class (1/21)
1. What is the main topic of the talk?
A. Where frogs live their life
B. The stages of a frog’s life cycle
C. How frogs survive underwater
D. The difference between frogs and fish
2. What is NOT true about the lecture?
A. Tadpoles look like almost frogs.
B. Tadpoles do not have legs.
C. Adults frogs need water to lay their eggs in.
D. Adult frogs live both in water and on land.
3. At what age do frogs start living on land?
A. When they hatch
B. At about six weeks
C. At about nine weeks
D. At about three months
Oral proficiency 242 – Listening
Lecturer: Tran Thi Thu Trang, FLF-TNU
IV. Listen to a conversation between two students. (1/27)
1. What is the boy’s main problem?
A. He lost his electronic dictionary.
B. He does not know how to use the electronic dictionary.
C. His electronic dictionary is broken, so he needs another.
D. He got lost on the way to the library.
2. Which of the following is NOT something the boy already did?
A. He checked around the desk.
B. Hoe looked on the floor.
C. He searched the washroom.
D. He asked the librarian about it.
3. What does the girl suggest to help the boy?
A. She suggests asking somebody around him.
B. She suggests searching the library again.
C. She suggests looking in the Lost and Found
D. She suggests checking around the front desk.
4. What is NOT true about the conversation?
A. The boy and the girl look around the Lost and Found.
B. The boy’s dictionary is brand new.
C. The boy wrote his name on the case.
D. The boy’s dictionary is small and black.
V. Listen to a lecture in a social studies class. (2/8)
1. How does the teacher explain the effect of the internship programs?
A. By explaining the curriculum of the internship programs
B. By describing how the internship programs help students
C. By giving examples of participants’ success in getting jobs
D. By telling the importance of personality test in the internship programs
2. Why do some schools provide the internship programs?
A. To help students make some money
B. To help students apply to well-known universities
C. To help students know their talents for
D. To help students enjoy the summer vacation away
their future job
from home
3. How do the internship programs affect students?
A. They help students get information on all types of jobs.
B. They make students follow their parents’ opinion of jobs.
C. They make students spend more time studying to get jobs.
D. They help students make the right decision about their future jobs.
Oral proficiency 242 – Listening
Lecturer: Tran Thi Thu Trang, FLF-TNU
VI. Listen to a conversation then answer the questions
1. What are the people mainly discussing?
A. Eating
B. Girlfriends
C. A good diet
D. Doctors
2. What is the woman’s main point?
A. Eat right to stay slim.
C. Don’t eat chips and drink cola.
B. Don’t skip meals.
D. Listen to your boyfriend.
3. What does the man’s girlfriend usually eat?
4. Fill in the blanks to complete the organizer.
-The end-
Oral proficiency 242 – Listening
Lecturer: Tran Thi Thu Trang, FLF-TNU