- ManTech International

ManTech Systems Engineering Corporation
ManTech Seaport Team Capabilities/Experience
ManTech Systems Engineering Corporation (ManTech), a subsidiary of ManTech International
Corporation, offers Seaport-e customers access to the combined resources (technical expertise,
personnel, facilities, processes, and tools) of a large diversified business. ManTech guarantees experience
and ingenuity necessary to successfully support Seaport-e efforts; personnel who possess stellar
qualifications and have the experience to successfully complete Seaport-e tasking; and established
facilities in all seven zones to efficiently support all 22 functional areas of the Seaport-e program.
ManTech’s management plan for the Seaport-e Program reflects more than 40 years of experience
managing complex engineering, technical, and programmatic support projects for Department of
Defense (DoD), Federal, state, local, and commercial clients worldwide. Our management plan reflects
our understanding of the unique management challenges and special demands of this effort: responding
to an environment of numerous competitive task orders (TOs) across seven zones in support of multiple
customers. ManTech is fully capable to meet this demand and is committed to working with our
customers to make the Seaport-e Program the most attractive contract for use by all of their
ManTech has over 10,000 professionals upon whom to call for Seaport-e support. We offer strong
continuity and stability through an existing, fully trained workforce that is currently available to meet
all Seaport-e requirements. ManTech is currently performing comprehensive tasking directly relevant
to the Statement of Work (SOW) in all seven zones. Our personnel currently work with Seaport-e
customers and understand their goals and mission priorities.
ManTech offers a technical depth of personnel with experience across multiple engineering and
technical disciplines. We offer a staff that has provided Seaport-e related support to the U.S. Navy and
other DoD clients for more than 40 years. ManTech personnel have the experience, knowledge, and
expertise to ensure that all Seaport-e efforts are completed successfully.
For over 40 years, ManTech has supported the development and application of scientific and analytical
disciplines to conduct fundamental research for the U.S. Navy and other DoD clients. We are experts in
performing scientific studies and experimentation, concept formulation and development, performing
system and subsystem assessments, and developing operational concepts and tactics. ManTech’s team of
high-quality professionals has proven, by virtue of their high rate of follow-on awards, that they
routinely deliver cost-effective, innovative solutions to their customers.
ManTech – Team Members / Capability / Experience
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ManTech’s SeaPort Team consists of the following team members:
Company Name
Page Number
ManTech Systems Engineering Corporation............................................................................................... 12
3e Technologies International .................................................................................................................... 14
A&E IT Solutions, LLC .................................................................................................................................. 14
A&H TECHNOLOGIES, INC. .......................................................................................................................... 15
A2Z, Inc........................................................................................................................................................ 16
Accountable Solutions, Inc .......................................................................................................................... 16
Ace Info Solutions, Inc................................................................................................................................. 17
Adaptive Methods....................................................................................................................................... 18
ADASTRA IT Group LLC ................................................................................................................................ 21
Advanced Concepts and Technologies International, LLC .......................................................................... 23
Advanced Resource Technologies, Inc. ....................................................................................................... 24
Airborne Technologies, Inc ......................................................................................................................... 25
Alcyone Consulting Incorporated ............................................................................................................... 26
Alion - IPS Corporation ................................................................................................................................ 27
AM Pierce & Associates, Inc. ....................................................................................................................... 28
AMERICAN SYSTEMS ................................................................................................................................... 29
Analysis First, LLC ........................................................................................................................................ 31
Analytic Services Inc. (ANSER)..................................................................................................................... 32
Antech Systems, Inc. ................................................................................................................................... 33
Applied Enterprise Solutions, LLC (AES) ...................................................................................................... 34
Applied Management Corporation (AMCORP) ........................................................................................... 35
Applied Physical Sciences Corp. .................................................................................................................. 35
Applied Research Associates, Inc. ............................................................................................................... 36
Applied Systems Research (ASR)................................................................................................................. 37
Applied Techniques Corporation ................................................................................................................ 37
ARINC Engineering, LLC ............................................................................................................................... 40
Arrowpoint Corporation ............................................................................................................................. 43
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A-T Solutions, Inc ........................................................................................................................................ 44
Ausley Associates, Inc. ................................................................................................................................ 44
Autonomechs .............................................................................................................................................. 45
AV3inc ......................................................................................................................................................... 45
AVIAN Engineering, LLC............................................................................................................................... 46
Aviation Systems Engineering Company, Inc. (ASEC) ................................................................................. 47
Aviation Systems Technologies, LLC ........................................................................................................... 48
AVMAC LLC.................................................................................................................................................. 49
Bachtags LLC................................................................................................................................................ 51
Basic Engineering Concepts & Technologies, Inc. (BecTech) ...................................................................... 51
BCF Solutions, Inc –formerly Redblack Communications ........................................................................... 53
Beacon Interactive Systems, LLC................................................................................................................. 53
Benckendorf & Benckendorf LLC ................................................................................................................ 54
Black Knight................................................................................................................................................. 55
Blue Herron Services ................................................................................................................................... 56
Booz Allen Hamilton Engineering Services, LLC .......................................................................................... 56
Booz Allen Hamilton Inc. ............................................................................................................................. 57
Bowhead Science and Technology, LLC. ..................................................................................................... 59
Bronico ........................................................................................................................................................ 62
Bulldog Technical Services, LLC ................................................................................................................... 63
CACI Inc. Federal ......................................................................................................................................... 63
Carl, Amber, Brian, Isaiah, and Associates, Company (DBA CBAIA)............................................................ 65
Cask Technologies LLC................................................................................................................................. 66
CDI Marine Company .................................................................................................................................. 68
CenterSoft Consulting ................................................................................................................................. 70
CENTRA Technology .................................................................................................................................... 71
CGI Federal, Inc. .......................................................................................................................................... 71
Chenega Operations Services, LLC .............................................................................................................. 77
Cherokee Nation Government Solutions, LLC............................................................................................. 78
Coast & Harbor Engineering, Inc. ................................................................................................................ 79
Coastal Defense Inc. .................................................................................................................................... 79
Coherent Technical Services, Inc. (CTSi) ..................................................................................................... 82
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CompQsoft Inc ............................................................................................................................................ 83
Computer Products ..................................................................................................................................... 86
Computer Sciences Corporation ................................................................................................................. 86
Conscious Security, Inc................................................................................................................................ 87
Corrpro Companies ..................................................................................................................................... 88
Cosmic Software Technology, Inc. .............................................................................................................. 88
Craig Technical Consulting, Inc., dba Craig Technologies ........................................................................... 93
Critical Resource Technology, Inc ............................................................................................................... 97
Crystalview Technologies ............................................................................................................................ 97
CSSI, Inc. ...................................................................................................................................................... 97
Cyberdyne Incorporated ........................................................................................................................... 101
CZK Consultants ........................................................................................................................................ 101
D3 Technologies ........................................................................................................................................ 101
DANGER Research LLC .............................................................................................................................. 101
Data Splice, Inc. ......................................................................................................................................... 102
DCS Corporation........................................................................................................................................ 102
DDL OMNI Engineering LLC ....................................................................................................................... 103
Deep Blue Research LLC ............................................................................................................................ 104
Delex Systems, Incorporated .................................................................................................................... 105
Dell Services Federal Government, Inc. .................................................................................................... 106
Deloitte Consulting LLP ............................................................................................................................. 108
Dextera Corporation ................................................................................................................................. 110
DIVERSE SYSTEMS GROUP, LLC ................................................................................................................. 112
DRS Technical Services, Inc. ...................................................................................................................... 113
DTI Associates ........................................................................................................................................... 120
Dynamics Research Corporation ............................................................................................................... 120
Dynetics Inc ............................................................................................................................................... 122
Eagan McAllister Associates...................................................................................................................... 122
Eagle Harbor Engineering, PLLC ................................................................................................................ 122
Eagle Systems, Inc. .................................................................................................................................... 123
EDAC Systems, Inc. .................................................................................................................................... 124
EDO ........................................................................................................................................................... 125
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EDSI Inc...................................................................................................................................................... 125
Edward W Pacheco ................................................................................................................................... 125
EMERGING TECHNOLOGY SUPPORT LLC .................................................................................................. 125
Engility Corporation .................................................................................................................................. 126
Engineering Services Group, Government Solutions ................................................................................ 127
Enterprise Engineering.............................................................................................................................. 128
Epoch Engineering, Inc. ............................................................................................................................. 128
Epsilon Systems Solutions, Inc. ................................................................................................................. 129
ETI Professionals ....................................................................................................................................... 131
Evan Engineering, PC................................................................................................................................. 131
Exelis Inc. Informations Systems ............................................................................................................... 132
Excelias ...................................................................................................................................................... 135
Expertas L.P. .............................................................................................................................................. 135
Falconwood, Inc. ....................................................................................................................................... 136
First Wave Solutions, LLC .......................................................................................................................... 136
FMS Secure Solutions, LLC ........................................................................................................................ 137
Foxhole Technology .................................................................................................................................. 141
Fulcrum IT Services, LLC ............................................................................................................................ 141
Future Technologies, Inc. .......................................................................................................................... 142
G8, LLC....................................................................................................................................................... 143
Galaxy Global Coporation ......................................................................................................................... 144
General Dynamics Information Technology (GDIT) .................................................................................. 144
GeoLogics Corporation.............................................................................................................................. 145
Global Science & Technology Inc. ............................................................................................................. 147
Global Strategies Group ............................................................................................................................ 150
Global Systems Technologies, Inc. (GST) .................................................................................................. 150
Gnostech Inc. ............................................................................................................................................ 151
Greenfield Engineering Corp ..................................................................................................................... 152
Group W .................................................................................................................................................... 155
Gryphon Technologies, LC......................................................................................................................... 156
GS Engineering Inc. ................................................................................................................................... 156
GS5, LLC ..................................................................................................................................................... 158
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Hausley Engineering.................................................................................................................................. 159
Heron Systems Incorporated .................................................................................................................... 159
HiPK ........................................................................................................................................................... 160
Honeywell Technology Solutions Inc (HTSI) .............................................................................................. 160
I-Assure, LLC .............................................................................................................................................. 161
iBASEt ........................................................................................................................................................ 161
IBM Corp ................................................................................................................................................... 165
ICF International ....................................................................................................................................... 166
ICI Services ................................................................................................................................................ 167
ICON - Information Concepts in Management, LLC .................................................................................. 167
Ideal Innovations, Inc. ............................................................................................................................... 168
Imagine One Technology & Management, Ltd. ........................................................................................ 171
Immersion Consulting LLC......................................................................................................................... 172
Impact Technologies, LLC .......................................................................................................................... 172
In-Depth Engineering Corporation............................................................................................................ 181
Info Soft Systems, Inc. ............................................................................................................................... 182
Information Design Inc.............................................................................................................................. 182
Information, Integration and Interoperability Solutions, LLC (IN3SL) ...................................................... 183
Information Solutions Worldwide Corporation (i_SW) ............................................................................ 184
InnovaSystems International, LLC. ............................................................................................................ 185
Integic........................................................................................................................................................ 186
Integrated Electrical Technologies Corporation ....................................................................................... 186
Integrated Solutions Inc ............................................................................................................................ 187
Integrated Systems, Inc............................................................................................................................. 188
Integration Engineering Incorporated ...................................................................................................... 188
Interos Solutions, Inc ................................................................................................................................ 189
Ira Wiesenfeld & Associates...................................................................................................................... 189
Island Creek Associates (ICA), LLC ............................................................................................................. 190
IXSEA Oceano ............................................................................................................................................ 191
Jacobs Technology Inc............................................................................................................................... 191
Jardon and Howard Technologies, Inc. ..................................................................................................... 192
J. Aguinaldo Group Inc. ............................................................................................................................. 194
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JB&A Inc .................................................................................................................................................... 194
JBI Technologies, Inc. ................................................................................................................................ 194
J.F. Taylor, Inc. ........................................................................................................................................... 195
John J. McMullen ...................................................................................................................................... 196
JOINT TACTICS AND TECHNOLOGIES, LLC ................................................................................................. 196
K4 Solutions .............................................................................................................................................. 198
Kratos Technology & Training Solutions Inc ............................................................................................. 199
L-3 Chesapeake Sciences Corporation ...................................................................................................... 199
L-3 Services ............................................................................................................................................... 202
L-3 Unidyne, Inc. ....................................................................................................................................... 207
Life Cycle Engineering, Inc. ....................................................................................................................... 210
LMR Solutions ........................................................................................................................................... 211
Lockheed Martin Integrated Systems, Inc. ............................................................................................... 211
Logistics Support Incorporated ................................................................................................................. 214
Long Wave Inc. .......................................................................................................................................... 217
Maden Technologies ................................................................................................................................. 217
MagnaCom, Inc ......................................................................................................................................... 219
MANDEX, Inc. ............................................................................................................................................ 219
MAR, Incorporated ................................................................................................................................... 219
McKean Defense Group, LLC. .................................................................................................................... 221
McLaughlin Research Corporation............................................................................................................ 222
MCR Federal, LLC ...................................................................................................................................... 222
MCR Federal .............................................................................................................................................. 224
M I Technical Solutions ............................................................................................................................. 224
Millennium Engineering and Integration Company .................................................................................. 229
MillerWilson Consulting ............................................................................................................................ 232
MindTel LLC ............................................................................................................................................... 236
Modus21, LLC ............................................................................................................................................ 236
Mountain State Information Systems, Inc. ............................................................................................... 237
MTCSC ....................................................................................................................................................... 241
MYMIC LLC ................................................................................................................................................ 241
National Steel and Shipbuilding NASSCO .................................................................................................. 243
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National Technologies Associates, Inc. ..................................................................................................... 243
Network Specialists, Ltd ............................................................................................................................ 244
New River Systems Corporation ............................................................................................................... 246
New Technology Management ................................................................................................................. 247
Noise Control Engineering Inc................................................................................................................... 247
Northrop Grumman Space and Mission Systems ..................................................................................... 247
Oasis Systems LLC ..................................................................................................................................... 248
Odyssey Systems Consulting Group, Ltd. .................................................................................................. 250
ORBIS Sibro, Inc. (dba ORBIS).................................................................................................................... 251
Patricio Enterprises, Inc. ........................................................................................................................... 253
Patrona Corporation ................................................................................................................................. 254
Phoenix Group of Virginia ......................................................................................................................... 258
Planning Systems ...................................................................................................................................... 259
Poseidon International Specialized Consulting and Engineering Services, LLC ........................................ 259
Prevailance, Inc. ........................................................................................................................................ 260
ProMare Inc............................................................................................................................................... 262
PURVIS Systems Incorporated .................................................................................................................. 262
Quality Innovative Solutions, Inc. ............................................................................................................. 264
Quadelta Inc .............................................................................................................................................. 265
QinetiQ North America, Inc. ..................................................................................................................... 266
R L Phillips Inc............................................................................................................................................ 268
Radiance Technologies, Inc. ...................................................................................................................... 268
RadiantBlue Technologies, Inc. ................................................................................................................. 269
Radio Reconnaissance Technologies, Inc. ................................................................................................. 270
RedBlack Communications Inc .................................................................................................................. 273
REDCOM Laboratories, Inc. ....................................................................................................................... 273
ReMilNet, LLC ............................................................................................................................................ 273
Resource Management Concepts, Inc. (RMC) .......................................................................................... 274
Richard Parks Corrosion Technologies ...................................................................................................... 275
RightStar, Inc. ............................................................................................................................................ 292
RLM Communications ............................................................................................................................... 294
RNB Technologies, Inc. .............................................................................................................................. 294
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ROMULUS LLC ........................................................................................................................................... 294
RPTC .......................................................................................................................................................... 294
RSBP, LLC ................................................................................................................................................... 295
Sabre Systems, Inc. ................................................................................................................................... 295
Salinas Technologies Inc. .......................................................................................................................... 297
SAM, INC. .................................................................................................................................................. 299
Savantage Financial Services, Inc. ............................................................................................................. 300
Sayres and Associates Corporation ........................................................................................................... 302
SBP Consulting, LLC ................................................................................................................................... 303
Scalable Network Technologies, Inc. ........................................................................................................ 303
Schafer Corporation .................................................................................................................................. 305
Science and Technology Associates, Inc. .................................................................................................. 306
Science Applications International Corporation (SAIC) ............................................................................ 306
SCILYTX LLC ............................................................................................................................................... 308
Seaward Services, Inc. ............................................................................................................................... 308
Serco Inc. ................................................................................................................................................... 310
Simulation Systems Technologies, inc ............................................................................................... 311
SimVentions, Inc. ...................................................................................................................................... 312
SITE, L.L.C. ................................................................................................................................................. 312
Smartronix, Inc. ......................................................................................................................................... 313
Software Engineering Associates .............................................................................................................. 314
SoHaR Inc. ................................................................................................................................................. 314
Solers, Inc. ................................................................................................................................................. 316
SOLUTE, Inc. .............................................................................................................................................. 317
Sonalysts, Inc.......................................................................................................................................... 323
Sotera Defense Solutions, Inc. .................................................................................................................. 326
Sound & Sea Technology, Inc. (SST) .......................................................................................................... 331
Southeastern Computer Consultants Inc. ................................................................................................. 332
Spalding Consulting, Inc. ........................................................................................................................... 341
SPEC OPS, INC. .......................................................................................................................................... 341
Spectrum Technology Group, Inc. 1KAE4 ................................................................................................ 343
SRA International Inc. ............................................................................................................................... 345
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Stanley Associates ..................................................................................................................................... 346
Strategic Analysis, Inc................................................................................................................................ 346
Strategic Insight, Ltd. ................................................................................................................................ 348
Strategic Systems Technology, Inc. ........................................................................................................... 349
Submergence Group LLC ........................................................................................................................... 349
Subsystem Technologies, Inc .................................................................................................................... 350
Systems Engineering Associates Corp. (SEA CORP) .................................................................................. 351
System Studies & Simulation, Inc.............................................................................................................. 353
Tactical Systems Engineering, LLP ............................................................................................................. 353
TAISR Group, LLC ....................................................................................................................................... 357
Tech Wizards Inc. ...................................................................................................................................... 357
Technology Security Associates, Inc. ........................................................................................................ 360
Technology Service Corporation ............................................................................................................... 361
Teknologic LLC........................................................................................................................................... 364
TENACITY SOLUTIONS INCORPORATED .................................................................................................... 364
Test & Evaluation Solutions, LLC ............................................................................................................... 365
The Columbia Group, Inc. ......................................................................................................................... 366
The Gemini 3 Group, Inc. .......................................................................................................................... 368
The Greentree Group ................................................................................................................................ 369
The Kenjya Group, Inc. .............................................................................................................................. 370
The MIL Corporation ................................................................................................................................. 377
The Millennium Group International, LLC................................................................................................. 377
The Prometheus Company, Inc. ................................................................................................................ 378
The Ryan Corporation ............................................................................................................................... 380
The University of Texas at Austin.............................................................................................................. 380
Thomas & Herbert Consulting LLC ............................................................................................................ 381
Thomas Group, Inc. ................................................................................................................................... 383
Tidewater Technology Group ................................................................................................................... 384
TIE Today, Inc. ........................................................................................................................................... 385
TMC Technologies ..................................................................................................................................... 387
Toyon Research Corporation .................................................................................................................... 389
TQI Solutions, Inc. ..................................................................................................................................... 390
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Trenchant Analytics, LLC ........................................................................................................................... 392
Tri Star Engineering, Inc. ........................................................................................................................... 393
Triton Services, Inc. ................................................................................................................................... 394
Trusted Mission Solutions Inc. .................................................................................................................. 396
TWD Associates ......................................................................................................................................... 397
Ultra Electronics, 3eTI ............................................................................................................................... 397
United States Tower Services, LTD ........................................................................................................... 399
Universal Solutions International, Inc. ...................................................................................................... 400
University of Maryland ............................................................................................................................. 402
URS Federal Technical Services, Inc. ......................................................................................................... 402
U.S. Information Technologies Corporation ............................................................................................. 403
Vickers & Nolan Enterprises, LLC (VNE) .................................................................................................... 404
VT Halter Marine, Inc. ............................................................................................................................... 408
Washington Technology Group, Inc.......................................................................................................... 409
WaveTech Engineering LLC ....................................................................................................................... 410
Whitney Bradley & Brown (WBB) ............................................................................................................. 410
W R Systems, Ltd....................................................................................................................................... 415
Wyle Laboratories, Inc. ............................................................................................................................. 417
Xpace, LLC ................................................................................................................................................. 418
ZanttZ, Inc. ................................................................................................................................................ 419
ManTech – Team Members / Capability / Experience
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ManTech Systems Engineering Corporation
Points of Contact
Company Background:
Capability/Area of
Last 3 years services
experience listed by
functional area (see below
for list of functional areas)
and specific Program
Scott Garren, Business Development, scott.garren@mantech.com, (301)
Mary Pat Pope, Contracts, marypat.pope@mantech.com, (301) 862-7415
ManTech is a leading provider of innovative technologies and solutions for
mission-critical national security programs for the intelligence community;
the departments of Defense, State, Homeland Security, Energy and Justice,
including the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI); the space community; the
National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration; and other U.S. federal
government customers. We provide support to critical national security
programs for approximately 60 federal agencies through 1,000 current
contracts. ManTech's expertise includes command, control, communications,
computers, intelligence, surveillance and reconnaissance (C4ISR) lifecycle
support; cyber security; global logistics support; intelligence/counterintelligence support; information technology (IT) modernization and
sustainment; systems engineering; test and evaluation; and health IT.
ManTech supports major national missions, such as military readiness,
terrorist threat detection, information security and border protection.
Additional information on ManTech can be found at www.mantech.com.
Application of systems engineering in large-scale system development and
acquisition programs used by government and industry
• Process development and implementation
• Mission analysis and architecture
• Requirements analysis, development, and management
• System design and development
• Tactical systems development and integration
• Border security
• Radiological and nuclear detection
• Modeling and simulation
• Test and evaluation /IV&V
• Enterprise architecture
• Concepts of Operations
• Risk management
• Reliability and maintainability
N00178-04-D-4080-0002, Functional Area 3.2 - Broad and specialized
scientific, engineering, technical and program management support services
for submarine and surface ship silencing programs (primarily acoustics).
N00178-04-D-4080-EH01, Functional Area 3.12 - Ship Maintenance and
Logistics Support Information Systems (SMLIS) Support Services
N00178-04-D-4080-EX01, Functional Area 3.20 - Capability Analysis and
ManTech – Team Members / Capability / Experience
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Program Support Services
N00178-04-D-4080-FD01, Functional Area 3.2 - Engineering services in
support of ship signature, measurement and silencing programs.
N00178-04-D-4080-FD02, Functional Area 3.2 - Engineering services for
submarine and surface ship signature silencing programs.
N00178-04-D-4080-FD03, Functional Area 3.2 - Engineering services for
submarine and surface ship signature silencing programs.
N00178-04-D-4080-FD04, Functional Area 3.2 - Engineering services for fixed
and mobile acoustic facilities.
N00178-04-D-4080-FG01, Functional Area 3.20 - DIRO Administrative and
Technical Support.
N00178-04-D-4080-FG02, Functional Area 3.2 - Engineering and Technical
Support of Electronic Warfare and Related Systems.
N00178-04-D-4080-FY01, Functional Area 3.14 - Surface Ship Radiated Noise
Measurement (SSRNM)
N00178-04-D-4080-M801, Functional Area 3.12 - Military Flight Operations
Quality Assurance (MFOQA)
N00178-04-D-4080-M802, Functional Area 3.14 - Engineering Support of AIR5.1.6
N00178-04-D-4080-M803, Functional Area 3.14 - Engineering and Technical
Support of AIR-5.1.6
N00178-04-D-4080-V701, Functional Area 3.5 - Automated Fuel Handling
Support Services
N00178-04-D-4080-V702, Functional Area 3.6 - Joint Tactical COP
Workstation (JTCW)
N00178-04-D-4080-V703, Functional Area 3.5 - Automated Fuel Program
N00178-04-D-4080-4Y01, Functional Area 3.2 - National Capitol Region
Communication and Electronic (C-E) Systems.
N00178-04-D-4080-4Y02, Functional Area 3.12 - JSF Program Security
Support Services
N00178-04-D-4080-7N01, Functional Area 3.2 - Advanced Torpedo Defense
System Engineering Support
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N00178-04-D-4087-7N02, Functional Area 3.2 - Advanced Torpedo Defense
System Engineering Support
N00178-04-D-4087-V701, Functional Area 3.12 - IDF&D and PM Intel
Software Application Development, Maintenance, and Support
Company Name
3e Technologies International – Company does not have an
active Subcontract with ManTech
Company Name
A&E IT Solutions, LLC
Points of Contact
Eric King, ek946@hotmail.com, 703-507-7901
Andrei Busuioceanu, andreib3@verizon.net, 703-861-2794
Full-service capabilities
Systems integration and consulting
Providing systems architecture and integration services as well as custom
solution design and implementation; and provides a full range of consulting
services, such as program management, business process reengineering,
training, change management, communications management, quality
assurance (QA), independent verification and validation (IV&V), information
assurance (IA), and security.
Company Background
Systems Engineering
Provides services to help our clients develop and improve their enterprise
architectures. We assess the applicability and suitability of commercial
applications, participate in design reviews, and develop migration plans to
transition to new systems and technology, and retire outdated ones.
Application management
Provides day-to-day maintenance and modernization for our clients’ business
applications, helping reduce costs and ensure faster delivery of new
capabilities. Services include requirements definition, configuration
management, configuration audits, application design, development,
enhancements, maintenance, testing, and support.
Capability/Area of
Global IT Manager, serving as the IT Applications Manager for all applications
managed by the NAVSEA Command Information Office, ensuring that the
staff and the efforts in managing each application are coordinated to ensure
efficient and effective processes are achieved and maintained. Ensuring that
work accomplished meets the policies for legacy applications set forth by
Navy and the NAVSEA CIO.
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Provide support to the NAVSEA CIO office and the associated NAVSEA
business offices in answering data calls from ACNO-IT, DON CIO, OSD, etc on
efforts such as DITPR-DON and the IT Registration Database. Knowledgeable
of current DOD Business Transformation Agency (BTA) and DON policies
regarding domain
certifications, tier classifications and the procedures for required annual
Provide support for the NMCI/NGEN certification process of legacy
applications running under NMCI/NGEN.
Provide support in all NAVSEA Enterprise Architecture efforts, including
interfacing with higher echelons, as well as all NAVSEA codes.
3.5 System Design Documentation and Technical Data Support
3.6 Software Engineering, Development, Programming, and Network Support
3.10 Configuration Management (CM) Support
3.12 Information System (IS) Development, Information Assurance (IA), and
Information Technology (IT) Support
Last 3 years services
experience listed by
functional area and
specific Program
Contract: NAVSEA CIO support
Functional Area: 3.5, 3.6
POC: Stephen E. Foster – 2027813010
Contract: DOD - BTA
Functional Area: 3.5
POC: Grant Soderstrom 7038018149
Contract: DOD - SPS
Functional Area: 3.5, 3.6
POC: Gail Guseman - 7032276634
Company Name
Points of Contact
Company Website
Company Background
Capability/Area of
ManTech – Team Members / Capability / Experience
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Last 3 years services
experience listed by
functional area and
specific Program
Description of products
(deliverables) provided
Company Name:
A2Z, Inc.
Points of Contact
Pamela S. Brewer, President, (757) 615-0913, pam.brewer@a2z-logistics.com
Tom Ponko, Vice-President, (918) 787-2250, tom.ponko@a2z-logistics.com
Company Background:
A2Z, Inc. is a professional services company that was formed in 2000 and
incorporated in the Commonwealth of Virginia. Our offices are located in Virginia
Beach, Virginia; Hertford, North Carolina; and Grove, Oklahoma.
We currently serve customers in Virginia, Florida, California, South Carolina, District
of Columbia, and Pennsylvania. We are a team of highly trained and motivated
logisticians, supply specialists and management consultants with extensive
experience in Integrated Logistics Support, Configuration Management, and
Warehousing. We provide superior services and are committed to providing the best
value to our customers.
Capability/Area of
Last 3 years services
experience listed by
functional area and
specific Program
Description of products
(deliverables) provided.
3.10 Configuration Management (CM) Support
Provide CM support to NAVSEA 04L1 (now SUP-N000AL). Manage the CDM
Assessment and SCLSIS Database Audit processes.
3.13 Ship Inactivation and Disposal Support. Provide redistributable material
distribution and warehousing support to SUP-FLCN
3.10 Perform CDM Assessments/Certification and SCLSIS Audits on fleet
units. Prepare and disseminate all applicable reports.
3.13 Manage SUP-FLCN redistributable material programs in RRAM (now
Company Name:
Accountable Solutions, Inc
Points of Contact
Angela L Kabala, CPA MS
10 Years providing support to the Navy.
Company Background:
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Capability/Area of
Engineering services, program, functional and admin support as well as
research and technical writing support.
Last 3 years services
experience listed by
functional area and
specific Program
3.1 Research and Development Support
3.2 Engineering, System Engineering and Process Engineering Support
3.5 System Design Documentation and Technical Data Support
3.9 System Safety Engineering Support
3.11 Quality Assurance (QA) Support
3.20 Program Support
3.21 Functional and Administrative Support
Company Name
Ace Info Solutions, Inc.
Points of Contact
Company Background
Capability/Area of
Last 3 years services
experience listed by
functional area and
specific Program
Description of products
(deliverables) provided
11490 Commerce Park Drive, Suite 340, Reston, VA 20191
Nar Koppula, President/COO
Jay Challa, Chairman/CEO
Established in 2000, Headquarters in Reston, VA with 400+ Professionals, and
over 20 software development/O&M projects at USDA since 2003 (over 75
USDA experienced professionals)
Geographically dispersed work force over twenty states – 95% are Prime
Awarded incentives above 90% on all performance-based contracts
Core Competencies include software development and systems engineering,
IT infrastructure and service desk support, cyber security, mobile and cloud
SEI CMMI Level 3 Maturity Appraisal
ISO 9001:2008 certified Quality Management System
ISO/IEC 20000:2005 certified IT Service Management System
ISO 27001:2005 certified Information Security Management System
DCAA Audited Accounting System
100% PMs are PMP Certified
Core Competencies include software development and systems engineering,
IT infrastructure and service desk support, cyber security, mobile and cloud
3.21 Functional and Administration Support
Provide Visitor Control support services at JSF Main Program office and
Annex locations.
Visitor Control support services.
ManTech – Team Members / Capability / Experience
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Company Name
Adaptive Methods
Points of Contact
Mike Tucker, mtucker@adaptivemethods.com , 757-410-8944
Mark Meister, mmeister@adaptivemethods.com , 301-947-2567
Judy Barhorst, jbarhorst@adaptivemethods.com , 703-968-6110
Company Website
Company Background
Capability/Area of
Adaptive Methods is a small multi-talented engineering firm started in 1973,
with 82 employees (66 with Bachelor Degrees, 24 of those with Masters
Degrees, 1 with a PhD) headquartered in Centreville, VA, with offices over 5
states, whose corporate business focus has been to provide advanced sonar
systems engineering and acoustic signal processing development capabilities.
We are a valued partner to the US Navy, a leading developer of modern
sonar systems, and trusted provider of rapid technology development and
transition for tactical and surveillance ASW. Adaptive Methods’ products
deliver increased value through improved legacy sensor performance,
operability, and user flexibility. Our company has expertise in the areas of
real-time systems implementation, adaptive signal and information
processing, data fusion and real-time analytics, intelligent display and
visualization, complex multi-sensor systems, mission management and
decision aids, and advanced modeling and simulation technologies. Our
customers are very pleased with the results of our expertise both in our
products and in our interactions with them.
3.1 R&D Support - Adaptive Methods’ personnel have 20+ years experience
supporting numerous Navy organizations in developing advanced
beamformer concepts. We will continue to improve the algorithm to increase
performance and reduce processing time.
3.2 Engineering Support – Adaptive Methods has 20+ years of experience in
providing a broad spectrum of engineering support related to Signal
Processing (SP)/Beamforming and multi-processor software development
including performance of trade-off studies, development of system designs,
requirements, and specifications. We provide engineering support including
performance of trade-off studies, development of system designs,
requirements, and specifications.
3.3 Modeling – Adaptive Methods has 20+ years of experience developing
models that demonstrate performance of advanced signal processing
algorithms and fully document analysis / results.
3.4 Prototyping - Adaptive Methods has provided an adaptive beamformer
for USNS HAYES acoustic trials and will integrate the prototype SEAFAC
adaptive beamformer algorithm into SLAWS.
3.5 System Des Doc/Tech Data - Adaptive Methods has extensive experience
in authoring the design and technical documentation; including Interface
Requirements Specifications (IRS), Interface Design Specifications (IDS),
ManTech – Team Members / Capability / Experience
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Software Requirements Specifications (SRS), supporting documentation and
technical data in support of multiple U.S. Navy acoustic programs.
3.6 Software - Adaptive Methods’ personnel have 20+ years experience in
Signal Processing algorithm development, adaptive beamforming
development, system engineering, and multi-processor software
development for prototype and production Navy SP systems.
3.11 QA Support- Adaptive Methods’ personnel have 20+ years experience in
assisting NSWC in maintaining acoustic system measurement accuracy
through periodic accuracy checks using calibrated test equipment. We
develop QA test plans, assist in QA performance testing, document and
present test results during periodic acoustic measurement system checks.
3.14 Interoperability, Test and Evaluation, Trials Support – Adaptive Methods
personnel are very experienced in and have participated in the integration of
our software products with larger systems assuring seamless interoperability
both during land based test and evaluation as well as during sea trials
Last 3 years services
experience listed by
functional area and
specific Program (see
below for list of functional
3.15 Measure Facilities/ Ranges – Adaptive Methods’ personnel have 20+
years experience in assisting NSWC in the performance of certification and
validation testing of new facilities and facility upgrades using custom
calibrated test equipment.
3.1 R&D Support – Adaptive Methods personnel have developed a
broadband adaptive beamformer for use with the HGA on USNS HAYES and
have integrated the algorithm into SLAWS.
3.2 Engineering Support – Adaptive Methods has provided engineering
support related to Signal Processing (SP)/Beamforming and multi-processor
software development for numerous U.S. Navy programs sponsored by
NSWC-CD, NAVSEA PMS-485 & IWS5, ONR, & others.
3.3 Modeling – Adaptive Methods has developed models that accurately
demonstrate performance of advanced signal processing algorithms and fully
document analysis / results in support of USNS HAYES, SLAWS and several
other U.S. Navy programs.
3.4 Prototyping - Adaptive Methods recently provided an adaptive
beamformer for USNS HAYES acoustic trials and is in process of installation of
a prototype adaptive beamformer at SEAFAC.
3.5 System Des Doc/Tech Data - Adaptive Methods developed design and
technical documentation including Interface Requirements Specifications
(IRS) Interface Design Specifications (IDS) Software Requirements
Specifications (SRS) and supporting documentation and technical data for
USNS HAYES broadband adaptive beamformer as well as for several other
U.S. Navy R&D and production programs.
ManTech – Team Members / Capability / Experience
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3.6 Software - Adaptive Methods is a long-time supplier of R&D & production
real-time and/or multi-processor signal processing software for many US
Navy programs including NSWC-CD, NAVSEA PMS-485 & IWS5, ONR, &
3.11 QA Support- Adaptive Methods personnel have assisted NSWC in
maintaining system measurement accuracy onboard MONOB, DEER ISLAND,
and HAYES. Technical assistance included test design, drafting test plans and
agendas, developing calibrated acoustic noise source test equipment,
conduct, analysis and reporting test results.
3.14 Interoperability, Test and Evaluation, Trials Support – Adaptive Methods
personnel have played a key role in the successful DT and OT of the USW-DSS
3.15 Measure Facilities / Ranges - Adaptive Methods personnel have
performed numerous validation/certification tests on acoustic facilities for
NSWC in the past and present. Among these facilities/ranges are MONOB,
Description of products
(deliverables) provided
Sensor Interface
Multiple input data acquisition, High bandwidth (>25
MB/s), multi-channel analog & digital COTS/OA, Gig
E. Linux.
Multi-tap, multi-format, high-bandwidth (>60MB/s)
record and playback with user-interface, tape-append,
catalog, FF/RW, multi-media, Linux based.
Sim/Stim Tools
Active and passive, multiple paths, bandwidth,
instability, broadband, incoherent noise, CW, HFM,
reverberation, inverse beamforming, calibration and
sensor effects, Linux based.
Multi-Static active mission planning tool. Linux
Segment / Generic
100+ signal processing functions, filtering, resampling, conventional and adaptive beamforming,
spectral resolution conversion, multi-processor, multithread, multi-core, COTS/OA compliant, PMFL &
control displays, Linux based.
Data Fusion /
Multi-sensor multi-platform fusion and display.
ManTech – Team Members / Capability / Experience
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Interface to multiple sources of data from SQQ89,
LCS, and DDG-1000, USW/DSS functional segments.
Features sensor registration, fusion, operator controls
and displays. Linux based.
Multi-sensor multi-platform geospatial location and
sensor performance simulation tool to generate data
inputs and response interfaces for Mission Package or
Sonar Suite interfaces. Utilizes operator specified
PIM/Waypoint maneuvering for object motion.
Plug-in metric computation engine and display
extensions for real-time assessment of fusion and data
association processor performance. Pluggable
architecture for I/O Gateway Interface and metrics
PC Test-set
PC-Based Signal Processing: Multi-channel calibrated
spectral analysis, k-w, channel-to-channel phase and
gain, operator interface and display, color surface
display with cuts, data archive and reload, interface
with MS office products. Windows based.
Array Test Tools
T&E sonar signal processing and display, functionality
similar to PC Test Set. Linux based.
Tow Geometry – Mechanical Design. Computes tow
cable shapes in air and in water with attached dead
weight and winged depressors. PC/Windows Based.
k-w BF Model
Advanced Development Beamformer Model – Model
of efficient k-w beamformer implementation with
range focusing and shape correction. Extensible for
continued R&D development.
Company Name
Points of Contact
Andrei Busuioceanu ,andrei@adastra-it.com, 703-861-2794
Feldi Busuioceanu, Feldi@adastra-it.com, 703-742-0762
Full-service capabilities
Systems integration and consulting
Providing systems architecture and integration services as well as custom
solution design and implementation; and provides a full range of consulting
Company Background
ManTech – Team Members / Capability / Experience
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services, such as program management, business process reengineering,
training, change management, communications management, quality
assurance (QA), independent verification and validation (IV&V), information
assurance (IA), and security.
Systems Engineering
Provides services to help our clients develop and improve their enterprise
architectures. We assess the applicability and suitability of commercial
applications, participate in design reviews, and develop migration plans to
transition to new systems and technology, and retire outdated ones.
Capability/Area of
Application management
Provides day-to-day maintenance and modernization for our clients’ business
applications, helping reduce costs and ensure faster delivery of new
capabilities. Services include requirements definition, configuration
management, configuration audits, application design, development,
enhancements, maintenance, testing, and support.
Global IT Manager, serving as the IT
Applications Manager for all applications managed by the NAVSEA Command
Information Office, ensuring that the staff and the efforts in managing each
application are coordinated to ensure efficient and effective processes are
achieved and maintained. Ensuring that work accomplished meets the
policies for legacy applications set forth by Navy and the NAVSEA CIO.
Provide support to the NAVSEA CIO office and the associated NAVSEA
business offices in answering data calls from ACNO-IT, DON CIO, OSD, etc on
efforts such as DITPR-DON and the IT Registration Database. The contractor
shall be knowledgeable of
current DOD Business Transformation Agency (BTA) and DON policies
regarding domain
certifications, tier classifications and the procedures for required annual
Provide support for the NMCI/NGEN certification process of legacy
applications running under
Provide support in all NAVSEA Enterprise Architecture efforts, including
interfacing with higher echelons, as well as all NAVSEA codes.
Functional Areas: 3.5 System Design Documentation and Technical Data
3.6 Software Engineering, Development, Programming, and Network Support
3.10 Configuration Management (CM) Support
3.12 Information System (IS) Development, Information Assurance (IA), and
Information Technology (IT) Support
ManTech – Team Members / Capability / Experience
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Last 3 years services
experience listed by
functional area and
specific Program
Since June 2009 supported the NAVSEA CIO office as a subcontractor to MDG
Contract Functional Area POC
NAVSEA CIO support – 3.5, 3.6 Stephen E. Foster – 2027813010
Before June 2008, members of the company have worked on the following
relevant projects:
Contract Functional Area POC
DOD - BTA 3.5 Grant Soderstrom 7038018149
DOD - SPS 3.5, 3.6 Gail Guseman
- 7032276634
Company Name
Advanced Concepts and Technologies International,
Points of Contact
Bill Ward
Company Website
Company Background
Capability/Area of
Advanced Concepts and Technologies International, L.L.C. (ACT I) has been
providing solutions for high profile military programs such as the U.S. Navy
and U.S. Air Force's Joint Advanced Strike Technology (JAST)/Joint Strike
Fighter/F-35, the U.S. Navy's F-16N Aggressor, and the U.S. Air Force's F-22
Raptor since 1998. Our reputation with the U.S. Navy is built on providing
specialized and high value solutions on time and on budget. We are a
recognized knowledge company providing trusted expertise and leadership
excellence in support of defense and energy technical and life-cycle
management solutions
 Acquisition program planning and execution
 Defense Acquisition Board milestone documentation
 Cost research, analysis, life cycle cost, and total cost of ownership
 Foreign Military Sales case management and support
 Scientific and engineering research and analysis, design, reverse
 Market surveys, technology assessments and technology insertion
 Systems engineering and technical assistance
 Enterprise, static, and dynamic modeling and simulation
 Prototyping, testing, and evaluation
 Logistics planning, provisioning, and electronic technical manuals
 Water and environmental testing, sensor development
ManTech – Team Members / Capability / Experience
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Last 3 years services
experience listed by
functional area and
specific Program (see
below for list of functional
Joint Strike Fighter (JSF)/F-35 Program Office (JSFPO) Support (FA7014-08-C0040) Zones 2 & 4, Functional Service Area 3.20. ACT I’s work with the
JSFPO is the epitome of program acquisition support. Our performance
synchronizes multiple functional disciplines (engineering, logistics,
business/affordability, manufacturing, cost & EVMS) and organizational
components in direct support to the JSFPO. ACT I integrates best business
practices and provides the acquisition, program, and financial management
necessary to ensure F-35 success.
Army Strategic Investment Plan for Water & Petroleum Distribution
(W9913M-08-C-216) Zone 2, 3 & 5,
Functional Service Areas 3.1, 3.2, 3.3, 3.4, 3.6 and 3.16. This effort required
extensive R&D into new and emerging liquid distribution technologies and
how best to apply them on the tactical, operational and strategic levels. Our
scientists and engineers conducted R&D on water systems and used their
experience and problem-solving skills to evolve current water technologies
and combined multiple technologies to provide our Service members a
valuable enhanced capability. We designed, engineered and built multiple
prototypes. We conducted M&S at both the battlefield and the molecular
levels, conducting thorough analyses on both, and designed and coded
additional software capabilities to enhance the effectiveness of existing
programs. We provided thorough analysis of test, production, fielding and
sustainment of liquid distribution equipment to ensure new equipment is
sustainable from cost, maintainability, repair parts availability and supply
chain, and field functionality.
Alternative Energy Ground Vehicle–Power Grid Interface Program
(W56HZV-11-C-0286) Zone 5, Functional Service Areas 3.1, 3.2, 3.3, 3.6 and
3.18.1. This project required scientific and analytical disciplines to conduct
fundamental research and apply advanced energy generation, storage and
consumption technologies. We applied knowledge of energy technologies to
existing, modified and self-engineered modeling and visual software to
provide simulations and analysis, potential technological improvements,
installation utility grid redesigns, and recommended applications of advanced
technologies designed to greatly improve installation infrastructure
efficiencies. We designed course curriculums and provided technical training
on the use of our new software
Company Name
Advanced Resource Technologies, Inc.
Points of Contact
Brian Bartholomew
Company Website
ManTech – Team Members / Capability / Experience
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Company Background
Capability/Area of
Last 3 years services
experience listed by
functional area and
specific Program
Advanced Resource Technologies, Inc. (ARTI) is a CMMI Level 3, ServiceDisabled, Veteran-Owned Small Business (SDVOSB) headquartered in
Alexandria, Virginia.
3.1 Research and Development Support
3.5 System Design Documentation and Technical Data Support
3.12 Information System (IS) Development, Information Assurance (IA), and
Information Technology (IT) Support
3.16 Logistics Support
3.20 Program Support
3.21 Functional and Administration Support
3.22 Public Affairs and Multimedia Support
We have not provided any of the services under a SeaPort contract in the past
3 years
Description of products
(deliverables) provided
Since 1986, ARTI has established a reputation of exceeding customer
expectations by providing comprehensive IT Operations and Management;
Information, Network & Cyber Security; Health IT, and Program Management
& Logistics support to a wide range of Federal Government clients.
Focused on its customers, employees, and delivering solutions while
managing and securing information, people and technology, ARTI has
established an impressive record of consistently delivering cost-effective
services and solutions that meet or exceed our client’s expectations
Company Name
Airborne Technologies, Inc
Points of Contact
Patrick Rau, prau@airborne-tech.com, 703-433-2016
Becky McCoy, bmccoy@airborne-tech.com, 703-889-8625
Company Background
Airborne Technologies has been providing subject matter expert technical
support to DARPA for the past 3 years. Our staff has over 20 years experience
working for the Agency in various capacities. Our expertise is in the areas of:
systems engineering; system development, integration and test; stealth
technologies; assessment of advanced concepts; analysis of new technologies
and their potential impact on the warfighter; program formulation; and
program monitoring and control. ATI has extensive experience in unmanned
air and ground systems development, areas of growing interest to the
warfighter, DoD and DARPA leadership.
ATI will provide a subject matter expert(s) under our subcontract to ManTech
SRS for this solicitation. Our SMEs are prepared to support tasking under
elements 2.3.1, 2.3.2 and 2.3.3 of CLIN 4020 SOW. Our staff has over 20 years
experience providing services similar to this under our DoD and Intelligence
community SETA support contracts.
Capability/Area of
ManTech – Team Members / Capability / Experience
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Last 3 years services
experience listed by
functional area and
specific Program
Functional Areas: 2.3.1 Technology Application Support,
2.3.2 Specialized Studies and Advisory Groups
2.3.3 Technical Documentation and Briefing Support
Our staff has participated on several DARPA technology studies including:
FAST (examining next generation unmanned helicopter technologies for
TTO), EM Gun Study (examining the possibility of developing an EM gun
capable of striking anywhere on the earth from CONUS for DIRO), and Laser
Weapons Study (examining using ground and airborne lasers for missile
defense for DIRO). We are routinely called on to aide in the development of
briefings for program new starts, program updates and conference papers. In
ATI was a prime contractor to DIRO in support of the Urban Challenge
responsible for site infrastructure and execution. Prime Contract# HR001107-D-009 DO# 0001. Contracts POC: Michael Mutty DARPA/CMO, (571 2184588, Michael.Mutty@darpa.mil. Technical POC: Dr. Norman Whitaker, (571)
218-4207, norma.whitaker@darpa.mil.
ATI is currently supporting DIRO special assistants in formulating new
initiatives and execution of the pending DARPA building relocation. Prime
Contract# N00174-00-C-0012. Subcntr# 08-A-0166, Prime Contractor – ARTI.
ARTI Contracts POC: Maria Brown, (703) 682-4765, maria.brown@teamarti.com. DARPA Technical POC: Ron Kurjanowic, (703) 696-7583,
Company Name:
Alcyone Consulting Incorporated
Points of Contact
Naomi Silver, Erica Milner
Company Background:
Alcyone is a small, woman-owned business whose mission is to provide
expertise in Program, Acquisition, and Procurement Management to
promote success for new and existing programs throughout the Department
of Defense and other Government agencies.
Acquisition Management, Program Management, Procurement Lifecycle
Management, Business Financial Management, and Information Technology
Acquisition Management.
3.17 Supply and Provisioning Support
3.18 Training Support
3.19 In-Service Engineering, Fleet Introduction, Installation & Checkout Spt
3.20 Program Support
3.21 Functional and Administrative Support
Capability/Area of
Last 3 years services
experience listed by
functional area and
specific Program
ManTech – Team Members / Capability / Experience
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Description of products
(deliverables) provided.
Program and management documents outlining mission, objectives, concept
of operations, and strategic plans. Corporate tactical implementations and
assessments of initiatives, National Value Stream Management (NVSM)
improvement initiatives, Submarine Maintenance availability requirement
documents, policies and procedures for the direct application of nuclear and
non-nuclear resources.
Award Fee Plans, Acquisition Program Baselines; Strategic, Business and
Financial Planning documents.
Provide assistance to Government with preparation of Procurement Requests
• Statements of Work (SOWs)
• Contract Data Requirements Lists (CDRLs)(DD Forms 1423)
• Contract Security Classification Specifications (DD Forms 254)
• Financial Accounting Data (FAD) Sheets
Company Name
Alion - IPS Corporation
Points of Contact
Sima Eshraghi, seshraghi@alionscience.com, (202) 756-4051
Bruce Samuelsen, bsamuelsen@alionscience.com, (703) 933-6616
Alion is technology solutions company delivering technical expertise and
operational support to the Department of Defense, civilian government
agencies and commercial customers. Building on almost 70 years of R&D and
engineering experience, Alion brings innovation and insight to multiple
business areas: defense operations; modeling & simulation; wireless
communication; industrial technology; chemical, biological, nuclear &
environmental sciences; information technology; and naval architecture &
marine engineering.
Alion is fully qualified in all the functional areas specified in the statement of
work (SOW) requirements and will provide naval architecture and marine
engineering and technical services to support research and development,
new design, construction, conversions, modernization, and provide fleet
support. The DoD and industry rely on Alion for a broad array of modeling &
simulation (M&S) and technical and professional services; our 2D and 3D
modeling solutions support advanced training for both the military and first
responders. In addition, Alion leads policy, design and development efforts to
create standard automated interfaces between simulation and Command,
Control, Communication and Computer Intelligence (C4I) systems.
1) Prime: Naval Surface Warfare Center, Dahlgren Division, Seaport
Enhanced (MAC II) N00178-04-D-4066, Multiple Award Contract:
Engineering and technical expertise contract; Gary W. Byram, (540) 6537087
N00024-01-D-7023, Multiple Award Contract: Engineering and technical
Company Background
Capability/Area of
Last 3 years services
experience listed by
functional area and
specific Program
ManTech – Team Members / Capability / Experience
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expertise contract, Ms. Joann M. Vitek, (202) 781-2834
3) Prime: DSMO, GWAC, Modeling and Simulation Information Analysis
Center (MSIAC), N61339-03-D-0300, Domingo Rivera, (407) 381-8631
Company Name:
AM Pierce & Associates, Inc.
Points of Contact
Adelle M. Pierce
Company Background:
AM Pierce & Associates is a woman-owned small business founded to
provide systems engineering, program and acquisition management services
to NAVAIR and other DoD customers. We pride ourselves on our ability to
provide innovative solutions to our customers’ most critical requirements.
Our dedicated employees are focused on providing high quality products and
services in support of the warfighter and our nation’s security.
Capability/Area of
Engineering, program and acquisition management services to NAVAIR and
other DoD customers. Specific capabilities include systems engineering,
systems architecture, software development, modeling & simulation, data
analysis, test& evaluation, acquisition and requirements analysis, budget &
financial management, cost analysis, Foreign Military Sales, Reliability &
Maintainability, production integration, Government Furnished Equipment,
Repair of Repairables and operations support.
3.1, 3.2, 3.5, 3.16, and 3.20 – Acquisition, requirements and technical services
in support of the Chief of Naval Operations (OPNAV N88) and the H-60
Program Office (PMA 299);
Last 3 years services
experience listed by
functional area and
specific Program
3.1, 3.2, 3.5, 3.7, 3.10, 3.11, 3.16, 3.17, 3.19, 3.20 and 3.21 – Senior Level
Acquisition and Program Support directly to the PMA 280 Program Manager
and Deputy Program Manager, assisting PMA-280 leadership with all facets
of Tomahawk AUR acquisition;
3.1, 3.2, 3.5, 3.7, 3.16, 3.17, 3.19, 3.20, and 3.21 – Acquisition and Program
Management Support to NAVAIR PMA 299 and the H-60B/F and H In-Service
3.1, 3.2, 3.5, 3.7, 3.10, 3.16, 3.17, 3.19, 3.20 and 3.21 – Production
Integration support to PMS-299 including System/Subsystem Integration,
Avionics/Software/Air Vehicle Technology Insertion, and Configuration
Management for both domestic and FMS H-60 programs;
3.1, 3.2, 3.5, 3.7, 3.14, 3.16 and 3.20 – Reliability & Maintainability (R&M)
Engineering and Maintenance Monitor support to PMA 262 Persistent
ManTech – Team Members / Capability / Experience
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Maritime Unmanned Aircraft Systems Program Office and the Broad Area
Maritime Surveillance (BAMS) Unmanned Aircraft System (UAS) Program;
3.1, 3.2, 3.5, 3.7, 3.11, 3.16, 3.17 and 3.20 – Manufacturing and Quality
(M&Q) Engineering Support to PMA 290 in support of the P-3 series and P-8A
3.1, 3.2, 3.3, 3.4, 3.5, 3.6, 3.12, 3.14, 3.15, 3.20, and 3.21 – Engineering,
technical and Program Integration support to PMA 268 and the Navy UCAS
(N-UCAS) Aviation Ship Integration Team and to PMA 213 and the Joint
Precision Approach and Landing System (JPALS);
Description of products
(deliverables) provided.
3.1, 3.2, 3.3, 3.4, 3.5, 3.6, 3.10, 3.12, 3.14, 3.17, 3.18 and 3.20 – Systems
architecture and engineering operations and demonstration support to
various US Army Space and Missile Defense Command (SMDC) Battle Lab and
Future Warfare Center programs.
Program, Acquisition, Engineering and Test & Evaluation support services.
Company Name
Points of Contact
EPOC: John (Jack) Baker
(703) 968-5225
Alternate EPOC: Sabrina Worcester
(703) 441-8534
Company Website
Company Background
AMERICAN SYSTEMS is a multi-faceted information technology services
organization, focusing on five primary areas of business in support of
government agencies, institutions, and commercial organizations.
First, we provide system engineering and technical services, and prepare
documentation to facilitate the design, development, and integration of
information technology applications into electronic data processing and
information distribution systems, command and control systems,
communications, sensor and surveillance systems, and biometric and medical
Second, we provide specialized technical services, including requirements
analysis; design, selection, and procurement of hardware and software from
qualified vendors; integration and installation of enterprise-wide computing
network solutions, including local area networks and wide area networks;
packaging and cabinet integration; asset management; and integration and
ManTech – Team Members / Capability / Experience
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installation of central office network switching modules for public networks.
Third, we provide technical and engineering services for installation and
implementation of cable plant distribution systems for high speed data,
voice, and video applications, including air blown fiber, conventional fiber,
and Category 5 UTP cable, as well as installation in asbestos environments,
and classified/secure cable plant applications.
Fourth, we provide information technology to training services, including
development of interactive courseware computer-based training, distance
learning, multi-media applications, tele-training, and web-based training.
Fifth: Our Science and Technology Integration Center houses a team of S&T
professionals, providing a stable of functional area Subject Matter Experts
with an unmatched depth and breadth of technical capability in S&T strategic
planning, and program management.
System engineering; System Design and Documentation; Configuration
Management Support; Requirements Analysis and Definition; Information
Technology and Network Services; Logistics Support; Program Management;
Risk Management, IV&V, In-service Engineering; Training Support, including
trainer design and curriculum development; Program Management.
Capability/Area of
Last 3 years services
experience listed by
functional area and
specific Program (see
below for list of functional
Our AMERICAN SYSTEMS S&T team is currently directly and indirectly
supporting multiple Codes at ONR to include Code 30 efforts in Maneuver,
C4ISR, and Logistics, and Code 35 efforts in support of the Autonomous Aerial
Cargo Utility System (AACUS). Our team also provides S&T integration and
management support to the USMC Program Executive Officer Land Systems
(PEO LS) S&T Director.
Engineering Readiness Assist Team (ERAT)
Government POC: Richard Chiappane, PMS 470 NAVSEA,
richard.chiappane@navy.mil, 202-781-1989
Functional Areas: 3.2, 3.7, 3.10, 3.16, 3.18, 3.19
INSURV Readiness Assist Team (IRAT)
N00024-01-D-7013/DO 0021
Government POC: Lindsay Buchman, NAVSEA, lindsay.buchman@navy.mil,
Functional Areas: 3.2, 3.7, 3.10, 3.16, 3.18, 3.19
Surface Maintenance Engineering Planning Program (SURFMEPP)
N00178-04-D-4078/DO EH01
Government POC: Tom Gallagher, Deputy OIC, thomas.g.gallagher@navy.mil,
Functional Areas: 3.20
Office of Naval Research (ONR) Code 30 S&T Portfolio Support (N62583-10-C0335); Government POC: Mr. Cody Reese 805-982-6769
Functional Area(s): 3.2, 3.16, 3.20
Program Executive Office Land Systems (PEO LS) Science and Technology
ManTech – Team Members / Capability / Experience
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Support (M67854-10-F-0211)
POC: Mr. Mike Halloran , (703) 432-5170
Functional Area(s): 3.2, 3.20
Description of products
(deliverables) provided
Office of Naval Research (ONR) Code 30 Support:
 Future Logistics In Support of Enhanced MAGTF Operations Phase I:
Wargame and Report
 Future Logistics In Support of Enhanced MAGTF Operations Phase II:
Conference and Report
 Logistics Portfolio “Quick-Look” Report
 ONR 30 “Battle Rhythm”
 Modular Vehicle Platform (MVP) Enabling Capability Brief and
 Numerous Executive level Briefings and Reports
 Monthly Reports
Program Executive Office Land Systems Support:
 Advanced Technology Investment Plans (5)
 PEO LS Tactical Ground Vehicle Matrix
 Fuel Efficient MTVR Enabling Capability Brief and Submission
 Numerous Executive level Briefings and Reports
 Monthly Reports
Company Name
Analysis First, LLC
Points of Contact
Company Website
John Edwards, CEO
Jodi Lasky, COO
Company Background
Formed to provide niche technical and administrative services
Capability/Area of
Operations Research/System Analysis
Meeting facilitation
Administrative Service
Military training
3.2 Evolved the design of the Training and Identification System (TIS) that
provides a geographically independent, realistic training capability for
infantry and a cooperative identification capability for dismounted and
mounted operations.
Last 3 years services
experience listed by
functional area and
specific Program (see
below for list of functional
ManTech – Team Members / Capability / Experience
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Description of products
(deliverables) provided
White papers presented to the Maneuver Center of Excellence, PEO Soldier,
PEO STRI, and the Rapid Equipping Force, among others.
Company Name
Analytic Services Inc. (ANSER)
Points of Contact
Sarah Lindegren - 703-416-3476 - sarah.lindegren@anser.org
Stephen Hopkins - 703-416-3307 - Stephen.Hopkins@anser.org
Company Website
Company Background
Capability/Area of
Last 3 years services
experience listed by
functional area and
specific Program (see
below for list of functional
Analytic Services Inc. (ANSER) is a not-for-profit research and analysis
institute chartered in 1958 as a public-service organization providing
objective studies, analyses, and technical support to aid decision makers
across the national security and homeland security communities.
Headquartered in Falls Church, VA, our company is governed by a
distinguished Board of Trustees drawn from business, public service,
academia and military affairs. For over fifty-five years, ANSER has
demonstrated the capability to provide authoritative subject matter
expertise to conduct studies, broad-based strategic and operational planning
and assessment, unbiased policy and guidance advice, training and exercise
support, and experienced operational program support for the development,
sustained management and execution of complex government programs.
3.1 Research & Development
3.2 Engineering, System Engineering and Process Engineering
3.11 Quality Assurance
3.12 Information System Development, Information Assurance, and
Information Technology
3.16 Acquisition Logistics
3.18 Training
3.21 Functional and Administrative
3.1 Research & Development 3.20 Program Support
Contract Title: Chemical, Biological, Radiological, and Nuclear (CBRN) Defense
Concepts, Capability Integration, and Development for the Joint
Requirements Office for Chemical, Biological, Radiological, and Nuclear
Defense (JRO-CBRND)
3.2 Engineering, System Engineering and Process Engineering
Contract Number: HQ0034-11-A-0008-0002
Contract Title: Support to the ASD(R&E) Joint Capabilities Technology
Demonstration Program
3.12 Information System Development, Information Assurance, and
Information Technology; 3.16 Logistics Support
Contract Number: GS-10F-0026J 874-1 (Prime)
ManTech – Team Members / Capability / Experience
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Contract Title: ACC/A8 Support
3.18 Training Support
Contract Number: GS-10F-0026J 874-1/2
Contract Title: Antiterrorism/Force Protection Program Services
3.21 Functional and Administrative
Contract Title: Support to Office of the Under Secretary of Defense for Policy
[OUSD(P)]Blanket Purchase Agreement
Company Name
Antech Systems, Inc.
Points of Contact
Frank Cooney
Company Website
Company Background
Capability/Area of
Last 3 years services
experience listed by
functional area and
specific Program
Antech Systems is a Small Business headquartered in Chesapeake, VA. Since
its incorporation in 1990, Antech has used information technology to solve
problems with the creation, presentation and distribution of technical
information for a variety of government and commercial clients. For the past
16 years, Antech has maintained strong ties with NAVSEA and NAVAIR and
continues to build innovative IT solutions for their customers. Specializing in
the modeling, development, publishing, and lifecycle maintenance of
technical information documents, Antech builds customized solutions for our
partners that are tailored for their individual needs, budgets, and
Antech Systems has proven technical performance with DoD in general, and
the Department of Navy (DoN) in particular. We’ve used technology
innovation to solve problems with gathering, storing, presenting, distributing,
and maintaining technical information. Our track record encompasses
practical experience in seven functional areas and in all geographic zones.
3.2 – NAVSEA 04
3.5 – NAVAIR 4.5.10, NAVSEA 04
3.6 – NAVAIR 4.5.10, NAVSEA 04
3.7 – NAVSEA 04
3.9 – NAVSEA 04
3.10 – NAVSEA 04
3.12 – NAVAIR 4.5.10, NAVSEA 04
3.16 – NAVSEA 04
3.18 – NAVAIR 4.5.10, NAVSEA 04
3.19 – NAVSEA 4.5.10, SPAWAR
3.20 – NAVAIR 4.5.10, NAVSEA 04
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Description of products
(deliverables) provided
Information modeling and schema development, specializing in SGML
and XML
Authoring system and document distribution services
Planned maintenance scheduling systems and performance aids
Interactive Electronic Technical Manual (IETM) development and
Computer-based training applications and visual communication services
Information Technology consulting services for NAVSEA 04RM and other
DoD partners
Commercial data cleansing and publishing services, including hardbound
print, multimedia CD-ROM, and web presentations
Company Name:
Applied Enterprise Solutions, LLC (AES)
Points of Contact
Fred Spence (985) 601-2574
William “Bill” Henley (985) 601-2573
AES is a vertically integrated IT services small business with expertise in using
the Agile Scrum Software Development process in the Federal Market. AES
also has experience in IT operations.
- IUID marking and IT tool development Subject Matter Experts
- Software Development
- System Design
- Enterprise Integration
- IT System Operations
- Handheld development, application distribution, and data synchronization.
3.2 Engineering, System Engineering and Process Engineering Support
3.4 Prototyping, Pre-Production, Model-Making, and Fabrication Support
3.5 System Design Documentation and Technical Data Support
3.6 Software Engineering, Development, Programming, and Network Support
3.10 Configuration Management (CM) Support
3.11 Quality Assurance (QA) Support
3.12 Information System (IS) Development, Information Assurance (IA), and
Information Technology (IT)
3.16 Acquisition Logistics Support
3.16 Acquisition Logistics Support
3.17 Supply and Provisioning Support
3.18 Training Support
3.19 In-Service Engineering, Fleet Introduction, Installation & Checkout Spt
3.20 Program Support
3.21 Functional and Administrative Support
- Software Development and integration support
- IT Operations
- HH development and distribution system
- IUID Tool Suite
Company Background:
Capability/Area of
Last 3 years services
experience listed by
functional area and
specific Program
Description of products
(deliverables) provided.
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Company Name
Applied Management Corporation (AMCORP)
Points of Contact
Michael L. Williams, 571-312-9712, mike.williams@amcorp-cco.com
Pama S. Good, 571-312-9722, pama.sarver@amcorp-cco.com
Applied Management Corporation, a Small, Woman Owned company
founded in August 1988, supports program/project managers in procuring
and managing their acquisitions from cradle to grave; primarily major
weapon systems, weapons, and combat systems. We also assist
program/project managers in managing their field activities. We assist field
activities by ensuring program office objectives are being met.
Systems engineering, software development, logistics, acquisition, program
management, test and evaluation, financial, installation, maintenance/repair,
configuration (change) management (CM), system safety, training, life cycle
support, quality assurance, FMS, contract management/administration
Undersea Warfare Systems Engineering and Technical Support (SPAWAR
Systems Center, San Diego): 3.1, 3.2, 3.3, 3.4, 3.5, 3.6, 3.7, 3.8, 3.9, 3.10,
3.11, 3.12, 3.14, 3.16, 3.17, 3.18, 3.19, 3.20
Company Background
Capability/Area of
Last 3 years services
experience listed by
functional area and
specific Program
Undersea Warfare Acquisition, Logistics and Program Management Support
(PEO IWS 5): 3.2, 3.5, 3.6, 3.7, 3.8, 3.9, 3.10, 3.11, 3.13, 3.14, 3.16, 3.19, 3.20
Anti-Torpedo Torpedo Defense System (PMS415): 3.1, 3.2, 3.3, 3.4, 3.5, 3.6,
3.8, 3.9, 3.10, 3.11, 3.14, 3.19, 3.20
Description of products
(deliverables) provided
Keyport Code 40 Technical Support (NUWC Keyport, WA): 3.2, 3.3, 3.5, 3.6,
3.7, 3.8, 3.10, 3.11, 3.13, 3.14, 3.16, 3.17, 3.18, 3.19, 3.20
Software, software/hardware/firmware design documents, program plans
(project, acquisition, test, training, CM, safety, logistics), drawings, studies
and analyses, reports, databases, course instruction, change proposals, MILSTD-882 safety CDRLs, financial documents
Company Name
Applied Physical Sciences Corp.
Points of Contact
Company Website
Shawn Singer, Contracts Manager
860-448-3253, x157 ssinger@aphysci.com
Company Background
ManTech – Team Members / Capability / Experience
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Capability/Area of
Last 3 years services
experience listed by
functional area and
specific Program (see
below for list of functional
Applied Physical Sciences Corp. is a Research, Development and Engineering
consulting firm specializing in Acoustics, Signal Processing, Marine
Hydrodynamics and Electromagnetics. We provide: Applied R&D projects
for government sponsors, engineering modeling and simulation in support of
Naval ship design and subsystem concept development – including quiet
propulsion, vehicle silencing, sonar, seakeeping and hydrodynamics,
detection, classification, and tracking algorithm development for sonar, radar,
navigation and general purpose surveillance systems, and prototype sensor and
system development including: active and passive sonar systems; acoustic test
facility infrastructure; monitoring and surveillance systems; and vector-sensor
based systems
3.1 Research and Development Support
3.2 Engineering, System Engineering and Process Engineering Support
3.4 Prototyping, Pre-Production, Model-Making, and Fabrication Support
3.5 System Design Documentation and Technical Data Support
3.6 Software Engineering, Development, Programming, and Network Support
3.14 Interoperability, Test and Evaluation, Trials Support
Company Name:
Applied Research Associates, Inc.
Points of Contact
Katherine D. Daniels, PE – Vice President, Contracts
Larry E. Bost – Deputy, Purchasing
ARA is an employee-owned scientific research and engineering company
founded in 1979 and dedicated to producing innovative solutions that tackle
critical national problems in National Security, Infrastructure, Energy and
Environment, and Health and Human Safety. We are committed to solving
our customers' toughest problems with innovative yet practical and
technically sound solutions.
National Security, Infrastructure, Energy and Environment
Company Background:
Capability/Area of
Last 3 years services
experience listed by
functional area and
specific Program
3.1 Research and Development Support
3.2 Engineering, System Engineering and Process Engineering Support
3.3 Modeling, Simulation, Stimulation, and Analysis Support
3.4 Prototyping, Pre-Production, Model-Making, and Fabrication Support
3.6 Software Engineering, Development, Programming, and Network Support
3.8 Human Factors, Performance, and Usability Engineering Support
Description of products
(deliverables) provided.
In addition to the above capabilities, ARA provides products in the areas of:
Alternative Fuels, Robotics, Security Systems and Geotechnical &
ManTech – Team Members / Capability / Experience
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Company Name
Applied Systems Research (ASR) – see CACI Inc. Federal
Company Name
Applied Techniques Corporation
Points of Contact
Roger Kraus
Company Website
Company Background
ATC is a Veteran-Owned Small Business with a wide range of training,
technical documentation, and deployed systems operation and maintenance
experience. We provide Human Systems Integration analysis and appropriate
recommendations concerning manpower, personnel, and training
requirements, training system business case analysis, system design,
development, test and evaluation, life cycle support, and training technology.
Our capabilities include training systems design and management, platform
instruction, design, technical writing, authoring, mentoring, consulting, and
simulation. These capabilities enable us to support current learning
technologies such as the E-Learning Learning Management System/Content
Management Server (LMS/CMS), and Shareable Courseware Object
Reference Model (SCORM) specifications. We also provide CONUS/OCONUS
operations and maintenance support for various unmanned and manned
Our employee’s hold degrees in Business Management, Engineering,
Computer Sciences, and Instructional Systems Design and Development. We
employ certified and standardized approaches to training development and
are proficient in both the Instructional Systems Design (ISD) and Systems
Approach to Training (SAT) methodologies. Our team includes retired
Military officers and enlisted, Subject Matter Experts, Training System
Analysts, Instructional System Developers, Graphic Artists, Management
Analysts, and Operational and Maintenance Technicians for numerous
ATC also provides for the development, conversion, configuration control and
maintenance of technical documentation, drawings, illustrations and
procedures. We use approved documentation to support the training system
development, as well as operation and maintenance of deployed systems.
Capability/Area of
ATC will support SOW mission areas associated with NAVAIR and their
WARFARE Centers, Patuxent River, Washington, D.C, Seattle WA and
Pensacola, FL. Our tasking includes program management, the full suite of
systems engineering services, systems integration, and acquisition services.
ManTech – Team Members / Capability / Experience
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Last 3 years services
experience listed by
functional area and
specific Program (see
below for list of functional
The following past performance efforts support functional areas 3.18 Training
Support and 3.20 Program support. These efforts are current efforts being
provided as a subcontractor under the ManTech Inc. Seaport e contract
number N00178-04-D-4080 FG02:
ATC provides Triton Unmanned Aerial System (UAS) Program
Management and training system development support by serving as the
organic operations and maintenance Integrated Product Team Leads (IPTL),
integrator and Instructional System Design (ISD) Lead. We are providing
Subject Matter Experts (SMEs) to support all facets of the Triton UAS
curriculum development for aircrew, to fly UAS IAW NATOPS 3710
requirements, and the maintenance manpower to maintain the aircraft and
each respective ground control station IAW NAMP 4790 requirements. The
maintenance related support includes, but is not limited to, the Triton UAS
Instructor Led Training (ILT), Interactive Courseware (ICW) and Computer
Aided Instruction (CAI) curriculum development team for the unique specific
organic rate (AD/AM/AT/AE/IT).
We provide product development guidance, management oversight
for the government Assistant Program Manager for Training System (APMTS).
We regularly interact with courseware developers, as a principal technical
reviewer, for all curriculum materials being developed that will comprise the
Triton UAS maintainer course of instruction. Our review includes validation
of technical accuracy of the course content as well as verification of
instructional media execution according to approved storyboard strategy.
Curriculum materials reviewed include:
 Instructor guides
 Student guides
 Lab sheets
 Test plans
 IMI products
 Training Aids
 GFI material
We provide qualified Triton UAS maintenance instructors.
Instructors conduct classroom and hands on performance based training
events. All instructors maintain technical competence and certification
We provide Triton UAS Manpower, Personnel, and Training (MPT)
analyses to ensure all training requirements are identified and met. As IPTL,
we coordinate and schedule Contract Data Requirements List (CDRL) review
and validate for government acceptance of the prime contractors Operator
and Maintenance Front End Analysis (FEA) and their curriculum
development. We directly support the respective program office
requirements through delivery of:
ManTech – Team Members / Capability / Experience
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Front End Analysis Products:
 Master Task lists (MTL)
 Master Training Task Lists (MTTL)
 Training System Support Document (TSSD)
 Instructional Media Requirements Documents (IMRD)
 Instruction Media Design Package (IMDP)
 Instructional Media Package
 Training Program Structure Documents (TPSD)
 Training Conduct Support Documents (TCSD)
We support the Triton UAS Mission Systems Trainer (MST)
engineering and acquisition process. We are involved in all the development
and systems engineering integrated team (SEIT) efforts. We have substantial
interaction with other integrated Integrated Program Teams (IPTs) (MCS,
T&E, Logistics and Training Systems).
Products from cross IPT working groups include:
Training Transfer Agreement (TTA)
Training System Installation Plans (TSIP)
Human Factor Interface (HFI/HFE)
Naval Training System Plan (NTSP)
Human Machine Interface
Test & Evaluation Master Plan (TEMP)
Operator In the Loop Events (OITL)
Concept of Operations (CONOPS)
Technical Publications/Technical Manuals
We are supporting the UCLASS UAS program which is in its early
acquisition phase. We are providing critical training input to key acquisition
documentation such as the Concept of Operations, Test and Evaluation
Master Plan, Integrated Master Schedule, Logistics Requirements Funding
Summary (LRFS), system Statement Of Objectives, Contract Data
Requirements List, the Integrated Logistics Support Plan and the Naval
Training Systems Plan. We are analyzing training programs and training
related documentation and recommending management control techniques
to develop and conduct training, development of program plans, and
generation of technical or management information, data, publications, and
We provide planning, status reporting, technical review, and training impact
identification for both the Triton and UCLASS UAS Training System Programs.
We analyze the training program and training related documentation and
recommend management control techniques to improve the conduct of
training, development of program plans, and generation of technical or
management information, data, publications, and reports. We participate in
Integrated Logistics Support (ILS), Operator Advisory Group (OAG), and IPT
meetings and complete action items. We provide critical training program
ManTech – Team Members / Capability / Experience
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management and training system engineering and logistics support for
maintaining client training systems and insure concurrency of client training
system deliverables, timeliness and schedules. We provide programming,
planning and budgeting information for the operation and maintenance of
the Triton training systems.
We provide Triton and UCLASS program risk management and mitigation
strategies, risk assessments and risk management plans. We schedule and
conduct all Risk Working Groups (RWG) and Risk Management Boards (RMBs)
on a monthly basis.
We provide support for and participate in conferences, meetings, and
reviews to include, but not limited to: orientation conference, weekly
meetings, Technical Interchange Meetings (TIMs), In Process Reviews (IPRs),
Preliminary Design Reviews (PDRs), and Critical Design Reviews (CDRs). We
are responsible for preparing meeting agendas and minutes, as necessary.
Description of products
(deliverables) provided
Front End Analysis Products:
Master Task lists (MTL)
Master Training Task Lists (MTTL)
Training System Support Document (TSSD)
Instructional Media Requirements Documents (IMRD)
Instruction Media Design Package (IMDP)
Instructional Media Package
Training Program Structure Documents (TPSD)
Training Conduct Support Documents (TCSD)
Company Name:
ARINC Engineering, LLC
Points of Contact
Erica Cordes - 850-636-3308 ecordes@arinc.com
Terrie Harney - 240.725.7229 tharney@arinc.com
Company Background:
The History of ARINC
How did ARINC evolve into a world leader in communications, engineering, and integration?
With the emergence of commercial air travel in the late 1920s, the major airlines of the day
needed a communications provider to rely on. Appointed by the Federal Radio Commission
(later known as the FCC) as the sole licensee, ARINC was born.
Over the years, ARINC has evolved into a dynamic, progressive leader providing engineering
solutions in the aerospace and defense, aviation, airports, government, networks, security,
and transportation industries with over 150 innovative products and services worldwide.
Today, we continue to support the commercial aviation industry, as well as the U.S. military by
creating unique, versatile innovations designed to be as optimally reliable, secure, efficient,
and cost effective as possible.
From the first air-to-ground communications and global data link systems to revolutionary
battlefield visibility, critical national resource security, and reverse engineering obsolete parts,
ARINC is built on meeting the needs of our customers delivering exactly what they need, when
they need it, anywhere in the world.
And on our 80th anniversary, we are still at it—engineering the vision for today and tomorrow.
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Capability/Area of
Prime contracts presently in Zones 2, 3, and 4.
Last 3 years services
experience listed by
functional area and
specific Program
N00178-04-D-4016: (3.1) ARINC provides engineering support to Naval Surface Warfare
Center Panama City Division. ARINC provided systems engineering, design, fabrication of
Littoral Combat Ship (LCS) mission modules (MM) and mission packages (MP). Including
refinement of Mine Warfare (MIW) mission Technical Data Packages (TDP).
3.2: Modeling
ARINC conducted modeling and simulation activities to evaluate new technologies, potential
performance relative to requirements, and integration architectures.
3.5: ARINC provided technical support in the design, fabrication, and testing of LCS MP and
MM hardware. ARINC implemented engineering analysis, design, and fabrication efforts for
LCS MM/MP/MS efforts using ANSI/EIA-632-1999 as a guide.
3.6: Software
ARINC identified, reviewed and tested advanced algorithms and techniques for implementing
integrity within those integrated systems, and developed software for military navigation
3.14 ARINC updated tactics documentation including concepts of operations, test and
evaluation master plans, and system technical manuals. ARINC was responsible for identifying
tactical deficiencies resulting from the review of current system tactics and documentation
and making recommendation for resolution.
ARINC perform tasks relevant to functional areas 3.2, 3.5, and 3.14 on the US Joint Forces
support program.
3.2 Engineering, System Engineering and Process Engineering Support: In addition to the
former J89 (now Joint Staff J8 DDC4 AID) support previously provided, this project now
provides support to the Joint Staff DDC4 C4 Assessments Division and Combat Capability
Developer Division in the mission areas of Joint Command and Control (JC2) capability
development, architectures, and operational concepts. The Combat Capability Developer
Division mission is to lead the identification and development of Doctrine, Organization,
Training, Materiel, Leadership, Policy and Facilities (DOTMLPF) capability needs, manage
operational requirements, collaboratively identify modernization solutions, and ensure lifecycle sustainment and synchronization for Joint C2 capabilities in order to "Do No Harm" to
current capabilities and deliver agile C2 capabilities to joint warfighters.
3.5 System Design Documentation and Technical Data Support: ARINC develops integrated,
“Fit-for-Purpose” architectures (e.g., Joint C2 Architectures, Joint Mission Thread (JMT)
Architectures, Solution Architectures, Reference Architectures, etc.) to improve joint
warfighting capabilities with emphasis on federating with existing Combatant Commands,
Services and Agencies (C/S/A) architectures to identify C4 gaps, overlaps, and
interdependencies, from the strategic to tactical levels of joint military operations. ARINC also
conducts operational, programmatic, and technical analysis, including Joint Capabilities
Integration and Development System (JCIDS) reviews, the preparation of analytical reports
and/or issue papers to document C2 gaps, overlaps, and interdependencies, and to make
recommendations that meet joint requirements, and shall participate on focus area working
groups, Integrated Product Teams (IPTs), Focus Integration Teams (FIT), and other C2-related
teams and groups
3.14 Interoperability, Test and Evaluation, Trials Support: The contractor shall provide C2
mission analysis, update the Combat Capability Division (CCD) integrated master schedule and
synchronization matrix, and revision of the CCD Release Sequence Plan and Annual Release
Plan, the DoD C2 Strategic Plan and Implementation Plan to improve, guide, synchronize,
integrate and coordinate C2 related activities, and refinement of the Joint Mission Threads.
Draft information papers, briefings and reports on the capability gap analyses. Provide
ManTech – Team Members / Capability / Experience
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capability analysis and program support functional tasks in support of C2 Governance and
Management, and JCIDS and Defense Acquisition System (DAS) processes to ensure joint
Zone 2: Functional Areas 3.2, 3.4, 3.7, 3.8, 3.14, 3.20
CONTRACT: N00178-04-D-4016: ARINC provides engineering support to ATC Systems Division,
NAWCAD Patuxent River (Code 4.5.8), Naval Air Systems Command (NAVAIR), and Missions
Systems Evaluation Division (MSED).
ARINC’s support overview included requirements definition and engineering support for the
Joint Precision Approach and Landing Systems (JPALS), Navy Unmanned Combat Aerial
Systems (N-UCAS) program, and to ensure completion of mission essential and effective
prosecution of MSED tasking.
ARINC provided systems engineering support to the Carrier Suitability Team for developing the
Automated Air Refueling Technology as related to N-UCAS operations in the CV Control Are.
ARINC identified system and integration requirements and evaluated integration performance.
ARINC developed Technology Maturation and Technology Readiness Assessments. ARINC
analyzed system operation requirements, functional requirements, installation requirements,
operator interface requirements, hardware-software requirements, and specification for new
or modified systems and equipment. ARINC ensured proper flow-down and traceability of
requirements through the requirements-to-design process.
ARINC designed and integrated SRGPS prototype equipment, including aircraft platforms, ship
platforms, the fixed site, and mobile van configurations. The design included hardware and
software platform emulations, required hardware interfaces to the host platform and all
required hardware including sensors, data recorders, racks, wiring and connectors. ARINC
prepared and delivered integration design documentation for both the initial design and for
the as-built configuration.
ARINC utilized available deficiency report databases and tracking systems to maintain and
track watch items, discrepancies, and deficiency reports. ARINC ensured that the information
contained in the deficiency report was updated as new test data was obtained. ARINC
prepared or provided inputs to a detailed Deficiency Status Report. ARINC developed,
participated in, and evaluated human-machine interface demonstrations with planned
government facilities.
ARINC provided test and evaluation engineering expertise to support test planning,
management, and execution and system integration efforts. ARINC provided on-site system
and software engineering support for the systems engineering projects, including
requirements development, software configuration management, unit testing and installed
systems testing. ARINC supported data collection, analysis, and test report and coordinated
test activities and resources with government and commercial service providers.
ARINC provided test planning and documentation required to efficiently and accurately assess
operational sensor performance. ARINC identified required data reduction and analysis
requirements, coordinated and scheduled required aircraft and flight test assets and facilities,
prepared or provided inputs to detailed flight test cards, and supported the Integrated Test
Team (ITT) for maintenance, modification, and/or development of sensor test equipment.
ARINC supported ITT for the integration and/or development of test instrumentation to be
installed on applicable test aircraft to support sensor system performance data collection.
ARINC participated in technical meetings or working groups and designed reviews to provide
test and evaluation inputs and to accurately capture design goals and requirements for
inclusion in the planning process. ARINC participated in, or lead briefings or meetings to
present test program status and/or test results, provided platform scheduling and project
status support to IPTs, coordinated and submitted test team aircraft utilization and
configuration requirements and assisted in aircraft scheduling. ARINC prepared and submitted
daily/weekly/monthly aircraft utilization inputs and platform status in applicable test squadron
formats, and maintained, or provided input to, test and evaluation history files including data
and results presentations, test timelines, test configuration documentation, team notes,
training files, test reports, and test planning documentation.
ARINC supported project task definition and workload planning, acquisition management,
funds management, and financial cost accounting. ARINC supported development of life
cycles estimates, Work Breakdown Structure (WBS) and WBS Dictionary development,
ManTech – Team Members / Capability / Experience
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Management Control System (MCS) execution and other program management tasks,
performed cost analysis in support of systems development, test and evaluation, fielding, and
operations and support. ARINC updated Navy cost models to accommodate the refinement of
system design definition, and performed necessary investigations to refine and improve the
associated cost element relations.
ARINC participated in the development of acquisition plans, schedules and budgets for the
systems in accordance with the program Planning Budgeting System (PPBS), provided risk
management support including identification, assessment, management, and tracking of
program risks using the risk management database software tool prescribed by the
ARINC scheduled and convened regular Risk Board meetings and attended other associated
meetings as required to support the Risk Management effort. ARINC tacked risk actions,
published minutes of those meetings, maintained and updated the risk database, and provided
risk training.
Company Name
Arrowpoint Corporation
Points of Contact
Kevin Martin
Company Website
Company Background
Arrowpoint has, and always will, build our customer base on the foundation
and the core competencies of our company. That is why you can be assured
that whether it is software development or enterprise architecture design or
consulting services, you will be dealing with seasoned Arrowpoint
professionals that know their business and will work with you every step of
the way. Mission focused. Value Driven Solutions.
Arrowpoint specializes in information systems and technology support
services; human resource/capital program support services; engineering and
specialized design services; and other professional, research, scientific, and
consulting services. Arrowpoint also provides program management as well
as advisory and assistance services to support customer organizations in dayto-day operations. Arrowpoint has 2 offices with staff in 20 States.
Arrowpoint is a current Microsoft Certified Partner as achieved through our
experience in IT services.
Capability/Area of
Arrowpoint current direct customers include the United States Army
Analytics Group; United States Army Civilian Information Systems Division,
United States Navy Sea Logistics Command; United States Army Human
Resource Command; National Guard Bureau; and the Department of
Veterans Affairs Office of Health Information.
Our current and past IT services experience align with multiple typical
technology support contract task areas. Our strong competency areas include
datacenter/production support, software development, software
architecture, database engineering/support, security services, systems
ManTech – Team Members / Capability / Experience
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analysis / administration / engineering; helpdesk support, and IT project
management. Arrowpoint offers professional IT consulting and support
services in the areas cited below including, but not limited to, the specific
capabilities listed.
Last 3 years services
experience listed by
functional area and
specific Program (see
below for list of functional
3.1, 3.2, 3.5, 3.6, 3.7, 3.10, 3.11, 3.20, 3.21
Company Name
A-T Solutions, Inc – Company does not have an active Subcontract
with ManTech
Company Name:
Ausley Associates, Inc.
Points of Contact
Stephanie Thomas, Senior Contracts Officer or Donna Hamlet, Contracts
Officer. 301-863-2800
Ausley has built a premier team of experts—over half of whom are military
veterans—who provide innovative program and acquisition management
support to the Department of Defense in defining, engineering and
positioning Navy systems. Ausley continuously develops new and innovative
ways to improve our existing business practices and expand our capabilities.
Today, our core capabilities include both advanced programs development
and unmanned aviation systems lifecycle and configuration management. We
bring an unmatched breadth of experience to solving the unique challenges
presented by unmanned systems.
Program/Acquisition Management, Logistics Management,
Engineering/System Engineering.
Company Background:
Capability/Area of
Last 3 years services
experience listed by
functional area and
specific Program
3.1 Research and Development Support
3.2 Engineering, System Engineering and Process Engineering Support
3.5 System Design Documentation and Technical Data Support
3.6 Software Engineering, Development, Programming, and Network Support
3.7 Reliability, Maintainability, and Availability (RM&A) Support
3.9 System Safety Engineering Support
3.10 Configuration Management (CM) Support
3.11 Quality Assurance (QA) Support
3.14 Interoperability, Test and Evaluation, Trials Support
ManTech – Team Members / Capability / Experience
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3.16 Acquisition Logistics Support
3.17 Supply and Provisioning Support
3.18 Training Support
3.19 In-Service Engineering, Fleet Introduction, Installation & Checkout Spt
3.20 Program Support
3.21 Functional and Administrative Support
Description of products
(deliverables) provided.
Day-to-Day operations, Planning, and Cradle to Grave Acquisition, •
Requirements definition and analysis, 5000 Series Documentation, Plans and
Documents to meet Acquisition Process Milestones, Planning, Programming,
Budget and Execution System (PPBES) Support, Financial Analysis and Budget
Execution Support, Cost and Risk Management, Schedule Development and
Tracking, Configuration and Design Review Support, Proposal Evaluation and
Statement of Work (SOW) Development, Procurement Initiation Document
(PID) Preparation Support, Contract Administration Support, GFE/GFP/GFI
and Configuration Management (CM) Support, Technical Support, Systems
Acquisition Logistics Support, Maintenance planning, Manpower and
personnel, Design interface, ACFT Modification Program/Project
Management, ACFT Fleet Support/Sustainment, Supply support, Support
equipment, Technical manuals and technical data, Training and training
devices, Computer resources, Engineering Change Proposal (ECP)
Management/Support, Facilities, Packaging, handling, storage and
transportation, Feasibility Studies and Trade-Off Analyses, Functional
Analysis, Requirements Definition, Analysis, and, Traceability, System
Architecture Synthesis, System Acquisition and Life-Cycle Management, Test
Data Analysis/Reports, Life-Cycle Cost Analysis, Integration Verification and
Validation, Integrated Test and Evaluation Support, Risk Management,
GFE/GFP/GFI and Configuration Management (CM) Support
Company Name
Autonomechs – Company does not have an active Subcontract with
Company Name:
Points of Contact
Jason Burroughs, Louis Nicholas
Company Background:
Local Southern Maryland company and that is Native American owned
operating as a Small Business
Audio Visual Design, Engineering, Programming, Testing, and Integration
Capability/Area of
ManTech – Team Members / Capability / Experience
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Last 3 years services
experience listed by
functional area and
specific Program
3.1 Research and Development Support
3.2 Engineering, System Engineering and Process Engineering Support
3.5 System Design Documentation and Technical Data Support
3.6 Software Engineering, Development, Programming, and Network Support
Description of products
(deliverables) provided.
Multiple customers of Special Communications Requirements Division (SCRD)
VTC Conference Rooms, Command and Control Rooms, Video Walls,
Auditoriums, AV Classrooms,
Company Name:
AVIAN Engineering, LLC
Points of Contact
Judy Switick; judy.switick@avianeng.com
Leah Bohrer; leah.bohrer@avianeng.com
AVIAN Engineering, LLC is a Service Disabled, Veteran-Owned Small business
that provides executive-level consultation and acquisition support to DoD
and major Prime Defense Contractors. AVIAN has experience with planning,
programming and executing all phases of the DoD acquisition process with
hands-on experience in ACAT-1 Program Management, Major Program
Milestone Execution, Concept Developmental and Experimentation, War
Game Development, Development Test & Evaluation, Operational Test &
Evaluation, Integrated Test & Evaluation, Live Fire Test & Evaluation, and
Systems Engineering for aviation and space-based systems. Our employees
have formerly held DoD positions as an ACAT-1 Tier 1 IPT Lead, APM(SE) Class Desk, APM(T&E), Government Flight Test Director (GFTD), Chief Test
Pilot, Chief Operational Test Director, and Lead Government Factory
Representative at a major DoD Defense Contractor facility.
AVIAN is a uniquely-capable company of former senior DoD professionals
that has a proven track record of excelling at program management, systems
engineering, crew systems and human system engineering, developmental
and operational test planning and execution, complex problem resolution,
process development and control and concept development and
experimentation. AVIAN Engineering is currently supporting the U.S. Navy,
U.S. Marine Corps, and U.S. Air Force with the H-60, H-53, and V-22 programs
at the Program Manager and Tier I Leadership Team levels.
3.1 Research and Development Support
3.2 Engineering, System Engineering and Process Engineering Support
3.5 System Design Documentation and Technical Data Support
3.7 Reliability, Maintainability, and Availability (RM&A) Support
3.8 Human Factors, Performance, and Usability Engineering Support
3.10 Configuration Management (CM) Support
Company Background:
Capability/Area of
Last 3 years services
experience listed by
functional area and
specific Program
ManTech – Team Members / Capability / Experience
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Description of products
(deliverables) provided.
3.14 Interoperability, Test and Evaluation, Trials Support
3.16 Acquisition Logistics Support
3.18 Training Support
3.19 In-Service Engineering, Fleet Introduction, Installation & Checkout Spt
3.20 Program Support
3.21 Functional and Administrative Support
3.22 Public Affairs and Multimedia Support
Company Name:
Aviation Systems Engineering Company, Inc. (ASEC)
Points of Contact
Vincent A. Bellezza, President, 301-862-1732, ext 205
David R. Bennett, Vice President, 301-862-1732, ext 206
Jen Bacon, Contracts Manager, 301-862-1732, ext 282
Fred Kuehl, Business Development Manager, 301-862-1732, ext 268
Aviation Systems Engineering Company, Incorporated, (ASEC) is a
small, veteran-owned engineering services firm specializing in aviation
system development, analysis, and test. Founded in November of 2003, ASEC
provides engineering and technical labor and materials for technology
assessment, systems engineering, hardware and software design and
development, and laboratory and field-testing. ASEC specializes in providing
developmental and operational aviation systems engineering with a focus on
maritime manned and unmanned aircraft and avionics. Our aviation systems
engineering expertise extends to mission systems and sensors, development
of operational concepts/prototypes, performance-based requirements
definition of new and modified avionics, testing of new/modified avionics,
training, maintenance, and life-cycle support. Areas of support include Flight
Information Systems, Electro-Optics, Acoustics and Mission Sensor
Highlights of ASEC’s technical capability encompass the following:
Company Background:
Capability/Area of
 Multi-Mission Aircraft Acquisition Support: ASEC personnel provide
engineering and technical effort for the design, development,
integration, maintenance and exploitation of innovative systems and
sensors for ASW, surveillance, reconnaissance, and related special
mission applications in support of legacy P-3 aircraft and emerging P8A Multi-mission Maritime Aircraft (MMA), and Broad Area Maritime
Surveillance (BAMS) programs.
 P-3C AIP and BMUP T&E Support: ASEC provides experienced P-3
NFOs and sensor operators to support the Development, Test and
Evaluation of new systems and incremental improvements to existing
P-3 weapon systems. Specialty areas of expertise are acoustics,
radar, non-acoustic ASW and communications.
ManTech – Team Members / Capability / Experience
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 Systems Engineering and Technical Services: Technical engineering
support for UAVs, P-3C AIP, and MMA avionics including acoustic
systems, ESM/SEI systems, Flight Management Systems, EO/IR, MAD,
Communications, and Mission Computing Displays and Controls
requirements and platform integration and conventional sensors
RDT&E. ASEC has generated numerous sensor and communications
system requirements to ensure that design alternatives would meet
tactical and operational requirements for P-3C and P-8 aircraft.
 Aircraft modification: ASEC currently leads an effort to modify a
General Aviation aircraft to support sensor development. This effort
includes requirements definition, aircraft selection, mod team
creation and oversight, and development of all design and
engineering data to meet FAA approval standards
 Test Planning and Flight Test: ASEC authors the test plans and
conducts light General Aviation aircraft flight tests and UAV chase
events to support sensor development. Supports flight testing of a
developmental UAV.
Last 3 years services
experience listed by
functional area and
specific Program
PMA 290 Engineering Services - 3.1, 3.2, 3.5, 3.6, 3.14, 3.18, 3.19
VX-1 Operational Test – 3.2, 3.5, 3.6, 3.10, 3.14
Description of products
(deliverables) provided.
Monthly Reports, T&E Framework Development, TEMP Input, Test/Tactics
Evaluation Plan, Kneeboard Cards/Surveys, M&S Plan, Aircraft Configuration
Records, Weekly Aircraft Schedule, Annual Summary Reports
Company Name:
Aviation Systems Technologies, LLC
Points of Contact
Yolanda Caldwell, President
Company Background:
Aviation Systems Technologies, LLC located in Hollywood, Maryland,
U.S.A, is a small disadvantaged, woman owned business (WOSDB)
specializing in the production of cable assemblies, electronic circuits and
assemblies. We also offer the expertise to perform installations of
systems and sub-systems into military aircraft, vehicles, enclosures and
ships, ensuring compliance to all applicable specifications and standards.
Additionally, we offer a wide range of engineering support services
personnel, for the purpose of performing government contracting
services Cost Plus Fixed Fee (CPFF) support.
ManTech – Team Members / Capability / Experience
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Capability/Area of
Last 3 years services
experience listed by
functional area and
specific Program
Our primary product is manufacturing aircraft cable harnesses and
electrical assemblies. Aviation Systems Technologies offers a complete
service, providing design, prototyping, testing and full scale production
services. We also offer installation services, either into the aircraft or its
ancillary equipment. Our proven quality assurance program is in
accordance with MIL-I-45208.
3.1 Research and Development Support
3.2 Engineering, System Engineering and Process Engineering Support
3.4 Prototyping, Pre-Production, Model-Making, and Fabrication Support
3.14 Interoperability, Test and Evaluation, Trials Support
3.19 In-Service Engineering, Fleet Introduction, Installation & Checkout Spt
Produce, test, install, troubleshoot, modify and support the P-3C Digital
Stores Management System DSMS. Full scale production effort in support
of Foreign Military Sales by PMA-290.
Design and fabricate 180 each Digital Improved Triple Ejector Rack
(DITER) umbilical cable assemblies for use on AV-8B Harrier aircraft.
Full scale production effort in support of USMC by PMA-257.
Design, produce and install APR-39 EMI test station for use with H-60
Blackhawk. Prototype effort for US Navy use by PMA-272.
 Design and fabricate 100 each P-3C AIP Harpoon Umbilical cables
utilizing Injection Overmolding technology. Full scale production effort in
support of Foreign Military Sales by PMA-290.
Design, fabricate and install aircraft cabling for PMA-290. Rapid
Development Concept effort utilizing Injection Overmolding Technology.
Design and fabricate 60 each Dual Mode Maverick (AGM-65 DML)
umbilical cables for P-3C aircraft. Limited Production effort in support of
Foreign Military Sales by PMA-290.
Description of products
(deliverables) provided.
P-3C Digital Stores Management System DSMS, Digital Improved Triple
Ejector Rack (DITER) umbilical cable assemblies, APR-39 EMI test
station, P-3C AIP Harpoon Umbilical cables and Dual Mode Launcher
(AGM-65 DML) umbilical cables.
Company Name
Points of Contact
dba Aviation Management Analytical Consultants
Roberto Ortiz
(757) 482-1995
Donald Buzard
(757) 426-2331
ManTech – Team Members / Capability / Experience
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Company Background
Capability/Area of
Last 3 years services
experience listed by
functional area and
specific Program
AVMAC is committed to supporting Warfare Centers and Virtual SYSCOM
partners by leveraging over 120 years of fleet experience in aviation and ship
acquisitions, logistics support services and safety program initiatives. AVMAC
will provide a mix of complementary skills, extensive and relevant experience
to support any Task Order (TO) and will seamlessly integrate these skilled and
experience personnel in to the customer’s workforce. AVMAC’s Naval
Aviation subject matter experts have the skills and experience that will be
applied to each customer’s task requirements and essential support
AVMAC personnel are proficient in developing and implementing program
plans, milestone schedules, cost projections, and related technical,
programmatic, process and management products associated with Naval
Aviation maintenance, training, safety and risk management, and logistics.
AVMAC can rapidly provide resources and personnel to provide program and
support services for work throughout the United States.
R&D Support
Engineering Support
HF Engineering Support
System Safety
3.10 CM Support
3.11 QA Support
3.14 Interoperability/T&E/Trials
3.16 Acquisition Logistics
3.17 Supply & Provisioning
3.18 Training
3.19 In-Service Engineering
3.20 Program Support
AVMAC has completed two task orders for both project management and
space analysis aboard LHD and LHA class ships. AVMAC is currently
supporting Naval Surface Warfare Center Carderock Division with a Senior
Engineering Technician performing Project Management.
Func area: 3.1, 3.2, 3.19, 3.20
AVMAC currently supports NAVAIR H-60 Helicopter Program Office (PMA299) with a Senior Logistics Analyst. Func area: 3.2, 3.7, 3.10, 3.16, 3.17,
3.19, 3.20,
AVMAC is currently supporting F/A-18 Organizational level aircraft
maintenance production control and quality assurance at VMFAT-101. Func
area: 3.9, 3.11, 3.20
AVMAC is currently supporting Military Sealift Command (MSC) with two
Technical Library Clerks and has also provided Lean Six Sigma Green Belt
training and certification as a subcontractor.
Func area: 3.2, 3.11, 3.18, 3.20
ManTech – Team Members / Capability / Experience
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Description of products
(deliverables) provided
Engineering Design and Specifications Reports, Monthly Status Reports, Lean
Six Sigma Training and Materials, SOW Labor.
Company Name
Bachtags LLC – Company does not have an active Subcontract with
Company Name
Basic Engineering Concepts & Technologies, Inc.
Points of Contact
Michael Frick (703) 413-5228 - Frick_Michael@bectech.com
Larry Moe (805) 382-4740 - Moe_Larry@bectech.com
Company Website
Company Background
BecTech, Inc. is a woman-owned small business that was incorporated in September
1997. It is a privately held engineering, logistics, program management and
professional services company. BecTech holds prime contracts with the Naval Surface
Warfare Center, the Naval Air Warfare Center and is a subcontractor to several
companies providing engineering, logistics, information systems. program
management and acquisition support in the naval combat systems domain. Specific
programs include: AEGIS Ballistic Missile Defense, Standard Missile System,
Vertical Launching System, and Surface Ship Readiness. BecTech also supports
programs within the U.S. Coast Guard, the Missile Defense Agency (MDA), and the
Royal Australian Navy
3.1, 3.2, 3.3, 3.4, 3.5, 3.6, 3.7, 3.10, 3.11, 3.12, 3.14, 3.16, 3.17, 3.18.1, 3.19, 3.20,
Capability/Area of
Last 3 years services
experience listed by
functional area and
specific Program (see
below for list of functional
3.2 Engineering, System Engineering and Process Engineering Support
N00178-04-D-4091-0016 and NG/BecTech subcontract 7500037924
For NSWC Dahlgren Division; Sub to Northrop - 10/01/2008 to 5/30/2014
POC: Sean O’Sullivan, Northrop Grumman Corp.
16543 Commerce Drive, Dahlgren, VA 22485
Tel: (540) 469 2232
Fax: (540) 469 2272
3.11 Quality Assurance (QA) Support
N00178-04-D-4021, D.O. L603 For NAWC WD China Lake-5/28/2010 to 3/28/2013
POC: Henry C. Kung (COR), IWS TechRep
1111 E. Hermans Road, Bldg 801, M-19 MEZZ
Tucson, Arizona 85706
Tel: (520) 794 0531
Fax: (520) 794 8248
3.17 Supply and Provisioning Support
ManTech – Team Members / Capability / Experience
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N00178-04-D-4021-L602 For NSWC Pt. Hueneme Division- 2/1/2010-1/31/2015
POC: Arnold, Geoffrey E CIV PHD NSWC, A47
4363 Missile Way, Port Hueneme, CA 93043
Tel: (805) 228 5760
3.19 In-Service Engineering, Fleet Introduction, Installation and Checkout Support
Description of products
(deliverables) provided
N00178-04-D-4021, DO L601 For NSWC Pt. Hueneme Division 10/14/200911/19/2013
POC: Trisha Rodriguez, COR, PHD NSWC
4363 Missile Way, Port Hueneme, CA 93043
Tel: (805) 228 7862
Fax: (805) 228-8969
BecTech currently performs Command, Control, Communications, Computer,
Intelligence, Surveillance and Reconnaissance (C4ISR) support at Surface Combat
Systems Center (SCSC), Wallops Island, VA and Aegis Simulation Test and Training
System (A-STATS), Next Generation Simulation, and Common Connectivity Device
(CCD) simulators system engineering and test support at Naval Surface Warfare
Center (NSWC) Dahlgren. BecTech provides system analysis and configuration for
all simulation/ stimulation equipment for all AEGIS baselines including BMD
applications. We analyze network configurations, configure Tactical Data Links and
command and control networks, and support any customer requirements. BecTech
conducts test, evaluation and validation of combat system simulation platform.
BecTech formulates test plans and procedures, requirements tracing and metrics as
well as schedule test events. BecTech assists in the development of hardware
communication topographies that enable simulations to properly stimulate AEGIS
tactical equipment at the Integrated Warfare Systems Laboratory (IWSL). BecTech
performs requirement analysis and constructs functional requirement documents
detailing its findings.
BecTech provides QA in the areas of Logistics Support, Test Systems Engineering
Support, Software Engineering Support, Secretarial and Administrative Support, and
Program Management Support, to the STANDARD Missile (SM) Technical
Representative (TechRep) Office (PEO IWS 3A) located in Tucson, Arizona. System
Programs supported include Standard Missile (SM), Evolved SEASPARROW Missile
(ESSM), TOMAHAWK, Rolling Airframe Missile (RAM), and Vertical Launching
System In-Service Engineering. We assist in the transition planning and
implementation of Program Office initiatives and perform studies and analysis
relevant to support strategies and initiatives relative to Combat System components.
BecTech provides marine engineering and logistics services to maintain a depot level
stock facility for Cooperative Display Unit (CDU) (CY-8873/S) and CEC Installation
and Checkout (INCO) kit materials. Depot is responsible for storage, inventory,
tracking, repair and shipment of depot item. BecTech performs long-tem Reliability
and Maintainability on computer and display systems supporting the CDU.
BecTech provides modernization support, engineering and logistics services to missile
programs at NSWC PHD, including: Standard Missile (SM), Evolved
SEASPARROW Missile (ESSM), TOMAHAWK, and Vertical Launching System InService Engineering. We also provide Weapon System Integration and Fleet Interface
support and assist in the transition planning and implementation of Program Office
ManTech – Team Members / Capability / Experience
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partnering initiatives. BecTech also performs studies and analysis relevant to support
strategies and initiatives for Combat System components. We develop software,
design and engineer, draft plans, write guides and build prototypes for the Automated
Test Equipment area. Our Software development is primarily done using C++, Visual
C++ and Visual Basic, coordinating with the primary developers who reside at NSWC
DD. We also develop database software using MS Access and Visual Basic for
administrative and tracking purposes (FRACAS, Highlights, and Parts Tracking).
Company Name
BCF Solutions, Inc –formerly Redblack
Points of Contact
Company Website
Jack Nebb: jnebb@bcfsoluions.com/ 703-717-9912
Tim Foerster: tfoerster@bcfsoluions.com/ 703.717.9912
Capability/Area of
Acquisition Management; Cost Estimating & Analysis; EVM; Logistics
Management; Systems Integration; Security Engineering
Last 3 years services
experience listed by
functional area and
specific Program (see
below for list of functional
areas) Please provide
Gov’t POC information
Description of products
(deliverables) provided
3.1 Research and Development Support
3.2 Engineering, System Engineering and Process Engineering Support
3.4 Prototyping, Pre-Production, Model-Making, and Fabrication Support
3.5 System Design Documentation and Technical Data Support
3.16 Logistics Support
Company Name:
Beacon Interactive Systems, LLC
Points of Contact
ML Mackey – CEO
Mike MacEwen – President
Beacon Interactive Systems researches, designs and develops integrated
systems in order to blend System Automation with Human Performance to
increase efficiency at all levels of an organization. We enable groups to
leverage their knowledge and talent with each other and to blend this with
enterprise data. Our goal is to enable organizations to increase efficiency,
decrease costs and find competitive mission advantage. Our solutions enable
a person to get their job done. We believe that technology can be used to:
 Meet mission needs while reducing costs
 Reduce information overload and increase collaboration
Company Background:
Financial, Schedules, EVM
Facility Management, Cost Estimating, Contract Support
ManTech – Team Members / Capability / Experience
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 Connect Data and Information to people in order to create knowledge
 Support organizational transformation and capture tribal knowledge
Beacon blends automation with human performance in order to provide a
powerful linkage of information, functionality, processes and people.
As a leader in the field of Collaborative Performance Support, Beacon has
created innovative software for companies such as IBM, MetLife, Olympus,
and Verizon. Beacon is also currently working with the US Navy via several
Programs and was a member of the DD(G) 1000 Zumwalt Team. Our
approach includes a keen awareness of production level system
requirements based upon extensive experience in developing and supporting
such systems for large and geographically distributed user communities.
Capability/Area of
Engineering Services; Graphic Design Services; Database Services; Web
Development Services; Custom Software Programming Services; Software
System Architecture & Design Services; Process Management & Change
Management Consulting Services; R&D; Project Management Services;
Human Factors; Training; Technical Data Creation & Management; Software
Product Delivery & Support for Maintenance and Program/Project
Last 3 years services
experience listed by
functional area and
specific Program
Based upon the list of Functional Areas, the following are areas in which we
have provided products and services:
 R&D: SBIR Phase I & II Contracts
 Process Engineering: DD(G) 1000; MFOM
 System Design Documentation & Tech Data: MFOM; DD(G) 1000; SBIR
 Software Engineering: SBIR Phase I & II Contracts; MFOM; DD(G) 1000;
Private Sector
 Human Factors: SBIR Phase I & II Contracts; MFOM; DD(G) 1000
 Information Assurance: MFOM
The following products have been delivered to the US Navy by Beacon in the
area of shipboard Maintenance & Support:
 eTagout: Component (equipment) tagout for the maintenance process
 TurboWork: Maintenance management tool
Description of products
(deliverables) provided.
Beacon has developed, delivered and supported an S&T Program
Management Tool called T3 for the US Navy.
For every SBIR Contract, Beacon has delivered certain software capability as
well as research results.
Company Name
Benckendorf & Benckendorf LLC
ManTech – Team Members / Capability / Experience
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Points of Contact
Alexander Benckendorf abenckendorf@benckendorf.net (571) 969-1089
Company Background
Virginia LLC
Capability/Area of
Operational evaluation support
R&D tech trial support
Multi-discipline R&D engineering support
3.1: 2013 Kabul, Afghanistan
Joint DARPA Operational Trials multi-discipline engineering support
Last 3 years services
experience listed by
functional area and
specific Program
3.1: 2013 Arlington, VA
Technology transition, multi-discipline, engineering support
Company Name
Black Knight
Points of Contact
Timothy Davis
Company Background:
Black Knight Technology is a system engineering and software development
company based in Dahlgren, Virginia. Black Knight provides our government
and corporate customers with solutions to help design, test, and evaluate
current and future military combat systems. Black Knight has offices in
Fredericksburg and Dahlgren, Virginia, through which we provide our
government customers with superior services in the areas of Systems
Engineering, Modeling Design and Analysis, Open Architecture and Object
Oriented Design, Software Design and Development, and System Test and
Capability/Area of
• Aegis Combat System / SSDS
• Ballistic Missile Defense
• Open Architecture / Product Line Engineering
• Tactical Data Links / CEC / Interoperability
• System Architecture / Tactical Networks
• Radar Evaluation and Modeling
• Analysis Tools / Process Improvement Tools
Northrop Grumman, John Sivak, N00178-04-D-4091
Last 3 years services
experience listed by
functional area (see below
for list of functional areas)
and specific Program
Black Knight performs system engineering, testing, analysis, maintenance,
and automated tool definition and development for the Aegis Combat
System (ACS) and Aegis Weapon System MK-7 (AWS) computer programs in
support of the Naval Surface Warfare Center Dahlgren Division (NSWCDD), in
ManTech – Team Members / Capability / Experience
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its capacity as the Surface Platform Certification Agent.
Company Name
Blue Herron Services – Company does not have an active
Subcontract with ManTech
Company Name
Booz Allen Hamilton Engineering Services, LLC
Points of Contact
Erica Cordes, ecordes@arinc.com, (850) 636-3308
Terrie Harney, tharney@arinc.com, (240) 725-7229
Company Background
Research and Development Support; Engineering Support; Modeling and
Simulation; Prototyping; System Design Documentation/ Technical Data;
Software; RM&A; Human Factors Engineering Support; System Safety; CM
Support; QA Support; IS/IA/IT; Interoperability/T&E/Trials; Measure
Facilities/Ranges; Acquisition Logistics; Supply & Provisioning; Training; InService Engineering; Program Support; Administrative Support; Public Affairs
Research and Development Support; Engineering Support; Modeling and
Simulation; Prototyping; System Design Documentation/ Technical Data;
Software; RM&A; Human Factors Engineering Support; System Safety; CM
Support; QA Support; IS/IA/IT; Interoperability/T&E/Trials; Measure
Facilities/Ranges; Acquisition Logistics; Supply & Provisioning; Training; InService Engineering; Program Support; Administrative Support; Public Affairs
Capability/Area of
3.1 R&D Support
3.2 Engineering Support
3.3 Modeling
3.4 Prototyping
3.5 System Des Doc/Tech Data
3.6 Software
3.7 RM&A
3.8 HF Engineering Support
3.9 System Safety
3.10 CM Support
3.11 QA Support
3.12 IS/IA/IT
3.14 Interoperability/T&E/Trials
3.15 Measure Facilities/Ranges
3.16 Acquisition Logistics
3.17 Supply & Provisioning
3.18 Training
3.19 In-Serivce Eng
ManTech – Team Members / Capability / Experience
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3.20 Program Support
3.21 Administrative Support
3.22 Public Affairs
Last 3 years services
experience listed by
functional area and
specific Program
M. Dulatt (850) 235-5389
L. Baker (842) 218-4327
F. Allen (301) 995-8946
J. Lumpkins (301) 757-6010
Ken Simonsen (619) 553-1251
L. Baker (842) 218-4327
Company Name
Booz Allen Hamilton Inc.
Points of Contact
Steven Fredericks (seaporte@bah.com)
Company Website
Company Background
Capability/Area of
Maritime Enterprise Engineering and Management: Booz Allen has provided
strategy and technology services to the Department of Navy for over 60 years.
We currently provide support to nearly every organization in the Department.
Our support is broad -- from developing enterprise-wide strategies to C4ISR
systems engineering and deployment to maritime logistics -- Booz Allen
considers the Navy one of the cornerstones of its Federal business.
IT Transformation, Strategy, and Design: Booz Allen Hamilton brings technical
and functional expertise in systems development, engineering, and
management to provide support through every phase of the information
technology life cycle, including world-class design and engineering services.
Program Management and Defense Acquisition Support: Our professionals combining technical and functional expertise in technology, engineering, and
management- integrate sound management principles with the most
appropriate technologies to assist Government leaders in effectively
managing programmatic, schedule, and technical risks. We address many
elements of the acquisition cycle, including technology
demonstration/validation, testing of full-scale engineering development,
production of systems, and installation management. Booz Allen's life cycle
management services address every aspect of the program management and
acquisition process.
ManTech – Team Members / Capability / Experience
Page 57 of 419
Last 3 years services
experience listed by
functional area and
specific Program (see
below for list of functional
Description of products
(deliverables) provided
Supply Chain Management: We take a top-down strategic approach to the
supply chain, understanding that its management involves more than
operations or logistics. Booz Allen Hamilton has been at the forefront of every
major development in the field, from the extended enterprise and channel
partners to strategic sourcing, manufacturing strategy, and new techniques for
managing complexity. With each new development, we have helped the
Government and commercial clients meet evolving challenges with
sophisticated tools and solutions.
Wargaming and Strategic Simulation: Recognized worldwide as a leader in
wargaming and strategic competitive simulations, Booz Allen Hamilton has
created and facilitated wargames for the Office of the Secretary of Defense,
military services, and numerous other government organizations. We have
also used advanced simulations as a strategic tool for Fortune 100 companies
in the utility, manufacturing, pharmaceutical, agribusiness, and consumer
product fields. Our wargame specialists design games to accommodate a
wide range of scenarios, and explore the role of the latest technologies. Our
state-of-the-art wargaming and modeling facilities give senior defense and
business executives the ability to test advanced concepts, conduct integrated
training, and engage in real-time interactive scenarios, including distributed
Over the past three years Booz Allen Hamilton has provided extensive
support as a Contractor to the United States Government. The support Booz
Allen has provided ranges over many sectors, divisions and programs of the
federal Government. Booz Allen is capable to support all 22 functional areas
of Seaport-e and a comprehensive listing of our supported contracts can be
found here  http://www.boozallen.com/media-center/companynews/notable-contract-awards
3.1 Research and Development Support
3.2 Engineering, System Engineering and Process Engineering Support
3.3 Modeling, Simulation, Stimulation, and Analysis Support
3.4 Prototyping, Pre-Production, Model-Making, and Fabrication Support
3.5 System Design Documentation and Technical Data Support
3.6 Software Engineering, Development, Programming, and Network Support
3.7 Reliability, Maintainability, and Availability (RM&A) Support
3.8 Human Factors, Performance, and Usability Engineering Support
3.9 System Safety Engineering Support
3.10 Configuration Management (CM) Support
3.11 Quality Assurance (QA) Support
3.12 Information System (IS) Development, Information Assurance (IA), and
Information Technology (IT) Support
3.13 Inactivation and Disposal Support
3.14 Interoperability, Test and Evaluation, Trials Support
3.15 Measurement Facilities, Range, and Instrumentation Support
3.16 Logistics Support
3.17 Supply and Provisioning Support
3.18 Training Support
3.19 In-Service Engineering, Fleet Introduction, Installation & Checkout Spt
3.20 Program Support
3.21 Functional and Administration Support
ManTech – Team Members / Capability / Experience
Page 58 of 419
Company Name
Bowhead Science and Technology, LLC.
Points of Contact
Anton Geisz; anton.geisz@bowheadsupport.com; Phone: 240-298-2132
Lori Schendel; lori.schendel@bowheadsupport.com; Phone: 540-604-1650
• UICTS is an Alaskan Native Holding Company for eight subsidiary
companies that are owned by Ukpeaġvik Iňupiat Corporation (UIC)
– Subsidiary companies are known as the Bowhead family
of companies, or commonly as Bowhead
• Established in 1999
• $156 million annual revenue
• 1280+ employees
• Core Competencies
– Information Technology Service Delivery
– Software Design/Development
– System Engineering
– Program/Project Management
– Mission Assurance
– Comprehensive Risk Management
– Logistics /Products Acquisition
– Training and Simulation
– Hardware & Software Integration
Company Background
Capability/Area of
Last 3 years services
experience listed by
functional area and
specific Program
Description of products
(deliverables) provided
Systems Engineering, Analysis and Design Support, Project Management
Support, Process Improvement Support, Hardware and Software Testing
Support, Media/Library Management Support, Facilities Operations Support,
Computer Maintenance support, Database Management Support, System
and Network Administration Support, Technical Documentation Support,
Corporate Information Systems Support and Chemical Biological Systems
Technology Support. Administrative Support, Web support (design,
development, and maintenance), development, editing, updating of
multimedia presentations, Helpdesk Management, Computer network
(LAN/WAN) support, Video teleconferencing.
3.6, 3.12, 3.18, 3.20, 3.21, 3.22
Contract # N00421-08-D-0002
Contract title: Support of the Navy Unmanned Air Systems (UAS) Program
Period of Performance: 10/16/07 – 11/30/2013
Customers: NAVAIR PMA-263
Full contract value: $35K
COR: Vickie Spaulding voice: (301) 757-2608, fax: (301) 757-5840,
email: Vicky.spaulding@navy.mil
Bowhead Company: BST
Bowhead Program Manager: Malinda Bennett
ManTech – Team Members / Capability / Experience
Page 59 of 419
Bowhead personnel support the Unmanned Air Systems (UAS) International
Office in the performance of International Armaments Cooperative Programs
(IACP), Foreign Military Sales (FMS) and foreign disclosure tasks. IACP
encompass seven areas of cooperation, Defense Data Exchange Program
(DDEP), International Cooperative Research and Development, Engineer and
Scientist Program (ESEP), Foreign Comparative Testing (FCT) Program, Coproduction, Defense Trade and Acquisition and Cross-Servicing. BSS
personnel have developed and assist in the management of 8 UAS Data
Exchange Annexes (DEA). All UAS DEAs are bilateral and are developed in
close coordination with the Navy International Programs Office (NIPO) and
the associated foreign country and requires a detailed knowledge of the
requisite DoD and Navy policy directives. The purpose of a DEA is to support
DoD efforts to improve the quality and interoperability of weapon systems,
enhance the DoD technology base, stay abreast of allies technological
advances and identify areas for further research and development
collaboration. Our personnel have been directly involved in the development
of a Broad Area Maritime Surveillance (BAMS) UAS International Cooperative
Research and Development (R&D) program with Australia. This program
required over three years of discussions and the development of all the
background supporting documentation that lead to negotiations and
conclusion of the final agreement. The process is set forth in DoDD 5530.3
and approval was obtained from the Under Secretary of Defense for
Acquisition and Technology prior to negotiation and conclusion of the final
agreement. The purposes of the Cooperative R&D program are to improve
current and future defense posture, enhance the industrial base, avoid
duplicative R&D, reduce defense RDT&E costs to each party by sharing
information and improve military system standardization and interoperability
of the U.S. and its allies.
Our personnel supported the ESEP program through the development of all
the required documentation. The UAS program office has hosted foreign
ESEPs from Germany and Sweden in the past. The purpose of the ESEP
program is to reduce R&D duplication, maximize use of available technical
talents and gain experience for the U.S. R&D professionals in the technical
and management practices of other nations as well as in design differences
arising from operational and combat environment features. NIPO sets the
procedures and policy for the management of the USN ESEP program. BSS
personnel worked with the UAS program office to identify a FCT project
candidate and develop the required documentation for nomination in
accordance with provisions set forth in the FCT Procedures Manual, DoD
5000.3-M-2. The principal objectives of the FCT Program are to reduce
RDT&E expenditures by eliminating unnecessary duplication, enhance
standardization and interoperability, improve cooperative support and
promote competition and international technology exchange.
Prime Contract # N65236-06-D-6857
Contract title: Technical Support
Full contract value: $77,818,961
Period of Performance: 11/22/05-11/21/10
ManTech – Team Members / Capability / Experience
Page 60 of 419
Customer: SPAWAR Systems Center, Charleston
COR: Debra Chesser, voice 843.218.5661, fax 843.218.3905, email
Bowhead Company: BITS
Bowhead Program Manager: Rik Dilgren
Bowhead provides assembly, integration, testing, and configuration
management services to SSCC Code 60 for the Air Force Theatre Deployable
Communications (TDC) Program. In support of this effort Bowhead
completed over 200 Integrated Communication Access Packages (ICAP) which
included design phases 1-4 and NCCD light variant. Computers, multiplexers,
satellite transceivers, and power supplies were assembled, integrated, and
tested. These items were then placed in robust portable suitcases and were
shipped to Air Force field units around the world. Bowhead provides
operational support staff for the SSCC Code 60 Technical Documentation
Library, which includes the use of microfiche, hard copy, soft and online
technical and procedural documentation. The Technical Documentation
Librarian assists project engineers and leads in locating necessary
documentation both internally and externally necessary to complete the
mission. The Librarian controls distribution of publications and procedures,
updating documentation, and ordering replacement or additional
documentation as necessary to maintain current files. Version and
configuration control of documentation is utilized for continued
improvement of documentation control process including software
enhancement. Bowhead Librarian advises the Quality Assurance Branch
Head on matters which affect the Technical Documentation Library and
performs periodic audits of work areas to ensure proper documentation is
being used. The Librarian maintains inventory of consumables to include
storage, issuance, tracking and reordering of administrative supplies.
Bowhead maintains and executes a Hazardous Material Control Process
which controls ordering, approval, labeling, storage, tracking, disposal,
management, and auditing. These processes comply with the applicable
OSHA, DOT, DoD and Navy directives. Bowhead manages a General Purpose
Electronic Test Equipment (GPETE) calibration, recall and inventory system,
including control of the master equipment inventory and centralized storage
which includes check in and out of test equipment for technicians. Bowhead
manages calibration recall and retrieving equipment from service in
accordance with the Calibration Recall Inventory (CRIS) and segregates
inactive or non-conforming GPTE for disposition as directed by management
and completes necessary documentation to transfer items to DRMO. New
GPTE is received into the system, assigned ESF control numbers and arranged
for calibration or certification as needed. Bowhead manages annual
recertification and recall on crimp tools and actively participates in
procedural revisions.
Prime Contract # N00178-08-D-5651/M801
Contract title: PMA-275 V-22 Joint Program Office (JPO) Program
Management Support
Period of Performance 11 Jun 09 – 30 Nov 13
ManTech – Team Members / Capability / Experience
Page 61 of 419
Customer: NAWC AD
Value: $41K
COR: Michael Bryan; michael.c.bryan@navy.mil; phone: 301-757-5546
Bowhead Company: BST
Bowhead Program Manager: Morris Davis
The V-22 Osprey is an ACAT-1D Joint Program led by the Department
of the Navy for the purpose of developing, testing, evaluating,
procuring, and fielding a tilt rotor, vertical takeoff and landing (VTOL)
aircraft for Joint Service application. The V-22 program is designed to
provide an aircraft to meet the amphibious/vertical assault needs of
the Marine Corps, the strike rescue needs of the Navy, and the special
operations needs of the Air Force and the United States Special
Operations Command (USSOCOM). The V-22 will replace the CH-46E
and CH53A/D in the Marine Corps with the MV-22/CV-22; supplement
the H-60 in the Navy with the HV-22; and replace the MH-53J and MH53M, as well as augment the C-130 in the Air Force and USSOCOM with
the CV-22. The V-22 will be capable of flying over 2100 nautical miles
with a single refueling, giving the services the advantage of a
Vertical/Short Take-off and Landing (V/STOL) aircraft that can rapidly
self-deploy to any location in the world. Block C suitability and
effectiveness upgrades began after the full rate production decision.
Company Name:
Points of Contact
Greg Trout
190 South Orchard Ave Suite B-115
Vacaville, CA 95688
Company Background:
Kevin Brown
190 South Orchard Ave Suite B-115
Vacaville, CA 95688
Bronico was established in 2009 with the goal of providing highest-quality,
best-value systems development services to its DoD customers. Bronico is led
by Greg Trout and Kevin Brown, both of whom have worked many years with
the Navy communities in areas of system development, business process
engineering and functional analysis. Customer satisfaction is top-priority and
our top-scoring past performance assessments reflect our dedication.
ManTech – Team Members / Capability / Experience
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Growing to a team of 20 dedicated developers and analysts in three years is a
testament to both our customers’ confidence in our capability, and our
dedication to accomplishing our customers’ goals.
Systems Development, Business Process Analysis, Functional Analysis, Navy
Process Subject Matter Expertise, Quality Assurance, IT Operations Support
Capability/Area of
Last 3 years services
experience listed by
functional area and
specific Program
Description of products
(deliverables) provided.
NAVSEA Support –
3.1 Research and Development Support
3.2 Engineering, System Engineering and Process Engineering Support
3.3 Modeling, Simulation, Stimulation, and Analysis Support
3.5 System Design Documentation and Technical Data Support
3.6 Software Engineering, Development, Programming, and Network Support
3.10 Configuration Management (CM) Support
3.11 Quality Assurance (QA) Support
3.12 Information System (IS) Development, Information Assurance (IA), and
Information Technology (IT)
Systems development services, business process analysis, functional analysis,
Navy process subject matter expertise, quality assurance, IT operations
support, help desk support
Bulldog Technical Services, LLC – see First Wave Solutions, LLC
Company Name
Company Name
CACI Inc. Federal
Points of Contact
Barbara Wilber; 703-679-4119; bwilber@caci.com
Eliza Smarr; 703-679-3187; esmarr@caci.com
of Expertise
Offer a variety of services from IT to engineering, configuration management, etc.
R&D Support
Engineering (Performance, Systems, Software, Systems Safety, In-Service)
Configuration Management
Design Documentation
RM&A Support
Quality Assurance
Information Systems
Supply, Training, Program, Functional and Administrative Support
ManTech – Team Members / Capability / Experience
Page 63 of 419
Last 3 years
experience listed
by functional
area and specific
Program (see
below for list of
functional areas)
Research and Development
Naval Sea Systems
Command (NAVSEA)
Engineering, System Engineering
and Process Engineering Support
Naval Sea Systems
Command (NAVSEA)
Naval Sea Systems
Command (NAVSEA)
Modeling, Simulation, Stimulation,
and Analysis Support
Prototyping, Pre-Production,
Model-Making, and Fabrication
System Design Documentation and
Technical Data Support
Software Engineering,
Development, Programming, and
Network Support
Reliability, Maintainability, and
Availability (RM&A) Support
Naval Air Systems Command
Naval Sea Systems
Command (NAVSEA)
Space and Naval Warfare
Systems Command
Naval Sea Systems
Command (NAVSEA)
Office of the Chief of Naval
Operations (OpNav)
Naval Sea Systems
Command (NAVSEA)
Human Factors, Performance, and
Usability Engineering Support
System Safety Engineering Support
Configuration Management (CM)
Naval Sea Systems
Command (NAVSEA)
Quality Assurance (QA) Support
Naval Sea Systems
Command (NAVSEA)
Information System (IS)
Development, Information
Assurance (IA) and Information
Technology (IT) Support
Atlantic Fleet
Inactivation and Disposal Support
Interoperability, Test and
Evaluation, Trials Support
Naval Sea Systems
Command (NAVSEA)
Measurement Facilities, Range, and
Instrumentation Support
N00178-04-D-4089 08928
Naval Sea Systems
Command (NAVSEA)
Logistics Support
Supply and Provisioning Support
Naval Sea Systems
Command (NAVSEA)
Naval Sea Systems
Command (NAVSEA)
Naval Sea Systems
Command (NAVSEA)
In-Service Engineering, Fleet
Introduction, Installation and
Checkout Support
Office of Naval Research
Program Support
Naval Air Systems Command
Navy Staff
Training Support
Technical Training Support
Professional Development and
Training Support
Functional and Administration
ManTech – Team Members / Capability / Experience
Page 64 of 419
Company Name
Analytical and Organizational
Assessment Support
Naval Sea Systems
Command (NAVSEA)
Most Efficient Organization (MEO)
Teaming Support Services
Public Affairs and Multimedia
Naval Sea Systems
Command (NAVSEA)
Carl, Amber, Brian, Isaiah, and Associates, Company
1125 Jefferson Davis Highway Suite 280
Fredericksburg, Virginia 22401-8448
Points of Contact
Company Background
Capability/Area of
Last 3 years services
experience listed by
functional area and
specific Program
Description of products
(deliverables) provided
Duns: 61-914-0598
Cage: 43SP9
*** we are a current Seaport-e Prime
Contracts – Amber Forti, aforti@cbaia.com, (540) 479-4016
Technical- Carl Lawson, lawson@cbaia.com, (540) 604-9731
Carl, Amber, Brian, Isaiah, and Associates Company is a Service Disable
Veteran Owned Small Business, located in Fredericksburg, Virginia. We have
offices located 29 Palms, California; Charleston, South Carolina; Albany,
Georgia; Stafford, Virginia; and Fredericksburg, Virginia.
CBAIA maintains ISO 9001:2008 certification. Our core capabilities include:
Total Life Cycle Logistics Management, Manpower, and Personnel Training
Analysis, Program Management, Information Technology, Engineering, and
Acquisition DoD 5000 support.
1) Program: Program Manager Marine Intelligence
Customer: USMC
Areas of Support: 3.5, 3.7,3.10 , 3.16, 3.20, 3.21
2) Program: Tactical Communication Systems Annual Support
Customer: USMC through subcontracting to URS Federal Technical
Areas of Support: 3.5,3.7,3.10,3.11,3.16,3.17,3.20,3.21
3) Program: Next Generation Enterprise Network
Customer: USMC through subcontracting to Patricio Enterprise
Areas of Support: 3.5, 3.16, 3.18, 3.21
1) Program Manager Marine Intelligence:
Deliverables: Deliverables provided include: Human System
Integration Plan, In-Service Management Plan. Level of Repair
Analysis, Independent Logistic Assessments, Performance Based
Logistics Activities, Item Unique Identification Plans, Logistic Support
2) Tactical Communication Systems Annual Support
Deliverables: Deliverables provided include: Trade Analysis Report,
ManTech – Team Members / Capability / Experience
Page 65 of 419
Test Observation Report, Meeting Minutes, Information Assurance
Status Report
3) Program: Next Generation Enterprise Network
Deliverables: Deliverables provided include: Manpower Training
Analysis, Meeting minutes
Company Name
Cask Technologies LLC
Points of Contact
Mark Larsen
(858) 200-2183
Company Background
Capability/Area of
Last 3 years services
experience listed by
functional area and
specific Program
George Judd
(540) 682-7368
 Small Business
 Small Disadvantaged Business
 Woman-Owned Business
 8(a)
Cask can be tasked to perform Research and Development Support, Engineering,
Systems Engineering and Process Engineering Support, System Design
Documentation and Technical Data Support, Information System Development,
Information Assurance, and Information Technology Support, Logistics Support,
Program Support, and Functional and Administrative Support.
United States Marine Corps Systems Command Office of the CIO (OCIO)
Cask completed an Information Assurance IV&V effort for the Marine Corps Systems
Command Data Center (MDC) for the Office of the CIO (OCIO). The effort included
review and validation of the current MDC Information Assurance policies, processes,
procedures and DIACAP documentation. In addition, this assessment included a
technical analysis of a virtualized data center architecture and environment that
consisted of multiple operating systems, databases, servers and switches. To ensure a
comprehensive analysis to cost effectively reduce risk to the lowest acceptable level,
Cask leveraged the NIST Risk Management Framework and included analysis,
assessment and remediation strategies.
Erik Bailey
Project Officer
Functional Areas: 3.2, 3.12, 3.20, 3.21
ManTech – Team Members / Capability / Experience
Page 66 of 419
Cask is responsible for eliciting requirements and developing system specifications
that support achievement of acquisition milestones and subsequent program execution
for the SONIC Program of Record. This includes providing Information Technology
analytical and engineering support associated with the contract.
Peggy Toth
Program Manager
(703) 432-5076
Functional Areas: 3.2, 3.5, 3.12, 3.20, 3.21
Marine Corps Enterprise Services (MCES) Program Management Office (PMO)
M67854-08-C-4997 and M67854-10-C-4810
Cask provides program management, service management, process engineering, and
systems engineering support for the US Marine Corps Enterprise Services (MCES)
Program Management Office (PMO). MCES owns the Marine Corps enterprise IT
modernization program and is responsible for delivering data center hosting
infrastructure and services, enterprise services, and SOA infrastructure across the
organization. The MCES portfolio enables access to enterprise information and
provides the ability to collaborate and share information around the globe.
Lisa Botkin
(703) 784-6583
Functional Areas: 3.2, 3.5, 3.12, 3.16, 3.20, 3.21
MAGTF C2, Weapons & Sensors Development & Integration (PG11 MC2I)
Strategic Business Team (SBT).
Marine Corps Systems Command
Cask currently provides the USMC with financial management support to the PG11
Strategic Business Team (SBT) Finance Lead. This support currently consists of
financial tracking tasks, report development, financial data updates, budget analysis,
controls tracking, and tri-annual report preparations. In addition, Cask supports POM
process management including Program Objective Memorandum (POM) process
tracking, brief review and POM submission review.
This support currently delivers the following outcomes to the PG11 Finance Lead:
Management of financial data spreadsheets
On-going data analysis to support programmatic decisions, budgeting, and POM
ManTech – Team Members / Capability / Experience
Page 67 of 419
Requisite reports to support financial management activities within the SBT
John Maurer
Contracting Officer
Functional Areas: 3.2, 3.5, 3.12, 3.20,
Description of products
(deliverables) provided
Cask Offers Clients a range of business and technology management services that
enable organizations the achieve excellence. Cask's experienced professional work
with customers to develop strategy, implement integrated solutions, and drive success.
Cask offers business and technology services to support clients in the following areas:
 Acquisition and Development Management
 Enterprise Strategies and Solutions
 IT Service Management
 Technology and Engineering Services
 Value Network Management
Company Name:
CDI Marine Company
Points of Contact
Robert Council, VP Business Development, bob.council@cdicorp.com, 757397-8000
Francesco Anderson, 904-450-4025, francesco.anderson@cdicorp.com
CDI Maine Company (CDIM) has managed over 50 engineering, technical and
programmatic support type contracts for NAVSEA, the Warfare Centers and
various NAVSEA Field Activities. Majority of these contracts required design,
fabrication, testing and the demonstration of advanced systems and
equipment. Also required was expert engineering and technical services to
support complex and emergent customer programs, projects and tasking
requirements. Many of these contracts represented multi-million dollar
efforts, and required the support of a number of specialized subcontractors
and expert consultants and necessitated working in close coordination with
the customer. Through this vast experience, CDIM has developed a very
effective and efficient management approach that is both customer and
solution-focused, and one that places significant emphasis in achieving and
maintaining high standards for quality, cost, schedule and reliability. With
such expertise and experience CDIM is prepared to provide outstanding
quality engineering, technical and programmatic support services while
utilizing and leveraging Best Practices, maximizing innovation and cost
reduction initiatives and by facilitating NAVSEA’s conversion to performancebased contracting
1 Research and Development Support
2 Engineering, System Engineering and Process Engineering Support
3 Modeling, Simulation, Stimulation, and Analysis Support
Company Background:
Capability/Area of
ManTech – Team Members / Capability / Experience
Page 68 of 419
Last 3 years services
experience listed by
functional area and
specific Program
4 Prototyping, Pre-Production, Model-Making, and Fabrication Support
5 System Design Documentation and Technical Data Support
6 Software Engineering, Development, Programming and Network Support
7 Reliability, Maintainability, and Availability (RM&A) support
8 Human Factors Engineering Support
9 System Safety Engineering Support
10 Configuration Management (CM) Support
11 Quality Assurance (QA) Support
12 Information System (IS) Development, Information Assurance (IA), and
Information Technology (IT) Support
13 Ship Inactivation and Disposal Suuport
14 Interoperability, Test and Evaluation, Trials Support
15 Measurement Facilities, Range, and Instrumentation Support
16 Acquisition Logistics Support
17 Supply and Provisioning Support
18 Training Support
19 In-Service Engineering, Fleet Introduction, Installation and Checkout
20 Program Support
21 Administrative Support
1). Contract: N00178-04-D-4027 – Task Orders EHP2/3, Naval Surface
Warfare Center, Carderock Norfolk Detachment, Combatant Craft
3.1 Research and Development Support
3.2 Engineering, System Engineering and Process Engineering Support
3.3 Modeling, Simulation, Stimulation, and Analysis Support
3.4 Prototyping, Pre-Production, Model-Making, and Fabrication Support
3.5 System Design Documentation and Technical Data Support
3.7 Reliability, Maintainability, and Availability (RM&A) Support
3.8 Human Factors, Performance, and Usability Engineering Support
3.9 System Safety Engineering Support
3.10 Configuration Management (CM) Support
3.11 Quality Assurance (QA) Support
2). Contract: N00181-03-D-0005, Norfolk Naval Shipyard Engineering and
Planning Department
3.2 Engineering, System Engineering and Process Engineering Support
3.5 System Design Documentation and Technical Data Support
3.6 Software Engineering, Development, Programming, and Network Support
3.9 System Safety Engineering Support
3.10 Configuration Management (CM) Support
3.11 Quality Assurance (QA) Support
3.12 Information System (IS) Development, Information Assurance (IA), and
Information Technology (IT)
3). Contract: N00178-04-D-4027 Task Order 4Y01, Naval Air Systems
Command, Lakehurst, NJ
3.2 Engineering, System Engineering and Process Engineering Support
ManTech – Team Members / Capability / Experience
Page 69 of 419
3.5 System Design Documentation and Technical Data Support
3.6 Software Engineering, Development, Programming, and Network Support
3.10 Configuration Management (CM) Support
3.11 Quality Assurance (QA) Support
Description of products
(deliverables) provided.
Engineering Studies, Engineering Calculations, Ship Check Reports, Work
Specifications, Bill of Materials, Engineering Drawings, System Diagrams,
Technical Manuals, Ship Selected Record Drawings, Test Reports and Memos,
Engineering Change Proposals (ECPs), System Diagrams, Damage Control
Diagrams, Engineering Reports, Provisioning Technical Documentation, and
Logistics Databases.
Company Name
CenterSoft Consulting
Points of Contact
Company Website
Teresa Dukek
Company Background
Software consulting
Capability/Area of
Development and testing of hardware/software systems in support of
acoustic measurement and analysis.
Last 3 years services
experience listed by
functional area and
specific Program (see
below for list of functional
3.5, 3.6
Program: Monitoring Subsystem Replacement System (MSDC) 2010-present
Assisted in design/development of the MSDC systems which along with an
upgraded Monitoring Subsystem Workstation (MSWS) will replace all Noise
and Vibration Monitoring (NVM) functions currently being handled within the
AN/UYK-43 on OHIO Class SSBN.
Services provided: Ubuntu administration/configuration/cloning, C/C++, ACE
library, Java, Eclipse IDE, Subversion Configuration Management, Enterprise
Description of products
(deliverables) provided
MSDC Software Requirements
MSDC Software Architecture Plan
MSDC Software Applications – NVM/NonNVM Controller(s)
Miscellaneous supporting applications/tools
ManTech – Team Members / Capability / Experience
Page 70 of 419
Company Name:
Points of Contact
Company Background:
Capability/Area of
Last 3 years services
experience listed by
functional area and
specific Program
Description of products
(deliverables) provided.
CENTRA Technology, 4121 Wilson Blvd – Suite 800, Arlington VA
Richmon Tun, Engineering Director, 703-276-7702x102,
Professional services in Systems engineering and Technical assistance for
Program management, R&D acquisition, SME in UAVs – VSTOL – rotorcraft lasers - Optics –hypersonics – HALE - weapons integration – flight tests
execution – launch vehicle – and satellite technology development
3.1 Research and Development Support
3.2 Engineering, System Engineering and Process Engineering Support
3.3 Modeling, Simulation, Stimulation, and Analysis Support
3.4 Prototyping, Pre-Production, Model-Making, and Fabrication Support
3.5 System Design Documentation and Technical Data Support
3.7 Reliability, Maintainability, and Availability (RM&A) Support
3.9 System Safety Engineering Support
3.10 Configuration Management (CM) Support
3.11 Quality Assurance (QA) Support
3.14 Interoperability, Test and Evaluation, Trials Support
3.15 Measurement Facilities, Range, and Instrumentation Support
3.18 Training Support
3.20 Program Support
3.21 Functional and Administrative Support
Technical and risk analysis, source selection execution documentation,
Requirements specs, test plans, independent data analysis, development
budget plans, gov financial docs (MIPRs..), Technical briefs, MOU/MOAs,
Company Name
CGI Federal, Inc.
Points of Contact
La Juan Carter, LaJuan.Carter@cgifederal.com, 202.651.7801
Ronald Peterman, Ronald.Peterman@cgifederal.com, 757-228-7499
Company Background
CGI Federal, Inc (CGI) is a premier systems integrator providing information
technology and professional services to the U.S. Federal Government using
proven CMMI Level 3 processes and ISO 9001:2000 certifications. As a result
of our long-standing support to the Department of Defense, CGI was
awarded the 2005 Mid-Sized Government Contractor of the Year by the
Washington Technology Magazine and Northern Virginia Technology Council.
This award recognizes a company’s financial and operational
accomplishments, along with its contributions to employees, the government
contracting industry, and the U.S. Government. All our major contracts have
been re-competed and retained at least once, and new customers and
services have been added each year. Since 1989, we have grown by an
average of thirty-three percent each year, with nearly eighty percent of
ManTech – Team Members / Capability / Experience
Page 71 of 419
historical growth attributable to repeat business from satisfied customers.
Systems Engineering: The systems engineering component of our portfolio
applies formal methods and processes to analyze, design, develop, deploy,
and modernize information systems providing high-end business capability.
Our systems engineering services are provided by teams of senior system,
software, data, and communications engineers supported by cleared
personnel, infrastructure, and facilities. Our primary systems engineering
service offerings are:
 Systems Design and System Architecture
 Software Engineering and Development
 Security Engineering and Information Assurance
 Production Engineering
 Data Engineering and Integration
 Network and IT Infrastructure Engineering
 Systems and Software Test and Evaluation
 Sensor Integration
Enterprise Integration:
Our enterprise integration services deliver
interoperability through the integration of data, functionality, and
information management to business processes, users, and other
information systems across business and functional domains. Enabled by our
expert knowledge of Commercial-Off-the-Shelf (COTS) packages including
Enterprise Resource Planning, EIP (Enterprise Information Portal),
Collaboration, and BPM (Business Process Management), we integrate new
functionality with existing applications and infrastructure to enhance
horizontal interoperability across the enterprise. Our service offerings that
support enterprise integration include:
 Business Process Development Management
 Workflow Automation
 COTS Integration
 Enterprise Content Management
 Enterprise Application Integration
 Analytics and Collaboration
 E-government and E-business Solutions
 Records Management
 ERP Implementation
Advanced Engineering and Technology: Through our advanced engineering
and technology services, we deliver expert analysis, design, prototyping, and
engineering to the U.S. defense and civil federal government customers
implementing state-of-the-art and emergent technologies. We package
technology components into innovative solution sets to enhance information
exchange, interoperability, and data-sharing capabilities. Our primary
advanced engineering and technology service offerings are:
 Technology Roadmapping and Assessment
 Microsystems Design and Development
ManTech – Team Members / Capability / Experience
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Cross-Domain Solutions
Operational Logistics: Our operational logistics services provide resources,
supply chain, maintenance and sustainment planning, management, and
support to operations in the U.S. and abroad. Our solution sets include
personnel with broad experience, a family of proven business applications
and engineers, and support personnel dedicated to our customer’s mission.
Our operational logistics service offerings include:
 Training Program Support
 Supply Chain Management and Asset Tracking
 Maintenance Engineering
 Documentation and Technical Data Management
Business Process Outsourcing: We have designed our business process
outsourcing services to provide value-added support to meet long-term
operational requirements. We offer management, functional, and
engineering and technical subject matter experts (SMEs) in key business
functions, such as requirements analysis, project and program management,
operational support, administration, budgeting, and engineering. Along with
their high level of qualifications and commitment, our business process
outsourcing team members bring with them proven best-of-breed
techniques for process and product optimization, which enhance
organizational performance long after the engagement’s goals have been
achieved. Our business process outsourcing service offerings include:
 Engineering and Technical Staff Support
 Administration and Information Management
 User Training
 Facility Operations
 Program and Project Management
 Functional Analysis
Capability/Area of
CGI Federal’s systems integration portfolio, coupled with a broad customer
base, including more than 100 separate customer organizations through
more than 200 active contract engagements, has provided us with far
reaching experience on which to base future innovative solution
development for U.S. Government Customers.
3.1 R&D Support
3.2 Engineering Support
3.3 Modeling, Simulation, Stimulation, and Analysis Support
3.4 Prototyping, Pre-Production, Model-Making, and Fabrication Support
3.5 System Des Doc/ Tech Data
3.6 Software
3.7 RM&A
3.8 HF Engineering Support
3.9 System Safety
3.10 CM Support
3.11 Quality Assurance (QA) Support
3.12 IS / IA / IT
3.14 Interoperability / T&E / Trials
ManTech – Team Members / Capability / Experience
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Last 3 years services
experience listed by
functional area and
specific Program
3.16 Acquisition Logistics
3.17 Supply & Provisioning
3.18 Training
3.19 In-Service Eng
3.20 Program Support
3.21 Administrative Support
3.1 R&D Support - N00024-01-D-7014/DO10 – Zone 2: CGI provides R&D
engineering and programmatic support to NAVSEA’s Advanced Systems
Technology Office Integrated Warfare (IWS) 5.A.
3.2 Engineering Support - N00024-01-D-7014/DO10 – Zone 1: CGI supports
NUWC Newport for the Submarine Tactical Requirements Group (STRG).
3.2 Engineering Support - N00024-01-D-7019, DO8 – Zone 2: CGI assists
PMS415 manage the Next Generation Countermeasure and the CSA External
Countermeasure Launcher.
3.2 Engineering Support - N00024-01-D-7019/O5 – Zone 3: CGI supports
COMOPTEVFOR on the VIRGINIA Class Total Ship Test Program (TSTP) where
we review all operational aspects of new VIRGINIA Class warfighting
capabilities and develop test plans and MOAs for the operational
3.2 Engineering Support - N00024-01-D-7019, DO8 – Zone 5: CGI participates
in engineering working groups as the PARM’s representative for the
Countermeasure Set, Acoustic External Countermeasure Launcher, VIRGINIA
Class C3I Platform Integration Team, VIRGINIA Power Interface Working
Group, VIRGINIA Electromagnetic Compatibility Advisory Board, SSGN NonPropulsion Electronic Equipment Review, and the Modernization Platform
Integration Team.
3.3 Modeling, Simulation, Stimulation, and Analysis Support - N00167-98-D0003 – Zone 2: CGI supports NSWC Carderock VV&A for SSGN Program
Modeling and Simulations.
3.4 Prototyping, Pre-Production, Model-Making, and Fabrication Support N00024-01-D-7019, DO8 – Zone 1: CGI supports the NUWC in the
development and testing of the Sea Serpent Littoral Warfare Weapon (LWW)
engineering prototype by developing capability development document
3.5 System Des Doc/ Tech Data - N00024-01-D-7019, DO8 – Zone 2: CGI
develops and updates system description documents for submarine and
surface ship torpedo countermeasures.
3.6 Software - N00024-01-D-7014/DO10 - Zone 2: CGI provides automated
solutions and virtual office needs for the Advanced Processing Build
requirements database, the first NAVSEA web-based application to be
ManTech – Team Members / Capability / Experience
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deployed on SIPRNET.
3.6 Software - N00024-01-D-7019/O5 - Zone 3: CGI develops IT solutions for
test data gathering and analysis in support of VIRGINIA Class operational
3.6 Software - N00024-01-D-7019, DO8 – Zone 5: CGI provides software
application support to the Undersea Defensive Warfare Systems program
3.7 RM&A - N00024-01-D-7019, DO8 – Zone 2: CGI provides Reliability,
Maintainability, Availability engineering support to PMS415.
3.7 RM&A - N00024-01-D-7019/O5 – Zone 3: CGI attends VIRGINIA Class
Suitability working group meetings to help develop methods for collecting,
analyzing, and reporting on suitability data during developmental and
operational tests.
3.7 RM&A - N00024-01-D-7019, DO8 – Zone 5: CGI Federal, Incprovides
Reliability, Maintainability, Availability engineering support to PMS415 and
their lead in service engineering agent, NSWC Crane.
3.8 HF Engineering Support - N00024-01-D-7019, DO8 – Zone 2: CGI provides
HF support to PMS415. We assisted PMS415 develop a HF systems
integration approach.
3.8 HF Engineering Support - N00024-01-D-7019, DO8 – Zone 5: CGI provides
HF support to PMS415 and their ILS lead, NSWC, Crane.
3.9 System Safety - N00024-01-D-7019, DO8 – Zone 2: CGI provides system
safety support to the PMS415 Undersea Warfare Defensive Systems office for
all of their CM products and devices.
3.10 CM Support - N00024-01-D-7019, DO 8 – Zone 2: CGI provides CM
support to the CSA Mk 2 countermeasure launcher acquisition program.
3.10 CM Support - N00024-01-D-7019, DO8 – Zone 3: As part of its support
to Undersea Defensive Warfare Systems Program Office (PMS415), CGI
coordinates FTSCLANT actions relative to foreign military sales. This includes
configuration control for each country purchasing products such at the
AN/SLQ-25A NIXIE system.
3.10 CM Support - N00024-01-D-7019, DO8 – Zone 5: For the last three
years, CGI has supported NSWC Crane in its CM effort for the CSA MK2
system. NSWC has relied on CGI because of our extensive hardware and
software CM capability.
3.11 Quality Assurance (QA) Support - N0024-D001-7019, D08 – Zone 2:
ManTech – Team Members / Capability / Experience
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Under the PMS415 contract, CGI is currently developing a QA process plan for
all ILS products.
3.11 Quality Assurance (QA) Support - N00024-01-D-7019, DO8 – Zone 5: CGI
is currently developing a QA process and plan to cover the development of all
ILS products for the PMS415 ILS lead, NSWC Crane.
3.12 IS / IA / IT - GS-35F-5900H – Zone 1: CGI provides IT support to the
NUWC VIRGINIA Class Test and Evaluation office to develop a database
driven application supporting test data collection and analysis.
3.12 IS / IA / IT - N00024-01-D-7019, DO8 – Zone 2: CGI provides information
management system development, maintenance and update to ASTO IWS.
3.14 Interoperability / T&E / Trials - N00024-01-D-7019/O5 – Zone 1: CGI
provides environmental and T&E support to PMS450, PMS425, and PMS401.
3.14 Interoperability / T&E / Trials - N00024-01-D-7019/O5 – Zone 2: CGI
supports Total Ship T&E for PMS450, PMS425 and PMS401 program offices.
3.14 Interoperability / T&E / Trials - N57023-03-F-2008 – Zone 3: CGI
provides technical and analytical support to COMOPTEVFOR in the definition,
conduct and analysis of structured operational tests and evaluations of the
Joint Protective Aircrew Ensemble (JPACE) and Joint Service Aircrew Mask
(JSAM) programs.
3.16 Acquisition Logistics – N00024-01-D-7014/DO10 – Zone 1: CGI logistics
requirements for ASTO APB software upgrades.
3.16 Acquisition Logistics - N00024-01-D-7019, DO8 – Zone 2: CGI supports
PMS415 acquisition logistics efforts for their Undersea Defensive Warfare
3.16 Acquisition Logistics - N00024-01-D-7019, DO8 – Zone 5: CGI NSWC
Crane acquisition logistics efforts for their Undersea Defensive Warfare
3.17 Supply & Provisioning - N00024-01-D-7019, DO8 – Zone 2: CGI supports
PMS415 in supply and provisioning of their countermeasures and devices.
3.18 Training - N00024-01-D-7019, DO8 – Zone 2: CGI reviews training
materials and oversees performance of PMS415 contracted training classes
for FMS programs.
3.18 Training - N57023-02-F-1057 – Zone 3: CGI conducted a study of the
COMOPTEVFOR business processes and training processes to assess how the
OPTEVFOR headquarters staff and its subordinate test squadrons (VX-1, VX-9,
VX-9 Detachment Point Mugu, and HMX-1) could improve the execution
ManTech – Team Members / Capability / Experience
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processes involved in Operational Test and Evaluation (OT&E).
3.18 Training - N00024-01-D-7019, DO8 – Zone 5: CGI reviews training
materials and oversees performance of PMS415 contracted training classes
for FMS programs.
3.19 In-Service Eng - N00024-01-D-7019, DO8 – Zone 2: CGI performs
analytical analysis on all engineering changes on the AN/SLQ-25A for PMS415
to determine impacts to 186 ship configurations.
3.19 In-Service Eng - N00024-01-D-7019, DO8 – Zone 5: CGI participates in
numerous in-service engineering working groups.
3.20 Program Support - N00024-01-D-7019, DO8 – Zone 1: CGI provides
VIRGINIA Class Program Office support including the management, planning
and coordination of Total Ship Test Program.
3.20 Program Support - N00024-01-D-7019, DO8 – Zone 2: CGI supports
PMS415 program management planning.
3.21 Administrative Support - N66001-01-D-053B, Subcontract 01-10360 –
Zone 1: CGI supports the T&E program for the TB-29A TLTA, TB-16G, FOTL,
and the TB-16NG acquisition programs.
3.21 Administrative Support - N00024-01-D-7014/DO10 - Zone 2: CGI
develops PEO IWS5A program review presentations; tracks project schedules,
cost, issues and risks; assists in the development of PEO IWS5A Congressional
Staffer briefs, POM budget presentations and quarterly program reviews;
prepares presentations for Flag-level and Joint Forces briefings; develops the
PEO SUB Test Readiness Review and Milestone Decision presentations;
drafted the ASWIP UD04 briefing; and coordinated the Theater ASW Kick-Off
and Pre-Solicitation Conferences and the Information Exchange
Agreement/Data Exchange Agreement (IEA/DEA) meetings with the British
Royal Navy.
3.21 Administrative Support - N00024-01-D-7019, DO8 – Zone 5: CGI
provides administrative support to the PMS415 Undersea defensive Warfare
Systems Program Office.
Company Name
Chenega Operations Services, LLC
Points of Contact
Heidi Jones – 907-351-2735 – Heidi.jones@chenega.com
John Snoody – 717-605-1572 – jsnoddy@cos-llc.com
ManTech – Team Members / Capability / Experience
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Company Website
Company Background
Through the experience of its parent company, Chenega Corporation,
Chenega Operations Services, LLC (COS) brings a strong functional
background to all aspects of services required by the Federal Government.
From the development of Statements of Work (SOW) through integrated
process teams (IPT) to the independent development of task orders, COS has
successfully worked with customers to ensure they receive products or
services required to meet their mission.
Capability/Area of
3.3, 3.6, 3.12
Last 3 years services
experience listed by
functional area and
specific Program (see
below for list of functional
NSLC Contract N65538-07-D-0001 – 3.3, 3.6, 3.12
Company Name
Cherokee Nation Government Solutions, LLC.
Points of Contact
Bill Lipsteuer
Company Website
Company Background
Cherokee Nation Government Solutions, LLC. is small disadvantaged Native
American owned business and entity of the Cherokee Nation Businesses.
Capability/Area of
CNGS is capable of delivering a full spectrum of technical services to federal
clients. We utilize our proven program managements skills, technical expertise
and professional placement team to provide flexible strategic solutions for
information technology, program management, mission support resources,
facility management, research and development, engineering and science and
emergency response.
3.1; 3.2; 3.5; 3.6; 3.12; 3.16; 3.18; 3.20; 3.21; 3.22
USACE FT Worth Corps Contract.
Last 3 years services
experience listed by
functional area and
specific Program (see
below for list of functional
Description of products
(deliverables) provided
Staff augmentation
ManTech – Team Members / Capability / Experience
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Company Name
Coast & Harbor Engineering, Inc.
Points of Contact
Company Website
Scott Fenical, 155 Montgomery St., Suite 301, San Francisco, CA 94104
Shane Phillips, 110 Main St., Suite 103, Edmonds, WA 98020
Company Background
Coastal, hydraulic, dredging, civil engineering
Capability/Area of
Field evaluation, alternatives development, engineering analysis, computer
modeling, design, construction management of navigation, dredging, port,
and waterfront projects
3.2 Engineering – for dredged material placement
3.3 Modeling, Simulation, and Analysis Support – for hydraulic processes at
Last 3 years services
experience listed by
functional area and
specific Program (see
below for list of functional
Description of products
(deliverables) provided
Permit application documents for sand fill
Report and presentation of levee erosion problem and repair alternatives
Company Name:
Coastal Defense Inc.
Points of Contact
Brett K. Ramos, Business Development
254-681-5809, brett@gocdi.com
Company Background:
Our Mission: To provide a completely integrated team for public and private
agencies use against threats through assessment, training, technology and
equipment. Coastal Defense Inc. is a Service Disabled Veteran-Owned Small
Business (SDVOSB) employing highly trained Special Operations veterans.
Our cadre of instructors have years of real world experience on the
battlefield and in the global war on terror. Coastal Defense offers
comprehensive training to both public and private agencies’. The average
instructor in Coastal Defense has over 15 years of operational experience in
their respective fields. Our personnel have collectively planned and executed
hundreds of missions using close air support, unmanned systems, full motion
video systems (ROVER, MVR) and infil/exfil techniques. Our personnel not
only train with and evaluate new equipment, but use this equipment on a
daily basis.
ManTech – Team Members / Capability / Experience
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At Coastal Defense Inc. we combine the right tools and technology with the
right training to mitigate risk and increase mission success.
Capability/Area of
3.18 Training Support
Last 3 years services
experience listed by
functional area and
specific Program
3.18 Training Support
1. MSOIB – April 2012
 Company Name: Marine Special Operations Intelligence
 Contract Number: H92257-11-Q-0021
 POC: WO Burton Miller
 Email Address: Burton.Miller@usmc.mil
 Phone Number: 910-440-1270
 Brief Synopsis: Provided 15 hours of Intelligence, Surveillance,
Reconnaissance (ISR) support in order to train Marines in ISR
integration. Training occurred 16-18 April IVO Wilmington, NC.
ISR support was focused on developing a pattern of life in
objective areas.
2. F Co 2 MSOB – February 2012
 Company Name: 2 MSOB
 Contract Number: H92257-12-F-0023
 POC: Capt. Santiago Miramontes
 Email Address: Santiago.Miramontes@usmc.mil
 Phone Number: 910-650-8159
 Brief Synopsis: Provided 8 hours of Intelligence, Surveillance,
Reconnaissance (ISR) support in order to train Marines in ISR
integration. Training occurred 7-9 February in Training Area 53,
Fort Pickett, VA. ISR support was focused on developing a
pattern of life in objective areas primarily and secondarily for
the Joint Terminal Attack Controllers (JTAC) for NTISR and dry
CAS training.
3. H Co 2 MSOB – October 2011
 Company Name: 2 MSOB
 Contract Number: H92257-12-P-0004-P-00001
 POC: Capt Bret Leffeler
 Phone Number: 252-876-6953
 16 Hours
 Brief Synopsis: Provided Intelligence, Surveillance,
Reconnaissance (ISR) capable aircraft and qualified pilots in
order to train Marines from Hotel Company, 2d Marine Corps
Special Operations Battalion in ISR integration. Training
occurred from October 17-20 at Dugway Proving Ground, Utah.
It was focused on Village Stability Operations (VSO) primarily
and the company’s DST and Joint Terminal Attack Controllers
ManTech – Team Members / Capability / Experience
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(JTAC) were the main users of the contract ISR aircraft.
4. Marine Corp Mountain Warfare Training Center – Apr 2011
 Company Name: USJFCOM JUAS/COE
 Contract Number: N00189-11-P-Z351
 POC: Major Dan Lavasseur
 Phone Number: 702-404-1746
 35 Hours
 Brief Synopsis: Coastal Defense Inc. has recent prior experience
in support of training events at The Marine Corp Mountain
Warfare Training Center (MCMWTC). Coastal Defense supported
Joint Forces Command JUAS Center of Excellence with a
combined total of 100 hours of SUAS operations at MCMWTC
over a 12 month period, the contract mentioned above, for 35
hours, being the most recent. CDI demonstrated the dynamic
capability of Surrogate Unmanned Aerial Systems and worked
with the MWTC to integrate the capabilities of a UAV platform
into the execution of operational missions. This included
conducting aerial surveillance of objectives, covering R&S teams
moving into and covering objectives, monitoring execution and
providing situational awareness of mission execution and
simulating aerial strikes inherent to specific UAV platforms. In
addition, CDI developed/provided a proprietary antenna system
capable of mitigating the unique challenges of providing video
down links in mountainous terrain.
5. ATLANTIC STRIKE 11-02 – September 2011
 Company Name: ACC/A3J
 Contract Number: FA4890-11-P-0016
 POC: Major Michael Steele
 Contact Address: michael.steele@us.af.mil
 Phone Number: 910-394-8133
 Brief Synopsis: Provided 30 hours of Surrogated UAS in support
of ACC Exercise ATLANTIC STRIKE (AS) Exercise Program. AS is
designed to provide realistic training in the conduct of the
counter-land close battle for combat Aircrews, Joint Terminal Air
Controllers, Intelligence, and Air Support Operations Squadron
personnel. AS is conducted at Avon Park Air-Ground Training
Complex, Avon Park, FL. The goal of AS is to train participants to
effectively integrate Close Air Support across a broad spectrum
of activity with special emphasis on digitally-aided voice and
data transfer technology.
 CDI has supported every ATLANTIC STRIKE exercise from 20062011 and has just recently completed the ATLANTIC STRIKE 1102 SUAS contract.
 Contract Number: GS-07F-0587T
 POC: Capt Gordon L. Topper
ManTech – Team Members / Capability / Experience
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 Contact Address: gordon.topper@usmc.mil
 Phone Number: 760-214-4424
Brief Synopsis: Commencing on 25 October 2010 and continuing for 15 days,
Coastal Defense Inc. facilitated training for joint tactical air controllers from
1st Marine Special Operations Battalion (MSOB), Marine Special Operations
Company (MSOC) Alpha in close air support tactics, techniques and
procedures during their Company Collective Exercise (CCE). This training
assists 1st MSOB, MSOC Alpha in the conduct of operations in support of
MARSOC missions abroad. MARSOC Commander and his Host Nation forces
conduct stabilization and civic action programs to support the Afghanistan
conventional forces and government efforts to further stabilize MARSOC area
of operations (AO). Designated MARSOC elements conduct counterinsurgency operations unilaterally and in conjunction with designated Host
Nation Military in their AO. These MARSOC Elements conduct close air
support, escort and ISR against enemy elements operating within the MSOC
Alpha AO. During the exercise MSOC A will maximize air integration with all
company and team level operations. Focus is on proper conduct of close air
support procedures and utilization of simulated and actual intelligence lethal
targeting capabilities.
Company Name:
Coherent Technical Services, Inc. (CTSi)
Points of Contact
Carrie D. Willmore, Director of Operations
Phone: 301-880-3341
Email: carrie.willmore@goctsi.com
Founded in 2005, CTSi is a small, veteran owned company focusing on
technical solutions and services for our Department of Defense, NASA and
commercial customers. Our engineers and program managers combine indepth understanding of our customers goals and objectives with technical
solutions to address the challenges.
Company Background:
CTSi specializes in high-tech solutions for our customers high-tech programs.
These programs include the Navy Unmanned Combat Air System, the Next
Generation Jammer program, and several Unmanned System programs such
as the NASA Generic Transport Model program. We even provide training
courses for Systems Engineering and certain highly technical navigation
At CTSi, our employees are provided the tools and the autonomy necessary
to excel in their jobs and to meet the needs of our customers. We are very
selective about those that we hire, and we select people that share our
values and fit well into our culture. At CTSi, we pride ourselves on delivering
Excellence in Technical Solutions.
ManTech – Team Members / Capability / Experience
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Capability/Area of
Last 3 years services
experience listed by
functional area and
specific Program
Air Traffic Control Systems, Navigation Systems, Modeling and Simulation, Air
Ship Integration, UAV Development
3.1 Research and Development Support
3.2 Engineering, System Engineering and Process Engineering Support
3.3 Modeling, Simulation, Stimulation, and Analysis Support
3.4 Prototyping, Pre-Production, Model-Making, and Fabrication Support
3.5 System Design Documentation and Technical Data Support
3.6 Software Engineering, Development, Programming, and Network Support
3.10 Configuration Management (CM) Support
3.11 Quality Assurance (QA) Support
3.14 Interoperability, Test and Evaluation, Trials Support
3.15 Measurement Facilities, Range, and Instrumentation Support
3.16 Acquisition Logistics Support
3.20 Program Support
3.21 Functional and Administrative Support
N00178-04-D-4143, M803/CPFF
10/1/05 - Present
Sub-contractor to L3 Titan
Program Mgmt, Requirements Mgmt, Modeling and Simulation, Systems
Engineering, Support Services in support of PMA-213, PMA-268, and the
David Nelson, (301) 995-8200,
Code 4.5.8A ATC Chief Engineer
Ship and Shore Based Electronic Systems
Villa Road, Bldg 811,
St. Inigoes MD 20684
Company Name:
CompQsoft Inc
Points of Contact
Madina Shaik
11951 Freedom Drive, Suite 1300
Reston, VA 20190
703-251-4899 work
832-264-6140 cell
Company Background:
Established in 1997, COMPQSOFT is a privately-held HUBZone, Small
Disadvantaged Business based out of Houston, Texas with over 13 years of
experience. COMPQSOFT offers a range of IT services including SAP
Implementation, Infrastructure Engineering Design, Development,
Implementation, Integration and Support, Operations and Maintenance,
ManTech – Team Members / Capability / Experience
Page 83 of 419
Capability/Area of
Last 3 years services
experience listed by
functional area and
specific Program
Independent Test, Validation, Verification, Evaluation, Software
Development, Management Support Services and Training and
 SAP Implementation & Operations through ECC 6.0 and EHP 5
 Operations & Maintenance
 Software Development & Implementation
 Dashboard Development
 Data Cleansing & Migration
 Management Support Services
 Independent Test & Evaluation
 Training & Communications
 IT
 Mobile Solutions
Functional Knowledge in DOD Supply chain management, Warehouse and
distribution management, DOD Financial management-appropriated and
Army and Defense working capital fund
3.6 Software Engineering, Development, Programming, and Network
1. Theater Enterprise-Wide Logistics System (TEWLS) sustainment
Prime Contractor: CACI
Date: Mar 2010 to till date
Prime Contractor: Accenture
Date: Dec 2011 till date
3.10 Configuration Management (CM) Support
1. General Funds Enterprise Business System ( GFEBS )
Prime Contractor : Accenture
Date: 12/2009 – Present
2. Theater Enterprise wide Logistics System (TEWLS) Sustainment
Prime Contractor : CACI
Date: Mar 2010 to till date
3.12 Information System (IS) Development, Information Assurance (IA), and
Information Technology (IT) Support
1. General Funds Enterprise Business System - GFEBS/ US
Army/CONUS &OCONUS sites
Prime Contractor: Accenture
ManTech – Team Members / Capability / Experience
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Date: 12/2009 – Present
2. Deployment of Theater Enterprise Wide Logistics System (TEWLS)
Prime Contractor: SAP Public Services
Date: 1/2005 – 02/2010
3. Sustainment of Theater Enterprise Wide Logistics System
Prime Contractor: CACI
Date: Mar 2010
4. Defense Enterprise Accounting Management System (DEAMS 2)
Prime Contractor: Accenture
Date: Dec 2011 till date
5. ITES-2S
Prime contractor: Lockheed Martin
Date: March 2011 to Sep 2011
Prime Contractor : Deloitte
Date : Sep 2011- Present
3.16 Acquisition Logistics Support
1. Deployment of Theater Enterprise Wide Logistics System (TEWLS)
Prime Contractor: SAP Public Services
Date: 1/2005 – 02/2010
2. Sustainment of Theater Enterprise Wide Logistics System
Prime Contractor: CACI
Date: Mar 2010 to Till date
3.17 Supply and Provisioning Support
1. Sustainment of Theater Enterprise Wide Logistics System
Prime Contractor: CACI
Date: Mar 2010 to Till date
3.18 Training Support
1. General Funds Enterprise Business System - GFEBS/ US
ManTech – Team Members / Capability / Experience
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Army/CONUS &OCONUS sites
Prime Contractor: Accenture
Date: 12/2009 – Present
3.20 Program Support
1. Deployment of Theater Enterprise Wide Logistics System (TEWLS)
Prime Contractor: SAP Public Services
Date: 1/2005 – 02/2010
3.21 Functional and Administrative Support
1. Deployment of Theater Enterprise Wide Logistics System (TEWLS)
Prime Contractor: SAP Public Services
Date: 1/2005 – 02/2010
2. Sustainment of Theater Enterprise Wide Logistics System
Prime Contractor: CACI
Date: Mar 2010 to Till date
Company Name
Computer Products – see The Columbia Group
Company Name
Computer Sciences Corporation
Points of Contact
Jayne Leiter, jleiter@csc.com, (202) 675-3313
Company Background
CSC has technical capability in all SeaPort E SOW functional areas and zones.
Capability/Area of
CSC has technical capability in all SeaPort E SOW functional areas and zones.
Last 3 years services
experience listed by
functional area and
specific Program
Contract/Task Order: N00178-04-D-4030.FC11
Zone: 5
Period of Performance: 2/27/2013 – 2/26/2016
Work Performed: Provide personnel with professional, technical, and
administrative skills to support the IT tasks required. Included are the support
of new and existing applications and programs; support of the Research,
Development, Test, and Evaluation (RDT&E) and Boundary Three
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Communities of Interest (B3COI) networks. The intent of this contract is to
satisfy the enterprise IT needs of NSWC Crane, including IT work that occurs
under other non-IT service contracts. This contract is not intended to address
the tactical weapon system efforts that are part of broader engineering
Customer POC: Contracting Officer Representative (COR): Rhonda Rush Rhonda.Rush@navy.mil, (812) 854-1619
Contract/Task Order: N00178-04-D-4030.EH06
Zone: 2
Period of Performance: 2/10/2012 – 2/9/2017
Work Performed: Support areas include, but are not limited to, Program
Planning and Management, Business and Financial Management, Research
Development Engineering, Systems Engineering, Production Planning and
Production Engineering, Test and Evaluation Engineering, and Integrated
Logistics Support.
Customer POC: Task Order Manager: Stephen J. Hicks stephen.j.hicks@navy.mil, (202) 781-0634
Contract/Task Order: N00178-04-D-4030.EH03
Zone: 2
Period of Performance: 9/22/2009 – 9/22/2014
Work Performed: Support areas include, but are not limited to, Program
Planning and Management, Business and Financial Management Planning and
Execution, Systems Engineering, Test and Evaluation Engineering, Life Cycle
Engineering and Support, MPT/HSI Analysis and Engineering, Configuration
and Data Management Engineering, and Combat Systems Development.
Customer POC: Contracting Officer Representative (COR): Willie Hines willie.hines@navy.mil, (202) 781-0640
Company Name
Conscious Security, Inc.
Points of Contact
Joseph Seitzer | CTO/COO
Conscious Security, Inc.
1000 Corporate Dr.
Suite 119
Stafford, VA 22554
ManTech – Team Members / Capability / Experience
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Office: 540.318.0909
Company Background:
A small veteran – owned business founded in 2003 and based out of
Northern Virginia, Conscious Security has Department of Defense and private
industry expertise that we use to deliver a best- practices approach for
today’s cyber security challenges.
Capability/Area of
Conscious Security provides Information Technology Operations and Security
services to commercial and government organizations. Our core
competencies include Cybersecurity Service, Certification and Accreditation,
Risk Management, System and Security Infrastructure, Identity and Access
Management, Public Key Infrastructure and Supporting Technologies along
with various training classes.
Last 3 years services
experience listed by
functional area (see below
for list of functional areas)
and specific Program
We provide support (1.5 years) to the following functional areas on contract
3.2 Engineering, System Engineering and Process Engineering Support
3.5 System Design Documentation and Technical Data Support
3.6 Software Engineering, Development, Programming, and Network Support
3.12 Information System (IS) Development, Information Assurance (IA), and
Information Technology (IT) Support
3.20 Program Support
Company Name
Corrpro Companies – Company does not have an active Subcontract
with ManTech
Company Name:
Cosmic Software Technology, Inc.
Points of Contact
Ranvir K Sinha, President & CEO
Company Background:
Cosmic Software Technology, Inc. (Cosmic) is a certified SDBE founded in
1999, headquartered in Princeton, NJ and a prime in all 7 zones under
Seaport-e Contract N00178-05-D-4257. Cosmic is also a prime contractor of
ManTech – Team Members / Capability / Experience
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Capability/Area of
Last 3 years services
experience listed by
functional area and
specific Program
Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) eFAST Contract. eFAST is a small
business set-aside, for the FAA. Cosmic is also prime in GWAC 8(a) STARS II
contract to promote small business utilization when purchasing information
technology (IT) services for the federal government. The 8(a) STARS II
program is reserved exclusively for qualifying certified 8(a) small business
concerns as the prime contractors. Cosmic has performed in several prime
contracts in Seaport-e to show length and breadth of our experience. Cosmic
team members include Lockheed, General Dynamics, Northrop Grumman,
AMSEC, McKean, ManTech, Alion Science & Technology and NDI Engineering.
Cosmic has subject matter expertise in ASW including sensors and weapons
and its tactical doctrine. Littoral Warfare including mine hunting are the
expertise that Cosmic enjoys.
3.10 Configuration Management (CM) Support
Cosmic Software is a subject matter expert in Configuration Management in
which stealth technology related work called Passive Counter Measure
Systems ( PCMS) is undertaken on DDG 51 , CG 47 and FFG 7 class of ships in
SEA 05P12 . The SOW involves coordinating ship-wide PCMS preventive and
corrective maintenance schedule. Every material that goes onboard is
accounted for in accordance with Key Plans (KP) and matches with the
Equipment Guide List (EGL). This helps the ship builder coordinate
distribution and updating of Planned Maintenance System (PMS). Cosmic
manages materials including ship specific PCMS key plans drawings and EGLs
for PMS inspections, serve as single point of contact for Quality Assurance of
PCMS related Current Ship's Maintenance Project (CSMP) entries, review all
topside configuration changes to ensure Radar Cross Section reduction has
been considered. Providing detailed drawings of equipments and PCMS
Training Binder. Work up examples of KP/EGL Review (Using FFG38 & DDG75)
and revision of SPQ-9B. Cosmic also draws PCMS & Non-PCMS Ships CG VLS
Detail drawing, reviews all of KP/EGL of DDG 86. Prepare and distribute PMS
inspection key plans and EGLs to appropriate work centers. Submit required
updates/corrections/additions to ship specific key plans drawings to local
Regional Maintenance Center (RMC) for respective PCMS supervisor's
attention. Revised SEI Antenna Detail Drawing and completed Gray-out of
FFG. Cosmic maintains a very complex excel spreadsheet with pictures of
every class of ships to pin point where a particular material has been used
Cosmic has extensive experience in developing ASW tactical decision aids.
Our SME's have PhD thesis in wave propagation in anisotropic lossy
inhomogeneous media and are INTOTA national expert in acoustics and
electromagnetic. They have published articles and presented papers in
symposia on the subject of wave propagation. Our SME have expertise in the
study of environment and propagation loss and scattering, dispersion,
diffraction and energy loss mechanisms.
PP#1-3.2 Engineering, System Engineering and Process Engineering Support
3.6 Software Engineering, Development, Programming, and Network
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1. Contract Number: N00178-04-D-4078 (Sub to McKean Defense Group)
2. Customer/Agency: NSWC, Carderock, West Bethesda, Code 34
3. Contracting Officer and Technical POC (Name & Phone)
William G. Smith, Code 34, Email: william.g.smith1@navy.mil, Tel: (301) 2273850
4. Brief Description of scope of Work:
Cosmic is providing support for Unclassified Teamroom. Provide levels 1, 2,
and 3 support, as well as support In-Service Databases. Conduct Information
Assurance vulnerability scans of Unclassified Teamroom. If more than ten
Category I vulnerabilities are reported, Teamroom is taken offline until the
server has been remediated, updated, patched, and then re-scanned.
Unclassified Teamroom is hosted by IBM Domino Web Server 8.5.3 running
on top of 64-bit Windows Server 2008 R2. Classified Teamroom on the SIPR
Network resides on Code 70 server in their Classified SIPR Network.
Classified Teamroom on the SIPRNet was moved from IBM Domino Web
Server 7.0 platform to a SharePoint (MOSS) 2007 platform in September 2010
using Visual Basic .NET that migrated the Teamroom data, structure, and
security scheme from Domino to SharePoint. Classified Teamroom on the
SIPRNet was migrated from SharePoint (MOSS) 2007 to SharePoint 2010.
Cosmic employee maintains a proper and current Information Assurance (IA)
certifications in accordance with DoD 8570.01M and the computing
environment/Operating System (CE/OS) certifications in accordance with
SECNAV M-5239.2.
PP#2-3.21 Functional and Administrative Support
1. Contract Number: N000178-05-D-4257-FD02
2. Customer/Agency: NSWC, Carderock, West Bethesda, Code 60
3. Contracting Officer and Technical POC (Name & Phone)
Robert Denale, 301-227-4995, Email: robert.denale@navy.mil
4. Brief Description of scope of Work:
Work on Navy’s financial system, including interfacing with the
Corporate Database (CDB) and MS Access. Manage budget schedules
in order to meet mid-year and end of year deadlines as well as be
able to monitor items, compile weekly and monthly status reports
and prepare extensive financial documentation. Examples of the
types of items to monitor are: funds acceptance, labor rejects, and
Complete Naval Messages and Naval Message requirements. Prepare
naval messages using Turboprep software (3.0a or higher). Deliver
accurately completed naval message to NSWCCD signature authority
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for signature and deliver to the onsite NSWCCD Communications
Center for transmission.
Perform Naval Sea Systems Command (NAVSEA), and NSWCCD
regulations, instructions, processes and forms in order to complete
the work identified in the Task Order.
Work on the Department of Navy and NSWCCD labor and leave
policies. Collect weekly timesheets from Government employees
assigned to his/her oversight and submit their time and attendance,
before deadline, using the Standard Labor Data Collection &
Distribution Application (SLDCADA) system.
Prepare various types of Government Department of Defense (DOD)
forms; obtain needed signatures and forward to appropriate Center
or off-Center offices/agencies.
Compile statistical data into spreadsheets, as needed.
Prepare local and foreign travel orders and travel claims (vouchers)
and Invitational Travel Orders (for individuals and groups) from
information provided by the Government using Government
furnished forms and the Government's Corporate Travel System
(CTS) and Defense Travel System (DTS). Prepare correspondence In
Accordance With (IAW) The Department of Navy Correspondence
Manual and NSWCCD Instructions.
PP # 3-3.1 Research and Development Support
1. Customer Name and Address: NSWC , Ship Signature Dept (Code
70), Acoustic Research Detachment, Bayview , ID
2. Point of Contact: Robert D. Brown, Jr, Phone: 301 692 0539 E-mail:
3. Period of performance for the contract: 06/3/2010-6/01/2015
4. Dollar Value: $ 392,000.00, CPFF
Description of Work Performed.
Cosmic is providing on-site logistics support and related support services
including material and service acquisition administration support for
operations and maintenance at the ARD. Following support is provided :
Identify suppliers, prepare specifications and requisition ordering
documents (ILSMIS or via Contract PO requests) for material
procurement in accordance with NSWC, ARD and/or company
procedures / policies assist in preparing pre−acquisition Statements
of Work (SOW)
Assist program managers in researching specifications and standards,
develop performance measures, provide consultation and make
recommendations, Process recommendations and procedures for all
elements in areas of the acquisition requirements, including best
approaches, options, strategies, risks, available methods,
competition, sources, cost savings, etc.
Research existing Government−wide contracts for available products,
ManTech – Team Members / Capability / Experience
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material and services Evaluate different approaches to and sources
for acquisition support
Research available suppliers and acquisition methods to compare the
services and costs of obtaining support from different providers
Assist in conducting market research to identify potential sources
and contract vehicles, including socio−economic program
participants, GSA Schedule vendors, Government−wide Agency
Contracts, and other agency contracts for parts, supplies and
material requirements
Assist in preparing cost estimates
Perform Research / Market analysis including but not limited to, past
purchases of the products or services, current market value of the
products or services, other agency purchases of similar products and
Accomplish material inventory, receipt and stock control, record
keeping, storing and issuing spare parts, supplies and consumables
Identify material stocking requirements and warehouse items in
accordance with requirements and maintain consumable
/pre−expended stock levels maintaining material warranty,
certification and other material documentation
3.22 Public Affairs and Multimedia Support
1. Contract Number: N00178-05-D-4257-JU0109 (Prime)
2. POC: Bill Seifert, Deputy CHE , Deputy Director, Capital Improvement,
NAVFAC, WNY, DC Tel # 202) 685-9414
POC: Virginia Bueno, Director Public Affairs, NAVFAC, WNY, DC
Tel# (202) 685-1423
POC: Pietro Magri, CIO, NAVFAC, WNY, DC Tel # (202) 685-8190
3. DOLLAR VALUE: $1,198,660.75
4. Customer Name & Location: NAVFAC, WNY, DC 20375
5. Period of performance for the contract: 10/2006 to 10/2011
6. Number and varieties of client supported and/or locations: This
contract supports the Command Information Officer, the Director Public
Affairs and the Chief Engineer of NAVFAC, Washington Navy Yard, DC.
7. Summary of the work performed
Providing services as the Internet and Intranet Portal Support (Web
Developer) and systems coordinator. Providing database development
support and interactive web page programming and user support. Providing
services as primary web developer in support of a military engineering,
ManTech – Team Members / Capability / Experience
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design and construction organization in conjunction with the Chief
Information Officer (CIO) Intranet Management and Maintenance
Organization. Performing full development and publishing privileges using
Oracle Portal technology, Microsoft (MS) FrontPage, Cold Fusion, Active
Server Pages and Hypertext Markup Language (HTML). This position also
requires having knowledge of engineering design and construction skills
associated with a facilities engineering organization, engineering functional
competencies, interrelationships between business/support lines in an
engineering organization, and knowledge of awards programs (e.g., facilities
design awards). The position requires being able to integrate engineering
and architectural skill sets into a web-based engineering network. This
position requires coordinating forums, conferences and interaction with
content managers and support to users.
Providing services as Information Technology Specialist. Responsibilities
include data base administration, help desk support, system operational
maintenance and training support on the DOD Standard Procurement
System (SPS) for the acquisition business line at NAVFAC Washington.
Provided Contract Technical Representative (CTR) support to Navy Marine
Core Internet (NMCI). Managed NMCI orders on Network Enterprise Systems
(NET) execute user requirements through Service Request Management
(SRM); collaborate on construction project for IT support requirements.
Provided technical support required for the management of MAXIMO as
Database Administrator for Regional Transportation.
Providing Public Affairs/Communications office support to assist in
communicating mission-essential information to its workforce, clients, news
media and business and industry. Develop and maintain webpage on
NAVFAC’s public and private websites and placing content on NAVFAC’s
public and private website with direction from NAVFAC Headquarters
program offices and Public Affairs office.
Description of products
(deliverables) provided.
1.Professional Services and related hardware and software
2. SBIR & STTR- 3 has been submitted and 4th in the pipe line.
Company Name
Craig Technical Consulting, Inc., dba Craig Technologies
Points of Contact
Amy.briller@craigtechinc.com, mike.austin@craigtechinc.com,
Company Website
Company Background
Craig Technologies is a U.S. owned Economically Disadvantaged Woman-Owned
Small Business (EDWOSB), Service-Disabled Veteran-Owned (SDVO), WomanOwned Small Business (WOSB), Minority-Owned, and Small Disadvantaged
Business (SDB) that is International Organization for Standardization (ISO)
ManTech – Team Members / Capability / Experience
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9001:2008/Aerospace Basic Quality System Standard (AS) 9100C certified and
International Traffic in Arms Regulations (ITAR) compliant. Craig complies with
all Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) regulations. We
maintain a Top Secret Facility Security Clearance and hold contracts at the
TS/SCI level.
Capability/Area of
Craig has nearly 4000 highly skilled personnel in 20 states supporting many
Department of Defense (DoD), and other Federal and government agencies. Our
capabilities include.
Integrated logistics
Design, prototype, and precision
Project/program management and analysis
Information Technology (IT) support
End-to-end engineering
Systems engineering
Courseware and training
Custom software engineering
The 161,000 square feet Craig Aerospace and Defense Manufacturing Center
(ADMC) facility is also the former NASA Shuttle Logistics Depot (NSLD). The
NSLD was responsible for 80% of the avionics and mechanical Manufacture
Repair and Overhaul (MRO) of the Space Shuttle Orbiters. A Space Act
Agreement with NASA allowed over 1,600 pieces of common use equipment to
remain at this facility and made available for commercial use by Craig
Technologies. Craig owns another 400 pieces that further extends our capabilities.
Personnel with the skills and experience for working flight-rated hardware have
been retained and supplemented with our machine, tool, and engineering expertise.
Last 3 years services
experience listed by
functional area and
specific Program
3.1 Research and Development Support
 NASA Kennedy Space Center, Constellation Ground Operations (GO)
Project Office
3.2 Engineering, System Engineering and Process Engineering Support
 NASA Kennedy Space Center, Engineering Services Contract
 U.S. Navy, Commander, Operational Test and Evaluation Force
(COMOPTEVFOR), Joint Tactical Radio Support
 U.S. Navy, Naval Air Warfare Center Aircraft Division (NAWCAD),
Reliability and Maintenance (R&M) and Technical Support
 NASA Goddard Space Flight Center, Omnibus Multidiscipline
Engineering Services
3.3 Modeling, Simulation, Stimulation, and Analysis Support
 USAF Special Operations Command (AFSOC), Aircrew Training and
Rehearsal Support
 U.S. Navy, Submarine Warfare Federated Tactical Systems (SWFTS),
Submarine Technical Assistance, Assessment, and Reporting System
3.4 Prototyping, Pre-Production, Model-Making, and Fabrication Support
 Craig’s Aerospace and Defense Manufacturing Center makes a wide
variety of products for Government, commercial and other support
contractors. Our expertise encompasses precision machining, mechanical
component manufacture, tube fabrication, surface finishing, custom
avionics, wire harness manufacture & test, cryogenics & gasses, over &
furnace treating, welding & brazing, environmental test & evaluation,
ManTech – Team Members / Capability / Experience
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inspection & control processes
3.5 System Design Documentation and Technical Data Support
 NASA Kennedy Space Center, Engineering Services Contract
 U.S. Navy, Naval Air Warfare Center Aircraft Division (NAWCAD),
Reliability and Maintenance (R&M) and Technical Support
3.6 Software Engineering, Development, Programming, and Network Support
 U.S. Navy, Submarine Warfare Federated Tactical Systems (SWFTS),
Submarine Technical Assistance, Assessment, and Reporting System
 U.S. Army, Combined Arms Products for Distributed Learning Program
3.7 Reliability, Maintainability, and Availability (RM&A) Support
 NASA Kennedy Space Center, Engineering Services Contract
 U.S. Navy, Naval Air Warfare Center Aircraft Division (NAWCAD),
Reliability and Maintenance (R&M) and Technical Support
 U.S. Air Force C-130 Aircrew Training Support
3.8 Human Factors, Performance, and Usability Engineering Support
 U.S. Air Force C-130 Aircrew Training Support
 NASA Johnson Space Center (JSC), Integrated Mission Operations
Contract Services
3.9 System Safety Engineering Support
 USAF Special Operations Command (AFSOC), Aircrew Training and
Rehearsal Support
 U.S. Air Force C-130 Aircrew Training Support
 NASA Johnson Space Center (JSC), Integrated Mission Operations
Contract Services
 NASA Goddard Space Flight Center, Omnibus Multidiscipline
Engineering Services
3.10 Configuration Management (CM) Support
 NASA Kennedy Space Center, Engineering Services Contract
 NASA Kennedy Space Center, Constellation Ground Operations (GO)
Project Office
 U.S. Navy, Naval Air Warfare Center Aircraft Division (NAWCAD),
Reliability and Maintenance (R&M) and Technical Support
 Defense Information Systems Agency (DISA), Defense Enterprise
Computing Center (DECC), System Mgt. Center (SMC), Service Desk
3.11 Quality Assurance (QA) Support
 NASA Kennedy Space Center, Engineering Services Contract
 NASA Goddard Space Flight Center, Omnibus Multidiscipline
Engineering Services
 Defense Information Systems Agency (DISA), Defense Enterprise
Computing Center (DECC), System Mgt. Center (SMC), Service Desk
3.12 Information System (IS) Development, Information Assurance (IA), and
Information Technology (IT) Support
 Defense Information Systems Agency (DISA), Defense Enterprise
Computing Center (DECC), System Mgt. Center (SMC), Service Desk
 NASA Langley Research Center, Langley Research Center Information
ManTech – Team Members / Capability / Experience
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Technology Enhances Services
NASA Marshal Space Flight Center (MSFC), Enterprise Applications
Service Technologies
3.13 Inactivation and Disposal Support (N/A)
3.14 Interoperability, Test and Evaluation, Trials Support
 NASA Kennedy Space Center, Engineering Services Contract
 U.S. Navy, Commander, Operational Test and Evaluation Force
(COMOPTEVFOR), Joint Tactical Radio Support
 U.S. Navy, Submarine Warfare Federated Tactical Systems (SWFTS),
Submarine Technical Assistance, Assessment, and Reporting System
3.15 Measurement Facilities, Range, and Instrumentation Support
 NASA Kennedy Space Center, Engineering Services Contract
 U.S. Navy, Commander, Operational Test and Evaluation Force
(COMOPTEVFOR), Joint Tactical Radio Support
3.16 Logistics Support
 NASA Kennedy Space Center, Engineering Services Contract
 U.S. Air Force C-130 Aircrew Training Support
 U.S. Air Force, Technical Applications Center Warehouse, Morocco
Equipment Purchase
3.17 Supply and Provisioning Support
 U.S. Air Force C-130 Aircrew Training Support
 U.S. Air Force, Technical Applications Center Warehouse, Morocco
Equipment Purchase
3.18 Training Support
 USAF Special Operations Command (AFSOC), Aircrew Training and
Rehearsal Support
 U.S. Army, Combined Arms Products for Distributed Learning Program
 NASA Johnson Space Center (JSC), Integrated Mission Operations
Contract Services
 U.S. Marine Corps (USMC), College of Continuing Education (CCE),
Front End Analyses (FEA), Interactive Multimedia Instruction (IMI) and
Computer-Based Training (CBT) Courseware Projects
 U.S. Marine Corps, Systems Command, Program Manager for Training
Systems (PMTRASYS) Marine Air-Ground Task Force (MAGTF)
Training Systems Support
3.19 In-Service Engineering, Fleet Introduction, Installation & Checkout Spt
 USAF Special Operations Command (AFSOC), Aircrew Training and
Rehearsal Support
 U.S. Navy, Commander, Operational Test and Evaluation Force
(COMOPTEVFOR), Joint Tactical Radio Support
 U.S. Air Force C-130 Aircrew Training Support
3.20 Program Support
 NASA Kennedy Space Center, Constellation Ground Operations (GO)
Project Office
 U.S. Central Command (CENTCOM), CCJ8 Analysis and Requirements
Division Support
3.21 Functional and Administration Support (N/A)
3.22 Public Affairs and Multimedia Support (N/A)
ManTech – Team Members / Capability / Experience
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Description of products Craig’s deliverables on the above listed contracts include everything from simple
(deliverables) provided T&M contract monthly performance reports to physical manufactured products
like precision machined components for a light rail locomotive. For specific
questions please contact Charlie Huffine (321-277-0360)
charlie.huffine@craigtechinc.com for answers
Company Name:
Critical Resource Technology, Inc
Points of Contact
John Aubrey
Company Background:
Critical Resource Technology has been a niche supplier of technical services
to both the government and commercial industries since 1992. Our
distinguished list of satisfied clients includes: US Navy, Ryder System Inc.,
New York State Dept. of Health, New York State Dept. of Taxation and
Finance, Home Depot, Staples, Palm Beach Community College, Palm
Beach Office of the States Attorney, US Sugar Corp. and many more. Our
team is highly trained and experienced and has demonstrated experience in
numerous industries.
Applications Development, Web Services, Mobile Apps, Logistics Integration,
Capability/Area of
Last 3 years services
experience listed by
functional area and
specific Program
Configuration Management (CM) Support
Configuration Management (CM) Support
Description of products
(deliverables) provided.
CDMDOA-Lite – Configuration Management Tool that integrates with
Company Name
Crystalview Technologies – Company does not have an active
Subcontract with ManTech
Company Name
CSSI, Inc.
Existing SeaPort-e Prime?
ManTech – Team Members / Capability / Experience
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400 Virginia Avenue, SW, Suite 210
EPOC First Name
EPOC Last Name
EPOC E-mail
EPOC Phone Number
Alternate EPOC First Name
Alternate EPOC Last Name
Alternate EPOC E-mail
Alternate EPOC Phone
Business Ownership
Large Business
Technical Capability
We provide full life cycle services in the following areas:
Applied Research and Development
Development and Analysis of Concepts of Operations
Advanced Concepts and System Integration
Advanced Model Application
Operations Research
Decision Support Systems
Safety Management
Operations Analysis
Cost-Benefit Analysis
Safety and Environmental Services
Safety Management Systems
ManTech – Team Members / Capability / Experience
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Voluntary Safety Reporting Programs
Fatigue Risk Management Programs
Air Quality Tools
Emissions Inventories
Air Space Redesign Program
Systems Engineering
Enterprise Architecture (EA)
Life Cycle Systems Engineering Support
Safety Engineering and Risk Analysis
Human System Integration
Portfolio Management
Modeling and Simulation
Environmental Models
Systems-Level Simulations
Fundamental Models
Information Technology Solutions
Full Software Development Life Cycle (SDLC) Support
Enterprise Web Solutions
Network Engineering and Management Operations
Managed IT Services
Help Desk Operations
Analytical and Business Applications
Information Assurance (IA)
Functional Area(s)
3.1, 3.2, 3.3, 3.4, 3.5, 3.6, 3.7, 3.8, 3.10, 3.11, 3.14, 3.15, 3.16, 3.17, 3.18, 3.19,
3.20, 3.21
Past Performance
N65236-05-D-6850, SPAWAR Atlantic, Aviation Command & Control
Engineering Division, Seaport-e Functional Areas 3.2, 3.5, 3.6, 3.12, 3.14, 3.16,
3.18, 3.19, 3.20, 3.21, 3.22. POC Elizabeth Dawsey, 843-218-4835. CSSI
provides support to the Aviation Platform Engineering & Integration Division
for a broad range of complex electronic systems. To date over 149 task
orders have been awarded. These areas include:
 Information Assurance (IA) Support for the SPAWAR Office of Polar
Programs (SOPP)
 Network Engineering & Management Operations
 NetCentric Business Operations Support
 Research & Development, Test & Evaluation (RDT&E) Support
 Systems Integration and Technical Support Services
ManTech – Team Members / Capability / Experience
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Collaborative Solutions Environment (CSE) Support
METOC Program Planning/Logistics
Aviation Command & Control Logistics Support
ATC Training (Classroom & CBT) Support – VIDS
SPAWAR Aviation C2E Division Enterprise Training & IT Support
Program Planning/Project Engineering, Fleet Liaison Support
SPAWAR Aviation C2 Engineering Division Training Support
Web Enterprise Services & Solutions
DoD/FAA Unmanned Air Systems (UAS) Support
Office of the Chief of Naval Operations (OPNAV) Program & Technical
Microwave Landing System (MLS) Training Course
Automated Shipboard Weather Observation System
N61339-05-C-0091, NAVAIR TSD, Seaport-e Functional Areas 3.5, 3.11, 3.18.
POC LTJG Mike Fahnestock: 407-380-4380. CSSI has developed and
maintained course curriculum and provided specialized software application
training. Improved Approach Radar Trainer (IPART) Installation & Training of
Navy Air Traffic Controllers. CSSI provided ATC Subject Matter Expert and
Documentation Specialist for the IPART. Successfully Delivered Version 3.0 of
the IPART Software
GS-35-F-0045J (NAVRES Task), NAVRESFOR, New Orleans, Seaport-e
Functional Areas 3.9, 3.15, 3.18, 3.19. POC JoAnn Lawless, 843-218-5246. CSSI
provided program support to the NAVRESFOR customers located in
Millington, TN and New Orleans, LA. We developed a plan of action and
milestone (POA&M) document. CSSI, on a monthly basis met with the
customer to review financial and programmatic issues, as well as strategic
planning as necessary. CSSI maintained the reserves.navy.mil web portal,
which was the largest known Microsoft CMS effort undertaken in DoD at the
time of implementation. The system provided web content for more than
800 Naval Reserve Commands and interactive connectivity to Naval Reserve
sites across the country, which contain a combined 38,000+ pages of
information. CSSI was instrumental in keeping availability above 99.9
percent from the time the system became operational.
DTFACT-04-D-00011, FAA, Seaport-e Functional Areas 3.1, 3.2, 3.3, 3.4, 3.5,
3.6, 3.7, 3.14, 3.15, 3.17. POC Dale Livingston, 609-485-6603. CSSI applied our
R&D efforts to build the prototype AGHME system and bring it online to
produce coarse aircraft height measurements. We built the prototype
AGHME constellation, which is comprised of five separately located height
elements near Atlantic City, New Jersey to determine the correct number of
elements and spacing/pattern/location. The work included modeling &
simulation analysis, In-Service Engineering and Systems Engineering.
ManTech – Team Members / Capability / Experience
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Company Name
Cyberdyne Incorporated
Points of Contact
Henrik De Haas, hdhaas@cyberdyne-deca.com, 310-475-2873
Alan De Haas, microscope@verizon.net, 310-475-2873
Design and research of low noise electronic amplifiers, signal conditioning of
sensor signals (acoustic seatrials) specialist in low frequency amplifier design
Teamwork in multichannel data acquisition systems
Company Background
Capability/Area of
Last 3 years services
experience listed by
functional area and
specific Program
3.1, 3.2, 3.4, 3.5, 3.6, 3.11, 3.19, 3.20
Electric Boat – Mr. John Vitale, 860-433-5895 – prime/sub contracts N0002491-C-2902 / RPK235-017; N00024-91-C-2902/NNK-081-005; N00024-96-C2108 / PPL139-058
Naval Surface Warfare Center - Ms. Lisa Zellars, 301-227-1191 – N00406-00P-6888
Design and development, production and installation of vibration monitoring
equipment on SSN21, SSN22 and SSN23. Misc. low noise signal conditioning
units, 32 ch. USB control. Currently designing a hydrophone amplifier and
power supply utilizing the lowest noise possible components.
Company Name
CZK Consultants – Company does not have an active Subcontract with
Company Name
D3 Technologies – Company does not have an active Subcontract with
Company Name
Points of Contact
Ted Dang, ted.dang@dangerresearch.net, 415-326-4376
Company Website
Company Background
Ted Dang DBA Danger Research LLC. (est. 2012)
ManTech – Team Members / Capability / Experience
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Capability/Area of
Last 3 years services
experience listed by
functional area and
specific Program (see
below for list of functional
Description of products
(deliverables) provided
Comms/Networks, EM: RF/IR/EO, GPS/PNT, IT/Computing, Space/Satellites,
Signal Processing, Field Trials, Electronics, Hacking, ISR/TTL sensors, STEM
3.1 Research and Development Support (DARPA/AEO, DARPA/DSO)
3.2 Engineering, System Engineering and Process Engineering Support
3.20 Program Support (DARPA/AEO, DARPA/DSO)
3.21 Functional and Administration Support (DARPA/AEO, DARPA/DSO)
Company Name
Data Splice, Inc.
Points of Contact
Peter Tringale, tringale@ix.netcom.com, 760.327.0830
Company Background
15 year history of providing software design and development services to
DoD, government, and quasi-governmental agencies.
Custom Software and Database Development
Capability/Area of
Last 3 years services
experience listed by
functional area and
specific Program
3.6 – Maintenance Figure of Merit (MFOM) for USN
Company Name
DCS Corporation
Points of Contact
SeaportEnhanced@dcscorp.com ATTN: Contracts POC
Company Background
DCS has an excellent systems and software engineering, software
development and program/acquisition management capability supporting
multiple NAVAIR program offices and competencies including the 4.0 and 5.0
Competencies. This experience is valuable in providing a full spectrum
engineering, T&E, and acquisition support capability for the program offices
and technical competencies
Various Software Development Artifacts (Design Specs, Source Code, etc)
ManTech – Team Members / Capability / Experience
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Capability/Area of
DCS Corporation has a large presence at Naval Air Systems Command, Space
and Naval Warfare Systems Command, Marine Corps Systems Command,
their field activities, and their affiliated Program Executive Offices. DCS will
bring the applied engineering services experience gained over almost 30
years of support to these commands to the Gryphon Technologies team.
Specifically, DCS will concentrate on functional areas of the SOW listed
below, contributing its expertise in C4ISR and navigation system integration,
electro-optics applied research, electro-optic system prototyping, forwardlooking infra-red systems integration, computer-based training system design
and development, avionics and vetronics related human systems integration,
mission planning system integration, and acquisition program/financial
management support.
Last 3 years services
experience listed by
functional area and
specific Program
N00178-04-D-4031, 0003 - NSWC Dahlgren - 3.1, 3.2, 3.5, 3.6
DCS provides software certification support for Navy shipboard combat systems including AEGIS,
DDG-1000 and LCS
N00178-04-D-4031, M803 - NAWC PAXR - 3.1, 3.2, 3.5, 3.6, 3.7, 3.10, 3.14, 3.19
DCS Provides acquisition, systems engineering, and testing support for air combat electronics
program in PMA 209 at NAVAIR
N00178-04-D-4031, M804 - NAWC PAXR - 3.1, 3.2, 3.3, 3.4 3.5, 3.6, 3.10, 3.11, 3.12, 3.14
DCS Provides software and systems engineering, lab prototyping and development and testing
support for the Common Systems Integration Lab (CSIL) in PMA 209 at NAVAIR
Company Name
DDL OMNI Engineering LLC
Points of Contact
Theodore J. Thanos, Contracts Manager ted.thanos@ddlomni.com, 703.918.4336
Company Website
Company Background
DDL OMNI is a federal contracting engineering, information technology, and
technical services company.
Alteration Design & Installation Services
Environmental Services
Materials & Structures Engineering
Capability/Area of
Program & Strategic Management
Sensor & Electronics Development
Last 3 years services
experience listed by
functional area and
specific Program (see
below for list of
functional areas)
Software, Web & Systems Development
Technical Documentation
Training & Simulation
All functional areas, Prime Task Orders are listed at
ManTech – Team Members / Capability / Experience
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3.1, 2, 4, 5, 6, 7, 10, 12, 14, 20
3.1, 2, 4, 5, 6, 7, 10, 12, 14, 17, 18, 19, 20
3.1, 2, 4, 5, 6, 7, 10, 12, 14, 17, 18, 19, 20
Company Name:
Deep Blue Research LLC
Points of Contact
Matthew A Cerniway
Company Background:
Provide research and development support to US naval community relating
to all aspects submarine warfare.
Modeling and Simulation
Acoustics and Vibrations
Acoustic propagation models
ASW and MIW performance assessment
3.1 Research and Development Support
3.3 Modeling, Simulation, Stimulation, and Analysis Support
3.6 Software Engineering, Development, Programming, and Network Support
Capability/Area of
Last 3 years services
experience listed by
functional area and
specific Program
Description of products
(deliverables) provided.
Susceptibility Center (SC) – Performance assessment
Acoustics Data Handler (ADH) – Near-field signature estimation
Swath Detection Algorithm (SDA) – Acoustic signature estimation
ManTech – Team Members / Capability / Experience
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Company Name
Delex Systems, Incorporated
Points of Contact
Business: Colin Sullivan, Vice President
Contracts: Christopher Parker, Director of Contracts
Company Website
Company Background
Founded in 1968, Delex Systems, Inc. (Delex) is a privately held ISO
9001:2008 certified corporation The company has established a corporate
culture that focuses on delivering results and exceeding customer
expectations. We continue to foster this culture by investing in our people,
processes, tools, and technology. As a result, our employees are able to
proactively identify and efficiently execute customer cost, schedule, and
security fundamentals in concert with robust risk-mitigation strategies.
 Modeling and Simulation to include emulators, simulators and
stimulators to support tactical decisions.
 Software engineering involving hardware and computer software
leveraging Commercial-Off-The Shelf (COTS solutions.
 Information Technology (IT) classified network support to include
network Information Assurance (IA) support.
 Flight test engineering and analysis for missile systems Test & Evaluation
(T&E) and trials support
 Technical training support for aircraft and missile systems.
 Business and technical support for classified program offices.
 Clerical administrative support for multiple classified program offices.
 Multimedia documentation and photography for command level support
 Intelligence analysis and production support services.
 Defense consulting studies and analysis.
 Commercial maritime analysis.
Capability/Area of
Last 3 years services
experience listed by
functional area and
specific Program (see
below for list of functional
Functional Area 3.1: Ft. Sill Joint Operational Access Study – Conduct study
for the United States Army Air Defense Artillery School (USAADASCH) to
analyze “how ADA doctrine and operational concepts support the Joint
Operational Access and AirSea Battle (ASB) concepts. Use emerging joint,
Department of the Navy, and Department of the Air Force concepts to
research and analyze to define “how ADA doctrine and operational concepts
support the Joint Operational Access and ASB concepts.” Review current ADA
employment concepts, focusing on ADA forces’ employment in countering
anti-access and area-denial (A2AD) operations, and evaluate against
emerging counter-A2AD concepts.
Functional Area 3.3: U.S. Navy Harpoon Land Based Training Systems (HLBTS)
- HLBTS is a commercial off the shelf (COTS) based multi-student, coordinated
ManTech – Team Members / Capability / Experience
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training system that provides virtual Harpoon engagement planning and
tactical training to U.S. Navy Harpoon Shipboard Command and Launch
Control Set (HSCLCS) 9/10 operators. The hardware consists of one
instructor console, eight student consoles, one Information Assurance (IA)
Server and one National Information Assurance Partnership (NIAP) approved
Ethernet switch. The software models the U.S. Navy surface warfare ship
platforms employing the Block IC Harpoon with the SWG-1A 9/10 fire control,
canister launchers, and a 6-word combat system interface and supports
operator training and fault isolation training.
Description of products
(deliverables) provided
Functional Area 3.18: MH-60R&S Training Situation Analysis (TSA) and
Courseware Development - The MH-60 R&S TSA and Courseware
Development program provides for the analysis, design, development, and
fielding of Advanced Distributed Learning (ADL) web-based multimedia
courseware products in support of the Air Combat Training System (ACTS)
program. The operational requirement for ACTS program is to provide
standardized web-based post-Fleet Readiness Squadron (FRS) training for
pilot/aircrew personnel for delivery via Secret Internet Protocol Network
(SIPRNET). This effort consists of two components in accordance with the
MH-60 R&S ACTS SOW requirements.
Functional Area 3.1: Ft. Sill Joint Operational Access Study – Deliverables
included unclassified and classified final study. Conducted table top war
game with government stakeholders.
Functional Area 3.3: U.S. Navy Harpoon Land Based Training Systems (HLBTS)
– Deliverables included networked HLBTS training systems comprised of
computer hardware and software.
Functional Area 3.18: MH-60R&S Training Situation Analysis (TSA) and
Courseware Development – Deliverables included TSA, courseware
development and courseware revision and maintenance.
Company Name
Dell Services Federal Government, Inc.
Points of Contact
George Newstrom – General Manager and Vice President
Richard Sutton – Client Executive, Department of Defense
Pierre Bowery – Contracts Administrator
Office +1 703-289-7913
8270 Willow Oaks Corporate Dr., Fairfax, VA 22031
Company Website
Company Background
Dell Services Federal Government, Inc., formerly known as Perot Systems
Government Services, Inc., changed its name to Dell Services Federal Government,
Inc. in February 2011. The company was founded in 1986 and is based in Fairfax,
ManTech – Team Members / Capability / Experience
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Virginia. Dell Services Federal Government, Inc. operates as a subsidiary of Dell Inc.;
certified ISO 9001:2008 CMMI-3
Capability/Area of Expertise
DSFG provides information technology, business process outsourcing, and consulting
services to defense, intelligence, national security, and civil government markets.
DSFG offers technology-based process solutions.
Last 3 years services
experience listed by
functional area and specific
Program (see below for list of
functional areas)
Under the functional areas of 3.6 Software Engineering, Development, Programming,
and Network Support and 3.18 Training Support, DSFG provided technical and
training support for the Past Performance Programs (e.g., PDREP, PQDR II, CPARS,
PPIRS) managed by the Naval Sea Logistics Center (NSLC) Detachment, Portsmouth,
NH, located in Kittery, ME.
Description of products
(deliverables) provided
Product Data Reporting and Evaluation Program (PDREP)
PDREP is an AIS designed to track quality and delivery performance on
material/services procured by the Navy. Data is collected from NAVSEA Commands
on a daily basis and is maintained in the following records on the database:
Contractor CAGE Information, Debarment/Suspension, Contract Delivery Data, DLA
Contractor Alert List, GIDEP Alerts, Material Inspection Records, Product Quality
Deficiency Reports, Qualified Product List, Special Quality Data, Surveys, and Test
Reports. The application offers a wide selection of standard, management, and
graphical reports and includes a powerful Ad-Hoc feature allows users to design their
own reports.
Level I/SUBSAFE (SS) Verification is a Web Enabled information system for verifying
Level I/SS material markings at the end user level (e.g. shipyards, fleet, etc.).
Verification is a last check to assure material has been certified as Level I/SS prior to
being installed shipboard and allows end-users to access the Product Data Reporting
and Evaluation Program (PDREP) database to retrieve the information they need-when they need it. This innovative approach provides round-the-clock coverage and
increases customer satisfaction.
Supplier Audits are focused primarily on process control. They are not intended to
take the place of Pre-Award Surveys, Product-Oriented Surveys or Quality System
Reviews. Participation in the Supplier Audit Program is open to NAVSEA, Naval
Inventory Control Point, public and private shipyards who have a responsibility to
monitor the acquisition of material to higher level quality standards such as NAVSEA
TL855-AA-STD-010, NAVSEA 0948-LP-045-7010 and others. Primary participants
include Naval Sea Systems Command, Electric Boat Corporation, Newport News
Shipbuilding, Naval Inventory Control Point, Portsmouth Naval Shipyard, Norfolk
Naval Shipyard, Puget Sound Naval Shipyard, and Pearl Harbor Naval Shipyard.
PQDR Interservice Interface (PQDR II) The Department of Defense Business Initiative
Council (BIC) Product Quality Deficiency Report Interservice Interface (PQDR II)
Automated Information System is an Electronic Business initiative that is part of the
Defense Reform Initiative Report of Nov 1997. This application automates the
transfer of PQDR's between the Army, Navy, USMC, Air Force, DCMA and DLA and
allows end users to run ad-hoc type, reporting, queries, simultaneously against all
services in real time. All government agencies may retrieve the PQDR records to
assist in best-value source selection purposes.
Web PQDR program provides links between the complaint, the DOD Supply System
and the contractor who supplied the deficient material. PQDRs must be submitted
for new or newly reworked material, premature material failures and technical data
provided or procured and found defective. PQDRs may be used as a measure within
the Contractor Performance Assessment Reporting System (CPARS), and Past
Performance Information Retrieval System Statistical Reporting (PPIRS-SR), providing
ManTech – Team Members / Capability / Experience
Page 107 of 419
information for source selection decisions.
Web PQDR is provided for use by all US Navy, US Marine Corps, Defense Contract
Management Agency (DCMA), Defense Logistics Agency (DLA), and US Coast Guard.
Other agencies utilizing Web PQDR include the US Army and US Air Force.
Contractors can also use the system to originate PQDRs and provide investigation
results for associated deficient material provided to the various DoD Services. Access
to the system for DoD personnel is granted once a User Access Request Form has
been submitted and processed. Contractor access is obtained via the company DUNs
number and MPIN.
Ship CSI database is a secure, web enabled system that provides a methodical
automated workflow to formally document sources of Ship CSI materials. The
program is headed by NAVSEA 04P and 05 to help comply with Section 130 of the
John Warner National Defense Authorization Act for Fiscal Year 2007, which reestablished technical authority over procurement of ship CSI's that was lost under
the Federal Acquisition Reform Act of 1996. Its main intent is to ensure that
proposed sources of Ship CSI's are capable of consistently producing acceptable
items and services. It is not intended to restrict open competition. Source approval
documents with attachments and other list are visible to component/system
Technical Warrant Holders, Procurement Contracting Officers, and other authorized
users within the PDREP AIS.
Hull, Mechanical and Electrical (HM&E) Equipment Data Research System (HEDRS)
is a Web tool that provides Planning, Operations, Engineering, and Logistics
communities the capability to research HM&E equipment data. Navy, Military Sealift
Command, Unites States Coast Guard, and Defense Logistics Agency activities utilize
HEDRS to research HM&E equipment. Access to HEDRS is limited to Government
employees and specific Government contractors, for whom the Government
Contracting Officer Representative validates the access request.
Company Name
Deloitte Consulting LLP
Existing SeaPort-e Prime?
1725 Duke Street
EPOC First Name
EPOC Last Name
ManTech – Team Members / Capability / Experience
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EPOC E-mail
EPOC Phone Number
Alternate EPOC First
Alternate EPOC Last
Alternate EPOC E-mail
Alternate EPOC Phone
Business Ownership
Large, Limited Liability Partnership
Business Size
Technical Capability
Deloitte is proud to provide comprehensive professional service
support on the SEAPORT-E contract vehicle. With a combination
of management, technology, and mission support capabilities and
a proven track record of results, our team has been selected to
provide customized resources, industry knowledge and technical
experience to effectively and efficiently support the greatest
challenges faced by NAVAIR, NAVSEA, NAVSUP and SPAWAR.
Under SEAPORT-E, these organizations can work hand-in-hand
with Deloitte, a trusted government advisor and a top federal
contractor with experience serving all Federal Cabinet level
Functional Area(s)
Past Performance
Working with Deloitte, clients can expect: Deep industry insight
and a robust capability portfolio to anticipate emerging issues
and deliver innovative services quickly; Multi-disciplinary
perspectives and a flexible approach that covers strategy, people,
process and technology; A comprehensive portfolio of consulting,
audit, tax and financial advisory services
Tasking will include, but not be limited to, efforts related to
functional areas 3.1, 3.2, 3.5, 3.6, 3.10, 3.12, 3.16 - 3.22.
3.1, 3.2, 3.5, 3.6, 3.10, 3.12, 3.16 - 3.22
- N00178-04-D-4020- 0003, Prime, POC: Maggie Zilius (540) 6537314
- N00178-04-D-4020-HR01, Prime, POC: Teresa Floore (850) 2355861
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-N00178-04-D-4020-NS01, Prime, POC: Sandra Layton (858) 5370539
Company Name:
Dextera Corporation
Points of Contact
Kathryn Daut
3949 Pender Drive STE 330
Fairfax, Virginia 22030
Dextera Corporation (Dextera) is a woman-owned, SBA-certified 8(a) Small
Disadvantaged Business (SDB) headquartered in Fairfax, Virginia. Dextera was
certified 8(a) by the SBA on October 15th 2008. Our graduation date from
this program is October 15, 2017. Established in 2005, Dextera has quickly
become a recognized leader in program management, information
technology, and records and information management. Dextera principals
have experience in government program management, records
management, and quality assurance implementation. Our focus is on our
clients: understanding and anticipating their needs; building relationships;
and absolutely dedicating ourselves to providing deliverables that are
concise, consistent, and complete. Dextera’s clients include the U.S.
Department of Homeland Security (DHS) – US Citizenship and Immigration
Services, Immigrations and Customs Enforcement, Naval Sea Systems
Command (NAVSEA), Department of State (DOS), and the U.S. Department of
Veterans Affairs (VA).
Dextera provides program management support to the Department of
Defense community. We support all aspects of the Planning, Programming,
and Budget and Execution process and assist our clients in the preparation of
materials for budget submission, justification, and defense. Our program
management offerings include strategic planning, organizational and
workload planning, HR consulting, procurement support, and quality
assurance support. Dextera’s technical capabilities include records
management and policy development, implementation of quality assurance
systems and methodologies, and public relations management.
Company Background:
Capability/Area of
Last 3 years services
experience listed by
functional area and
specific Program
3.10 CM Support
3.11 QA Support
3.11 QA Support
3.11 QA Support
3.12 IS / IA / IT
3.12 IS / IA / IT
3.16 Logistics
Date Completed
March 2010
March 2010
May 2009
May 2009
ManTech – Team Members / Capability / Experience
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3.18 Training
3.18 Training
3.18 Training
3.18 Training
3.18 Training
3.20 Program Management
3.20 Program Support
3.20 Program Support
3.20 Program Support
3.20 Program Support
3.20 Program Support
3.20 Program Support
3.20 Program Support
3.21 Administrative Support
3.21 Administrative Support
3.21 Administrative Support
3.21 Administrative Support
3.21 Administrative Support
3.21 Administrative Support
3.21 Administrative Support
3.21 Administrative Support
3.5 System Des Doc/Tech Data
3.5 System Des Doc/Tech Data
3.5 System Design Documentation
3.6 Software
3.6 Software
Description of products
(deliverables) provided.
May 2009
May 2009
May 2009
March 2010
May 2009
May 2009
May 2009
March 2010
May 2009
May 2009
May 2009
March 2010
March 2010
May 2009
May 2009
Program Management
Dextera’s experience in Program Management includes acquisition support,
budget development, financial management and tracking, and technical
subject matter expertise. Dextera associates work closely with our client’s
program managers, providing expert program assistance for the acquisition
of facilities and equipment to support research and development, depot
maintenance, and government-owned/contractor-operated facilities. Dextera
provides management support to the Program, Planning, Budgeting, and
Execution (PPBE) process by participating in technical reviews, managing
project workflow, and reporting/tracking financial execution.
In addition, Dextera provides business management, financial management,
and technical support for long-term projects and strategic initiatives. Dextera
has also supported custom software applications from start to finish,
including requirements definition, application testing, trouble call resolution,
and end user training.
Quality Assurance
ManTech – Team Members / Capability / Experience
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Dextera’s experience in Quality Assurance includes the development and
implementation of Quality Assurance Programs, Quality Control, and
Reporting Metrics for root cause and trend analysis. We provides our clients
with an independent assessment using a QA program based on American
National Standards Institute ANSI/ ASQC Q9003-1994 and Z1.4-1993
standards for inspection. Our assessment allows us to develop a personnel
training program tailored to each client that focuses on areas needing
improvement, ensuring quality process improvements based on well-defined
Dextera implements quality assurance through the establishment of policies
and procedures that have specific defined purposes and performance metrics
that are auditable and measurable. We manage business process
improvement/reengineering by clearly establishing the process baseline and
testing process changes prior to implementation.
Records Management
Dextera’s experience in Records Management includes knowledge of records
management policies and the operational capability to support all aspects of
the records management life cycle. We assist our clients with the
development and implementation of records management policies, standard
operating procedures, and communication plans that establish the
performance and quality requirements for their Records Management
Programs. We establish an implementation framework that identifies all the
steps needed to integrate a user-friendly records management plan that also
helps your information management programs become compliant with
Privacy Act, E-government, Paperwork Reduction Act, and Government
Elimination Act processes and initiatives.
Dextera has developed a versatile records management strategic plan that
complies with 44 USC and 36 CFR and focuses on the critical requirements of
a comprehensive records management program. We help you with business
process development and/or reengineering to establish an agency-wide
records management process, including policy documents and manuals
defining records procedures for your programs.
Company Name
Points of Contact
Company Website
ManTech – Team Members / Capability / Experience
Page 112 of 419
Company Background
Capability/Area of
IM/IT Support Services
Last 3 years services
experience listed by
functional area and
specific Program (see
below for list of functional
3.2 Engineering, System Engineering and Process Engineering Support
3.3 Modeling, Simulation, Stimulation, and Analysis Support
3.10 Configuration Management (CM) Support
3.11 Quality Assurance (QA) Support
3.12 Information System (IS) Development, Information Assurance (IA), and
Information Technology
3.5 System Design Documentation and Technical Data Support
3.6 Software Engineering, Development, Programming, and Network Support
3.14 Interoperability, Test and Evaluation, Trials Support
3.20 Program Support
3.18 Training Support
Description of products
(deliverables) provided
Completed the deployment of SPSS statistics software in support of the clinical
research mission. Developed a secure, HIPAA compliant workstation image to allow
providers an efficient way of viewing patient data via Kiosks without requiring CAC
login. Finalized testing of the Optometry pilot group and received approvals to
proceed to the remainder of departments who have requested Clinical Kiosks.
Supported live-status of four Cerner SmartSuite myStation modules (TV, games,
myMeals, and myHospital) in 163 hospital rooms, each with RoomLink devices
awaiting go-live approval.
Applications Development Support Services (ADS). DSG delivers ADS support for
Web and SharePoint development, and Decision Support Software. We provide IT
SMEs in the planning, analysis, development, testing, and implementation of various
custom and third party software assets. Web, .ASP, SharePoint Services, .NET, JAVA,
etc.- collaborate with medical providers to develop, enhance, and update web
material and implement data driven applications and databases to enhance usability.
Managed over 2,200 SharePoint sites including WRNMMC, NICoE, and FBCH custom
applications. Implemented a standard user interface across the SharePoint farm.
Held discovery meetings to rebuild 30+ lost data/sites within SharePoint 2010,
adopting new development processes rather than rebuilding broken sites and
functionalities. Support content management, web, and SharePoint development
and maintenance support; provide 24x7 Tier I/II technical support
Company Name
DRS Technical Services, Inc.
Points of Contact
Robert K. Lindsey, Director of Contracts, rlindsey@drs.com, 703-896-7149
Company Website
Company Background
DRS Technologies, headquartered in Arlington, Virginia, U.S.A., is a leading
supplier of integrated products, services and support to military forces,
intelligence agencies and prime contractors worldwide. Focused on defense
ManTech – Team Members / Capability / Experience
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technology, the Company develops, manufactures and supports a broad
range of systems for mission critical and military sustainment requirements,
as well as homeland security.
DRS responds to the needs of U.S. and allied military forces, as they engage in
day-to-day expeditionary activities, by providing high-tech products and
systems that improve the capabilities of many key platforms. The Company
also provides a range of military support systems and services. DRS’s
products are deployed on a wide range of high-profile military platforms and
on several platforms for non-military applications.
Our sustainment products, such as environmental control systems, power
generators, water and fuel distribution systems, chemical/biological
decontamination systems and heavy equipment transport systems, are used
to support military forces, humanitarian efforts and peacekeeping. We also
provide security and asset protection systems and services,
telecommunication and information technology services, training and
logistics support services for all branches of the U.S. armed forces and certain
international militaries, homeland security forces, and select government and
intelligence agencies.
Capability/Area of
DRS Technologies is a leading supplier of integrated products, services and
support to military forces, intelligence agencies and prime contractors
worldwide. Focused on defense technology, the company develops,
manufactures and supports a broad range of mission-critical systems and
sustainment solutions to support homeland security and the military’s
current and future force.
Last 3 years services
experience listed by
functional area and
specific Program (see
below for list of functional
3.2 Engineering, System Engineering and Process Engineering Support
Contract/program: SPAWAR Internet Café Program (ICP)
DRS designed, developed and integrated the entire SPAWAR Atlantic Internet
Café Program (ICP) solution, a network providing toll-quality voice, video and
data services to more than 150,000 users in hazardous and hostile OCONUS
areas (Iraq and Afghanistan) and in Air Force facilities in Iraq, Oman, and
Afghanistan. The DRS systems engineering approach provides configuration,
implementation, and installation services to ensure that systems scheduled
for deployment are provisioned, tested, and functional prior to customer
acceptance. As an ISO 9001:2008 and CMMI Level certified organization, we
leverage our existing system engineering processes and procedures to ensure
that our ENS designs provide fully functional solutions that meet all technical
and performance requirements while minimizing system cost.
DRS also executed similar work as part of the following
USSOCOM Global Access Network (GAN)
Future COMSATCOM Services Acquisition (FCSA) Custom Satellite
Communications Solutions (CS2)
ManTech – Team Members / Capability / Experience
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PM DCATS Communication Network (DCN)
3.5 System Design Documentation and Technical Data Support
Contract/Program: USSOCOM Global Access Network (GAN)
DRS designed, deployed, and provides technical support for the USSOCOM
GAN, a commercial satellite and terrestrial reach back network providing
connectivity to deployed special operations forces 9SOF) warriors globally. As
part of this effort, the DRS OCC provides Tier 1 help desk support for new
service activations, testing, and troubleshooting of degraded services. DRS
quality processes ensure that data collected through the performance
monitoring and alarm collection is analyzed thoroughly to help predict
potential customer impact. Should additional resources be required, the help
desk technician can enlist help from Tier 2 and Tier 3 support engineers to
resolve issues. The help desk records and documents all monitoring,
preventive maintenance, and problem tracking systems integrated with
customer systems, such as Remedy, Service Desk Plus, and test systems
specific to all deployed equipment. Our help desk monitors changes in
system and site configurations to troubleshoot any issues that may arise from
customized end-user solutions. In support of the GAN, DRS has met or
exceeded 99.7 percent end-to-end service availability and 99.95 percent
terminal, terrestrial, and teleport service availability metrics.
DRS also executed similar work as part of the following
3.7 Reliability, Maintainability, and Availability (RM&A) Support
Contract/program: SPAWAR Internet Café Program (ICP)
In support of the SPAWAR ICP Network, DRS develops installation design
plans (IDPs) and manuals IAW DoD directives/regulations, the Shore
Installation Process Handbook (SIPH) when applicable, and industry best
practices to ensure standardization to promote reliability, maintainability,
and availability of the network and all IT resources. IDPs form the technical
input to installation and operation manuals that provide system installation
and maintenance scheduling and procedures to our engineering, NOC, and
on-site support teams. The manuals support all facets of the communications
network to include routing and iDirect hub installation and maintenance at
the teleports; managing schedules for preventive and corrective maintenance
of RF, data and networking assets; and field installation and maintenance of
the base VSAT suites and local networks. Recent examples of this approach in
practice were integration of iDirect Evolution, Palo Alto content filtering,
Agile PLM, and BMC Remedy Action Request systems. Equipment not
reparable on site is replaced and later repaired and returned to stock at our
logistics hubs. DRS uses local warranty repair, through Tobyhanna Army
ManTech – Team Members / Capability / Experience
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Depot OEM warranty repair of Dell equipment in Iraq, and through return
material authorization (RMA) programs.
DRS also executed similar work as part of the following
3.9 System Safety Engineering Support
Contract/program: SPAWAR Integrated Electronic Security Systems (IESS)
Sustainment Services
As part of our ongoing work under the SPAWAR Integrated Electronic
Security Systems (IESS) Sustainment Services contract, DRS provided
Installation design Drawings for the security systems for the US Army Child
Youth Services, DLA Distribution Red River and DLA Distribution Oklahoma
City facilities. These design packages include, Site Vicinity maps and title
sheets, Master List of Equipment and Materials, Equipment Location
Diagrams, Plan Views, Elevations, Power flow Diagrams, Signal Flow
Diagrams, Interconnecting Wiring Diagrams, and fabrication and assembly
details. Drawings are completed in AutoCAD 2012 or later and are compliant
with customer conventions and industry standards like ANSI Y14.1. DRS
develops installation instructions for step by step installation guidance and
verifiable installation progress reporting.
DRS also executed similar work as part of the following
SPAWAR OCONUS Electronic Security Services (OESS)
3.10 Configuration Management (CM) Support
Contract/program: SPAWAR Internet Café Program (ICP)
DRS partnered with SPAWAR to develop a comprehensive CM process,
including the documentation of a formal Configuration Management Plan
(CMP), bill of materials (BoM) baseline identification, documentation list,
Configuration Control Board (CCB) reviews, change management, and a CM
database via the Oracle Agile PLM system. The CMP was integrated with
program management, engineering, field support, and Network Operations
Center (NOC) activities to reduce implementation cycle times and increase
accuracy of CM data. DRS integrated the CM process into the Agile PLM
system for seamless traceability of requirements; technical, baseline, and
documentation changes; CCB review/approvals; implementation; CM audits;
and status reporting. More than 100 technical changes have been
documented that include our customer as part of a CCB. No major issues or
network outages have resulted since implementing this automated process.
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DRS also executed similar work as part of the following
3.11 Quality Assurance (QA) Support
Contract/program: E-6B Aircraft Maintenance
As part of our support for the E-6B aircraft maintenance program, DRS
provides supply chain logistics and on-site routine and emergency
maintenance support for Commanders, the Strategic Communication Wing
ONE, and Fleet Air Reconnaissance Squadrons three, four and seven at seven
CONUS sites. Contract services include inventory management and
maintenance of parts, components, spares, and repair equipment used for
the repair and maintenance of the E-6B Aircraft. As part of our
comprehensive quality assurance (QA) strategy, DRS uses ISO 9001: 2008 and
AS9100B processes to ensure Quality Control (QC) and Quality Assurance
(QA) at every step of the inventory and procurement processes. DRS built QC
into our standard processes for monitoring stock levels and procuring, and
providing parts, components, and materials for this contract. With predetermined checklists, each individual follows the same procedures when
executing a particular function (e.g., from picking components from inventory
to performing weekly assessments of stocking levels).
Furthermore, DRS implemented the MMIS, which not only guides process
execution but disallows non-conforming entries into the system or invalid
actions, thereby, preventing loss of time and improper stocking or
documentation of picked items. The system also automatically notifies DRS
personnel when stocking levels for particular items require replenishment.
DRS QA personnel perform regular and impromptu audits to uncover
anomalies between the MMIS database and actual inventory of items and
ensure that our approach consistently conforms to program requirements.
When DRS personnel uncover anomalies, we investigate to determine the
underlying reason for the anomaly and formulate preventive methods to
avert similar anomalies in the future.
DRS also executed similar work as part of the following
3.12 Information System (IS) Development, Information Assurance (IA), and
Information Technology (IT) Support
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Contract/Program: USSOCOM Global Access Network (GAN)
The DRS-designed, deployed and supported USSOCOM GAN was designed to
comply with DIACAP Information Assurance requirements and is in the
process of achieving DIACAP certification. The GCN has been authorized to
carry MAC Level 1 traffic for other task orders. Firewalls and intrusion
detection systems are in place to ensure security, integrity of data, and
prohibition of denial of service attacks. We have conducted tests using the
Ixia tool to confirm that all data entering the network is delivered in its
entirety through the entire network segment under DRS control.
DRS also executed similar work as part of the following
3.14 Interoperability, Test and Evaluation, Trials Support
Contract/program: SPAWAR Internet Café Program (ICP)
To ensure that the ICP maintains persistent availability, DRS performs
extensive interoperability testing when developing and integrating new or
updated subsystems into the network. Leveraging our CMMI Product
Integration and Interoperability Testing process, DRS documents and tests
commercial-off-the- shelf (COTS) technologies using “black box” assessments
followed by a series of systems tests and simulations using the Test Café, the
SATCOM Test Lab, and other assets as necessary.
DRS used the Product Integration and Interoperability Testing process in the
recent migration from legacy SATCOM modems to the newest SATCOM
architecture, the iDirect Evolution platform. DRS engineering initially
performed extensive subsystem testing on the teleport-based SATCOM hub.
This was paired with new iDirect X5 satellite modems in the lab environment.
Upon successful completion of focused testing, the test boundary was
expanded to a test network using remote Tech Cafés in theater. This building
block approach from the subsystem outward led to SPAWAR approval and
the subsequent rollout of the capability to the field, resulting in an improved
use of existing satellite bandwidth (approximately 10% to 15% more data
throughput with the same bandwidth).
DRS also executed similar work as part of the following
3.16 Logistics Support
Contract/program: SPAWAR Internet Café Program (ICP)
DRS implemented a closed-loop document control process that includes
ManTech – Team Members / Capability / Experience
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resources internal to both DRS and SPAWAR. All engineering, operations,
technical, and process documentation (including purchasing and logistics) are
managed using standard CM practices such as identification, revision control,
technical writing, peer review, and change board approval. As part of the DRS
CMMI Level 3 model, we integrate these documentation best practices into
our program management, process management, and engineering
departments to develop and maintain process documentation, system
specifications, system diagrams, test plans, implementation plans,
installation plans, and logistics plans. DRS integrated its documentation
control process within the SPAWAR Documentation Control Team’s process,
ensuring that technical documentation is reviewed, integrated into the
system design, and verified prior to release. We accomplish this by
identifying documentation needs during the requirements management and
development processes, planning the document’s release through project
schedules, preparing documents using both engineers and technical writing
staff, and routing documents through our CM process via the Oracle Agile
PLM system. DRS leveraged this mature document control process for more
than 200 technical and process documents
DRS also executed similar work as part of the following
3.18 Training Support
Contract/program: SPAWAR Internet Café Program (ICP)
DRS provides system training to the SPAWAR team, including PMO personnel
in Stuttgart, support personnel in Charleston, SC, and all applicable DRS
teammates. We provide training for all new technology insertions and
integration, and also to support systems such as Agile PLM and the BMC
Remedy systems. DRS uses a combination of classroom discussion, laboratory
instruction, and online help and training modules integrated within the target
applications and systems to provide self-paced, on-the-job instruction for
maintenance personnel. When upgrading the Incident Management System,
DRS trained all 52 deployed maintenance personnel via quick-start guides
and web-based instruction to ensure operational readiness and smooth
technical transition to the new system. DRS technicians instruct military unit
POCs on basic troubleshooting procedures at each communications node by
providing a custom introductory course on the O&M of the electronic
communications suite and LAN equipment at each FOB. This allows owning
units to provide first-echelon maintenance and self-help, reducing
sustainment cost.
3.19 In-Service Engineering, Fleet Introduction, Installation & Checkout Spt
ManTech – Team Members / Capability / Experience
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Contract/program: SPAWAR Internet Café Program (ICP)
DRS integrates and installs each Internet Café, which includes systems
engineering and integration (SE&I), Pre-Installation Test and Check Out
(PITCO) (including rack integration of the components within the equipment
enclosures, cabling, and cable management), and on-site installation. We
conduct PITCO in our laboratory in Dulles, Virginia, and formally document it
to SPAWAR Atlantic via a PITCO report, which identifies equipment in detail,
provides inspection results, and is included with the equipment when it is
shipped. DRS tags all equipment integrated into our systems with a DD Form
1574. Conducting a PITCO has reduced on-site production and testing time by
at least 30% from the time equipment is received from CONUS to
Afghanistan, to the point of departure for systems issued to end users.
DRS also executed similar work as part of the following
3.20 Program Support and 3.21 Functional and Administration Support
As a leading provider of communications and IT solutions support to the DoD,
DRS maintains an established and experienced PMO Team, most with former
military experience and leverages proven and established management,
recruiting, and retention processes to deliver the highest level of
transparency and responsiveness through our PMOs.
DRS also executed similar work as part of the following
Company Name
DTI Associates – Company does not have an active Subcontract with
Company Name
Dynamics Research Corporation
ManTech – Team Members / Capability / Experience
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Points of Contact
Rosalie Tutrone, Contracts, 978-289-1857, rtutrone@drc.com
Steve Taylor, Program Manager, 978-289-1658, staylor@drc.com
Company Website
Company Background
DRC ® (NASDAQ: DRCO) is a publically traded technology and management
consulting company with 1117 employees and annual revenues of $316M.
The company delivers management consulting, science and engineering, and
information technology solutions focused on improving performance and
delivering results.
DRC works with agencies throughout Federal and state government in the
primary market areas of: Healthcare; Research and Development; Homeland
Security; Intelligence, Surveillance, and Reconnaissance (ISR); Financial and
Regulatory Reform; and Priority Defense Programs.
The company combines a 58-year, proven track record with mission-driven
innovation to support the government’s highest priority programs and help
solve its most complex challenges.
Capability/Area of
R&D Support; Engineering Support; Modeling; Prototyping; System Des
Doc/Tech Data; Software; RM&A; HF Engineering Support; System Safety;
CM Support; QA Support; IS/IA/IT; Interoperability/T&E/Trials; Measurement
Facilities/Ranges; Logistics Support; Supply & Provisioning; Training Support;
In-Service Engineering; Program Support; Administrative Support; PA &
Multimedia Support
3.1 Research and Development Support
3.2 Engineering, System Engineering and Process Engineering Support
3.3 Modeling, Simulation, Stimulation, and Analysis Support
3.4 Prototyping, Pre-Production, Model-Making, and Fabrication Support
3.5 System Design Documentation and Technical Data Support
3.6 Software Engineering, Development, Programming, and Network Support
3.7 Reliability, Maintainability, and Availability (RM&A) Support
3.8 Human Factors, Performance, and Usability Engineering Support
3.9 System Safety Engineering Support
3.10 Configuration Management (CM) Support
3.11 Quality Assurance (QA) Support
3.12 Information System (IS) Development, Information Assurance (IA), and
Information Technology (IT) Support
3.13 Inactivation and Disposal Support
3.14 Interoperability, Test and Evaluation, Trials Support
3.15 Measurement Facilities, Range, and Instrumentation Support
3.16 Logistics Support
3.17 Supply and Provisioning Support
3.18 Training Support
3.19 In-Service Engineering, Fleet Introduction, Installation & Checkout Spt
Last 3 years services
experience listed by
functional area and
specific Program (see
below for list of functional
Description of products
(deliverables) provided
and USMC tasking
ManTech – Team Members / Capability / Experience
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Company Name:
Dynetics Inc
Points of Contact
Phil Freeze
Company Background:
Large employee owned Business, with 1200 employees
Capability/Area of
Engineering support in missiles, aviation, and Foreign Weapon Systems
Last 3 years services
experience listed by
functional area and
specific Program
1 Research and Development Support
3.2 Engineering, System Engineering and Process Engineering Support
3.3 Modeling, Simulation, Stimulation, and Analysis Support
3.4 Prototyping, Pre-Production, Model-Making, and Fabrication Support
3.5 System Design Documentation and Technical Data Support
3.6 Software Engineering, Development, Programming, and Network Support
3.8 Human Factors, Performance, and Usability Engineering Support
3.11 Quality Assurance (QA) Support
3.12 Information System (IS) Development, Information Assurance (IA), and
Information Technology (IT)
3.14 Interoperability, Test and Evaluation, Trials Support
3.15 Measurement Facilities, Range, and Instrumentation Support
3.18 Training Support
Description of products
(deliverables) provided.
Instrumentation for both missiles and aviation
Company Name
Eagan McAllister Associates – see SAIC
Company Name:
Eagle Harbor Engineering, PLLC
Points of Contact
John D. Van Buskirk, (206) 948-2083, j.vanbuskirk@comcast.net
Company Background:
Eagle Harbor Engineering (EHE) was formed in 2006 to provide naval
architecture and marine engineering services. EHE specializes in tug and
barge projects, but has worked on a wide variety of projects from fish feeding
systems to the lengthening of an 800’ Ro-Ro ship.
ManTech – Team Members / Capability / Experience
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Capability/Area of
Last 3 years services
experience listed by
functional area and
specific Program
Structural Analysis / Finite Element Analysis
Intact and Damaged Stability
Mooring Systems
Crane Installations and Dynamic Load Charts
Tug / Barge Integration Systems
3.2 Engineering, System Engineering and Process Engineering Support
Description of products
(deliverables) provided.
Drawings and reports.
Company Name
Eagle Systems, Inc.
Points of Contact
Lynda Johnson – ljohnson2@eaglesystemsinc.net
Peter Ganzer – pganzer@eaglesystemsinc.net
Company Website
Company Background
Capability/Area of
Eagle Systems is an independently-owned business specializing in program
management, engineering, technical, logistics, and administrative support of
airborne and surface weapon systems for the DoD and in particular for the
U.S. Navy. The corporation is headquartered in California, MD and operates
field offices in Lakehurst, NJ and Jacksonville, FL. Since 1980, the company
has amassed an extraordinary performance record in providing services in
support of U.S. Navy programs. Eagle Systems’ many customers include
organizations, they support a broad spectrum of tasks in the areas of systems
acquisition, test and evaluation, integrated logistics support, in-service
engineering support and laboratory operations and maintenance. To do so,
they currently hold a diverse business base of 37 engineering and technical
contracts and subcontracts, yielding average annual revenue of $39 million.
Eagle Systems employs over 250 technical professionals, of which 80 percent
have military and/or government service backgrounds and more than 20
years of experience. This multi-disciplined cadre of experts is comprised of
degreed and technically trained personnel having established credibility in
supporting programs with a need for personnel who understand the U.S.
Navy operational, logistics, and maintenance environment.
Eagle Systems will primarily support SOW mission areas associated with
NAVSEA, NAVAIR, and ONR surface/airborne platforms and weapons
throughout the entire life-cycle encompassing requirements definition,
acquisition, RDT&E, sustainment, and disposal.
ManTech – Team Members / Capability / Experience
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Last 3 years services
experience listed by
functional area and
specific Program (see
below for list of functional
Description of products
(deliverables) provided
1) Performs CSE logistics support services for NAVAIR LKE, N00178-05D-4304, 4Y03 (Dawn Carter (732) 323-4348).
Functional Areas: 3.1; 3.2; 3.5; 3.7; 3.10; 3.13; 3.16; 3.17; 3-18; and 3.21
2) Provides CASS Modernization Program Support for NAVAIR PMA-260,
N00178-05-D-4304, 4Y02 (Edward Smetana, (301) 757-6908).
Functional Areas: 3.1; 3.2; 3.4; 3.5; 3.6; 3.7; 3.9; 3.10; 3.11; 3.12; 3.14; 3.15;
3.16; 3.17; 3.18; 3.19; 3.20; and 3.21
3) Supports development and T&E of GSE, PSE, and ATE programs for
NAVAIR/NAWCAD PAX 4.8, N00178-05-D-4304, M807 (Patrick Weaver, (301)
Functional Areas: 3.1; 3.2; 3.4; 3.5; 3.9; 3.10; 3.11; 3.12; 3.14; 3.15; 3.17;
3.18; 3.20; and 3.21
ATS and CSE logistics plans and ILA documentation.
SE ILS Management Reports, LORA, LMI/LSA records and reports
eCASS Roadmap, CASS Modernization Plan, PMA260 SE Master Plan, ACAT II
CASS Roadmap, DoD ATS Master Plan, DoD ATS Future Capabilities
Management Strategy, and IFATS Joint Capabilities Documents.
OEM design and development problem reports, Test
Facility/System/Equipment Modification Installation Plans, project POA&Ms
Company Name:
EDAC Systems, Inc.
Points of Contact
Randy Blevins, randy@edacsystems.com
(540) 361-1580
For over 20 years, EDAC has been providing its system integration and
software development services to its government and commercial clients.
EDAC is primarily known for its delivery of information capture, Information
management and case management solutions
 Document, Image, & Data Capture with Advanced Recognition,
Classification & Metadata Extraction
 Handwriting Recognition and Clinic Context Analysis
 Enterprise Content and Records Management
 Case Management Solutions
 Business process Management and Workflow systems
 Personal Identity Information Protection
EDAC has experience in the following areas:
3.1 Research and Development Support
3.2 Engineering, System Engineering and Process Engineering Support
3.5 System Design Documentation and Technical Data Support
3.6 Software Engineering, Development, Programming, and Network Support
Company Background:
Capability/Area of
Last 3 years services
experience listed by
functional area and
specific Program
Description of products
(deliverables) provided.
Medical Claims Processing with Document Recognition, Classification and
automated Metadata and handwriting extraction using IBM and EDAC
ManTech – Team Members / Capability / Experience
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Personal Identity Information Protection solution using EDAC products
Terrorist Watch List content and document analysis and comparison
using IBM and EDAC products
Company Name
EDO – see Exelis Inc. Information Systems
Company Name
EDSI Inc – Company does not have an active Subcontract with ManTech
Company Name
Edward W Pacheco – Company does not have an active Subcontract
with ManTech
Company Name
Points of Contact
Company Website
Company Background
ETS has extensive operational experience on a wide spectrum of systems for;
Command, Control, Communications, Computers, Combat Systems,
Intelligence, Surveillance, and Reconnaissance (C5ISR). Our community
recognized expertise in SIGINT, IO, EW and IW equipment allows ETS
employees to create and provide the highest level application, support and
training of basic, intermediate and advanced unclassified and classified
mission-set equipment and program management in support of National
Intelligence Agencies, Department of Defense (DOD) and Law Enforcement
Agencies (LEA) and to respond to their quickly adapting requirements. ETS is
proud to employ and provide an environment where former members of
USSOCOM, Special Mission Support personnel and United States Marines can
continue to be challenged, excel and pass on their knowledge to current and
future operators, sharing community approved tactics, techniques and
procedures, (TTP). Our diverse operational backgrounds consist of service in
and support of Conventional Military, Special Operations Forces, Special
Mission Units and Law Enforcement Professionals and makes ETS uniquely
qualified to perform and exceed competitors standards for the specialized
ManTech – Team Members / Capability / Experience
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tasks required.
Capability/Area of
Subject Matter Expertise (SME) to USSOCOM, United States Army (USA), US
Marine Corps (USMC) and US Law Enforcement Agencies and Municipalities
with a focus on SIGINT, EW, and IO technical areas.
Command, Control, Communications, Computers, Combat Systems,
Intelligence, Surveillance, and Reconnaissance (C5ISR) training of basic,
intermediate and advanced unclassified and classified mission-set equipment
and program management in support of National Intelligence Agencies and
Last 3 years services
experience listed by
functional area and
specific Program (see
below for list of functional
Special Operations and DoD expertise and relationships with National
Intelligence Agencies, ETS’ technical and support staff is uniquely qualified to
solve issues directly related to USSOCOM, Special Mission Support and
National Intelligence Agencies.
3.1 Research and Development Support- TSWG
3.2 Engineering, System Engineering and Process Engineering Support- TSWG
3.3 Modeling, Simulation, Stimulation, and Analysis Support-TSWG
3.5 System Design Documentation and Technical Data Support-TSWG
3.12 Information System (IS) Development, Information Assurance (IA), and
Information Technology (IT) Support – MCIS/ITEP (AMCOM)
3.14 Interoperability, Test and Evaluation, Trials Support MCIS/ITEP
3.18 Training Support- MCIS/ITEP (AMCOM)- TSWG
3.20 Program Support MCIS/ITEP (AMCOM)
3.21 Functional and Administration Support MCIS/ITEP (AMCOM)
Description of products
(deliverables) provided
ETS provides training services (actual). The product is the course not course
material. ETS course material is maintained as Intellectual Property and
deliverables are in terms of After Action Reports or Class Completion stats
and certificates which are then the property of the funding client or their
parent organization.
Company Name
Engility Corporation
Points of Contact
Richard Palmer, Richard.palmer@engilitycorp.com, 703-664-2919
Brenda Vasquez, Brenda.Vasquez@engilitycorp.com, 703-664-2790
Engility offers a wide range of specialized technology capabilities, experience,
and mission expertise in the following areas: Specialized Technical Consulting
(3.1, 3.2, 3.3, 3.4); Program and Business Support Services (3.20, 3.21, 3.22);
Engineering and Technology Lifecycle Support Services (3.8, 3.9, 3.10, 3.11,
3.13, 3.14, 3.15, 3.19); Information Technology Modernization and
Sustainment (3.5, 3.6, 3.12); Supply Chain Services and Logistics Management
Company Background
ManTech – Team Members / Capability / Experience
Page 126 of 419
Capability/Area of
(3.7, 3.16, 3.17); and Training and Education (3.18). Among our 1200+ active
contracts and task orders, we have several active SeaPort task orders across
all Functional Areas and geographic regions.
Engility is currently performing, and anticipates continuing to perform,
tasking for multiple activities/commands within and across the Virtual
SYSCOM -- NAVAIR, NAVSEA, NAVSUP, and SPAWAR, as well as the Marine
Corps Systems Command.
Engility is currently performing tasks encompassing all SeaPort-e Functional
Areas and across all seven (7) SeaPort-e geographic regions
3.1, 3.2, 3.3, 3.4, 3.5, 3.6, 3.7, 3.8, 3.9, 3.10, 3.11, 3.12, 3.13, 3.14, 3.15, 3.16,
3.17, 3.18, 3.19, 3.20, 3.21, 3.22
Last 3 years services
experience listed by
functional area and
specific Program
Task Order: N00178-04-D-4143-4Y02
PoP: 10/22/2013 – 10/21/2016
Dollar Value: $29.7 million
Role: Prime Contractor
Customer POC: Mr. Paul Reiff, (732) 323-1931
Description: Programmatic, engineering, and logistics support services to
Naval Air Warfare Center – Aircraft Division (NAWCAD) in the subject matter
areas of Aircraft Launch and Recovery Equipment (ALRE) and Expeditionary
Airfields (EAF).
Task Order: N00178-04-D-4143-NW02
PoP: 1/24/2012 – 1/31/2015
Dollar Value: $19.9 million
Role: Prime Contractor
Customer POC: Mr. Jeff McKee, (619) 553-8343
Description: Technical and tactical expertise to support tactical warfare
training at Tactical Training Group - Pacific (TTGP), Expeditionary Warfare
Training Group - Pacific (EWTGP), and TTGP Detachment Yokosuka (DY).
Task Order: N00178-04-D-4143-HR14
PoP: 3/3/2009 – 2/26/2014
Dollar Value: $17.7 million
Role: Prime Contractor
Customer POC: Mr. Joseph Farmer (850) 230-7593
Description: Landing Craft Air Cushion (LCAC) Technical Support Activity
Logistics and Technical Library Support
Company Name
Engineering Services Group, Government Solutions
Points of Contact
Kurt Wiehe – Vice President
800-258-1465 x2956
ManTech – Team Members / Capability / Experience
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Company Website
Capability/Area of
20 plus years supporting Prime and Sub-contract Companies with staff augmentation
in the DHS, DOD and Commercial arena
Systems & Technical Engineers, Integrated Logistics, Test, Application Development,
IA, V&V, FEMA, Network Architecture and Support, Cyber Security, OCONUS Support,
Last 3 years
experience listed
by functional area
and specific
Program (see
below for list of
functional areas)
3.1 Research and Development Support – Army Crew Program
3.3 Modeling, Simulation, Stimulation, and Analysis Support – SETA FAA / BAE
3.2 Engineering, System Engineering and Process Engineering Support- NG VADER
3.6 Software Engineering, Development, Programming, and Network Support LRAS3 Army
3.7 Reliability, Maintainability, and Availability (RM&A) Support- AEGIS NAVY
3.8 Human Factors, Performance, and Usability Engineering Support- Boeing Tanker Air Force
3.10 Configuration Management (CM) Support- Army Crew
3.11 Quality Assurance (QA) Support – JTRS Army
3.12 Information System (IS) Development, Information Assurance (IA), and Information
Technology (IT) Support Omibus III IDIQ
3.19 In-Service Engineering, Fleet Introduction, Installation & Checkout Spt- CVN 77 George H
W Bush
3.16 Logistics Support - VADER
3.14 Interoperability, Test and Evaluation, Trials Support- VADER
Description of
Staff Augmentation cleared to the TOP Secret / SCI level.
Company Name
Enterprise Engineering – Company does not have an active
Subcontract with ManTech
Company Name
Epoch Engineering, Inc.
Points of Contact
Martin Karchnak, President (martykepoch@yahoo.com; Leo James
Clark, Director 1 301 670 6600.
Under reconstruction
Company Website
Company Background
Capability/Area of
Incorporated 1975, with no predecessor organization and no majority
shareholder; in the services sector, mostly a 'cold war relic' today, with
interest in recent decades focused on Science and Technology.
Systems Engineering/Systems Analysis. Infrastructure Health
Monitoring; Robust Variants of Laser Interfeormetry; Information
Measurement; Selected Alternative Energy Technologies.
ManTech – Team Members / Capability / Experience
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Last 3 years services
experience listed by
functional area and
specific Program (see
below for list of functional
i) NSWCCD/NTI Corporation - Provision of wideband, large dynamic
range measurement services in support of building safety monitoring.
(Functional Areas 3.1, 3.2, 3.5, 3.8, 3.9, 3.14, 3.15, 3.20 and 3.21)
ii) Co-operative Research and Development Agreement (CRADA).
Demonstrations and evaluation of robust variants of
Laser Interferometer variants in cooperation with CRADA prime
contractor and Department of Transportation. (Functional Areas 3.1,
3.2, 3.4, 3.5, 3.6, 3.8, 3.9, 3.11, 3.14, 3.15 and 3.20).
iii) Goal Technical, LLC. Provision of system maintenance and field
operations support, primarily in the commercial market. (Functional
Areas 3.2, 3.4, 3.5, 3.7, 3.8, 3.14, 3.15, 3.16 and 3.18).
Description of products
(deliverables) provided
iv) Independent Research and Development. (Functional Areas 3.1,
3.2, 3.3, 3.4, 3.5, 3.6, 3.7, 3.8, 3.9, 3.12, 3.14 and 3.15).
Laser Interferometric measurement data, prototype measurement
systems, workstation software, technical reports.
Company Name
Epsilon Systems Solutions, Inc.
Points of Contact
Robin Nordberg, rnordberg@epsilonsystems.com, 619-702-1700, X 139
Ralph Staples, rstaples@epsilonsystems.com, 619-702-1700 x131
 Strong Navy presence/multiple prime contracts including SEAPORT-e
 Prime contractor for Southwest Regional Maintenance Center
technical services onboard aircraft carriers, submarines and surface
 Diversity from three business groups:
o Mission Readiness Group
o Mission Solutions Group
o Products Group
Capability to perform a wide range of Systems Engineering and IT services
Various technical and administrative support tasks to include:
Systems engineering, test and evaluation, reliability engineering, ILS,
electrical engineering and control systems, technical data support, training,
program and project management and IT support
Company Background
Capability/Area of
2. Engineering Support
16. Integrated Logistics Support
5. Technical Data Support
14. Test & Evaluation
18. Training
20. Program Management
ManTech – Team Members / Capability / Experience
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Last 3 years services
experience listed by
functional area and
specific Program
21. Administrative Support
Contract Title: SPAWAR Systems Command, San Diego, PMW 150, Joint
Program Management Information Systems (JPMIS)
Client: SPAWAR Systems Command, San Diego
Contract No.: N00039-05-C-0020
Role: Nature and Scope of Work. Epsilon Systems Solutions, Inc. provides
systems engineering, test and evaluation (T&E), installation, and integrated
logistics support for Joint Program Management Information Systems (JPMIS)
for SPAWAR PMW 150. JPMIS serves as the Chemical Biological Defense
(CBD) Command and Control Program Office and manages four programs for
the Joint Program Executive Office (JPEO) CBD. JPMIS manages the Joint
Warning and Reporting Network (JWARN), Joint Effects Model (JEM), Joint
Operational Effects Federation (JOEF), and the Mobile Inventory Control
Assessment System (MICAS).
Significant Achievements. Epsilon developed a Joint Program Office and
organizational structure that includes all four Services. We established and
delivered Joint-level training and managed the fielding and installation of 500
JWARN units for Operation Iraqi Freedom (OIF). In managing MICAS, we are
responsible for inventory management of individual protection equipment
for the Army and Air Force.
Contract Type: CPFF
Contract Value: $2,945,158
Period of Performance: 3/11/05 – 9/30/10
Epsilon Systems Point of Contact: Brian Bowden
Title: Program Manager
Phone No.: 619-702-1700
Fax No.: 619-702-1711
Email: bbowden@epsilonsystems.com
Contracting Officer:
Jerry Hoffman, COR
Address: SPAWAR Systems Command San Diego
4301 Pacific Highway, San Diego, CA 92110-3127
Phone No: (619) 537-0130
Contract Title: NUWC Newport Weapons Analysis Facility Operations &
Client: NUWC Newport Weapons Analysis Facility
Contract No.: N00178-04-D-4048/N402
Role: Provide engineering, technical and administrative services to the
Weapons Systems Directorate (Code 80) at NUWCDIVNPT for the operations
ManTech – Team Members / Capability / Experience
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and maintenance of the Weapons Analysis Facility (WAF) to assure quality,
safety, reliability and maintainability of all torpedo simulation.
Contract Type: CPHF
Contract Value: $6,100,000
Period of Performance: 12/7/06 – 12/6/11
Epsilon Systems Point of Contact:
Ms. Kerry Coleman
Title: Director, Warfare Systems
Phone No.: 401-619-1010
Fax No.: 401-619-2160
Email: kcoleman@epsilonsystems.com
Contracting Officer:
Mr. John Roklan,
Company Name
ETI Professionals
Company Name
Evan Engineering, PC
Points of Contact
MICHAEL COHILL, evaneng@comcast.net, 703-633-1335
WALTER JOURDAN, discowalt@aol.com, 702-499-6371
Electronics Manufacturing, Automatic Test Equipment (ATE) and Test
Program Set (TPS) Development, Engineering and Logistics Support,
Computer-Related Services
Engineering Services, Field Support, and Training Support for CG/DDG 400 Hz
Company Background
Capability/Area of
Last 3 years services
experience listed by
functional area and
specific Program
– see Cherokee Nation
Engineering, System Engineering and Process Engineering Support/ RM& A
Support, Training Support
(F-18), TRIDENT Command and Control System (CCS) Program TPS Rehost on
ManTech VTS-1000/7
Marine Corps – TETS AN/USM-657 Program
Army - AN/TPQ-36/37 TPS Rehosting and Electronics Manufacturing,
AN/ALQ-151 TPS Development And Interface Device(ID) Manufacturing, and
Electronic Repair Shelter (ERS) Calibration Cables
ManTech – Team Members / Capability / Experience
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Company Name
Exelis Inc. Informations Systems
Points of Contact
Cheryl F. Bregman – Contracts Manager
Telephone Number 1 703-387-5363
Company Website
Company Background
The story of Exelis begins with a historic call — for its founders to develop
phones. The original International Telephone & Telegraph (ITT) was created
in 1920 by two brothers named Sosthenes and Hernand Behn who set out to
build the first worldwide system of interconnected telephone lines. This was
a case of a business catching up with its aspirational name as the company
had a small beginning as the Puerto Rico Telephone Company, but grew
quickly through strategic acquisitions and the purchase of telephony patents.
The result was the creation of a major international provider of telephone
switching equipment and telecommunication services.
The next chapter for ITT can best be described as the conglomerate years.
From 1960 to 1977, with Harold Geneen at the helm, ITT acquired more than
350 companies — at one time securing deals at the rate of one acquisition
per week. The portfolio included well-known businesses such as Sheraton
hotels, Avis Rent-a-Car, Hartford Insurance and Continental Baking, the
maker of Wonder Bread. Under Geneen's management, ITT grew from a
medium-sized business with $760 million in sales to a global corporation with
$17 billion in sales.
Following the conglomerate years, Rand Araskog, who served as CEO from
1979 to 1995, embarked on a continuous course of restructuring through
strategic divestitures and acquisitions to organize the company into more
manageable segments. It culminated in 1995 when ITT split into three
separate, independent companies: ITT Corporation, which was focused on
the hotel and gaming businesses, ITT Hartford which became a stand-alone
insurance operation, and ITT Industries, which started as a collection of
manufacturing companies.
One decade later, ITT Corporation had been acquired; ITT Hartford had
changed its name; and ITT Industries continued its transformation. Since
1995, under the leadership of Travis Engen, Lou Giuliano and Steve Loranger,
ITT Industries — which changed its name back to ITT Corporation in 2006 —
dedicated itself to creating more livable environments, enabling
communications and providing protection and safety. In recent years, the
company has played an important role in vital markets including water and
fluids management, global defense and security, and motion and flow
control. Today's ITT is focused on engineering and operational excellence,
strong values and leadership, product innovation and superior customer
satisfaction in each of the markets it serves.
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Throughout each chapter in its history, ITT has been known for
transformative strategies that create value for shareowners, and in 2011 a
new chapter has begun. On January 12, ITT Corporation announced it plans
to separate into three independent publicly traded companies by the end of
the year.
Under the plan, ITT Corporation, which is now traded on the New York Stock
Exchange as a highly engineered industrial products company that supplies
solutions in the aerospace, transportation and energy markets, would
execute tax-free spinoffs of its water-related businesses and its defense
business to shareholders.
On Jan. 12, 2011, ITT announced that its board of directors has unanimously
approved a plan to separate the company's businesses into three distinct,
publicly traded companies. Water-related businesses to be spun off as a
standalone water technology company Defense segment to be spun off as a
standalone, diversified defense technology and information solutions
company ITT Corporation to continue as a standalone, highly engineered
industrial company
On Oct. 31, 2011, Exelis (ek-'sel-ess) became a publicly traded company, led
by David F. Melcher. Today, the company trades on the New York Stock
Exchange under the symbol of "XLS."
Exelis is an energetic name that is derived from the word “excel,” which is
rooted in “ex,” meaning “out in front” or “beyond.” The name Exelis signifies
the expeditionary spirit, exceptional foresight and strong commitment to
proactively anticipating and adapting solutions to our customers’ most
critical problems.
Exelis is a leader in Command, Control, Communications, Computers,
Intelligence, Surveillance and Reconnaissance (C4ISR) related products and
systems and information and technical services, supplying military,
government and commercial customers in the United States and globally.
Capability/Area of
3.1, 3.2, 3.5, 3.7, 3.10, 3.11, 3.12, 3.14, 3.16, 3.17, 3.18, 3.20, 3.21
Last 3 years services
experience listed by
functional area and
specific Program (see
below for list of functional
Zones: 1
Contract Number:
Period of Performance:
Contract Title:
Engineering and Technical Support Services to NAVSSES
POC: Rob Jernoske 215 897-7041
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Zones: 2
National Capital
Contract Number:
Period of Performance:
Contract Title:
NAVSEA PEO TSC 400G Ship Material Acquisition Support
POC: Brian Rochon 202-781-2201
Zones: 2
National Capital
Contract Number:
Period of Performance:
Contract Title:
PEO Ships Manpower, Personnel & Training - Business Operations
POC: Patrick Windsor, PEO Ships 202-781-2187
Zones: 2 & 4
National Capital & Gulf Coast
Contract Number:
Period of Performance:
Contract Title:
Program, Engineering, Logistic, and Training Support Services
POC: Renee M. Brown, NSWC IHD 301-744-6195
Zones: 3
Contract Number:
Period of Performance:
Contract Title:
Logistics and IETM Support for the Assault Amphibious Vehicle (AAV)
POC: Jeff Speer, 703-784-4512
Zones: 6
Contract Number:
Period of Performance:
Contract Title:
Marine Mammal Systems Support
POC: A. Lewis (619) 553-1370
Zones: All
Contract Number:
ManTech – Team Members / Capability / Experience
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Period of Performance:
12/5/00 --12/5/2008
Contract Title:
Navy Marine Corps Intranet
POC: J. Williams, (757) 963-1184
Company Name
Excelias – Company does not have an active Subcontract with ManTech
Company Name
Expertas L.P.
Points of Contact
Anthony F. Souza, afsouza@expertaslp.com, 678-358-4563
Randy Walker, lrwalker@expertaslp.com, 804-347-5936
Company Website
Company Background
Capability/Area of
Last 3 years services
experience listed by
functional area and
specific Program
Expertas provides all aspects of Information Assurance and Information
Security support. The firm also provides Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP)
support for packages such as SAP and Oracle. This includes configuration,
security and programming. Expertas also provides interface design and
configuration, software programming with the major languages/platforms as
well as database design, database administration, programming and support.
Finally, the firm provides system architecture design services.
Information Assurance, Certification and Accreditation, Enterprise Resource
Planning (SAP, Oracle), Enterprise System Architecture, Software
Programming (.NET, etc.), System and Software Configuration, Database
Design, Programming and Administration.
3.5 NEMAIS, SMLIS: Provided numerous design documents related to both
architecture and security
3.6 NEMAIS, SMLIS: Provided development and configuration services on
multiple platforms
3.10 NEMIAS, SMLIS: Supported CM as members of the CM Review Board and
made CM recommendations
3.11 NEMAIS, SMLIS: Supported QA through Security Testing and
3.12 NEMAIS, SMLIS: Maintained Accreditations, Decommissioned Systems,
Provided all aspects of IA support to NAVSEA
DIACAP Packages, Software Code, Configuration Code, Database Code
ManTech – Team Members / Capability / Experience
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Company Name
Falconwood, Inc.
Points of Contact
Darrell Datte; Business Manager
Company Website
Company Background
Falconwood, Inc., with headquarters located in Arlington, Virginia and offices
in San Diego, California; Norfolk, Virginia; and Charleston, South Carolina, is a
veteran, woman-owned, small business management and technology
consulting firm. FWI currently employs over 120 employees, with annual
revenue over the last 3 years averaging approximately $21 million.
Falconwood, Inc. has expertise in information assurance (IA), certification
and accreditation (C&A), systems engineering, program and project
management, and process management.
Task Order N00178-05-D-4323-NS01: Provided Programmatic, Technical, and
Engineering Support for the Navy Marine Corp Intranet (NMCI) PreProduction and Deployment (PP&D) and Life Cycle Systems Management
(LCSM) Integrated Product Teams (PMW200/PMW210), including support of
functional areas 3.1, 3.3, 3.5, 3.10, 3.11, 3.12, 3.16, 3.18, 3.20, and 3.21
Capability/Area of
Last 3 years services
experience listed by
functional area and
specific Program (see
below for list of functional
Task Order N00178-05-D-4323-NS02: Provided NMCI and Next Generation
Enterprise Network (NGEN) Program Office (PMW200/PMW210/PMW205)
Engineering Support including support of functional areas 3.1, 3.2, 3.3, 3.5,
3.11, 3.12, 3.20, and 3.21
Task Order N00178-05-D-4323-NS03: Providing NMCI and Next Generation
Enterprise Network (NGEN) Program Office (PMW205) Engineering Support
Services, including support of functional areas 3.1, 3.3, 3.5, 3.10, 3.11, 3.12,
3.16, 3.18, 3.20, and 3.21
Task Order N00178-05-D-4323-EH01 and EHP1: Providing project
management and operations support of NAVSEA CIO information technology
programs, including support of functional area 3.2, 3.6, 3.12, 3.20 and 3.21
Company Name
First Wave Solutions, LLC
Points of Contact
Frank E. Mikolajczak - President
Kenneth Vincent – Vice President
First Wave Solutions, LLC is a newly established Service Disabled Veteran
Owned Small Business (SDVOSB), headquartered in the Quantico, Virginia
area. with expertise in acquisition and management support, engineering
services, and logistics.
Company Background
ManTech – Team Members / Capability / Experience
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Capability/Area of
Last 3 years services
experience listed by
functional area and
specific Program
Description of products
(deliverables) provided
Systems engineering, test support, logistics support, system planning,
acquisition management support, training, system documentation,
engineering assessments, and information assurance support. in acquisition
and management support, engineering services, and logistics.
First Wave Solutions, LLC is a newly established Service Disabled Veteran
Owned Small Business (SDVOSB), opening its doors for business 10 November
2013. As a new company First Wave Solutions owes its heritage and
corporate knowledge to the former Bulldog Technical Services, LLC, which as
a VOSB operated from 2000 and closing its doors for business 1 November,
2013. Bulldog’s members and employees after closing Bulldog Technical
Services, LLC, immediately created First Wave Solutions, LLC, a SDVOSB
making use of the subject matter experts of the former Bulldog.
3.1 Research and Development Support
3.2 Engineering, System Engineering and Process Engineering Support
3.5 System Design Documentation and Technical Data Support
3.6 Software Engineering, Development, Programming, and Network Support
3.7 Reliability, Maintainability, and Availability (RM&A) Support
3.8 Human Factors, Performance, and Usability Engineering Support
3.9 System Safety Engineering Support
3.10 Configuration Management (CM) Support
3.11 Quality Assurance (QA) Support
3.12 Information System (IS) Development, Information Assurance (IA), and
Information Technology (IT) Support
3.14 Interoperability, Test and Evaluation, Trials Support
3.16 Acquisition Logistics Support
3.17 Supply and Provisioning Support
3.18 Training Support
3.20 Program Support
3.21 Functional and Administrative Support
Company Name
FMS Secure Solutions, LLC
Points of Contact
Bob Mansfield
Company Website
Company Background
FMS Secure Solutions, LLC (FMS) is a small woman-owned business with over
184 years of combined information assurance experience in the development
and certification of cryptographic systems including the following services:
systems security engineering, cryptographic architecture development,
cryptographic engine development, algorithm implementation, key
management architecture development, reprogrammable cryptographic
designs, cryptographic module embedment, security evaluation and
certification, software/HDL independent verification and validation, and
ManTech – Team Members / Capability / Experience
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Capability/Area of
Last 3 years services
experience listed by
functional area and
specific Program (see
below for list of functional
Description of products
(deliverables) provided
TEMPEST engineering and test. FMS maintains a unique blend of knowledge,
in-depth experience with security evaluations, and intimate familiarity with
the National Security Agency (NSA) Type 1 cryptographic certification process
that have been crucial to the successful development of a multitude of
security architectures.
Systems security engineering, cryptographic architecture development,
cryptographic engine development, algorithm implementation, key
management architecture development, reprogrammable cryptographic
designs, cryptographic module embedment, security evaluation and
certification, software/HDL independent verification and validation, and
TEMPEST engineering and test.
3.1 Research and Development Support
 F-35 Lightning II, IASETAC
3.2 Engineering, System Engineering and Process Engineering Support
 F-35 Lightning II, F-22, FAB-T, Talon HATE, IASETAC, JPALS, CRIIS,
3.5 System Design Documentation and Technical Data Support
 F-35 Lightning II, F-22, FAB-T, Falcon III, BREADCRUMB, CRIIS, MUOS,
3.6 Software Engineering, Development, Programming, and Network Support
3.14 Interoperability, Test and Evaluation, Trials Support
 FAB-T, F-22, IASETAC, F-35 Lightning II, ISWICS
3.18 Training Support
 Crypto Certification, Key Management, Secure Software
Development – Various Customers
3.20 Program Support
 F-35 Lightning II, F-22
Security Evaluation Document (SED)
Security Verification (SV) Plan & Reports
Software / Hardware Design Description (SHDD)
Key and Certificate Management Architecture and Plan
Hardware and Software Physical Configuration Audit (PCA) Plan and Report
TEMPEST Control Plan (TCP)
TEMPEST Test Report (TTR)
Software Development Process Description Document
Software and Programmable Logic Evaluation Report (SPLER)
In-Process Accounting Procedures (IPAP) Documentation
Engineering Drawings
COMSEC Anonymity Plan (CAP)
Program Briefings, weekly and monthly status reports, trip reports, technical
analyses and whitepapers
ManTech – Team Members / Capability / Experience
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Company Name:
Points of Contact
Wes Hester, CEO
Phone: 703-586-3234
Bob Toye, CFO and Contracts
Phone: 703-665-4957
Jim Garrison, VP Federal Solutions
Phone: 256-850-4636
Company Background:
Foxhole Technology, Inc., a Service-Disabled, Veteran-Owned Small
Business (SDVOSB) headquartered in Fairfax, VA, is an Information
Technology Engineering firm delivering agile enterprise solutions that
align mission essential requirements with rapid, innovative, costeffective technologies to enable mission critical capabilities across the
globe. Our depth of technical expertise, extensive operational military
experience and successful history of contract support provide a highly
critical skill set to our clients including, but not limited to: Program
Acquisition; Program Management; Systems and Software Engineering;
Requirements Definition & Database Management (ReqPro & DOORS);
Asset Management; Information Management (Security); Identity
Management; NETOPS (Network Operations) Integration and
Management; and Information Technology (IT) Governance. The same
qualities that enabled us to successfully defend our nation carry over
into our business via our leadership, management skills, work ethics and
strategic partnerships.
Deliver agile enterprise solutions that align client business practices with
rapid, innovative, cost-effective technologies that enable mission critical
Through a powerful combination of government and industry expertise,
Foxhole Technology strives to be the leader in delivering mission driven
enterprise solutions–improving performance, shortening time-to-fielding
and ensuring mission success.
Capability/Area of
Primary NAICS Codes: 334112, 423430, 511210, 541330, 541430, 541511,
541512, 541513, 541519, 541618, 518112, 518210, 519190, 541611, 611420,
611430, 541340 & 811219
Cyber Security, Systems Engineering, Software Engineering, Network
Engineering, Test & Evaluation.
ManTech – Team Members / Capability / Experience
Page 139 of 419
Last 3 years services
experience listed by
functional area and
specific Program
Description of products
(deliverables) provided.
3.1 Research and Development Support- USDA LIMS
3.2 Engineering, System Engineering and Process Engineering Support- OSD
3.3 Modeling, Simulation, Stimulation, and Analysis Support- HHS CMS, DISA
3.5 System Design Documentation and Technical Data Support- FAA CSMC
3.6 Software Engineering, Development, Programming, and Network
3.7 Reliability, Maintainability, and Availability (RM&A) Support- JITC
3.9 System Safety Engineering Support- DISA ECOS, Army 93rd Sig. Brigade,
3.10 Configuration Management (CM) Support- FAA CSMC
3.11 Quality Assurance (QA) Support- Army 93rd Signal Brigade
3.12 Information System (IS) Development, Information Assurance (IA), and
Information Technology (IT)- Army 93rd Signal Brigade, - DISA ECOS, OSD
3.14 Interoperability, Test and Evaluation, Trials Support- OSD AT&L, DISA
3.16 Acquisition Logistics Support- OSD AT&L
3.20 Program Support- OSD AT&L, FAA CSMC, HHS CMS
3.21 Functional and Administrative Support- FAA MMAC, FAA CSMC
1. Cyber Security
 Cyber Security & Computer Network Defense (CND)- Security
Operations Center (SOC)
 IT Risk
 SIM Development Cyber-Intelligence Security Certifications and
2. Systems Engineering
 Federal Acquisition Framework (5000 series) / Acquisition
 JCIDS Development / DoDAF / MITA
3. Software Engineering
 Requirements Development & Generation (Rational, DOORs, etc.)
 Business / Mission Modeling (BLEP) – SOA / Cloud n Software
Development & Integration / Database Design, Implementation and
 Software Testing and Evaluation
 Software Deployment, Operations, and Maintenance (DO&M)
4. Network Engineering
 Assess IT activities and align activities with business goals
 Improve operational efficiency- Define. Measure, Analyze, Improve
and Control- Six Sigma
 Reduce cost of day to day operations-ITIL
 “As Is-To-Be” Architecture and Design
5. Test & Evaluation
ManTech – Team Members / Capability / Experience
Page 140 of 419
Software & System Testing and Evaluation – Agile, Security,
Interoperability, DTE, OTE, etc.)
 IV&V
6. Value Added Reseller of Products and Services
 IBM Premier Partner (www.ibm.com) Software Solutions
 RioRey Distributed Denial of Service (DDoS) Solution
 HP Solutions
 Verdasys Security Fabric & Data Loss Prevention Solution
 CISCO Networking Solutions
 Amazon Cloud Solutions
 Digital Chalk Online Education Solution
Company Name
Foxhole Technology – Company does not have an active Subcontract
with ManTech
Company Name:
Fulcrum IT Services, LLC
Points of Contact
Renee Marshall- Ross, Contracts Manager
Company Background:
Fulcrum IT Services, LLC, is an information technology (IT) company based in
Centreville, Virginia, that provides IT solutions and services for federal, state,
local, and commercial customers. Fulcrum IT Services, LLC, offers IT
consulting and solutions to customers that demand value, service and
engineering excellence. We succeed by being responsive, innovative, and
Fulcrum IT specializes in the areas of Enterprise Services, Applications
Development, Data Management, Cyber Security, Network and
Communications Engineering, and Intelligence Analysis.
We cover all of this in various parts of our SMLIS work.
Capability/Area of
Last 3 years services
experience listed by
functional area and
specific Program
3.1 Research and Development Support
3.2 Engineering, System Engineering and Process Engineering Support
3.3 Modeling, Simulation, Stimulation, and Analysis Support
3.4 Prototyping, Pre-Production, Model-Making, and Fabrication Support
3.5 System Design Documentation and Technical Data Support
3.6 Software Engineering, Development, Programming, and Network Support
3.7 Reliability, Maintainability, and Availability (RM&A) Support
3.8 Human Factors, Performance, and Usability Engineering Support
3.9 System Safety Engineering Support
3.10 Configuration Management (CM) Support
ManTech – Team Members / Capability / Experience
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3.11 Quality Assurance (QA) Support
3.12 Information System (IS) Development, Information Assurance (IA), and
Information Technology (IT)
3.13 Ship Inactivation and Disposal Support
3.14 Interoperability, Test and Evaluation, Trials Support
3.15 Measurement Facilities, Range, and Instrumentation Support
3.16 Acquisition Logistics Support
3.17 Supply and Provisioning Support
3.18 Training Support
3.19 In-Service Engineering, Fleet Introduction, Installation & Checkout Spt
3.20 Program Support
3.21 Functional and Administrative Support
3.22 Public Affairs and Multimedia Support
Description of products
(deliverables) provided.
Fulcrum IT serves as the network manager, operator and help desk responder
for AISC and provides additional hardware environment support for NSSG
(under which AISC functionally reports). Fulcrum IT also manages the day-today operations of sustaining and configuring the electronic environment to
provide access to e-mail, the internet, and business applications in
accordance with Navy security procedures and policies; as required; and
ensure that application databases are backed up and protected.
Fulcrum IT maintains and upgrades the standard corporate network for the
SUPSHIPS activities.
Fulcrum IT continues to manage the program with high customer satisfaction
for 3000 end users. Each team member can support the other team
members, and 24x7 support can be provided more effectively.
Fulcrum IT manages over 90 servers, 20 different applications on five
different platforms. The technical environment includes Sun and Microsoft
Fulcrum IT engineers are certified in an array of practices. Fulcrum IT’s
engineers hold SUN, Microsoft, Cisco, Oracle and Novell, as well as security
certifications such as CISSP.
Fulcrum IT manages the network, hardens server platforms and maintains
mission critical server platforms including functional application support.
Company Name
Future Technologies, Inc.
Points of Contact
Technical : John Stalnaker, Vice President, 703-278-7082,
Contracts : Jay Kasi, Controller,703-278-7081, Kasij@ftechi.com
ManTech – Team Members / Capability / Experience
Page 142 of 419
Company Website
Company Background
FTI is a small business headquartered in Fairfax, VA. Incorporated in 1992, FTI
successfully graduated from the Small Business 8 (a) program in 2004. The
company is now a highly competitive Small Business firm providing worldclass services to Federal, State and Local agencies. ISO 9001:2008 registered
(Certificate No. US 10000099), FTI is a recognized leader in providing
Facilities Management and Logistics support services. With nearly 20 years
of corporate experience, FTI enables both government and commercial
customers to achieve their organizational goals through the application of
high quality, innovative, and cost effective professional services and
solutions. FTI is a Seaport Enhanced Prime Contractor in all zones.
System Engineering, Software Support, Modeling, Simulations, Logistics,
Training, Program Support and Administrative Support
Capability/Area of
Last 3 years services
experience listed by
functional area and
specific Program (see
below for list of functional
3.2 Engineering, System Engineering and Process Engineering Support
3.3 Modeling, Simulation, Stimulation, and Analysis Support
3.4 Prototyping, Pre-Production, Model-Making, and Fabrication Support
3.5 System Design Documentation and Technical Data Support
3.6 Software Engineering, Development, Programming, and Network Support
3.16 Acquisition/Logistics Support
3.18 Training Support
3.20 Program Support
3.21 Functional and Administration Support
Description of products
(deliverables) provided
FTI has received several contracts as the prime contractor under Seaport e.
These contracts are for providing support for System Engineering, Software
Development, Logistics Support, Acquisition Support, Program Support,
Administrative Support etc.
Company Name
Points of Contact
Todd Greenwell
Randy Guy
Chief Operating Officer
Chief Executive Officer
301-904-9585 Cell
301-904-1054 Cell
301-475 1528 Office
301-475-1528 Office
G8, LLC is a small business offering a full range of professional, technical, and
management support services to the Federal Government. G8’s total
commitment to customer service is maximized by an experienced
management team leading an agile, dedicated, and qualified workforce. We
have a deep understanding and respect for our customer’s mission. We
embrace their values and effectively team with them to overcome their
challenges with innovation, proven methodology, and industry best-
Company Background
ManTech – Team Members / Capability / Experience
Page 143 of 419
Capability/Area of
G8, LLC has expertise within numerous fields of C-E Platforms including
Program / Project Management, Systems Engineering, Design and
Development, Information Technology and Audio Visual Solutions,
System/Platform Integration and Testing, Logistics and Material Handling
Support, Integrate Lifecycle Sustainment, and Rapid Prototyping.
Last 3 years services
experience listed by
functional area and
specific Program
3.1 Research and Development Support
3.2 Engineering, System Engineering and Process Engineering Support
3.4 Prototyping, Pre-Production, Model-Making, and Fabrication Support
3.5 System Design Documentation and Technical Data Support
3.11 Quality Assurance (QA) Support
3.12 Information System (IS) Development, Information Assurance (IA), and
Information Technology (IT) Support
3.14 Interoperability, Test and Evaluation, Trials Support
3.16 Logistics Support
3.17 Supply and Provisioning Support
3.20 Program Support
3.21 Functional and Administration Support
Description of products
(deliverables) provided
Monthly Financial Progress Reports
Monthly Technical Progress Reports
Structural Analysis Report
Company Name
Galaxy Global Coporation – see TMC Technologies
Company Name
General Dynamics Information Technology (GDIT)
Points of Contact
Matt Lammer
Program Manager
(703) 995-5372
Company Website
Dennis Medlock
Contract Manager
(703) 769-6144
Fax (703) 253-3545
ManTech – Team Members / Capability / Experience
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Company Background
As a trusted systems integrator for more than 50 years, General Dynamics
Information Technology provides information technology (IT), systems
engineering, professional services and simulation and training to customers
in the defense, federal civilian government, health, homeland security,
intelligence, state and local government and commercial sectors.
With approximately 21,000 professionals worldwide, the company delivers IT
enterprise solutions, manages large-scale, mission-critical IT programs and
provides mission support services.
Capability/Area of
Last 3 years services
experience listed by
functional area and
specific Program
General Dynamics Information Technology is one of four business units of the
General Dynamics Information Systems and Technology business segment.
Headquartered in Fairfax, Va., General Dynamics Information Technology has
major offices worldwide.
GDIT offers SeaPort-e services nationwide, in all seven regional zones, and in
all twenty-two functional areas. Our capabilities include: Enterprise IT, Health
Solutions, Network Systems Integration, Professional and Technical Services,
Training and Simulation, and Wireless solutions.
Please redirect to our website.
Description of products
(deliverables) provided
Please redirect to our website.
Company Name
GeoLogics Corporation
Points of Contact
Timothy Mulcare, Division Director
(843) 744-4005
Company Website
Company Background
GeoLogics produces mission critical solutions and provides technical support
in the areas of program support, research and development, engineering,
communications, software, and systems development. GeoLogics was
created to provide first-class specialized R&D and engineering services to
companies so they could concentrate in their core business areas.
GeoLogics has grown to become a successful and award-winning hightechnology company supporting the defense, IT, and telecommunications
industries, as well as numerous government agencies. The company's
technical contributions are part of the International Space Station, NASA
ManTech – Team Members / Capability / Experience
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launch and ground control systems, missile defense systems, government
and corporate IT operations, and web systems.
Capability/Area of
Last 3 years services
experience listed by
functional area and
specific Program
GeoLogics is one of America's fastest growing technical services companies
with operations in California, Colorado, Maryland, Massachusetts, South
Carolina, Texas, Virginia, and Washington. GeoLogics' world headquarters
are in Alexandria, Virginia.
Program Support
Functional and Administration Support
Public Affairs and Multimedia Support
Program Support/Functional and Administrative Support: SPAWAR Atlantic,
Naval Medical Information Management Center (NMIMC), Bureau of
Medicine & Surgery (BUMED), Veteran’s Administration (VA) and other
elements of the Navy Medicine IM/IT community.
Public Affairs and Multimedia Support: SPAWAR Atlantic Command Liaison
Description of products
(deliverables) provided
Program Support/Functional and Administrative Support: GeoLogics
supported SPAWAR Atlantic with program management, business process reengineering, and financial tracking support. GeoLogics provided Healthcare
Information Management/ Information Technology (IM/IT) support and
subject matter expertise in all task areas of strategic planning services to the
Naval Medical Information Management Center (NMIMC), Bureau of
Medicine & Surgery (BUMED), Veteran’s Administration (VA) and other
elements of the Navy Medicine IM/IT community. GeoLogics was deeply
involved with updating Navy Medicine’s Strategic Plan and Master Integrated
Project Plan (MIPP) as well as establishing processes for managing the IT
portfolio (requirements, finances, performance measurement, governance
structure, etc.) and providing assistance in establishing and managing
workgroups. GeoLogics developed and provided three instances of an
Executive Dashboard tailored to meet specific requirements of improved
project management and accountability.
GeoLogics’ experience involved project management, business process
evaluation/improvement, requirements definition, risk management and
performance measurement, market research, industry best practices,
documentation (strategic plans, process diagrams, governance structures,
roles and responsibilities, transition planning, etc.), Independent Verification
and Validation (IV&V), Quality Assurance, and meeting management and
Public Affairs and Multimedia Support: GeoLogics provided program
management oversight of the SPAWAR Atlantic Command Liaison Office, to
include definition of staff support functions, duties and responsibilities; staff
training; official visitor planning and support; facilities management, meeting
and conference planning and coordination; development of policies and
ManTech – Team Members / Capability / Experience
Page 146 of 419
procedures in support of organizational development and management
procedures including business and fiscal impacts, overall program and other
associated areas that can be utilized to improve effectiveness. In addition, to
the above, the GeoLogics maintained full responsibility for the day to day
operation of the command’s “State-of-the-Art” Conference Center as well as
providing administrative support to the Public Affairs Office and the
command’s Protocol Officer.
As the sole manager of a large “State-of-the-Art” Conference Center,
GeoLogics made significant improvements in the facility’s efficiency and
effectiveness. GeoLogics flawlessly coordinated and executed every aspect
of more than 40 large conferences and more than 200 smaller conferences
involving over 10,000 participants. Conference critiques consistently
provided high praise for coordination, responsiveness, professionalism and
flawless execution.
Company Name:
Global Science & Technology Inc.
7855 Walker Drive, Suite 200
Greenbelt, MD 20770
West Virginia Division:
2000 Green River Drive, Suite 100
Fairmont, WV 26554
Points of Contact
Chieh-san Cheng (GST President)
304-534-3128 X126 chieh-san.cheng@gst.com
Sandra Stewart (GST Contract Officer)
304-534-3128 X118 sandra.stewart@gst.com
Norman Gundersen (GST VP WV Division)
304-534-3128 X126 norman.gundersen@gst.com
Company Background:
Founded in 1991, GST is in its 21st year of providing services to government
agencies and their subcontracting commercial entities. 183 employees
currently work at GST and customer locations in Greenbelt and Suitland, MD,
Arlington, VA, Fairmont, WV, Asheville, NC, and Boulder, CO. GST was
founded by 3 business associates, 2 of whom remain active today. Turnover
is very low. Employees include a mix of scientists, technologists, and field
leaders. Almost 25% hold a Ph.D. GST’s gross revenues exceeded $21M in
2009 and $26M in 2010.
GST provides service in the fields of science, engineering, Information
Technology (IT), and technical support to worldwide government, industry,
and academic clients. GST has a highly specified workforce that includes
experts in these key domains. From projects such as instrument engineering
ManTech – Team Members / Capability / Experience
Page 147 of 419
for the Hubble Space Telescope program, to meteorology, software
engineering, and satellite communications—GST is committed to technical
excellence and customer satisfaction.
GST has a global reputation for serving clients through effective technology
utilization and an intense customer focus. Our passion for innovation,
tempered by years of real-world business experience, has made us a
technology solution provider for Government and industry alike.
Capability/Area of
Core Capabilities:
Enterprise Data Systems
Earth Science Applications
Wireless Network Communications
Last 3 years services
experience listed by
functional area and
specific Program
3.1 Research and Development Support
 Comprehensive Large Array-Data Stewardship System (CLASS)
 Mobile Platform Environmental Data (MoPED)
 National Mesonet Program
 James Webb Space Telescope (JWST) Micro Electro Mechanical
Systems (MEMS) Microshutter Array
 Scientific Visualization Studio (SVS)
3.2 Engineering, System Engineering and Process Engineering Support
 Comprehensive Large Array-Data Stewardship System (CLASS)
 NASA Solicitation and Proposal Integrated Review and Evaluation
System (NSPIRES)
3.3 Modeling, Simulation, Stimulation, and Analysis Support
 Climate Data Record (CDR)
 Mobile Platform Environmental Data (MoPED)
 National Mesonet Program
 James Webb Space Telescope (JWST) Micro Electro Mechanical
Systems (MEMS) Microshutter Array
 Scientific Visualization Studio (SVS)
 Consultative Committee on Space Data Systems (CCSDS)
3.4 Prototyping, Pre-Production, Model-Making, and Fabrication Support
 Climate Data Record (CDR)
 James Webb Space Telescope (JWST) Micro Electro Mechanical
Systems (MEMS) Microshutter Array
 Scientific Visualization Studio (SVS)
 Consultative Committee on Space Data Systems (CCSDS)
3.5 System Design Documentation and Technical Data Support
ManTech – Team Members / Capability / Experience
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Comprehensive Large Array-Data Stewardship System (CLASS)
Climate Data Record (CDR)
Mobile Platform Environmental Data (MoPED)
National Mesonet Program
NASA Solicitation and Proposal Integrated Review and Evaluation
System (NSPIRES)
 West Virginia eGovernment Solutions
 Consultative Committee on Space Data Systems (CCSDS)
3.6 Software Engineering, Development, Programming, and Network Support
 Comprehensive Large Array-Data Stewardship System (CLASS)
 NASA Solicitation and Proposal Integrated Review and Evaluation
System (NSPIRES)
 West Virginia eGovernment Solutions
3.7 Reliability, Maintainability, and Availability (RM&A) Support
 Comprehensive Large Array-Data Stewardship System (CLASS)
 NASA Solicitation and Proposal Integrated Review and Evaluation
System (NSPIRES)
 West Virginia eGovernment Solutions
3.8 Human Factors, Performance, and Usability Engineering Support
 Comprehensive Large Array-Data Stewardship System (CLASS)
 NASA Solicitation and Proposal Integrated Review and Evaluation
System (NSPIRES)
 West Virginia eGovernment Solutions
3.10 Configuration Management (CM) Support
 Comprehensive Large Array-Data Stewardship System (CLASS)
 NASA Solicitation and Proposal Integrated Review and Evaluation
System (NSPIRES)
3.11 Quality Assurance (QA) Support
 Comprehensive Large Array-Data Stewardship System (CLASS)
3.12 Information System (IS) Development, Information Assurance (IA), and
Information Technology (IT)
 Comprehensive Large Array-Data Stewardship System (CLASS)
 West Virginia eGovernment Solutions
Description of products
(deliverables) provided.
GST is a provider of mid-range weather data processing systems and
publication solutions. These low-cost, end-to-end, stand-alone, independent,
and dependable systems are ideal for the real-time meteorological needs of
airstrips, isolated locations, off-shore rigs, and those in need of advanced
warning systems. These weather systems have been installed worldwide.
DirectMet provides a low-cost WindowsTM-based satellite data capture,
display, and analysis system. Adapted research performed for NASA to create
this commercial weather system product Build, deliver, and install systems
world-wide Provide maintenance and upgrades
WAFS-MetLab is the complete solution for WAFS weather data reception,
display, analysis, and briefings. Provides WAFS-MetLab tailored to customer
ManTech – Team Members / Capability / Experience
Page 149 of 419
needs, custom integration of non-WAFS data feeds, responsive maintenance
and support services, and extended training.
BriefNet™ is an advanced weather briefing system that simplifies the process
of creating and distributing current weather products and notices to pilots.
Provides pilots and weather professionals with quick acces to weather
information. Information is available from any PC or computer on your
Company Name
Global Strategies Group – Company does not have an active
Subcontract with ManTech
Company Name
Global Systems Technologies, Inc. (GST)
Points of Contact
Derek Cross, VP/Operations (Business Dev., Technical)
Karen L. Shoop, Controller and Contracts Manager (Financial, Contracts)
Company Website
Company Background
Capability/Area of
Since 1987, Global Systems Technologies, Inc. (GST) has demonstrated
outstanding capabilities as a prime contractor, providing R&D, T&E, program
management, engineering, chemistry, laboratory support, and information
technology services to government agencies and commercial customers
Engineering & Professional Services
 Research & Development
 Configuration Management
 Test & Evaluation
 Systems Engineering
 Laboratory Support
 Subject Matter Expertise
 Independent Verification & Validation
 Program Management & Administrative Support
 Procurement & COTR/COR Support
 Life Cycle Logistics Support
Information Systems Development
 Database Design & Development
 Web Development
 Software Development
 Technical Support
Computer Systems Support
ManTech – Team Members / Capability / Experience
Page 150 of 419
 Data Center Management
 Data Processing & Information Management Support
 Data Management Analysis
 Asset Management
 Software Test & Analysis
 Hardware & Software User Support
Last 3 years services
experience listed by
functional area and
specific Program (see
below for list of functional
Description of products
(deliverables) provided
Company Name
Professional Engineering & Logistics Services (DHS-TSA)
3.10 Configuration Management (CM) Support
3.16 Logistics Support
Business Operations Support Services (DHS-OS&T - TSL)
3.6 Software Engineering, Development, Programming, and Network
3.12 Information System (IS) Development, Information Assurance (IA),
and Information Technology (IT) Support
3.21 Functional and Administration Support
Aviation Security R&D, Test & Evaluation Support (DHS-OS&T - TSL)
3.1 Research and Development Support
3.11 Quality Assurance (QA) Support
3.14 Interoperability, Test and Evaluation, Trials Support
3.20 Program Support
Measure/METCALS Support (US Navy – NAVAIR)
3.12 Information System (IS) Development, Information Assurance (IA),
and Information Technology (IT) Support
3.6 Software Engineering, Development, Programming, and Network
3.16 Logistics Support
Transportation Security Laboratory
- Prime Contractor supporting R&D, field testing of security technology,
RDT&E and certification of trace explosive detection equipment. Operation
of the Explosive Trace Detection and Simulated Explosive Production
– Prime Contractor managing the lab network, help desk, technical writing,
and the Information Control Center (ICC) document repository.
US Army – Develop and populate Explosive Effects Database
US Navy – Provide Life Cycle Management, CM, and maintenance
scheduling support to NAVSEA & NAVAIR in the MEASURE program.
US Navy – Managed the MEASURE Operations Computer Centers (MOCC) in
Norfolk, VA & San Diego, CA. Customized ORACLE applications software and
Gnostech Inc.
ManTech – Team Members / Capability / Experience
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Points of Contact
Company Background
Capability/Area of
Last 3 years services
experience listed by
functional area and
specific Program
Description of products
(deliverables) provided
Andrew Johnson, BD, andrew.johnson@gnostech.com
Donna Eckles, Contracts, donna.eckles@gnostech.com
Established 1981. www.gnostech.com
GPS System Engineering, Integration and Test
GPS Simulation and Modeling
C4ISR System Engineering (JMPS, ISNS, iStore)
Security Engineering and Information Assurance
Cross Domain Access Solutions
Software Engineering
Logistics Support
3.2 Engineering, System Engineering and Process Engineering Support
3.3 Modeling, Simulation, Stimulation, and Analysis Support (SPAWAR C4ISR)
3.4 Prototyping, Pre-Production, Model-Making, and Fabrication Support
3.5 System Design Documentation and Technical Data Support (SPAWAR
3.6 Software Engineering, Development, Programming, and Network Support
3.12 Information System (IS) Development, Information Assurance (IA), and
Information Technology (IT) Support (SPAWAR C4ISR)
3.14 Interoperability, Test and Evaluation, Trials Support
3.16 Logistics Support (CG-9335 C4ISR Acquisitions)
3.18 Training Support (CG-9335 C4ISR Acquisitions)
3.20 Program Support (CG-9335 C4ISR Acquisitions)
Cross Domain Access Solutions
Multi-VM Workstation
Secure Host Baseline Products
IAV Program Management Tool
Advanced Global Network Simulator (AGNS)
Company Name
Greenfield Engineering Corp
Points of Contact
Will Weston
Company Website
Company Background
Greenfield Engineering provides complete systems engineering and program
management support for the US Navy, including aircraft cockpit modification
and upgrades, on-aircraft test support, embedded real time software
development, special purpose computing, test data collection and reduction,
configuration management, program management, enterprise application
development, corporate application development, systems engineering,
ManTech – Team Members / Capability / Experience
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Capability/Area of
Last 3 years services
experience listed by
functional area and
specific Program
aircraft test bed development and installation. Greenfield Engineering was
established in July 2002 and is classified as a small business.
3.2, 3.4, 3.6, 3.14, 3.19
3.2, 3.4, 3.6, 3.14, 3.19
Contract: N00421-13-C-0006
Subcontractor to Engility (formerly L-3)
POP: 12/01/12 – 11/30/13
Contract Value: $1.2M
Organization Supported: NAWCAD 4.5.1
Government POC: Mr. Stanley Zugay 301-342-9147 / Mr. John Harris 301342-9143
Brief Description: Greenfield Engineering currently supports PMA274, AIR 4.5
& 5.1 avionics efforts for requirement specification, design, implementation,
test, management and maintenance of laboratory/information system and
project/program related software under the auspices of the Executive
Presidential Helicopter Program within the Avionics Department, Systems
Integration Branch, Code of NAWCADPAX. Greenfield supports the
system engineering effort to design, develop, manufacture, integrate, update
and test avionics systems from inception through disposal for VH Presidential
Helicopter Program, MH-53 Program, VXX Program and Avionics Systems
Integration Projects.
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------3.2, 3.4, 3.6, 3.14, 3.19
Contract: N00178-04-D-4143 M802
Subcontractor to L-3 Corporation
POP: 3/01/07 – 11/30/12
Contract Value: $4.4M
Organization Supported: NAWCAD 4.5.1
Government POC: Mr. Stanley Zugay 301-342-9147 / Mr. John Harris 301342-9143
ManTech – Team Members / Capability / Experience
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Brief Description: Greenfield Engineering supported PMA274, AIR 4.5 & 5.1
avionics efforts for requirement specification, design, implementation, test,
management and maintenance of laboratory/information system and
project/program related software under the auspices of the Executive
Presidential Helicopter Program within the Avionics Department, Systems
Integration Branch, Code of NAWCADPAX. Greenfield supported the
system engineering effort to design, develop, manufacture, integrate, update
and test avionics systems from inception through disposal for VH Presidential
Helicopter Program, MH-53 Program, VXX Program and Avionics Systems
Integration Projects.
---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------3.2, 3.6, 3.14, 3.19
Contract Number: N00421-10-D-0021
Subcontractor to ManTech
POP: 10/1/10 – 9/30/15
Contract Value $.77M
Organization Supported: NAWCAD 4.5.9
Government POC: Matthew Ontiveros 301-757-7717
Brief Description: Greenfield supports the design, development, research
and analysis of COTS hardware and software products for incorporation into
complex Naval Systems such as SARTIS and Air Traffic Control Systems. These
efforts include evaluating existing systems and equipment for possible
improvement, as well as examining existing requirements for new systems
and equipment. The systems and equipment ultimately interface with sensor
and weapon systems equipment.
Description of products
(deliverables) provided
Greenfield conducts performance analysis, problem identification, and
recommends potential solutions to Government project engineers.
Greenfield develops real time software, conducts component design
engineering at the unit level on specific hardware and conducts system
design engineering on new, developing or existing systems undergoing
modifications for NAWCAD Code 4.5.9.
Software and Services
ManTech – Team Members / Capability / Experience
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Company Name
Group W
Points of Contact
Technical: Gef Fleming 703 962-7737 gfleming@groupw.com
Contracting: Wayne Maybach 301 509-7646 wmaybach@groupw.com
Company Website
Company Background
Capability/Area of
Group W Inc. is a small business specially focused on engaging visionary
clients seeking exceptional contract support in the areas of analysis,
modeling and simulation design and development. From the company’s
inception in 2004, Group W’s client base has grown to include senior military
decision-makers in the Office of the Secretary of Defense, the COCOMs, the
Joint Staff and across the Services. Our modeling and analysis contributions
span the spectrum of applications, including: assessments of the military
implications of policy options; comparative evaluations of CONOPS, OPLANS
and operational courses of action; and trade studies and analysis of
alternatives in support of the acquisition process. In the realm of software
engineering, Group W is the sole developer of the Synthetic Theater
Operations Research Model (STORM). Originally sponsored by USAF as its
primary campaign analysis tool, STORM is now co-sponsored by the Navy and
the Marine Corps and currently in wide operational use across the military
analysis community to support a range of formal DoD processes and focused
capability assessments.
Campaign Analysis; Simulation-supported Analysis; Modeling and Simulation
Design and Development;
Last 3 years services
experience listed by
functional area and
specific Program
3.3 Modeling, Simulation, Stimulation, and Analysis Support: campaign-level
analysis using the Synthetic Theater Operations Research Model (STORM);
air-to-air system and CONOPS analysis using the Brawler few-vs.-few-level
model; investment and operational effectiveness trades with the Air
Campaign Capability Evaluation and Prediction Tool (ACCEPT).
Description of products
(deliverables) provided
On behalf of NAVAIR 4.10, Group W provides an integrated team of
Operations Research Analysts and Modeler-Analysts to shape, influence
and/or perform alternative force structure and capability trades associated
with aviation. Principally employing the STORM campaign-level simulation
and the Brawler few-vs.-few-level model, Group W modeler-analysts derive
quantitative insights to inform the Navy requirements development and
acquisition process as it concerns naval aviation capabilities, platforms,
systems and CONOPS. Additionally, Group W programmers worked
collaboratively with 4.10 analysts to conceive, design, develop and employ
the Air Campaign Capability Evaluation and Prediction Tool (ACCEPT). With its
custom-built optimization routines enabling Navy analysts to quickly map
budget-constrained investment decisions to campaign-level outcomes,
ACCEPT is continuously being enhanced by Group W developers to
accommodate its growing recognition and demand across the organization.
ManTech – Team Members / Capability / Experience
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Company Name
Gryphon Technologies, LC
Points of Contact
Carol Davis – 202-621-1100 x 220 – Cdavis@GryphonLC.com
Robert Carroll – 202-621-1100 – Rcarroll@GryphonLC.com
Company Website
Company Background
Gryphon Technologies (Gryphon) is a defense-focused engineering, technical,
and logistics services firm with over 600 current employees and a 15-plus
year track record supporting NAVSEA and its warfare centers. Gryphon has
enjoyed an outstanding record of success providing a spectrum of services in
support of system acquisition programs for the Navy. This spectrum of
services includes, e.g., concept development and requirements analysis,
systems engineering, combat systems engineering, system installation
support, test and evaluation support, logistics support, maintenance and
repair services, and life cycle support analysis. Gryphon has been appraised at
Level 3 of the CMMI Institute’s Capability Maturity Model Integration
(CMMI) and is one of only 15 companies worldwide with a current “CMMI for
Services (SVC) + SSD Maturity Level 3” appraisal.
3.1, 3.2, 3.3, 3.4, 3.5, 3.6, 3.7, 3.8, 3.9, 3.10, 3.11, 3.12, 3.13,
3.14, 3.15, 3.16, 3.17, 3.18, 3.19, 3.20, 3.21, 3.22
Capability/Area of
Last 3 years services
experience listed by
functional area and
specific Program (see
below for list of functional
N00178-04-D-4061, 0004 - 3.2, 3.5, 3.20
N00178-04-D-4061, 0005 - 3.2, 3.16; 3.17,3.18; 3.20,3.21
N00178-04-D-4061, 4T01 - 3.2, 3.5, 3.6, 3.10, 3.11, 3.20
N00178-04-D-4061, 7F01 - 3.2,3.10, 3.11, 3.20, 3.21
N00178-04-D-4061, EH01 - 3.2, 3.5, 3.10, 3.11, 3.14, 3.20, 3.21
N00178-04-D-4061, EH02 - 3.21, 3.22
N00178-04-D-4061, EH03 - 3.2, 3.5, 3.6, 3.10, 3.11, 3.16, 3.17, 3.19
N00178-04-D-4061, EH04 - 3.1 – 3.21
N00178-04-D-4061, EH05 - 3.1, 3.2, 3.5, 3.6, 3.10, 3.11 , 3.16, 3.19
N00178-04-D-4061, FG01 - 3.2, 3.5, 3.10, 3.12, 3.16
N00178-04-D-4061, L601 - 3.2, 3.6, 3.18, 3.16, 3.19
N00178-04-D-4061- FC01 - 3.2, 3.10, 3.16, 3.17, 3.20, 3.21
N00178-04-D-4061- FC02 - 3.1, 3.2, 3.3, 3.7, 3.8, 3.9, 3.10, 3.11, 3.12, 3.14,
3.16, 3.17, 3.18, 3.20, 3.21
N00178-04-D-4061- FC03 - 3.2, 3.4, 3.10, 3.11, 3.14, 3.15, 3.16, 3.19, 3.21,
Company Name
GS Engineering Inc.
Points of Contact
Glen Simula (glen.simula@gsengineering.com – (906) 370-2565
Chris Coxon (chris.coxon@gsengineering.com – (906) 370-3710
Company Website
ManTech – Team Members / Capability / Experience
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Company Background
GS Engineering, Inc. is an agile small business focused on mechanical and
electrical design and analysis services, advanced product development,
instrumented field testing, and technology integration including lightweight
structural systems and metal matrix composites.
GS Engineering has received over 700 engineering service contracts totaling
over 760,000 man hours as a prime contractor to the Department of Defense,
as well supporting a variety of OEM’s as well as other Stage I, II and III
GS Engineering employs over 60 people of the following disciplines:
mechanical engineers, electrical engineers, metallurgical engineers, test
directors, test engineers, mechanical designers, engineering interns,
technicians, mechanics, clerical and support staff.
The collective team background encompasses professional expertise in the
fields of military vehicles, professional motorsports, aerospace and structural
design, commercial trucks and chassis, consumer automotive, aerospace,
off‐highway and construction equipment, and high volume manufacturing.
GS Engineering is a registered HUB Zone company that is currently ISO9001
compliant and is currently being certified to AS9100 standards.
GS Engineering supports work classified by the following NAICS codes:
336112 336992 336411 –
336412 –
336413 –
336360 –
541330 541380 541512 541711 541712 -
Capability/Area of
Last 3 years services
experience listed by
functional area and
specific Program (see
below for list of functional
Light Truck Manufacturing
Military Armored Vehicle Manufacturing
Aircraft Manufacturing
Aircraft Engine & Parts Manufacturing
Other aircraft Parts & aux. Equipment
Motor vehicle seating & Trim manufacturing
Engineering Services
Testing Laboratories
Computer Systems Design Services
Research & Development in Biotechnology
Research & Development in the Physical & Life Sciences
Complete wheeled vehicle design (component, system or ground up), tracked
vehicle design (suspension, track, powertrain, turret), marine structural and
system integration, aerospace structural and mechanical design, aerospace
electrical engineering and test
Due to the nature of our business and non-disclosure agreements, we cannot
provide detail of customer or scope, but we have lead and supported
programs in the following areas for our commercial and government clients 3.1 Research and Development Support
3.2 Engineering, System Engineering and Process Engineering Support
3.3 Modeling, Simulation, Stimulation, and Analysis Support
ManTech – Team Members / Capability / Experience
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Description of products
(deliverables) provided
3.4 Prototyping, Pre-Production, Model-Making, and Fabrication Support
3.5 System Design Documentation and Technical Data Support
3.6 Software Engineering, Development, Programming, and Network Support
3.7 Reliability, Maintainability, and Availability (RM&A) Support
3.8 Human Factors, Performance, and Usability Engineering Support
3.9 System Safety Engineering Support
3.10 Configuration Management (CM) Support
3.11 Quality Assurance (QA) Support
3.14 Interoperability, Test and Evaluation, Trials Support
3.15 Measurement Facilities, Range, and Instrumentation Support
3.18 Training Support
3.20 Program Support
GS Engineering provides a variety of products to both the commercial and
military market. These products include: Lightweight HMMWV bumpers,
flooring, steps and ballistic enclosures, ammunition cans, lightweight-high lift
jacks, track shoes, pins, center guides, road wheels, sprockets, marine
tracked systems, forestry winches, proximity switches and a variety of other
specialized products
Company Name
Points of Contact
Darrell L. Childs, Darrell.Childs@GS5-LLC.com, 703.373.9626
Delilah M. Roberts, Delilah.Roberts@GS5-LLC.com, 703.879.0390
GS5, LLC (GS5), a Virginia-based limited liability company, has been privately
owned since July 2003. Certified as a Small Disadvantaged Business (8a) since
2006, we have established an impressive record of providing a full-range of
Acquisition and Program Management, Intelligence Analysis, Engineering,
and Technical support services (e.g. Portal Management and
Web/Application Development) and products to the Intelligence and
Command and Control community, with the Department of Defense (DOD)
the company’s principal customer.
 Acquisition and Program Management
 Intelligence
 Engineering Support
 Technical Services
3.2 – JIEDDO and US Army CECOM
3.3 – JIEDDO
3.5 – US Army CECOM and USMC
3.6 – US Army CECOM
3.14 – JIEDDO and US Army CECOM
3.16 – USMC
Company Background
Capability/Area of
Last 3 years services
experience listed by
functional area and
specific Program
ManTech – Team Members / Capability / Experience
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3.21 – JIEDDO, US Army INSCOM, and NGIC
Description of products
(deliverables) provided
GS5 is a service provider. Examples of GS5 deliverables include MSRs,
acquisition documentation, engineering documentation, briefings, and other
program management and technical documentation.
Company Name
Hausley Engineering – Company does not have an active
Subcontract with ManTech
Company Name
Heron Systems Incorporated
Points of Contact
Norry Darcey, ndarcey@heronsystems.com, 301-994-3001
Jim Darcey, jdarcey@heronsystems.com, 301-757-1583
Heron Systems specializes in software engineering in the fields of simulation,
modeling, embedded systems and distributed simulation protocols. They
have extensive experience in developing simulation/stimulation software for
Navy, hardware-in-the-loop, laboratories used in the research, development,
test and evaluation of aircraft systems.
Company Background
Capability/Area of
Heron Systems also has experience in developing web-enabled applications
using the Microsoft C# .Net suite.
The contractor shall perform software/system research, design,
development, test and evaluation engineering to develop, test, evaluate,
assess, and maintain government-owned modeling and simulation software
required to support ballistics and safe escape tasks. This task encompasses
the research and development required to develop, enhance and maintain
carriage, release, jettison, ballistics, applied fuzing, and safe escape models.
The contractor shall comply with established configuration management
procedures, correct identified deficiencies, and report results.
The contractor shall perform software/system research, design,
development, test and evaluation engineering to develop, test, evaluate,
assess, and maintain information management software.
ManTech – Team Members / Capability / Experience
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Last 3 years services
experience listed by
functional area and
specific Program
N00421-03-D-0015, PMA-231 Engineering and Program Management Task
POC: David Hickin, Wyle Laboratories
Heron Systems, as a subcontractor to Wyle Laboratories, is responsible for
providing software engineering and technical support for the E-2C Systems
Test and Evaluation Laboratory (ESTEL). This support includes developing and
maintaining all simulation/stimulation software and embedded systems used
by the ESTEL. As part of this effort, Heron Systems has developed several
system and sensor models for the ESTEL, including flight, navigation, radar,
IFF and ESM simulations.
Heron Systems also designs, develops and maintains embedded systems used
to support E-2 advanced development flight testing. Most recently, Heron
Systems developed the software for the Aircraft Interface Control Unit (AICU)
used in the NC-130 advanced radar model test platform. The AICU provides
the interfaces between the NC-130 test bed and an E-2C mission computer
avionics suite. This allows engineers to evaluate the advanced radar’s
performance during flight test, using the current E-2C mission computer and
operator displays.
Company Name
HiPK – Company does not have an active Subcontract with ManTech
Company Name
Honeywell Technology Solutions Inc (HTSI)
Points of Contact
Adam Foltz, Adam.Foltz@honeywell.com
Company Background:
Security Services, Logistics and Space Operations and Engineering
RF, QRC development, test and installation, procurement
Capability/Area of
3.1 – 3.7, 3.15, 3-16
ManTech – Team Members / Capability / Experience
Page 160 of 419
Last 3 years services
experience listed by
functional area (see below
for list of functional areas)
and specific Program
Classified capabilities, Logistics and NASA support
Company Name:
I-Assure, LLC
Points of Contact
Barrett C. McGuire, 504-231-9700, barrett.mcguire@i-assure.com
Company Background:
Information Assurance service provider specializing in U.S. Navy DoD
Information Assurance Certification and Accreditation (DIACAP) support.
3.12 Information System (IS) Development, Information Assurance (IA), and
Information Technology (IT)
Capability/Area of
Last 3 years services
experience listed by
functional area and
specific Program
Provided DIACAP support for over 150 Navy IT systems.
Description of products
(deliverables) provided.
DIACAP support
Company Name
Points of Contact
Tim Martin
VP & GM, Federal Division
Phone: 949.598.5315
Cell: 619.838.5842
Email: tmartin@ibaset.com
Cindy S. McBride,
Corporate Contracts Manager
Phone: 949.598.5331
Fax: 949.598.2600
Email: cmcbride@iBASEt.com
ManTech – Team Members / Capability / Experience
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Company Website
Company Background
iBASEt is a minority, woman-owned small business (WOSB) made up of a
Commercial and Federal division. The Federal division has provided
exceptional, award-winning support to Combatant Commands and Service
Components within the Department of Defense (DoD) for over 20 years in
the areas of Intelligence; Information Operations / Strategic Communication
(IO/SC); Special Technical Operations (STO); CYBER, Information Security;
Information Technology and Network Services; Software and Application
Development; Enterprise Knowledge Management; C4ISR & Target Systems
Engineering, Development and Fabrication; and Program Management
support services.
Since our inception in 1986, iBASEt staffed by highly-specialized and trained
personnel has thrived at providing dedicated, proven support to a broad
range of services in support of mission operations, cyber operations, and
data exploitation, to include;
• Intelligence: C4ISR Systems Engineering, All-Source Analysis, Joint
Intelligence Planning, Intelligence Requirement Support,
Compartmented Support to Special Plans, Collection Management and
Analysis, WMD Analysis, and Red Cell (Alternative) Analysis.
• Information Operations / Strategic Communications (IO/SC): Information
Operations Planning and Analysis (Deliberate, Contingency and Exercise
Planning), Strategic Communications Planning and Analysis, Interagency
Coordination and Synchronization, Cultural Media Engagement, and
MOP/MOE Assessments.
• Classified Network Management Support: Systems/Network
Engineering, Operations and Maintenance (O&M), CYBER Analysis, and
Information Assurance / Computer Network Defense (CND).
• Special Programs: Special Technical Operations (STO), Target Systems,
and Special Access Programs (SAP).
Capability/Area of
Engineering, System Engineering and Process Engineering Support
Modeling, Simulation, Stimulation, and Analysis Support
Prototyping, Pre-Production, Model-Making, and Fabrication Support
System Design Documentation and Technical Data Support
Software Engineering, Development, Programming, and Network
3.11 Quality Assurance (QA) Support
3.12 Information System (IS) Development, Information Assurance (IA), and
Information Technology (IT) Support
3.14 Interoperability, Test and Evaluation, Trials Support
3.16 Logistics Support
3.20 Program Support
3.22 Public Affairs and Multimedia Support
ManTech – Team Members / Capability / Experience
Page 162 of 419
Last 3 years services
experience listed by
functional area and
specific Program (see
below for list of functional
3.2 Engineering, System Engineering and Process Engineering Support
iBASEt provided Systems Engineering support to DIA Southeast Regional
Support Center (SE RSC)
 iBASEt provided DIA SE-RSC DoDAF-compliant Enterprise Architecture
artifacts for the entire USCENTCOM / SOUTHCOM area of Responsibility.
 iBASEt provided DIA SE-RSC Subject matter Expert (SME) support in
providing engineering, analysis, design, and implementation of GCCS I3.
 iBASEt developed DoDAF-compliant artifacts for networks systems, and
services encompassing future requirements to enable the SE-RSC to plan
for consistent and stable growth.
 iBASEt provided analysis and recommendations of IT initiatives and
provided technical guidance in translating IT and C4ISR system
requirements into technical systems specifications.
3.3 Modeling, Simulation, Stimulation, and Analysis Support
iBASEt provided engineering services to SPAWAR Systems Center Pacific (SSC
PAC) in support of DOT&E’s Fifth Generation Full Scale Aerial Targets (FSAT)
project. iBASEt provided the following Modeling, Simulation, Stimulation, and
Analysis Support:
 Provided Computer Aided Drawing (CAD) support to generate detailed
CAD models to support aircraft structural and aerodynamic analysis as
well as signature prediction. This support included providing expertise in
the computer program SolidWorks required to update the final
configuration based on lessons learned from the 2nd UWAL wind tunnel
 Completed mission performance analysis for two aircraft configurations
to support a down-select decision. Predicted flight envelope limits,
specific excess power, and maneuverability as a function of speed and
altitude, and fuel burn and maximum flight time as a function of mission
 Completed a wind tunnel test report for the UWAL wind tunnel entry.
Provided detailed performance analyses based on this data to include
final flight control sizing, takeoff and landing performance, and mission
 Provided technical support for construction of the final report for the 5th
Gen Target Study. This support included drafting and/or editing
technical portions of the report, producing various images of the final
target designs, and proofreading and editing the final draft before
 Participated in design reviews as directed. These meetings included
design reviews at the contractor’s facility and bi-monthly
3.6 Software Engineering, Development, Programming, and Network
iBASEt provided enterprise software design and development services
supporting the big data analytics / strategy initiatives for the USCECOM’s
Army Analytics Group. These Software engineering services included
ManTech – Team Members / Capability / Experience
Page 163 of 419
providing a wide range of technical services, programmatic support, and
subject matter expertise required to support AAG’s enterprise software
development initiatives including:
 Data Strategy
 Enterprise Data & Application Architecture
 Software / Application Engineering & Development
 Mobility Application Development
 Software Application Quality Assurance (QA) Testing
3.12 Information System (IS) Development, Information Assurance (IA), and
Information Technology (IT) Support
iBASEt provided a variety of IT services and support to the Special Operations
Command, Pacific (SOCPAC) and the Joint Special Operations Task Force –
Philippines (JSOTF-P) to include:
 Network Operations Management
 Systems Administration
 Information Assurance (IA)
 SharePoint Development
 Network Repair, Upgrade, and Modernization
 Help Desk Support
3.20 Program Support
iBASEt serves as the principal source of expertise within 4TH MAW G-3 for all
matters related to the development, review and coordination of all Joint and
Service exercises within the Training and Employment Plan (TEEP) database
involving 4TH MAW Forces. In particular, provides the following support:
 Works, cooperates, and communicates with supervisors, programs
managers, supported units, and co-workers.
 Provides technical expertise during the Training and Employment
planning process. This includes outlining the training requirement
needed for each event, the timeline to accomplish the training, and any
additional support needed to accomplish the training.
 Reviews, analyzes and evaluates exercise requirements and ensure 4TH
MAW forces are not double scheduled.
 Monitors exercise budget with COMMARFORRES comptroller to ensure
established limits are not exceeded.
 Maintains 4TH MAW TEEP database and post on command web site
exercise information for internal/external use.
Description of products
(deliverables) provided
Software Source Code
Technical Interchange Meeting (TIM) Reports
Trip Reports
Technical Reports
CAD Drawings
DoDAF Artifacts
ManTech – Team Members / Capability / Experience
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Company Name:
IBM Corp
Points of Contact
Bob Carr, bobcarr@us.ibm.com, 703-281-7471
Company Background:
International Business Machines Corporation, headquartered in Armonk,
N.Y., is the world‘s largest information technology services (IT) company. The
IT services leader, IBM's solutions and services span all major industries,
including financial services, healthcare, government, automotive,
telecommunications and education, among others. It is the diversity and
breadth of our portfolio — spanning hardware, software, services, research,
financing and technology — that uniquely separates IBM from other
companies in the IT industry. We drive innovation to help our clients
transform themselves into On Demand businesses capable of fluidly
responding to market opportunities or threats through our professional
solutions, services and consulting businesses. IBM is an enterprise-focused
company. It is not our intention to participate directly in consumer markets.
We are all about innovation. IBM is best at creating and delivering
differentiating value to our clients. We are a global business. Much more
than marketing products and services around the world, this means
establishing deep roots locally and leveraging our multinational presence for
operational advantage. IBM has approximately 398,400+ employees
worldwide and conducts business in 170 countries.
IBM is a Gartner top quadrant and information technology (IT) services
company with extensive experience and capabilities directly and highly
relevant to navy it, financial management (FM), business process engineering
(BPR) and navy enterprise resource planning (ERP) solutions among others.
We provide the navy with: (1) unmatched ability to support the navy program
offices in integrating solutions with the navy ERP (2) Navy supply and
maintenance business process subject matter knowledge; (3) more than 7
years of navy ERP SAP solution design, development, and deployment
experience; (4) an extensive understanding of the challenges facing the Navy
FM, ERP and BPR program; and (5) the necessary resources and
infrastructure to achieve performance, schedule, and cost goals.
3.2 Engineering, System Engineering and Process Engineering Support
3.3 Modeling, Simulation, Stimulation, and Analysis Support
3.5 System Design Documentation and Technical Data Support
3.6 Software Engineering, Development, Programming, and Network Support
3.11 Quality Assurance (QA) Support
3.12 Information System (IS) Development, Information Assurance (IA) and
Technology (IT) Support
3.14 Interoperability, Test and Evaluation, Trials Support
3.18 Training Support
3.20 Program Support
Capability/Area of
Last 3 years services
experience listed by
functional area and
specific Program
ManTech – Team Members / Capability / Experience
Page 165 of 419
Description of products
(deliverables) provided.
As a SeaPort-e prime, IBM has a long list of past performance quals listed at:
IBM current work includes tasks for the Navy ERP Deployment and FMO
Company Name
ICF International
Points of Contact
MARK YOUMAN | Vice President
703.934.3658 (o) mark.youman@icfi.com
ICF INTERNATIONAL | 9300 Lee Highway, Fairfax, VA 22033
Company Website
Company Background
ICF International’s experts help clients across all U.S. defense agencies
improve mission readiness, leadership, and the performance of personnel
and programs. ICF's defense clients benefit from our multidisciplinary teams
of recognized thought leaders, seasoned researchers, behavioral scientists,
and former military personnel from all branches.
ICF understands the environment and operations of our client agencies—and
the realities that shape their daily lives. Our experience includes:
 Supporting the military’s transition to adaptive planning
 Developing and assessing current and future leaders
 Meeting health needs of service members and veterans, and their
 Preparing military personnel to make smart decisions quickly in complex
social and cultural environments
 Balancing mission objectives, logistics, and energy security
Capability/Area of
Last 3 years services
experience listed by
functional area and
specific Program
3.1, 3.3, 3.6, 3.12, 3.14, 3.15, 3.16, 3.17, 3.18, 3.20, 3.22
Research and Development Support
Modeling, Simulation, Stimulation, and Analysis Support
Human Factors, Performance, and Usability Engineering Support
Interoperability, Test and Evaluation, Trials Support
Measurement Facilities, Range, and Instrumentation Support
Supply and Provisioning Support
Training Support
Program Support
ManTech – Team Members / Capability / Experience
Page 166 of 419
Company Name
ICI Services
Points of Contact
Technical: Robin Mickle, robin.mickle@icisrvcs.com, (619) 251-0009
Contracts: Caroline Ternes, Carolyn.ternes@icisrvcs.com, (757) 340-6970
Company Website
Company Background
Capability/Area of
Provide services support to NAVSEA, PEOs, Naval Warfare Centers, SPAWAR,
the Army, DHS and other commands and agencies
See list below
Last 3 years services
experience listed by
functional area and
specific Program
3.1, 3.2, 3.3, 3.5, 3.6, 3.7, 3.9, 3.10, 3.11, 3.12, 3.13, 3.14, 3.15, 3.16, 3.17,
3.18, 3.19, 3.20, 3.21, 3.22
Description of products
(deliverables) provided
Company Name:
ICON - Information Concepts in Management, LLC
Points of Contact
Cara Noland, President
Company Background:
ICON is a woman-owned small business that has been supporting Federal
Agencies and city governments, Fortune 100 companies and small
companies, and non-profits and universities since 1989.
ICON provides consulting, facilitation, and documentation services in the
areas of strategic planning and project, process, infrastructure, technology,
information, and communication management and training.
Naval Sea Systems Command, Office of the CIO, NMCI Program:
3.2 Engineering, System Engineering and Process Engineering Support
3.17 Supply and Provisioning Support
3.18 Training Support
3.20 Program Support
3.21 Functional and Administrative Support
Capability/Area of
Last 3 years services
experience listed by
functional area and
specific Program
Naval Sea Systems Command, Office of the CIO, HQ/PEO Facilities Expansion:
3.21 Functional and Administrative Support
ManTech – Team Members / Capability / Experience
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Description of products
(deliverables) provided.
- NAVSEA HQ/PEO NMCI Seat Deployment Process, which has been used
across NAVSEA Enterprise and during Navy-wide NMCI WIN7 Pilots
- NMCI WIN7 Pilot Analysis and Results
- NMCI Seat Deployment Readiness Checklists to help prepare and guide site
management and users through transition
- NMCI User Transition and Seat Acceptance Testing Training
- Site-specific NMCI Seat Test Punch List and Issue Resolution
- Identification and Tracking of NMCI Classroom Solution Technical Issues
- Workspace Management Process, Data, Organization, and Measurement
- HQ/PEO Facilities Expansion Status Summaries and Action Item Tracking
Company Name
Ideal Innovations, Inc.
Points of Contact
Primary: Ashlee.phillips@idealinnovations.com
BD: Zachary.smith@idealinnovations.com
Contracts: Marcia.enyart@idealinnovations.com
Pricing: Hooman.hashemi@idealinnovations.com
Company Website
Company Background
Ideal Innovations, Inc. (I3), established in 1998, is a veteran-owned firm that
offers technology development, consulting, and program management
services. We specialize in innovative solutions for defense and securityrelated problems involving advanced technology, information systems and
strategic analysis. With a staff of over 300 accomplished innovators, Level III
certified program managers, scientists, engineers, intelligence analysts, latent
examiners, technicians, and administrators; I3’s core competencies lies in
biometrics, forensics, force protection, Counter-Improvised Explosive Devices
(C-IED), smart ID cards and access control, along with the exploration and
evaluation of emerging technologies that identify persons using fingerprint,
iris, face, palm, latent and voice recognition.
Research and Development Support
Engineering, System Engineering and Process Engineering Support
Prototyping, Pre-Production, Model-Making, and Fabrication Support
System Design Documentation and Technical Data Support
Software Engineering, Development, Programming, and Network Support
Information System (IS) Development, Information Assurance (IA), and
Information Technology (IT) Support
Interoperability, Test and Evaluation, Trials Support
Logistics Support
Supply and Provisioning Support
Training Support
Program Support
Capability/Area of
ManTech – Team Members / Capability / Experience
Page 168 of 419
Last 3 years services
experience listed by
functional area and
specific Program (see
below for list of functional
Prototyping, Pre-Production, Model-Making, and Fabrication Support:
Ideal Innovations, Inc. (I3) provided the personnel, equipment,
supplies, facilities, transportation, tools, materials, supervision, and
other items and non-personal services necessary to assemble and
deliver two Expeditionary Forensic Laboratories (EFLs) in support of
the United States Criminal Investigation Laboratory (USACIL). The EFLs
were to be used in support of the Joint Expeditionary Forensic Facility
(JEFF) program and contained the equipment and facilities to perform
of Latent Print analysis, Firearm and Toolmark analysis, Forensic
Chemistry and DNA analysis.
Software Engineering, Development, Programming, and Network Support:
In support of BISA Ideal Innovations, Inc. (I3) Designed and developed an
extensive client-server network encompassing 60 bases in Iraq connected to
the server network CONUS. Data was exchanged by transmitting over the
Army’s NIRPNet and an Army satellite communications network provided by
PM-DWTS. Laptop systems and devices in theater collected biometrics and
printed smart cards. These were connected to a network/enclave CONUS
which provided display of biometric/demographic data, provided biometric
and data exchange applications, interfaced with biometric repositories and
supplied data to websites
Information System (IS) Development, Information Assurance (IA), and
Information Technology (IT) Support:
Ideal Innovations led efforts for BISA and then BAT-Av5 which later changed
to BAT-A BASE to information assurance certifications. I3 has gone through
four cycles of taking a system through the entire Defense Information
Assurance Certification and Accreditation Process (DIACAP)
Interoperability, Test and Evaluation, Trials Support:
On behalf of BIMA Ideal Innovations conducts standards conformance
assessments, system tests/evaluation (developmental/operational), and
experiments to support the BIMA, OTAs, and the BCOI. The Team employs a
risk and requirements based testing strategy to determine if biometricenabled IT products, services, processes and systems that interoperate with
the Biometric Enterprise are:
 Conformant to DoD standards emerging and mandated in
the DISR;
 Demonstrate the ability to exchange data with the DoD
ABIS, and;
 Meet technical capabilities and relevant user-
defined requirements, as specified.
Logistics Support:
Ideal Innovations Inc. (I3) is a subcontractor on the Contractor Logistic
Support (CLS) Contract. The contract is managed out of the Project
ManTech – Team Members / Capability / Experience
Page 169 of 419
Manager for Improvised Explosive Device Defeat (PM IEDD) office
which falls under the Tank-automotive and Armaments Command
(TACOM) hierarchy, located at the Arsenal in Warren, MI. I3 is
responsible for providing CLS services to 37 Continental United States
(CONUS) and Outside of the Continental United States (OCONUS)
locations (including Afghanistan, Iraq and Kuwait). To support
OCONUS activities, I3 manages deployment requirements related to
Contractor Verification System (CVS), Synchronized Pre-deployment
and Operational Tracker (SPOT), Letter of Authorization (LOA)
approval, Common Access Card (CAC) applications and Individual
Replacement Deployment Operations (IRDO) for all program
personnel, as necessary.
Training Support:
The Department of Defense (DoD) awarded Ideal Innovations Inc. (I3)
the task of hiring experienced forensic training experts to customize,
develop and deliver a latent print training program designed for
forensic examiners working in a deployed environment.
I3 staffed instructors to design, develop and deliver an Expeditionary
Forensic Laboratory Training Program (EFLTP) guided by the U.S. Army
Criminal Investigation Laboratory (USACIL) fingerprints Program of
Instruction (POI). The students were new fingerprint examiners who
were hired by USACIL to deploy to the expeditionary laboratories. As a
result, the POI was customized for application within an expeditionary
laboratory operating in a deployed battlefield environment. Three
separate training classes were conducted concurrently for 6-10
student examiners over a 27 week period.
Program Support:
I3 provided support in maintaining calendars to capture all levels of internal
and external meetings and events to ensure the greatest situational
awareness across JIEDDO.
We supported JIEDDO information and record management processes and
tools including various iterations of network drives and color-coded hardcopy staff packages, the JIEDDO Collaborative Tool (JCT), the recently
shutdown JIEDDO Enterprise Management System (JEMS) and the newly
launched current SharePoint-based Staff Action Tracker (StAT) and
CheckPoint systems. Our personnel participated in the development of each
of these systems and ensured they met JIEDDO requirements and
specifications. We continue to participate in the weekly CheckPoint poweruser development group to refine requirements and adjudicate
recommended enhancements and upgrades. Our personnel created the
organization and library structure of the Developmental Evaluation Division
Threat Exploitation Branch’s SharePoint site allowing for the sharing and
collaboration of all Branch products both within the Branch and across the
ManTech – Team Members / Capability / Experience
Page 170 of 419
JIEDDO enterprise. I3 assisted other branches within the Developmental
Evaluation Division and the Policy and Oversight Division in developing their
own SharePoint team sites.
I3 supported the in-processing of new personnel by coordinating with
JIEDDO’s personnel and security offices through in-person appointments and
follow-up emails to ensure all necessary in-processing appointments are set
up and to verify that proper security clearances are on file. We coordinated
meetings, conferences and visits by external organizations by providing
necessary information for the passing of clearances, verifying clearances and
escorting guests inside JIEDDO facilities.
I3 provided Significant Activity (SIGACT) Reports, for both the Threat
Exploitation Branch and the Developmental Evaluation Division, to the
Deputy Director for Rapid Capability Development.
I3 provided budgetary support to execute the Developmental Evaluation
Division’s $38 million Fiscal Year 2013 Test Operation program, by drafting
and staffing all Initiative Decision Memoranda and tracking commitments,
obligations and expenditures. Additionally I3 personnel performed the same
function for the Threat Exploitation Branch’s $16 million Red Team program.
Description of products
(deliverables) provided
We are primarily a services provider.
Company Name
Imagine One Technology & Management, Ltd.
Points of Contact
Ann Wood, Director of Contracts, 804-224-1555; ann.wood@imagineone.com
Leticia Albright, Business Development, 703-379-4900,
Company Website
Company Background
Capability/Area of
Imagine One Technology & Management, Ltd provides mission-critical program
management, systems engineering, test & evaluation, CYBER engineering services,
interactive training, information technology, and logistics services to Space and Naval
Warfare Systems (SPAWAR), Naval Air Systems Command (NAVAIR), Naval Sea
Systems Command (NAVSEA), Naval Surface Weapons Center (NSWC) Dahlgren,
Naval Air Warfare Center Aircraft Division (NAWC AD), and the United States Coast
Guard (USCG). Within these agencies, the company currently works prime contracts
including NAVAIR PMA 231, PMA 201, PMA 273, PMA 275 V-22, PMA 299, SPAWAR
Command, Control, Communications, Computers, Intelligence, Surveillance and
Reconnaissance (C4ISR) Systems, FMS programs, and Systems Engineering and
Software Integration for (C4I) Systems Technical and Engineering Services for C4ISR;
NAVSEA SEA 04, PMS 312, and Carrier Planning Activity (CPA) support; and U.S.
Coast Guard CG-9 support.
Key services are program and business financial management, international program
management, C4ISR, test and evaluation, integrated logistics support, integration,
quality assurance, SOA testing, developmental testing, software development,
integration of COTS products, interactive multimedia design and development,
ManTech – Team Members / Capability / Experience
Page 171 of 419
distance learning systems, CBT/WBT, and acquisition life cycle support. C4ISR
support include technical and engineering support such as: analysis of technical
initiatives and new concepts for further exploration; research and preparation of new
technologies; technical analysis support and reports on C4ISR architecture tools used
to assess and verify demonstrations, tests and exercises; system software analyses,
design, installation, testing and independent evaluation and assessments, and
software upgrades
Last 3 years services
experience listed by
functional area and
specific Program
NAVAIR PMA-231 Program and Technical Support (3.2, 3.10, 3.20)
NAVAIR PMA-273 Program and Technical Support (3.2, 3.10, 3.20)
NAVAIR PMA-275 Training Systems Support (3.2, 3.10, 3.18, 3.20)
NAVSEA Carrier Planning Activity (3.2, 3.10, 3.20)
SPAWAR C4ISR (3.2, 3.6, 3.12, 3.10, 3.20)
SPAWAR Foreign Military Sales (3.2, 3.10, 3.20)
Program Support Documentation
Training Curriculum
Engineering Documentation
Description of products
(deliverables) provided
Company Name
Immersion Consulting LLC
Points of Contact
Joe Schweitzer, joe@immersioninc.com, 443-458-5729 Ops Director
Mary Ahern Snyder, mary@immersioninc.com, 301-706-5150, President
Immersion Consulting is a Service Disabled Veteran Owned Small Business
(SDVOSB) with headquarters in Annapolis, MD and several operating
locations across the United States. Immersion Consulting provides
management and technology consulting to federal and commercial clients.
For more info, go to: http://immersioninc.com/index.php/about/companyoverview
Company Background
Capability/Area of
Program Management, Project Management, Financial Management, PPBE, Audit
Readiness/Compliance, Travel Management
Last 3 years services
experience listed by
functional area (see below
for list of functional areas)
and specific Program
3.6,3.16,3.18.1,3.20 (N00178-10-D-6089 EX01),3.21
Description of products
(deliverables) provided
Program and financial management consulting services
Company Name
Impact Technologies, LLC
Points of Contact
Carol Marquardt, Carol.marquardt@impact-tek.com, 585-627-1923
Robert Lemen, Robert.lemen@impact-tek.com, 585-627-1909
ManTech – Team Members / Capability / Experience
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Company Background
Capability/Area of
Last 3 years services
experience listed by
functional area and
specific Program
Impact Technologies, LLC is a small business entity with a world-wide
recognized expertise in diagnostics, prognostics and health management
(PHM) for military platforms. Key personnel are nationally recognized
consultants, instructors and authors in these areas and underlying
technologies. The company possesses an extensive intellectual property base
and library of algorithms applicable across the vehicle subsystems as well as
non-commercially available tools and techniques for automated health
management, CBM, and flight operations and quality assurance.
Reliability, Maintainability Support
3.1 Research and Development Support
3.2 Engineering, System Engineering and Process Engineering Support
3.3 Modeling, Simulation, Stimulation, and Analysis Support
3.4 Prototyping, Pre-Production, Model-Making, and Fabrication Support
3.5 System Design Documentation and Technical Data Support
3.6 Software Engineering, Development, Programming, and Network Support
3.7 Reliability, Maintainability, and Availability (RM&A) Support
3.9 System Safety Engineering Support
3.14 Interoperability, Test and Evaluation, Trials Support
3.15 Measurement Facilities, Range, and Instrumentation Support
3.16 Acquisition Logistics Support
3.18 Training Support
3.19 In-Service Engineering, Fleet Introduction, Installation & Checkout Spt
3.20 Program Support
Embedded Diagnostics for Avionics
Contract Number: N68335-03-C-0216, Program/Contract Title: N02-167
“Intelligent Embedded Diagnostic System for Future Avionic Systems”,
Period of Performance: 02-Sept-2003 thru 23-Jan-2008, Type of
Contract/Dollar Value: CPFF/$836,406.00, Contracting Agency and POC:
NAWCAD, Marybeth Kacek Highway 547, Bldg. 562, Room 108, Lakehurst, NJ
08733-5082, Phone732-323-2061; COTR, Mike Malesich, Highway 547, Bldg.
562, Room 180, Lakehurst, NJ 08733-5082, Phone 732-323-4877
Project Summary
Impact Technologies, in collaboration with Honeywell, is developing
improved embedded diagnostics for avionics as well as open communications
architectures that enable information continuity between onboard and offboard systems. Within this paradigm shift approach, embedded diagnostics
improvements are being pursued through the evaluation of improved sensed
features, artificial intelligence methods, and more detailed consideration of
available situational data from bus monitors and environmental sensors. In
addition, an ambiguity group analysis that employs data fusion is being
developed to assist the at-wing, automated test equipment, to rank probable
causes. The information continuity through the maintenance and logistics
systems is best enabled with a suitable open architecture protocol, such as
those based upon CORBA or XML implementations of OSA-CBM. The
approach allows the diagnostics results, symptoms evaluated, and
operational/environmental conditions to be more easily captured in a
database that allows for further data mining, clustering, case-based
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reasoning, and other knowledge discovery methods. The proposed work
addresses the development of embedded diagnostic/prognostic avionics
health management technologies that will provide dramatic improvement to
the current state of avionics diagnostics and repair. This will, in turn, improve
overall mission readiness by decreasing the downtime for repair and total
number of repair instances.
Anticipated Benefits/Potential Commercial Applications
The development and integration of embedded diagnostics and prognostics
within avionics system and support test equipment will provide many
benefits including: improved safety associated with system operations;
reduced life cycle or total ownership costs; optimized maintenance intervals
and prioritized task performance; and increased combat
readiness/availability of military systems. We also anticipate a significant
reduction in CND, RTOK, and NFF with the diagnostics/prognostics software
modules and associated open architecture protocols generated under this
program. In addition, the work will contain many generic elements that can
be transitioned to a broad range of other applications. The embedded
diagnostics approaches, techniques, and specific algorithms could also be
implemented in a wide range of military as well as commercial applications in
the civilian aviation community (passenger aircraft, cargo transports,
business jets, private aircraft, etc.). The open system architecture
development could also be applied across the armed forces and enable more
effective asset management and autonomic logistics.
PHM Design Tool
Program/Contract Title: Optimizing Prognostic and Health Management
System Designs for the Joint Strike Fighter Contract Number: N68335-03-C0216, POP 7/30/02-5/31/05, Type of Contract, Dollar value: CPFF/ $749,848,
Contracting Agency and POC: NAWCAD, Arlene F. Berts, Code,
NAVAIRSYSCOMHQ, 21983 Bundy Road, Unit 7, Bldg. 441, Patuxent River, MD
20670-1127, Phone 301-757-2610: COTR Andres Hess, Code 4.4.2, JSF
Program Office, 1213 Jefferson Davis Hwy, Suite 600, Arlington, VA 22202
Brief Description of Contract Effort: Impact Technologies and Hood
Technology Corporation are developing a design and validation tool that
directly addresses vehicle health management system requirements for
existing or new acquisition aircraft systems. The integrated Prognostics and
Health Management (PHM) modeling approach and specific optimization
algorithms utilize a combination of conventional FMECA results, health
management system strategies, maintenance/inspection scenarios, and
metrics from various diagnostic/prognostic technologies to optimize the
sensory, diagnostic, and prognostic system needs in terms of mitigating the
FMECA identified failure modes.
This program utilizes advanced system optimization and evolutionary
algorithms such as genetic algorithms to seek out the best health
management system configurations and capabilities based on a
corresponding set of “cost” or “fitness” functions that accurately represent
the key system variables. Essential variables such as reliability, complexity,
cost, risk and sensitivity of the sensor systems, diagnostic/prognostic
technologies and maintenance/inspection strategies are addressed by this
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function. Hence, the process is capable of identifying and ranking candidate
aircraft subsystem health management system requirements, through an
exhaustive search of a potentially enormous solution space considering the
multitude of potential sensor, diagnostic, prognostic and maintenance
technologies. Finally, this hierarchical FMECA modeling capability and health
management system optimization process has been developed in an open
systems architecture and demonstrated on a Naval aircraft subsystem.
Flight Control Actuator Prognostics
Program/Contract Title: Techniques and Prognostic Models to Relate “Useful
Life Remaining” and “Performance Life Remaining” Predictions to Detectable
Fault Conditions in Flight Control Actuators; Contract Number: N68335-04-C0002, Period of Performance: 22-Oct-2003 thru 12-Jan-2008; Type of
Contract/Dollar Value: CPFF/$893,392.00; Contracting Agency and POC
Contracting Agency and POC: NAWCAD, Marybeth Kacek Highway 547, Bldg.
562, Room 108, Lakehurst, NJ 08733-5082, Phone732-323-2061; COTR:
Anthony Page, Code, 48110 Shaw Road, Bldg 2187, Room 1390-C2,
Patuxent River MD 20670-5304, Phone 301-342-8566
Brief Description of Contract Effort: Impact Technologies, in collaboration
with Boeing Phantom Works and Moog Inc., recently completed a Navy SBIR
program to develop actuator fault detection and failure progression
prediction modules. As part of the effort, Impact developed and
demonstrated a robust prognostic modeling paradigm. This model-based
approach to prognostics and health management applies physical modeling
and advanced parametric identification techniques, along with fault
detection and failure prediction algorithms, in order to predict the time-tofailure for each of the critical, competitive failure modes within the system.
Advanced probabilistic fusion strategies are also leveraged in order to
combine both collaborative and competitive sources of evidence, thus
producing more reliable health state information. This approach for
condition-based maintenance provides reliable early detection of developing
faults. As an advantage over any ‘black-box’ health-monitoring schemes,
faults and failure modes are traced back to physically meaningful system
parameters, providing the maintainer with invaluable diagnostic and
prognostic information. The methodology was demonstrated on an electromechanical actuator (EMA) provided by Moog and initial attempts to identify
mechanical failure in the system (bearing and gear faults) proved successful.
Impact also developed a data-driven (artificial neural network) methodology
for detecting faults and predicting failures in flight control actuation systems.
This approach leverages proven diagnostic and prognostic strategies, along
with several novel prognostic and health management (PHM) techniques, in
order to accurately and efficiently monitor the health of the actuator. This
approach applies signal processing and neural network error-tracking
techniques, along with automated reasoning, classification, advanced
knowledge fusion, and probabilistic failure mode progression (prognostic)
algorithms. These algorithms were developed with consideration to sensor
and processing requirements for an onboard or at-wing implementation.
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Fault to Failure Progression Modeling
Program/Contract Title: N03-028 “Fault to Failure Progression Modeling of
Propulsion System and Drive Train Clutch Systems for Diagnostics,
Prognostics, and Useful Performance Life Remaining Predictions”; Contract
Number: N68335-04-C-0236; Period of Performance: 13-Aug-2004 thru 31July-2007; Contracting Agency and POC, Marybeth Kacek Highway 547, Bldg.
562, Room 108, Lakehurst, NJ 08733-5082, Phone732-323-2061; COTR,
Michael Begin, Code 4.4.2, 22195 Elmer Road, Bldg 106, R228, Patuxent
River, MD 20670-1907, Phone 301-757-9934
Project Summary
Impact Technologies, in collaboration with Rolls Royce, proposes to develop
and demonstrate a prognostic modeling paradigm for use with drive train
components. Drive train and clutch systems on modern weapons platforms
are highly dynamic with the potential for high load densities due to compact
packaging. Between the many different elements of the drive system there is
an extensive amount of functional interaction and dependency, which
complicates the tracking of faults as they progress to the point of
compromising function (failure). To address this coupling dependency,
Impact will apply system models, suitable wear and fatigue failure mode
progression (prognostic) algorithms, and advanced knowledge fusion in a
probabilistic framework and apply it to drive line components such as:
clutches, gears, bearings and shafts. Initial focus will be on a Joint Strike
Fighter clutch mechanism. A verification plan with consideration to the Rolls
Royce drive train development program will also be evaluated for this
prognostic approach.
Anticipated Benefits/Potential Commercial Applications
The ability to assess drive train clutch health and produce more accurate
time-to-failure predictions through sensor feature observation, performance
and damage models, uncertainty estimation, and confidence interval fault
evolution predictions in near real-time will result in operational benefits
through a reduced risk of safety-related system failures and increased system
readiness as well as maintenance benefits through a decrease in costly
preventative maintenance/overhauls and transition to prognostic health
management and autonomic logistics strategies. The failure progression
modeling techniques could be implemented in a wide range of military
applications including the Joint Strike Fighter, Advanced Amphibious Assault
Vehicle, Landing Craft Air Cushion, and many ground (tank and truck)
vehicles. The developed technologies could also be readily adapted to
commercial land and water vehicle drive systems, industrial actuation
systems, and manufacturing/processing applications.
RUL Prognostics Test Bench
Program/Contract Title: N02-143 “Techniques and Models to Relate Useful
Life Remaining Predictions to Detectable Fault Conditions in Mechanical
Systems, Contract Number: N68335-03-C-0221, Period of Performance: 11Sept-2003 thru 31-May-2007, Contracting Agency and POC, Marybeth Kacek
Highway 547, Bldg. 562, Room 108, Lakehurst, NJ 08733-5082, Phone732323-2061; COTR, Michael Begin, Code 4.4.2, 22195 Elmer Road, Bldg 106,
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R228, Patuxent River, MD 20670-1907, Phone 301-757-9934
Project Summary
Impact Technologies, in cooperation with Northrop Grumman, propose to
develop a Remaining Useful Life (RUL) Prognostics Test Bench that can be
used by PHM system developers for rigorously analyzing vehicle prognostic
approaches in terms of overall prediction accuracy, modeling/measurement
uncertainty, fusion strategies and state awareness calibration. The RUL
Prognostics Test Bench will be capable of importing “black box” (avoiding
potential IP issues) physics or feature-based RUL prognostic models which
will be automatically interrogated to report critical information such as 1.)
What model-based parameters have the most influence on the prognostic
results, 2.) What system measurements would be most beneficial to the
prognostic approach implemented, and 3.) What feedback or model
calibration information will be needed for meeting the specified prognostic
requirements. As a cornerstone of the software, Statistical Influence Models
(SIMs) will be developed to address fault detection updates, damage and
defect likelihoods, and manufacturing/maintenance issues and their
influence on the RUL predictions and associated confidence bounds. In turn,
the Test Bench will help identify where various state awareness
enhancements should be focused and how they should be implemented with
respect to PHM.
The enhancement capabilities of the statistical models of the RUL Prognostics
Test Bench will be developed and demonstrated with application to the F-35
aircraft. The specific software architecture will be such that generic various
air vehicle prognostic models will be exercised with pre-defined usage
profiles. The software is expected to benefit both the module designer (OEM
or 3rd party) in designing a prognostic module to meet performance
requirements and for customers (OEM or DoD) to objectively standardize and
compare and contrast design solutions. The need for this type of software
has been clearly identified within the PHM community because it begins to
pave a quantitative path towards PHM cost/benefit analyses and decision
accuracy control. The program has direct support from Steve Engel with
Northrop Grumman (Principal Engineer – Systems Sciences) and the
Component Lifing group at Honeywell ES&S.
Anticipated Benefits / Potential Commercial Applications
The proposed RUL Prognostics Test Bench will enable Prognostic and Health
Management (PHM) system developers to objectively evaluate the benefits
provided from various fusion techniques and statistical models to the core
RUL predictions of mechanical systems and critical subcomponents. The
robust and comprehensive PHM capability enabled by this tool will provide
military commanders with the ability to adaptively manage and deploy air
vehicle assets to the limit of their current and future capability and reduce
the risk of safety or system availability related failures. More accurate timeto-failure predictions will reduce costly inspection routines and premature
component replacements by using a risk-based, maintenance optimization
techniques. The utility of such a tool is not limited to military aircraft
mechanical systems and can be applied to other military and commercial
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assets such as ground vehicles, power plants, or commercial aircraft.
An Integrated System Design and Maintenance Modeling Tool
Program/Contract Title: N02-123 “An Integrated System Design and
Maintenance Modeling Tool”; Contract Number: N00024-04-C-4111; Period
of Performance: 12-Dec-2003 through 06-June-2006; Type of Contract/Dollar
Value: CPFF/$749,856.00; Contracting Agency and POC, Thomas M. Higgins,
Naval Sea Systems Command, 1333 Isaac Hull Ave. SE Stop 2030, Washington
DC 20376-2030 Phone 202-781-1597; COTR John Scharschan, Naval Surface
Warfare Center, 5001, South Broad Street, Philadelphia, PA, 19112
Project Summary
During the follow-on Phase II effort proposed herein, Impact Technologies
will lead an Integrated Product development Team (IPT) to develop and
demonstrate a software tool set, including advanced maintenance reasoning
technologies within an open-systems software architecture, to support a
comprehensive Prescription-Based Maintenance management System
(PBMS). The development and integration effort will consist of many
elements, ranging from model-based reasoning to ICAS integration and OSACBM interface development, with various sources of data, information and
knowledge being considered to obtain a truly intelligent maintenance
decision support system. One of the key components of the proposed
system, consists of the generic reasoning algorithms and Maintenance
Integrated Models (MIM) containing CBM, FMECA, sensor, and maintenance
information. In addition, the open systems architecture (OSA) and associated
software interfaces to existing Navy enterprise management systems and
CBM software containing pertinent maintenance and logistics management
information will be addressed.
At the conclusion of the Phase II program, the Prescription-Based
Maintenance management System (PBMS) will automate and optimize the
prescription element associated with diagnostic and prognostic results used
to facilitate condition based maintenance (CBM). It is expected that a fully
functioning prototype of the PBMS system will be fielded for a Navy gas
turbine application in a 24 month timeframe that includes all software and
user interfaces as well as complete algorithm functionality. In a anticipated
follow-on Phase II Option, feedback from a beta-site installation will be used
for the final stages of software validation and maturation in preparation for a
fleet-wide system deployment.
Anticipated Benefits/Potential Commercial Applications
The developed PBMS software tool will reduce overall operation and support
costs of shipboard systems, and enable future transition of CBM and PHM
(Prognostic & Health Management) information systems to automated
maintenance management systems. The successful completion of the
proposed work will lead to significant benefits in a wide variety of areas, with
a very substantial potential for commercial impact. Examples of key industrial
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customers that could benefit through use of the developed software system
include commercial airlines, electric power producers, oil and gas
transmission companies, and large chemical or manufacturing plants.
Prognostic Enhancements to Diagnostic Systems(PEDS)
Program/Contract Title: OSD99-06 “Prognostic Enhancements to Diagnostic
Systems (PEDS)”; Contract Number: N00167-01-C-0064, Period of
Performance: 31-July-2001 through 31-Dec-2005, Type of Contract/Dollar
Value: CPFF/$823,153.00, Contracting Agency and POC, Michelle Pearmann,
Naval Surface Warfare Center, Carderock Division, 9500 MacArthur Blvd. ,
West Bethesda, MD 20817-7500 Phone, 301-227-3603; COTR, Thomas Galie,
Code 9160 NSWC Carderock Division, Philadelphia Naval Business Center,
5001, South Broad Street, Bldg. 4, Philadelphia, PA 19112-5083
Project Summary
Impact Technologies, in cooperation with the Penn State Applied Research
Laboratory, propose the development and implementation of component
level strategies and system level architectures for integrated shipboard
prognostics capable of predicting critical equipment component failures in
order to optimize maintenance resources and maximize availability. During
Phase II, the concepts for the integrated PEDS (Prognostic Enhancements to
Diagnostic Systems) modules demonstrated during Phase I will be further
developed as generic modules and applied across existing Surface Combatant
Naval Platforms. In the selected applications, the prognostic techniques and
open system architecture will be designed to address critical component
failures and performance degradation across shipboard systems, including
gas turbines, diesels, power transmissions and auxiliary equipment.
Prognostic results will be displayed in an information-rich format with a
human systems interface (HSI) concept developed for engineering,
maintenance personnel, and operators. By providing advance warning of
impending failures or rapid degradation, the prognostic system architecture
will facilitate more efficient management of maintenance resources in terms
of optimizing maintenance intervals, reducing the logistics footprint, and
ensuring that spare parts are available when needed. Additional benefits of
the proposed prognostic approach include increased mission readiness,
improved safety, and lower total ownership costs associated with the
operation of surface combatants.
Anticipated Benefits/Potential Commercial Applications
The surface combatant prognostic strategies and architectures will be
capable of performing real-time risk assessment and fault/failure/condition
prognostics at the system level, through subsystems, and the root-cause
component level. Implementation of this holistic prognostic approach is not
only beneficial to reducing critical shipboard failures, but also on complex
commercial machinery in industry. Costly inspection routines and premature
component replacements can also be avoided using risk-based, prognostic
modules based on the continuous assessment of system degradation and
potential failure modes. Commercial applications for the prognostic modules
ManTech – Team Members / Capability / Experience
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developed can be realized in many health monitoring system applications in
the electrical generation industries, chemical processing industries,
commercial aviation as well as gas transmission and oil industries.
A Plug-and-Play Module for Assessing Real-Time Mission Readiness Using
Subsystem Health Interactions
Program/Contract Title: N05-052 “A Plug-and-Play Module for Assessing RealTime Mission Readiness Using Subsystem Health Interactions”, Contract
Number: N00024-07-C-4103, Period of Performance: 19-Dec-2006 through
16-Dec-2008, Type of Contract/Dollar Value: CPFF/ $599,452.00; Contracting
Agency and POC, Tammy Ryman, SEA 02411R, Naval Sea Systems Command,
1333 Isaac Hull Ave. SE Stop 2030, Washington, DC 20376-2030, Phone 201781-4637; COTR Russell Leinbach, Code 9521, Naval Surface Warfare Center,
5001 South Broad Street, Bldg. 4, 5001 South Broad Street, Bldg. 4,
Philadelphia, PA, 19112-5083, Phone 215-897-7911
Project Summary
Impact Technologies LLC proposes to develop and demonstrate a system for
mission readiness assessment using component and subsystem health indices
in an open systems architecture (OSA). The proposed work will utilize mission
requirements, component health states, and available models to develop a
plug-and-play software module that can be used to assess system mission
readiness in real-time. The development will include algorithms to account
for subsystem and system-level interactions and relate independent
subsystem health indicators to overall system readiness. Prognostics will also
be included to predict future readiness levels for specific missions. This
information will ultimately be utilized for decision support of Navy ship
systems. Specifically, the core innovations of the proposed project include: 1)
the use of gray-scale health to assess mission readiness; 2) fusion of multiple
independent health state indicators to determine overall system health; 3)
development of a prognostics approach that accounts for the effects of fault
propagation between interconnected subsystems by defining propagation
paths and adjusting failure rates accordingly; and 4) application of
reinforcement learning techniques to provide automated improvement in
future health state and system readiness predictions.
Anticipated Benefits / Potential Commercial Applications
This decision support technology will help future Navy combatant ship
programs, such as DD(X), attain reduced manning objectives and total
ownership cost initiatives, while maintaining significant combat advantage.
These objectives will be achieved through more informed mission planning
and maintenance execution. In addition, availability will be increased through
a greater understanding of system readiness, which allows improved asset
allocation. Because effective military operations require accurate knowledge
of an asset’s health and damage state, there exist numerous potential
military applications for the proposed automated mission readiness
assessment system, including platforms in all branches of the U.S. DoD. With
the adaptable nature of the core analysis techniques proposed, the
ManTech – Team Members / Capability / Experience
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developed approach and design products could be adapted for a variety
commercial applications, including: commercial airlines, land and marine
propulsion systems, large utilities and independent power producers, oil and
gas transmission companies, and processing industries.
Company Name:
In-Depth Engineering Corporation
Points of Contact
Howard Reichel, Chief Operating Officer, howard.reichel@indepth.com
Company Background:
Veteran-owned, small, disadvantaged business headquartered in Fairfax, VA.
IEC is an industry leader in the delivery of
-Software systems for combatants
-Hardware integration and installation services
-Innovative research and technology solutions
In-Depth Develops Real-Time, Mission-Critical, Fault-Tolerant, High-Availability
Product Lines for the USW Enterprise:
-Displays and Controls
-Tactical Databases and Database Management
-Tactical Decision Aids
-Geo-Spatial Sensor Fusion
-Algorithms/Estimation Theory
•Integrate Product Lines Across Enterprise
•Front-To-Back Engineering Capability
-SE, SW, HW, Integration and Test, INCO, Logistics Support
Capability/Area of
Last 3 years services
experience listed by
functional area and
specific Program
3.1 Research and Development Support
Completed a Phase I SBIR for PEO IWS 5B to develop a serious addictive game
to improve surface ship AN/SQQ-89 Sonar Operator proficiency.
Completed a Phase I SBIR for PEO Carriers PMS312 to design telepresence
video chat in variable bandwidth environment, develop network architecture with
robust security provisions, provide COTS ruggedized portable monitoring device,
and develop a collaborative toolset
3.2 Engineering, System Engineering and Process Engineering Support
- IEC has designed, implemented and delivered sonar, imaging and combat
system products to submarines (AN/BQQ-10, AN/BVY-1, AN/BYG-1),
surface ships (AN/SQQ-89) and Surveillance Programs (Integrated
Undersea Surveillance System).
3.6 Software Engineering, Development, Programming, and Network Support
Software development lead for AN/BVY-1 Integrated Submarine Imaging
System (ISIS) as subcontractor to Lockheed Martin (MS2)
3.9 System Safety Engineering Support
 Lead developer for the weapons control component of the Navy’s Torpedo
Warning System (TWS); currently under development for aircraft carriers.
TWS is among the Navy’s highest priority development programs, with
continued personal attention of the Chief of Naval Operations.
ManTech – Team Members / Capability / Experience
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Description of products
(deliverables) provided.
Our submarine products include tactical control systems, geospatial data
fusion solutions, algorithm development, advanced Operator Machine
Interface (OMI), and periscope imaging solutions. Notably, In-Depth
developed the Integrated Battlespace Awareness Layout (IBAL) and
subsequent RAZ displays critical to situational awareness and navigation,
the Common Passive Broadband capability, and the Passive Narrowband
displays and controls. Serving as the software lead for the Integrated
Submarine Imaging Program (ISIS), we provided the software solution
that enabled the Navy’s move from older periscopes based upon mirrors
and lenses to modern 360-degree camera-based periscopes;
implementing real time video solutions with a variety of imaging
Our surface ship efforts focus on Pulsed and Continuous Mid Frequency
Active Sonar, improvements to the Fire Control System based upon
ongoing research, as well as integration of the Variable Depth Sonar
Signal Processing for the Littoral Combat Ship.
Company Name:
Info Soft Systems, Inc.
Points of Contact
Rohini Rao; email: rohini.rao@infosoftsys.com
Company Background:
IT Services and Engineering Woman owned small business with DOD
Application hosting, systems engineering, technical architecture, software
development, Information Assurance with expertise in Oracle, DIACAP and
big data management.
Research and Development Support, Engineering, System Engineering and
Process Engineering Support, System Design Documentation and Technical
Data Support, Software Engineering, Development, Programming, and
Network Support, Reliability, Maintainability, and Availability (RM&A)
Support, Configuration Management (CM) Support, Information System (IS)
Development, Information Assurance (IA), and Information Technology (IT)
Application Hosting, Maintenance and Operations of mission essential DOD
systems, Database/Web/Server administration, DIACAP packages for various
systems, application software development of Navy systems,
software/system upgrades and security patching of application systems and
Capability/Area of
Last 3 years services
experience listed by
functional area and
specific Program
Description of products
(deliverables) provided.
Company Name:
Information Design Inc.
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Points of Contact
Company Background:
Capability/Area of
Last 3 years services
experience listed by
functional area and
specific Program
Description of products
(deliverables) provided.
Katherine L. Cosner, President and CEO
Chris D. Chervenka, Operations Manager
Information Design, Inc. is a woman-owned, small business that has been
providing business solutions since March 2000. We specialize in the
integration of business goals and processes with technology.
Information Design Inc. (IDI) offers a team of experienced Weight Handling
Equipment (WHE) specialists whose skills encompass technical, safety and
efficiency aspects of managing and operating weight handling equipment.
Our team brings years of experience in Department of Defense Weight
Handling Equipment programs and can provide recommendations, insights,
and training. We provide WHE Program Safety Assessment, Weight Handling
Process Assessment, WHE Information Management Assessment, WHE
Training Program Assessment and Development.
USN Weight Handling Program Training Support at Naval Facilities
Engineering Command, Mid-Atlantic, Public Works Department Pennsylvania,
Philadelphia, PA. Weight Handling Program Functional and Administrative
Support at Puget Sound Naval Shipyard, Lifting and Handling Department,
Bremerton, WA. Weight Handling Program Engineering, Inspection and Test
Classroom Instructor training and Student Course materials
Completed IT documentation for computer, network and software accounts
and problem resolution.
Provide development and support of process-unique databases
Completed documentation to certify Weight Handling Equipment
Company Name:
Information, Integration and Interoperability
Solutions, LLC (IN3SL)
Points of Contact
Joe Connelly, President, 757-689-0292; in3sl@cox.net
Company Background:
Government contracts since 2004
Capability/Area of
Command and Control capability and interoperability
Last 3 years services
experience listed by
functional area and
specific Program
3.1; 3.7; 3.8; 3.12; 3.14; 3.15; 3.18; 3.21
Combatant Command C4 Interoperability Warfighter Challenges
Combat Identification Executive Steering Committee Support
Joint Cooperative Target Identification – Ground Analysis of Alternatives
Ballistic Missile Defense Experiment Analysis
Senior Analyst for Bold Quest Series Coalition Capability Demonstrations
-Prioritized list of COCOM C4 Interoperability related capability needs
-Research, analysis, white papers, briefings to support CID ESC
-Lead contractor for JCTI-G AoA – provide meeetings, analysis, interim
reports and briefings, final AoA report for DoD
Description of products
(deliverables) provided.
ManTech – Team Members / Capability / Experience
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-Senior analyst for BMD Command and Control Experiment Report of findings
-Bold Quest 12-1 support briefings, research, event/participants coordination
and final summary report of significant activities
Company Name
Points of Contact
Company Background
Capability/Area of
Information Solutions Worldwide Corporation (i_SW)
Technical: Bob Shields
571-482-4900 ext 6035 bob@iswcorp.com
Contracts: Chris Zuffa
571-482-4900 ext 6007 chris@iswcorp.com
I_SW is a veteran owned small business that was started by two former
DARPA Program Managers / Office Directors in 2006. The objective of the
company was to provide high end consulting, integration and program
management services to government customers. The founders wanted to
provide the potential for employees to earn equity in the company as it grew.
This model has been successful in that the company grew from an initial
number of 4 personnel to its current total of 80 personnel. A significant
number of employees have earned some level of ownership in the firm.
DARPA was the original client of the company, which has subsequently
broadened out to the Maryland Procurement Office (MPO), the Office of
Naval Research (ONR), the National Geospatial Intelligence Agency (NGA),
the Defense Intelligence Agency (DIA), the Intelligence Advanced Research
Projects Agency (IARPA), the Army’s Intelligence and Security Command
(INSCOM) and the Combatting Terrorism Technology Support Office (CTTSO).
Our passion is to utilize cutting edge technologies to deliver customized
solutions that resolve significant issues facing the nation and the world. At
i_SW, we understand that our continued success results from our talented
workforce. That is why across our company, you will find challenging projects
and smart people with the potential to change the world. We value the
freedom to explore next generation technologies in an environment designed
to nurture collaboration, creativity, health, and happiness.
i_SW is an advanced technology, engineering and research company. We
provide high-end advanced technical, integration, engineering and analysis
solutions to the US Government and other customers. Our projects range
from developing advanced software systems (such as using agent-based and
semantic web technologies), engineering, integration and testing of
independent IT solutions, to implementing and integrating enterprise-wide
solutions. i_SW customers include the Defense Advanced Research Projects
Agency (DARPA), the Director of National Intelligence (DNI), the Defense
Intelligence Agency (DIA), the military service research laboratories, and
other intelligence community, commercial and international customers. i_SW
is completely committed to its customers and makes technical and
programmatic decisions with only the customer's best interests in mind. i_SW
offers compensation and one of the best employee benefit plans in the
industry. i_SW provides opportunities for employees to earn equity through
incentives and annual performance bonuses.
ManTech – Team Members / Capability / Experience
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Last 3 years services
experience listed by
functional area and
specific Program
Description of products
(deliverables) provided
3.1 Designed, developed and fielded the prototype system called Mission
Focused Autonomy for the Office of Naval Research (ONR) at a Joint
Interagency Task Force that deals with complex problems
3.2 Provided engineering, system engineering and process engineering
support to the Maryland Procurement Office (MPO) and the Special
Operations Command (SOCOM) in the design, development and rapid fielding
of intelligence and C4I products / prototypes
3.4 Developed and fielded prototype systems for the MPO, SOCOM, ONR and
3.5 Providing leadership role in the data ingestion and collaboration of the
Army’s DCGS IC-ITE system
3.20 Provided program management / support services to DARPA
3.1, Mission Focused Autonomy is a system designed to automate the
analytic workflow and promote collaboration across domains.
3.2, Provided classified support in this area to the MPO and also provided
secure, but unclassified enclaves for collaboration and problem solving to
SOCOM and other elements of the Interagency under the auspices of CTTSO
3.4, Developed and fields the prototype systems described in 3.1 and 3.2
3.5, Providing system design documentation and technical data support role
in the data ingestion and collaboration of the Army’s DCGS IC-ITE system
3.20 Served as SETA Prime contractor to the DARPA Microsystems
Technology Office. Provided program management functions as part of this
Company Name:
InnovaSystems International, LLC.
Points of Contact
Eric Mastromatteo, emastromatteo@innovasi.com, Contracts Manager
Lynn Hutton, lhutton@innovasi.com, CFO
InnovaSystems is a leading engineering and architecture solution provider of
information technology for the U.S. Department of Defense and other
Federal government agencies. InnovaSystems is a premier solutions provider
for web services based enterprise readiness systems for the Navy and Office
of Secretary of Defense (OSD). InnovaSystems’ has positioned itself in the
forefront of OSD and Navy’s (including NAVSEA and NAVAIR) efforts of
transformation and capability based readiness assessment. Historically,
InnovaSystems has built a reputation on military readiness expertise
including Maintenance, Logistics, Personnel, Training, Ordinance, Command,
Control, Communications, Computers, Intelligence, Surveillance and
Reconnaissance (C4ISR), Enterprise Information Technology (EIT), and
Transformational Programs.
Company Background:
ManTech – Team Members / Capability / Experience
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Capability/Area of
Our core competencies generally fall into one of the five main areas:
 Defense Readiness
 Agile Development
 Net-centric Enterprise Solutions
 Customer Support and Training
 Business Intelligence
Last 3 years services
experience listed by
functional area and
specific Program
3.6 Software Engineering, Development, Programming, and Network Support
3.10 Configuration Management (CM) Support
3.11 Quality Assurance (QA) Support
3.12 Information System (IS) Development, Information Assurance (IA), and
Information Technology (IT)
3.20 Program Support
All of the above functional areas were performed for DRRS, DRRS-N, MSHARP, ACTS and PMATT
 Requirements and Data Analysis and Management
 Service Oriented Enterprise
 Data Warehousing
 Database Design
 Multi-tier Web-Based Applications
 Agile and Iterative Development
 Business Intelligence.
Description of products
(deliverables) provided.
Company Name
Integic – Company does not have an active Subcontract with ManTech
Company Name
Integrated Electrical Technologies Corporation
Points of Contact
Chris Perrygo, Director of Federal Services
Company Website
Company Background
Francisco Kuidlan, President
Founded in 2006, Integrated Electrical Technologies Corporation (IET) is a
leader in the IT and low voltage systems industry. IET is a private, veteranowned small business and minority business enterprise (MBE). IET is
ManTech – Team Members / Capability / Experience
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Capability/Area of
Last 3 years services
experience listed by
functional area and
specific Program (see
below for list of functional
Description of products
(deliverables) provided
headquartered in Hollywood, MD with a strong presence in the mid-Atlantic
region. In addition, IET provides global deployment support to perform
design/build projects anywhere any time with global experience across five
continents and over 10 countries. IET is a certified Commscope Premier
partner and BICSI RCDD and Installer certified.
IET’s core capabilities include design/build, global deployment, IT
infrastructure, systems integration, and IT operations. IET specializes in
structured cabling (inside/outside cable plant), audio visual (A/V), video
surveillance/CCTV, access control/security, passive optical network (PON),
network monitoring/management solutions, special communications, and
Program supported: NAWCAD 4.5.11 Special Communications Requirements
Functional areas:
3.2 Engineering, System Engineering and Process Engineering Support
3.5 System Design Documentation and Technical Data Support
3.10 Configuration Management (CM) Support
3.12 Information System (IS) Development, Information Assurance (IA), and
Information Technology (IT) Support
 Design/build services for low voltage systems, cabling and IT equipment
Meeting minutes, briefs, and technical reports
 Technical drawings, specifications, and documentation
 Material equipment list and ROM cost estimates
Company Name
Integrated Solutions Inc
Points of Contact
Lindenbaum David, davidl@isi2000.com, 732-335-9877
Company Background
ISI provides certified software and system engineers as well as analysts and
project managers who deliver full-range information management services
for complete end-to-end solutions. ISI’s flagship product;InfoSentinelTM
provides a web-based knowledge-based data view from various systems and
data sources. The InfoSentinelTM solutions bring forth the completed system
design; enabling simple XML writeups based on the specific business logic
and automatically generates the Java objects for applications execution.
Program Management, Training, Enterprise Architecture, System
Engineering, Knowledge Management, Information Dissemination
Management, Testing and Software/Solution Integration.
Capability/Area of
ISI understands and supports C4ISR, including System Architecture
development, system design review and DT/OT prototypes. ISI provides webbased training survey using ISI’s InfoSentinelTMplatform; allowing the
customers to oversee the overall training quality and performance. ISI is a
reseller of Enterprise Architecture and provides all technical support.
ManTech – Team Members / Capability / Experience
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Last 3 years services
experience listed by
functional area and
specific Program
Program ManagementSPAWARJerry Cheng858-405-0855
Company Name
Integrated Systems, Inc – Company does not have an active
Subcontract with ManTech
Company Name
Integration Engineering Incorporated
Points of Contact
Kenneth Cooke
Company Background
Integration Engineering Incorporated provides Aegis system engineering for
the Aegis Virginia sites and provides COTS integration products for the Aegis
Weapon System. The sites functionality and the COTS integration products
are essential to providing a stable equipment configuration enabling
certification test and evaluation. The COTS products have been adapted for
Aegis shipboard use and have become the standard for shipboard
maintenance and restoration of Aegis COTS systems.
3.2 Engineering, System Engineering and Process Engineering Support
3.5 System Design Documentation and Technical Data Support
3.10 Configuration Management (CM) Support
3.19 In-Service Engineering, Fleet Introduction, Installation & Checkout Spt .
Engineering, System Engineering and Process Engineering Support
Capability/Area of
Last 3 years services
experience listed by
functional area and
specific Program
Performed on computer architecture development team for Tl 16, developing the
network architecture, performing equipment selections, and developing design and test
System Design Documentation and Technical Data Support
Performed development of COTS utilization procedures for all Aegis
baselines, particularly Baseline 9 variants, including establishment of ground
truth for Aegis equipment setting.
Configuration Management (CM) Support
Provided configuration management support to Aegis ships and sites,
Providing compliance requirements and supporting with surveys and
verifications of conformance.
In-Service Engineering, Fleet Introduction, Installation & Checkout Spt
Supported Aegis ships and site accompanying installation teams and site
activation teams to provide technical assistance by our subject matter
ManTech – Team Members / Capability / Experience
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Company Name
Interos Solutions, Inc
Points of Contact
Jennifer Bisceglie
Company Background
Interos is a supply chain risk management consulting firm located in McLean,
Virginia, USA. Interos’ capabilities cover a broad range of technical services,
including enterprise information technology solutions (IT), Cybersecurity and
Supply Chain Risk Management (SCRM), systems engineering, modeling &
simulation and training/education. Interos assists our clients in strategic
planning and assessment services that generate measurable performance,
cost avoidance, and ensure security, specifically in enterprise IT and supply
chain infrastructure systems. We offer thought leadership that strengthens
the effectiveness of the global distribution and IT network in developing
strategic organizational and information technology approaches,
organizational effectiveness, improve workforce capabilities, drive
efficiencies, and optimize workflows. Interos has worked with a number of
both public and private sectors companies in various industries ranging from
technology and telecom to medical devices and pharmaceuticals.
enterprise information technology solutions (IT), Cybersecurity and Supply
Chain Risk Management (SCRM), systems engineering, and
3.3 Modeling, Simulation, Stimulation, and Analysis Support
3.6 Software Engineering, Development, Programming, and Network Support
3.12 Information System (IS) Development, Information Assurance (IA), and
Information Technology (IT) Support
3.18 Training Support
3.20 Program Support
3.21 Functional and Administration Support
Capability/Area of
Last 3 years services
experience listed by
functional area and
specific Program
Company Name:
Ira Wiesenfeld & Associates
Points of Contact
Ira Wiesenfeld, P.E.
Company Background:
Consulting Engineer – Formed in 1977. Experienced in radio and mobile
telephone systems, paging systems, SCADA, mobile data systems.
Radio communications systems, training in electronics and radio, system
design, installation, and troubleshooting.
Capability/Area of
ManTech – Team Members / Capability / Experience
Page 189 of 419
Last 3 years services
experience listed by
functional area and
specific Program
Description of products
(deliverables) provided.
3.1 Research and Development Support
3.2 Engineering, System Engineering and Process Engineering Support
3.3 Modeling, Simulation, Stimulation, and Analysis Support
3.4 Prototyping, Pre-Production, Model-Making, and Fabrication Support
3.5 System Design Documentation and Technical Data Support
3.19 In-Service Engineering, Fleet Introduction, Installation & Checkout Spt
3.20 Program Support
3.22 Public Affairs and Multimedia Support
Call Ira at (214) 707-7711 for detail list of deliverables.
Company Name:
Island Creek Associates (ICA), LLC
Points of Contact
Terri L Holder – tholder@icassoc.com (410) 474-3081 cell or (443) 295-7296
Charles O’Brien – Contracts/Pricing (301) 904-8931
Island Creek Associates, LLC (ICA) is a Maryland-based small business,
certified as 8(a), EDWOSB/WOSB, and SDB, with a focus on supporting the
Department of Defense (DoD), other area companies, and state contracting
Company Background:
Capability/Area of
Last 3 years services
experience listed by
functional area and
specific Program
We provide expertise in a variety of core competencies such as engineering
services support; facilities management support; program management and
program management support services; logistics support; financial and
contract services; information technology services; and administrative
management support. Our current clients include the U.S. Navy (Naval Air
Warfare Center – Aircraft Division); Office of Naval Research (ONR) (through
NAWC AD) and Naval Facilities Engineering Command (NAVFAC).
ICA (Funct. Areas: 3.1, 3.2, 3.20, 3.21, 3.22) Provides program management
support in the research and development (R&D) of the Helicopter Low-Level
Operations (HELO) Product 2 Laser-Based Landing Aid program for the Office
of Naval Research (ONR) at NAVAIR/NAWC AD. This program is an ONR
Future Naval Capability program overseeing the development of a laserbased, landing aid sensor to provide brown-out landing sensor capability to
Navy and Marine Corps heavy-lift helicopter platforms.
administrative support to AIR 4.5.6 as well as review of media documentation
for the division in support of all programs.
ICA/Sub (Funct. Areas: 3.1, 3.2, 3.20, 3.21, 3.22) Provides program
management support in the R&D of the Sensor/Platform Interface &
Engineering Standardization Initiative (SPIES) for NAVAIR by providing
research and program management support on the potential for
standardization of future EO/IR sensor/platform interfaces for NAVAIR
program offices. The program is structured to support the development of
ManTech – Team Members / Capability / Experience
Page 190 of 419
standards for four major areas: electrical; test & maintenance; data; and
mechanical interfaces. Additionally, provide administrative-level support to
AIR 4.5.6 as well as review of media documentation for the division in
support of this and all programs.
Description of products
(deliverables) provided.
Monthly status reports
Company Name
IXSEA Oceano – Company does not have an active Subcontract with
Company Name
Jacobs Technology Inc.
Points of Contact
Shawn Nunn, 931-393-6429, shawn.nunn@jacobs.com
Company Website
Company Background
Jacobs Technology is the advanced technology division of Jacobs Engineering
(NYSE:JEC), one of the nation’s largest engineering and technical servicesonly companies. With 70+ years of experience supporting Government and
commercial clients, we have earned a reputation for excellence and
outstanding technical and managerial achievements in quality, performance,
and safety.
Jacobs Technology has proven capability across all of the Seaport e SOW
functional areas.
Capability/Area of
Last 3 years services
experience listed by
functional area and
specific Program (see
below for list of functional
3.1 Research and Development Support/Cont. # FA7014-07-C-0009
3.2 Engineering, System Engineering and Process Engineering Support/Cont.
# FA7014-07-C-0009
3.3 Modeling, Simulation, Stimulation, and Analysis Support/Cont. #
3.4 Prototyping, Pre-Production, Model-Making, and Fabrication
Support/Cont. # W91CRB-08-D-0001
3.5 System Design Documentation and Technical Data Support/Cont. #
3.6 Software Engineering, Development, Programming, and Network
Support/Cont. # W91CRB-08-D-0001
3.7 Reliability, Maintainability, and Availability (RM&A) Support/Cont. #
3.8 Human Factors, Performance, and Usability Engineering Support/Cont. #
ManTech – Team Members / Capability / Experience
Page 191 of 419
Description of products
(deliverables) provided
3.9 System Safety Engineering Support/Cont. # W91CRB-08-D-0001
3.10 Configuration Management (CM) Support/Cont. # FA7014-07-C-0009
3.11 Quality Assurance (QA) Support/Cont. # W91CRB-08-D-0001
3.12 Information System (IS) Development, Information Assurance (IA), and
Information Technology (IT) Support/Cont. # FA7014-07-C-0009
3.14 Interoperability, Test and Evaluation, Trials Support/Cont. # W91CRB-08D-0001
3.15 Measurement Facilities, Range, and Instrumentation Support/Cont. #
3.16 Logistics Support/Cont. # FA7014-07-C-0009
3.17 Supply and Provisioning Support/Cont. # FA7014-07-C-0009
3.18 Training Support/Cont. # FA7014-07-C-0009
3.19 In-Service Engineering, Fleet Introduction, Installation & Checkout
Spt/Cont. # FA7014-07-C-0009
3.20 Program Support/Con.t # N00178-04-D-4072; M801
3.21 Functional and Administration Support/Cont. # W91CRB-08-D-0001
3.22 Public Affairs and Multimedia Support/Cont. # F40600-03-C-0001
Jacobs Technology is the advanced technology division of Jacobs Engineering
(NYSE:JEC), one of the nation’s largest engineering and technical servicesonly companies. With 70+ years of experience supporting Government and
commercial clients, we have earned a reputation for excellence and
outstanding technical and managerial achievements in quality, performance,
and safety. Jacobs Technology has provided engineering, professional, and IT
services across the breadth of the Seaport e functional areas.
Company Name:
Jardon and Howard Technologies, Inc.
Points of Contact
Stephani Gibson, sgibson@jht.com, 407-381-7797 x 309
Charles Janovec, cjanovec@jht.com, 407-381-7797 x 235
JHT is a Minority and service-disabled Veteran-owned business that
specializes in four core areas of expertise including: Interactive Training and
Education, Technical Data Management, Professional Support Solutions and
Environmental and Marine Science Services. For over 20 years, JHT has
remained dedicated to providing customized and cost-efficient solutions to
our government and commercial clients.
Company Background:
Capability/Area of
JHT has extensive corporate experience in developing training,
supporting curriculum development and performing equipment
maintenance for various DoD weapon systems. JHT employs a full
range of Instructional Designers, Instructors, Technical Writers,
Curriculum Developers, Subject Matter Experts, and Programmers.
ManTech – Team Members / Capability / Experience
Page 192 of 419
These team members use proven methodologies supported by the
traditional phases of Analysis, Design, Development, Implement and
Evaluation (ADDIE) to deliver effective training and performance
support tools.
Last 3 years services
experience listed by
functional area and
specific Program
N00178-05-D-4403 HR02/CPFF
3.1 Research and Development Support
3.2 Engineering, System Engineering and Process Engineering Support
3.3 Modeling, Simulation, Stimulation, and Analysis Support
3.4 Prototyping, Pre-Production, Model-Making, and Fabrication Support
3.5 System Design Documentation and Technical Data Support
3.6 Software Engineering, Development, Programming, and Network Support
3.16 Acquisition Logistics Support
3.20 Program Support
3.21 Functional and Administrative Support
Description of products
(deliverables) provided.
JHT supported six individual projects: 1) Undersea Warfare Training
Committee and Undersea Warfare Mission Review Group (UWTC/UWMRG)
- Technical support for meetings. 2) Navy Knowledge Online (NKO) Portal Technical support and library management of several libraries on the NKO
portal. We loaded, downloaded, created libraries, and managed access to
folders within the library. 3) Multi-Purpose Reconfigurable Training System
(MRTS) - Programmatic support, 3D graphics development, logistics support,
and programmers in the design, development, and delivery of COTS-based
simulated training systems. MRTS training systems supported: Weapons
Launch Console Team Trainer (WLCTT), Shipboard Mini-WLCTT, Common
Submarine Radio Room (CSRR), Submarine Communications Support Suite
(SCSS), and the Classroom Follow-On-Terminal (FOT). 4) Virginia Class
Torpedo Room Trainer Documentation - Subject Matter Expertise (SME) and
technical writing in development and delivery of technical documentation
supporting the Virginia Class Torpedo Room Trainer. Documentation
included: TSSD, SUM, SIM, COTS manuals, and inventory lists. 5) Navigation
Trainers Technical Support - Logistics, SME, programmatic, and installation
team support to all government Navigation trainers. Trainers consisted of the
ManTech – Team Members / Capability / Experience
Page 193 of 419
Virtual Environment Submarine (VESUB), Submarine Piloting and Navigation
(SPAN), and Reconfigurable Submarine Piloting, and Navigation (RSPAN)
trainers. Our support varied; we managed schedules, developed
documentation, and supported installation and training. 6) Program
Engineering and Logistic Support - Engineering and logistic technical studies
and writing assistance for these programs: Military Characteristics
documentation, Equipment Facilities Requirements, Trainer Engineering
Change Documentation (TECD), Capability Maturity Model Integration
(CMMI), Schedules, Plans, Charts and Minutes for various meetings. We also
supported Training Publication Verification, development of briefs, and
manage a technical Reference Center.
Company Name
J. Aguinaldo Group Inc. – Company does not have an active
Subcontract with ManTech
Company Name
JB&A Inc – see MCR Federal LLC
Company Name:
JBI Technologies, Inc.
Points of Contact
Jo Ann Bell, CEO, 443-786-2700, jo.bell@jbitec.com
Stacy Berusch, President, 443-974-6726, stacy.berusch@jbitec.com
Bob Bell, FSO, 443-786-2699, bob.bell@jbitec.com
For 17 years, JBI Technologies (JBI), a Woman Owned Small Business (WOSB),
has helped engineer, integrate and maintain critical global messaging
network systems for DoD and the Intelligence Community.
 Networks and Systems Engineering, Integration and Administration
 Information Assurance
 Software Applications Development
 Training Solutions Development and Implementation
3.6 Software Engineering, Development, Programming, and Network Support
3.7 Reliability, Maintainability, and Availability (RM&A) Support
3.10 Configuration Management (CM) Support
3.12 Information System (IS) Development, Information Assurance (IA), and
Information Technology (IT)
3.14 Interoperability, Test and Evaluation, Trials Support
Company Background:
Capability/Area of
Last 3 years services
experience listed by
functional area and
specific Program
ManTech – Team Members / Capability / Experience
Page 194 of 419
3.18 Training Support
3.22 Public Affairs and Multimedia Support
Company Name:
J.F. Taylor, Inc.
Points of Contact
Lynn Lowe
Company Background:
J.F. Taylor, Inc. is a privately-held company focused on providing the U.S.
Navy engineering acquisition, test and evaluation, systems engineering,
simulation systems, and infrastructure engineering support services and
designing and manufacturing advanced military full flight training devices
and associated visual databases, avionics models, and
Instructor/Operator Stations. J.F. Taylor has extensive experience with
Navy platforms and their missions, systems undergoing development and
test, the DoD 5000 defined role of DT&E, and the test planning and
execution process.
Provide system engineering and platform integration support to Naval Air
related acquisition support efforts. Manage functional and interface
requirements, fleet integration and support, and test and evaluation
requirements and provide software development support when required.
3.1 Research and Development Support
3.2 Engineering, System Engineering and Process Engineering Support
3.3 Modeling, Simulation, Stimulation, and Analysis Support
3.4 Prototyping, Pre-Production, Model-Making, and Fabrication Support
3.5 System Design Documentation and Technical Data Support
3.6 Software Engineering, Development, Programming, and Network Support
3.10 Configuration Management (CM) Support
3.11 Quality Assurance (QA) Support
3.12 Information System (IS) Development, Information Assurance (IA), and
Information Technology (IT)
3.13 Ship Inactivation and Disposal Support
3.14 Interoperability, Test and Evaluation, Trials Support
3.15 Measurement Facilities, Range, and Instrumentation Support
3.18 Training Support
3.19 In-Service Engineering, Fleet Introduction, Installation & Checkout Spt
3.20 Program Support
3.21 Functional and Administrative Support
Capability/Area of
Last 3 years services
experience listed by
functional area and
specific Program
Description of products
(deliverables) provided.
Our engineers and professional staff provide the Navy program planning,
test plan development, test execution, test asset development,
coordination, and scheduling support. We perform laboratory and onaircraft instrumentation design, development, and fabrication; T&E data
ManTech – Team Members / Capability / Experience
Page 195 of 419
analyses; and reporting per Navy standards. We also provide program
management support that includes metrics analysis, cost estimating, and
acquisition management. We assist NAVAIR in engineering solutions into
hardware and software products, defining solutions to fleet identified
needs, and developing training devices to support operational readiness.
Company Name
John J. McMullen – see Alion
Company Name
Points of Contact
3.1 Research and Development Support: 2 YEARS EXPERIENCE DEVELOPMENT
Company Background
Capability/Area of
Last 3 years services
experience listed by
functional area and
specific Program
3.2 Engineering, System Engineering and Process Engineering Support:
PWO C4i / PMW 130.
3.3 Modeling, Simulation, Stimulation, and Analysis Support; USED STIM
ManTech – Team Members / Capability / Experience
Page 196 of 419
3.4 Prototyping, Pre-Production, Model-Making, and Fabrication Support
3.5 System Design Documentation and Technical Data Support
3.6 Software Engineering, Development, Programming, and Network Support
3.7 Reliability, Maintainability, and Availability (RM&A) Support
3.8 Human Factors, Performance, and Usability Engineering Support
3.9 System Safety Engineering Support
3.10 Configuration Management (CM) Support: IMPLEMENTED THE CM PLAN
3.11 Quality Assurance (QA) Support
3.12 Information System (IS) Development, Information Assurance (IA), and
Information Technology (IT) Support;
3.13 Inactivation and Disposal Support
3.14 Interoperability, Test and Evaluation, Trials Support: CAC2S (USMC)
ManTech – Team Members / Capability / Experience
Page 197 of 419
(KY 57/58/99/100/KYV-5), KMI iAPP (software replacement for lmd kp), KOV2, THE TACTICAL SECURE VOICE GATEWAY, AND THE COMPUTER NETWORK
3.15 Measurement Facilities, Range, and Instrumentation Support
3.16 Logistics Support
3.17 Supply and Provisioning Support
3.19 In-Service Engineering, Fleet Introduction, Installation & Checkout Spt
3.20 Program Support:
Company Name
K4 Solutions
Points of Contact
Tom Park 703-608-2885
Company Website
Company Background
K4 Solutions, Inc. is an 8(a), Woman-Owned, Small Disadvantaged Business
providing IT Services to the Federal Government. Headquartered in Falls
Church, VA, K4 received its 8(a) certification on March 29, 2005. K4 sets
goals, institutes performance metrics, and works towards a unified goal of
providing cutting-edge technology and management solutions to our valued
customers. K4 is committed to delivering exceptional results by exceeding
client expectations. K4 is comprised of technology experts and business
ManTech – Team Members / Capability / Experience
Page 198 of 419
Capability/Area of
Last 3 years services
experience listed by
functional area and
specific Program (see
below for list of functional
Company Name
professionals possessing years of IT consulting experience with Federal
Government agencies. We focus on utilizing industry best practices in order
to deliver quality services. K4’s MANAGED services are designed to assist
customers in managing large workflows, streamline business, and
successfully maintain and store data. We integrate both internal and external
Quality Assurance policies in our administrative support contracts including
ad-hoc evaluations and performance metrics reviews.
3.5 System Design Documentation and Technical Data Support
3.6 Software Engineering, Development, Programming, and Network Support
3.12 Information System (IS) Development, Information Assurance (IA), and
Information Technology (IT) Support
3.21 Functional and Administration Support
3.22 Public Affairs and Multimedia Support
K4 has not done any work on Seaport-e
Kratos Technology & Training Solutions Inc – Company
does not have an active Subcontract with ManTech
Company Name
L-3 Chesapeake Sciences Corporation
Points of Contact
John McDaris - President
David Tolbert – Vice President of Programs
Company Website
Company Background
Chesapeake Sciences Corporation (CSC) is a high-technology company
chartered in July 1991 to design and manufacture electronic data acquisition
systems for use in Anti-Submarine Warfare (ASW), ship self-defense, acoustic
ranges and geophysical exploration products. We are one of the few U.S.based companies that provides a full spectrum of engineering and production
capabilities in USW/ASW systems and are committed to supporting our
customers' needs through all phases of their programs.
With facilities in Millersville, MD and Ashaway, RI, CSC has demonstrated the
ability to develop, integrate, test and deliver advanced sensor products and
systems to several customer communities, including the U.S. Navy,
international navies, Fortune 500 companies and seismic geophysical
exploration service providers. Market segments include:
ManTech – Team Members / Capability / Experience
Page 199 of 419
• U.S. Navy towed arrays, hull arrays and telemetry systems
• Fiber-optic sensing systems
• Surface ship and submarine self-defense sensors
• Redeployable systems for undersea surveillance and homeland defense
• Unmanned surface and undersea vehicle low-power sensors
• Geophysical streamers, seafloor seismic and autonomous recording
Capability/Area of
We are strategically positioned to support growing defense and homeland
security needs, as well as commercial geophysical exploration and
exploitation systems. Our business model is ideally suited to provide
customers with high-performance, cost-effective and dual-use technologies
in both military and commercial markets. Our strategy is to exploit our core
competencies and continue to offer flexibility as a component supplier,
subsystem integrator and prime contractor.
Capabilities, Experience and Past Performance - We design, manufacture, test
and support high-resolution data acquisition systems, telemetry components,
towed sensors and support equipment for naval and geophysical exploration
applications. Experience with U.S. Navy towed systems includes submarine,
surface ship, surveillance and unmanned surface vessel arrays.
Capabilities and Relevant Experience - CSC has a proven track record of
providing innovative, affordable solutions to meet U.S. Navy sensor
requirements. Our staff is active in the design, integration, manufacture, test
and support of every towed array currently in production for the submarine
fleet. Development and production programs include Compact Towed Array
(CTA), Towed Array Integrated Product Team (TAIPT) Telemetry production
and depot support, TB-16G production and depot support, TB-34 production
and depot support, TB-37 production and TB-29 Light Weight Tow Cable
production and depot support. In addition, we provide technical support to
fleet-towed systems as a team member for management and support of the
Naval Array Technical Support Center.
Program and Subcontract Management - Our program management staff has
over 100 equivalent man years of experience in leading towed systems
development and production programs.
Quality Management System - CSC's Quality Management System has been
certified to ISO 9001:2008 by NSF International Strategic Registrations. The
scope of the certification includes facilities located at Millersville, MD, and
Ashaway, RI. The range of products and services covered by the certificate
includes the design, manufacture, test and support of high-resolution data
acquisition systems, telemetry components, towed sensors and support
equipment for naval and geophysical exploration applications.
Array Design, Production and Life Cycle-Support - CSC performs as a prime
contractor and design authority for several Navy towed sensor programs,
ManTech – Team Members / Capability / Experience
Page 200 of 419
including Five Octave Research Array (ONR), TB-16G (PMS401) and NextGen
Fatline (PMS401). In addition, we are currently developing advanced torpedo
detection sensors for both naval and industry partners.
Telemetry Design, Production and Life-Cycle Support - CSC's TAIPT telemetry
has become the standard for submarine, surface ship and surveillance towed
arrays. CSC operates the depot support activity for TAIPT components,
including failure analysis, repair and product improvements. Towed Array
Test Sets (TATS) provide TAIPT users with a common test environment for inprocess, factory, depot and dockside test and checkout. CSC maintains script
configuration files and databases for all depot and portable TATS.
Lightweight Tow Cable (LWTC) Design, Production and Life-Cycle Support CSC designs, qualifies and produces LWTC for littoral operations and is
currently serving as an interim depot for all failure analysis, repairs and
product improvements for the LWTC. We have recently completed an
extremely challenging design for a small-diameter LWTC that is capable of
being deployed and retrieved through a submarine valve stack and stowed
internally to the pressure hull.
Integration and Test - Our engineers and technicians play a crucial role in
towed system integration and test. Our efforts include on-site engineering
support at original equipment manufacturer (OEM) facilities, on-site at Naval
Array Technical Support Center (NATSC) and onboard submarine, surface ship
and surveillance platforms as required in support of naval test activities.
Combat System Interface Verification - We have successfully integrated
TAIPT-based telemetry systems with ARCI. Our Towed Array Receiver (TAR),
Towed Array Coupler (TAC) and Array Controller PWAs provide common
interfaces and multi-array synchronization capability for U.S. Navy's Los
Angeles-, Seawolf- and Virginia-class submarines. We have conducted similar
interface verification tests for surface ship and surveillance systems.
Last 3 years services
experience listed by
functional area and
specific Program (see
below for list of functional
Transition to Production - Our engineering and manufacturing staff has been
instrumental in the transition of TB-29, TB-29A, MFTA, A180, TB-34 and TB-16
D, E, F and G arrays into production. Our efforts include successfully
establishing lean manufacturing processes, preparation of test procedures
and work instructions.
3.1 Research and Development Support
(N00024-09-C-5214, N0014-08-C-0569, N00024-12-P-4051)
3.2 Engineering, System Engineering and Process Engineering Support
(N00024-09-C-5214, N00024-07-C-6223, N00024-13-C-6292)
3.3 Modeling, Simulation, Stimulation, and Analysis Support
(Beam Accelerometer Program, N00024-09-C-5214, N00024-07-C-6223)
3.4 Prototyping, Pre-Production, Model-Making, and Fabrication Support
(Modular Low Power Array Program, Beam Accelerometer Program,
3.5 System Design Documentation and Technical Data Support
(Fat Line Vector Sensor Towed Array, Modular Low Power Array Program,
ManTech – Team Members / Capability / Experience
Page 201 of 419
Description of products
(deliverables) provided
3.6 Software Engineering, Development, Programming, and Network Support
(N65236-08-D-2836, N65540-13-D-0026, N00039-13-C-0028)
3.7 Reliability, Maintainability, and Availability (RM&A) Support
(N65236-08-D-2836, N65540-13-D-0026, N00039-13-C-0028, N00024-07C-6223)
3.10 Configuration Management (CM) Support
(N65236-08-D-2836, N65540-13-D-0026, N00039-13-C-0028, N00024-07C-6223, N00024-13-C-6292, N65236-11-D-6087, N65236-06-D-8153)
3.14 Interoperability, Test and Evaluation, Trials Support
(N00024-07-C-6223, N00024-09-C-5214)
3.16 Logistics Support
(N65236-08-D-2836, N65540-13-D-0026, N00039-13-C-0028)
3.17 Supply and Provisioning Support
(N65236-08-D-2836, N65540-13-D-0026, N00039-13-C-0028)
3.18 Training Support
(N65540-13-D-0026, N65236-08-D-2836)
3.19 In-Service Engineering, Fleet Introduction, Installation & Checkout Spt
(N00024-07-C-6223, N00024-09-C-5214)
3.20 Program Support
(N65236-08-D-2836, N65540-13-D-0026, N00039-13-C-0028)
• U.S. Navy towed arrays, hull arrays and telemetry systems
• Fiber-optic sensing systems
• Surface ship and submarine self-defense sensors
• Redeployable systems for undersea surveillance and homeland defense
• Unmanned surface and undersea vehicle low-power sensors
• Geophysical streamers, seafloor seismic and autonomous recording
Company Name
L-3 Services
Points of Contact
Sara Baker, sara.baker@l-3com.com, 703-375-6685
Sharon Parham, sharon.parham@l-3com.com, 903-375-8409
L-3 Communications Government Services, Inc. (L-3 GSI) is a nationally
recognized management and services company with more than 27 years of
experience in information technology services; security systems, solutions,
and services; and engineering, analysis, and program services for the
Departments of Defense and Homeland Security, the U.S. intelligence
community, and a selection of civilian federal, state, and local agencies. With
more than 63,000 employees worldwide and approximately $12.5 billion in
revenues, our parent company, L-3 Communications, is a diverse corporation
providing products and services both to the Government and to the
commercial marketplace.
Company Background
ManTech – Team Members / Capability / Experience
Page 202 of 419
Capability/Area of
Tasking determined by which company has personnel most qualified to
satisfy the below functional areas of the RFP.
Last 3 years services
experience listed by
functional area and
specific Program
Strategic planning for technology programs; concept development and
requirements analysis; system design, engineering and integration; test and
evaluation; acquisition and life cycle management; international; and Fleet
introduction/mission area development
Program Name: PEO IWS 3L Surface Launcher Systems Project Office Support
Contract No.: N00024-01-D-7026 (Sub to NGMS) Delivery Order: 5000001564
Contract Type: CPFF
Total Contract Cost: $20,000,000
2002, L-3 GSI provides systems procurement support, GFE acquisition,
tracking and management, GFE production management, business and
financial planning and execution, program planning and budgeting,
requirements determination, engineering and logistics management, and
Foreign Military Sales (FMS) case acquisition support for the MK 41 Vertical
Launching System (VLS) Project Manager, PEO IWS 3L. Coordinate
procurement requirements with PEO IWS 3L, NAVSEA 02, and the VLS
hardware contractors, Lockheed Martin Littoral Ships and Systems (LM LS&S)
and BAE Systems. Track key milestone events that pace the launcher
development process, report potential schedule deviations, assess
programmatic impacts and provide recommendations to resolve
delivery/production problems and minimize impact on shipbuilding
schedules. Prepare technical and budgetary logistics requirements for
multiple USN and FMS VLS configuration baselines and missile/canister
variants. Prepare POA&Ms for budgeting, procurement, and MK 41 VLS
delivery tracking. Maintain PEO IWS 3L portion of the Program Resources –
Integrated Solutions Management System (PRISMS) with procurement
document financial data including CLINs, appropriations, procurement
document numbers, funding amounts, award dates, and ceiling information.
Provide training to contractors and government personnel in the use of
PRISMS and assist with user account maintenance and business process
establishment for MK 41 VLS procurement documentation. Update PRISMS
with all MK 41 VLS historical contractual data and ensure accuracy of the
database. Provide financial and management services in support of MK 41
VLS and canister production, design agent, and LM LS&S/BAE Systems award
fee evaluation process over the life cycle of six active contracts. Develop and
maintain PEO IWS 3L Livelink documentation library including contract
modifications and signed procurement documents. Coordinate with
Production Support managers and NAVSEA 02, and ensure timely processing
of contractual actions. Review MK 41 VLS and Canister ECPs and ORDALTs for
potential cost, schedule, and configuration impact. Provide active senior
participant in STANDARD Missile Team 2 Process Improvement to streamline
procurement document processes and improve PEO IWS 3L budget
execution. L-3 GSI has developed process automation improvements that
have resulted in a significant reduction of average procurement document
ManTech – Team Members / Capability / Experience
Page 203 of 419
processing times. Develop creative acquisition strategies including
consolidated procurements, equipment rolling waves, asset reutilization
programs, and VLS Baseline consolidation. Prepare innovative COTS supply
support technology insertion plans and coordinate implementation with the
VLS support community. Develop and maintain innovative automated supply
support solutions including electronic requisitioning and repair processing,
electronic workflow routing, and web-enabled Oracle databases that reduced
administrative lead times and provided significant cost savings. Prepare
procurement documents that implement VLS depot and engineering
functions in the CPAF LM LS&S contract. Provide real-time visibility, control,
and tracking of procurement documentation for Launcher Production and
Design Agent contracts. Identify key areas that present opportunities for
production efficiencies, cost effectiveness, and improved quality.
background data and briefing materials for SHIPS AM Formal Participating
Acquisition Resource Manager (PARM) reviews for MK 41 VLS. Track PARM
Review action items to ensure timely completion and status reporting to all
concerned. Provide technical recommendations and workaround plans to
resolve launcher and canister delivery issues during the production and
installation phase of MK 41 VLS. Interface with Finance, Engineering,
Production, FMS, and Fleet Support groups within PEO IWS 3L to ensure
continuity during all phases of VLS production, installation, and life cycle
support. Verify MK 41 VLS Best Estimated Delivery Dates (BEDDs) against
Shipyard Preferred Delivery Dates (SYPDs) for DDG 51 Class ship Schedule A
production requirements. Update SPD part III for MK 41 VLS as budgets,
configuration baselines, and shipbuilding schedules require. The quality of L-3
GSI support and products translated into a continued record for the MK 41
VLS program of meeting all AEGIS Acquisition Agent SYPDs and RDDs. L-3 GSI
effectively reviews and translates all ASPD and FMS SPD requirements into
procurement contracts. Coordinate with MK 41 VLS and Canister prime
contractors to expedite or delay deliveries to accommodate changing
shipbuilder production schedules. Prepare procurement documentation for,
and track delivery of, launchers and missile handling and support equipment,
INCO spares, and Government Furnished Services that were provided as GFE
to the USN DDG 51 Class shipbuilding program and various FMS shipbuilders.
Manage the procurement and track the delivery of AN/UYQ-70 Launch
Control Units which are being procured as GFE to the MK 41 VLS launching
system. Prepare contracts and requirements documentation and maintain
relational databases for MK 41 VLS depot support for both the INCO and post
production periods. Coordinate contract integrated baseline reviews, as
level and technical presentations. Provide program management and
administrative support to PEO IWS 3L personnel, maintain calendars and
schedules, coordinate senior level meetings, teleconferences, program
reviews, and coordinate meeting participation between multiple government
and contractor activities at remote locations. Interface with engineering,
production, FMS, and fleet support managers within PEO IWS 3L to ensure
ManTech – Team Members / Capability / Experience
Page 204 of 419
continuous communication and coordination during all phases of MK 41 VLS
production, installation, and life cycle support. Attend meetings including
travel to Navy Field Activities, shipbuilding sites and contractor production
facilities. Prepare and distribute USN and FMS VLS official correspondence.
Use Livelink for electronic workflow correspondence routing. Assist the VLS
Project Manager in preparing and staffing official correspondence and
awards. Provide information and recommendations in response to
Congressional, DOD, other Government agency, media or industry inquiries,
and audits and for Congressional Testimony. Develop, operate, and maintain
a computerized central library system to catalogue, update, retain, and recall
both classified and unclassified information. Maintain action item tracking
and reporting systems for all MK 41 VLS internal and external action items.
The PEO IWS 3L MK 41 VLS Project Manager reported to L-3 GSI management
that L-3 GSI’s performance continues to be outstanding.
Program Name: PEO IWS 3A STANDARD Missile Program Office Support
Contract No.: N00024-01-D-7028, Delivery Order: 0002
Company: TMASC Joint Venture
Contract Type: CPAF
Total Contract Cost: $6,160,121,
this and predecessor contracts, L-3 GSI drafts all procurement documentation
for acquisition of US and FMS STANDARD Missile (SM), missile components,
GFE, spares, associated research and development, maintenance and rework
activities, and supporting combat systems. This includes providing financial
analysis support, planning schedules and milestones. Assist in execution of
program acquisition strategies by reviewing and analyzing missile system
acquisition plans to ensure that planned contract award dates and
production lead times of the various missile component manufacturers
support timely deliveries to the all-up-round (AUR) manufacturer and
ultimately, to U.S. and allied customers. Develop missile and missile
component procurements, contract modifications, supporting documents,
attachments, exhibits, and enclosures. Coordinate and participate in
Requests for Proposal (RFP) development, alpha contracting, Integrated
Process Teams (IPTs). Alpha contracting coordination includes SM community
participants from headquarters, field activities, the AUR manufacturer and
integrator, and other component suppliers. These efforts facilitate all aspects
of new procurement documentation, and collaborative project management
using Livelink/CDMS. Draft all SM PR packages in accordance with Federal
and Defense Acquisition Regulations, and NAVSEA procedures using the
Program Resources – Integrated Solutions Management System (PR-isms)
automated contract and financial management tool. PR-isms originated from
the Financial Management Information System (FMIS) which was expanded
by the developer to include a range of procurement and contract
information. The procurement modules of PR-isms were then populated by
ManTech – Team Members / Capability / Experience
Page 205 of 419
transferring data from a legacy program called the Procurement and Contract
Management System (PACTS). PR-isms is now used to feed procurement and
financial data into AUTODOC for FADS generation and program financial
management, as well as providing extensive reporting capabilities. Analyze
contracting actions to ensure that the entire range of acquisition
requirements, including DoD mandated Earned Value Management System
(EVMS) and Contractor Cost Data Reporting (CCDR) requirements, drawings,
performance standards, missile documents, ordnance documents, weapon
specifications, military standards and handbook references, engineering
change documents, and other descriptive supporting documents are current
and applicable. L-3 GSI developed and uses purpose-built automated
business tools to maintain financial tracking and control throughout each SM
contract’s life to ensure each contract change achieves the financial goals of
the program within the context of the applicable contract. Track and report
expiring options in active SM contracts to ensure timely contractual action.
SM managers informed L-3 GSI’s management that they appreciate the
superb efforts of several of L-3 GSI’s exceptional acquisition analysts.
of all Technical Instructions (TIs) implementing level of effort (LOE) contracts.
Manage all TI actions to ensure that the required technical and financial data
is included and each TI revision is technically and financially accurate and
consistent. L-3 GSI developed and uses automated tracking systems to
monitor and ensure that all TIs and revisions accurately reflect the period of
performance and funds available in the controlling contract. Use Weapon
Information System Data Management (WISDM) system to access, identify,
and document TIs and to support current contract related efforts and future
contract closeout efforts.
DATA MANAGEMENT. Developed automated records tracking systems to
provide real-time visibility, control and tracking for all SM contracts and
procurement documents and provide contract and TI financial tracking and
reports to designated recipients throughout the SM community using
Livelink/CDMS. L-3 GSI’s experienced Livelink professionals function as the
Livelink/CDMS Contract Librarian for all SM contract related documentation.
Receive all data deliverable items within Livelink/CDMS, review each
deliverable for accuracy and contract compliance, and place in proper
locations within Livelink/CDMS. Provide management, forecasting, and
receipt control of all SM contract data deliverables, and provide systematic
analysis of deliverable history and trends to PEO IWS 3A. Report overdue
hard copy and electronic data submissions to the Government and to each
delivering contractor, and post cumulative submission histories by contract
to Livelink/CDMS. Track ECP and technical change documentation to ensure
timely incorporation into contracts and PRs, and provide ECP incorporation
reports as required. Maintain accurate electronic and hard copy contract and
contract backup files through continuous audit. Distribute contracts and
related documentation to PEO IWS 3A and Livelink/CDMS. Utilize automated
tools to produce Contract Data Requirements Lists (CDRL) packages and DoD
authorized systems to research and provide recommendations for Data Item
Descriptions (DIDs) used in the preparation of CDRL packages. Coordinate
ManTech – Team Members / Capability / Experience
Page 206 of 419
with Government Configuration and Data Management organizations to
create contract specific one-time DIDs as required. Created and maintain an
automated data management and data base management system to track
contract documentation components such as CITIS data requirements and
deliverables and CDRL distribution lists by version to ensure revisions are
incorporated in contracts and PRs. Automated database facilitates review
ECP and technical change documentation to ensure timely incorporation into
all applicable contracts and PRs. Provide ECP reports; Maintain PR database,
which includes detailed PR data including: task descriptions, funding (by
appropriation) planned, authorized, and expended. Provide technical support
services for automated database management tools including complex query
construction, data structure modifications, report development and
modification, system administration including database access management,
programming of non-standard or ad hoc data requirements. General data
system support includes new user training, issue resolution, and system
documentation maintenance. Identify contracts eligible for closeout and
coordinate and track contract closeout activities with appropriate PCOs,
ACOs, TECHREPs, hardware producers, support contractors, and PEO IWS 3A
managers. As contracts become candidates for closeout, research deliverable
history and prepare documentation necessary to implement contract closure.
AWARD/INCENTIVE FEE SUPPORT: Provide financial and management
support to the PEO IWS 3A award/incentive fee evaluation process for all
applicable SM contracts. Track contract award fee/performance incentive
criteria and indicators and provide management status reports and advance
planning material for evaluations.
Company Name
L-3 Unidyne, Inc.
Points of Contact
Gary Reese
Tracy Scarboro
Company Website
Company Background
L-3 Unidyne was founded in 1970 to provide engineering and technical
support to the US Navy. In 1995 Unidyne was acquired by the Titan
Corporation and in 2005 by L-3 Communications. L-3 Unidyne is
headquartered in Norfolk, VA with offices in Newport, RI, New London, CT,
San Diego, CA, Oceanside, CA, and Pearl Harbor, HI. L-3 Unidyne has over
520 employees including licensed professional engineers, computer
programmers, system engineers, design engineers, CAD operators, fiber optic
technicians, field engineers, system experts, analysts, microminiature repair
technicians, cable molding technicians, logisticians, and certified tradesmen
ManTech – Team Members / Capability / Experience
Page 207 of 419
Capability/Area of
Last 3 years services
experience listed by
functional area and
specific Program (see
below for list of functional
in all aspects of maritime engineering and technical services. This group
provides design, analysis, procurement, fabrication, installation, testing,
training, logistics, repair, and maintenance of training systems, combat
systems, C4ISR, and IT systems aboard ships, submarines, service craft, and at
shore facilities. Their facilities include machine shops, laboratories,
classrooms, an electronic module testing facility, an injection molding facility,
microminiature repair facilities, gold disk development facilities, fabrication
and mechanical production facilities, warehouses and staging areas, and
secure storage capabilities.
L-3 Unidyne has over 43 years of experience performing providing
engineering and technical support for maintenance, troubleshooting, repair,
and modernization of US Navy ships, submarines, and shore facilities. We
have extensive experience installing HM&E and C4ISR equipments and
systems onboard virtually every class of surface combatant, large deck
amphibious ships, and submarines. Installations are performed by
autonomous Alteration Installation Teams in accordance with NAVSEA
Standard Items, NAVSEA Technical Specification 9090-310(series), and the
Joint Fleet Maintenance Manual. Additionally, L-3 performs distant and onsite troubleshooting, analysis, and repair of equipment casualties, and
participates in formal shipboard assessment programs such as the Total Ship
Readiness Assessment and inspections by the Board of Inspection and Survey
(INSURV). Our technicians are routinely dispatched to remote sites, such as
Diego Garcia, to troubleshoot and repair equipment casualties. We have
supported several surface warfare center ISEAs including the BFTT ISEA and
the Surveillance Radar ISEA. We operate the Naval Array Technical Support
Center for NUWC Newport.
Company: L-3 Unidyne
Customer: Norfolk Ship Support Activity
Contract Title: N00189-07-D-0014; Engineering and Technical Support for
Submarine Combat and HM&E Systems
Description: Provide technical assistance for shipboard casualties, equipment
and system maintenance and readiness assessments, pierside availability
repairs, integrated logistics support, and program management support.
Functional Areas:
3.2 Eng, System Eng & Process Eng Support
3.4 Prototyping, Pre-Production, Model-Making, Fabrication
3.5 System Design Documentation & Technical Data
3.10 Configuration Management (CM)
3.11 Quality Assurance (QA)
3.13 Ship Inactivation & Disposal
3.17 Supply & Provisioning
3.18 Training
3.19 In-Service Eng, Fleet Intro, Installation & Checkout
3.20 Program Support
3.21 Functional & Administrative
Dollar value: $80,000,000
Gov. POC: Roger Gwyn
Phone Number: 757-443-3872 Ext 1496
ManTech – Team Members / Capability / Experience
Page 208 of 419
Company: L-3 Unidyne
Customer: Naval Undersea Warfare Center, Newport
Contract Title: N00178-04-D-4143 N404, Operate the Naval Towed Array
Support Center
Description: Operate the Navy's towed array repair depot
Functional Areas:
3.2 Eng, System Eng & Process Eng Support
3.10 Configuration Management (CM)
3.11 Quality Assurance (QA)
3.17 Supply & Provisioning
3.20 Program Support
3.21 Functional & Administrative
Dollar value: $71,041,041
Gov. POC: Gregory B. Cyr
Phone Number: 401-832-8505
Company: L-3 Unidyne
Customer: Naval Surface Warfare Center, Dahlgren Division
Contract Title: N00178-04-D-4143 0015, Battle Force Tactical Trainer Support
Description: Provide engineering and technical support for the Battle Force
Tactical Trainer In-Service Engineering Agent
Functional Areas:
3.2 Eng, System Eng & Process Eng Support
3.4 Prototyping, Pre-Production, Model-Making, Fabrication
3.5 System Design Documentation & Technical Data
3.10 Configuration Management (CM)
3.11 Quality Assurance (QA)
3.13 Ship Inactivation & Disposal
3.17 Supply & Provisioning
3.18 Training
3.19 In-Service Eng, Fleet Intro, Installation & Checkout
3.20 Program Support
3.21 Functional & Administrative
Dollar value: $65,000,000
Gov. POC: Chuck Jagow
Phone Number: 757-492-0756
Company: L-3 Unidyne
Customer: Naval Undersea Warfare Center, Keyport
Contract Title: N00178-04-D-4143 FY02, Install the Carrier Tactical Support
Description: Install the Carrier Tactical Support System onboard four aircraft
Functional Areas:
3.4 Prototyping, Pre-Production, Model-Making, Fabrication
3.11 Quality Assurance (QA)
3.18 Training
ManTech – Team Members / Capability / Experience
Page 209 of 419
3.19 In-Service Eng, Fleet Intro, Installation & Checkout
Dollar value: $9,976,661
Gov. POC: Jeffery Marsh
Phone Number: 360-315-3295
Company: L-3 Unidyne
Customer: Naval Undersea Warfare Center, Keyport
Contract Title: N00178-04-D-4143 FY01, Install the Integrated Submarine
Imaging System
Description: Install the Integrated Submarine Imaging System onboard fast
attack and guided missile submarines
Functional Areas:
3.4 Prototyping, Pre-Production, Model-Making, Fabrication
3.11 Quality Assurance (QA)
3.18 Training
3.19 In-Service Eng, Fleet Intro, Installation & Checkout
Dollar value: $5,997,826
Gov. POC: Jeffery Marsh
Phone Number: 360-315-3295
Engineering and technical studies; technical reports; technical assist visit
reports; financial and technical performance data; integrated logistics
support products; objective quality evidence of quality workmanship;
shipboard installation completion reports; liaison action requests; and redline installation drawings.
Description of products
(deliverables) provided
Company Name
Life Cycle Engineering, Inc.
Points of Contact
Sunny Wimpee, Contracts Administrator
Mandi Ballou, Contracts Administrator
Company Website
Company Background
Engineering, Maintenance Engineering, Lean Maintenance, Program
Management, ILS, IT, Training, Planning & Scheduling
Engineering, Maintenance Engineering, Lean Maintenance, Program
Management, ILS, IT, Training, Planning & Scheduling
Capability/Area of
Last 3 years services
experience listed by
functional area and
specific Program (see
below for list of functional
NAVSSES 914 Ship Acquisition Programs Support
NAVSSES 919/916 In Service and Modernization
Programs Support
NAVSSES 913 Submarine Programs Support
2, 4-6, 8-10,
12, 16, 18-21
2, 4-6, 10, 12,
16, 18-21
2, 5, 10, 16,
ManTech – Team Members / Capability / Experience
Page 210 of 419
NAVSEA Financial Improvement Plan Support
Description of products
(deliverables) provided
5-6, 10, 12-13,
17-18, 20-22
EHP2 NAVSSES 945 Obsolescence and ILS Support
2, 5-6, 10,
2, 4-6, 10, 12,
16, 18-21
EHP4 NAVSSES 937 Electrical Systems Support
2, 4-5, 10,
16-17, 19-21
2, 5-6, 10, 16,
EHP6 NAVSSES 931 Diesels Systems Support
2, 4-5, 10, 16,
EHP7 NAVSSES 954 EQT and Testing Support
2, 5, 10, 19-21
EHP8 NAVSSES 914 Ship Acquisition Programs Support
2, 4-6, 8-10,
12, 16, 18-21
EHP9 NAVSSES 913 Submarine Programs Support
2, 5, 10, 12,
16, 19-21
EHQ1 NAVSSES 966 Navigation and Machinery Control
2, 4-6, 10, 12,
Systems Support
16, 18-21
EHQ2 NAVSSES 945 Obsolescence and ILS Support
2, 5-6, 10,
EHQ3 NAVSSES 967 CVN Navigation Systems Support
2, 4-6, 10, 12,
EHQ4 NAVSSES 937 Electrical Systems Support
2, 5, 10, 16,
GE02 NAVSUP FLC Puget Sound SRF Japan Technical
2, 5, 9-10, 17,
Engineering, Maintenance Engineering, Lean Maintenance, Program
Management, ILS, IT, Training, Planning & Scheduling
Company Name
LMR Solutions – Company does not have an active Subcontract with
Company Name
Lockheed Martin Integrated Systems, Inc.
Points of Contact
Kathleen England, Contracts Administrator
Richard L. Buchanan, Program Manager
Company Website
ManTech – Team Members / Capability / Experience
Page 211 of 419
Company Background
Capability/Area of
Last 3 years services
experience listed by
functional area and
specific Program
Lockheed Martin provides a wide array of services for both our foreign
and domestic customers by bringing together the full range of
competencies. These services range from information technology and
management solutions to advanced technology expertise and
integration. As a recognized designer, developer and manufacturer of
precision engagement aerospace and defense systems, Lockheed Martin
develops, manufactures and supports advanced combat, missile, rocket,
manned and unmanned systems for military customers. Additionally,
we provide a wide range of products and services for the global civil
nuclear power industry and the military’s green power initiatives. As a
provider of Naval surface, air and undersea applications, Lockheed
Martin provides highly skilled professionals that play an integral role in
our warfighters and civilian customer’s defining moments.
Lockheed Martin provides qualified personnel, materials, facilities,
equipment, test instrumentation, data collection and analysis hardware
and software and services to fully support NAVSEA in the execution of
their missions. We offer capabilities in all 22 functional areas the
SeaPort-e contract defines.
3.2 Engineering, System Engineering and Process Engineering Support
 N00178-04-D-4079-0013 – Activation, Engineering and Radar
Support to Warfare Systems Programs
 N00178-04-D-4079-0014 – Joint Command and Control
Capability Portfolio Management Programs and Systems (JC2
 N00178-04-D-4079-0016 – SCSC Combat Systems Activation,
Operation, Maintenance and Administration
 N00178-04-D-4079-0018 – Naval Systems Engineering Support
 N00178-04-D-4079-0020 – Engineering and Activation Support
(EAS) for Land Based Test Sites
 N00178-04-D-4079-0021 – Aircraft Carrier Warfare Systems
Support (ACWSS)
 N00178-04-D-4079-GM01 – Tactical Aircraft (TACAIR)
Electronic Warfare (EW) Integrated Product Team (IPT)
 N00178-04-D-4079-N414 – Submarine Multi-Mission Team
Trainer (SMMTT).
3.3 Modeling, Simulation, Stimulation, and Analysis Support
N00178-04-D-4079-MUT3 – GeoFidelis
3.6 Software Engineering, Development, Programming, and Network
 N00178-04-D-4079-0012 – Combat Direction Systems (CDS)
and Electronic Support Measures (ESM) Systems
 N00178-04-D-4079-0017 – ITS Legacy Software Support
 N00178-04-D-4079-FK01 – Naval Command Aviation
Logistics Management Information System (NALCOMIS)
Program Support
ManTech – Team Members / Capability / Experience
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N00178-04-D-4079-M801 – Fleet Area Control and
Surveillance Facility (FACSFAC) Area Control Systems (ACS)
Software Support Services
 N00178-04-D-4079-NS01 – Syun An Life Cycle Engineering &
Software Maintenance (E & SM)
 N00178-04-D-4079-NS02 – Syun An Life Cycle Engineering &
Software Maintenance (E & SM
3.12 Information System (IS) Development, Information Assurance
(IA), and Information Technology (IT) Support
 N00178-04-D-4079-EX01 – Manpower, Personnel, Training
and Education (MPT & E) Information Technology Support
Services (ITSS)
 N00178-04-D-4079-J901 – Naval Operational Medicine
Institute (NOMI)
3.16 Logistics Support
 N00178-04-D-4079-7N02 – Engineering and Technical Support
for Defense Message System (DMS)
 N00178-04-D-4079-EH02 – ILS and Waterfront Installation
Support Services for PEO IWS5
3.18 Training Support
 N00178-04-D-4079-0019 – Surface Combat Systems Training
Support (SCSTS)
3.19 In-Service Engineering, Fleet Introduction, Installation &
Checkout Spt+
 N00178-04-D-4079-0015 – Engineering Service in support
Sonar Life Cycle Support
 N00178-04-D-4079-EH03 – MK 48 Heavyweight Torpedo
Intermediate Maintenance Activities
 N00178-04-D-4079-EH04 – MK 48 Heavyweight Torpedo
Intermediate Maintenance Activities
3.20 Program Support
 N00178-04-D-4079-MUT1 – Technical and Analytical Services
in Support of the Marine Corps’ Fiscal Division
 N00178-04-D-4079-MUT2 – Financial Management and
Accounting Administration Support for Marine Corps’ Fiscal
 N00178-04-D-4079-N407 – TIDS/ Submarine Local Area
Network Support Services (SUBLAN) Support
 N00178-04-D-4079-N408 – TIDS/ Submarine Local Area
Network Support Services (SUBLAN) Support
 N00178-04-D-4079-N409 – TIDS/ Submarine Local Area
Network Support Services (SUBLAN) Support
 N00178-04-D-4079-N415 - Submarine Local Area Network
Support Services (SUBLAN)
 N00178-04-D-4079-V701 - Eskan Village Communications
Operation and Maintenance Support
ManTech – Team Members / Capability / Experience
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Description of products
(deliverables) provided
Engineering Support
Simulation Support
Software Engineering Support and Development
Information Technology Support
Logistics Support
Training Support
In-Service Engineering Support
Program Support
Company Name
Logistics Support Incorporated
Points of Contact
Steve MacDonald, Smacdonald@logsup.com, 202-314-7720
Diane Long, Dlong@logsup.com, 202-314-7703
LSInc is a Veteran/Employee-owned, small business providing a wide range of
acquisition logistics and program management support to customers within
the Department of Defense (DOD) and other Agencies. Our largest customer
is NAVSEA and its field activities, and supporting the work of NAVSEA is our
primary core competency. Specifically, we have been accomplishing SOM
material management for NAVSEA customers under contract for over 5 years
and are the current incumbent on this ERP-SOM effort for over 18 months.
LSInc will continue to provide program support for the accomplishment of
SOM management requirements necessary to accomplish the effective
transition to Navy ERP environment.
Company Background
Capability/Area of
Functional Areas: 3.10 Configuration Management (CM) Support
3.11 Quality Assurance (QA) Support
3.12 Information System (IS) Development, Information Assurance (IA), and
Information Technology (IT) Support
3.13 Ship Inactivation and Disposal Support
3.16 Acquisition Logistics Support
3.17 Supply and Provisioning Support
3.18 Training Support
3.19 In-Service Engineering, Fleet Introduction, Installation & Checkout Spt
3.20 Program Support
3.21 Functional and Administrative Support
ManTech – Team Members / Capability / Experience
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Last 3 years services
experience listed by
functional area and
specific Program
Naval Sea Systems Command, NAVSEA 04L
Program Manager (PM): William (Bucky) Buchanan, Director 04L2
Contracting Officer (KO): Michael J. Taylor
Contracting Officer’s Representative (COR): Mark C. Whitaker, SEA 04L4
Period of Performance: 12/2005 - 12/2010
LSInc is currently providing to program support for the accomplishment of
SOM management requirements necessary to accomplish the effective
transition to Navy ERP environment via contract N00178-05-D-4431/EH02.
For the last five years, LSInc has been providing subject matter expertise and
professional support in all the areas of logistics within SEA 04L’s sphere of
responsibility including specifically the integration and incorporation of
policies and procedures of the three Divisional branches (Logistics Resources
Management, Outfitting Processes and IT Resource Management) into a
coherent corporate approach in executing NAVSEA Fleet Outfitting and
Material Support requirements that is continuously maintained and up-todate.
LSInc Subject Matter Experts (SMEs) are providing outstanding support
services in program management (Dave Compton, Ed Conrad), financial
management (Nelson Garcia), NSY material support (Mark Westin,), material
management (Bob Collette), administrative services (Amy Forester), direct
fleet support (Tom Heitzmann, Joe Bruno), as well as support to SEA 04L’s
numerous outfitting and material management programs including ERP-SOM.
All LSInc personnel currently supporting SEA 04L hold, at minimum, a
“Secret” clearance. LSInc has a “Top Secret” facility with a large conference
room in which we have hosted several NAVSEA meetings/conferences with
attendance approaching 100 personnel.
Our SMEs contribute a valuable service to SEA 04L in areas dealing with Total
Cost Reduction initiatives as cited in the following two examples:
1) LSInc coordinated the execution of two SCN Value Stream Analysis (VSA)
events involving Program Executive Office (PEO), NAVSEA headquarters
personnel, and field activities. The two VSAs identified 25 “Just-Do-Its,” 3
“Rapid Improvement Events”, and 2 Projects. LSInc provided management
support for all these events which included data collection, analysis, meeting
coordination, tracking actions, producing reports to the NAVSEA Lean Task
Force and the SCN BOD, and managing the repository of documents and
artifacts. Some of the most significant accomplishments of this initiative
supported by LSInc include: the development of the centralized GUCL
application resulting in significant waste reduction; the development of the
SCN Allowance Validation Tool (AVT); improvement of the LPD-17 CF
outfitting process; improvements in the SCN Outfitting Phasing process and
inflation rate computation; and changes to the Price Sensitive FLSIP
allowance computation model. These improvements were credited with
savings/cost-avoidance in excess of $64M.
ManTech – Team Members / Capability / Experience
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2) After several years working closely with NAVSEA 04L, LSInc became
directly involved in the OPNAV directed Sponsor Owned Material (SOM)
Reduction/Reutilization initiative. LSInc was instrumental in drafting and
shepherding the signing of OPNAVSINST 4440.33 (SOM
Reduction/Reutilization Directive). SEA 04L tasked LSInc to deal directly with
the Warfare Centers in promoting their efforts to reduce their SOM
inventories. LSInc prepared and forwarded to ALCON the Monthly
Cumulative SOM Reduction Chart. This effort has the highest attention both
at the Fleet and OPNAV levels due to reduced DoD funding levels. LSInc has
been tracking the cost savings to the Fleet via transfers of SOM from Warfare
Centers through a variety of mechanisms (FIMARS, VRRAM, etc.) and the cost
savings to the Warfare Centers as a result of routing their requisitions
through RRAM, the vast majority of which were free-issue transactions. FY09
and FY10 savings are a direct reflection of SEA 04L’s SOM reduction and
Reutilization Initiative in support of the Fleet. Here are some examples:
FY 09:
FIMARS issues - $108,119;
VRRAM issues - $14,129,111;
Other issues - $6,820,689
FY10 (through August):
FIMARS issues - $608,113;
VRRAM issues - $12,085,719;
Other issues - $17,084,711
Results of free-issues to the Warfare Centers from RRAM assets:
FY 10 (through the third quarter) - $1,955,503
FY09 - $8,588,963
FY08 - $3,867,583
LSInc also tracks the cost savings by Naval Shipyards as a result of Intrashipyard asset sharing through SYTAV and through accessing RRAM assets.
LSInc’s performance on contract N00178-05-D-4431/EH02 was assessed
under an Award Term Plan. LSInc’s expert performance earned all 3 award
term periods. The evaluation criteria for these award terms were as follows:
Quality of Work/Schedule: 40%, Cost Performance: 30%, Organization and
Management: 30%. Our expert performance has provided a coherent,
efficient and effective corporate approach in executing NAVSEA Fleet
Outfitting and Material Support requirements at a demonstrated cost savings
to NAVSEA and the continuation of that support will result in a seamless
continuation of the NAVSEA mission.
ManTech – Team Members / Capability / Experience
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Company Name
Long Wave Inc.
Points of Contact
Chris Lozano, Chief Marketing Officer
Jeff B. Miller, Vice President
Company Website
Company Background
Capability/Area of
Last 3 years services
experience listed by
functional area and
specific Program
Long Wave is a veteran-owned small business who for the past 15 years has
provided engineering, technical, and programmatic services in support of
DoD communications, facilities and tactical equipment. Long Wave began as
a company focused on communications for VLF submarines and has evolved
into a full service provider of engineering, software, technical, logistic and
administrative support services to the military.
Military communications, engineering services and products for the VLF, LF,
HF and UHF frequency ranges, with customers including the US Navy (USN),
the US Air Force (USAF), and the US Coast Guard.
3.6, 3.5, 3.10 - Clarinet Merlin Receiving Systems and Maintenance
3.1, 3.2 ,3.4, 3.5, 3.6, 3.7, 3.14, 3.16, 3.17, 3.18 - NavSea IHD 06
3.2, 3.7, 3.9, 3.16,3.17 - USAF APS
All Function Areas – NSWC Seaport-E
Description of products
(deliverables) provided
Military communications, engineering services and products for the VLF, LF,
HF and UHF frequency ranges. We have broad scope experience in Nuclear
Command, Control and Communications.
Company Name
Maden Technologies
Points of Contact
Tech/Capture: Tommy Osborne,tosborne@madentech.com, 703 940 3610;
Contracts: Keith Thornburg, kthornburg@madentech.com, 703 940 3627
Founded in 1986, Maden Technologies is an award-winning Service-Disabled
Veteran-Owned Small Business headquartered in Arlington, Virginia, with
locations nationwide. Our mission is to optimize enterprise solutions and
services for the public and private sectors. We focus on “Futureproofing the
Enterprise” through comprehensive information technology and security
solutions. Clients include Department of Defense, State and Local
Governments, Federal civilian agencies, and private enterprise. As a proven,
leading-edge integrator of IT, we serve national needs with outstanding
results. As a company, we are committed to always do what is right for our
customers and our employees. For more than two decades, Maden
Technologies has successfully delivered advanced technology solutions to a
diverse mix of government and commercial clients across various market
Company Background
Market Sectors
ManTech – Team Members / Capability / Experience
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Cyber Security
IT Solutions
Training & Education
• iPMO
Capability/Area of
Last 3 years services
experience listed by
functional area and
specific Program
 Security Solutions
 Identity and Access Management
 Information Assurance
 HSPD-12/Personal Identity Verification
 GSA SIN 132-62 Qualified Solutions Provider
 Public Key Infrastructure (PKI)
 Secure Network Design & Management
 Managed Services
 Acquisition Life Cycle Management
 Program Management & Consulting
 Research and Development Programs
 Technology Integration Center
 Test and Evaluation
 System Analysis & Integration
 Learning Services
 Web Services
3.2 ;3.5; 3.7;3.8;3.9;3.11;3.14;3.16;3.17;3.18;3.19;3.20;-USAF DESP III (Air
Force Design and
Engineering Support Program
3.2;3.6;3.10;3.11;3.12;3.14;3.17;3.18;.20;3.21: CAC/PKI (Common Access
Card/PKI Support ;
SNIM (U.S. Army Identity and Access Mgmt. Division, Policy and Engineering
DTRA SC (Defense Threat Reduction Agency Security Services);
FCEDA (Fairfax County Economic Development Agency – Information
Technology Services)
ManTech – Team Members / Capability / Experience
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Company Name
MagnaCom, Inc – see Technology Services
Company Name
Points of Contact
Dale Beard, dbeard@mandex.com
John Robison, jrobison@mandex.com
Company Background:
Service Disabled Veteran Owned Small Business
Capability/Area of
High-technology engineering and technical services firm focused
principally in the areas of Information Technology (IT), Command,
Control, Communications, Computers, Intelligence, Surveillance, and
Reconnaissance (C4ISR) Systems; Networks and Information
Assurance (IA); Electronics (hardware and software) Design,
Development, Integration, Assembly, and Test; Research and
Development (R&D) Program Management and Administrative
Support; and Integrated Electronic Security Systems (IESS) Design
and Installation
Last 3 years services
experience listed by
functional area (see below
for list of functional areas)
and specific Program
3.2, 3.6, 3.12, 3.14, 3.19, 3.20, 3.21
Description of products
(deliverables) provided.
Program management; software development support; software validation
and functional testing; software documentation; systems integration and
installation; Integrated Electronic Security Systems installation and
maintenance; Information Assurance; security plans, CONOPS, and DIACAP
development support.
Company Name
MAR, Incorporated
Points of Contact
Mary Lee Pence: Director of Contracts and Purchasing: (301) 230-4576 or
ManTech – Team Members / Capability / Experience
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Company Website
Company Background
MAR, is a small business with over 35 years of experience providing
professional technical services to DOD and other federal government
Four core business unit capabilities of:
1) Information Technology Services,
2) Intelligence and Special Programs,
3) Systems Engineering and Integration,
4) Facilities Management and Marine Operations
3.1 Research and Development Support
 Engineering support for the Advanced Ocean Technology Program as
 Engineering, research and development support to NSWCCD/NUWC
as a subcontractor to CSC
 Engineering and Technical Services Support to TATEF as a
subcontractor to BAE
 Operations and Maintenance of M/V INDEPENDENCE as Prime
 Ocean Facilities Engineering Support Services (Ocean MAC) as Prime
 Vessel Operations, Maintenance and Repair of Research Vessel (R/V)
Acoustic Explorer as Prime
3.2 Information System (IS) Development, Information Assurance (IA), and
Information Technology (IT) Support
 IT/IA and cyber security support services to the Nuclear Regulatory
Commission as Prime
 IT support to the Bureau of Economic Analysis as a subcontractor to
 IT support to the Commodities Future Trading Commission as Prime
 IT maintenance support services to the National Archives
3.15 Measurement Facilities, Range, and Instrumentation Support
 Operation and Maintenance of the National Oil Spill Response
Research & Renewable Energy Test (Ohmsett) Facility as Prime
 Research, Development, Test, and Evaluation and Operations and
Maintenance Support of the NSWCCD ARD as a subcontractor to
 NSWCCD Wavemaker Replacement Program as Prime
Monthly Status Reports; Specifications, Drawings, Calculations, Field Reports,
QC Reports, Software, Engineering Technical Data, Procedures, Data
Acquisition and Analysis Reports in Support of Range Operations, Model and
Facility Logistic Support Documentation, Hardware and Software Upgrades,
Program Plans.
Capability/Area of
Last 3 years services
experience listed by
functional area and
specific Program (see
below for list of functional
Description of products
(deliverables) provided
ManTech – Team Members / Capability / Experience
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Company Name:
McKean Defense Group, LLC.
Points of Contact
Maureen Collins
McKean Defense Group was incorporated in 2006. Our competencies include
lifecycle engineering and enterprise transformation, with customers spanning
the Department of Defense and Federal organizations. McKean's customers
include NAVSEA, NAVAIR, the Naval Surface Warfare Centers and the Type
Commanders. McKean also supports the Coast Guard and the Business
Transformation Agency.
Company Background:
Capability/Area of
McKean Defense Group has experience with providing engineering,
administrative, communications and acquisition support to the Department
of Defense and other Federal organizations. McKean focuses on solving
complex program issues and delivering effective solutions in support of the
Warfighter. Competencies include systems design, development and
implementation, strategic planning, human systems integration, network
engineering and naval engineering.
Last 3 years services
experience listed by
functional area and
specific Program
N00178-04-D-4078/ FC02 (follow-on to FC01)
 Prime
 Functional Areas:3.2, 3.3, 3.5, 3.7, 3.12, 3.21, 3.22
 Provide program management, data analysis, human resources,
corporate communications, patent office coordination, business and
market strategies to NSWC Crane
N00178-04-D-4078/ EHP8 (follow-on to EHP1)
 Prime
 Functional Areas: 3.2, 3.3, 3.5, 3.6, 3.12, 3.14, 3.16, 3.19, 3.20, 3.21
 Engineering and Technical Support Services, Information Technology,
Program Management and Logistics Support Services for HM&E
Systems on Navy and Other Maritime Vessels in support of NSWCCD
Code 92
N00178-04-D-4078/EHP7 (follow-on to EHP3)
 Prime
 Functional Areas: 3.2, 3.3, 3.5, 3.6, 3.10, 3.11, 3.12, 3.14, 3.15, 3.16,
3.17, 3.18, 3.19, 3.20, 3.21
 Engineering, Logistics and Program Support Services to NSWC
Carderock, in Support of NSWC Ship Integrity and Performance
ManTech – Team Members / Capability / Experience
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Company Name
McLaughlin Research Corporation
Points of Contact
Domenic Gargano, Contracts Manager, dgargano@mrcds.com
Company Website
Company Background
McLaughlin Research Corporation (MRC) is an exceptionally capable small
business with over 65 years’ experience providing prime contractor services
to NUWC Newport and Keyport, and other NAVSEA Warfare Centers in the
following core competency areas: systems engineering, computer-aided
design and drafting (CADD), configuration management (CM), integrated
logistics support (ILS), information technology (IT), program management,
and environmental and safety infrastructure and management, technical
documentation, multimedia graphics and communication, and training.
An original SeaPort-e prime contractor, MRC has in-house capability/
experience in all SP-e SOW areas.
Capability/Area of
Last 3 years services
experience listed by
functional area and
specific Program (see
below for list of functional
Description of products
(deliverables) provided
3.1-3.22: Heavyweight & Lightweight Torpedo Systems, Launch Systems
3.4-3.6, 3.7, 3.8, 3.14, 3.16: Tomahawk Cruise Missile System
3.4, 3.5, 3.7, 3.19: Towed Array Handling Systems
3.4, 3.5, 3.16, 3.19: Acoustic Augmentation Systems
Systems engineering, CADD, CM, ILS, IT/IA, program management, and
environmental and safety infrastructure and management, technical
documentation, multimedia graphics and communication, and training
Company Name
MCR Federal, LLC
Points of Contact
Sharon Richardson, srichardson@mcri.com, 703-740-7422
Debra Lehman, dlehman@mcri.com, 703-740-2238
Company Background
MCR Federal, LLC (MCR) is a leading provider of integrated program
management support services for government and industry. MCR has a
35+year tradition of providing high quality, value-added results to our clients.
MCR provides the know-how, process, tools, and resources to enable our
customers to successfully budget, defend, baseline, manage, and track their
programs from conception to completion. This enables us to provide our
customers with the means to make superior investment decisions based on
clear objectives, sound cost estimates, realistic planning and budgeting, and
timely performance analysis for effective program control and risk handling.
MCR’s core competencies support the entire program life cycle from
conception to completion including:
Acquisition Planning and Management;
ManTech – Team Members / Capability / Experience
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Configuration Management/Data Management;
Contracting Support;
Cost Estimating and Analysis;
Earned Value Management System Implementation and Analysis;
Environmental Compliance;
Financial Management and Analysis;
Life Cycle Logistics Support;
Program Management Office (PMO) Administrative
Risk Management and Analysis
Schedule Planning and Analysis;
Systems Engineering Support;
Test and Evaluation Support;
Capability/Area of
3.1 R&D Support
3.3 Modeling, Simulation, Stimulation and Analysis Support
3.5 System Design Documentation and Technical Data Support
3.10 Configuration Management Support
3.14 Interoperability/T&E
3.16 Acquisition Logistics Support
3.20 Program Support
3.21 Administrative Support
Last 3 years services
experience listed by
functional area and
specific Program
N00421-08-A-0010 - Naval Air Systems Command - 3.20
MCR develops life cycle cost estimates for navy aircraft, weapons, ILS, and Operations &
Support. We also provide analysis and estimating support to trade off assessments, engineering
change proposals/major mofications, enhancements and upgrades, production rate sensitivity
analysis, etc.
FA8802-06-A-0001 - Air Force Space and Missiles Systems Command - 3.18, 3.20
MCR provides cost estimating and analysis, cost related research, C/O/E reconciliation, program
control support, EVM, acquisiton reports and training.
N00014-04-D-0502 - Office of Naval Research -3.1,3.2,3.5,3.20,3.21,3.22
MCR provides a full suite of program management services to the Warfighter Performance
Department (ONR34) and the Director of Innovation (03I), to include program planning,
stakeholder coordination, technical oversight of projects, financial management and budgeting,
and administrative support. We also provide technical program support of major ONR 331
technical developments and recommendations for integration into ship systems and support
technology transition to NAVSEA and appropriate PEOs.
W31P4Q-07-A-0004, Task Order 0001- US Army Umanned Air Systems PMO 3.1,3.2,3.3,3.5,3.7,3.8,3.9,3.16,3.17,3.18,3.20,3.21
MCR(Aerodyne Division)provides a full range of technical engineering and life-cycle management
expertise and support for six product offices and three divisions within the Unmanned Aircraft
Systems Project Office.
FA8622-06-D-8501 - Air Force Aeronautical Systems Center 3.1,3.2,3.3,3.5,3.7,3.8,3.9,3.10,3.14, 3.16,3.17,3.18,3.20,3.21
MCR provided professional services to inlcude program and acquisition planning, program
management and reporting, business and financial management, technical advice on acquisition
reform and evolutionary acquisition initiatives, integrated scheduling, acquisition logistics and
sustainment planning, requirements development, Test and Evaluation management, engineering
analysis and sensor integration, Government Furnished Property (GFP)/Government Furnished
Equipment (GFE) management, configuration and data management (CM/DM), demonstration
and operations support, international sales programs planning and execution (Foreign Military
Sales(FMS)), and administrative support services.
ManTech – Team Members / Capability / Experience
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Company Name
MCR Federal – Company does not have an active Subcontract with
Company Name:
M I Technical Solutions
Points of Contact
Melissa Cippel
Michael Ihrig
Company Background:
MI Technical Solutions, Inc. (M I T S)
(www.mitechnicalsolutions.com) was established in 2004 to provide
the highest quality professional engineering and technical services
to both government and commercial organizations. As a Women
Owned Small Business with our headquarters in Chesapeake,
Virginia, our company concentrates on maintaining personnel with
extensive operational and technical capabilities. The diversity and
seniority of our employees allows MITS to offer every aspect of
customer support in the areas of program management and
computer engineering services from high level strategic planning to
detailed process development, installation, and operation. The
focus of the company is to provide professional personnel to support
every facet of the customer’s requirements with engineering,
technology, documentation, and maintenance.
Capability/Area of
M I T S is a recognized expert in the field of maintenance management
and technological and innovative solutions. Our personnel manage,
train, support, and trouble shoot maintenance management software
programs that are installed and in use on U.S. Navy ships around the
world. M I T S employees have extensive experience in performing
tests, evaluating the engineering data, and providing in depth research
and development associated with Naval platforms including both ships
and aircraft.
Last 3 years services
experience listed by
functional area and
specific Program
3.1 Research and Development Support- Maintenance Figure of Merit
3.2 Engineering, System Engineering and Process Engineering SupportMFOM
3.3 Modeling, Simulation, Stimulation, and Analysis Support- MFOM
3.4 Prototyping, Pre-Production, Model-Making, and Fabrication SupportMFOM
3.5 System Design Documentation and Technical Data Support- MFOM
3.6 Software Engineering, Development, Programming, and Network
Support- MFOM
3.7 Reliability, Maintainability, and Availability (RM&A) Support- MFOM
3.8 Human Factors, Performance, and Usability Engineering Support- MFOM
3.9 System Safety Engineering Support- MFOM
3.10 Configuration Management (CM) Support- MFOM
3.11 Quality Assurance (QA) Support- MFOM
ManTech – Team Members / Capability / Experience
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Description of products
(deliverables) provided.
3.12 Information System (IS) Development, Information Assurance (IA), and
Information Technology (IT) - MFOM
3.13 Ship Inactivation and Disposal Support- MFOM
3.14 Interoperability, Test and Evaluation, Trials Support- MFOM
3.15 Measurement Facilities, Range, and Instrumentation Support- MFOM
3.16 Acquisition Logistics Support- MFOM
3.17 Supply and Provisioning Support- MFOM
3.18 Training Support- MFOM
3.19 In-Service Engineering, Fleet Introduction, Installation & CheckoutMFOM
3.20 Program Support- MFOM
3.21 Functional and Administrative Support- MFOM
3.1 Research and Development Support- Maintenance Figure of Merit
(MFOM): Provided specific research associated with application design
requirements as well as specific hardware associated with fielding MFOM
3.2 Engineering, System Engineering and Process Engineering SupportMFOM: Provided associated engineering support for applications and
3.3 Modeling, Simulation, Stimulation, and Analysis Support- MFOM;
Assisted in the creating of the model build process associated with
configuration management for all units using MFOM.
3.4 Prototyping, Pre-Production, Model-Making, and Fabrication SupportMFOM: Assisted in the design of the prototyping, and pre-production
support of MFOM associated applications.
3.5 System Design Documentation and Technical Data Support- MFOM: Our
personnel created the system design documentation and technical data in
support of MFOM applications.
3.6 Software Engineering, Development, Programming, and Network
Support- MFOM: M I T S has 2 8570 certified CISSP individuals involved in the
programming of two applications associated with the MFOM system.
3.7 Reliability, Maintainability, and Availability (RM&A) Support- MFOM:
MITS provides all support on U S Platforms for all MFOM applications.
3.8 Human Factors, Performance, and Usability Engineering Support- MFOM:
Provided this support for all applications.
3.9 System Safety Engineering Support- MFOM: We provide all support
associated with safety engineering support for U S Navy Ships.
3.10 Configuration Management (CM) Support- MFOM: MITS manages the
process of CM installations associated with all the MFOM applications.
3.11 Quality Assurance (QA) Support- MFOM: MITS is fully engaged in the
quality assurance aspects of the MFOM applications.
3.12 Information System (IS) Development, Information Assurance (IA), and
Information Technology (IT) – MFOM: MITS is fully compliant with the DOD
IA requirements with all our field employees 8570 certified.
3.13 Ship Inactivation and Disposal Support- MFOM: MITS supports this
process by providing grooming and management of eSOMS which provides
all safety isolations associated with this process.
3.14 Interoperability, Test and Evaluation, Trials Support- MFOM: MITS
ManTech – Team Members / Capability / Experience
Page 225 of 419
provides full support of all interoperability, test and evaluations of all MFOM
associated applications.
3.15 Measurement Facilities, Range, and Instrumentation Support- MFOM:
MITS provides management support of all associated maintenance through
the use of eWAFS on U S Ships.
3.16 Acquisition Logistics Support- MFOM: MITS has provided logistics
support for US FFC associated with MFOM hardware and software.
3.17 Supply and Provisioning Support- MFOM: MITS has supported the
supply and provisioning of units with hardware and software associated with
MFOM installations.
3.18 Training Support- MFOM: MITS provides all training support for all
MFOM applications.
3.19 In-Service Engineering, Fleet Introduction, Installation & CheckoutMFOM: MITS provides all service engineering, fleet introduction and
installations for all MFOM applications.
3.20 Program Support- MFOM: MITS provides program support for all MFOM
3.21 Functional and Administrative Support- MFOM: MITS provides
functional and administrative support for MFOM applications.
Company Name
Millennium Engineering and Integration Company
Points of Contact
Jennifer A. Joyce, Deputy Director of Contracts, 703-413-7778,
Company Website
Company Background
Incorporated in 1995, Millennium Engineering and Integration Company
(Millennium) has offices at various regions of the United States and has
become one of the Nation’s premier small, ISO-9001 and AS9100 registered,
employee-owned company. Millennium is a high-end engineering contractor
providing engineering expertise to NASA, the Army, Air Force, Navy, Missile
Defense Agency, Department of Homeland Security, and Office of the
Secretary of Defense. We have dozens of prime government support
contracts delivering subject matter expertise and engineering expertise in all
phases of the systems engineering lifecycle – from concept development
through operational testing. We focus on delivering expertise for solving the
most complex, vital programs in our Nation’s interest. Our engineers are
expanding the capabilities of today’s ground, air, space, sea, and Homeland
Defense Systems and advancing the technologies of tomorrow’s systems.
ManTech – Team Members / Capability / Experience
Page 226 of 419
Capability/Area of
Millennium possesses a wide breadth of engineering and technical
capabilities spanning seven Core Competencies and demonstrated in many
advanced aerospace Technology Development areas. Millennium leverages
our expertise in each of these areas to fulfill customer requirements.
System Engineering. Millennium’s system engineering expertise includes
Concept Development, Engineering Documentation, Requirements
Analysis/Traceability/Verification, Modeling and Simulation, Risk
Management, Engineering Design, and Program Reviews. Our system
engineers perform top-level analysis for a variety of weapon systems and
spacecraft and their components (i.e. missile, radar, seeker, fire control).
This analysis is used to determine system performance and design tradeoffs.
Millennium also performs technology assessments and technology risk
reduction planning in a variety of advanced technology areas, including twocolor infrared sensors, kinetic kill vehicle divert and attitude control
propulsion, missile and small satellite propulsion, tactical communications,
and data fusion.
Integration and Test. Millennium has a long history in interceptor, targets,
sensor, missile, and spacecraft integration and test. Millennium was deeply
involved in the establishment of the Aegis BMD IR sensor Captive Carry test
program as the technical lead on every aspect of engineering, integration,
and testing. Millennium engineers at the Naval Base Ventura County (NBVC)
provide in-service engineering test and evaluation for surface warfare
combat systems and subsystems, unique equipment, and related expendable
ordnance of the Navy Surface Fleet. Millennium is supporting the NSWC PHD
MK612 guided missile test set testing program for the STANDARD Missile
family. Millennium provides MK612 GMTS round level test development and
software engineering for USN and Foreign Military Sales. Millennium is
actively involved with the ongoing development for the STANDARD Missile
Next Generation Test Set that will eventually replace the MK 612. We are a
major force driving STANDARD Missile 3 Transition To Production efforts
including development of an interim production test set. Millennium is the
operating contractor for the National Hover Test Facility (NHTF) and we have
many engineers with extensive backgrounds in Kill Vehicle Integration and
Test. Millennium engineers were the lead integration and test engineers for
all three of the Miniature Sensor Technology Integration (MSTI) satellites.
Millennium also served as integration and test lead for the NASA JPL Deep
Space 1 spacecraft, Vegetation Canopy Lidar, QUICKTOMs, NSTAR, and
ORBVIEW 3 spacecraft.
Test and Evaluation. Millennium engineers have played key roles in kinetic
energy interceptor tests beginning with the Delta 181 space intercept test in
1989 and including the Army and Navy LEAP flight tests and all of the Navy
Standard Missile BMD variants. Millennium developed, operates, and
maintains the Aegis BMD Missile Defense Communication and Operations
Node (MIDCON) facility, used during MDA test events to receive, process,
fuse, and transmit ballistic missile track data. Millennium is involved in all
ManTech – Team Members / Capability / Experience
Page 227 of 419
aspects of mission planning and execution including: defining mission
objectives; developing test plans and requirements documents; performing
mission analysis; deploying hardware to test sites; executing the missions;
and providing post-mission analysis and reports. Our engineers are leading
MDA/KEI Targets of Opportunity (TOO) experiments. Millennium analysis of
these TOOs laid the foundation for the KEI Terrestrial Testbed acquisition
program. To date, Millennium engineers have planned, executed and
analyzed over 45 live-fire missions for various program sponsors.
Sensors. Millennium has significant capability in multi-spectral sensor
technology. We have several engineers nationally recognized for their
capabilities in IR sensor test facility development and operation as well as
sensor testing, calibration, and algorithm development. Millennium plays a
critical role in the development and test of the Aegis BMD Kinetic Warhead
(KW) IR sensor. Millennium is also designing, building and demonstrating a IR
camera with custom optics for NAVAIR. Millennium also leads the test and
assessment of the Japanese Quantum Well Infrared Photo-detector (QWIP)
sensor technology for missile defense applications. Millennium led the
calibration effort at the AEDC and will be leading performance assessment
efforts at the KHILS facility at Eglin AFB.
Software. Millennium develops and operates customized mission planning
and performance analysis tools. Millennium also jointly developed and
currently operates and maintains the BMD Engagement Coordination System
(ECS) software recently prepared for Iraq deployment to support wartime
operations by fusing multiple sensor tracks into an integrated track for
improving accuracy. Millennium has also developed algorithms for track
discrimination of multiple objects in the radio and infrared frequencies.
Millennium engineers, working hand and hand with Raytheon, provide
independent software evaluation in Tucson, AZ, for Navy missile and test
equipment projects.
Program Engineering. Millennium possesses significant talent and capability
in program management and program engineering. Millennium has
developed tools and processes that collect, sort and display critical
programmatic information for extremely complex programs. MDA has
several related programs with thousands of schedule events that are
integrated within Millennium tools. Millennium’s tools and processes have
enabled MDA executive leadership to “drill down” and assess critical
technology and programmatic impacts to the overall BMDS schedule.
Acquisition Management. Millennium engineers and managers are key
contributors in the first major acquisition program conducted by MDA. The
KEI Program is employing reformed acquisition techniques that emphasize a
strong partnership between government and all layers of the contractor
team and open, effective communications. Highly-qualified and experienced
Millennium personnel were instrumental in the KEI strategy development
and offer the skill set to effectively implement it.
ManTech – Team Members / Capability / Experience
Page 228 of 419
Last 3 years services
experience listed by
functional area and
specific Program
3.1, 3.2, 3.3, 3.4, 3.5, 3.6, 3.7, 3.8, 3.9, 3.10, 3.11, 3.12, 3.14, 3.15, 3.16, 3.18,
3.19, 3.20, 3.21
Description of products
(deliverables) provided
As specified in the SOW.
Company Name
Millennium Engineering and Integration Company
Points of Contact
Jennifer A. Joyce, Deputy Director of Contracts, 703-413-7778,
Company Website
Company Background
Incorporated in 1995, Millennium Engineering and Integration Company
(Millennium) has offices at various regions of the United States and has
become one of the Nation’s premier small, ISO-9001 and AS9100 registered,
employee-owned company. Millennium is a high-end engineering contractor
providing engineering expertise to NASA, the Army, Air Force, Navy, Missile
Defense Agency, Department of Homeland Security, and Office of the
Secretary of Defense. We have dozens of prime government support
contracts delivering subject matter expertise and engineering expertise in all
phases of the systems engineering lifecycle – from concept development
through operational testing. We focus on delivering expertise for solving the
most complex, vital programs in our Nation’s interest. Our engineers are
expanding the capabilities of today’s ground, air, space, sea, and Homeland
Defense Systems and advancing the technologies of tomorrow’s systems.
Capability/Area of
Millennium possesses a wide breadth of engineering and technical
capabilities spanning seven Core Competencies and demonstrated in many
advanced aerospace Technology Development areas. Millennium leverages
our expertise in each of these areas to fulfill customer requirements.
System Engineering. Millennium’s system engineering expertise includes
Concept Development, Engineering Documentation, Requirements
Analysis/Traceability/Verification, Modeling and Simulation, Risk
Management, Engineering Design, and Program Reviews. Our system
engineers perform top-level analysis for a variety of weapon systems and
spacecraft and their components (i.e. missile, radar, seeker, fire control).
This analysis is used to determine system performance and design tradeoffs.
ManTech – Team Members / Capability / Experience
Page 229 of 419
Millennium also performs technology assessments and technology risk
reduction planning in a variety of advanced technology areas, including twocolor infrared sensors, kinetic kill vehicle divert and attitude control
propulsion, missile and small satellite propulsion, tactical communications,
and data fusion.
Integration and Test. Millennium has a long history in interceptor, targets,
sensor, missile, and spacecraft integration and test. Millennium was deeply
involved in the establishment of the Aegis BMD IR sensor Captive Carry test
program as the technical lead on every aspect of engineering, integration,
and testing. Millennium engineers at the Naval Base Ventura County (NBVC)
provide in-service engineering test and evaluation for surface warfare
combat systems and subsystems, unique equipment, and related expendable
ordnance of the Navy Surface Fleet. Millennium is supporting the NSWC PHD
MK612 guided missile test set testing program for the STANDARD Missile
family. Millennium provides MK612 GMTS round level test development and
software engineering for USN and Foreign Military Sales. Millennium is
actively involved with the ongoing development for the STANDARD Missile
Next Generation Test Set that will eventually replace the MK 612. We are a
major force driving STANDARD Missile 3 Transition To Production efforts
including development of an interim production test set. Millennium is the
operating contractor for the National Hover Test Facility (NHTF) and we have
many engineers with extensive backgrounds in Kill Vehicle Integration and
Test. Millennium engineers were the lead integration and test engineers for
all three of the Miniature Sensor Technology Integration (MSTI) satellites.
Millennium also served as integration and test lead for the NASA JPL Deep
Space 1 spacecraft, Vegetation Canopy Lidar, QUICKTOMs, NSTAR, and
ORBVIEW 3 spacecraft.
Test and Evaluation. Millennium engineers have played key roles in kinetic
energy interceptor tests beginning with the Delta 181 space intercept test in
1989 and including the Army and Navy LEAP flight tests and all of the Navy
Standard Missile BMD variants. Millennium developed, operates, and
maintains the Aegis BMD Missile Defense Communication and Operations
Node (MIDCON) facility, used during MDA test events to receive, process,
fuse, and transmit ballistic missile track data. Millennium is involved in all
aspects of mission planning and execution including: defining mission
objectives; developing test plans and requirements documents; performing
mission analysis; deploying hardware to test sites; executing the missions;
and providing post-mission analysis and reports. Our engineers are leading
MDA/KEI Targets of Opportunity (TOO) experiments. Millennium analysis of
these TOOs laid the foundation for the KEI Terrestrial Testbed acquisition
program. To date, Millennium engineers have planned, executed and
analyzed over 45 live-fire missions for various program sponsors.
Sensors. Millennium has significant capability in multi-spectral sensor
technology. We have several engineers nationally recognized for their
capabilities in IR sensor test facility development and operation as well as
ManTech – Team Members / Capability / Experience
Page 230 of 419
sensor testing, calibration, and algorithm development. Millennium plays a
critical role in the development and test of the Aegis BMD Kinetic Warhead
(KW) IR sensor. Millennium is also designing, building and demonstrating a IR
camera with custom optics for NAVAIR. Millennium also leads the test and
assessment of the Japanese Quantum Well Infrared Photo-detector (QWIP)
sensor technology for missile defense applications. Millennium led the
calibration effort at the AEDC and will be leading performance assessment
efforts at the KHILS facility at Eglin AFB.
Software. Millennium develops and operates customized mission planning
and performance analysis tools. Millennium also jointly developed and
currently operates and maintains the BMD Engagement Coordination System
(ECS) software recently prepared for Iraq deployment to support wartime
operations by fusing multiple sensor tracks into an integrated track for
improving accuracy. Millennium has also developed algorithms for track
discrimination of multiple objects in the radio and infrared frequencies.
Millennium engineers, working hand and hand with Raytheon, provide
independent software evaluation in Tucson, AZ, for Navy missile and test
equipment projects.
Program Engineering. Millennium possesses significant talent and capability
in program management and program engineering. Millennium has
developed tools and processes that collect, sort and display critical
programmatic information for extremely complex programs. MDA has
several related programs with thousands of schedule events that are
integrated within Millennium tools. Millennium’s tools and processes have
enabled MDA executive leadership to “drill down” and assess critical
technology and programmatic impacts to the overall BMDS schedule.
Last 3 years services
experience listed by
functional area and
specific Program (see
below for list of functional
Description of products
(deliverables) provided
Acquisition Management. Millennium engineers and managers are key
contributors in the first major acquisition program conducted by MDA. The
KEI Program is employing reformed acquisition techniques that emphasize a
strong partnership between government and all layers of the contractor
team and open, effective communications. Highly-qualified and experienced
Millennium personnel were instrumental in the KEI strategy development
and offer the skill set to effectively implement it.
3.1, 3.2, 3.3, 3.4, 3.5, 3.6, 3.7, 3.8, 3.9, 3.10, 3.11, 3.12, 3.14, 3.15, 3.16, 3.18,
3.19, 3.20, 3.21
As specified in the SOW.
ManTech – Team Members / Capability / Experience
Page 231 of 419
Company Name
MillerWilson Consulting
Points of Contact
Jim Houston, John Bacon, Jeff Miller
Company Background
Founded in 2006, MillerWilson Consulting (MWC) is a Vietnam Era Veteran
Owned small business. MWC has significant expertise in the architecture and
implementation of Systems Development Life Cycle (SDLC) infrastructure
solutions leveraging the IBM Rational suite of products to instantiate Agile
and CMMI3 methodologies. Over the past 7 years MWC has provided SDLC
solutions for SPAWAR in support of Marine Corps System Command
(MARCORSYSCOM) Product Group 11 (PG-11) Combat Operational Center
(COC), MC2SA and PEO Land Systems’ Marine Personnel Carrier (MPC)
programs. The SDLC solutions that MWC has implemented for SPAWAR have
provided a fully integrated and cohesive infrastructure providing a systematic
approach to Requirements Engineering, Configuration Management,
software development, maintenance, Change Management, Test and
Evaluation (T&E), and operational tasks in a CMMI3 environment.
Software Development Lifecycle (SDLC) support
Requirements Development
Requirements Management
Test and Evaluation support
Quality Assurance Support
Configuration Management (CM)
SDLC support
MWC’s ability to provide scalable SDLC solutions has proven to be extremely
critical for the success of the varied projects that we have been engaged on.
While many vendors may be able to install SDLC tools, most in actuality know
very little about building out a total end to end enterprise level SDLC
solution. MWC has built a reputation over the past 12 years specializing in
Enterprise Level SDLC support that also instantiates the Enterprise CMMI
process methodologies. Having an IT group that maintains tools is not
adequate for project success. MWC has demonstrated within SPAWAR that
projects that have an ongoing direct SDLC support, mentoring, and training
are significantly more likely to excel and be successful.
Capability/Area of
Last 3 years services
experience listed by
functional area and
specific Program
MWC specializes in designing, implementing, and maintaining end to end
SDLC solutions that provided for:
• Process Management
• Requirements Development
• Requirements Management
• Provide Test and Evaluation support
• Provide Risk Management support
• Quality Assurance Support
• Change Management
• Defect Management
• Configuration Management
• Build Management
ManTech – Team Members / Capability / Experience
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Release Management
Requirements Development:
MWC has implemented successful Requirements Development (RD) systems
infrastructure for PG-11 and PM-AAA projects (COC, MC2SA and MPC). This
RD infrastructure has provided for an organized requirements development
process to translate the Warfighter's needs, expectations, constraints, and
interfaces into documented system capabilities and Warfighter requirements.
The requirements development infrastructure addresses three specific
Development of Warfighter requirements
Development of product requirements
Analysis and validation of requirements
MWC has coordinated its work efforts with MCCDC and MCSC who are
responsible for initial development of Warfighter and product requirements.
MWC worked with SSC-LANT management to assist with the analysis and
validation of Warfighter requirements and coordinate with the developers
and integrators in defining overall system and product specific requirements.
Requirements Management:
MWC has worked in depth with SPAWAR PG 11 IPT and PM-AAA to define a
CMMI approach to Requirements Management. The work on the PG 11
REQM template and the COC REQM have been selected as the de facto
standard that is to be used for all PG 11 projects. In addition to development
of the REQM, MWC has designed and built the Requisite Pro requirements
management data base to support managing of all requirement types.
MWC also provided for the integration of ReqPro with the Marine Corps
Community of Interest (MCCOI) ClearQuest repository. This has allowed for a
seamless integration between the requirements management and the
change management infrastructure. The specific practices and work
activities that MWC has followed on COC, MC2SA and MPC projects.
Obtain an Understanding of the Requirements
• Complete and disaggregated (Specific and Unique).
• Measureable & Verifiable (Testable).
• Achievable and Realistic.
Obtain Commitment to Requirements
• Requirements impact assessments
• Documented
requirements changes
Manage Requirements Changes
• Requirements Status (ReqPro and Clear Quest)
• Requirements Database (ReqPro)
• Requirements decision database (ReqPro)
ManTech – Team Members / Capability / Experience
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Maintain Bidirectional Traceability of Requirements
• Requirements Traceability Matrix (ReqPro)
• Requirements Tracking System (ReqPro)
Identify Inconsistencies between Project Work and Requirements
• Documentation of Inconsistencies including sources
conditions, and rationale. (Discussion thread, or Clear Quest
issue records)
• Corrective actions
Provide Test and Evaluation support
MWC has provided significant support in building the ClearQuest Test
Management infrastructure. This infrastructure allows for tightly coupled
integration between the PG 11 requirements management repository,
the ClearQuest MCCOI change management repository and the ReqPro
requirements repository. With this integration we were able to provide
significantly enhanced reporting and Executive Information Systems (EIS)
The approach would be to build an SDLC infrastructure utilizing ClearQuest
Test Manager or other tools as directed by SPAWAR to provide a hierarchical
approach to T&E.
Test Plan
Test Case  links to requirements
Configured Test Case  links to requirements
Test Log  links to defect records  links to impacted
Project Record
Change Record (Test Events identified)
Activity record (Defects, Enhancements and New Features
Quality Assurance Support
MWC has implemented Quality Assurance (QA) processes that leverage the
Rational Enterprise Suite of Products to provide staff and management with
objective insight into processes and associated work products.
MWC’s solutions involve the following:
Objectively evaluating performed processes, work products, and
services against the applicable process descriptions, standards, and
procedures • Identifying and documenting noncompliance issues
Providing feedback to project staff and managers on the results of
quality assurance activities
Ensuring that noncompliance issues are addressed
MWC’s systematic approach to Process and Product Quality Assurance
ManTech – Team Members / Capability / Experience
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process areas, using IBM’s Rational ClearQuest and RequisitePro ensures that
planned processes are implemented, while the practices in the Verification
process area ensure that the specified requirements are satisfied.
Configuration Management (CM)
MWC has provided support for Configuration Management to several
SPAWAR programs and projects, including CM program engineering,
technical and analytical support in accordance with a government
approved Configuration Management Plan, which includes an organization
structure with configuration control methods (namely, the Rational Suite of
tools), configuration audits and configuration status accounting
procedures for hardware and software.
The CM support services that MWC has provided include: identification of
the configuration items, components, and related work products that will be
placed under configuration management; and establishing and maintaining a
configuration management and change management system for controlling
work products to include the storage media, the procedures, and the tools
for accessing the configuration system and change management system.
Rational ClearQuest is used to track change requests to determine the impact
that the change will have on the work product and control changes over the
configuration of the work product baseline. MWC has participated in
configuration/design audits and developing and implementing audit controls,
rules, and logs.
Unified Change Management (UCM) Infrastructure approach:
a) Define the System Architecture as the Starting Point
a. Mapping System Architecture to Components
b. Deciding What to Place Under Version Control
c. Mapping Components to Projects
i. Amount of Integration
ii. Need for Parallel Releases
b) Organize Components
a. Deciding How Many VOBs to Use
b. Identifying Additional Components
c. Defining the Directory Structure
d. Identifying Read-Only Components
c) Define a Stream Strategy
a. Stream Hierarchies
b. Single-Stream Projects
c. Read-Only Streams
d) Specify a Baseline Strategy
a. Identifying a Project Baseline
b. When to Create Baselines
i. Identifying the Initial Baseline
ii. Ongoing Baselines
c. Defining a Naming Convention
d. Identifying Promotion Levels to Reflect State of Development
ManTech – Team Members / Capability / Experience
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e. Planning How to Test Baselines
e) Plan PVOBs
a. Deciding How Many PVOBs to Use
b. Understanding the Role of the Administrative VOB
c. Using Multiple PVOBs
f) Identify Special Element Types
a. Non merging Elements
b. Non auto merging Elements
c. Defining the Scope of Element Types
g) Plan the UCM-ClearQuest Integration
a. Mapping PVOBs to ClearQuest User Databases
i. MultiSite Requirement
Description of products
(deliverables) provided
Software Development Lifecycle (SDLC) support
Requirements Development - requirements development and engineering
services, Requirements Traceability matrix (multiple across multiple
Requirements Management – Expertise in IBM Rational Jazz Suite of
software tools to manage requirements (IBM DOORS Next Generation, IBM
Rational Requirements Composer support services.
Test and Evaluation support - Test Plans, Test Reports, Test Procedures, T&E
services (test execution)
Quality Assurance (QA) Support – Services to support a systematic approach
to Process and Product Quality Assurance process areas, using IBM’s Rational
ClearQuest and RequisitePro which ensures that planned processes are
implemented, while the practices in the Verification process area ensure that
the specified requirements are satisfied.
Configuration Management (CM) - Configuration Management Plan,
Configuration Management services (updating and management of CM
library database
Network Management and Oversight - maintaining COC network
Company Name
MindTel LLC – Company does not have an active Subcontract with
Company Name:
Modus21, LLC
Points of Contact
Dan Neason, Vice President
503 Wando Park Blvd., Ste. 100
Mount Pleasant, SC 29464
ManTech – Team Members / Capability / Experience
Page 236 of 419
Company Background:
Capability/Area of
Last 3 years services
experience listed by
functional area and
specific Program
Description of products
(deliverables) provided.
Points of
Stewart Bauknight, Senior Associate
503 Wando Park Blvd., Ste. 100
Mount Pleasant, SC 29464
Modus21, LLC is a certified small business located in Charleston, SC. Since our
inception in 2004, we have grown to nearly 50 employees, and have been
recognized as an industry leader in Business Process Management, Solution
Architecture, and Business Transformation consulting services. To date, we
have completed over 50 successful client engagements that span a variety of
agencies and verticals within the Federal and Commercial sectors.
System and Software Engineering, Solution Architecture, Business
Transformation, Business Analysis, Process Discovery, Process Modeling,
Agile Development Practice, BPMS Implementation, Service Oriented
Architecture, Systems Integration, Business Intelligence, Semantic
Technology, Cloud Computing, Data Interoperability
3.1, 3.2, 3.3, 3.5, 3.6, 3.10, 3.11, 3.12, 3.14, 3.20
VA Chapter 33, VA Veterans Benefits Management System (VBMS), Military
Flight Operations Quality Assurance (MFOQA), Signals Intelligence (SIGINT),
Joint Medical Information Systems (JMIS)
Modus21 is a service provider of BPM and SOA (Please see Capability/Areas
of Expertise for list of services)
Mountain State Information Systems, Inc.
Paul Garnett: 970-708-7723 or pgarnett@msisinc.com
Mountain State Information Systems, Inc. (MSIS) is a dynamic small business
established in 1995 as a West Virginia Corporation.
MSIS specializes in providing software and systems engineering services for
large-scale, complex systems. We have been providing high technology support
services to the U.S. Navy since 1995, to the U.S. Marine Corps since 2005, and
to NASA since 1997.
Headquartered in Radford, VA, MSIS has teams of personnel working on-site at
the NASA Independent Verification and Validation (IV&V) Facility in Fairmont,
West Virginia; at the Naval Surface Warfare Centers in Dahlgren, Virginia
(NSWC Dahlgren) and Crane, Indiana (NSWC Crane); and at other contractor
ManTech – Team Members / Capability / Experience
Page 237 of 419
sites in Rockville, MD.
Capability/Area Software and Systems Engineering; Independent Verification and Validation;
of Expertise
Program Office Support; Project Management; Logistics.
Last 3 years
listed by
functional area
and specific
Program (see
below for list
of functional
3.1 Research and Development Support
Aegis Combat Training System, Aegis Ballistic Missile Defense, Marine
Corps Mobile Tactical Air Operations Module, Marine Corps Common
Aviation Command and Control System
Ships and Ships Systems, Strategic Weapons Systems, Undersea
Warfare Weapons and Vehicles
Soil Moisture Active Passive, Constellation (Ares and Orion), IV&V
Analysis Perspective user interface
3.2 Engineering, System Engineering, and Process Engineering
Aegis Combat Training System, Aegis Ballistic Missile Defense, Aegis
RDT&E, Aegis Modernization, ACTS O&MN Fleet Support, Aegis
Tactical Executive System (ATES), Tactical Utility Function (TUF)
Testing, Aegis Utility Software, Aegis Tactical Operational
Environment (ATOE), Aegis Reusable Components (ARC), System
Test Data Recording, and Aegis Data Analysis and Reduction (ADAR)
Marine Corps Mobile Tactical Air Operations Module, Marine Corps
Common Aviation Command and Control System
Surface Ship Combat Systems, Ships and Ships Systems, Force Level
Warfare Systems
3.3 Modeling, Simulation, Stimulation, and Analysis Support
Joint effort with the Applied Physics Laboratory to support the Aegis
Command & Decision (C&D) Simulation modeling program
3.4 Prototyping, Pre-Production, Model-Making, and Fabrication
Marine Corps Mobile Tactical Air Operations Module, Marine Corps
Common Aviation Command and Control System
Surface Ship Combat Systems, Surface Warfare Logistics and
3.5 System Design Documentation and Technical Data Support
ManTech – Team Members / Capability / Experience
Page 238 of 419
Marine Corps Common Aviation Command and Control System,
Marine Corps Mobile Tactical Air Operations Module, Air Defense
Communication Platform
Ships and Ships Systems, Force Level Warfare Systems, Surface
Warfare Logistics and Maintenance
3.6 Software Engineering, Development, Programming, and Network
Aegis Combat Training System, Aegis Ballistic Missile Defense, Marine
Corps Mobile Tactical Air Operations Module, Marine Corps Common
Aviation Command and Control System, Navy Weapons Direction
System, NASA IV&V
Surface Ship Combat Systems, Strategic Weapons Systems
IV&V of Field Programmable Gate Arrays (FPGAs)
3.7 Reliability, Maintainability, and Availability (RM&A) Support
Marine Corps Mobile Tactical Air Operations Module, Common
Aviation Command and Control System
NASA IV&V, Strategic Weapons Systems, Ships and Ships Systems
3.9 System Safety Engineering Support
Standard Missile Interface (SM-2 and SM-6)
3.10 Configuration Management Support
Marine Corps Common Aviation Command and Control System
3.11 Quality Assurance (QA) Support
Marine Corps Mobile Tactical Air Operations Module
Ships and Ships Systems, Strategic Weapons Systems
3.12 Information System (IS) Development, Information Assurance
(IA), and Information Technology (IT) Support
PCDRP for FMS Australia, Korea, Canada, and Taiwan
Surface Ship Combat Systems, NASA IV&V, Force Level Warfare
ManTech – Team Members / Capability / Experience
Page 239 of 419
Systems, Strategic Weapons Systems
3.14 Interoperability, Test and Evaluation, Trials Support
Marine Corps Mobile Tactical Air Operations Module, Marine Corps
Common Aviation Command and Control System, Communications
Data Link System
Ships and Ships Systems, Ordnance, Force Level Warfare Systems
3.15 Measurement Facilities, Range, and Instrumentation Support
Ships and Ships Systems, Ordnance
3.16 Acquisition Logistics Support
Marine Corps Common Aviation Command and Control System, Air
Defense Communications Platform, Communications Data Link
System, Mobile Tactical Air Operations Module
Ordnance, Surface Warfare Logistics and Maintenance, Littoral
Warfare Systems, Ships and Ships Systems, OSD, USTRANSCOM,
3.18 Training Support
Marine Corps Common Aviation Command and Control System
Surface Ship Combat Systems
3.19 In-Service Engineering, Fleet Introduction, Installation and
Checkout Support
Marine Air Command and Control System
Strategic Weapons Systems, Surface Warfare Logistics and
Maintenance, Surface Ship Combat Systems
3.20 Program Support
Marine Air Command and Control System
Surface Ship Combat Systems, Strategic Weapons Systems, Force
Level Warfare Systems
ManTech – Team Members / Capability / Experience
Page 240 of 419
3.21 Administrative Support
Description of
Ships and Ships Systems
Reports; software; software and systems engineering lifecycle documentation; training
programs; training curriculum; providing real-time training on site for military systems;
software and system engineering test support; research papers; documentation of issues
found through performing IV&V on NASA systems.
Company Name
Company Name
Points of Contact
Company Website
Company Background
Capability/Area of
Inc– see ManTech Systems Engineering Corporation
Ashley Beard, (757) 391-9200 ext. 127
Alternate: Kevin McCleskey, (757) 391-9200 ext. 116
MYMIC LLC is an emerging technology company that leverages analysis,
assessment, simulation, and visualization technology and capability to
support the management, experimentation, and strategic business planning
needs of organizations within government, business and academia. We
leverage research and technology applications by transferring that expertise
and the associated processes from the academic environment to support
industry and government applications. We are also an industry expert on
supporting training, with emphasis on understanding the impact of the
Contemporary Operational Environment (COE) upon training requirements.
MYMIC staff has extensive experience within the COE across all levels of
military operations—tactical, operational, and strategic, in multiple military
services, joint, interagency, and multinational training and operations
commands. We combine this broad military background with expertise from
the research and academic world to create thorough, rigorous, deeply
reasoned and immensely executable problem solutions.
MYMIC core competencies include Logistics and Training Analysis, Studies
and Assessments; Software Development, Enhancement and Maintenance;
Port Logistics and Security; Modeling, Simulation and Visualization
Development and Associated Analysis Services; Business Process Modeling;
Knowledge Management; Capabilities Resource Assessment and Analysis;
ManTech – Team Members / Capability / Experience
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Operational Research Analysis; Enterprise IT Solutions; Program Management
Last 3 years services
experience listed by
functional area and
specific Program (see
below for list of functional
Joint Staff/J8 Information Technology Modeling and Simulation (IT M&S)
Support Services, Contract # N00178-05-D-4463-FG02
Government POC: Ms. Christine Bliss, (703) 697-9876
Start Date: 03/02/2011 Completion Date: 02/27/2014
Functional Areas: 3.1, 3.3, 3.6, 3.12, 3.20
Joint Staff/J8 Functional Capability Board (FCB) Support Services, Contract #
N00178-05-D-4463-FG01 – Initial, N00189-12-D-Z051 – Current
Government POC: Ms. Carolyn Guy, (703) 614-7881
Start Date: 09/18/2009 Initial Contract, 09/18/2012 Current Contract
Completion Date: 09/17/2012 Initial Contract, 09/17/2015 Current Contract
Functional Areas: 3.16, 3.20, 3.21
Joint Forces Command Joint Systems Integration Center (JSIC) Analysis
Support, Subcontractor to GDIT, N00189-09-D-Z050, Subcontract #N00189JSIC 08, Follow-on to N00140-04-D-H001.
GDIT POC: Mr. Neil A. Catlett, GDIT Program Manager, (757) 203-4017
Start Date: 07/11/2009 Completion Date: 6/30/2014
Functional Areas: 3.2, 3.5
Joint Staff/J7 Joint Staff Action Officer Training Program, Subcontractor to
Northrop Grumman, N00140-06-D-0060, Subcontract #GJWFC2MYM6, Task
Order 182
NG POC: Ms. Donna Cushing, NGC Program Manager
Start Date: 07/23/2013 Completion Date 07/22/2014
Functional Areas: 3.18
Description of products
(deliverables) provided
JSJ8 ITMS: Provide analytic, strategic, technical, managerial, and
administrative support to enhance the Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff
(CJCS). Additionally, MYMIC provides any unique information technology
system development and support (encompassing all aspects of technical
support services in the areas of modeling, simulation, GFM, KMDS, CDTM,
etc.) required to satisfy J8's assessment needs.
JSJ8 FCB: Provide technical expertise to facilitate capability and resource
analysis across all of DoD. Includes analysis of capability evaluations through
assessments and studies to support analytical underpinning for development
and refinement of issues that support JROC recommendations.
JSIC: Provide Joint C4ISR Systems Integration support in the planning and
execution of assessments related to C2 interoperability and emergent C2
ManTech – Team Members / Capability / Experience
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capabilities. Develop data-collection and analysis plans; develop and defend
detailed findings, conclusions and recommendations; synthesize complete
C4ISR suites, integrate new technologies, and conduct system functional
testing in a laboratory environment.
J7 Joint Staff Action Officer Training Program: Provide training and exercise
support to the US Joint Forces Command, now Joint and Coalition
Warfighting (JCW), Joint Force Development (DJ7). MYMIC develops training
plans and materials and conducts the required training using fully qualified
instructors. MYMIC provides training development support for planning,
coordination, direction, monitoring, and classroom and Joint Knowledge Online (JKO) training implementation. Also provide full life-cycle software
engineering/network support to include direct responsibility for remotely
monitoring, managing, configuring, and maintaining Windows servers.
National Steel and Shipbuilding NASSCO – Company does
Company Name
not have an active Subcontract with ManTech
Company Name
National Technologies Associates, Inc.
Points of Contact
Technical – Kaz Olmeda – 301-863-6512 ext.259
Contractual – Sally Fecteau – 703-941-3695 ext. 12 sfecteau@ntalex.com
Company Website
Company Background
Employee-Owned Large Business; in business since January 1981,
incorporated in the Commonwealth of Virginia. Supports Navy, Marine, Air
Force, and Army programs and weapon systems.
Core expertise related to Navy aircraft and aviation subsystems includes, but
is not limited to: program management, analysis, and support; systems
engineering; test and evaluation engineering; configuration management
support; acquisition and sustainment logistics support; technical training;
production support; production engineering support; maintenance; and
performance based logistics.
Title of Contract: V-22 Weapons System Logistics and Program Management
Contract Number: N00178-04-D-4088-M803
Activity Work Performed for: PMA-275
List all functional areas relevant to this work: 3.1, 3.2, 3.9, 3.10, 3.11, 3.16,
3.18, 3.20, 3.21
Capability/Area of
Last 3 years services
experience listed by
functional area and
specific Program (see
below for list of functional
ManTech – Team Members / Capability / Experience
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Title of Contract: Logistics Support
Contract Number: N00178-04-D-4088-M804
Activity Work Performed for: PMA-274
Functional areas relevant to this work: 3.1, 3.2, 3.5, 3.10, 3.16, 3.17, 3.18,
3.20, 3.21
Title of Contract: Logistics Support
Contract Number: N00178-04-D-4088-M806
Activity Work Performed for: PMA-299
List all functional areas relevant to this work: 3.5, 3.7, 3.10, 3.11, 3.13, 3.16,
3.17, 3.20, 3.21
Title of Contract: Air Ship Integration Logistics Support
Contract Number: N00178-04-D-4088-M807
Activity Work Performed for: AIR 1.2
List all functional areas relevant to this work: 3.16, 3.20, 3.21
Title of Contract: Integrated Logistics Support
Contract Number: N00178-04-D-4088-M808
Activity Work Performed for: PMA-265
List all functional areas relevant to this work: 3.2, 3.5, 3.7, 3.10, 3.16, 3.20,
Title of Contract: Integrated Systems Management
Contract Number: N00178-04-D-4088 FG03
Activity Work Performed for:
List all functional areas relevant to this work: 3.1, 3.2, 3.10, 3.11, 3.16, 3.18,
3.20, 3.21
Description of products
(deliverables) provided
Deliverables provided by NTA for the above contracts include, but is not
limited to: Funds and Man Hour Expenditure Reports; Contractor’s Progress,
Management, and Status Reports; Technical Reports; Business Case Analyses
(BCAs); Initial Capabilities Documents (ICDs), Capability Development Documents
(CDDs), Capability Production Documents (CPDs), ILS Specifications, Life Cycle
Sustainment Plans (LCSPs), Level of Repair Analyses (LORAs), Logistics Support
Analyses/Logistic Management Information (LSA/LMI) Inputs; Supportability
Engineering Test and Evaluation Plans; Acquisition Strategies; Updates to logistics
documents; Briefs, Point Papers, and After Action Reports on meetings and
conferences; Trade Studies and Analyses, and Facilities Assessments.
Company Name
Network Specialists, Ltd
Points of Contact
John Kalafice, john@net-spec.com, 330-454-1111 Ext. 308
Nick Kennedy, nick@net-spec.com, 330-454-1111 Ext. 380
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Company Background
Capability/Area of
·Networking / Systems Integration / Support and Administration
·Infrastructure Security Engineering
·Static and Dynamic Routing protocols
·Leased line data and telecommunications transportation protocols
·Database mining, integration, maintenance
·Project Management
·Software Development
·Internet Application Development and Hosting
·selection of hardware and computer software
·modification to existing hardware and software for systems
·software engineering efforts and programming support
·providing information system software analysis
·design, development, test, modification, installation, implementation,
quality assurance, training, and documentation to meet the evolving data
storage and reporting
·Analyze existing IT and IS databases, web sites, and IT applications
·recommend new or improved interfaces and improved management tools
·improve management effectiveness and efficiency
·Perform maintenance and technical support for Local Area Networks (LAN)
and Wide Area Networks (WAN)
·Modify, implement and maintain web based information systems and links
·Develop web-site structure,
·implement and maintain web sites
·Provide systems engineering and technical support for establishment, test,
upgrade, and operational support of systems, networks, workstations
·support equipment hardware and software
·Conduct IA analyses, develop, recommend, and implement, monitor, update,
and maintain, IA practices, procedures, equipments, algorithms, and
3.6 - Software Engineering, Development, Programming, and Network
Last 3 years services
experience listed by
functional area and
specific Program
3.12 - Information System (IS) Development, Information Assurance (IA), and
Information Technology (IT) Support
Day Ketterer, Ltd., Attorneys at Law
·Network Engineering and installation
·Information security and Assurance
·Web application design and development
·Custom hardware design
·Technical support and consulting services
·Database administration
PrePaid ATM, Inc.
·Network Engineering and installation
·Information security and Assurance
·Web application security audit
·Custom hardware design
ManTech – Team Members / Capability / Experience
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·Technical support and consulting services
·Database administrationMalco Products
·Conversion of Wang network
·Installation of Ethernet Network (cabling, switching, clients)
·Data conversion from AS400 to Windows to HP Unix
·Design, build and install custom servers and workstations.
Midwest Industrial Supply, Inc.
·Convert data from AS400 to Novell to Windows
·Network Engineering and Installation
·Information security and Assurance
·Web application design and development
·Custom hardware design
·Technical support and consulting services
·Assistance on Software audit
·Data mining and reporting
·Database administration
Company Name:
New River Systems Corporation
Points of Contact
Jason Erdman, jerdman@newriversystems.com
Company Background:
Service Disabled, Veteran Owned, Minority Owned Small Business
Capability/Area of
Last 3 years services
experience listed by
functional area and
specific Program
IT Strategy & Investment
Information Assurance
Budget Formulation/Execution
IT Risk & Assurance
Capital Planning Investment Control
Business Intelligence Reporting
Performance Management
Asset Management
Strategic Planning
Project Management
Business Process Reengineering
Enterprise Content Management
Software Development
Mobile Applications
3.6 Software Engineering, Development, Programming, and Network Support
3.12 Information System (IS) Development, Information Assurance (IA), and
Information Technology (IT)
ManTech – Team Members / Capability / Experience
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Description of products
(deliverables) provided.
Currently provides software engineering, and technical support to DON
Currently supports DON IT systems.
Company Name
New Technology Management – Company does not have an
active Subcontract with ManTech
Company Name
Noise Control Engineering Inc.
Points of Contact
Raymond Fischer, nonoise@noise-control.com
Company Website
Company Background
Small business specializing in acoustic engineering in the marine field
Capability/Area of
Noise and vibration prediction and control for surface ships and UUVs.
Measurement of noise, vibration and underwater-radiated noise.
Last 3 years services
experience listed by
functional area and
specific Program
3.1 – Developed underwater radiated noise analysis software for ONR NIHL
3.15 – Measured underwater radiated noise of NOAA’s FSV-6, Fisheries
Survey Vessel with stringent underwater radiated noise limit.
3.4 – Assisted in developing active vibration cancellation system for two
stage isolation mounted diesel genearators.
Acoustic models for underwater radiated noise for NOAA Fisheries Survey
Vessels (FSV); noise control for international research vessels, novel
treatment approaches to reduce underwater radiated noise.
Description of products
(deliverables) provided
Company Name
Northrop Grumman Space and Mission
Company website
2340 Dulles Corner Blvd
ManTech – Team Members / Capability / Experience
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EPOC First Name
EPOC Last Name
EPOC E-mail
EPOC Phone Number
Alternate EPOC First
Alternate EPOC Last
Alternate EPOC E-mail
Alternate EPOC Phone
(719) 358-7616
Business Ownership
Technical Capability
Northrop Grumman Corporation is a global defense company
headquartered in Fairfax, VA. Northrop Grumman provides
technologically advanced, innovative products, services and
solutions in systems integration, defense electronics, information
technology, advanced aircraft, shipbuilding and space technology.
With more than 72,500 employees, and operations in all 50 states
and 25 countries, Northrop Grumman serves U.S. and
international military, government and commercial customers.
Northrop Grumman is capable of performing tasks in all
functional areas of SeaPort-e and all zones as identified in the
SeaPort-e vehicle. Specific tasking will depend on the individual
Task Orders and direction from the Prime Contractor.
Past Performance
Northrop Grumman has an existing Seaport e N00178-04-D-4091
contract with many active Task Orders.
Company Name
Oasis Systems LLC
(RNB Technologies, Inc. was acquired in October 2012 by Oasis Systems LLC)
ManTech – Team Members / Capability / Experience
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Points of Contact
Jason Long, 571-426-8471, jlong@oasissystems.com
Company Website
Company Background
Oasis Systems Programmatic, business, acquisition, engineering and technical
services for Federal Government customers, with an emphasis on the
Department of Defense to include the Air Force, Marine Corps, Navy, Army,
and Joint commands. Oasis is headquartered in Lexington, MA and has
satellite offices at 11 locations including Stafford, VA and Charleston, SC.
3.1 R&D Support
3.2 Engineering, System Engineering and Process Engineering Support
3.3 Modeling, Simulation, Stimulation, and Analysis Support
3.5 System Design Documentation and Technical Data Support
3.6 Software Engineering, Development, Programming, and Network Support
3.10 Configuration Management Support
3.11 Quality Assurance Support
3.12 Information System (IS) Development, Information Assurance (IA) and
Information Technology (IT) Support
3.14 Interoperability, Test and Evaluation, Trails Support
3.15 Measurement Facilities, Range, and Instrumentation Support
3.16 Logistics Support
3.18 Training Support
3.20 Program Support
3.21 Functional and Administration Support
3.22 Public Affairs and Multimedia Support
Contract Number: N65236-08-D-2822
Name: Command, Control, Communications, Computers, Intelligence,
Surveillance, and Reconnaissance (C4ISR) Mission Enablement Support
Functional Areas: 1, 2, 3, 5, 6, 10, 11, 12, 14, 16, 20
Description: This contract reference citation is the C4ISR Mission Enablement
Support Services contract supporting SSC LANT. It is an IDIQ contract with
performance-based task orders providing program management, system
engineering and integration, functional design and requirements
development, Information Technology (IT) and IA support, test and
evaluation, equipment procurement and installation, Integrated Logistics
Support (ILS), CM, and operations, maintenance and technical support.
Capability/Area of
Last 3 years services
experience listed by
functional area and
specific Program
Contract Number: M67854-10-D-2216
Name: Program Management, Marine Command and Control Systems
Functional Areas: 2, 5,6,10,11, 12, 14,16,20
Description: The Program Manager, Marine Command and Control Systems
(PM MC2S) contract provides engineering and analysis support within
Product Manager (PdM) Marine Command and Control Systems and
Applications (MC2SA) (formerly PM MC2S). The current effort supports the
PdM MC2SA with the development, integration and fielding of all Ground C2
Systems and including the Combat Operations Center (COC). The focal efforts
ManTech – Team Members / Capability / Experience
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of this contract include: Capabilities Development, Systems Engineering,
DoDAF Architecture Development, Software Engineering and Management,
Acquisition, and Program Office Support.
Description of products
(deliverables) provided
Contract Number: M67854-12-R-0564
Name: Marine Air Ground Task Force (MAGTF) Command and Control (C2)
Capability Integration Support
Functional Areas:2, 5, 10, 11, 14, 16, 20, 21
Description: The scope of this effort is to provide on-going analytical,
programmatic, acquisition, administrative, and management support to
Headquarters Marine Corps (HQMC) Combat Development and Integration
(CD&I), Command and Control Integration Division (C2ID) Synchronization
Briefings, Reports, Test and Engineering Plans/Reports, Technology/System
Roadmaps, DoDAF products, Engineering Drawings, Engineering Change
Company Name
Odyssey Systems Consulting Group, Ltd.
Points of Contact
Jackie Sullivan
Lisa Fielding
Eric Svarverud
Thomas Portlock thomasportlock@odysseyconsult.com
Company Website
Company Background
Capability/Area of
Odyssey Systems Consulting Group is an agile business dedicated to providing
outstanding management, analytical, and technical support services for
Government and private sector customers. Since our founding in 1997,
Odyssey has experienced tremendous growth by providing best value
solutions for complex and challenging projects. Odyssey develops and
deploys leading edge expertise, innovative tools, and superior efforts to meet
our customers’ most challenging needs. Odyssey has extensive past
performance serving the Air Force, Army, USCG, MDA and Navy.
Technical Skills: Systems Architecture, Systems Engineering, Integration
Engineer, Interoperability, T&E, M&S, Manufacturing & Quality Assurance,
Configuration and Data Management, Site Surveys, Comm Engineering
(Spectrum Engineering, Equipment Certification, Frequency Management),
IA, Cyber Planning & Analysis (Threat Analysis & Detection, Evaluation &
Acquisition, Business Planning & Program Management: Requirements
Analysis, Acquisition Planning, Strategy Development, RFP Preparation,
Proposal Evaluation, Risk Management, Program/Project Management,
Integrated Master Scheduling, FMS Case Management, FM, EVMS/CBA/AoA,
Acquisition Logistics, Maintenance Planning
ManTech – Team Members / Capability / Experience
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Description of products
(deliverables) provided
Operations and Sustainment: Life Cycle Support, Logistics, Materials
Management, Installation and Implementation, Sustaining Engineering
(Maintenance Engineering, R&M, Engineering Data Management, Technical
Orders/Manuals, Training Development and Delivery), COMSEC/Crypto
3.2- SMDIS III, Network Design Facility at Hampton Roads, CAAS IV, TAASC,
3.10- SMDIS III, PASS I Mission Planning, CAAS III TO 0085, R2 TDN Support at
3.14- SMDIS, PASS I Mission Planning, PASS I SC2S, TAASC, SPAWAR, MIT/LL
3.16- SMDIS, JID Support at Hampton Roads, TAASC, SPAWAR- PoSheng
3.18- SMDIS, PASS I SC2S, JID Support at Hampton Roads, ROKAF F-15K Link
16 Training at Hampton Roads, RSAF GSS Support at Hampton Roads,
3.20- PASS I (4 TOs), R2 TDN Support at Hampton Roads, CAAS III TO 0085,
Odyssey is primarily an A&AS company. CDRLs and various reports are
provided to the customer.
Company Name
ORBIS Sibro, Inc. (dba ORBIS)
Points of Contact
Shauna Burrows
Company Background
ORBIS is an ISO-9000 certified, customer-focused company with a
proud record of providing exceptional service and technical support to
DoD and commercial clients. We are a Veteran-Owned Small Business
(VOSB), with corporate headquarters in Charleston, SC and regional
business units located at the Washington DC Navy Yard, Portsmouth,
NH, and Norfolk, VA. ORBIS has been supporting numerous U. S.
Navy logistics programs providing full life-cycle logistics engineering
support to acquisition and in-service programs for over 13 years. This
 Class Maintenance Plans – Development & Maintenance
 Availability Work Packages – Development &
 Maintenance Planning Strategies – Class Maintenance
Planning (CMP) Tool
 Planned Maintenance Systems Development
 System Design Integration and Implementation
 Reliability Centered Maintenance – CMP Development
Last 3 years services
experience listed by
functional area and
specific Program (see
below for list of functional
ManTech – Team Members / Capability / Experience
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ORBIS provides a full range of logistic services from the
development of policy, requirements definition, program acquisition,
and modernization to actual fielding of hardware equipment upgrades.
This full life-cycle support brings value to the fleet and ensures
customer success. ORBIS performs business and system analysis,
relational Database Administration, creates/modifies programs and
interfaces, assures quality, develops reports and delivers digitallysigned, regression tested, compiled code.
ORBIS has extensive recent and relevant experience supporting
Navy customers including Program Executive Office Submarines (PEO
SUB), SEA04, PEO Integrated Warfare System (PEO IWS), PEO
Ships, PEO Littoral Warfare Navy Labs, and public and private
shipyards. ORBIS’ experienced professionals represent a highcapability/low-risk approach to providing superior services. ORBIS
holds a Top Secret level facility clearance and all of our proposed
personnel have, as a minimum, the required Secret level clearances.
ORBIS is a dedicated, customer-focused team. Our diverse and
proven team is proud of our excellent past performance and maintains a
work ethic second to none. ORBIS personnel have been recognized
numerous times for various achievements in technical support and
quality assurance.
Capability/Area of
Test Engineering: Provide Integrated Test System Design and
 Research and Development: Innovative Product Development and
Solutions for Commercial Customers and the Government
 Program/Project Management Support: Project Integration and
Process Improvement, Systems Engineering and Integration, Technical
 IT and Software Engineering: IT Consulting and Application
 Assembly and Fabrication: Mechanical, Electrical, and Electronic
System Production
Last 3 years services
experience listed by
functional area (see below
for list of functional areas)
and specific Program
3.1, 3.2, 3.4, 3.5, 3.6,3.7, 3.9, 3.10, 3.11, 3.12, 3.14, 3.16, 3.18, 3.19, 3.20,
3.21, 3.22
Description of products
(deliverables) provided
ManTech – Team Members / Capability / Experience
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Company Name
Patricio Enterprises, Inc.
Points of Contact
Carlos Patricio
Company Background
Denise Monts
Capability/Area of
3.1, 3.2, 3.3, 3.5, 3.7, 3.9, 3.10, 3.11, 3.12, 3.14, 3.16, 3.17, 3.18, 3.20, 3.21,
Last 3 years services
experience listed by
functional area and
specific Program
Contract Name: Product Manager, Infantry Combat Equipment (PdM ICE),
Marine Corps Systems Command Support
POC: Juan Saucedo, 703-432-3187, juan.saucedo1@usmc.mil
Contract #: N00178-09-D-5794 Completion Date Sept 2013
Functional Area: 3.3, 3.5, 3.10 ,3.11, 3.16, 3.18, 3.20, 3.21
PE provides Logistics and Program Support Services to PdM ICE in developing,
fielding and sustaining ICE to enhance the performance, capability,
survivability and mobility of Marines. PE has provided this support
continuously for the past four years. PE provides relevant and experienced
support in logistics, program and product management, portfolio
management, training, data analysis, modeling and simulation, quality
assurance, testing, modernization planning, and financial analysis.
Contract Name: Systems Acquisition Support for USMC Counter RadioControlled Improvised Explosive Device Electronic Warfare (USMC CREW)
POC: Harry Downey, harry.downey@usmc.mil
Contract #: M67854-12-C-2434 Completion Date: Sept 2013
Functional Area: 3.2, 3.5, 3.10, 3.14. 3.16, 3.18, 3.20
PE has provided prime contractor support to USMC CREW programs for
nearly seven years (10/06 - present). PE has been actively involved with every
aspect of program management for USMC CREW ACAT II, ACAT IV (M), AAPs,
and affiliated urgent requirements.
Description of products
(deliverables) provided
PE brings broad and deep qualifications in Defense Systems Acquisition Total
Life Cycle Systems Management. PE provides a broad range of management
consulting services and support to military services, government agencies
and commercial clients. Our growing reputation for quality work and people
is based on our operating philosophy of team work among our employees,
clients and team mates. We are leaders and innovators in the development
and implementation of performance-based practices across the Defense
Acquisition System. We are motivated by challenges; ready to team with
clients and make them successful. We deliver quality products and services
emphasizing long-term team building with our clients and industry partners.
ManTech – Team Members / Capability / Experience
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Company Name:
Points of Contact
Company Background:
Capability/Area of
Patrona Corporation
1919 S. Eads Street, Suite 202
Arlington, VA 22202
Cage Code: 48H29
DUNS #: 557563751
Joseph C. Novak, 571.255.4703
Neil Stubits, 571.255.4725
Patrona Corporation (Patrona) is a certified woman-owned, 8(a), small
disadvantaged engineering, technical, and professional services business
founded in 2005 and headquartered in Arlington, Virginia. Since its beginning,
the Company has consistently delivered timely, cost-effective services and
solutions to its US Government clients. Today, it has grown to become one of
the government’s most trusted partners, delivering technical excellence,
experience, and responsive services to its clients. Patrona’s staff provides an
optimum balance of: former US Navy, military, and government civilian
personnel; seasoned private business managers with extensive experience
executing Navy programs; and multi-disciplined mix of young engineers, all
with active security clearances and a proven ability to manage and support
critical government projects. As a flexible, agile small business, Patrona is
committed to providing smart, cost-effective services to the US Government
and its industry partners.
The Patrona leadership team, with more than 200 years combined military,
government, and civilian expertise, has extensive experience managing large
prime contracts for the US Navy and DoD. This includes support of submarine
acquisition and in-service programs including maintenance, modernization,
engineering and logistics for all submarine classes under both SeaPort I and
SeaPort-e IDIQ contracts.
Patrona’s core capabilities include engineering and technical services; project
management; logistics and life cycle management; financial management;
quality control management and certification; executive administrative
support; and Lean Six Sigma support.
Last 3 years services
experience listed by
functional area and
specific Program
3.1, 3.2, 3.5, 3.7, 3.9, 3.10, 3.11, 3.13, 3.16, 3.19, 3.20, 3.21
Description of products
(deliverables) provided.
N00024-01-D-7019, D.O. 0005 (Subcontractor to EG&G) N00024-01-D-6282
bridge Task 007 and 009
Strategic and Attack Submarine Program Office (PMS 392)
George Chervenic, PMS392B
ManTech – Team Members / Capability / Experience
Page 254 of 419
Phone: 202-781-1190, Fax: 202-781-4676
E-mail: George.chervenic@navy.mil
TI: 009
 Execute specific taskings as directed by SEA07, PMS392 and the VIRGINIA
EDSRA Action Management Group
 Coordinate, participate and present reports, assessments and briefs at
numerous meetings:
3 Star VTCs
Flag Board Reviews
Weekly planning telcons
Meetings with stakeholders
EDSRA major planning meetings
 Independently perform a wide range of functions and tasks which require
vision, leadership, and proficiency in developing, explaining, and
implementing policy.
 Work to integrate the efforts of key program stakeholders; facilitating a
collaborative approach to identifying and meeting program goals and
maintaining established schedules for program events and deliverables.
 Apply excellent analytical skills and engineering expertise to ensure all
decisions are made based on solid technical rationale and evidence to
safely achieve reduced EDSRA time without incurring excessive costs or
maintenance impacts in subsequent availability periods.
 Facilitate, address and communicate on problem identification, analysis,
and resolution.
 Implement early planning; develop pertinent information and facilitate
close coordination among many organizations involved (e.g., SEA 07, SEA
04, SEA 08, PMS450, Fleet, Shipyards, private sector, ISEA, other program
stakeholders, etc.) to achieve economical implementation of this
 To optimize operating time and maintenance period accomplishments,
ensure planning and execution activities address key areas of this
initiative such as: maintenance standards, class maintenance plan(s),
feedback systems, data collection and analysis on major components,
material support, etc.
 Develop and staff point and issue papers addressing key aspects and
elements of initiative which require additional attention or decisions by
Navy leadership.
 Assist in developing and compiling data in response to inquiries from
Congress, the media, the public, private industry, etc. in a timely and
appropriate manner.
 Present program updates and recommendations at 3 Star VTCs and Flag
 Develop lessons learned for export and application to other programs.
 Arrange for the conduct of Lean and Lean Six Sigma events as program
planning and execution dictate or opportunities present themselves
 Develop and implement a contingency plan to ensure support is
ManTech – Team Members / Capability / Experience
Page 255 of 419
maintained in the absence of regularly assigned personnel.
Develop and provide PM/DPM with objective program assessments and
TI: 007
Assist PMS392/392B in an advisory role with CNO maintenance
availability and modernization programmatic issues including problem
resolution, alternative solution identification, implementation, and
Assist in analyzing industrial operations issues and liaison with SEA 04X
to provide coordinated programmatic efforts to gain efficiencies.
Analyze maintenance and modernization planning efforts to assist in
simplifying the planning/reporting including E2E Process map development
and implementation.
Support the identification of efficiencies and improvements in
organizational effectiveness through development, monitoring, and
reporting of PMS392-CSL/CSP Performance Measurements, including the
coordination of Program Office inputs on mid-year end-of-year
performance and future year goals/targets.
Assist senior/Flag level leadership in submarine maintenance program
performance monitoring and reporting, including action item tracking,
problem resolution, and lessons learned.
Assist in coordinating the standardization and alignment of submarine
maintenance program requirements/documentation including
performance reporting and tracking.
Assist in coordinating, developing, updating, and publishing Program
Office Standard Operating Procedures to ensure consistency and efficiency.
Provide PMS392/392B/SEA07/SEA07B support for brief and
presentation development in support of submarine program initiatives and
Assist PMS392 Submarine Program Office in resolving outstanding
and new Maintenance Planning and HM&E Conference actions.
N00024-01-D-7019, D.O. 0005 (Subcontractor to EG&G)
N00024-01-D-6282 bridge Task 001
Strategic and Attack Submarine Program Office
(PMS 392)
Dave Eaton, PMS392C
Phone: 202-781-2778, Fax: 202-781-4676
E-mail: david.a.eaton@navy.mil
TI: 001
 Maintain interaction with all members of the Submarine Team One (ST1)
Executive Steering Committee (ESC) to ensure appropriate participation,
Flag level and lower.
 Maintain, revise, and route for review, as necessary, the ST1 Charter in
order to ensure that this document accurately reflects the Team’s
ManTech – Team Members / Capability / Experience
Page 256 of 419
Mission, Vision, and Areas of Focus at all times.
Provide team-building and facilitation efforts as requested by the ST1
Meet with the ST1 ESC Chairman to define the issues that should be
addressed first and to determine which Navy programs can be leveraged
to advance the ST1 ESC agenda.
Maintain and progress the ST1 action item list, including items tasked to
ST1 by groups such as the Undersea Enterprise (USE), the Fleet
Maintenance Board of Directors (FMBOD) and the Navy Ship
Maintenance Oversight Board (NSMOB).
Provide management and oversight of Submarine Team One meetings,
Knowledge Sharing Network meetings, and Focused Working Group
Develop and manage reasonable ST1 budgets.
Facilitate the development of achievable and quantifiable goals and
metrics to be used in measuring the Submarine Team One organizational
effectiveness and success.
Coordinate between the Submarine Team One, Shipyard
Transformation, and Task Force Lean initiatives to develop a consistent
and measureable set of processes between shipyards when performing
submarine availabilities.
Properly configure the Knowledge Sharing Networks (KSN). Determine
the right mix and level of personnel for each KSN. Coordinate the
development of KSN charters, including identification of metrics used in
measuring each KSN’s organizational effectiveness and success.
Draft and coordinate review of the ST1 Annual Report. The Annual Report
shall include the Submarine Team One Roadmap, those items required by
existing guidance such as the ST1 Charter, and those items directed by
the Chairman.
N00024-01-D-7019, D.O. 0005 (Subcontractor to EG&G)
N00024-01-D-6282 bridge Task 003
SEA04XU Logistics, Maintenance & Industrial
Frank Tesoriero, SEA04XU
Phone: 202-781-1567, Fax: 202-781-4745
E-mail: frank.tesoriero@navy.mil
TI: 003
Development and implementation of procedures for the direct
application of shipyard nuclear and non-nuclear resources to ensure
completion of all work on schedule and within cost for assigned projects.
Assist with the translation of policies, objectives, and guidance from
higher authority into guidance for Shipyards and Shipyard Project Teams
headed by Project Superintendents.
Assist with the monitoring of actual project resource utilization
(funds and manpower) for effective utilization and compliance with
ManTech – Team Members / Capability / Experience
Page 257 of 419
existing baselines.
Assist with scheduling, coordination, and execution of management
reviews to assist progress or resolve problem areas.
Support the development and update of corporate tactical
implementation and assessment of initiatives contained in the NAVSEA
Plan for Transformation of the Nuclear Ship Maintenance Industrial Base
(NPTNSMIB) and the implementation of National Value Stream
Management (NVSM) improvement initiatives.
Actively participate in Corporate Strategic Planning, Assessment of
Transformation Initiatives and Change Management Oversight.
Review and develop Value Stream Management curriculum and
courses that may be used in Project Management College
Provide corporate tactical implementation and assessment of
improvement initiatives. This will include identifying and refining the
responsibilities and obligations of both parties. Duties shall include:
Conduct studies of public shipyard operations and practices and develop
recommendations for focusing lean initiatives to specific improvement
areas that will translate to efficiencies for submarine customers.
Research and analyze shipyard practices in the varying business
environments and target where improvements may derive the significant
impact to submarine program.
Assist in developing the process for translating process improvement or
practice change that has direct bearing on availability notional duration
and cost to help the submarine customer update their budget
development assumptions.
Assist with meeting preparation, on-site reviews, development of status
reports, briefings and issue papers as necessary to accomplish this study
and overall objectives of the NAVSEA corporate strategy.
Company Name
Phoenix Group of Virginia
Points of Contact
Dr. Michael Weatherly, DBA (757-450-2527; 757-228-1730 x305)
Spencer Sigmon (757-228-1730 x302); Ron Verostek (757-228-1730 x304)
Company Website
Company Background
Capability/Area of
SDVOSB with management experience within the U.S. Government, NATO,
and in providing commercial industry support. Awards include 2012 and 2013
US Chamber of Commerce Award, HR Chamber of Commerce Small Business
“Top 10 to Watch” and 2012 Chesapeake Small Business of the Year.
Engineering/Logistics Support; Operational Experimentation; Operations
Research Analysis; PEO Operations Support; Training Support; IT & Enterprise
Solutions; ILS; First Responder Equipment & Support
ManTech – Team Members / Capability / Experience
Page 258 of 419
Last 3 years services
experience listed by
functional area and
specific Program
Description of products
(deliverables) provided
PEO Carriers – 3.1, 3.2, 3.3, 3.5, 3.8, 3.10, 3.11, 3.14, 3.16, 3.18, 3.20, 3.21
Navy Munitions Command (East) – 3.1, 3.2, 3.3, 3.5, 3.7, 3.8, 3.9, 3.10, 3.11,
3.12, 3.13, 3.14, 3.16, 3.17, 3.18, 3.20, 3.21
NATO & JCWC – 3.1, 3.2, 3.3, 3.4, 3.5, 3.7, 3.8, 3.9, 3.10, 3.11, 3.12, 3.14,
3.16, 3.18, 3.20, 3.21
DCIMSS Install(s) – 3.1, 3.2, 3.4, 3.5, 3.7, 3.9, 3.10, 3.11, 3.12, 3.13, 3.14, 3.16,
3.17, 3.18, 3.19, 3.20, 3.21
First Responder Equipment (Chem Bio Suits, Respirators, etc.); Damage
Control Inventory Management & Stowage System (DCIMSS); Various CDRLs
(e.g. Studies and Analysis, MSR’s, etc.)
Company Name
Planning Systems – see See CACI
Company Name:
Poseidon International Specialized Consulting and
Engineering Services, LLC
Points of Contact
Harlan C. Chase, Jr. President 703-508-3388
Sharon P. Chase CEO 703-754-3998
Established May 2007 and registered in the Commonwealth of Virginia as a
Service Disabled Veteran owned small business. Our team provides over 36
years experience in program management and technical support for surface
ship and submarine husbandry projects, research and development trials
support, military and commercial diving systems design, installation,
development and acquisition, offshore operations, specialized engineering
support, as well as installation and inspection of ocean facilities.
•Poseidon International provides support for government and commercial
maritime customers worldwide. The team brings a wide range of expertise in
professional consulting, program management, operational support, and
research, development, test and evaluation.
•Poseidon International personnel have impressive credentials and
experience in world-wide Diving and Salvage, Marine and Ocean engineering,
Heavy Lift Transport, and Marine Surveying.
•Poseidon offices are located in Haymarket, Virginia and Fort Lauderdale,
•Poseidon International continues to provide:
–Diving and engineering technical support for a variety of surface ship and
submarine trials at Carderock Division, Naval Surface Warfare Center
–Planning, estimating, and supervisory support for the Naval Facilities
Engineering Service Center's (NFESC) specialized underwater inspection
program for naval waterfront facilities worldwide.
Company Background:
Capability/Area of
ManTech – Team Members / Capability / Experience
Page 259 of 419
Description of products
(deliverables) provided.
–On-site engineering, management, planning, customer/client liaison, and
project execution support for ocean construction and inspection projects.
Heavy lift operations planning and execution for the United States and
various foreign governments
3.1 Research and Development Support
3.2 Engineering, System Engineering and Process Engineering Support
3.3 Modeling, Simulation, Stimulation, and Analysis Support
3.4 Prototyping, Pre-Production, Model-Making, and Fabrication Support
3.13 Ship Inactivation and Disposal Support
3.14 Interoperability, Test and Evaluation, Trials Support
3.15 Measurement Facilities, Range, and Instrumentation Support
3.19 In-Service Engineering, Fleet Introduction, Installation & Checkout Spt
3.20 Program Support
Reports, underwater video and photo documentation, performance
Company Name:
Prevailance, Inc.
Points of Contact
Vanessa Christie, Director, Multinational Programs, 757.309.4572
David Landess, Program Manager, C2 / IA Programs, 757.309.4572
Prevailance, Inc. is a Service-Disabled Veteran-Owned Small Business
established to provide consulting support to the Department of Defense,
State and Federal governments, and the private sector as they face
tomorrow's challenges.
Command and Control
C4I Infrastructure and Architectures
Operational Test & Evaluation
Information Operations (IO)
Operational Experimentation
Multinational Integration
Information Assurance
Survival, Evasion, Resistance & Escape (SERE)
Antiterrorism & Force Protection (ATFP)
3.2 Engineering, System Engineering and Process Engineering Support
Last 3 years services
experience listed by
functional area and
specific Program
Company Background:
Capability/Area of
Last 3 years services
experience listed by
functional area and
specific Program
Commander, U.S. Fleet Forces MOC Project Team; Commander, U.S. Fleet
Forces Concept Generation and Concept Development; United States Joint
Forces Command (USJFCOM) J8 Joint Management Office (JMO) capability
3.5 System Design Documentation and Technical Data Support
Naval Facilities Engineering Services Command (NFESC) GIS surveying, data
ManTech – Team Members / Capability / Experience
Page 260 of 419
management, geo-shapefile development, development of 3D visualization
tools and systems, aerial imagery
3.12 Information System (IS) Development, Information Assurance (IA), and
Information Technology (IT)
Commander, U.S. Naval Air Forces Information Assurance; NAVAIR Fielded
Training Support Systems Information Assurance; USMC Aviation Training
Systems Information Assurance
3.14 Interoperability, Test and Evaluation, Trials Support
Undersea Warfare Division of Commander Operational Test and Evaluation
Force (COMOPTEVFOR) Information Assurance (IA) Test and Evaluation (T&E)
support; COMOPTEVFOR Information Assurance and Interoperability
3.18 Training Support
Commander, U.S. Fleet Forces MOC Training Team; Navy Special Warfare
Command SERE training support
3.20 Program Support
Description of products
(deliverables) provided.
Commander, U.S. Naval Air Forces, Atlantic ATFP Program and Aircraft Carrier
Scheduling; Intelligence Directorate of Navy Warfare Development Command
Cyber and Information Operations support; Navy Information Operations
Command Norfolk, Virginia (NIOC-N) Information Operations (IO) support.
Subject-matter expertise on military operations
Analytical hierarchy process and other decision support capabilities to
condense hundreds of capability need statements into actionable, high-level
(i.e. strategic) problem statements
Budgetary analysis to determine current Federal spending levels and develop
offsets and capability tradeoffs for Service consideration
Functional analysis and organizational performance assessment
Facilitate discussion and decision forums for flag-level executives
Mentoring to project leads in developing budgetary issue papers
Analysis, planning, and solutions integration consulting
Doctrine, organization, training, materiel, leadership and education,
personnel and facility (DOTMLPF) resources analysis
ManTech – Team Members / Capability / Experience
Page 261 of 419
Development of resourcing and delivery plans and guidance to optimize the
integration of resources to best achieve a capability
Strategic planning for technology programs and activities; system design,
engineering, and integration; test and evaluation; and acquisition and
lifecycle management functional areas.
Authoring concept White Papers recommending technology solutions and
capabilities to address operational deficiencies, and developing and
executing detailed POAM’s to address the design, engineering, testing and
acquisition of proposed solutions.
Development and publishing a planning and execution model to support
worldwide Information Operations.
Comprehensive intelligence analysis of global Information Operations (IO)
ATFP requirements analysis; development of acquisition strategies;
technological solution design and feasibility assessments; execution of ATFP
acquisition, training and employment.
Execution of aircraft carrier management issues; analysis of aircraft carrier
employment scenarios; development of best management practices to
ensure maximum resource availability while meeting competing
Company Name
ProMare Inc – Company does not have an active Subcontract with
Company Name:
PURVIS Systems Incorporated
Points of Contact
Michelle Craft, Contracts Manager
Company Background:
Deborah Proffitt, Vice President of DoD Operations
PURVIS, a small business under NAICS Code 541330, provides engineering,
management, logistics, and professional technical services to the Department
ManTech – Team Members / Capability / Experience
Page 262 of 419
of Defense, Federal, State and Municipal Government agencies, and other
commercial businesses. Headquartered in Port Jefferson Station, NY, PURVIS
has operating divisions in Arizona, Florida, New York, Rhode Island, Virginia,
and Washington D.C.
Capability/Area of
Last 3 years services
experience listed by
functional area and
specific Program
Description of products
(deliverables) provided.
PURVIS technical capability has been gained by providing high quality
engineering services to a variety of long-term government customers,
including Naval Undersea Warfare Center Division, Newport RI
(NUWCDIVNPT), Naval Surface Warfare Center (NSWC) –Dahlgren and
Panama City Divisions, Commander Destroyer Squadron 26 (COMDESRON26),
formerly the Surface Warfare Development Group, the National Institutes of
Health (NIH), and the New York City Fire Department (FDNY). PURVIS
provides engineering and technical services supporting large-scale complex
computer facilities, including the Combat Systems laboratories at
NUWCDIVNPT. Tactical development and evaluation, and at-sea Naval
exercise services are provided for Destroyer Squadron 26 including
development of operational scenarios and detailed exercise analysis plans,
exercise participation, data collection, and reconstruction and analysis.
Engineering services include the design and development of hardware,
software and firmware; system prototyping and production; and
development / performance of detailed test, integration and installation
Core capabilities include Test and Evaluation (T&E), At-sea exercises,
Experimentation, System Engineering, Program and Technical Management,
Integrated Logistics Support (ILS), Laboratory Operation and Maintenance,
and custom hardware and software services - from initial design through
deployment/implementation and life cycle management. Other technical
services include integrated communications, training and information
systems, and 24/7 field engineering services. PURVIS currently provides
engineering and technical services to COMDESRON26, Naval Sea Systems
Command Program Executive Office Littoral Combat Ship (NAVSEA PEO LCS),
NUWC, NSWC Dahlgren, and Panama City, Fire Department of New York
(FDNY), the National Institutes of Health (NIH) and various commercial
3.1 Research and Development Support
3.2 Engineering, System Engineering and Process Engineering Support
3.3 Modeling, Simulation, Stimulation, and Analysis Support
3.4 Prototyping, Pre-Production, Model-Making, and Fabrication Support
3.5 System Design Documentation and Technical Data Support
3.6 Software Engineering, Development, Programming, and Network Support
3.10 Configuration Management (CM) Support
3.11 Quality Assurance (QA) Support
3.12 Information System (IS) Development, Information Assurance (IA), and
Information Technology (IT)
3.14 Interoperability, Test and Evaluation, Trials Support
3.15 Measurement Facilities, Range, and Instrumentation Support
3.16 Acquisition Logistics Support
3.17 Supply and Provisioning Support
ManTech – Team Members / Capability / Experience
Page 263 of 419
3.18 Training Support
3.19 In-Service Engineering, Fleet Introduction, Installation & Checkout Spt
3.20 Program Support
3.21 Functional and Administrative Support
Company Name
Quality Innovative Solutions, Inc.
Points of Contact
Bobby Mullins
Carl Seastrand
VA/CVE verified Service Disabled Veteran Owned Small Business Founded in
2004 and headquartered in Oxnard, California, Quality Innovative Solutions,
Inc.® is a multi-disciplined Engineering and Technical / Professional Services
provider to the Federal, State, and Commercial markets.
Systems Engineering and Analysis, Test and Evaluation, Information
Technology/Portal Content Management/Training, Program and Operations
Company Background
Capability/Area of
3.1 Research & Development Support
3.2 Eng, System Eng & Process Eng Support
3.3 Modeling, Simulation, Stimulation, Analysis
3.5 System Design Documentation & Technical Data
3.6 Software Eng, Development, Programming & Network
3.8 Human Factors, Performance & Usability Engineering
3.10 Configuration Management (CM)
3.11 Quality Assurance (QA)
3.12 Info System (IS) Dev, Info Assurance (IA) & Info Tech (IT)
3.14 Interoperability, Test & Evaluation, Trials
3.18 Training
3.19 In-Service Eng, Fleet Intro, Installation & Checkout
3.20 Program Support
3.21 Functional & Administrative Support
Last 3 years services
experience listed by
functional area and
specific Program (see
below for list of functional
Contract No.:
Period of Performance:
Contract Type:
Prime or Sub
Customer Name and
Summary of SOW
Customer POC’s
Name, Address, Phone
Number, and Email
2005 to 2010
Cost Plus Fixed Fee
NSWC – Port Hueneme
Provides systems engineering and
administrative services
Scott Beppler Code 203
4363 Missile Way
ManTech – Team Members / Capability / Experience
Page 264 of 419
Port Hueneme, CA 94043
(805) 228-7703 scott.beppler@navy.mil
Contract No.:
Period of Performance:
Contract Type:
Prime or Sub
Customer Name and
Summary of SOW
Customer POC’s
Name, Address, Phone
Number, and Email
2010 to 2015
Cost Plus Fixed Fee
NSWC – Port Hueneme
Provide engineering and technical
Dave Scheid Code 209
4363 Missile Way
Port Huenem, CA 94043
(805) 228-7347 dave.scheid@navy.mil
Company Name
Quadelta Inc
Points of Contact
Michael Schall, President/CEO
John Woodall, Contracts Mgr
Company Website
Company Background
Quadelta is a veteran owned small business headquartered in
Arlington VA. Our business focus is in four areas: Test & Evaluation,
Safety & Readiness, Systems Engineering, and Modeling, Simulation &
Data Visualization. Our customers are primarily in the Department of
Defense including the Office of the Secretary of Defense and the
Department of the Navy
Test & Evaluation, Systems Engineering, Safety & Readiness,
Modeling, Simulation and Data Visualization
Capability/Area of
Last 3 years services
experience listed by
functional area and
specific Program (see
below for list of functional
Deputy Assistand Secretary of the Navy (Safety)- N00178-05-D-4511,
DO# EX01: 3.22
Deputy Assistant Secretary of Defense (Systems Engineering)HQ0034-11-A-0002: 3.1, 3.2, 3.20, 3.21
Assistant Secretary of Defense (Research &Engineering)- HQ0034-11A-0007: 3.20, 3.21
Deputy Assistant Secretary of Defense (Developmental Testing
&Engineering)- HQ0034-11-A-0013: 3.15, 3.20, 3.21
NAVAIR MFOQA- N00019-12-C-0081: 3.5, 3.6, 3.9, 3.20, 3.21
Naval Surface Warfare Center, Carderock Division–N00178-05-D-4511
DO# FD01: 3.18, 3.20, 3.21
ManTech – Team Members / Capability / Experience
Page 265 of 419
Description of products
(deliverables) provided
Points of
Quadelta provides a variety of products to our customers including,
technical reports, meeting minutes, various engineering documents
and reviews such as system engineering plans, test evaluation master
plans, software change reports, engineering change proposals, etc.
QinetiQ North America, Inc.
Michael Spotz, Michael.Spotz@qinetiq–na.com, 703-284-8356
Paul Vickery, Paul.Vickery@QinetiQ-NA.com, 256-922-6284
QNA provides Systems Engineering, Scientific & Technology, Software Development,
Training, Operational Logistics and Life Cycle Support, Test and Evaluation, Program
Management, Information Assurance, Configuration Management, Architecture
Development, Modeling and Simulation, Safety, and Knowledge Management services for
Navy and Marine Corps customers.
Capability/Area 3.1 Research and Development Support
of Expertise
3.2 Engineering, System Engineering and Process Engineering Support
3.3 Modeling, Simulation, Stimulation, and Analysis Support
3.4 Prototyping, Pre-Production, Model-Making, and Fabrication Support
3.5 System Design Documentation and Technical Data Support
3.6 Software Engineering, Development, Programming, and Network Support
3.7 Reliability, Maintainability, and Availability (RM&A) Support
3.8 Human Factors, Performance, and Usability Engineering Support
3.9 System Safety Engineering Support
3.10 Configuration Management (CM) Support
3.11 Quality Assurance (QA) Support
3.12 Information System (IS) Development, Information Assurance (IA), and Information
Technology (IT) Support
3.14 Interoperability, Test and Evaluation, Trials Support
3.15 Measurement Facilities, Range, and Instrumentation Support
3.16 Logistics Support
3.17 Supply and Provisioning Support
3.18 Training Support
3.19 In-Service Engineering, Fleet Introduction, Installation & Checkout Spt
3.20 Program Support
3.21 Functional and Administration Support
3.22 Public Affairs and Multimedia Support
Last 3 years
listed by
functional area
and specific
OY4 PMW 170 Program Mgmt.,
Cost Modeling, Contract Mgmt,
and Acquisition Support
OY4 2 Month extension PMW
170 Program Mgmt., Cost
Modeling, Contract Mgmt, and
Acquisition Support
ManTech – Team Members / Capability / Experience
Page 266 of 419
SPAWAR Pacific / PEO C4I PMW760
SPAWAR Pacific / PEO C4I PMW150
SPAWAR Pacific (SRA)
DOD NAVY (Booz Allen Hamilton)
SPAWAR Systems Center
N00178-05-D-4394-N0016708-NR-55459 TO FD02
SPAWAR HQ (019CUST073/Navy)
SPAWAR HQ (019CUST073/Navy)
Navy (Navy)
DOD NAVY (NSWC, Carderock Division)
DOD NAVY (NSWC, Indian Head
DOD NAVY (NSWC Panama City)
019CUST074/Navy (SPAWAR HQ)
FY11 PMW 170 Program Mgmt.,
Cost Modeling, Contract Mgmt,
and Acquisition Support
PMW 760 Program Management
Support Services
FY11 PMW 780 Program
Management and Engineering
PMW 150 Program Management
Support Services
FY11 Joint Project Mgr Info Sys
(JPM IS) Integrated Logistics
Support (ILS)
Professional Support Services
Multi Warfare Task 2
PACFleet Operational Analysis
Product Distribution Center
Services Contract
SeaPort SEPO
High Performance Computing
Systems Support for the Ship
Engineering and Analysis
Technology Center
PMW 170 Admin Support
SPAWAR 054 Technical Authority
Execution Department
Support Services for ONR
Corporate Officials (RDT&E)
Scientific, Engineering, and
Technical Management Services
in Support of Signature
ONR Code 30 Support
DJC2 Award Term 2
Code 04H Supply Support and
Nomenclature Support Services
NSWCDD K90 Support of
ManTech – Team Members / Capability / Experience
Page 267 of 419
019CUST073/Navy (SAIC)
019CUST073/Navy (SYS
Technologies/Kratos, Inc.)
DOD NAVY (AUSGAR Technologies, Inc.)
ORDER NO. 0001
FY11 SPAWAR 04D/M Support
Authority/Technical Transition
for Chief Engineer
IDIQ - SPAWAR 5.0, 6.0 and FRD
Executive and Program
Management Support
Jr Surface Install Support (FRD
019CUST073/Navy (International
Systems Management Corp.)
019CUST073/Navy (Metron Scientific
019CUST073/Navy (Metron Scientific
DOD NAVY (IMS Ventura)
DOD NAVY (Accelerated Development
Support (ADS))
DOD MARINES (Carl, Amber, Brian,
Isaiah & Associates (CBAIA))
Support to ONR Code 35
Digital Fires Situational
Awareness (DFSA)
Marine Air Ground Task Force
(MAGTF) Command and Control
(C2) Systems (MC2S)
Program Manager, Tactical
Communications Systems
Support (TCS) Re-compete OY 1
SIAT Support
Company Name
019CUST073/Navy (Client Solutions
019CUST073/Navy (Client Solutions
ASW/USW Systems OY6
Maritime Domain Environmental
PMR 51
Computer Network Defense
Follow -on NSS Task Order NS02
EMSWeb Database Support for
ONR Code 33
PMW 150 Admin Support
R L Phillips Inc – Company does not have an active Subcontract with
Company Name:
Radiance Technologies, Inc.
Points of Contact
Denise A. Pelham, dpelham@radiancetech.com
ManTech – Team Members / Capability / Experience
Page 268 of 419
Company Background:
Capability/Area of
Last 3 years services
experience listed by
functional area and
specific Program
Radiance Technologies is a 100% employee-owned small business specializing
in the application of emerging technologies to deliver government and
commercial solutions. Leveraging its record of technical innovation and
operational expertise with military and intelligence clients, Radiance
Technologies continues to provide products and services that save time,
money and lives.
Leveraging its record of technical innovation and operational expertise with
military and intelligence clients, Radiance Technologies continues to provide
a variety of services for both government and commercial customers. Areas
of expertise includes system engineering, technology application program
support, technology (to include development, testing, and evaluation), and
intelligence community support.
3.1 Research and Development Support
3.2 Engineering, System Engineering and Process Engineering Support
3.3 Modeling, Simulation, Stimulation, and Analysis Support
3.4 Prototyping, Pre-Production, Model-Making, and Fabrication Support
3.5 System Design Documentation and Technical Data Support
3.6 Software Engineering, Development, Programming, and Network Support
3.7 Reliability, Maintainability, and Availability (RM&A) Support
3.9 System Safety Engineering Support
3.10 Configuration Management (CM) Support
3.11 Quality Assurance (QA) Support
3.12 Information System (IS) Development, Information Assurance (IA), and
Information Technology (IT)
3.14 Interoperability, Test and Evaluation, Trials Support
3.15 Measurement Facilities, Range, and Instrumentation Support
3.17 Supply and Provisioning Support
3.18 Training Support
3.22 Public Affairs and Multimedia Support
Description of products
(deliverables) provided.
Radiance Technologies provides an end-to-end prototyping and production
process, including the analysis, design, development, manufacture, deployment,
and sustainment of military hardware systems. One such system is the Radiancedeveloped WeaponWatch optical sensor system for force protection applications
on both ground-based and airborne platforms. Radiance also supports force
protection missions via both hybrid power systems providing efficient power
generation to resource-limited deployed troops as well as non-lethal vehicle
disabling systems at security checkpoints.
Company Name
RadiantBlue Technologies, Inc.
Points of Contact
Technical: Michael T. Hatler – mhatler@radiantblue.com 719.387.1251
Contracts: Billy Conques – bconques@radiantblue.com 703-745-1639
Company Website
Company Background
RadiantBlue provides world-class multi-int visualization and analysis
capability for DoD and the intelligence community. Founded in 2005,
ManTech – Team Members / Capability / Experience
Page 269 of 419
RadiantBlue Technologies is a specialized provider of information technology,
tailored ISR solutions and program support services for the U.S. Defense and
Intelligence Communities. RadiantBlue develops and integrates software and
systems used for the collection, dissemination, access and retrieval,
visualization, and exploitation of intelligence and defense data. Our technical
focus includes software and systems development, as well as program
services organized within sensor data processing, open source GEOINT
software and data liberation technologies.
3.1, 3.2, 3.3, 3.4, 3.5, 3.6, 3.10, 3.18,
Capability/Area of
Last 3 years services
experience listed by
functional area and
specific Program (see
below for list of functional
Description of products
(deliverables) provided
3.1, 3.2, 3.3, 3.4, 3.5, 3.6, 3.10, 3.18,
Company Name
Radio Reconnaissance Technologies, Inc.
Points of Contact
Nick Hoben, (540) 752-7448, nhoben@radiorecon.com
USSOCOM – H92222-13-C-0059
Technical Collaboration Operations – 11-C-0641
TSWG – N41756-11-C-3831
ROVER application software improvements
Bryan Moody, (540) 752-7448, bkmoody@radiorecon.com
Company Background:
RRT was founded in 1993 and incorporated in 1997. RRT maintains a staff of
personnel that includes electrical engineers, mechanical engineers, software
engineers, electronic maintenance specialists, training specialists, and
cryptologic personnel that have recent and relevant real world experience
with signals intelligence, electronic warfare, and special operations missions.
RRT has a U.S. Government Top Secret (TS) facility clearance and RRT
personnel maintain current Top Secret (TS) clearances with Sensitive
Compartmented Information (SCI) and Special Access Program (SAP)
accesses. RRT Inc.’s Quality Management System (QMS) meets all of the
requirements of ISO 9001. Our QMS is registered by BSI Inc and we currently
hold the ISO 9001:2008 certification (FM 582813).
ManTech – Team Members / Capability / Experience
Page 270 of 419
Capability/Area of
RRT’s core experience is in military tactical, strategic and special operations
related signals intelligence, electronic warfare, communications and power
solutions. Capabilities include Field Support (CONUS & OCONUS FRS
deployment), Mechanical and Electrical design, rapid prototyping, low
volume production, Training development and presentation (CONUS &
OCONUS Mobile Training Teams), Subject Matter Expertise and program
Last 3 years services
experience listed by
functional area (see below
for list of functional areas)
and specific Program
3.1 Research and Development Support
3.4 Prototyping, Pre-Production, Model-Making, and Fabrication Support
3.5 System Design Documentation and Technical Data Support
3.14 Interoperability, Test and Evaluation, Trials Support
3.18 Training Support
3.19 In-Service Engineering, Fleet Introduction, Installation & Checkout
3.20 Program Support
Description of products
(deliverables) provided.
3.1 RRT provides System Engineering and Technical Assistance (SETA) support
to various DoD entities. Currently provide support to USMC RadBn Mods and
US Army Force Modernization (FM) North
3.4 RRT’s Fredericksburg facility has electrical and mechanical machine shops
ManTech – Team Members / Capability / Experience
Page 271 of 419
capable of prototyping and low-rate of production. RRT products include
initial 3D drawings and pre-production design, circuit board layout and
electrical and mechanical prototypes / first-articles. RRT provided design and
fabrication support to Lockheed Martin’s Symphony RCIED jamming system.
RRT modified system antenna designs for field use and durability and
ultimately received production rights for one of the system antennas. To date
RRT has delivered approx. 10,000 antennas and associated parts for the
3.5 RRT has developed and published Technical manuals for multiple systems
to include the CESAS I and Symphony RCIED jammer Systems.
3.14 RRT provided SME and testing support for Force Modernization North
testing and evaluation (rabbit support). SME and technical support to CESAS
Developmental Test (DT) and Operational Test (OT) events, Independent
Verification & Validation (IV&V) of CESAS technical manual, system refresher
training to deployed units in Afghanistan, technical support to the CESES Field
Users Evaluation (FUE) (both systems configurations HMMWV and MRAP),
CESAS New Equipment Training (NET) deliver and periodic refresher training
to units in garrison. In addition to training, antenna development, and
technical manual development for the Symphony RCIED jammer system.
3.18 RRT provides training and training support (include course development
and final presentation) for multiple agencies within the USG; including Naval
Expeditionary Intelligence Command (NEIC), Naval Special Warfare
Development Group (NSWDG), Naval Special Warfare Group Two (NSWG-2),
USMC Radio Battalions, and the U.S. Army. RRT developed and delivered all
training (both CONUS & OCONUS) for the USMC CESAS I program. RRT is the
primary team member on the Radio Reconnaissance Team Operators Course
contract from II MHG.
3.19 RRT provides all of the in-theater Field Service Representative (FSR)
personnel who perform the installation and maintenance for the vehicle
mounted Symphony RCIED Jammer System which is an element of the U.S.
Joint Counter Radio-Controlled Improvised Explosive Device (RCIED)
Electronic Warfare (JCREW) program effort. At any given time there are at
ManTech – Team Members / Capability / Experience
Page 272 of 419
least 15 to 20 personnel actively performing in these critical positions
3.20 RRT personnel are actively supporting multiple USG programs to
include: USMC RadBn Mods, USA Force Modernization North, USMC CESAS I,
and the FBI.
Company Name
RedBlack Communications Inc – see BCF Solutions Inc
Company Name
REDCOM Laboratories, Inc.
Points of Contact
Capability/Area of
Dinah Gueldenpfennig, dgueldenpfennig@redcom.com, 585-924-6535
George Perrin, gperrin@redcom.com, 585-924-6508
REDCOM designs and manufactures voice and data digital telecommunication
switching systems for domestic and international markets. This capability
includes both TDM and IP switching platforms.
Supply of telecommunication switching platforms as noted in capabilities
Last 3 years services
experience listed by
functional area and
specific Program
3.1; 3.2; 3.4; 3.6; 3.12; 3.14; 3.18; 3.19;
FA8726-04-D-0005 TDC-ICAP FOC2 - USAF ESC Hanscom, MA, Value $125
million. This contract covers the supply of Tactical Voice Telephone Switching
Systems. Program Manager is Ms. Janet M. Maddox, telephone 781-3772088.
Company Background
M68450-06-M-6124 - USMC Camp Fallujah, IRAQ. Value is S1.4 million. This
contract covers tactical telephone switching systems. POC is Sgt Mariam
Steinbuch, telephone (318) 3405-374/375
N00421-06-P-0297 - USN NAWC-AD St. Inigoes, MD. Value is $4.2 million.
This contract covers tactical telephone switching systems. POC is Ms.
Margaret Coberly 301-995-8982.
Company Name
ReMilNet, LLC
ManTech – Team Members / Capability / Experience
Page 273 of 419
Points of Contact
Sara Slettebo, President
Company Website
Company Background
ReMilNet is an 8(m), Economically Disadvantaged Woman-Owned Small
Business (EDWOSB), ReMilNet, LLC, has earned its stripes as a leader in
assisting organizations maximize their potential with proven and cost
effective solutions in the areas of Financial Management, Logistics
Management, Organizational Improvement, and Technology Management.
Providing flexible and responsive support, ReMilNet assists customers in the
identification of costs savings and improved efficiencies through the use of
repeatable processes, systems, tools, and training.
Primary competencies include: Organizational & Process Improvement;
Financial Management & Internal Controls; Logistics Management;
Technology Management
3.2 Engineering, System Engineering and Process Engineering Support
3.5 System Design Documentation and Technical Data Support (SPAWAR –
3.6 Software Engineering, Development, Programming, and Network Support
3.10 Configuration Management (CM) Support (SPAWAR – SOFTACS, SCAMPI,
MISO Programs)
3.11 Quality Assurance (QA) Support (SPAWAR –SCAMPI and MOC Programs,
3.12 Information System (IS) Development, Information Assurance (IA), and
Information Technology (IT) Support (SPAWAR – SOFTACS, SCAMPI, MISO
and Programs, USMC TECOM, MCLB Barstow)
3.18 Training Support (USMC MCLB Barstow, TECOM, CD&I)
3.20 Program Support (SPAWAR, USMC, USSOCOM multiple programs)
3.21 Functional and Administration Support (SPAWAR, USMC, USSOCOM
multiple programs)
3.22 Public Affairs and Multimedia Support (SPAWAR, USMC multiple
Capability/Area of
Last 3 years services
experience listed by
functional area and
specific Program (see
below for list of functional
Company Name:
Resource Management Concepts, Inc. (RMC)
Points of Contact
Contracts – Mary Ann P. Hollen
Business Development – Kevin Cooley
ManTech – Team Members / Capability / Experience
Page 274 of 419
Company Background:
RMC provides 20+ years demonstrated technical experience in a variety of
Navy specific areas to include Navy RDT&E range management and Navy
systems integration. These capabilities include management planning,
environmental impact statement development, public outreach, and range
sustainability planning, information technology and information assurance
support to NAVAIR and NAVSEA.
Capability/Area of
3.2 Engineering, System Engineering and Process Engineering Support
3.5 System Design Documentation and Technical Data Support
3.6 Software Engineering, Development, Programming, and Network Support
3.9 System Safety Engineering Support
3.10 Configuration Management (CM) Support
3.11 Quality Assurance (QA) Support
3.12 Information System (IS) Development, Information Assurance (IA), and
Information Technology (IT)
3.15 Measurement Facilities, Range, and Instrumentation Support
3.22 Public Affairs and Multimedia Support
3.12 – RDT&E network operations and information assurance support
services for NSWCIHD
3.15 – Range sustainability and planning services for the NAVAIR Ranges
3.22 – Public outreach planning and documents development for the NAVAIR
Ranges Department
3.12 – Certification and Accreditation (C&A) packages for Navy IT systems
3.15 – Range Complex Management Plans, Encroachment Management
Plans, Environmental Assessments
3.22 – Public outreach brochures, Public Outreach Plans
Last 3 years services
experience listed by
functional area and
specific Program
Description of products
(deliverables) provided.
Company Name
Richard Parks Corrosion Technologies
Points of Contact
Richard Parks, rparksrockfish@aol.com, 540-752-7651
Chrissy Gibbs, Cgibbs11va@aol.com, 540-752-7651
Research and Development Support
Company Background
Richard Parks Corrosion Technologies, Inc. (RPCT) is a leader in the
advancement of innovative preservation and maintenance technologies,
material and corrosion compatibility issues and design criteria considerations
related to Navy and Marine Corps ship structures and equipment.
Current projects for NAVSEA 05M include flow, structural and corrosion
control analysis of rudder coatings on the DDG-51 Class; testing and
evaluation of tank coatings for all surface ships and submarines;
environmental compliance requirements for all Navy coatings interface with
the EPA on the National Emissions Standard for Hazardous Air Pollutants
(NESHAP); and coating performance and maintenance needs for HM&E
systems with consideration of Navy unique mission and camouflage
ManTech – Team Members / Capability / Experience
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requirements. We are also evaluating carrier flight deck non-skid deck
covering maintenance requirements, which requires a comprehensive
understanding of coating chemistry, corrosion protection and environmental
compliance with Volatile Organic Compounds (VOC) and the development of
surface preparation technical requirements. RPCT is involved in the
development and T&E of high temperature coatings for piping systems,
which includes considerations of high temperature composites, and
materials, off-gas testing for compliance in submarine applications and
surface preparation needs. RPCT possesses a full competency in Navy
materials and structure materials’ galvanic compatibility; active and passive
system cathodic protection; design criteria, electrical isolation and state-ofthe-art methods for testing, designing and preserving Navy materials for use
in the marine environment. Our expertise encompasses comprehensive
understanding of ship building practices, in-service engineering support,
shipboard maintenance expectations and capabilities and general mission
RPCT was tasked by NAVSEA 05M to lead the RDT&E effort to develop
technology to permit real-time optical defect detection in marine tank
coating systems. This project includes laboratory work to characterize the
fluorescent response of anticorrosive paints with varying pigment
concentrations and market research to develop technical specifications for a
tank coating system suitable for US Navy shipbuilding and repair
requirements. Integration of imaging hardware and computer software to
demonstrate the feasibility of automated paint defect detection and testing
of prototypes under field conditions are part of the team’s responsibilities.
RPCT developed and is currently optimizing prototype image systems to
produce an industrially acceptable, lightweight and portable paint quality
imaging system. This research, design and testing effort will enable Navy
shipbuilding and overhaul to optimize the performance of the latest
technology high-solids Navy coating systems by providing real-time, handsoff coatings inspection capability. This will result in less time spent identifying
and correcting coating defects, less physical damage to coatings caused by
inspections, improved coating system performance and lower life cycle costs
overall. This program is critical to NAVSEA’s goal to extend the service life
expectancy of Navy tank coatings to reduce both acquisition and in-service
maintenance costs.
RPCT is in the testing and evaluation stage of a unique high-solids Navy
coatings delivery system for coating repair applications. This system is
designed to alleviate short pot life issues associated with these new coating
systems and to reduce application process issues and time.
RPCT is working with private shipyards to design an automated dry dock Navy
paint dispensing system capable of dispensing pre-mixed two-component
paints in varying quantities to meet the applicator’s needs and comply with
environmental tracking and use requirements.
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Summary of key capabilities and core competencies:
1. Experience developing, designing and testing complex materials and
preservation technologies for Naval applications.
2. Ability to integrate this expertise with our competency in ship design,
construction, operation and maintenance disciplines.
3. Competency in mission needs and ability to successfully identify, develop
and integrate all material needs.
4. Extensive experience with Naval Warfare Center mission and function in
support of the customer base in NAVSEA and the fleet.
Engineering, System Engineering and Process Engineering Support
The RPCT team is comprised of engineering leaders in the marine corrosion,
environmental compliance and pollution control, and materials engineering
industry. Our staff includes a former Corrosion Control Division Technical
Director of the Naval Sea Systems Command, who was awarded NAVSEA
Engineer of the Year for his work in naval coating materials, and a past
Deputy Director of the Materials Engineering Group of the Naval Sea Systems
Command. RPCT personnel were responsible for the development and Navy
introduction of many of the top engineering preservation and maintenance
programs including Engineering for Reduced Maintenance, Capitol
Investment for Labor and Navy Preservation Teams. We have worked with
Supervisor of Shipbuilding (SUPSHIP) organizations, naval shipyards and
NAVSEA, performing field failure analysis to determine causes of coating
system performance degradation.
RPCT has specific expertise in naval ship preservation system design, coating
application processes, environmental compliance and Navy corrosion control
maintenance requirements. RPCT’s corporate competencies include navy
coating systems, coating and preservation specifications, material standards
and specifications, ship systems material requirements and selection, air and
water environmental compliance issues (federal and state), corrosion control
and cathodic protection active and passive systems design and configuration,
coating failure analysis, research and development, surface preparation
technologies and expertise, preservation technology insertion and training.
We have extensive engineering expertise in seawater piping systems and
material issues, crevice corrosion failures and countermeasures for highnickel alloys and related materials and galvanic compatibility of naval
RPCT’s corporate competencies directly match the warfare center’s
responsibilities. RPCT is currently supporting Navy and NAVSEA preservationrelated projects covering the full spectrum of ship life cycle from R&D
through ship construction and fleet operations. This includes an extensive
understanding of NAVSEA technical manuals, specifications, coating
application procedures and equipment, physical properties, quality assurance
and process control.
ManTech – Team Members / Capability / Experience
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Navy-specified coating systems and application procedures for critical coated
areas and HM&E systems have changed dramatically in the past seven years
and RPCT personnel have been on the leading edge of these changes. RPCT
personnel have been intimately involved in validating technical requirements
for materials used in the fleet, including developing specifications for these
new coating systems. RPCT was awarded and completed a Naval Ship
Research Program project to develop a Navy high-solids coatings application
information and lessons learned manual to provide user-friendly application
RPCT is a leader in ship manufacturing technologies related to materials and
preservation systems application. RPCT is providing field engineering and
technical support to NAVSEA, currently conducting preservation assessments
at all Naval and private shipyards. These assessments are critical to
identification and implementation of shipbuilding process improvements.
RPCT is currently working with both Naval and private shipyards on
preservation technology insertion projects. One such project is to upgrade
paint dispensing facilities and associated processes. This project involves
design and configuration of an automated Navy paint dispensing system,
recording and inventory control system and report generation for
environmental compliance. A recent business process analysis was developed
for a major shipbuilder that identified substantial potential cost reductions in
the areas of reduced paint waste and hazardous material disposal, man-hour
reductions and higher quality proportioning of products. The Military Sealift
Command’s corrosion engineering group has utilized RPCT for materials
technology review and transfer projects, including a non-skid demonstration
project which highlighted new materials and application processes. We
provide engineering guidance on coating selection, qualification and design
for marine and Navy corrosion control applications. RPCT worked with
NAVSEA 05M to develop a coatings qualification “roadmap” to assist industry
in the specification qualification process. RPCT is currently working to
streamline and automate this process.
RPCT posseses extensive first-hand knowledge and expertise in
environmental compliance issues concerning all Navy paints. Members of our
team worked to negotiate the National Emissions Standard for Hazardous Air
Pollutants (NESHAP) with the EPA and have an extensive understanding of
state regulatory environmental compliance issues, including state and federal
laws and initiatives, i.e. clean water and air acts. This expertise affects all
HM&E systems and machinery, combat systems and ship habitability
concerns. Projects include:
• Epoxy Bilge Paints: Maintenance of bilges is a time-consuming, degrading
job that has been a sailor demotivator for years. During the past five years
new environmentally friendly plural-component epoxy paints have been
developed to coat bilges. Our team verified for NAVSEA the installation
process for two paint brands in two engineering spaces in USS DETROIT.
ManTech – Team Members / Capability / Experience
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Using these systems the nominal periodicity of bilge painting will be
extended from quarterly to at least every 5 - 10 years, resulting in huge
savings in fleet maintenance expenditures and sailor workload.
• Aluminum Mesh Explosion Suppression: RPCT conducted a comprehensive
evaluation of commercial expanded aluminum mesh fuel tank explosion
suppression products that could potentially be used in fuel tanks of US Navy
ships and small boats. We developed and executed a test program that
determined the material characteristics of the mesh products, analyzed their
susceptibility to corrosion or other degradation in Navy fuels and tested the
mesh products’ explosion suppression performance against realistic live-fire
ballistic threats. This test program may result in a reduction of vulnerability
of Navy vessels and an enhancement of their crews’ safety.
• Rudder Coating Failures: RPCT was tasked by the Naval Sea Systems
Command, Materials Engineering Group NAVSEA 05M, to develop a
comprehensive history of costly rudder coating failures in the Navy’s ARLEIGH
BURKE (DDG 51) class destroyers, analyze previous attempts to solve the
problem and recommend a systems engineering methodology for NAVSEA’s
use in qualifying suitable coatings. This in-depth analysis pulled together data
from previous R&D and test efforts and provided future program
recommendations to the Navy. If adopted, this methodology will result in
fewer rudder coating failures, increased operational availability of these ships
and reduced life cycle maintenance costs.
• AFFF Storage Tank Coatings: NAVSEA PMS 378 (New Carrier Program
Office) is considering a revolutionary redesign of the aircraft carrier AFFF
system for CVN-21. This redesign includes large mild steel AFFF concentrate
storage tanks that will replace the numerous small copper-nickel or CRES
tanks scattered around the ship in the current design. This redesign will
reduce AFFF system maintenance and the associated manpower
requirements and will enhance the ship’s stability by adding weight low in
the ship. Unlike the current tanks, the mild steel tanks will require an internal
coating capable of withstanding the effects of AFFF’s surfactants and alkali
salts. There is no current MILSPEC that addresses this application. Therefore,
as requested by PMS 378, RPCT developed a comprehensive test program
that will facilitate the selection of suitable coatings that can survive in this
challenging environment.
• Real-Time Paint Holiday Detection: RPCT was tasked by NAVSEA 05M to
lead the effort to develop technology to permit real-time optical defect
detection in Navy marine coating systems. This project includes laboratory
work to characterize the fluorescent response of paints with varying pigment
concentrations and market research to develop technical specifications for
US Navy shipbuilding and repair requirements. The integration of imaging
hardware and software to demonstrate the feasibility of automated paint
defect detection and testing of prototypes under field conditions are also
part of the team’s responsibilities. The team developed, and is currently
ManTech – Team Members / Capability / Experience
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optimizing, prototype image systems to produce an industrially acceptable,
lightweight and portable paint quality imaging system. This research, design
and testing effort will enable the Navy to optimize the performance of the
latest technology high-solids coating systems by providing a real-time, handsoff coatings inspection capability. This capability will result in less time spent
finding and correcting coating defects, less damage to coatings caused by
inspections, improved coating system performance and overall lower life
cycle costs.
Summary of key capabilities and core competencies:
1. Demonstrated superior competency in total ship materials engineering
across all aspects of surface and submarine hull, machinery and electrical.
2. Ability to conceptualize, design and test process improvements and
integrate into acquisition and in-service operations.
3. Competency in recognizing, solving and implementing engineering
solutions in real time.
Software Engineering, Development, Programming and Network Support
RPCT has worked with NAVSEA 05M on two major software programs, which
involved engineering, development, programming and network support.
RPCT Team is currently working to develop a software program to support
NAVSEA 05Q specification tracking and approval requirements. This program
will be a fully-automated system to track the technical changes in effect
during specification revision and track the coating qualification process.
These projects involve technical analysis of both hardware and software
requirements and selection of appropriate data center facilities to support
the projects.
Summary of key capabilities and core competencies:
1. Ability to code, configure and implement hardware and computer software
into Navy functional areas in support of engineering design.
Quality Assurance (QA) Support
RPCT supports NAVSEA 05, NAVSEA 04 and NAVSEA 07 in the assessment of
Naval Shipyards and SUPSHIP Preservation Quality Assurance. RPCT’s team
designed a Navy Coatings QA Assessment Guide and Assessment Process to
benchmark the current state of preservation quality assurance and provide
data for process improvement. Each assessment consists of a one-week onsite review of QA processes and procedures and inspection of work-inprogress. RPCT’s team supports these assessments as inspection team
leaders and provides pre- and post- assessment support in logistics, report
generation, analysis and solution development. As of July 2006, all four Naval
Shipyards, all Intermediate Maintenance Facilities, all SUPSHIP organizations
and six commercial shipyards have been assessed by teams comprised of
NAVSEA and RPCT personnel. The Assessment Teams followed a detailed
“Preservation Quality Assurance Assessment Guide” developed by Team
ManTech – Team Members / Capability / Experience
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RPCT. During the course of these initial assessments, the Assessment Teams
wrote over 140 actionable cards and, as a result, improvement in
preservation processes has already been noted. Following completion of
these initial assessments, RPCT’s team presented a comprehensive written
analysis to NAVSEA 04, 05 and 07. The analysis focused on the identification
of both underlying process weaknesses and strong points. It supported the
development of cost effective solutions to preservation problems by focusing
on common problems among the various organizations and building on
existing best practices.
Each assessment is part of a larger effort to apply a uniform methodology to
a wide swath of preservation activities that support the Navy fleet. A longterm goal of this assessment effort is to train a technically knowledgeable
and consistent Assessment Team to visit a majority of Navy construction,
overhaul and repair facilities and conduct uniform assessments of
preservation practices. The Assessment Team would then document and
share Best Practices, identify common problems or performance gaps in the
industry and develop and deliver solutions to the common problems. This
effort has been briefed to and endorsed by flag officers of NAVSEA 05 and
RPCT’s staff includes a former Resident Supervisor of Shipbuilding who was
responsible for Quality Assurance Oversight of seven Navy contracts at five
separate shipyards in the Gulf Coast region. RPCT has NAVSEA Basic Paint
Inspectors (NBPI) on our staff. Our experience and expertise in Navy
preservation quality assurance is second to none.
Summary of key capabilities and core competencies:
1. NAVSEA-recognized expertise in preservation and maintenance QA
provisions with a diverse understanding of all aspects of ship design,
construction and repair concerns.
2. Competency in all Navy and regulatory quality concerns.
Information System (IS) Development, Information Assurance (IA) and
Information Technology (IT) Support
RPCT’s has undertaken Information System Development and Information
Technology support projects that support the mission of NAVSEA 04, 05, 07,
shipyards and the fleet. Our team has assisted in creating an Oracle database
that supports an information portal on the topic of coatings and corrosion in
marine environments and similar aggressive environments. In addition, we
have assisted creating SQL Server databases that will support NAVSEA’s
coatings approval process and military specification maintenance. These
projects involved requirements definition, design, development, testing,
modification, installation and implementation of the required databases. We
have also supervised creation of training materials, writing of documentation
and quality assurance testing.
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RPCT’s team has coordinated the efforts of a team of both internal and an
external software professionals to analyze existing IS and IT databases, web
sites and applications. This team created new requirements to improve
management of the data in order to simplify management of projects relating
to approval of coatings for Navy use and implementation of coating systems
onboard ships. RPCT’s team has worked with NAVSEA 05M to ensure that all
systems fit within the framework of the NMCI.
Summary of key capabilities and core competencies:
1. Diverse proven experience in IT solutions across all aspects of network
design, implementation and maintenance.
2. Ability to design systems to support of technical requirements.
Interoperability, Test and Evaluation, Trials Support
The RPCT staff includes a past Senior Member of the Landing Craft Air
Cushion (LCAC) Semi-Permanent Board of Inspection and Survey (INSURV).
His team was responsible for conducting all Acceptance Trials at the builder’s
shipyard and Final Contract trials at the east and west coast Assault Craft
Units. His intimate knowledge of trials procedures and deficiency
documenting requirements are a valuable asset to any shipboard trials. Our
staff also includes a former Chief Engineer of a US Navy hydrofoil who led his
engineers through two successful Operational Propulsion Plant Examinations.
RPCT conducted a Military Sealift Command (MSC) non-skid test and
evaluation. Through field application, testing and evaluation this project
demonstrated the enhanced service life expectancy of a new non-skid system
combined with an enhanced application process. The application
demonstrated and documented the proper surface preparation, installation
and one-year service test. The trial provided improved deck covering with
reduced repair requirements.
Summary of key capabilities and core competencies:
1. Ability to develop, test, and implement procedures to ensure T&E trials.
Training Support
RPCT has been intimately involved with the introduction of Navy high-solids
coating systems to the Navy and has assisted in the development of plural
component applicator training for shipyard personnel. This project was a
direct request from NAVSEA 05M to support higher quality application
techniques through the implementation of a Navy training program to
support the advancing technology. The project included research of the
technology, including metrics review and market analysis. Utilizing the team’s
training expertise in high-solids coatings technology we developed hands-on
and classroom training sessions that included peer review of the curriculum.
This program is in the pilot program stage at Norfolk Naval Shipyard and will
be utilized by the US Navy as a certification program for applicators in
At NAVSEA’s request RPCT conducted a preliminary training needs
ManTech – Team Members / Capability / Experience
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assessment based upon the guidance contained in Military Handbook 1379-2
(MIL-HDBK-1379-2). A gap analysis and needs analysis addressed government
workforce training deficiencies within SUPSHIP, naval shipyard and ships’
force. The team then developed a comprehensive preservation-training
program targeted at SUPSHIP, shipyard and ships’ force audiences. The
program prioritizes training needs into logical and manageable groups for
curriculum development and resulted in a prioritized list of 8 hours of
training for each of SUPSHIP, naval shipyards and ships’ force to address the
most critical needs. This training program addresses the continuous
improvement process in Navy shipbuilding and repair. Part of the program
includes an assessment tool to help organizations benchmark themselves on
attaining preservation process excellence and to identify improvement
opportunities. NAVSEA and RPCT team based this tool on the Preservation
Quality Assurance Assessment guide already developed by the RPCT Team.
This assessment tool will include an assessment guide, assessor training and
support in conducting assessment via access to pre-assessment coaching,
assessment validation by a team of experts and assessment analysis and
reporting support.
RPCT’s staff includes a Naval Engineering Instructor certified as a Master
Training Specialist (MTS) previously responsible for course content for gas
turbine engineering curriculum at the Surface Warfare Officers School. Our
staff is proficient at delivering high-level briefings and classroom training.
RPCT personnel are extremely knowledgeable in Navy marine coatings
requirements including ship design; shipyard use and ships force applications.
In addition, RPCT has a vast knowledge of gas turbine shipboard engineering
systems and auxiliary equipment. Members of our staff were responsible for
the development of the Navy’s training requirements and course for coatings
Summary of key capabilities and core competencies:
1. Diverse proven engineering expertise in identifying, developing and
implementing training that exceeds Navy requirements while pushing the
technical envelope of training methodologies.
In-Service Engineering, Fleet Introduction, Installation and Checkout Support
RPCT possesses the engineering, analytical, technical disciplines and skills to
establish and maintain long-term engineering, operation and maintenance
support for in-service ships and craft. We have the capabilities to support
modernization and introduce preservation-related transformational
technologies. We oversaw the preservation system upgrades to amphibious
ships’ well decks and ballast tanks and are currently working with several
shipyards to upgrade both process and equipment capabilities to meet
production needs. Our staff includes a previous head of the Landing Craft Air
Cushion (LCAC) Board of Inspection and Survey (INSURV). This team
conducted Acceptance Trials at shipyards and Final Contract Trials on vessels
ManTech – Team Members / Capability / Experience
Page 283 of 419
in service. We also held positions as the lead engineering failure analysis for
coatings and materials in new Navy HM&E and combat systems.
Summary of key capabilities and core competencies:
Capability/Area of
1. Extensive in-service engineering support of systems, materials and
operation experience.
Research and Development Support
Richard Parks Corrosion Technologies, Inc. (RPCT) is a leader in the
advancement of innovative preservation and maintenance technologies,
material and corrosion compatibility issues and design criteria considerations
related to Navy and Marine Corps ship structures and equipment.
Current projects for NAVSEA 05M include flow, structural and corrosion
control analysis of rudder coatings on the DDG-51 Class; testing and
evaluation of tank coatings for all surface ships and submarines;
environmental compliance requirements for all Navy coatings interface with
the EPA on the National Emissions Standard for Hazardous Air Pollutants
(NESHAP); and coating performance and maintenance needs for HM&E
systems with consideration of Navy unique mission and camouflage
requirements. We are also evaluating carrier flight deck non-skid deck
covering maintenance requirements, which requires a comprehensive
understanding of coating chemistry, corrosion protection and environmental
compliance with Volatile Organic Compounds (VOC) and the development of
surface preparation technical requirements. RPCT is involved in the
development and T&E of high temperature coatings for piping systems,
which includes considerations of high temperature composites, and
materials, off-gas testing for compliance in submarine applications and
surface preparation needs. RPCT possesses a full competency in Navy
materials and structure materials’ galvanic compatibility; active and passive
system cathodic protection; design criteria, electrical isolation and state-ofthe-art methods for testing, designing and preserving Navy materials for use
in the marine environment. Our expertise encompasses comprehensive
understanding of ship building practices, in-service engineering support,
shipboard maintenance expectations and capabilities and general mission
RPCT was tasked by NAVSEA 05M to lead the RDT&E effort to develop
technology to permit real-time optical defect detection in marine tank
coating systems. This project includes laboratory work to characterize the
fluorescent response of anticorrosive paints with varying pigment
concentrations and market research to develop technical specifications for a
tank coating system suitable for US Navy shipbuilding and repair
requirements. Integration of imaging hardware and computer software to
demonstrate the feasibility of automated paint defect detection and testing
of prototypes under field conditions are part of the team’s responsibilities.
RPCT developed and is currently optimizing prototype image systems to
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produce an industrially acceptable, lightweight and portable paint quality
imaging system. This research, design and testing effort will enable Navy
shipbuilding and overhaul to optimize the performance of the latest
technology high-solids Navy coating systems by providing real-time, handsoff coatings inspection capability. This will result in less time spent identifying
and correcting coating defects, less physical damage to coatings caused by
inspections, improved coating system performance and lower life cycle costs
overall. This program is critical to NAVSEA’s goal to extend the service life
expectancy of Navy tank coatings to reduce both acquisition and in-service
maintenance costs.
RPCT is in the testing and evaluation stage of a unique high-solids Navy
coatings delivery system for coating repair applications. This system is
designed to alleviate short pot life issues associated with these new coating
systems and to reduce application process issues and time.
RPCT is working with private shipyards to design an automated dry dock Navy
paint dispensing system capable of dispensing pre-mixed two-component
paints in varying quantities to meet the applicator’s needs and comply with
environmental tracking and use requirements.
Summary of key capabilities and core competencies:
1. Experience developing, designing and testing complex materials and
preservation technologies for Naval applications.
2. Ability to integrate this expertise with our competency in ship design,
construction, operation and maintenance disciplines.
3. Competency in mission needs and ability to successfully identify, develop
and integrate all material needs.
4. Extensive experience with Naval Warfare Center mission and function in
support of the customer base in NAVSEA and the fleet.
Engineering, System Engineering and Process Engineering Support
The RPCT team is comprised of engineering leaders in the marine corrosion,
environmental compliance and pollution control, and materials engineering
industry. Our staff includes a former Corrosion Control Division Technical
Director of the Naval Sea Systems Command, who was awarded NAVSEA
Engineer of the Year for his work in naval coating materials, and a past
Deputy Director of the Materials Engineering Group of the Naval Sea Systems
Command. RPCT personnel were responsible for the development and Navy
introduction of many of the top engineering preservation and maintenance
programs including Engineering for Reduced Maintenance, Capitol
Investment for Labor and Navy Preservation Teams. We have worked with
Supervisor of Shipbuilding (SUPSHIP) organizations, naval shipyards and
NAVSEA, performing field failure analysis to determine causes of coating
system performance degradation.
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RPCT has specific expertise in naval ship preservation system design, coating
application processes, environmental compliance and Navy corrosion control
maintenance requirements. RPCT’s corporate competencies include navy
coating systems, coating and preservation specifications, material standards
and specifications, ship systems material requirements and selection, air and
water environmental compliance issues (federal and state), corrosion control
and cathodic protection active and passive systems design and configuration,
coating failure analysis, research and development, surface preparation
technologies and expertise, preservation technology insertion and training.
We have extensive engineering expertise in seawater piping systems and
material issues, crevice corrosion failures and countermeasures for highnickel alloys and related materials and galvanic compatibility of naval
RPCT’s corporate competencies directly match the warfare center’s
responsibilities. RPCT is currently supporting Navy and NAVSEA preservationrelated projects covering the full spectrum of ship life cycle from R&D
through ship construction and fleet operations. This includes an extensive
understanding of NAVSEA technical manuals, specifications, coating
application procedures and equipment, physical properties, quality assurance
and process control.
Navy-specified coating systems and application procedures for critical coated
areas and HM&E systems have changed dramatically in the past seven years
and RPCT personnel have been on the leading edge of these changes. RPCT
personnel have been intimately involved in validating technical requirements
for materials used in the fleet, including developing specifications for these
new coating systems. RPCT was awarded and completed a Naval Ship
Research Program project to develop a Navy high-solids coatings application
information and lessons learned manual to provide user-friendly application
RPCT is a leader in ship manufacturing technologies related to materials and
preservation systems application. RPCT is providing field engineering and
technical support to NAVSEA, currently conducting preservation assessments
at all Naval and private shipyards. These assessments are critical to
identification and implementation of shipbuilding process improvements.
RPCT is currently working with both Naval and private shipyards on
preservation technology insertion projects. One such project is to upgrade
paint dispensing facilities and associated processes. This project involves
design and configuration of an automated Navy paint dispensing system,
recording and inventory control system and report generation for
environmental compliance. A recent business process analysis was developed
for a major shipbuilder that identified substantial potential cost reductions in
the areas of reduced paint waste and hazardous material disposal, man-hour
reductions and higher quality proportioning of products. The Military Sealift
Command’s corrosion engineering group has utilized RPCT for materials
ManTech – Team Members / Capability / Experience
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technology review and transfer projects, including a non-skid demonstration
project which highlighted new materials and application processes. We
provide engineering guidance on coating selection, qualification and design
for marine and Navy corrosion control applications. RPCT worked with
NAVSEA 05M to develop a coatings qualification “roadmap” to assist industry
in the specification qualification process. RPCT is currently working to
streamline and automate this process.
RPCT posseses extensive first-hand knowledge and expertise in
environmental compliance issues concerning all Navy paints. Members of our
team worked to negotiate the National Emissions Standard for Hazardous Air
Pollutants (NESHAP) with the EPA and have an extensive understanding of
state regulatory environmental compliance issues, including state and federal
laws and initiatives, i.e. clean water and air acts. This expertise affects all
HM&E systems and machinery, combat systems and ship habitability
concerns. Projects include:
• Epoxy Bilge Paints: Maintenance of bilges is a time-consuming, degrading
job that has been a sailor demotivator for years. During the past five years
new environmentally friendly plural-component epoxy paints have been
developed to coat bilges. Our team verified for NAVSEA the installation
process for two paint brands in two engineering spaces in USS DETROIT.
Using these systems the nominal periodicity of bilge painting will be
extended from quarterly to at least every 5 - 10 years, resulting in huge
savings in fleet maintenance expenditures and sailor workload.
• Aluminum Mesh Explosion Suppression: RPCT conducted a comprehensive
evaluation of commercial expanded aluminum mesh fuel tank explosion
suppression products that could potentially be used in fuel tanks of US Navy
ships and small boats. We developed and executed a test program that
determined the material characteristics of the mesh products, analyzed their
susceptibility to corrosion or other degradation in Navy fuels and tested the
mesh products’ explosion suppression performance against realistic live-fire
ballistic threats. This test program may result in a reduction of vulnerability
of Navy vessels and an enhancement of their crews’ safety.
• Rudder Coating Failures: RPCT was tasked by the Naval Sea Systems
Command, Materials Engineering Group NAVSEA 05M, to develop a
comprehensive history of costly rudder coating failures in the Navy’s ARLEIGH
BURKE (DDG 51) class destroyers, analyze previous attempts to solve the
problem and recommend a systems engineering methodology for NAVSEA’s
use in qualifying suitable coatings. This in-depth analysis pulled together data
from previous R&D and test efforts and provided future program
recommendations to the Navy. If adopted, this methodology will result in
fewer rudder coating failures, increased operational availability of these ships
and reduced life cycle maintenance costs.
• AFFF Storage Tank Coatings: NAVSEA PMS 378 (New Carrier Program
Office) is considering a revolutionary redesign of the aircraft carrier AFFF
ManTech – Team Members / Capability / Experience
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system for CVN-21. This redesign includes large mild steel AFFF concentrate
storage tanks that will replace the numerous small copper-nickel or CRES
tanks scattered around the ship in the current design. This redesign will
reduce AFFF system maintenance and the associated manpower
requirements and will enhance the ship’s stability by adding weight low in
the ship. Unlike the current tanks, the mild steel tanks will require an internal
coating capable of withstanding the effects of AFFF’s surfactants and alkali
salts. There is no current MILSPEC that addresses this application. Therefore,
as requested by PMS 378, RPCT developed a comprehensive test program
that will facilitate the selection of suitable coatings that can survive in this
challenging environment.
• Real-Time Paint Holiday Detection: RPCT was tasked by NAVSEA 05M to
lead the effort to develop technology to permit real-time optical defect
detection in Navy marine coating systems. This project includes laboratory
work to characterize the fluorescent response of paints with varying pigment
concentrations and market research to develop technical specifications for
US Navy shipbuilding and repair requirements. The integration of imaging
hardware and software to demonstrate the feasibility of automated paint
defect detection and testing of prototypes under field conditions are also
part of the team’s responsibilities. The team developed, and is currently
optimizing, prototype image systems to produce an industrially acceptable,
lightweight and portable paint quality imaging system. This research, design
and testing effort will enable the Navy to optimize the performance of the
latest technology high-solids coating systems by providing a real-time, handsoff coatings inspection capability. This capability will result in less time spent
finding and correcting coating defects, less damage to coatings caused by
inspections, improved coating system performance and overall lower life
cycle costs.
Summary of key capabilities and core competencies:
1. Demonstrated superior competency in total ship materials engineering
across all aspects of surface and submarine hull, machinery and electrical.
2. Ability to conceptualize, design and test process improvements and
integrate into acquisition and in-service operations.
3. Competency in recognizing, solving and implementing engineering
solutions in real time.
Software Engineering, Development, Programming and Network Support
RPCT has worked with NAVSEA 05M on two major software programs, which
involved engineering, development, programming and network support.
RPCT Team is currently working to develop a software program to support
NAVSEA 05Q specification tracking and approval requirements. This program
will be a fully-automated system to track the technical changes in effect
during specification revision and track the coating qualification process.
These projects involve technical analysis of both hardware and software
ManTech – Team Members / Capability / Experience
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requirements and selection of appropriate data center facilities to support
the projects.
Summary of key capabilities and core competencies:
1. Ability to code, configure and implement hardware and computer software
into Navy functional areas in support of engineering design.
Quality Assurance (QA) Support
RPCT supports NAVSEA 05, NAVSEA 04 and NAVSEA 07 in the assessment of
Naval Shipyards and SUPSHIP Preservation Quality Assurance. RPCT’s team
designed a Navy Coatings QA Assessment Guide and Assessment Process to
benchmark the current state of preservation quality assurance and provide
data for process improvement. Each assessment consists of a one-week onsite review of QA processes and procedures and inspection of work-inprogress. RPCT’s team supports these assessments as inspection team
leaders and provides pre- and post- assessment support in logistics, report
generation, analysis and solution development. As of July 2006, all four Naval
Shipyards, all Intermediate Maintenance Facilities, all SUPSHIP organizations
and six commercial shipyards have been assessed by teams comprised of
NAVSEA and RPCT personnel. The Assessment Teams followed a detailed
“Preservation Quality Assurance Assessment Guide” developed by Team
RPCT. During the course of these initial assessments, the Assessment Teams
wrote over 140 actionable cards and, as a result, improvement in
preservation processes has already been noted. Following completion of
these initial assessments, RPCT’s team presented a comprehensive written
analysis to NAVSEA 04, 05 and 07. The analysis focused on the identification
of both underlying process weaknesses and strong points. It supported the
development of cost effective solutions to preservation problems by focusing
on common problems among the various organizations and building on
existing best practices.
Each assessment is part of a larger effort to apply a uniform methodology to
a wide swath of preservation activities that support the Navy fleet. A longterm goal of this assessment effort is to train a technically knowledgeable
and consistent Assessment Team to visit a majority of Navy construction,
overhaul and repair facilities and conduct uniform assessments of
preservation practices. The Assessment Team would then document and
share Best Practices, identify common problems or performance gaps in the
industry and develop and deliver solutions to the common problems. This
effort has been briefed to and endorsed by flag officers of NAVSEA 05 and
RPCT’s staff includes a former Resident Supervisor of Shipbuilding who was
responsible for Quality Assurance Oversight of seven Navy contracts at five
separate shipyards in the Gulf Coast region. RPCT has NAVSEA Basic Paint
Inspectors (NBPI) on our staff. Our experience and expertise in Navy
preservation quality assurance is second to none.
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Summary of key capabilities and core competencies:
1. NAVSEA-recognized expertise in preservation and maintenance QA
provisions with a diverse understanding of all aspects of ship design,
construction and repair concerns.
2. Competency in all Navy and regulatory quality concerns.
Information System (IS) Development, Information Assurance (IA) and
Information Technology (IT) Support
RPCT’s has undertaken Information System Development and Information
Technology support projects that support the mission of NAVSEA 04, 05, 07,
shipyards and the fleet. Our team has assisted in creating an Oracle database
that supports an information portal on the topic of coatings and corrosion in
marine environments and similar aggressive environments. In addition, we
have assisted creating SQL Server databases that will support NAVSEA’s
coatings approval process and military specification maintenance. These
projects involved requirements definition, design, development, testing,
modification, installation and implementation of the required databases. We
have also supervised creation of training materials, writing of documentation
and quality assurance testing.
RPCT’s team has coordinated the efforts of a team of both internal and an
external software professionals to analyze existing IS and IT databases, web
sites and applications. This team created new requirements to improve
management of the data in order to simplify management of projects relating
to approval of coatings for Navy use and implementation of coating systems
onboard ships. RPCT’s team has worked with NAVSEA 05M to ensure that all
systems fit within the framework of the NMCI.
Summary of key capabilities and core competencies:
1. Diverse proven experience in IT solutions across all aspects of network
design, implementation and maintenance.
2. Ability to design systems to support of technical requirements.
Interoperability, Test and Evaluation, Trials Support
The RPCT staff includes a past Senior Member of the Landing Craft Air
Cushion (LCAC) Semi-Permanent Board of Inspection and Survey (INSURV).
His team was responsible for conducting all Acceptance Trials at the builder’s
shipyard and Final Contract trials at the east and west coast Assault Craft
Units. His intimate knowledge of trials procedures and deficiency
documenting requirements are a valuable asset to any shipboard trials. Our
staff also includes a former Chief Engineer of a US Navy hydrofoil who led his
engineers through two successful Operational Propulsion Plant Examinations.
RPCT conducted a Military Sealift Command (MSC) non-skid test and
evaluation. Through field application, testing and evaluation this project
demonstrated the enhanced service life expectancy of a new non-skid system
combined with an enhanced application process. The application
demonstrated and documented the proper surface preparation, installation
ManTech – Team Members / Capability / Experience
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and one-year service test. The trial provided improved deck covering with
reduced repair requirements.
Summary of key capabilities and core competencies:
1. Ability to develop, test, and implement procedures to ensure T&E trials.
Training Support
RPCT has been intimately involved with the introduction of Navy high-solids
coating systems to the Navy and has assisted in the development of plural
component applicator training for shipyard personnel. This project was a
direct request from NAVSEA 05M to support higher quality application
techniques through the implementation of a Navy training program to
support the advancing technology. The project included research of the
technology, including metrics review and market analysis. Utilizing the team’s
training expertise in high-solids coatings technology we developed hands-on
and classroom training sessions that included peer review of the curriculum.
This program is in the pilot program stage at Norfolk Naval Shipyard and will
be utilized by the US Navy as a certification program for applicators in
At NAVSEA’s request RPCT conducted a preliminary training needs
assessment based upon the guidance contained in Military Handbook 1379-2
(MIL-HDBK-1379-2). A gap analysis and needs analysis addressed government
workforce training deficiencies within SUPSHIP, naval shipyard and ships’
force. The team then developed a comprehensive preservation-training
program targeted at SUPSHIP, shipyard and ships’ force audiences. The
program prioritizes training needs into logical and manageable groups for
curriculum development and resulted in a prioritized list of 8 hours of
training for each of SUPSHIP, naval shipyards and ships’ force to address the
most critical needs. This training program addresses the continuous
improvement process in Navy shipbuilding and repair. Part of the program
includes an assessment tool to help organizations benchmark themselves on
attaining preservation process excellence and to identify improvement
opportunities. NAVSEA and RPCT team based this tool on the Preservation
Quality Assurance Assessment guide already developed by the RPCT Team.
This assessment tool will include an assessment guide, assessor training and
support in conducting assessment via access to pre-assessment coaching,
assessment validation by a team of experts and assessment analysis and
reporting support.
RPCT’s staff includes a Naval Engineering Instructor certified as a Master
Training Specialist (MTS) previously responsible for course content for gas
turbine engineering curriculum at the Surface Warfare Officers School. Our
staff is proficient at delivering high-level briefings and classroom training.
RPCT personnel are extremely knowledgeable in Navy marine coatings
requirements including ship design; shipyard use and ships force applications.
In addition, RPCT has a vast knowledge of gas turbine shipboard engineering
systems and auxiliary equipment. Members of our staff were responsible for
ManTech – Team Members / Capability / Experience
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the development of the Navy’s training requirements and course for coatings
Summary of key capabilities and core competencies:
1. Diverse proven engineering expertise in identifying, developing and
implementing training that exceeds Navy requirements while pushing the
technical envelope of training methodologies.
In-Service Engineering, Fleet Introduction, Installation and Checkout Support
RPCT possesses the engineering, analytical, technical disciplines and skills to
establish and maintain long-term engineering, operation and maintenance
support for in-service ships and craft. We have the capabilities to support
modernization and introduce preservation-related transformational
technologies. We oversaw the preservation system upgrades to amphibious
ships’ well decks and ballast tanks and are currently working with several
shipyards to upgrade both process and equipment capabilities to meet
production needs. Our staff includes a previous head of the Landing Craft Air
Cushion (LCAC) Board of Inspection and Survey (INSURV). This team
conducted Acceptance Trials at shipyards and Final Contract Trials on vessels
in service. We also held positions as the lead engineering failure analysis for
coatings and materials in new Navy HM&E and combat systems.
Summary of key capabilities and core competencies:
Last 3 years services
experience listed by
functional area and
specific Program
1. Extensive in-service engineering support of systems, materials and
operation experience.
(1) NAVSEA 05M, Preparation of POM-08 program plan & Objectives. POC
Dail Thomas, 202-781-4555
(2) US Army Corrosion Control Program plan & Ballistic engineering, VSE
Corporation, POC Lou Lawrence, 703-329-3256
(3) Design & Technical layout of National Surface Treatment Web Site
(www.nstcenter.com), POC Ray Zavada, 1-502-452-1131
Company Name
RightStar, Inc.
Points of Contact
Dick Stark, dick.stark@rightstar.com
Company Website
Company Background
RightStar is a consulting firm that assists federal, state, and local government
agencies, and commercial firms in delivering IT support and operations
ManTech – Team Members / Capability / Experience
Page 292 of 419
solutions by leveraging the BMC Business Service Management (BSM)
solution suite. We provide our clients with IT and Business service
management solutions such as service desk, asset/change management,
service assurance, and synchronization of these disciplines throughout the
enterprise infrastructure. Our mission at RightStar is to help our clients
resolve their greatest infrastructure management challenges with efficient,
value-driven strategies, intelligently deploying the industry’s leading
solutions software.
Business Service Management / IT Service Management
Capability/Area of
Last 3 years services
experience listed by
functional area and
specific Program (see
below for list of functional
3.5 System Design Documentation and Technical Data Support
3.6 Software Engineering, Development, Programming, and Network Support
3.10 Configuration Management (CM) Support
3.12 Information System (IS) Development, Information Assurance (IA), and
Information Technology (IT) Support
RightStar Systems is a leading provider of BMC Remedy-driven service
management solutions. Over the course of more than ten years as a BMC
Solution Partner, RightStar has developed the process experience and proven
methodology to ensure successful ITIL based service desk, configuration
management, and change management implementations. RightStar is
committed to customer satisfaction and works closely with its clients to
define their needs and develop customized and out-of-the-box service
management solutions.
Description of products
(deliverables) provided
Service Portfolio
Financial Management
Demand Management
Service Level Management
Capacity Management
Availability Management
IT Service Continuity Management
Supplier Management
Information Security Management
Transition Planning
Change Management
Service Asset and Configuration Management
Service Performance Management
Service Release and Deployment Management
Knowledge Management
Incident Management
Problem Management
Access Management
Service Request Fulfillment Management
Service Improvement Management
Service Operations
ManTech – Team Members / Capability / Experience
Page 293 of 419
Company Name
RLM Communications – Company does not have an active
Subcontract with ManTech
Company Name:
RNB Technologies, Inc.
(see Oasis Systems LLC - - RNB Technologies, Inc. was acquired in
October 2012 by Oasis Systems LLC)
Company Name:
Points of Contact
John Breslin (Senior Engineer)
Veteran-Owned Small Business.
ROMULUS consultants are specialists with advanced degrees and many
years of Naval Ship maintenance experience afloat and ashore.
Project Management
Engineering and Technical Services
Process Mapping and Re-engineering
Strategic Planning
Data Analysis / Metric Development
3.2 Engineering, System Engineering and Process Engineering Support
3.3 Modeling, Simulation, Stimulation, and Analysis Support
3.20 Program Support
Company Background:
Capability/Area of
Last 3 years services
experience listed by
functional area and
specific Program
Description of products
(deliverables) provided.
Identify and document bugs and enhancements for various MFOM
applications (MFOM CASREP Generator; MFOM CASREP Ashore; MFOM
Fleet Response Program Readiness).
Identify CSMP data discrepancies to be reconciled between MFOM
(NIPR) – RMAIS (Legacy Shore File) and OARS (Legacy Historical File).
Identify Warfare Area-Naval Task (NTA) discrepancies between MFOM
Company Name
RPTC – Company does not have an active Subcontract with ManTech
ManTech – Team Members / Capability / Experience
Page 294 of 419
Company Name
Points of Contact
Robert Parkinson, 43765 Little Cliffs Road, Hollywood MD 20636, 301-7512114 (o&c) bobparkinson@hughes.net
www.rsbp.biz Under reconstruction
Company Website
Company Background
Formed in October 2004, saw peak revenues of $1.3M in 2008 before
declining to <$50 in 2012. CVE certified SDVOSB.
3.1, 3.2, 3.14, 3.15, 3.16, 3.20, 3.21
Capability/Area of
Last 3 years services
experience listed by
functional area and
specific Program (see
below for list of functional
Description of products
(deliverables) provided
Support for AIR 4.6 in development of maintainability research lab 3.1, 3.2;
Support for AIR 4.5 in airship studies 3.14; Support for range test
instrumentation 3.15; Support for fleet human factors evaluations 3.16;
Airship ADPO program office support, SBIR office program support 3.20; SBIR
and Airship ADPO admin support 3.21
Company Name
Sabre Systems, Inc.
Points of Contact
Jeannine Roso
215-957-5222 ext. 248
Ed Ramsay
Company Website
Company Background
Monthly reports, Office organization analysis report; Fleet maintainability
Sabre Systems, Inc. (Sabre) is a privately-held, quality-driven,
professional services company founded in 1989, specializing in
providing technology, scientific and management solutions to
government, international and commercial clients.
Sabre is
headquartered in Warrington, PA, with major offices in Manasquan, NJ;
Lexington Park and Aberdeen, MD; Alexandria, Dahlgren and Norfolk,
VA; and Bloomington, IN. Sabre offers a solutions strategy,
encompassing comprehensive services, processes, resources and
expertise to help meet the mission critical challenges faced by our
ManTech – Team Members / Capability / Experience
Page 295 of 419
customers. Sabre’s core competencies include engineering, information
technology, program management support, software development,
logistics and statistical programs.
To ensure the delivery of superior products and services to support our
customer's needs in a timely manner, Sabre has instituted a
comprehensive quality assurance and control program, known as Sabre
Performance Solutions (SPS). SPS includes three major components: 1)
Capability Maturity Model Integration (CMMI®) external appraisal at
Maturity Level 3, 2) ISO 9001:2008 registration, and 3) Voice of the
Customer (VOC). VOC, based on Six Sigma principles, is a process for
determining customers’ overall satisfaction by capturing customer
service metrics aimed at evaluating Sabre's ability to meet customer
requirements and expectations. Sabre has in-house trained and certified
staff in the areas of the Software Engineering Institute’s CMMI® and
Lean Six Sigma (LSS), providing additional quality assurance. These
practices and methodologies coupled with Sabre's superior personnel
generate results that in all cases meet, and typically exceed, customer
requirements and expectations.
Sabre’s major customers include the Naval Air Systems Command,
Naval Sea Systems Command, US Army CERDEC, Defense Logistics
Agency, Bureau of Census and US Naval Academy, among others.
Capability/Area of
Sabre specializes in providing Information Technology, Software
Development, Program Management,
Engineering, Logistics and Statistical Programs to its government and
commercial clients. Sabre has the knowledge and expertise to
provide its customers with the solutions they need. Our diverse
competencies allow our customers to receive technology, scientific and
management services through a single and dependable source.
ManTech – Team Members / Capability / Experience
Page 296 of 419
Last 3 years services
experience listed by
functional area and
specific Program (see
below for list of functional
Description of products
(deliverables) provided
Sabre Systems, Inc. (Sabre) has assembled a highly experienced and qualified
team to support the Virtual SYSCOM activities over the life of the Seaport-e
contract. Sabre has been supporting the Navy at myriad locations and in
many major capacities for over 20 years, having supported most major
commands, including NAVAIR, NAVSEA, NAVSUP, SPAWAR and/or a variety of
their field activities. Sabre, even before adding our partners, is a multidisciplined, strong Navy company with great depth and breadth in all
functional areas – we currently have personnel working in every zone. To
complement Sabre’s capabilities, the Sabre Team is a blend of Navyexperienced firms poised to provide Seaport-e clients with maximum depth
and breadth across all Zones, Mission Areas and Functional Areas. The Sabre
Team has over 240 years of combined corporate experience and includes a
total of nearly 400 offices located throughout the CONUS. In addition, several
team members, including Sabre Systems, Inc., provide talented staff to our
clients on a global basis. Over the past 3 years, Sabre, as prime contractor,
has supported the Naval Air Warfare Center Aircraft Division for the Marine
Corps Expeditionary Airfield program, as well as numerous ALRE and SE
programs that include: Electromagnetic Aircraft Launch System; Advanced
Arresting Gear; Open Architecture Moriah Wind System (MWS); Aviation
Data Management and Control System; Landing Signal Officer Display System
; Improved Fresnel Lens Optical Landing System; Integrated Launch and
Recovery Television Surveillance System; RF/IR Inspection Tool Development
for Aircraft Platform Interface; F/A-18 Mission Systems/CORE Avionics and
Joint Helmet Mounted Cueing System; V-22 Air Vehicle Engineering and V-22
Hydraulics System support; and the CVN Jet Blast Deflector (JBD) (Functional
Areas 2, 16, 19 and 20) . As a Prime contractor supporting NSWC Dahlgren,
Sabre has provided program management, engineering, software
development, software systems administration, configuration management,
data management, technical, and logistics support for C4ISR and Fire Control
Systems including requirements analysis, systems design, fabrication,
integration, installation, test and evaluation, operations, maintenance and
training (Functional Areas 2, 5,6 and 10).
Company Name
Salinas Technologies Inc.
Points of Contact
Dr. Al Salinas
850.437.3090 (O)
850.437.1190 (F)
ManTech – Team Members / Capability / Experience
Page 297 of 419
Company Website
Company Background
21 years of business experience supporting DoD and Prime Contractors. Small
Business, Small Disadvantaged Business, Veteran Owned Small Business,
Service-connected Disabled Veteran Owned Small Business
Research and Development, Advanced Technology Concepts, Software
Engineering, Human Factors Engineering, Technical and Operational Testing,
Design of Experiments, Crew-Station Integration, Simulation, Program
Evaluation, Training Development, Special Operations, Electronic Warfare,
Operations Research
3.1 Research and Development Support – AMCOM* [Advanced – MultiService Mission Planning Software XPlan]
Capability/Area of
Last 3 years services
experience listed by
functional area and
specific Program (see
below for list of functional
3.2 Engineering, System Engineering and Process Engineering Support –
AMCOM* [Systems Engineering support to Aviation Mission Planning
Systems Office and Software Engineering Directorate. Lead for Usability
Working Group]
3.3 Modeling, Simulation, Stimulation, and Analysis Support – AMCOM*
[Analysis Support for Software Usability Engineering]
3.4 Prototyping, Pre-Production, Model-Making, and Fabrication Support –
AMCOM* [Prototyping support for User Interface Design]
3.5 System Design Documentation and Technical Data Support – AMCOM*
[Direct support for Software Engineering Design to include Systems
Engineering, Software Requirements Specifications, Software Test
Description, User Interface Design, Analysis]
3.6 Software Engineering, Development, Programming, and Network Support
– AMCOM* [Software Engineering to include development, usability and
testing; STI provides Lead Systems Engineer and Test Director]
3.8 Human Factors, Performance, and Usability Engineering Support –
AMCOM* [Human Factors and Usability Engineering Support for Mission
Planning Systems]
3.14 Interoperability, Test and Evaluation, Trials Support - AMCOM*
[Complete Test and Evaluation Support, User Testing development,
facilitation analysis and reporting]
3.18 Training Support – AMCOM* [Training Support Packages – Integrated
3.20 Program Support – AMCOM* [Provide Software, Human Factors, and
Usability Engineering support, along with Training Packages for Software
Engineering Directorate and Aviation Mission Planning Systems Office]
ManTech – Team Members / Capability / Experience
Page 298 of 419
* Aviation and Mission Command (AMCOM) – Software Engineering
Documents: 1) Software Requirements Specifications; 2) Software Test
Description; 3) Software Test Reports; 4) Training Support Packages; 5)
Usability Testing to include Data Collection Reports.
Description of products
(deliverables) provided
Company Name
Points of Contact
Email: shahid.zaki@samincorp.com
Company Website
Company Background
Capability/Area of
Last 3 years services
experience listed by
functional area and
specific Program (see
below for list of functional
Program Management and Engineering/Technical Support Services to the US
Navy including NAVAIRSYSCOM and NAVSEA
3.1 Research and Development Support
3.2 Engineering, System Engineering and Process Engineering Support
3.3 Modeling, Simulation, Stimulation, and Analysis Support
3.4 Prototyping, Pre-Production, Model-Making, and Fabrication Support
3.5 System Design Documentation and Technical Data Support
3.6 Software Engineering, Development, Programming, and Network Support
3.7 Reliability, Maintainability, and Availability (RM&A) Support
3.8 Human Factors, Performance, and Usability Engineering Support
3.9 System Safety Engineering Support
3.10 Configuration Management (CM) Support
3.11 Quality Assurance (QA) Support
3.12 Information System (IS) Development, Information Assurance (IA), and
Information Technology (IT) Support
3.13 Inactivation and Disposal Support
3.14 Interoperability, Test and Evaluation, Trials Support
3.15 Measurement Facilities, Range, and Instrumentation Support
3.16 Logistics Support
3.17 Supply and Provisioning Support
3.18 Training Support
3.19 In-Service Engineering, Fleet Introduction, Installation & Checkout Spt
3.20 Program Support
3.21 Functional and Administration Support
(1) Prime Contract, Contract No. N00421-04-D-0047
Program Name: Metrology and Calibration Program Support
POC: RP Nassar, NAVAIRSYSCOM (Code AIR, (301) 757-9146
The NAVAIR Metrology and Calibration (METCAL) Program provided primary
support to Program Manager at AIR-3.9.2, 22113 Fortin Circle, Patuxent
River, MD for precision measurement and calibration capability to all Navy
ManTech – Team Members / Capability / Experience
Page 299 of 419
and Marine Corp air combat systems and their associated ground support
equipment. The same services were provided to requesting foreign country’s
military services under various Foreign Military Sales (FMS) cases. Scope of
work covered the requirements to provide program management support,
financial analysis support, technical/engineering support, and logistics and
supply support.
(2) Subcontractor to BAE Systems, Prime Contract no. N00178-04-D-4018
Program Name: PEO IWS 3.0
POC: Joe FitzGerald, Deputy Program Manager, 301-231-1117
SAM, Inc. works in cooperation and conjunction with BAE Systems in their
endeavors to conduct White Sands Missile Range (WSMR) Desert Ship
Operational (OP) Program Certification engineering. In general, primary
tasking include flight test plan reviews, flight test adaptation validations for
specific test scenarios, design concurrence with missile 6-DOF simulations,
development of test program specification including test script design,
conducting regression testing, and development and maintenance of
associated documentation. Other tasks supported, as required, include the
participation in Test Coordination Panel (TCP), Mission Control Panel (MCP),
Mission Readiness Review (MRR), and OP Program Committee meetings
Company Name
Savantage Financial Services, Inc.
Points of Contact
Kelly Moore, kmoore@savantage.net, 301-258-5600
Lisa Kazor, 301-258-5600
Savantage currently prepares for BTA the DoD-wide financial statements as
well as the 17 separate entity statements for DoD. We were instrumental in
successfully achieving the first Standard Financial Information Structure (SFIS)
system compliance for BTA: Defense Departmental Reporting System (DDRS).
Through this experience, we have developed a detailed understanding of
DoD financial management data, infrastructure, policies, procedures,
processes, and standards.
Company Background
Savantage, for the U.S. Department of Treasury, designed, developed,
implemented, and currently maintains the system to consolidate and prepare
the Government-wide financial statements. We receive financial data input
from DoD and 24+ CFO agencies to produce the U.S. Financial Report.
Savantage is one of only five FSIO-certified financial system vendors and has
maintained this certification since 1994. As a FSIO vendor, we are responsible
for updating and maintaining our ERP system’s compliance with federal
government requirements. As such, we have in-depth knowledge and
understanding of budgetary and financial reporting, compliance with FFMIA
and other authoritative data sources such as public laws, policies, and
regulations; and are active participants in government-wide financial
management initiatives such as the creation of the Common Government
ManTech – Team Members / Capability / Experience
Page 300 of 419
Accounting Code (CGAC).
Capability/Area of
Last 3 years services
experience listed by
functional area and
specific Program
Savantage has successfully implemented its ERP financial system and
integrated this system in accordance with 3 major e-Gov initiatives (Travel,
Payroll, and Procurement) at six different bureaus and directorates within the
Department of Homeland Security (DHS). As a systems vendor and integrator,
we bring an understanding of how to successfully implement a modern ERP
system across multiple agencies within a large, complex government
organization, similar to DoD.
IT/IS support for a wide variety of systems and specifically financial systems.
Business process re-engineering, and subject matter expertise in financial
management systems.
3.2 Engineering, System Engineering and Process Engineering Support
3.5 System Design Documentation and Technical Data Support
3.6 Software Engineering, Development, Programming, and Network Support
3.10 Configuration Management (CM) Support
3.11 Quality Assurance (QA) Support
3.12 Information System (IS) Development, Information Assurance (IA), and
Information Technology (IT) Support
3.20 Program Support
3.21 Functional and Administrative Support
BTA – Defense Departmental Reporting System (DDRS)
Bobby Blackley, (703) 602-8812
In 2000, the Defense Finance and Accounting Service (DFAS) developed the
DDRS to address challenges in preparing consolidated and component level
financial statements. DDRS was developed based on the reporting
requirements outlined by the Office of Management and Budget (OMB) and
the DOD Financial Management Regulations (FMR) with the mission to
provide standardized financial reporting needed for DoD to achieve a clean
audit opinion. DDRS is currently managed by the BTA and operated by DFAS,
with approximately 2,400 users in 100 DoD organizations at 96 locations
across the United States.
DFAS – Base Realignment and Closure (BRAC) Initiative
Darin Morris, (317) 510-6364
In 2006, DFAS contracted with Booz Allen Hamilton and Savantage to support
the Transformation and Base Realignment and Closure (BRAC) initiative.
Savantage’s support of the DFAS Transformation and BRAC project includes
numerous “call orders” focused on eliminating redundancies and
standardizing business processes to streamline financial operations and
improve efficiency across DFAS. Highlights from this engagement include
helping DFAS develop a new set of accounting processes for their optimal
general accounting and accounts payable operations verified against U.S.
GAAP for Fund Accounting, the 11 principles of accounting and reporting
developed by the National Council on Governmental Accounting (NCGA), and
processes and procedures recommended by Treasury. Work also includes:
providing accounting reconciliation support to rectify out-of-balance
ManTech – Team Members / Capability / Experience
Page 301 of 419
conditions on the general ledger after production of the preliminary
accounting trial balance; providing research, analysis, and reconciliation of
incoming accounting transactions; and resolving accounting issues associated
with the Standard Accounting, Budgeting and Reporting System (SABRS) prior
to producing Quarterly and Year End Financial Statements for the Marine
Treasury – Governmentwide Financial Report System (GFRS)
Jeff Hoge, (202) 874-6179
Since 1976, the U.S. Department of Treasury’s Financial Management Service
(FMS) has collected Standard General Ledger-based trial balances and
generated the Consolidated Financial Report of the U.S. Government. In
2002, after Treasury failed to obtain a clean audit opinion, FMS engaged
Savantage to replace their existing processes with a Governmentwide
Financial Report System (GFRS), integrating COTS and customized software
with an Oracle database platform. FMS engaged Savantage to develop and
implement the new financial reporting solution aimed at generating
consolidated financial reports for the entire U.S. Government, including 24
CFO agencies and over 100 independent agencies. Savantage has served as
the prime contractor on this effort, both as COTS vendor and systems
DHS – Federal Financial Management System Support
Debi Alkire, (202) 732-7328
In May 1997, the Immigration and Naturalization Service [now U.S.
Department of Homeland Security’s (DHS) Bureau of Immigration and
Customs Enforcement – (ICE)] engaged Savantage to implement our
proprietary COTS JFMIP / FSIO-certified federal financial management system
suite of applications as the Bureau’s financial management system of record,
known as FFMS. Today, Savantage continues to support the operations,
maintenance, and enhancement of FFMS at ICE, which serves as a financial
management service provider to five other DHS bureaus. We provide a full
range of accounting and financial system support services covering all aspects
of the financial system including planning, requirements analysis, system
configuration, data conversion and migration, scheduled maintenance and
enhancements, testing, configuration management, accounting, reporting,
and training for over 3,500 end users and managers of the system. As a result
of Savantage efforts, INS achieved and maintained its first ever clean audit
Company Name
Sayres and Associates Corporation
Points of Contact
Kenneth D. Gorter: ken.gorter@sac-corp.com
Terry Kirby: terry.kirby@sac-corp.com
ManTech – Team Members / Capability / Experience
Page 302 of 419
Company Website
Company Background
Small Business
Veteran Owned Small Business
Service Disabled Veteran Owned
Sayres and Associates Corporation (Sayres) offers a broad spectrum of
management, technical and administrative services in the areas of
Navy/Maritime Systems Acquisition Support, Integrated Warfare Programs,
and Federal and Security Services.
3.3, 3.5, 3.7, 3.10, 3.11, 3.12, 3.13, 3.14, 3.16, 3.18, 3.19, 3-20, 3.21, 3.22
Capability/Area of
Last 3 years services
experience listed by
functional area and
specific Program
Description of products
(deliverables) provided
Monthly status reports which includes cost expenditure plan and invoice
Company Name
SBP Consulting, LLC
Points of Contact
Bhavesh Patel
Company Background
RF Wireless 2-way Radio
Capability/Area of
RF Wireless 2-way Radio System implementation and testing.
Last 3 years services
experience listed by
functional area and
specific Program
3.2 Engineering, System Engineering and Process Engineering Support
Design/Implementation of Trunked Radio Systems
3.5 System Design Documentation and Technical Data Support
Final system documentation, Coverage Test Plans
3.14 Interoperability, Test and Evaluation, Trials Support
Coverage Acceptance Testing, Functional Acceptance Testing
Final Acceptance Test reports
Description of products
(deliverables) provided
Company Name:
Scalable Network Technologies, Inc.
Points of Contact
Dirk Eastman
ManTech – Team Members / Capability / Experience
Page 303 of 419
Company Background:
Scalable Network Technologies (SNT) is the leader in parallel processing
technology for network performance emulation. The company develops and
supports high-fidelity emulation software tools used for predicting the
performance of computing and communications networks and network
devices. SNT has created a new category of evaluation tools for today’s
sophisticated networks that meets the demand for real-time, real-network
performance testing and training.
Customers include a blue chip list of major aerospace and defense
contractors, the US Department of Defense, mobile network operators,
research agencies and universities.
Capability/Area of
SNT delivers Advanced Network M&S to provide next-generation network
M&S capabilities and software products for the military, government, and
public sector. SNT enables informed, real-time or early decisions and
response to: cyber security threats; network performance; and optimization
of operations and performance. At the same time SNT M&S can reduce costs
and redundancy.
SNT’s QualNet® and EXata® M&S products provide one of the most advanced
network M&S capabilities available today in cyber, Command, Control,
Communications, Computers, Intelligence, Surveillance, and Reconnaissance
SNT delivers a full spectrum M&S solution–from very large scale to the most
granular level–packet level. SNT gives organizations the capacity, ability, and
confidence to meet the challenges that complex networks will face today and
tomorrow. Model and Simulate Today’s Network Challenges
Use SNT advanced network M&S capabilities and tools to:
• Rapidly assess the impact of cyber attacks and accelerate decisionmaking to thwart and retaliate
• Model the network and attacks against it to conduct “what if” drills that
assess the effects across the entire operation from a C2 and IT
• Develop and test plug-in solutions based on results of “what if” drills
• Identify network weaknesses in advance of failure or cyber attack
• Model work scalability and response times before network expansion or
• Assess integration and impact of new technology on bandwidth in
advance of application
• Eliminate redundancy from the entire network and identify equipment
and other components for consolidation
• Replicate the real-time network and interface with actual networks to
understand and experience real effects
• Synchronize C4 and ISR systems to reduce chaos and share information
• Model normal network maintenance activities and its effect on
continuing operations and performance Recommendation
ManTech – Team Members / Capability / Experience
Page 304 of 419
Last 3 years services
experience listed by
functional area and
specific Program
Description of products
(deliverables) provided.
Research and Development Support. StealthNet BAA
Modeling Simulation, Stimulation, and Analysis Support. JTRS NED
Program office
Infromation System (IS) Development, Information Assurance (IA),
and information Technology (IT). Stratcom J8 LOE3
QualNet™ is the only modeling and simulation tool that can explore and
analyze early-state device designs and application code in closed, synthetic
networks at real time speed or faster–at a scale of up to thousands of
network nodes.
EXata™ is the only network evaluation tool that can create “software virtual
networks” (SVNs) – exact digital replicas of physical networks that are
indistinguishable to applications, devices, or users. Unlike traditional
modeling and simulation products, SVNs created in EXata can interoperate
with all components of physical networks – devices, applications, network
management tools, and users. EXata™/cyber is configured specifically to
support and accelerate development of cyber security capabilities for
communication networks.
VisNet is the only “big picture” network planning tool that combines the
power of scalable high-fidelity network simulation with state-of-the-art GIS
visualization and fast, intuitive network configuration. VisNet allows you to
plan, visualize, and optimize network in minutes, then feed the results
directly into QualNet or EXata for more detailed evaluation.
Company Name
Schafer Corporation
Points of Contact
Michael Dyson
Company Website
Company Background
Schafer Corporation provides a wide range of services to its customers in
engineering, science, information technology, program management,
operations, weather, and communications. Schafer has expertise in a variety
of general and specialized system engineering applications, including
requirements development, analysis, and management, risk analysis and
mitigation, and specialty engineering for a variety of US Government clients.
3.1, 3.2, 3.3, 3.5, 3.6, 3.10, 3.12, 3.20, 3.21., 3.22
Capability/Area of
ManTech – Team Members / Capability / Experience
Page 305 of 419
Last 3 years services
experience listed by
functional area and
specific Program
DARPA i2O – 3.1, 3.2, 3.20, 3.21
Description of products
(deliverables) provided
SETA support services
Company Name
Science and Technology Associates, Inc.
Points of Contact
Anthony Meni
Company Website
Company Background
Capability/Area of
Last 3 years services
experience listed by
functional area and
specific Program
Description of products
(deliverables) provided
Points of
Science and Technology Associates (STA) is a specialized technical services
company established in 1982 to provide independent Systems Engineering
and Technical Assistance (SETA) and program management support services
to U.S. Government organizations, particularly within the Department of
Defense (DoD).
STA's team of employees, consultants and subject matter experts maintains
expertise in a wide range of advanced technologies having applications in
information analysis, networking and security, data and signal processing,
high performance computing, and tactical and strategic military systems.
3.1 – DARPA programs
3.2 - DARPA programs
3.3 – DARPA and Army Programs
3.12 – DARPA Programs
3.14 – DARPA and Army Programs
3.20 – DARPA Programs
Systems Engineering and Technical Assistance (SETA), Programmatic, and
Business Financial Support services.
Science Applications International Corporation (SAIC)
Kathy Fee, Kathleen.L.Fee@saic.com, 757-962-3029
Sandy Wood, Sandra.J.Wood@saic.com, 703-582-5504
SAIC is a FORTUNE 500® scientific, engineering, and technology applications company
that uses its deep domain knowledge to solve problems of vital importance to the nation
and the world, in national security, energy & environment, critical infrastructure and
ManTech – Team Members / Capability / Experience
Page 306 of 419
health. The company's approximately 14,000 employees serve customers in the U.S.
Department of Defense, the intelligence community, the U.S. Department of Homeland
Security, other U.S. Government civil agencies and selected commercial markets.
Headquartered in McLean, Va., SAIC had annual revenues of approximately $4.0 billion
for its fiscal year ended January 31, 2013. For more information, visit www.saic.com.
SAIC: From Science to Solutions®
Capability/Area Have the ability to support Mission Areas across the Virtual SysCom including but not
of Expertise
limited to: Warfare Systems; Ships and Ship Systems; Machinery Systems; Combat
Systems; Electronic Warfare and Littoral Warfare Systems; Undersea Warfare (USW)
Weapons and Vehicles; Undersea Warfare (USW) Ranges, Analyses, and Assessments;
Undersea Warfare (USW) Fleet Material Readiness; Mine Warfare Systems; Shipboard
Networks; Defense and Homeland Security; Quality and Material, defense combat
systems engineering & integration, full spectrum radio frequency communications
systems engineering, maritime, ocean, and atmospheric operations and engineering,
software development for mine and expeditionary warfare, full lifecycle engineering for
hardware, software, and weapon systems, product ruggedization and light production,
port surveillance and security systems engineering and integration, Readiness
Assessment; Logistics Support Analysis; ILS Planning and Management; Systems Safety,
Explosive Safety, Facility Management and Planning, Environmental Compliance, and
Occupational Safety; Web-based Business Applications, Information Assurance, and IT
infrastructure support.
3.1. R&D Support
3.2 Engineering Support
3.3. Modeling
3.4. Prototyping
3.5. System Des Doc/Tech Data
3.6. Software
3.7. RM&A
3.8. RF Engineering Support
3.9. System Safety
3.10. CM Support
3.11. QA Support
3.12. IS/IA/IT
3.14. Interoperability/T&E/Trials
3.15. Measure Facilities/Ranges
3.16. Acquisition Logistics
3.17. Supply & Provisioning
3.18. Training
3.19. In-Service Eng
3.20. Program Support
3.21. Administrative Support
ManTech – Team Members / Capability / Experience
Page 307 of 419
Last 3 years
listed by
functional area
and specific
Company Name
Points of Contact
Henry Paik, Principal – Contracts, 703-899-5179, henry.paik@scilytx.com
Company Website
Company Background
Small Business specializing in advanced technology development
Capability/Area of
EOIR, Sensors, Optics, Ladar, ISR, EW and Cyber Warfare.
Last 3 years services
experience listed by
functional area and
specific Program (see
below for list of functional
3.1 Research and Development Support
 Counter Under-Ground Facility (CUGF) for DARPA – Underground
Facility Detection technology program
 Multimode Laser Radar Intelligence Surveillance Reconnaissance
(MLISR) for DARPA – ISR Lidar technology development
 High Altitude Lidar Operations Experiment (HALOE) for DARPA – ISR
Lidar Sensor operation for 3D Mapping and Geo-registration
3.20 Program Support
 SETA Support in EOIR and ISR technology for DARPA
 Scientific Report
 Program/Technology Support – SETA
Description of products
(deliverables) provided
Company Name
Seaward Services, Inc.
Points of Contact
Company Website
Bill Annand, President/COO, bannand@hms-seaward.com, 812-207-2649
John Keever, VP-Pacific Region, jkeever@hms-seaward.com, 707-480-5887
Elizabeth Novoa, Contract Specialist, enovoa@hms-seaward.com, 954-662-1984
Company Background
Vessel operation, vessel maintenance and port operations
ManTech – Team Members / Capability / Experience
Page 308 of 419
Capability/Area of
Small and Large vessel operations and maintenance coastal and deep sea
Last 3 years services
experience listed by
functional area and
specific Program (see
below for list of
functional areas)
3.1 Research and Development Support –
 NSWC Carderock Division South Florida Ocean Measurement Facility Support
 Man and equip Two High Speed Vessels (HSVs)
 Operation and Maintenance of the WestPac Express
3.2 Engineering, System Engineering and Process Engineering Support –
 NSWC Carderock Division South Florida Ocean Measurement Facility Support
 Man and equip Two High Speed Vessels (HSVs)
 Engineering Support for High Speed Vessel “Stiletto”
3.3 Modeling, Simulation, Stimulation, and Analysis Support –
 NSWC Det Norfolk Waterfront Operations Support
 Operation and Maintenance of the WestPac Express
3.4 Prototyping, Pre-Production, Model-Making, and Fabrication Support –
 NSWC Det Norfolk Waterfront Operations Support
3.5 System Design Documentation and Technical Data Support –
 Man and equip Two High Speed Vessels (HSVs)
3.7 Reliability, Maintainability, and Availability (RM&A) Support –
 Operation and Maintenance of the WestPac Express
 Man and equip Two High Speed Vessels (HSVs)
3.8 Human Factors, Performance, and Usability Engineering Support –
 Operation and Maintenance of the WestPac Express
 Man and equip Two High Speed Vessels (HSVs)
3.9 System Safety Engineering Support –
 Man and equip Two High Speed Vessels (HSVs)
3.10 Configuration Management (CM) Support
 Man and equip Two High Speed Vessels (HSVs)
3.11 Quality Assurance (QA) Support –
 Operation and Maintenance of the WestPac Express
 Man and equip Two High Speed Vessels (HSVs)
3.13 Inactivation and Disposal Support –
 Man and equip Two High Speed Vessels (HSVs)
3.14 Interoperability, Test and Evaluation, Trials Support –
 Man and equip Two High Speed Vessels (HSVs)
 LCS Sea Trails
 JHSV Sea Trails
3.15 Measurement Facilities, Range, and Instrumentation Support –
 Operation & Maintenance of Range Craft, Waterfront Facilities and
Mob/Demob Support
 NSWC Carderock Division South Florida Ocean Measurement Facility Support
3.16 Logistics Support –
 Ocean Testing Operational Support Services
 Operation & Maintenance of Range Craft, Waterfront Facilities and
Mob/Demob Support
 NSWC Carderock Division South Florida Ocean Measurement Facility Support
ManTech – Team Members / Capability / Experience
Page 309 of 419
 Operation and Maintenance of the WestPac Express
 Man and equip Two High Speed Vessels (HSVs)
3.17 Supply and Provisioning Support –
 Operation and Maintenance of the WestPac Express
 Man and equip Two High Speed Vessels (HSVs)
3.18 Training Support –
 Operation & Maintenance of Range Craft, Waterfront Facilities and
Mob/Demob Support
 Operation and Maintenance of the WestPac Express
 Man and equip Two High Speed Vessels (HSVs)
3.19 In-Service Engineering, Fleet Introduction, Installation & Checkout Spt –
 Operation & Maintenance of Range Craft, Waterfront Facilities and
Mob/Demob Support
 Ocean Testing Operational Support Services
 Operation and Maintenance of the WestPac Express
 Man and equip Two High Speed Vessels (HSVs)
3.20 Program Support –
 Operation and Maintenance of the WestPac Express
 Man and equip Two High Speed Vessels (HSVs)
3.21 Functional and Administration Support –
 Operation and Maintenance of the WestPac Express
 Man and equip Two High Speed Vessels (HSVs)
Description of
Marine services and port operations
Company Name
Serco Inc.
Points of Contact
Darryl Mathis, IDIQ Program Manager, Darryl.mathis@serco-na.com
Karen Kerchner, Contracts Manager, Karen.kerchner@serco-na.com
Company Website
Company Background
Capability/Area of
Managed services company with a full spectrum of capabilities across all
areas of SeaPort-e
All functional areas
ManTech – Team Members / Capability / Experience
Page 310 of 419
Last 3 years services
experience listed by
functional area and
specific Program
All functional areas
Description of products
(deliverables) provided
Wide variety across all functional areas
Company Name
Simulation Systems Technologies, inc
Points of Contact
Mark Maiocco, mark.maiocco@s-s-t-i.com
Joanna Litsky, joanna.litsky@s-s-t-i.com
SSTi is a systems integrator, software developer, and value-added
reseller. SSTi’s specialty is real-time systems development for single
or multi-processor applications.
Company Background
As a systems integrator, SSTi performs systems engineering including
hardware/software trade-off analyses, processor and peripheral
equipment performance analyses, equipment selection, requirements
traceability analyses, and specification development. Specifications
can be developed to commercial or government standards.
As a software developer, SSTi provides a wide range of services to
government, industrial, and commercial clients, with a special
emphasis on real-time applications. SSTi designs, codes, documents,
tests, and maintains computer software for applications including
weapons systems, training systems, and engineering models.
3.1, 3.2, 3.3, 3.6, 3.9, 3.14, 3.20
Capability/Area of
Last 3 years services
experience listed by
functional area and
specific Program (see
below for list of functional
Contract N00178-04-D-4091/0020 via Northrop Grumman subcontract
POC: John Sivak (540-469-9634)
Provide Aegis/Aegis BMD System Test and Evaluation Scribe support
for Combat System Ship Qualification Trials (CSSQT), Aegis BMD
Flight Test Mission (FTM), and related events.
Provide Standard Missile (SM)-3 Radio Frequency (RF) Link
Communications analysis and reporting for Aegis BMD FTM and
related events.
ManTech – Team Members / Capability / Experience
Page 311 of 419
Company Name
SimVentions, Inc.
Points of Contact
Company Website
Stephen Goss, 540-372-7727, contracts@simventions.com
Troy Sizemore, 540-372-7727, contracts@simventions.com
Company Background
Small Business
Capability/Area of
Systems Engineering
Software Engineering
Modeling and Simulation
1. R&D Support
2. Engineering Support
3. Modeling
3.12. Information System (IS) Development, IA, IT Support
6. Software
14. Interoperability/T&E/Trials
20. Program Support
SimVentions offers expertise and leadership in modeling and simulation
(M&S), systems engineering, software development, and information
assurance. We are a customer focused, solution oriented technology
company offering a variety of services and products. Customers include
companies supporting both military and commercial products.
Last 3 years services
experience listed by
functional area and
specific Program (see
below for list of functional
Description of products
(deliverables) provided
Company Name
Points of Contact
Linwood R. Rhodes, LRSITE@aol.com, 703-416-4936
Company Website
Company Background
Capability/Area of
Small Veteran Owned Business
Research & Development, Systems Engineering, Weapon Integration, Major
System Acquisition Support, Software Testing, Training, SharePoint, VV&A,
Test Documentation Support
Last 3 years services
experience listed by
functional area and
specific Program (see
below for list of functional
AIR 4.10 Warfare Analysis – 3.1, 3.2, 3.5, 3.10, 3.14, 3.20,
PMA 290 P-8A Weapon Integration – 3.1, 3.2, 3.5,3.6, 3.9, 3.10, 3.12, 3.14,
3.15, 3.16, 3.18, 3.20, 3.21
VX-20 P-3/EP-3 Technical Documentation Support - 3.2, 3.5, 3.14, 3.15, 3.20
C-2 Replacement Acquisition Documentation Support – 3.1, 3.2, 3.5, 3.12,
ManTech – Team Members / Capability / Experience
Page 312 of 419
Description of products
(deliverables) provided
N95/ N9I&I IT Support IT – 3.2, 3.5, 3.6, 3.10, 3.12, 3.18, 3.20
AIR 5.1.6 Software Testing/Training Support - 3.1, 3.2, 3.5, 3.14, 3.18, 3.20
VV&A Reports, SharePoint Dashboards/training materials, SETR Technical
Reviews, Development Mil 5000 Acq Documents, Software Testing, Systems
Engineering Plans, Technical Reviews, Report of Test Results, DT/OT
Company Name
Smartronix, Inc.
Points of Contact
Melinda Armsworthy, marmsworthy@smartronix.com, (301)373-6000 x
314 or Catherine Withrow, cwithrow@smartronix.com, (301)373-6000 x
Company Website
Company Background
Capability/Area of
Smartronix is a U.S.-owned global professional solutions provider
specializing in NetOps, Cyber Security, Cloud Computing, Enterprise
Software Solutions, Mission-Focused Engineering, and Health IT.
Smartronix is headquartered in Hollywood, Maryland and has operating
offices throughout the United States. Smartronix recently achieved ISO
20000 certification. This is in addition to ISO 9001 certification and
SEI's CMMI® maturity level three rating, which the company has
maintained since 2005 and 2006 respectively. The achievement places
Smartronix in an elite category of world class organizations who have
attained third-party recognition in three major quality categories –
quality management systems; hardware, software, and systems
engineering; and now, IT service management. During our 17-year
history, Smartronix has built a worldwide team that possesses
innovative technical expertise in the development of a wide range of
technological and management solutions. Smartronix’ success and
exceptional growth is based largely on our ability to quickly adapt and
respond to our customers’ needs, providing not only the technical
expertise needed to deliver essential solutions, but also the mature
management and leadership required to support and sustain large
initiatives. Smartronix has a well-established reputation within the Navy
and Marine Corps for providing “high-end” engineering services and
networking enterprise management support capabilities, and is highly
regarded throughout the Navy and Marine Corps for our ability to
provide both responsive and comprehensive technical solutions to IT
requirements. The Navy/Marine Corps has been a Smartronix strategic
client since 1996, and the IT and engineering intellectual capital of our
employee base is matched by few companies.
Cyber Security
Cloud Computing
Enterprise Software Solutions
Mission Focused Engineering
Health IT
ManTech – Team Members / Capability / Experience
Page 313 of 419
Last 3 years services
experience listed by
functional area and
specific Program (see
below for list of functional
Description of products
(deliverables) provided
Company Name
Marine Corps Network Operations and Security Center (MCNOSC)
Cyber Operations Support, M00264-13-C-0019; $42.5M; Base with
One and One Half Option Years; POP: 6/30/13 to 12/29/15
Smartronix provides design, engineering, and implementation for both
NIPRNET and SIPRNET; Navy Marine Corps Internet (NMCI)
Transition Support; Marine Corps Enterprise Network (MCEN) support
that includes technology insertion, implementation, planning and
execution for development of regional/global architectures; change
management; IT continuity management; business process reengineering support; 24x7 end-user operation and maintenance
support; infrastructure engineering services; network center support;
and CIO support services.
NAVAIR Telecommunications and Related CommunicationElectronic (C-E) Systems (TARCES) SeaPort-e Task Order,
N00178-05-D-4563; $114M; Base with Two Option Years; POP:
4/30/12 to 4/29/15
Smartronix, and its strong subcontractor team, provides support
services for the implementation (from concept through deployment) of
telecommunication and related C-E systems to enable efficient
information exchange of voice, video, and data. Smartronix supports
SCRD systems integration efforts in such areas as research, design,
engineering, development, analysis, prototyping, fabrication,
integration, installation, test and evaluation, training, and logistics
support of telecommunication and related C-E systems, subsystems,
and components.
Smartronix has the ability to support all SOW Functional Areas.
Software Engineering Associates – Company does not have an
active Subcontract with ManTech
Company Name
SoHaR Inc.
Points of Contact
Rebecca Menes
Director, Professional Services
310-338-0990 ext. 101
Kevin Oshiro
310-338-0990 ext. 119
ManTech – Team Members / Capability / Experience
Page 314 of 419
Company Website
Company Background
Founded in 1978. Headquartered in Culver City California. Small Business.
Capability/Area of
Reliability, maintainability, safety, logistics of software and hardware
systems. Industries served: Aerospace, defense, transportation.
RMA analyses, RMA planning; failure analysis, failure reporting and corrective
action systems; safety analyses: hazards, FTA, FMEA, FMECA, sneak circuit
analysis (SCA). Software reliability growth, software safety, software
Last 3 years services
experience listed by
functional area and
specific Program (see
below for list of functional
FAA (Department of Transportation) ETASS (and previously AUATAC)
Prime Contract No. DTFAWA-12-F-00013 SoHaR Subcontract Agreement No.
Engineering program support
Functional areas:
3.2 Engineering, System Engineering and Process Engineering Support
3.3 Modeling, Simulation, Stimulation, and Analysis Support
3.7 Reliability, Maintainability, and Availability (RM&A) Support
3.20 Program Support
FAA In-Service Management Tool (outage and maintenance) under AUATAC
Prime Contract No. DTFWA-03-C-00071
Functional areas:
3.6 Software Engineering, Development, Programming, and Network Support
3.7 Reliability, Maintainability, and Availability (RM&A) Support
NASA Johnson Space Center Safety & Mission Assurance Program
Prime Contract No. NNJ06JE86C
Functional areas:
3.2 Engineering, System Engineering and Process Engineering Support
3.7 Reliability, Maintainability, and Availability (RM&A) Support
3.20 Program Support
FAA Flight Critical System Design Assurance (SBIR)
Contract No. DTFACT-08-C-00003
Functional areas:
3.1 Research and Development Support
3.2 Engineering, System Engineering and Process Engineering Support
3.5 System Design Documentation and Technical Data Support
3.6 Software Engineering, Development, Programming, and Network Support
3.7 Reliability, Maintainability, and Availability (RM&A) Support
3.8 Human Factors, Performance, and Usability Engineering Support
3.9 System Safety Engineering Support
ManTech – Team Members / Capability / Experience
Page 315 of 419
3.20 Program Support
NASA Reliability & Maintainability Plan
Prime Contract No Unknown (sub to ITT; GS-23F-0106K)
Functional areas:
3.7 Reliability, Maintainability, and Availability (RM&A) Support
FAA Ground/Air radio failure analysis
Prime Contract No. DTFAWA-07-C-00002
Functional areas:
3.7 Reliability, Maintainability, and Availability (RM&A) Support
3.13 Inactivation and Disposal Support
3.16 Logistics Support
FAA Weibull and Risk Analysis Training
Contract No. DTFAAC-10-D-00093
Functional areas:
3.7 Reliability, Maintainability, and Availability (RM&A) Support
3.18 Training Support
NRC Advanced Diagnostics & Prognostics (Survey and review)
Contract No. NRC-HQ-12-C-04-0062
Functional areas:
3.7 Reliability, Maintainability, and Availability (RM&A) Support
3.20 Program Support
Description of products
(deliverables) provided
ISMT: In Service Management tool: Database and reporting tool
RMA reports and plans; Failure analyses reports; Program support
documentation; outage analyses; design analyses;
Company Name:
Solers, Inc.
Points of Contact
Angela Akl, Sr. Contracts Administrator (703) 526-0001
Eric McNett, Program Manager (703) 526-0001
Solers Inc. is an innovative information technology solutions provider for our
trusted partners in the U.S. Government. Solers' technical experts partner
with the Department of Defense (DoD), Intelligence Community (IC) and
Company Background:
ManTech – Team Members / Capability / Experience
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Capability/Area of
Last 3 years services
experience listed by
functional area and
specific Program
Description of products
(deliverables) provided.
other Federal agencies to deliver leading edge information technology
solutions that enable organizations to better achieve their mission objectives
and critical national security imperatives
Our corporate knowledge includes Core Enterprise Services, Net-Centric and
Service Oriented Architecture, Ground Systems, Cloud Computing, Command
and Control, Communications, Information Assurance and Decision Support
Systems. Solers brings to our customers proven expertise and experience in
systems engineering, software development, testing, deployment,
integration, research and development, sustainment, and management
support services. Solers' CMMI Maturity Level 3 certified system and
software engineering processes ensure our products and solutions are of the
highest quality. Solers also provides Scientific, Engineering Technical
Assistance to the FAA and DARPA.
3.1 Research and Development Support – Multi-Function Radio Frequency
(MFRF), Foliage Penetration Reconnaissance, Surveillance, Tracking and
Engagement Radar (FORESTER)
3.2 Engineering, System Engineering and Process Engineering Support FORESTER
3.3 Modeling, Simulation, Stimulation, and Analysis Support - MFRF
3.4 Prototyping, Pre-Production, Model-Making, and Fabrication Support –
Maritime Domain Awareness (MDA) Google Maps Mediation Service
3.5 System Design Documentation and Technical Data Support - SENTIENT
3.6 Software Engineering, Development, Programming, and Network Support
3.9 System Safety Engineering Support – Wide Area Augmentation Service
3.12 Information System (IS) Development, Information Assurance (IA), and
Information Technology (IT) - KRATOS
Net-Centric Information Sharing, Satellite Ground Systems, Cloud Computing,
Cross Domain Solutions, Maritime Domain Awareness, Next Generation User
Interfaces, and Decision Support Services.
Company Name
Existing Seaport-e Prime (Y/N)?
Y - N00178-05-D-4565
Street Address
4250 Pacific Highway Suite 211
San Diego
Zip Code (9-digit)
Cage Code
ManTech – Team Members / Capability / Experience
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EPOC Name (E-Business POC for Portal)
John Lyons
EPOC Phone Number
Alternate EPOC Name (optional)
Tim Snyder
Alternate EPOC E-Mail
Alternate EPOC Phone Number
Large Business (Y/N)
Small Business (Y/N)
Small Disadvantaged Business (Y/N)
Women Owned Business (Y/N)
Hub Zone Representation (Y/N)
Veteran Small Business (Y/N)
Service Disabled Veteran Owned (Y/N)
Emerging Small Business (Y/N)
8(a) Program (Y/N)
Business Size
Over $10 million to 17 million
(Indicate - $1million or less, Over $1 million
to 2 million, Over $2 million to 3.5 million,
Over $3.5 million to 5 million, Over $5
million to 10 million, Over $10 million to 17
million, Over $17 million)
Average annual revenue exceeded $23M for
the last 3 years (Y/N)
Technical capabilities (Brief description)
SOLUTE Consulting specializes in Program Management,
Systems Engineering, Business Process Engineering, and
Software Engineering. SOLUTE is headquartered in San
Diego, CA with major regional offices in the Washington,
D.C., Patuxent River, MD, and Pascagoula, MS area. Each
of the company’s locations has a Top Secret facility
clearance, and more than 90% of SOLUTE’s employees
hold security clearances. SOLUTE engineers and analysts
are former military and commercial aviators with
experience flying nearly every operational rotary and
ManTech – Team Members / Capability / Experience
Page 318 of 419
fixed wing platform. This provides the company a unique
perspective in defining the needs of the aviator from the
standpoint of system design, operation, and support.
SOLUTE brings subject matter expertise in navigation, air
traffic management, avionics, aviation safety, undersea
warfare, and information assurance to the DoD. The
company is also heavily involved in developing Knowledge
Management/Information Management solutions for U.S.
and coalition forces in Net-Centric Warfare.
Tasking (Which Mission areas your company
can be tasked to work in)
SOLUTE provides NAVAIR PMA 209, 290, and 299 with
Engineering, Systems Engineering, and Process
Engineering Support; System Design Documentation and
Technical Data Support; Configuration Management
Support; Quality Assurance Support; Training Support;
Program Support; and Functional and Administrative
Support/ SOLUTE provides SPAWAR PMW-150, 160, 750
and the System Centers San Diego (SSC-SD) and
Charleston (SSC-C) Research and Development Support;
Engineering, Systems Engineering, and Process
Engineering Support; Modeling, Simulation, Stimulation,
and Analysis Support; System Design Documentation and
Technical Data Support; Reliability, Maintainability, and
Availability (RM&A) Support; Configuration Management
Support; Quality Assurance Support; Information Systems
(IS) Development, Information Assurance (IA), and
Information Technology (IT) Support; Interoperability,
Test and Evaluation, Trials Support; Logistics Support;
Training Support; Program Support; and Functional and
Administrative Support. SOLUTE provides NAVSEA 05 with
Engineering, Systems Engineering, and Process
Engineering Support; Modeling, Simulation, Stimulation,
and Analysis Support; System Design Documentation and
Technical Data Support; Configuration Management
Support; Quality Assurance Support; Program Support;
and Functional and Administrative Support. SOLUTE
provides Commander, Naval Air Forces (CNAF) N45 with
Engineering, Systems Engineering, and Process
Engineering Support; Software Engineering,
Development, Programming, and Network Support;
Information Systems (IS) Development, Information
Assurance (IA), and Information Technology (IT) Support;
ManTech – Team Members / Capability / Experience
Page 319 of 419
and Program Support.
Functional Areas in which your company can
provide support - SOW areas 3.1-3.22)
3.1, 3.2, 3.3, 3.5, 3.6, 3.7, 3.10, 3.11, 3.12, 3.14, 3.16,
3.17, 3.18, 3.20, 3.21, 3.23
Past Performance - Include 3 recent relevant
projects: indicate Contract number, Agency,
brief description of relevant experience,
POC name and Phone number
(N00178-05-D-4565 NS03) SOLUTE is providing acquisition
and programmatic services, in addition to managing
integration, production, delivery, and support of the
Automated Digital Network System (ADNS) Increment III
technology for use with Navy force-wide tactical
communications. SOLUTE provides financial planning and
budgeting, program management, and technical subject
matter expertise for requirements management and
development of new submarine and airborne variants of
the ADNS platform. Customer: SPAWAR PMW-160; Brian
Task Order Manager, Space and Naval Warfare Systems
4301 Pacific Highway, San Diego, CA 92110-3127, (619)
524-7830, brian.miller5@navy.mil
(N00178-05-D-4565 NS02) SOLUTE provided program
management for C4ISR platform integration and
installation efforts to deliver Net-centric Warfare
capabilities to Aircraft Carriers, Command Ships, Large
Deck Amphibious Ships, and Aircraft, including the F-35
Joint Strike Fighter (JSF). The company served as a single
point of contact for all platform-centric C4I issues that
arise in day-to-day operations within the Navy. Under this
tasking, SOLUTE provides technical record management
and configuration management, strategic planning, and
Integrated Product Team coordination. The company also
provided subject matter expertise for development of the
JSF Autonomic Logistics Information System (ALIS).
Customer: SPAWAR PMW-750; Cheryl P Carlton, TOM,
PMW 750, 4301 Pacific Highway, San Diego, CA 92110,
Phone: 858-537-8909, E-mail: cheryl.carlton@navy.mil
ManTech – Team Members / Capability / Experience
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(N00178-05-D-4565 NW03) SOLUTE provides Knowledge
Management, Business Process Management and
Network Centric Warfare SME support to Tactical Training
Group Pacific (TTGP) under a recently awarded SEAPORT
E contract. Company personnel designed, developed, and
teach both the Net-Centric Warfare Commanders Course
(NCWCC) and Afloat Knowledge Management Course
(AKMC), instructing DoD personnel in modern C4I systems
and operational use in a coalition warfare environment.
SOLUTE additionally developed the Navy’s NCW and
Knowledge Management performance criteria and
metrics used to evaluate the effectiveness of Navy Strike
Groups as a key indicator of their readiness to deploy. In
addition to continuing to improve upon and teach the
Afloat Knowledge Managers Course and the Network
Centric Warfare Commanders Course, SOLUTE is currently
working on multiple command wide projects in several
areas related to internal TTGP process and business
support services. Customer: Tactical Training Group
Pacific; Jeff Mckee, Tactical Training Group Pacific, 53720
Horizon Dr, San Diego, Ca 92147-5087, Phone: 619-5538355
Company Name
Solutions Development Corporation
Points of Contact
Company Website
Company Background
Bruce McCombie, Dir of Business Development
bmccombie@sdc-world.com 540-663-3294 x113
Tracy Harmon, Program Manager
Tracy.harmon@sdc-world.com 540-663-3294 x144
John McAlexander, Program Manager
John.mcalexander@sdc-world.com 540-663-3294 x164
Ronnie Maynor, Operations Manager
Ronnie.maynor@sdc-world.com 540-663-3294 x126
Corporate History: Founded in 1997, Solutions Development Corporation is an
SBA certified small business concern. SDC is committed to providing resources,
personnel, and support capabilities to meet objectives of our customers.
Business Approach: Solutions Development Corporation employs a highly
ManTech – Team Members / Capability / Experience
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synergistic approach to supporting clients in a seamless manner that promotes
integrity and results. SDC serves as a value-added business unit that can
compliment existing in-house resources or provide a total integrated solution to
customer requirements. SDC also realizes that there is a need to provide specific
and critical expertise at reasonable cost in order to support its customer in
maintaining or growing market share within a shrinking budget environment.
Capability/Area of
Last 3 years services
experience listed by
functional area and
specific Program (see
below for list of
functional areas)
Mission Statement: Solutions Development Corporation is dedicated to
providing highly technical software development, systems engineering, and
consulting service to its customers. The Corporation strives to provide a positive
work environment for its employees. Solutions Development Corporation wants
its name to be synonymous with excellence.
All 3.1-3.22
Functional Area
Research and Development Support
Engineering, System Engineering and
Process Engineering Support
Modeling, Simulation, Stimulation, and
Analysis Support
Prototyping, Pre-Production, ModelMaking, and Fabrication Support
System Design Documentation and
Technical Data Support
Software Engineering, Development,
Programming, and Network Support
Reliability, Maintainability, and Availability
(RM&A) Support
Human Factors, Performance, and Usability
Engineering Support
System Safety Engineering Support
Configuration Management (CM) Support
Quality Assurance (QA) Support
Information System (IS) Development,
Information Assurance (IA), and Information
Technology (IT) Support
Inactivation and Disposal Support
Interoperability, Test and Evaluation, Trials
Measurement Facilities, Range, and
Instrumentation Support
Logistics Support
Supply and Provisioning Support
Training Support
In-Service Engineering, Fleet Introduction,
Installation & Checkout Support
Contract N00178-04-D-4125
Task Order:
2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
       
ManTech – Team Members / Capability / Experience
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Program Support
Functional and Administration Support
Public Affairs and Multimedia Support
Description of products Software: Code, modifications, upgrades, retro-fit; Computer Hardware: systems,
(deliverables) provided maintenance, monitoring, hosting; Prototypes; Small-scale manufacturing;
various White Papers; marketing materials, training curriculum, training
materials, tutorials, CBTs; DIACAP Certification Packages and PIT; Facilities
Modeling; all required CDRLs
Company Name
Sonalysts, Inc.
Points of Contact
Jay Sullivan
Vice President
Sonalysts, Inc
P.O. Box 1839
Dahlgren, VA 22448
540-663-9034 x122
540-663-9137 (fax)
540-760-2271 (cell)
Sonalysts was founded in 1973 as an engineering and technical services
company providing analytical support for undersea warfare systems.
Sonalysts has been providing technical and engineering services to the
Task Order Manager for this solicitation for nearly 11 continuous years
across all pillars of Human Systems Integration (HSI). Sonalysts has
supported many key programs including DDG 1000, Littoral Combat
Ship (LCS), CVN 21, Aegis Weapon System, Aegis Combat System,
Aegis Ballistic Missile Defense (BMD), Total Ship Training System
(TSTS)/Battle Force Tactical Trainer (BFTT), Missile Defense Agency
(MDA), Northern Command (NORTHCOM), PEO IWS policy and
tools, Common Network Infrastructure (CNI), Shipboard Protection
System (SPS), Mine Resistant Ambush Protected (MRAP) vehicle,
SQQ-89, BSY-1, BSY-2, Virginia-Class SSN, Open Architecture (OA),
Carrier Tactical Support Center (CV-TSC), Sea Warrior, Debriefing
Distributed Simulation-Based Exercises (DDSBE), DARPA
Wargaming (DARWARS), Human Performance Center (HPC),
Performance Based Assessment (PBA)- Integrated Learning
Environment (ILE), the Chief ofNaval Operations (CNO's) Human
Systems Performance Assessment Capability (HSP AC), and NA VSEA
05H HSI policy, technical authority, and tools. We have been at the
forefront of establishing, maintaining, and promoting HSI by being a
Company Background
ManTech – Team Members / Capability / Experience
Page 323 of 419
strong advocate for the user community while at the same time being agood
steward of agency resources.
Sonalysts has more than 28 years of Naval Surface Force experience in
all areas of HSI with particular emphasis in human factors engineering,
user interface design, manpower, personnel, training, habitability,
survivability, and environmental, safety, and occupational health (ESOH).
In addition, Sonalysts has accumulated nearly 34 years of Submarine Force
experience in operating concepts, manning, system design, operational
testing, display and control design, training, and tactics. This extensive HSI
base has grown to support the Army in training and human performance
measurement, the Coast Guard in simulation-based assessment of
operating concepts, the Air Force's Satellite Operations training, several
CNO-sponsored training activities, and other members of the virtual
SYSCOM in innovative display concepts, and training R&D.
We also have experience in analysis and test plans for Combat Systems
Simulations and providing assistance in WSESRBs and SSSTRPs through
the support of the SPS. Additionally, when working with the Aegis
Weapon System, safety related risk is considered in all our work when
involved with Computer Program Change Requests (CPCRs), Advance
Change Notices (ACNs) and ECPs. The HSI operations analysis capability
will assist in the identification of logistic phase issues safety procedures
or concerns to make specific recommendations and resolutions.
Sonalysts has a history of conducting Sonalysts has a history of conducting
6.2, 6.3, and Small Business Innovation Research (SBIR) efforts for a variety
of agencies with special emphasis in human performance enhancement
tools, decision aiding, training, and manpower. In fact, Sonalysts has been
awarded 44 Phase I, 18 Phase II, and 1 Phase III SBIR contracts. Sonalysts
has a reputation for envisioning, designing, developing, and transitioning
research to productive solutions. In addition to HSI, Sonalysts has
extensive training and prototyping capabilities. Our state-of-the-art media
facilities can portray HSI concepts and prototypes in a variety of media
including but not limited to film, animation, and a full range of audio,
multi-media, and micro-simulation gaming capabilities. Sonalysts has
received numerous prestigious awards for our media work in both the
Government and commercial sectors.
Emphasizing training capabilities, Sonalysts is one of the most
diversified companies in the country providing the following core
Warfare Analysis,
Education and Training,
Interactive Multimedia Technology Applications,
Computer Software Development,
War Gaming,
• Operations Research and Analysis,
• Facilities Management,
ManTech – Team Members / Capability / Experience
Page 324 of 419
Modeling and Simulation,
Systems Engineering,
Sonalysts Studios, and
Energy and Industrial Services.
Our mission is to maintain steady corporate growth by providing highquality products, technical services, and facilities and equipment to our
clients on time and within budget. Our people are the key to the success
of Sonalysts, as indicated by steady annual growth.
Another element that sets Sonalysts apart from other small- to mediumsized defense firms is that we have the most extensive multimedia
support facilities of any company of our size in the country. These
facilities include multiple state-of-the-art video and audio editing suites
and the largest recording studio and sound stages in the New England
region. In addition, we have a large staff of full-time producers, directors,
musicians, editors, animators, graphic artists, and production specialists
to apply to all media-related contracts. In addition to
military and non-DoD Government agencies, our media client base
includes clients such as Pfizer, Coca Cola, Mohegan Sun Casino, and
Sonalysts is particularly well-suited to support the design and
development on more than 25 years of experience in military
courseware production supported by a "deep bench" of instructional
designers, training specialists, and media specialists.
Capability/Area of
Sonalysts, Inc., since its founding in 1973, has provided a wide range of
services to Navy Virtual Systems Command (SYSCOM) activities.
Sonalysts maintain offices local to NAVSEA Warfare Center and/or
Virtual SYSCOM activities in all SeaPort-e geographic Zones.
Sonalysts is a multidisciplinary service organization that includes
computer scientists, engineers, program managers, e-Business
professionals, interactive media specialists, physical scientists,
mathematicians, training specialists, experienced film-makers, video
producers, broadcasters, writers, graphic artists and animators. Our
core competencies for support of NAVSEA and the Virtual SYSCOM
Advanced Training Systems and Information Technologies.
Human Systems Integration and Performance Assessment.
Platform and Combat Systems Modeling and Simulation,
including Commercial Military Game Simulations.
ManTech – Team Members / Capability / Experience
Page 325 of 419
Submarine and Surface Ship Systems Engineering, Operations,
Analysis, Test and Evaluation, and Engineering Support.
World-Class Video, Audio, and Animation Production Facilities.
Last 3 years services
experience listed by
functional area and
specific Program (see
below for list of functional
Support for all functional areas was provided to the following areas
3.1; 3.2; 3.3; 3.4; 3.5; 3.8; 3.9; 3.14; 3.16; 3.18; 3.19; 3.20, via our
Human Systems Integration Operations and Analysis Support
Prime Contract.
Company Name
Sotera Defense Solutions, Inc.
Points of Contact
Contracts POC: Frances Harvey, Sr. Contracts Manager,
frances.harvey@soteradefense.com, Director of Operations, 757-962-3983
Technical POC: Neil West, neil.west@soteradefense.com, 757-962-3964
Company Website
Company Background
Capability/Area of
A prime contractor since the 1960s, Sotera is a $400M-per-year intelligence
and technology firm providing innovative services, systems, and solutions for
the intelligence, national security, and defense communities.
Sotera has been in the forefront of supporting mission critical programs for
the last 40 years through mission-related lifecycle solutions and systems
engineering services to the DoD and the IC. Sotera understands the
challenges inherent in providing management, engineering, and technical
services to provide essential support for the Navy Systems Commands, the
Office of Naval Research, the United States Marine Corps, and the Defense
Threat Reduction Agency (DTRA). With 1,600 employees and annual revenue
of over $350M, we support the SeaPort-e mission of providing an efficient
and effective means of contracting for professional services and enhancing
small business participation. With a strong financial corporate track record,
we have developed a broad technology-oriented business base and sustained
an enviable record of growth by responding to customer needs and
continually expanding into new markets while remaining at the forefront of
technological innovation. We have more than 100 active contracts and task
ManTech – Team Members / Capability / Experience
Page 326 of 419
Last 3 years services
experience listed by
functional area and
specific Program (see
below for list of functional
Sotera has not held any active Seaport task orders within the last three
years, however, has capabilities that it performs on other vehicles within
the following applicable Functional Areas:
1. Research and Development Support
2. Engineering, System Engineering and Process Engineering Support
3. Modeling, Simulation, Stimulation, and Analysis Support
4. Prototyping, Pre-Production, Model-Making, and Fabrication Support
5. System Design Documentation and Technical Data Support
6. Software Engineering, Development, Programming, and Network Support
7. Reliability, Maintainability, and Availability (RM&A) Support
8. Human Factors, Performance, and Usability Engineering Support
9. System Safety Engineering Support
10. Configuration Management (CM) Support
11. Quality Assurance (QA) Support
12. Information System (IS) Development, Information Assurance (IA), and
Information Technology (IT) Support
13. Inactivation and Disposal Support
14. Interoperability, Test and Evaluation, Trials Support
15. Measurement Facilities, Range, and Instrumentation Support
16. Logistics Support
17. Supply and Provisioning Support
18. Training Support
19. In-Service Engineering, Fleet Introduction, Installation and Checkout
20. Program Support
21. Functional and Administrative Support
22. Public Affairs and Multimedia Support
Previous Seaport tasks:
Program Name Teleport Management and Control System (TMCS)
Contract / TO Number N00178-05-D-4557 / V702
Contract Amount
Government Agency / Organization
Space and Naval Warfare Systems
Center Atlantic (SSC LANT)
Procuring Contracting Officer Name: SeaPort-e PCO
Address: NSWC Dahlgren Division, 17320 Dahlgren Road
Dahlgren, VA 22448-5100
Phone: (540) 653-8393
Email: e-pco@seaport.navy.mil
Contracting Officer Representative and Program Manager
Name: Charles (Chad) Morgan
Phone: (843) 218-4941
Email: chad.morgan@navy.mil
Type of Contract
Description of Project
Engineering, System Engineering, and Process Engineering Support
Sotera provided engineering support to the Space and Naval Warfare Center
ManTech – Team Members / Capability / Experience
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Atlantic (SSC LANT) - Charleston in the design and implementation of a
Management and Control (M&C) capability for the DoD Teleport program. As
part of this effort, Sotera conducted analysis of the operational, system, and
functional requirements for specific element controllers within the various
Teleport disciplines (SATCOM, Baseband, and RF) and evaluated the various
existing element controllers and solutions against these requirements. The
engineering support Sotera provided defined the interfaces needed to
integrate the control elements into the overall Teleport Management and
Control System (TMCS) architecture.
System Design Documentation and Technical Data Support
Sotera prepared a System Design Document (SDD) that describes the overall
TMCS design and architecture, the base products used in the architecture,
and the modifications made to the base product to satisfy the requirements
of the TMCS specification. The SDD includes a description of each software
and hardware product, the relationship and interfaces between these
products, and functional and technical assumptions made in designing the
TMCS design. The SDD also documents design trade-offs made by the
program used to meet cost or schedule restrictions and identified all
commercial standards used. The SDD became the design baseline for TMCS
Build 4.
Examples of other documentation produced for this effort include Software
Development Plans (SDPs), Software Requirements Specifications (SRSs),
Software Version Descriptions (SVDs), Software Test Plans (STPs), and
Interface Design Specifications IDSs). Sotera prepared this documentation in
accordance with the Software Engineering Institute (SEI) Software Capability
Maturity Model (SW-CMM). Additionally, Sotera engineers followed standard
SEI SW-CMM processes to maintain configuration management of system
and technical documentation.
Sotera also perform an inventory of publications and engineering drawings to
ensure that all the TMCS sites had been provided the appropriate technical
and operator TMCS manuals, hardware and software vendor supplied
documentation, installation documentation, engineering drawings, and any
other pertinent or required documentation.
Software Engineering, Development, Programming, and Network Support
Sotera provided software engineering support to the TMCS program in the
design, development, and implementation of a Management and Control
(M&C) capability. This support included system engineering, software
engineering, software development, network technical support, software
testing, documentation, and integration support needed to support the TMCS
Build 4 requirements as stated in the DoD Teleport Management and Control
Segment Specification Generation Two (SR-240-00-0005).
Configuration Management (CM) Support
Sotera worked in close conjunction with the System Support Activity (SSA) to
ensure strict configuration management control over all aspects of the TMCS
system. Sotera defined and executed a Configuration Management Plan
(CMP) for Build 4 that describes the standards and guidelines to follow to
ensure the efficient control of the configuration baseline of the TMCS system.
The CMP covered the Configuration Items (CI) and Computer Software
ManTech – Team Members / Capability / Experience
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Configuration Items (CSCI) of the TMCS system. The comprehensive CMP
defined the actions for maintaining strict control of versions, changes, and
updates. Sotera facilitated the SSA in its aim to maintain baseline description
records to provide for configuration identification, change control, status
accounting, compatibility, traceability, and integrity of CIs for each build/site.
Quality Assurance (QA) Support
Sotera is assessed at Level 3 of the SEI SW-CMM. Sotera QA personnel
developed, maintained, and reviewed documentation and software to ensure
that the processes and products used in the design, development, and
deployment process resulted in quality products. We did this, in part, by
ensuring that systems were properly configured and tested in a laboratory
environment prior to being shipped to Teleport sites for installation.
Sotera created and executed TMCS Test Plans and Reports for Build 4. The
test plan covered scheduling testing, installation testing, integration events,
detailed test plans for Phase I and Phase II testing, identification of risks and
mitigation plans for each phase, estimate of testing time required at the Joint
SATCOM Engineering Center (JSEC), and detailed test plan for System
Operation and Verification Test (SOVT).
On-site QA activities included site audits, inventory surveys, physical
configuration audits including the recording of major subcomponent serial
numbers, and an inventory of publications and engineering drawings.
Interoperability, Test and Evaluation, Trials Support
Sotera demonstrated that the TMCS software performed all requirements of
the specification and was sufficiently mature for implementation. Sotera
provided all necessary documentation for the Government to generate test
reports. The System Operational Verification Test (SOVT) included in the
Implementation Package documented the acceptance test.
Sotera provided on-site engineering security and test support for the TMCS
system testing at the Joint SATCOM Engineering Center (JSEC) testing facility
in Aberdeen, MD. The testing demonstrated overall system capabilities and
culminated in the completion of the SOVT and Site Acceptance of the TMCS
Technical Training Support
Sotera was responsible for providing user and administrator training support
to Teleport site operators. Additionally, Sotera provided training
documentation including user’s manuals, Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)
guides, and TMCS System Administrator and Operator manuals.
In-Service Engineering, Fleet Introduction, Installation and Checkout Support
Sotera provided personnel in support of the SSC LANT TMCS Installation
team. Sotera personnel were responsible for installing and upgrading
equipment, running and terminating cables, testing connectivity, verifying
operation, and other necessary tasks in accordance with the TMCS Site
Installation Plan. Sotera was responsible for the delivery and installation of
the software for the TMCS Build 4 system at the Teleport sites, both within
and outside of the continental United States (CONUS and OCONUS).
Program Support
Sotera provided TMCS Subject Matter Experts (SME) to assist in the
management of the TMCS project. The Sotera SMEs assisted SSC LANT in
ManTech – Team Members / Capability / Experience
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oversight of TMCS vendors, including TMCS development, testing, and
integration and installation efforts. Sotera also assisted SSC LANT in
managing milestones, risks, and performance during all aspects of the TMCS
delivery cycles.
Clerical and Administrative Support
Sotera supported TMCS program managers and project engineers with
preparing technical documentation such as operating procedures, technical
operating guides, documentation logs, and budgetary documents. In
addition, Sotera provided clerical and administrative support to the TMCS
Help Desk.
Company Name
Solutions Development Corporation
Points of Contact
Company Website
Company Background
Bruce McCombie, Dir of Business Development
bmccombie@sdc-world.com 540-663-3294 x113
Tracy Harmon, Program Manager
Tracy.harmon@sdc-world.com 540-663-3294 x144
John McAlexander, Program Manager
John.mcalexander@sdc-world.com 540-663-3294 x164
Ronnie Maynor, Operations Manager
Ronnie.maynor@sdc-world.com 540-663-3294 x126
Corporate History: Founded in 1997, Solutions Development Corporation is an
SBA certified small business concern. SDC is committed to providing resources,
personnel, and support capabilities to meet objectives of our customers.
Business Approach: Solutions Development Corporation employs a highly
synergistic approach to supporting clients in a seamless manner that promotes
integrity and results. SDC serves as a value-added business unit that can
compliment existing in-house resources or provide a total integrated solution to
customer requirements. SDC also realizes that there is a need to provide specific
and critical expertise at reasonable cost in order to support its customer in
maintaining or growing market share within a shrinking budget environment.
Capability/Area of
Mission Statement: Solutions Development Corporation is dedicated to
providing highly technical software development, systems engineering, and
consulting service to its customers. The Corporation strives to provide a positive
work environment for its employees. Solutions Development Corporation wants
its name to be synonymous with excellence.
All 3.1-3.22
ManTech – Team Members / Capability / Experience
Page 330 of 419
Last 3 years services
experience listed by
functional area and
specific Program
Functional Area
Research and Development Support
Engineering, System Engineering and
Process Engineering Support
Modeling, Simulation, Stimulation, and
Analysis Support
Prototyping, Pre-Production, ModelMaking, and Fabrication Support
System Design Documentation and
Technical Data Support
Software Engineering, Development,
Programming, and Network Support
Reliability, Maintainability, and Availability
(RM&A) Support
Human Factors, Performance, and Usability
Engineering Support
System Safety Engineering Support
Configuration Management (CM) Support
Quality Assurance (QA) Support
Information System (IS) Development,
Information Assurance (IA), and Information
Technology (IT) Support
Inactivation and Disposal Support
Interoperability, Test and Evaluation, Trials
Measurement Facilities, Range, and
Instrumentation Support
Logistics Support
Supply and Provisioning Support
Training Support
In-Service Engineering, Fleet Introduction,
Installation & Checkout Support
Program Support
Functional and Administration Support
Public Affairs and Multimedia Support
Contract N00178-04-D-4125
Task Order:
2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
       
Description of products Software: Code, modifications, upgrades, retro-fit; Computer Hardware: systems,
(deliverables) provided maintenance, monitoring, hosting; Prototypes; Small-scale manufacturing;
various White Papers; marketing materials, training curriculum, training
materials, tutorials, CBTs; DIACAP Certification Packages and PIT; Facilities
Modeling; all required CDRLs
Company Name:
Sound & Sea Technology, Inc. (SST)
ManTech – Team Members / Capability / Experience
Page 331 of 419
Points of Contact
Company Background:
Capability/Area of
Last 3 years services
experience listed by
functional area and
specific Program
Description of products
(deliverables) provided.
Doug Crutchfield, Contracts dcrutchfield@soundandsea.com 425 743-1282
Judith Meggitt, President jmeggitt@soundandsea.com 425 743-1282
SST is woman-owned small business established in 1999 to meet the need for
experienced, senior-level expertise in ocean engineering for a broad range of
maritime, undersea, and coastal protection projects.
Areas of Expertise: Ocean Engineering, Critical Infrastructure Protection and
Ocean Energy.
In the last three years SST has been awarded over 90 projects in functional
areas 3.1-3.7 and support areas 3.14, 3.16, 3.18, 3.19, 3.20, 3.21 primarily
Navy projects.
South Tongue of the Ocean Acoustic Facility (STAFAC)
3.2, 3.3, 3.4, 3.5, 3.6, 3.7, 3.14, 3.18, 3.20, 3.21
Expeditionary Swimmer Defense System (XSDS)
3.1, 3.2, 3.3, 3.4, 3.5, 3.6, 3.7, 3.18, 3.19, 3.20, 3.21
Ocean Thermal Energy Conversion (OTEC)
3.1, 3.2, 3.3, 3.4, 3.5, 3.20
Wave Energy Technology (WET)
3.1, 3.2, 3.3, 3.4, 3.5, 3.20
Low Frequency Array, Compact Low Frequency Array (LFA/CLFA)
3.1, 3.2, 3.3, 3.4, 3.5, 3.6, 3.7, 3.14, 3.18, 3.20, 3.21
Horizontal Directional Drilling (HDD)
3.1, 3.2, 3.3, 3.5, 3.7, 3.14, 3.20
Desktop Studies
3.1, 3.2, 3.3, 3.20
Engineering Services
Company Name
Southeastern Computer Consultants Inc.
Points of Contact
Dan Crowl
Division Manager
Systems Engineering Division
Phone 540-644-2264/ email dcrowl@teamscci.com
Company Website
Company Background
SCCI is a small business established in 1977 that provides Systems
Engineering, Configuration Management, Information Assurance, Information
Management Systems, Software Engineering, Logistics, and Training Services
in support of complex, software intensive military systems.
Our long standing relationship with our DoD clients provides us with a keen
understanding of the DoD acquisition process and the support required for
military systems development and sustainment. Our workforce is comprised
of approximately 200 highly skilled engineers, developers, and training
ManTech – Team Members / Capability / Experience
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professionals distributed among our many office locations across the country
situated to provide immediate, direct support to our clients.
Our workforce takes pride in their attention to detail and ensuring customer
satisfaction. And our experienced management team provides the necessary
focus for ensuring on time delivery of products and services with the highest
standard of quality.
Capability/Area of
3.2, 3.6, 3.8, 3.10, 3.12, 3.16, 3.18, 3.20
Last 3 years services
experience listed by
functional area and
specific Program (see
below for list of functional
3.2/3.6/3.8/3.12/3.18/3.20 Software Engineering, Development,
Programming, and Network Support. SCCI is the Prime Contractor for Naval
Surface Warfare Center, Joint Fires and Space Applications Branch (W33) and
the Gun Fire Control System (GFCS) Branch (W34), NSWCDD for the Gun
Weapon System (GWS) Mk 34 & Mk 48 and its components. Under this
contract SCCI provides Design Interface, Human Factor Engineering, and
Warrior Training and Test support for the United States Marine Corps and Air
Force. Under the Joint Fires Program are several projects, one project
released for publication is the Harvest Hawk for the KC–130J aerial refueler.
The Harvest Hawk project under the BMS task is NSWC DD and SCCI’s
responsibility to execute an acquisition plan that equips nine KC–130Js with a
roll-on/roll-off high-fidelity sensor, Hellfire missiles, small yield laser/global
positioning system precision weapons and future capability for a 30mm
cannon on a platform that can still pass fuel to an airborne receiver. SCCI
supports all phases of the acquisition process. SCCI’s engineering staff
directly supports the Integrated Test Team, at the Air Test and Evaluation
Squadrons 20 (VX 20) and 23 (VX-23), Operational Test Squadron 1 (VX-1),
Marine Aerial Refueler Transport Squadron 352 (VMGR-352), and engineers
from the Joint Attack Munitions Systems (JAMS) project office, NAVAIR AIR5.1 Integrated Systems Evaluation, Experimentation, and Test (ISEET)
department, and NAVAIR AIR 4.6 Human Systems department. SCCI’s
performance on Harvest Hawk and Dragon Spear has resulted in numerous
individual accolades and Agile Acquisition team award. SCCI provides
accurate and timely support to Naval Air Systems Command , PMA-207 for all
Elements of Integrated Logistics Support. During Deployment and Fielding of
the installed systems SCCI provided on-call availability for engineering
support, to include Flight Status Field Service Representative(s) for multiple
CONUS sites and OCONUS in-theater training and test events. The following
efforts are provided under the Joint Fires Program task order and are
submitted for your consideration:
Program Support SCCI provides high level mission planning, designed system
solutions and conducts Integrated Logistical Support Strategy and Planning
(ILSS&P). SCCI also supports the Assistant Program Manager for Logistics
(APML), Training Manager, Fleet Support Lead, ILS Manager and ILS Deputy
Manager at NAVAIRSYSCOM. SCCI provides program integration support
under this contract for 9 additional aviation platforms.
System Engineering Support SCCI provides engineering, operational, and Test
support functions to the program office at Dahlgren NSWC DD and
ManTech – Team Members / Capability / Experience
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NAVAIRSYSCOM, PMA-207 through the development of hardware and
software products.
Software Engineering Support SCCI provides analysis, refinement and
development of mathematical algorithms, software tools / languages.
Technical Documentation Support SCCI authors engineering changes, drafts
technical reports and provides technical data edit expertise for incorporation
in a end users Maintenance Publications / Flight Operation Manuals. SCCI
provides Configuration Management for all hardware and software
developed for the Joint Fires contract. SCCI provides Information
Management Services for all technical data.
Data Management Support Source data is uploaded onto a shared
Information Data Environment (IDE) network and Knowledge Management
system for technical reviews and is accessed by all team members. SCCI uses
multiple commercial tools and SCCI proprietary products to provide these
Common Operating Environment Support SCCI leads the effort in developing
a COE that uses Advanced Programming Interfaces, Department of Defense
Architectural Framework (DoDAF) to incorporate programmatic, hardware
and software upgrades recommended by SCCI and transmitted to all team
members within the Joint Fires program for review.
System Training and Support SCCI develops training curriculum, provides
training to End Users. Recommends architectural and system solutions to
legacy systems. Provides on-site troubleshooting for installed systems and
platform integration.
Global Positioning System Integration Support SCCI leads the effort for
integration and testing of real-time GPS system navigation. Develops data
gathering and transmission software, to include a data latency management
capability to the Joint Fires program
Information Assurance (IA) Under this contract, SCCI provides Defense
Information Technology Security Certification and Accreditation (C&A)
Process/ DoD Information Assurance Certification and Accreditation
Process/Platform Information Technology Risk Approval
(DITSCAP/DIACAP/PRA) for all configurations of the Gun Weapon System.
Reviews and evaluates legacy DITSCAP artifacts i.e. System Security
Authorization Agreements (SSAAs) to develop Platform Information
Technology Risk Approval packages. Conducts vulnerability assessments;
develops and executes test plans; develop test reports to support DAA and
ODAA certification and accreditation efforts. Develops and maintains the
System Security Administration and Operation Manual (SSAOM) and
conducts laboratory, schoolhouse, and GWS verification and validation
efforts to ensure the system meets all IA requirements. Provides Information
Assurance Vulnerability Management (IAVM) and develops and processes
Non-Compliance Reports (NCR). In accordance with the Clinger-Cohen Act,
SCCI prepares and maintains C&A documentation and assists in legacy
program DITSCAP transition to the DIACAP. Government POC: Contracting
Officer Ms. Karen Lenox/ Ph. 540-653-7081/email karen.lenox@navy.mil
3.10 Configuration Management. SCCI is the prime contractor for providing
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Enterprise CM support to the surface ship programs at the Naval Surface
Warfare Center Dahlgren Division (NSWC DD). Configuration Status
Accounting (CSA) is provided through requirements analysis and
development of the Advanced Configuration Control and Engineering Status
System (ACCESS). SCCI performs analysis of configuration management
business practices to define information requirements and data flows for
system enhancements in support of CSA. SCCI recommends application
features to improve accessibility to the configuration data. SCCI coordinates
with other supporting agencies to minimize redundant data and ensure
efficient data maintenance procedures. SCCI generates Quality Assurance
plans; performs quality analysis and reviews data related procedures to
identify areas for improvements. SCCI produces reports to review and
validate the currency of the data based on configuration activities. SCCI
supports Customer Acceptance Testing (CAT) through the development of
test plans and test scenarios representing the full scope of the test from a
business perspective are generated and used to develop test scripts and
procedures. SCCI prepares related Configuration Status Accounting Reports
(CSAR). SCCI documents Combat System Baseline Definition and
Configuration Identification.. SCCI supports the establishment and
maintenance of ACS Working Design Baselines for new construction and
operational ships. Our maintenance and identification of notional
Configuration Items (CIs) allow customers to the forward fit or back fit
baselines. Our employees analyze and coordinate with Element Analysts to
determine equipment that needs to be added or deleted from the combat
system Working Design Baseline. SCCI maintains the data to show the overall
effect of alteration installations on the combat system.
Combat System Configuration Management. SCCI provides Combat System
CM through analysis of technical data flows, database effectively, resource
allocations, program activities, and major program issues and action items.
Our team maintains CM plans and related planning documents. We generate
plans for problem resolution, this includes the development of solutions and
recommendations for the generation of policies, briefs, plans, instructions
and provide operating procedures. In order to determine a system
configuration data relating to equipment, computer programs, firmware for
correlation and applicability to baselines, ship classes, warfare areas, and
programs are analyzed. SCCI also provides maintenance of combat system
CM data associated with ship design, construction, installation, checkout,
testing, sea trials, and ship availabilities.
Combat System Change Control/Element Analysis. SCCI maintains data to
support change proposals and to ensure the accuracy of the CM data. We
provide CM Element Analysis (EA) support for all elements and ensure the
integrity of the equipment and change data. We provide analysis of data
related to Combat System equipment, firmware, computer programs for
correlation and applicability to baselines, ship classes, warfare areas and
program assets. This information is reported to the applicable program via
Class Change Summary Reports.
SCN Support. During an Aegis ship SCN period, SCCI performs Combat System
CM support. We physically conduct audits of the total equipment suite being
ManTech – Team Members / Capability / Experience
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tested at the Production Test Center (PTC), and the equipment that
comprises the ACS at the shipyard to support of the Aegis Test Team (ATT).
We work to resolve any discrepancies found during these audits and ensure
that verified CM data is maintained. We provide technical verification,
research, and coordination with shipbuilders and vendors to ensure that the
CM data is accurate and reflects the configuration of each ship’s designated
baseline. SCCI provide CM support to the ATT in the receipt, control and
processing of computer programs, including associated firmware.
Government POC: Contracting Officer Ms. Aninze Awanna/ Ph. 540-6530028/ email aninze.awanna@navy.mil
3.12 Information Assurance. SCCI is the prime contractor that provides
security engineering leadership and technical guidance to the Naval Surface
Warfare Center Dahlgren Division Combat System Programs, Naval Air
System Command Tomahawk Program, and Marine Corps Systems Command
Program Executive Office Land Systems (PEO-LS), Missile Defense Agency
(MDA), and the respective weapon system communities at large. Our
engineers serve as key SMEs in all matters pertaining to security features and
system architecture and design for associated Certification and Accreditation
(C&A) system requirements. We prepare the system architecture description,
identify principle C&A roles and responsibilities, and prepare the C&A
documents and all subsequent revisions in accordance with DoDD 8510.1M
policy. We develop certification reports and recommendations for
accreditation and prepare the certification package for approval, which leads
to obtaining the accreditation decision from the Designated Approving
Authoring (DAA). The US Navy warfare systems we have supported include:
the Ship Self Defense System (SSDS), the Advanced Combat Direction System
(ACDS), the Shipboard Gridlock System with Auto Correlation (SGS/AC), the
Battle Force Tactical Trainer (BFTT), Decoy Launching System (DLS) Mk 53
NULKA, AEGIS, AEGIS Modernization (AMOD), AEGIS Ashore, Common
Display System (CDS), Common Processing Systems (CPS), Cooperative
Engagement Capability (CEC), Afloat Electromagnetic Spectrum Operations
Program (AESOP), Gun Weapon Systems (GWS), Ballistic Missile Defense
(BMD), Harpoon, Standoff Land Attack Missile Expanded Response
(SLAM/ER), Ground/Air Task Oriented Radar (G/ATOR), Undersea Warfare
Combat System (SQQ-89), Electronic Warfare Systems (EW) and the Littoral
Combat Ship (LCS).
SCCI has extensive experience in providing milestone support for major
program efforts, facilitating and documenting project team activities and
assisting in business process modeling and reengineering for system security
compliance activities. Our IA team is an integral part of the overall
government system engineering team which is charged with fully
investigating current capabilities against next generation fleet operational
requirements. We develop security technical documentation products such
as operational descriptions, concepts of operations, operational sequences,
and operational interface designs associated with new capabilities. Our
technical staff members also develop functional and physical descriptions of
ManTech – Team Members / Capability / Experience
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equipment required to continue prototyping and development efforts. We
maintain watch over pending COTS obsolescence to anticipate early needs
for defining suitable replacements. We provide IA engineering management
through identification, analysis, and tracking of current and emerging DoD
and commercial IA corrective and adaptive enhancements that support
future weapon system upgrades. In addition, we define and recommend
approaches for research, development, testing, and evaluation of IA related
components for possible changes to security accreditation strategies and risk
assessments. We ensure the warfare systems’ security engineering program
complies with all OPNAV IA Program requirements, DoDD 8510.1 M (DIACAP)
and NAVSEA 9400 (Platform IT (PIT) Risk Approval) policies. SCCI follows
standard DIACAP processes and procedures outlined in OPNAVINST 5239.1C
Navy IA Program, DoD Directive 8500.01E IA, DoD Instruction 8500.2 IA
Implementation, and National Institute of Standards. We support system
test and evaluation, system certification and accreditation activities to
include development of security engineering and program documentation
such as internal security management plans, System Security Authorization
Agreement (SSAA), Security Features Users Guide (SFUG), Trusted Facilities
Manual (TFM), Program Protection Plans (PPP), Test Plans and reports,
Configuration Management (CM) Plans, Continuity of Operations Plans
(COOP), Disaster Recovery Plans (DRP), and System Security Administrations
and Operations and Manual (SSAOM). SCCI assists the program managers in
modifying their program risk management plans to include strategies and
techniques that they can use to mitigate any security risks that are
discovered during the lifecycle management of the systems. Our engineers
are onsite providing expertise and support at all levels, ranging from detailed
technical exchanges with the customer’s technical staff to supporting
development of high level briefings for command level leadership related to
system security matters. We provide support to the Government in helping
to design and develop strategies for systems security compliance. Our team
leverages its broad knowledge and support of both shore-based and
shipboard systems to help ensure that the associated security approaches are
both feasible and affordable. Our operational perspective helps to ensure
that system provisions are not so cumbersome as to render systems difficult
and expensive to operate and to maintain.
Our technical staff is also certified as Certified Navy and Marine Corps
Validators, Certified Ethical Hackers (CEH), and Certified Penetration Testers
(CPT). The Team is knowledgeable and experienced in providing shipboard
IA training for the security administrators, which provides hands-on security
expertise to the Fleet. Our IA team clearly understands the DoD IA policies
and implementation strategies. The Team performs post-accreditation
activities necessary for the continuing operation of the accredited IT systems
in its computing environment and addresses the changing threats that the
systems faces through their life-cycle. We provide the necessary
coordination between PMs and the developers to implement vulnerability
fixes to their systems. The Team utilizes in-depth expertise of DISA Security
Technical Implementation Guides (STIG), Security Readiness Reviews (SRR)
ManTech – Team Members / Capability / Experience
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and Security Checklists for all hardware platforms and operating systems
including mainframes, midrange, network servers, and workstations to verify
a given system’s compliance. We evaluate and assess the systems against the
security tools, enumerate all the issues found that must be addressed to
achieve compliance, and remediate these issues based on fix scripts and
detailed information on appropriate patch update recommendations and
manual workarounds. The Team’s Information Assurance Vulnerability
Management (IAVM) tracking support effort leverages our proven knowledge
and expertise to support our customers. Our team evaluates and addresses
each vulnerability and its applicability to customer systems. Our IA SMEs
assess the system to determine current posture or exposure, evaluate known
vulnerabilities for system impact, and assist in developing and deploying
remedy patches (or procedures) to counter real threats such as viruses,
malware, and mobile code exploits. Government POC: Contracting Officer
Mr. Kevin Deal/ Ph. 540-653-4706/ email kevin.l.deal@navy.mil
3.16 Logistics Support . SCCI provides PMA-280 logistics engineering and
operational support for ILS function through the development of source
material for ILS products, and by ensuring that engineering changes are
properly incorporated in technical, operation and maintenance products.
SCCI provides PMA-280 ILS representation at SDA meetings. SCCI provides
program analysis of proposed system candidates to determine impacts to the
ILS community. SCCI provides direct support to PMA-280 including the Twcs
Assistant Program Manager for Logistics (APML), Training Manager, Fleet
Support Lead, ILS Manager and ILS Deputy Manager to ensure the ILS
community has an understanding of system changes and their impact.
Research is performed to provide source data for Technical Bulletins and
support the direct liaison between the SDA and the In-Service Engineering
Agent (ISEA). Under this contract a fleet representative is provided to support
PACFLT and tailored TWS user training is provided for the SDA. Test and
Evaluation support efforts are provided through test planning, development
and execution in the laboratory and onboard ship. Government POC:
Contracting Officer Mr. Nelson Nailat/ Ph. 805-228-0606/ email:
3.18/3.20 Training Support. Our Training Support Activity (TSA) contract with
PMA-280 provides training and related services for the Tomahawk Weapons
Control Systems (Twcs) and associated programs for surface ship, SSGN
submarines, and United Kingdom (UK) Foreign Military Sales (FMS). SCCI was
selected based upon our 22 years of experience in designing, developing and
delivering comprehensive fleet support solutions and shipboard training for
the Tomahawk Program Office of the Naval Air Systems Command. Fleet
support tasks in this effort include developing the System Operator's Manual
(the Interactive Support System) and the Maintenance and Fault Isolation
Manual, providing logistics interface at the System Development Activity
(SDA), providing secretariat support for and participating on the Support
Product Team, and conducting validation and verification of all Integrated
Logistics Support (ILS) products. Training tasks under this contract include
ManTech – Team Members / Capability / Experience
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the development of curricula to support instructor led shipboard and
schoolhouse training; the delivery of shipboard training in support of Twcs
upgrades and retrofit activities; as well as development of Interactive
Multimedia Instruction (IMI). SCCI supports the program from multiple key
Tomahawk program locations, including; the Center for Surface Combat
Systems (CSCS) Dam Neck and San Diego schoolhouses, NSWC Dahlgren
Division and NSWC Port Hueneme Division. This work requires SCCI to
manage a Department of Defense security program in accordance with the
National Industry Security Program Operating Manual.
Interactive Support System (ISS) and Associated Software development. ISS
is the System Operator’s Manual for Tomahawk. SCCI provides embedded
system technical manuals tailored to support the multiple variants of the
weapons control system. The ISS provides descriptive and procedural
information, as well as context sensitive help that encompass all aspects of
Twcs operation.. As the Design Agent for the ISS software, SCCI develops and
delivers software builds that support ISS embedded within Surface and SSGN
Twcs. These builds are integrated into the Weapons Control System software
to support ISS deployment.
Interactive Multimedia Instruction (IMI) Development. An integral part of
SCCI’s support to the Tomahawk program is the development and/or
maintenance of over 180 IMI tutorials. Our Instructional System Design (ISD)
and Instructional Development staff creates IMI products that are part of the
overall training solution for the Tomahawk program office. The IMI lessons
train operations and maintenance concepts that supplement and reinforce
schoolhouse, individual and team learning objectives. In addition, SCCI’s IMI
staff develops short multimedia tutorial products that are intended to
support emerging fleet issues as well as provide overviews of new capabilities
being introduced to the Tomahawk Fleet.
Tomahawk Training. SCCI develops and maintains the pipeline training
curricula covering TTWCS Operations and Maintenance, Cruise Missile
Command Course, and the Tactical Tomahawk Watch Officer courses taught
at the Point Loma and Dam Neck CSCS detachments. In accordance with
NAVEDTRA requirements each of these curricula deliveries is entered into the
appropriate version of AIM. Our staff provides; on-site support at the
Tomahawk training centers to assist with training equipment installation,
configuration, and maintenance; expert assistance on training related
matters; and Train-the-Trainer support to USN and UK training facilities. SCCI
participates in the Training Development Team (TDT), the Support Product
Team, the Operational Advisory Group, and other community Integrated
Product Teams (IPT) and support teams. The TDT is an IPT whose
membership represents all aspects of Tomahawk training including the
operational commands, the Program Office, CSCS, and the Naval Education
and Training Command (NETC). The TDT meeting supports the development
of training and lesson strategies and associated learning objectives.
Source Data Analysis. SCCI’s Source Data analysis Team (SDAT) conducts
detailed reviews of proposed Twcs changes to identify impact to both Fleet
Tomahawk users and logistics support product developers. SDAT members
perform detailed product reviews and operate the developmental systems to
ManTech – Team Members / Capability / Experience
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fully characterize changes and provide data to the logistics community.
Additionally, SDAT performs testing and verification of logistic products in the
Navy’s Twcs laboratory at NSWC Dahlgren and at NSWC Port Hueneme.
Information Technology. SCCI has a company owned TTWCS Development
Suite to assist with development of products and services/ SCCI hosts a
secure web-based portal for the TSA program in conjunction with the
Program Office’s TCAP portal to provide products and deliveries as well as
hosting tools to support ILS product review and comment. SCCI also has a
SIPRNet terminal to enable enhanced interaction with the Tomahawk
UK Foreign Military Sales Training. SCCI has supported the UK Royal Navy
through the FMS program since 1997. SCCI developed UK training source
material and conducted training events at the Royal Navy Submarine School
and the System Integration and Development Facility. Under the current
contract we have provided TTWCS Initial Technical Training for the crews of
Trafalgar and Astute class submarines.
Program Support. SCCI’s management team provides dynamic and
responsive support to the Tomahawk program. SCCI coordinates with the
Tomahawk logistics and training managers to synchronize the activities to
avoid redundant efforts and optimize the use of available resources. SCCI’s
consistently provides highly accurate cost estimates and our proactive
approach to cost control routinely results in all contract performance
requirements being met within the allocated budget. SCCI management of a
Government Furnished Equipment inventory valued at over $270,000 has
consistently received high ratings from the Defense Contract Management
Agency. Government POC: Contracting Officer Mr. Nelson Nailat/ Ph. 805228-0606/ email: nelson.nailat@navy.mil
Description of products
(deliverables) provided
For training the primary deliverables are: Retrofit and Upgrade System
Shipboard Operator and Maintenance training, Curriculum supporting
Shipboard and Schoolhouse training, Computer-based Training, Operator and
Maintenance documentation in the form of Interactive Electronic Technical
Manuals, Source Data Information in the form of User Impact Documents,
Analysis of Alternatives and White papers and documentation associated
with development of those products and services. Information Assurance
products include threat analysis, security practices reports, strategy reports,
certification and accreditation reports, risk approval packages, authority to
test reports, management plans, weekly activity reports, monthly progress
reports, POA&M’s, test plans, white papers and technical reports, trip reports
and report, record minutes of IPR’s. For CM we provide configuration
baselines on a monthly basis, attend and record minutes of
CCB’s/CRB’s/IPR’s, perform audits on ships in port, develop POA&M’s,
provide GFE reviews, develop test requirements, develop briefs for the
program office, develop tech data packages, conduct IDE tool development
sessions, provide weekly activity reports, monthly MSR’s and prepare
configuration accounting status reports. For Joint Fires we provide operator
training on multiple systems CONUS/OCONUS, provide Information
Management Services for all technical data, author engineering changes,
ManTech – Team Members / Capability / Experience
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drafts technical reports and provides technical data edit expertise for
incorporation in the users Maintenance Publications / Flight Operation
Manuals, provide on-site troubleshooting for installed systems and platform
integration, develop data gathering and transmission software, provide
weekly, monthly activity reports and trip reports.
Company Name
Spalding Consulting, Inc.
Points of Contact
Jeff Thomas; jeff.thomas@scipax.com; 301-737-0150x549
Company Website
Company Background
Last 3 years services
experience listed by
functional area and
specific Program
From Automated Logistics Environments (ALE) to Enterprise Resource
Planning (ERP) business process reengineering, Spalding Consulting, Inc.
(Spalding) offers a host of professional services in program management,
system engineering, information technology, data center management and
consolidation, and Government financial management. Spalding has achieved
a Maturity Level 3 rating with the Software Engineering Institute's (SEI)
Capability Maturity Model Integration for Development (CMMI®-DEV),
version 1.3. Spalding is also an ISO 9001:2008 registered company.
 Financial Management
 Program Management
 Information Technology
 Data Center Management & Consolidation
 AIR-6.8 Systems Acquisition and Life Cycle Support Services: 3.2, 3.5,
3.6, 3.10, 3.11, 3.12, 3.14, 3.18, 3.20, 3.21, 3.22
 Naval Air Systems Command (NAVAIR) Navy Enterprise Resource
Planning (ERP) Business Office (NBO): 3.8, 3.11, 3.18, 3.20, 3.21
Company Name
Points of Contact
Alton D. Coleman Sr., Alton.coleman@specopsinc.com, 804.752.4790 ext 302
Paul Garner, Paul.garner@specopsinc.com, 804.752.4790 ext 304
Hardware development
SOI currently develops innovative products for the US Military and brings
them to market very quickly. These products include Distributed C2 centers,
Turnkey command and control infrastructure, Incident Command Posts,
Operations Ready Centers and over 100 modular products.
Capability/Area of
Company Background
Small business ISO-9001-2000 manufacturing
ManTech – Team Members / Capability / Experience
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SOI is chartered for design, manufacturing, installation and training on its ISO
Capability/Area of
Last 3 years services
experience listed by
functional area and
specific Program
Command and Control I&T
SOI has a very good past performance record with the US Military at
integrating SOI products within all the echelons from company up. This I&T
cabability includes audio, video and communications/networking.
SOI believes its strengths are ISO design, manufacturing and installation of
fixed and mobile communications and data centers.
3.1, 3.2, 3.4, 3.5
Spec Ops, Inc
PAC, Command and Control Upgrades
National Geospatial Intelligence Agency (NGIA)
Terry.C.Bohuslov.ctr@nga.mil Telephone: 703-264-3174
Spec Ops was tasked with designing a “new” technology display system to
upgrade the NGIA facility. This system was to be Hi-Resolution and user
friendly and capable of 24/7 useage. Spec Ops was to develop and implement
plans to demolish and/or remove current equipment and relocate in another
building. Then Spec Ops was to prepare the site and install their new
technology display system, conduct acceptance testing and conduct training.
Spec Ops, Inc
10th Mountain Division Tactical Operations Centers (TOC) Reset
N0016404-04-D-6632, W911S2-05-P-0040, W911S2-05-P-0030, W911S205M-0220
Email: Patrick.Maloney@hqda.army.mil Telephone: 703.604.7426
Spec Ops (under several contracts) was engaged to research, design,
manufacture, deliver, train and support 50 Tactical Operations Centers (TOC)
for 10 Mountain Division for a dual country deployment. 7 TOCs were to be
new state of the art video mega walls for 7 division and brigade elements.
Integration efforts included audio, video, networking and communications.
43 TOCs were to be battalion elements. Modularity, scalability and
ruggedness were design criteria.
General Dynamics Corporation
Brigade Combat Training Cell (BCTC)
XVIII Airborne Corps
OR10733, OR10670, OR10559, OR11104, OR11106
Email: joshua.l.Hutchison@us.army.mil Telephone: 910.396.4297
Spec Ops was contracted to design training cells for all XVIIIth Airborne Corps
training locations. These cells would be utilized for Battalions and Brigades.
This effort included audio, video, networking, communications and training.
ManTech – Team Members / Capability / Experience
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System Design Installation and Test Phase for Shipboard Security Modules
Test Station Program SSM
Email: Robert.s.evans@saic.com Telephone: 812 384 3587
This is the third phase of a program to develop a Shipboard Security Modules
(SSM) Test Set (TS) in support of the Technical Support Branch (Code 4043) of
the Ordnance Engineering Department. The SAIC Support to Code 4043
consists of installation, inventory management, configuration management,
test and evaluation, and ship survey support of security equipment on
Military Sealift Command (MSC) vessels. SAIC will hereinafter be referred to
as “Buyer” and the subcontractor will hereinafter be referred to as “Seller”.
The first two tasks of the program involved an analysis of the SSM testing
requirements to determine the current SSM baseline, capabilities and
limitations. This analysis included technical discussions with SSM technicians
and engineering staff to identify and document existing SSM system baseline
requirements and capabilities. Tasks 1 and 2 included an engineering analysis
and trade-off study to determine the SSM Test Station requirements.
The scope of this SSM Test Station subcontract is limited to the installation
and testing of the SSM TS. Once installation is complete, Buyer requires Seller
participation and support of test activities to demonstrate that SSM Test
Station designs fully achieve specified requirements.
Accordingly, Buyer requires detailed visibility into the labor/material
breakdowns of Seller procurements of replacement equipment and
associated hardware to include costs for testing and inspecting components
identified on the SSM Test Station Technical Data Package and Systems
Specifications. This SOW describes the technical, programmatic,
administrative and procurement activities necessary to support the
Installation and Test Phase of the SSM Test Station Program
Company Name
Spectrum Technology Group, Inc. 1KAE4
Points of Contact
Dennis Leland dennis.leland@spectrumtechnology.us 301-947-4622 x15
Suzanne Miller Suzanne.miller1.ctr@navy.mil 301-227-4317
Company Website
Company Background
Capability/Area of
Small Business – Subchapter S Corporation
Established February 20, 1999
35 employees
Spectrum Technology Group, Inc., is a Small Business that provides
specialized services to the U.S. Navy in scientific, engineering, technical,
analytical and programmatic areas, primarily to the Signatures Department of
the Naval Surface Warfare Center Carderock Division (NSWCCD) of the Naval
Sea Systems Command (NAVSEA). The efforts of our professionals in these
ManTech – Team Members / Capability / Experience
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Last 3 years services
experience listed by
functional area and
specific Program (see
below for list of functional
areas provide a broad range of expertise for evaluation of Signature
components and Stealth features of naval vessels (foreign and domestic),
including innovative conceptual ideas appropriate to development of new
technologies and improvement to existing technologies. Projects include
extensive technical assessment and evaluation of design options for future
naval combatants; investigation of noise mechanisms and ship silencing
effectiveness on the newest classes of U.S. nuclear submarines; development
of acoustic noise and vibration monitoring procedures for onboard
implementation; and modeling and simulation efforts for tactical decision
aids and representation of acoustic susceptibility in complex, ocean
environments. Spectrum Technology experts also participate in various data
applications that are used by acoustic intelligence recording systems and that
are provided to the operating forces, information assurance and network
security for systems onboard Navy ships and submarines, test and evaluation
for shipboard HM&E (hull, mechanical, electrical), acoustic intelligence
projects for logistics and certification, and program management support for
engineering and management services. We perform concept studies and
analyses, requirements definition, and evaluation of alternative technical
approaches for high-level performance specifications of the systems,
techniques, and algorithms that derive signature assessments and submarine
stealth results.
Spectrum Technology has the technical capability to support the following
Functional Areas of the SOW:
3.1 Research and Development Support
3.2 Engineering, System Engineering and Process Engineering Support
3.3 Modeling, Simulation, Stimulation, and Analysis Support Modeling
3.5 System Design Documentation and Technical Data Support
3.6 Software Engineering, Development, Programming, and Network
3.12 Information System (IS) Development, Information Assurance, and
Information Technology (IT) Support
3.14 Interoperability, Test and Evaluation, Trials Support
3.20 Program Support
Contract Title: Engineering and Technical Services to Support Silencing
Design and Assessment, Modeling and Simulation, System Documentation,
Software Development, and Information Assurance with Program
Management Support
Client: Naval Surface Warfare Center, Carderock Division
Contract No.: N00178-08-D-5597-FD01
Period of Performance: 09/29/2010-09/28/2015
Prime Point of Contact: Dennis Leland
Phone no:
301-947-4622 x15
Contract Title: Engineering Services, Acquisition Support, and Program
Management Support for Submarine Acoustic Sensors and Related
ManTech – Team Members / Capability / Experience
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Client: Naval Surface Warfare Center, Carderock Division
Contract No.: N00178-08-D-5597-FD02
Period of Performance: 08/07/2012-07/02/2015
Prime Point of Contact: Dennis Leland
Phone no:
301-947-4622 x15
Contract Title: Full-Spectrum Scientific and Technical Investigations of
Marine Materials for Navy Ships in the Areas of Hull, Machinery, and
Electrical Systems, from Basic Research through Advanced Applications
Client: Naval Surface Warfare Center, Carderock Division
Contract No.: N00178-08-D-5597-FD03
Period of Performance: 09/05/2012-09/04/2015
Prime Point of Contact: Dennis Leland
Phone no:
301-947-4622 x15
Contract Title: Ship Signature, Measurement, Silencing Programs
Client: ManTech Systems Engineering
Contract No.: N00178-04-D-4080-FD01
Period of Performance: 05/19/09 – 12/18/11
Prime Point of Contact: Martin Peterson
ManTech Contracts Manager
Phone No.:
954-925-0200 x148
Description of products
(deliverables) provided
Spectrum Technology has the ability to support Mission Areas across the
Team Submarine Enterprise including but not limited to: Acoustic Systems;
Signatures and Stealth; Hull, Mechanical, and Electrical; Undersea Warfare;
Shipboard Networks; Information Assurance; Fleet Material Readiness; and
Program Management. Qualified in Zones 1, 2, 3, 4, 6 and 7.
Company Name
SRA International Inc.
Points of Contact
Dan Ehrlich
Program Manager
Phone: +1 (703) 798-8163
Fax: +1 (703) 284-1371
Steve Krahling
ManTech – Team Members / Capability / Experience
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Sr. Contracts Administrator
Phone: +1 (703) 803-2412
Company Website
Company Background
For more than 30 years, SRA International has been dedicated to solving
complex mission and efficiency challenges for the U.S. government. From our
headquarters in Fairfax, Va., and from offices and locations around the globe,
our more than 6,000 employees support government clients in civilian,
defense, health, intelligence, law enforcement and homeland security agencies
by delivering IT solutions and professional services in such areas as
information technology lifecycle services; cloud and mobile computing; cyber
security; solutions development and integration; and, strategy development
and organizational change management. We also provide mission-specific
domain expertise in areas such as energy and environmental consulting;
intelligence analysis; advanced research; and bioinformatics. Our employees'
deep commitment to offering real value to our clients and serving our
communities is rooted in our ethic of Honesty and Service
SRA is a leading provider of information technology services and solutions –
including strategic consulting; systems design, development and integration;
and outsourcing and operations management – to clients in national security,
civil government and health care and public health.
3.1, 3.2, 3.3, 3.4, 3.5, 3.6, 3.7, 3.8, 3.10, 3.11, 3.12, 3.14, 3.16, 3.17, 3.18,
3.19, 3.20, 3.21, 3.22
Capability/Area of
Last 3 years services
experience listed by
functional area and
specific Program
Description of products
(deliverables) provided
Company Name
Stanley Associates – Company does not have an active Subcontract
with ManTech
Company Name:
Strategic Analysis, Inc.
Points of Contact
Benny Wetzler, Director, Contracts and Program Control,
ManTech – Team Members / Capability / Experience
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Company Background:
Strategic Analysis, Inc. (SA), a small business, is an industry-leading government
professional services firm that excels in providing innovative solutions to the problems
of today and tomorrow. The talents and experience that make up the SA team provide
all of the skills, tools, and creative ideas necessary to address the technical,
operational, programmatic, and policy aspects of national defense and homeland
security issues. In addition, SA was featured in the November 2007 issue of
Washingtonian Magazine-Best Places to Work.
Strategic Analysis began operations in Arlington, Virginia in May of 1986, quickly
establishing a name for itself by winning competitive contracts from the Office of Naval
Research, the Office of the Secretary of Defense and the Los Alamos National
Laboratory to support technical studies and key national security science and
technology (S&T) programs. Years later, Strategic Analysis has grown with offices in
Arlington, Virginia, Washington, D.C. and Colorado Springs, Colorado. SA's core
capabilities have also greatly expanded and diversified as new demands have been
placed on the professional services industry and as the world environment has
changed. SA's list of clients has grown substantially over the last twenty years, and yet
the core values of providing the highest quality support to our customers, hiring and
building relationships with good people to do great things, a focus on SA as an
"extended family," and working to build a better community for everyone remain the
same as they were twenty-five years ago.
Capability/Area of
See http://www.sainc.com/service/service.asp
Last 3 years services
experience listed by
functional area and
specific Program
SA has provided services in the following categories:
Description of products
(deliverables) provided.
SA is a service provider and, thus, does not sell products per se. SA has
provided technical and other deliverable reports to the follow clients:
3.1 Research and Development Support
3.2 Engineering, System Engineering and Process Engineering Support
3.5 System Design Documentation and Technical Data Support
3.6 Software Engineering, Development, Programming, and Network Support
3.8 Human Factors, Performance, and Usability Engineering Support
3.10 Configuration Management (CM) Support
3.11 Quality Assurance (QA) Support
3.12 Information System (IS) Development, Information Assurance (IA), and
Information Technology (IT)
3.16 Acquisition Logistics Support
3.18 Training Support
3.20 Program Support
3.21 Functional and Administrative Support
3.22 Public Affairs and Multimedia Support
Air Force Research Laboratory (AFRL)
Army Research Laboratory (ARL)
Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency (DARPA)
Defense Science Board (DSB)
Defense Threat Reduction Agency (DTRA)
DHS Customs and Border Protection
DHS Domestic Nuclear Detection Office (DNDO)
DHS Science and Technology (S&T) Directorate
Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI)
ManTech – Team Members / Capability / Experience
Page 347 of 419
National Science Foundation (NSF)
Naval Research Laboratory (NRL)
Naval Surface Warfare Center Office of Force Transformation
Office of Naval Research (ONR)
US Joint Forces Command (USJFCOM)
US Northern Command (USNORTHCOM)
Company Name
Strategic Insight, Ltd.
Points of Contact
Jim Hajek, Contracts Manager; jhajek@stratsight.com
Company Website
Company Background
Strategic Insight (SI), a small business headquartered in Virginia, has over 25
years of experience working with clients in the private and public sectors. We
believe in applying disciplined systems engineering to find solutions to the
most difficult challenges. We have recent experience or currently provide
support to the Chief of Naval Operations Surface Warfare Division; Program
Executive Officer, Ships (PEO SHIPS) and Program Executive Office,
Integrated Warfare Systems (PEO (IWS)); the DDG 1000, LCS Program Office;
the Warfare Systems Engineering Department and the Aegis BMD offices at
Naval Surface Weapons Center, Dahlgren: and the Office of Navy Research.
We have also provided support to several Directorates within the Missile
Defense Agency and to various federal Agencies. Strategic Insight’s offices are
located in Crystal City, the Washington Navy Yard, as well as San Diego CA
and Jacksonville, FL.
Capability/Area of
3.2 Engineering, System Engineering and Process Engineering Support
3.3 Modeling, Simulation, Stimulation, and Analysis Support
3.20 Program Support
3.21 Functional and Administration Support
3.22 Public Affairs and Multimedia Support
Last 3 years services
experience listed by
functional area and
specific Program (see
below for list of functional
3.20 Program Support
3.21 Functional and Administration Support
NSWC Dahlgren W Dept
ManTech – Team Members / Capability / Experience
Page 348 of 419
Company Name:
Strategic Systems Technology, Inc.
Points of Contact
Sharon G. Stockley, President / Robert W. Stockley, Vice President
Company Background:
15+ Years Providing Program Management, Systems Engineering, & Technical
Support Services to the Federal Government, DoD and the IC Community.
3.1 Research and Development Support
3.2 Engineering, System Engineering and Process Engineering Support
3.5 System Design Documentation and Technical Data Support
3.6 Software Engineering, Development, Programming, and Network Support
3.7 Reliability, Maintainability, and Availability (RM&A) Support
3.10 Configuration Management (CM) Support
3.11 Quality Assurance (QA) Support
3.12 Information System (IS) Development, Information Assurance (IA), and
Information Technology (IT)
3.14 Interoperability, Test and Evaluation, Trials Support
3.16 Acquisition Logistics Support
3.17 Supply and Provisioning Support
3.18 Training Support
3.19 In-Service Engineering, Fleet Introduction, Installation & Checkout
3.20 Program Support
3.21 Functional and Administrative Support
Capability/Area of
Last 3 years services
experience listed by
functional area and
specific Program
(Classified Programs for the IC Community)
3.2 Engineering, System Engineering and Process Engineering Support
3.5 System Design Documentation and Technical Data Support
3.6 Software Engineering, Development, Programming, and Network Support
3.12 Information System (IS) Development, Information Assurance (IA), and
Information Technology (IT)
Description of products
(deliverables) provided.
3.14 Interoperability, Test and Evaluation, Trials Support
3.18 Training Support (User Training)
3.19 In-Service Engineering, Fleet Introduction, Installation & Checkout Spt
Program Planning Documents, Standard Operating Procedures, User Training
Courseware /Hand-Outs
Company Name:
Submergence Group LLC
Points of Contact
Gregory M. Cook / Shelley Gregory
PO Box 450
4 Water Street
Chester, CT 06412
ManTech – Team Members / Capability / Experience
Page 349 of 419
Ph: (860)526-4911
Fx: (860)526-3160
gregg@submergencegroup.com / shelley@submergencegroup.com
Company Background:
Capability/Area of
Submergence Group specializes in the design, fabrication and operation of
rapid-prototype manned and unmanned underwater vehicles and associated
Underwater vehicle systems, including ancillary power, life support,
navigation, control, etc. systems.
Last 3 years services
experience listed by
functional area and
specific Program
3.10 Configuration Management (CM) Support
3.1 Research and Development Support
3.2 Engineering, System Engineering and Process Engineering Support
3.3 Modeling, Simulation, Stimulation, and Analysis Support
3.4 Prototyping, Pre-Production, Model-Making, and Fabrication Support
3.5 System Design Documentation and Technical Data Support
Description of products
(deliverables) provided.
Engineering Studies, Concept designs, pre-production and rapid prototype
manned and unmanned submersible systems and all related ancillary
components and systems.
Company Name
Subsystem Technologies, Inc
Points of Contact
Ashequl Hoque, ahoque@subsystem.com, 703-841-0071
Charlie Grabenstein, cgrabenstein@subsystem.com, 703-841-0071
Subsystems’ engineering support and research capabilities with projectile
propulsion, flight dynamics, and advanced materiel application have been
critical elements in defining advanced munitions system performance.
Subsystems interprets ASME and ISO military engineering drawing standards
to their latest revision level. This work includes technical data package (TDP)
certification guidance; developing and reviewing configuration management
plans; preparing engineering change proposals (ECP) and notice of revisions
(NOR) to military standards; all forms of guidance and preparation of TDP
updates to ensure fast and accurate procurements; track all technical data
requirements; and drawing preparation of 3D and Pro-E profiles in military
Subsystems has provided mechanical and electrical engineering specialists
with expertise in failure mode and effects analysis (FMEA), computer aided
design (CAD), computer aided manufacturing (CAM), stress analysis, thermo
analysis, quality and value engineering, producibility engineering, product
improvements, high-power microwave design, short pulse laser
experimentation design, integration of electromagnetic energy with laser
channels, development of high-voltage sources for laser applications, and
design of critical electronic subsystems
Subsystems technical documentation writing includes preparing drafts of
Company Background
ManTech – Team Members / Capability / Experience
Page 350 of 419
Capability/Area of
Initial Capability Document (lCD), Capability Development Documents
(CDD5), Capability Production Document (CPD), and other associated.
Associated documentation includes Analysis of Alternatives (AOA); Basis of
Issue (BOl); Doctrine and Tactics; Training; Leadership and Education
Material; Organization (DTLOMSPF) assessments; Material Concept (MC); and
Operation Concept (OC).
Subsystems provides future modeling and simulation (M&S) requirements for
engineering personnel to support current and future armaments
development projects.
Providing Engineering and Soft Engineering support and Program
Management Support.
Last 3 years services
experience listed by
functional area and
specific Program
Functional Areas: 3.1 Research and Development Support
3.2 Engineering, System Engineering and Process Engineering Support
3.4 Prototyping, Pre-Production, Model-Making, and Fabrication Support
3.5 System Design Documentation and Technical Data Support
3.6 Software Engineering, Development, Programming, and Network Support
3.9 System Safety Engineering Support
3.10 Configuration Management (CM) Support
3.12 Information System (IS) Development, Information Assurance (IA), and
Information Technology (IT) Support
3.16 Acquisition Logistics Support
3.18 Training Support
3.20 Program Support
3.21 Functional and Administrative Support
3.22 Public Affairs and Multimedia Support
1. Technical Support for the Indirect Fire Systems Division, Armaments
Engineering & Technology Center (W15QKN-05-D-0001)
John Beeman, U.S. Army 973-724-7671
2. Real Estate Management System (REMS) (DTFAWA-03-D-03041)
Alan Behr, DOT, FAA 202-267-3213, alan.Behr@faa.gov
Marcus Benefield, 202-267-5750
Company Name
Systems Engineering Associates Corp. (SEA CORP)
Points of Contact
VP for Corporate Development, Richard Talipsky, 401-847-2260 X3236
rtalipsky@seacorp.com (Technical POC)
Contracts Officer, Elizabeth Goetz, 401-847-2260 X3126,
egeotz@seacorp.com (Contracts POC)
ManTech – Team Members / Capability / Experience
Page 351 of 419
Company Website
Company Background
SEA CORP, is a privately held, veteran-owned business focusing on systems
engineering, test and evaluation services, software, and research and development.
SEA CORP’s dedicated and highly professional workforce of 370 has been providing
outstanding service to the Naval Undersea Warfare Center (NUWC) for well nearly 30
years. As evident by their continuous dedication to improvement, SEA CORP’s is
certified and registered to the ISO 9001:2008 standard and is certified CMMI Level 2.
With three locations, the majority of SEA CORP personnel are located in two facilities
in the Aquidneck Corporate Park, Middletown, Rhode Island. In Middletown, in
addition to electronically equipped conference rooms (with capacities of 100, 30, 15,
and 12) SEA CORP maintains a robust prototype production and vehicle launch
facility with a machine shop, metal and wood shops and an electronic laboratory. A
production floor with reconfigurable workstations can accommodate projects from
electronic circuit board assembly to complete 19-inch rack systems assembly and
test. A dynamic test facility with a water test tank, full instrumentation and highspeed photography capability that can be used to launch vehicles to 750 pounds. The
third SEA CORP location is in Groton, Connecticut, just a few miles from Naval
Submarine Base New London and General Dynamics-Electric Boat shipyard. Since its
formation as a company, SEA CORP has focused its systems engineering skills on
submarine Non-Propulsion Electronic Systems (NPES), and has been closely and
continuously involved in the full spectrum of development and improvement
program in SEAWOLF, Ohio and Virginia-Class programs, as well as a broad spectrum
of legacy systems on Los Angeles Class submarines. Key areas of current support
include Combat Control Systems, Tactical Tomahawk Weapon control Systems,
Global Command and Control System – Maritime, Sonar Systems including AcousticRapid COTS Insertion support, Acoustic Simulator Support, Test and Evaluation,
Weapon compatibility Testing, Software Development and Firmware Documentation,
Independent Validation and Verification, Temporary Special Alteration Development
and Installation and at-sea testing support. SEA CORP maintains expertise in all the
latest training development and management software for Interactive Electronic
Technical Manuals (IETMs) and other virtual training systems and maintains
proficiency in all associated military specifications, graphic arts and production.
Capability/Area of
Engineering and Program Support for Naval Non-Propulsion Electronic
Systems (NPES), weapons systems, sonars and sensors, and undersea and airlaunched UAV launch systems.
Seaport-e N00178-04-D-4122
N422 - Sensor and Sonar Sytems Technical Support (3.1 through
3.12, 3.14 through 3-22)
N424 - Sensor and Sonar Systems Business Operations Analysis and
Program Support (3.1 through 3.12, 3.14 through 3-22)
N417 and N419 - SEA WOLF non propulsion Electronics Systems (3.1
through 3.12, 3.14 through 3-22)
N419- SEA WOLF non propulsion Electronics Systems (3.1 through
3.12, 3.14 through 3-22)
N413- 416 NUWC USW Combat Systems Support Services - (3.1
through 3.12, 3.14 through 3-22)
N426 - CLUSTER NOVA (3.1 through 3.6; 3.11 through 3.13; 3.14;
3.16 through 3-21)
N427- T&E - Facilities Based & Environmental (Air, Land & Sea)
Last 3 years services
experience listed by
functional area and
specific Program (see
below for list of functional
ManTech – Team Members / Capability / Experience
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N428 - CTDM Programming Support (3.7;3.19;3.20)
N430- Tomahawk Missle Flight Test Support Lisa Golden (3.1
through 3.12, 3.14 through 3-22)
N431- NUWC Code 34 Imaging, EW, Communications, Antennas &
Special Projects Systems(3.1 through 3.12, 3.14 through 3-22)
N432- Engineering, technical, T&E, and programmatic Svcs for NUWC
Code 25 (3.1 through 3.12, 3.14 through 3-22)
Subject matter expertise, design and development, computer-aided training,
engineering, configuration management and logistics support, assembly
prototyping, computer engineering and software development, financial and
program support and Reliability, Maintainability and Availability (RMA).
Description of products
(deliverables) provided
Company Name
System Studies & Simulation, Inc.
Points of Contact
Jackie C. Hicks
Company Website
Company Background
A woman-owned business incorporated in Alabama in 1991
Capability/Area of
An industry Leader in providing quality services to military systems
20 plus years of experience in Systems Engineering and Technical
Assistance (SETA)
Critical support to national security providing training, operational
support, and logistic services
Proven performer in leading strategic planning and program
Last 3 years services
experience listed by
functional area and
specific Program (see
below for list of functional
National Guard Bureau Support: 3.3, 3.12, 3.18
SETAC07: 3.1, 3.2, 3.3, 3.5, 3.7, 3.8, 3.9, 3.10, 3.12, 3.14, 3.15, 3.16, 3.20, 3.21
SMDIS III: 3.1, 3.2, 3.20, 3.21
Amcom Express Technical: 3.1, 3.2, 3.3, 3.6, 3.7, 3.10, 3.11, 3.12, 3.16, 3.17,
3.18, 3.20, 3.21, 3.22
Company Name
Tactical Systems Engineering, LLP
Points of Contact
Dave Molthen, dave.molthen@tacsyseng.com, 703‐517‐8302,
1943 Isaac Newton Square, Suite 260, Reston, VA 20190
Company Website
Company Background
Tactical Systems Engineering (TSE) is a Service Disabled, Veteran Owned,
Small Business with Headquarters in Reston, Virginia and satellite offices in
Newport, Rhode Island; Patuxent River, Maryland and Orlando, Florida. TSE
ManTech – Team Members / Capability / Experience
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has extensive expertise in the Defense market place.
Capability/Area of
Last 3 years services
experience listed by
functional area and
specific Program
TSE systems engineers and acquisition support professionals provide expert
support for all lifecycle phases of Unmanned Aircraft Systems (UAS). TSE
provides superior technical expertise in unmanned systems development
and fielding to its NAVAIR customers, has positive past performance, and
has positive recognition in the local market as a best value provider. TSE
UAS professional services include risk management, modeling and
simulation, financial management support, acquisition documentation
development, roadmap development, test support and analysis, and
deployment/ installation planning, preparation and support. Our
employees have excellent name recognition in all of the NAVAIR unmanned
PMAs, their PEO, and with their OSD stakeholders and typically hold
advanced degrees, Top Secret clearances, and DAWIA Level III
3.20 Program Support
PMA‐263 (Shadow IPT). Sub to Bowhead for financial
management support. (ongoing contract)
TSE, teamed with Bowhead Science and Technology LLC., provides
business financial management support services for the Navy and Marine
Corps Unmanned Air Systems PMA‐263 Shadow program.
PMA‐262 (Advanced Development IPT). Sub to Modern
Technology Solutions, Inc. (MTSI) for program management
support (FY2013‐2038 Unmanned Systems Roadmap
development); Period of Performance: 4/10/12 to 2/24/13
TSE teamed with Modern Technology Solutions, Inc. provided assistance
with the draft development of the next edition of the Unmanned Systems
Roadmap, 2013‐2038 to the Office of the Secretary of Defense (OSD)
Director, Unmanned Warfare. Provide a wide range of unmanned system
related topics in the field of systems acquisition, systems engineering,
operations support and training and strategic planning and roadmap
Army PM UAS (sub contract to SES‐i) Development of the Navy
and Marine Corps Unmanned Air Systems (PMA‐263) Shadow
Program Roadmap; Period of Performance: 09/26/11 to 09/30/12
TSE teamed with Science and Engineering Services, Inc. (SESi) in the
development of the PMA‐263 Shadow Program Roadmap. Provided prime
contractor program management support for the development of the
Technology Insertion/Pre‐Planned Product Improvement (P3I) Plan for the
PMA‐263 Shadow program which included detailed schedules, risk
management plan, and cost modeling. Provided support for the
preparation, coordination and evaluation of program management monthly
progress, status and management reports, presentation material, prepared
meeting minutes, and tracked action items. Provided recommendations in
ManTech – Team Members / Capability / Experience
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support of program execution, development of program organizational
charts, schedule and roadmaps management plan.
‐ Consulting Services for USN/USMC Period of Performance:
10/05/11 to 03/31/2012; and CNIT Period of Performance:
10/05/11 to 06/30/2012
TSE teamed with Science and Engineering Services, Inc. (SESi) as Consultant
in support of SES business development opportunities with the US Navy and
US Marine Corps in the Patuxent River, MD area. Provided services as
assigned in public relationship and image building for SES in the Naval
Aviation Community; assumed position of Capture Manager/Lead for
Counter‐ Networks and Illicit Trafficking (CNIT) proposal development effort;
reviewed of capabilities and survey of potential subcontractors in support of
identified long‐term business strategies; identified and assisted in developing
new subcontractors for emerging requirements; and maintained continuous
relationship with subcontractors and assisted in developing potential future
business opportunities.
3.2 Engineering, System Engineering and Process Engineering Support
In‐Stride Mine Warfare; SBIR 00‐057 TSE teamed with Progeny
Systems in developing an in‐stride Mine Warfare Capability
The Goal of SBIR AF00‐057 was to support PMS 495 in developing an
in‐stride MIW capability. This capability was comprised of an architectural
environment and a demonstrator. TSE has developed the intellectual
property, the design and manufacturing capabilities to support delivering a
MIW demonstrator (Wingman UAS) UAS to the US Government. Specifically,
TSE has completed Preliminary Design, completed Detailed Design, Build 2
Prototype Air Vehicles (one vehicle as a deliverable), and performed Test
Flights with Air Vehicles.
‐ Structural Fatigue Monitoring Systems, SBIR N121‐043
TSE teamed with Progeny Systems developing a network/node‐based,
landing gear structural health monitoring system that employs RF wireless
technology to minimize aircraft wire routing for a Phase I NAVAIR SBIR
(N121‐043). This system performs both weight and CG measurements as well
as fatigue damage tracking for each landing gear. For the Phase I effort, the
Sikorsky CH‐53K helicopter has been identified as the target platform. The
system consists of a secure wireless network of Landing Gear Structural
Health Monitor (LG‐SHM) modules, one installed within each landing gear
compartment. Each LG‐SHM module operates independently, recording data
from local strain gauges and performing fatigue damage processing. Via a
wired or secure wireless communication link with the master LG‐SHM
module, the user can access prognostic/diagnostic information for all landing
gear, and can also access aircraft weight and CG calculations. The master LG‐
SHM wirelessly and securely communicates with the other LG‐SHM modules,
requesting and merging fatigue assessments and direct load data upon user
ManTech – Team Members / Capability / Experience
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request. The master LG‐SHM can also be linked via a wired connection to the
aircraft data bus network, thus allowing for access from cockpit computer
systems. Due to its wireless, and low power design, this system can been
easily integrated into a wide variety of landing gear platforms as a fully
standalone and battery powered system, with optional power harvesting, or
it can be supplied with aircraft power to eliminate any battery maintenance.
‐Sub‐Launched UAS Common Control, SBIR N103‐255
TSE, teamed with Progeny Systems, developed an innovative SOA based
Common Control capability for use controlling UAS on board US Submarines.
The goal of Sub‐Launched Control SBIR N103‐255 was to develop a SOA
approach and architecture for a platform‐independent, non‐proprietary
solution for multi‐vehicle control of unmanned vehicles. Control multiple
vehicles and sensors from a single control station that is expandable to other
vehicles and sensors at low cost and provide NATO STANAG 4586 and SAE
JAUS open standard interfaces. Additionally, TSE demonstrated limited
prototype SOA solution with a simulated unmanned vehicle. This
demonstration added during Phase I Execution. Our approach was to develop
a Common Control Capability as part of a larger System of Systems SOA in
which the unmanned control system (UxS) is a service used by another system
(i.e. BYG‐1 Combat Control System). The UxS service provides a command &
control HMI and open standard unmanned vehicle control interfaces (4586
and JAUS). This approach adopted the following: A configuration file driven
mediation service that was used by the UxS service for command and control
of any unmanned vehicle (UxV); Mediation occurred between the UxS
service’s standard interface and a UxV’s proprietary (or other future standard)
interface, and Vehicle/Payload Interface Control Document (ICD) is the key
artifact to this approach. A UxV and its payload can now be treated as simply
another sensor, with open standard methods for directing where and when
data is to be collected and the type of data required, and the products
returned in standard formats.
3.3 Modeling, Simulation, Stimulation, and Analysis Support
‐ TSE FY11 ONR LTE Past performance
The FY11 Joint Service ONR Limited Technical Evaluation (LTE) brings together
Army, Navy and Air Force under Navy Experimental Leadership to build on
FY10 LTE Technology & Analytic Results to extend SOA federation across
Service boundaries. Specifically, the team developed a scenario‐based LTE to
explore and implement the following: Two‐way Combat / C2 information
exchange; Expand Enterprise level Information Management (IM) in DIL
environment (ROWC2); Incorporating emergent data sources; Conduct a
Multi‐Service Fires/Targeting Coordination Thread; Assess Platform IT
Interface (PITI) to satisfy IA requirements for transition; Enhance Rules Engine
Capability to satisfy C2 Transition requirements; and Enabling dynamic
decimation rule set selection by C2 System. TSE supported the Analytic and
Modeling, Simulation and Scenario efforts for this LTE development.
ManTech – Team Members / Capability / Experience
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Company Name
Points of Contact
Bill Burgum (CEO) : 315.222.6112
Les Moreland (CFO): 949.374.2508
Company Website
Company Background
Capability/Area of
Veteran Owned, Service Disabled Small Business incorporated in 2009. Set up
to provide airborne tactical ISR support and services to Government and
private industry. Migrated to tactical ISR course development and training.
Tactical ISR curriculum development and training in conjunction with our
proprietary simulation device spanning the complete cycle of ISR.
Last 3 years services
experience listed by
functional area and
specific Program (see
below for list of functional
Description of products
(deliverables) provided
March 2013 to present: inactive
August 2011 to February 2013: subcontractor to Avenge, Inc., on Boeing’s
EMARSS program: functional areas 3.3, 3.5, 3.10, 3.18
January 2011 to August 2011: JSOC/J6 and Harris Corporation supporting
airborne sensor and communications development and test: functional area:
3.1, 3.2
Customized tactical ISR curriculum and training programs integrated with/or
stand alone virtual simulation device spanning complete cycle of ISR
Company Name
Tech Wizards Inc.
Points of Contact
Ken Clark
Company Background:
Tech Wizards is a small business that was formed with the goal of
providing quality software engineering and support services to the
government and commercial arenas. With its highly experienced
technical team, Tech Wizards provides a vast array of quality software
engineering and support services that encompasses the full system life
ManTech – Team Members / Capability / Experience
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cycle realm. Tech Wizards possesses the expertise to address many
system issues, and provide effective solutions to meet the particular
needs of its customers. The Tech Wizards' employee base has a
proven technical background with several Navy programs, and can
undertake the project management, design, development,
implementation, integration, and testing of complete systems. In
addition, Tech Wizards has the experience of recommending hardware
and suppliers as well as engineering the overall system. The
management team at Tech Wizards believes that quality should be an
integral part of the technology service industry. Tech Wizards' mission
is to provide their customers with software solutions grounded in
efficient, effective, and successful design principles, and provide
quality-engineering services.
Capability/Area of
System and Software Engineering
Last 3 years services
experience listed by
functional area (see below
for list of functional areas)
and specific Program
Center for Surface Combat System, NSWC Dahlgren
Research and Development Support - Conducted mission analysis,
and research and development efforts, to include technical planning
and analysis for software and hardware, in support of removing legacy
NGC tactical training system and updating with CAST Open
Architecture Training Suite (COAST) system within baselines of the
AEGIS weapons system tactical submode trainer.
Engineering, System Engineering and Process Engineering
Support - Conducted full range analysis and IEEE process compliant
systems design and development of COAST and for training system
enhancements, change requests, and problem resolutions.
System Design Documentation and Technical Data Support Conducted engineering efforts and production of System/Segment
Specifications, Interface Design Descriptions, Interface Requirement
Specifications, Software Design Descriptions, Database Design
Documents, Version Description Documents, and software users
manuals associated with the COAST training system.
Software Engineering, Development, Programming, and Network
Support - Conducted IEEE process compliant full software life cycle
engineering in Java, JavaScript, SQL, Flash Action Script and UNIX
command language to include, software requirements definition,
analysis, design, development, test and integration, and development
of project and user documentation
Interoperability, Test and Evaluation, Trials Support - Conducted
ManTech – Team Members / Capability / Experience
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IEEE process compliant development and modification of functional,
segment, system test procedures. Supported integration and formal
system test events, within the CSCS tactical laboratories. Further
supported formal AEGIS shipboard Test and Evaluation events.
Support included test procedure execution, analysis, debug, formal
documentation of test results in reports, software/hardware problem
reporting, and debrief.
Training Support - Conducted development of operator/user manual,
and development and delivery of fleet operator training, associated with
the release of COAST. Training was delivered both onsite at the CSCS
land based sites, and aboard ship.
Center for Surface Combat System, NSWC Dahlgren
Engineering, System Engineering and Process Engineering
Support -Conducted system and operational analysis and SEI/CMMI
TSP process compliant systems design and development in support of
the design and development of the aircraft tactical system
enhancements, change requests, and problem resolutions associated
with the E-2C OFP.
System Design Documentation and Technical Data Support Conducted engineering efforts and production of System/Segment
Specifications, Interface Design Descriptions, Interface Requirement
Specifications, Software Design Descriptions, Database Design
Documents, Version Description Documents, and software users
manuals in support of aircraft tactical system enhancements, change
requests, and problem resolutions associated with the E-2C OFP.
Software Engineering, Development, Programming, and Network
Support - Conducted SEI/CMMI TSP process compliant full software
life cycle engineering in X-Windows/Motif, C++, Java, Ada, SQL, HPUX and UNIX command language, to include, requirements definition,
analysis, design, development, test and integration, and development
of project and user documentation.
Interoperability, Test and Evaluation, Trials Support - Conducted
SEI/CMMI TSP process compliant development and modification of
functional, segment, system test procedures. Supported integration
test events, formal Functional Evaluation Testing (FET), Product
Evaluation Testing (PET), and Tactical Data Link Testing events.
Further supported Data Link, sensor, and dynamic operations ground
ManTech – Team Members / Capability / Experience
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and flight testing events.
Training Support - Conducted development and delivery of fleet
operator training, associated with the delivery of E-2C OFP foreign
release baselines and Mission Information Software Transfer (MIST)
tactical system upgrades. Training was delivered both onsite at the
PSA and in country.
Description of products
(deliverables) provided.
System and Software Engineering Support Services
Company Name
Technology Security Associates, Inc.
Points of Contact
Christina Jayroe, Tom Jarboe, Lee Bradshaw
Company Background
Technology Security Associates, Inc. (TSA) is a Service-Disabled, VeteranOwned Small Business located in California, Maryland. Established in 2002,
TSA provides a broad range of services, including:
- Future Capabilities Processes – JCIDS, Capabilities Based Assessments,
Operations/Warfighting Analysis, Analyses of Alternatives, DoDAF
Architecture Framework, Information Support Plans, and POM
Analysis/Roadmap Development
- Technology and Information Protection – Research and Technology
Protection (RTP), Anti-Tamper (AT) and Information Assurance (IA)
- International Programs Support – International Cooperative Programs,
International Agreements, Technology Transfer Policy, Export Licensing,
Foreign Disclosure, Foreign Military Sales
- Program Support – Program Management, IT Support, Business and
Financial Management, Logistics, Configuration Management, Engineering,
Admin Support
3.2, 3.12, 3.18, 3.19, 3.20, 3.21
Capability/Area of
Last 3 years services
experience listed by
functional area
Engineering, System Engineering, and Process Engineering Support –
TSA has supported R&D planning efforts for Anti-Tamper plans in several
major NAVAIR system, including F/A-18, MMA, E-2D, MH-60R, and Heavy Lift
Replacement (HLR) programs.
3.12 Information System (IS) Development, Information Assurance (IA) and
Information Technology (IT) – TSA is currently developing System Security
Authorization Agreements (SSAA’s), IA Strategies, and supporting the
DITSCAP process for the F/A-18 program.
3.18 Training Support. TSA has developed multiple training programs for
NAWCWD in the areas of FMS, Armaments Cooperation and Foreign
Disclosure/Security Training.
ManTech – Team Members / Capability / Experience
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3.19 In-Service Engineering, Fleet Introduction, Installation and Checkout
Support and
3.20 Program Support – TSA has developed Program Protection Plans
(PPP), Technology Assessment and Control Plans (TACP), Anti-Tamper (AT)
Plans for F/A-18, MMA, MH-60R, and HLR Programs. These tasks involve
identifying Critical Program Information (CPI) and protective
countermeasures, review of program acquisition documentation,
development of open source assessments, and drafting a Program Protection
Plan. TSA has also provided security and program management support to
the AV-8 and V-22 Program Offices
3.21 Administrative Support - TSA has provided administrative support to
the AV-8 Joint Program Office, PMA-299 and AIR 1.0
Description of products
(deliverables) provided
As requested per contract requirements.
Company Name
Technology Service Corporation
Points of Contact
Jim Polk (Corporate), Dave Schubert (ETS), Rick Siems (SAM), Mike Pope
Company Website
Company Background
Capability/Area of
TSC is an employee owned, high technology, small business engaged in
providing engineering, technical services, and specialized products to the U.S.
Government and Industry. With FY 2012 revenues of $116M and a compound
annual growth rate of over 10%, TSC has a proven, successful record of
understanding our customers’ needs and meeting them in an exemplary
fashion. Our reputation for providing engineering excellence at a superb
value is well established across the DoD marketplace.
TSC operates in three distinct divisions: Engineering & Technical Services
(ETS), Systems Acquisition & Modernization (SAM) and Systems
Development & Production (SDP).
ETS capabilities include:
 Systems Engineering Integration Services: sensor system design,
particularly for air and missile defense radar systems and for airborne
and spaceborne payloads, network and systems integration, data
analysis and integration, security engineering, hardware and
software development, test engineering, database design and
development, independent test and evaluation
services, and life-cycle support services for fielded systems.
 Professional Services: acquisition, acquisition logistics, financial, and
Systems Engineering and Technical Assistance personnel.
ManTech – Team Members / Capability / Experience
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Software Development and Engineering: software development and
engineering, systems engineering and integration, data visualization,
and full lifecycle network integration.
Quick-Reaction and Custom Engineering: technology solutions that
meet operational needs or fill technology gaps, stressing the use of
non-developmental items, commercial-off-the-shelf systems and
components, and non-proprietary system solutions.
SAM capabilities include:
 Acquisition Management: acquisition strategy development, systems
engineering, and product assurance analyses key to generating
documents required by the DoD acquisition process and acquisition
 System Sustainment: engineering change proposal development,
product assurance and logistics analyses, reliability and
maintainability analyses, obsolescence management, manufacturing
oversight/OEM monitoring, and design-driven total ownership cost
estimation and control.
 Engineering and Software Development: engineering modernization
and technology insertion, model/simulation development using
CMMI-governed practices, software IV&V and certification, and
system test and evaluation.
Last 3 years services
experience listed by
functional area and
specific Program (see
below for list of functional
SDP capabilities include:
 Systems Engineering: requirements generation/ partitioning/
verification, advanced studies, technology development, concept
generation, systems analysis, algorithm development/
implementation, modeling and simulation, test plan/program
development, interface control, risk management, configuration
management, and reliability engineering.
 Systems Development: preliminary and critical design, prototyping,
developmental testing, design for manufacturability, integrated suite
of industry standard design tools, structured software/firmware
development processes, special test equipment development, and inhouse fabrication capability.
 Production: vertically integrated low-rate/full-rate production, ISO9001 certified processes, quick-turn capability, counterfeit parts
control, and make/buy flexibility.
 Systems Sustainment: obsolescence engineering, reverse
engineering, spare parts maintenance, repairs, engineering change
control, and diminishing manufacturing source mitigation.
3.1 Research and Development Support
 High Bandwidth Datalink (AL)
 Proximity Sensor (AL)
 Debris Mitigation (CA)
 Autonomous Situational Awareness (CA)
 Sensor Discrimination (CT)
ManTech – Team Members / Capability / Experience
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 SAR Imaging (CT)
 RW Safe Flight Planning (CT)
 Radar Signal Processing (CT)
 Advanced ViSAR SAR (CT)
3.2 Engineering, System Engineering and Process Engineering Support
 Army Manufacturing Technology Program (AL)
 FSED Systems Engineering Support (CT)
3.3 Modeling, Simulation, Stimulation, and Analysis Support
 LCMR Live Fire Test Set (CA)
 Tower Track Test Set (AL)
3.4 Prototyping, Pre-Production, Model-Making, and Fabrication Support
 Seeker Prototype (AL)
 Patriot Exciter LRIP (AL)
 Silent Knight AWG LRIP (AL)
 Target Detection Device LRIP (AL)
3.5 System Design Documentation and Technical Data Support
3.6 Software Engineering, Development, Programming, and Network Support
 THAAD Support (AL)
 RPAS Model Corrections (CT)
3.7 Reliability, Maintainability, and Availability (RM&A) Support
3.8 Human Factors, Performance, and Usability Engineering Support
3.9 System Safety Engineering Support
3.10 Configuration Management (CM) Support
3.11 Quality Assurance (QA) Support
3.12 Information System (IS) Development, Information Assurance (IA), and
Information Technology (IT) Support
3.13 Inactivation and Disposal Support
3.14 Interoperability, Test and Evaluation, Trials Support
 ViSAR Flight Test (CT)
 ASE PMO Support (AL)
 Antares 2 Support (AL)
3.15 Measurement Facilities, Range, and Instrumentation Support
 Radar Refresh for Range Instrumentation Radar (AL)
3.16 Logistics Support
3.17 Supply and Provisioning Support
3.18 Training Support
3.19 In-Service Engineering, Fleet Introduction, Installation & Checkout Spt
3.20 Program Support
3.21 Functional and Administration Support
3.22 Public Affairs and Multimedia Support
Description of products
(deliverables) provided
Engineering analyses, technical data packages, models and simulations,
source code, hardware prototypes, low rate production assemblies,
engineering change proposals, life cycle cost estimates, acquisition
documentation, test plans and procedures, test results, software
documentation, requirements documentation, design documentation,
ManTech – Team Members / Capability / Experience
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Company Name:
Teknologic LLC
Points of Contact
Brent Smith brent-smith@teknologic.net 425-771-7980
Company Background:
Teknologic has system, electrical, mechanical and software engineers with an
accomplished history in acoustic transducer design, sonar and imaging
systems, signal processing, data acquisition, analysis and display, unmanned
underwater and airborne vehicles, control and monitoring systems, mine
countermeasures, and test system development for the US and foreign
Navy’s. Our group has over 25 years of experience supporting the US and
foreign Navy’s as well as commercial and industrial customers.
Capability/Area of
Teknologic is an engineering firm that supports the military, DoD Primes,
industrial, government and university entities and the medical device
community in the design, development and production of products and
Last 3 years services
experience listed by
functional area and
specific Program
3.1 Research and Development Support
3.2 Engineering, System Engineering and Process Engineering Support
3.3 Modeling, Simulation, Stimulation, and Analysis Support
3.4 Prototyping, Pre-Production, Model-Making, and Fabrication Support
3.5 System Design Documentation and Technical Data Support
3.6 Software Engineering, Development, Programming, and Network Support
3.11 Quality Assurance (QA) Support
3.14 Interoperability, Test and Evaluation, Trials Support
3.15 Measurement Facilities, Range, and Instrumentation Support
3.19 In-Service Engineering, Fleet Introduction, Installation & Checkout Spt
3.20 Program Support
3.21 Functional and Administrative Support
Description of products
(deliverables) provided.
Upgrade the AIMS Telemetry System, Acoustic System and the Magnetic
System capabilities.
Company Name
ManTech – Team Members / Capability / Experience
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Points of Contact
Company Website
Company Background
See website. IT & Cyber Security Services and Consulting
Capability/Area of
See website.
Last 3 years services
experience listed by
functional area and
specific Program (see
below for list of functional
3.2 Engineering, System Engineering and Process Engineering Support
3.3 Modeling, Simulation, Stimulation, and Analysis Support
3.5 System Design Documentation and Technical Data Support
3.9 System Safety Engineering Support
3.10 Configuration Management (CM) Support
3.11 Quality Assurance (QA) Support
3.12 Information System (IS) Development, Information Assurance (IA), and
Information Technology (IT) Support
3.14 Interoperability, Test and Evaluation, Trials Support
Description of products
(deliverables) provided
Company Name
Test & Evaluation Solutions, LLC
Points of Contact
Daniel Foos, Managing Member
cell phone: 703-304-5068
400 Holiday Court
Suite 204
Warrenton, VA 20186
Company Website
Company Background
Test & Evaluation Solutions, LLC is a small business located in Warrenton, VA.
It was founded in 2004 and has been continuously providing engineering,
modeling and simulation, program office, and other support to government
Test & Evaluation Solutions, LLC (T&E Solutions) is an existing Seaport-e
Prime Contractor in the following functional areas: 3.2 (Engineering, System
Engineering and Process Engineering Support), 3.3 (Modeling, Simulation,
Stimulation, and Analysis Support), 3.7 (Reliability, Maintainability, and
Availability (RM&A) Support), 3.8 (Human Factors Engineering Support), 3.14
(Interoperability, Test and Evaluation, Trials Support), and 3.20 (Program
Capability/Area of
ManTech – Team Members / Capability / Experience
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Our primary areas of expertise are in ship survivability studies, Live Fire Test
and Evaluation (LFT&E) and software development.
Last 3 years services
experience listed by
functional area and
specific Program (see
below for list of functional
3.1 Research and Development Support
Performed research and development in support of NAVSEA Small Business
Innovative Research (SBIR) Topic N092-128, contract N00024-11-C-4120.
3.2 Engineering, System Engineering and Process Engineering Support
Provided engineering and system engineering support to the Cruiser
Modernization Program as a subcontractor to Alion Science and Technology
under contract N00024-12-C-4401.
3.3 Modeling, Simulation, Stimulation, and Analysis Support
Conducted ship survivability analysis using modeling and simulation in
support of the Cruiser Modernization and LCS Programs under various prime
contractors and contracts.
3.6 Software Engineering, Development, Programming, and Network Support
Performed software development tasks in support of NAVSEA Small Business
Innovative Research (SBIR) Topic N092-128, contract N00024-11-C-4120 and
the Office of Naval Research STAMPS program under contract N00014-13-C0027.
3.14 Interoperability, Test and Evaluation, Trials Support
Provided test and evaluation and trials support to both the Cruiser
Modernization and LCS Programs under various contracts.
Description of products
(deliverables) provided
Company Name
3.20 Program Support
Provided program support to both the Cruiser Modernization and LCS
Programs under various contracts.
Examples of products delivered include the following:
1. Test Plans
2. Analysis Plans
3. Modeling and Simulation (M&S) Verification, Validation, and
Accreditation (VV&A) related plans and reports.
4. Survivability Analysis Report
5. Software
6. Databases
7. Monthly Reports
8. Test Reports
9. Analysis Reports
The Columbia Group, Inc.
ManTech – Team Members / Capability / Experience
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Points of Contact
Jenna Pietropola, jpietropola@columbiagroup.com, 202-697-5888
Lea Ann Wolcott, lwolcott@columbiagroup.com, 202-608-8415
Company Website
Company Background
The Columbia Group, Inc. and its’ wholly-owned subsidiary Eagle Systems and
Services, Inc.(ESAS) (collectively TCG), is a technical services support
contractor providing the United States Military with acquisition, integrated
and operational logistics, engineering, training, design, fabrication, test and
evaluation, information technology and financial management support
services. Based in Washington, DC and Lawton, OK, TCG employs over 500
professionals, providing client-focused solutions across all armed forces in
roughly 33 locations nationwide with regional offices in Virginia (Alexandria &
Stafford), Florida (Panama City Beach & Tampa), and Georgia.
Capability/Area of
TCG’s expertise in the area of program management, engineering, acquisition,
logistics, and administrative support will be leveraged for associated tasks in Zones 17 and all functional areas. 3.1, 3.2, 3.3, 3.4, 3.5, 3.6, 3.8, 3.10, 3.11, 3.12, 3.13, 3.14,
3.15, 3.16, 3.17, 3.18, 3.19, 3.20, 3.21
Last 3 years services
experience listed by
functional area and
specific Program (see
below for list of functional
Contract Number: HSCG40-12-A-60186
Customer Point of Contact Email and Phone Number: Carol Drezer; (410) 7626492; Carol.L.Dreszer@uscg.mil
General description of the work performed: TCG is currently supporting the
United States Coast Guard Surface Forces Logistics Center in providing
management, engineering and technical support relating to the acquisition of
new USCG cutters, maintenance and upgrade of existing cutters,
management of vessel configuration and performance characteristics, and
engineering and design services. TCG provides engineering and technical
support for design integration, design review, and performance of feasibility
studies, conceptual designs, preliminary and contract designs, and review of
shipbuilder detail design and construction reports, drawings, and
documentation for acquisition of ships and shipboard systems in support of
existing and potential future cutter acquisition programs.
Contract Number: M67854-04-A-5167
Customer Point of Contact Email and Phone Number: Sakeena Siddiqi; (703)
432-3773; sakeena.siddiqi@usmc.mil
General description of the work performed: TCG provides comprehensive
engineering, subject matter expertise, program management, logistics
management, and acquisition management services to the Marine Corps
Systems Command and Training and Education Command by its Commercial
Enterprise Omnibus Support Services (CEOss) BPA. TCG performs CEOss task
orders for multiple USMC systems programs. TCG provides program
management, engineering, acquisition logistics and training support to USMC
ground weapons systems throughout their life cycle.
ManTech – Team Members / Capability / Experience
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Contract Number: N00024-14-C-6400
Customer Point of Contact Email and Phone Number: Larry Fuller; (202) 7812715; larry.n.fuller@navy.mil
General description of the work performed: COBRA Engineering & Technical
Financial Services - TCG provides maintenance and support of the Computer
Optimized Batch Reconciliation Application commonly known as COBRA.
COBRA is a secure PKI enabled web application that uses proprietary
technology developed by TCG to interact with DFAS and Navy financial
systems to provide a wide variety of tools for problem disbursement
reconciliation, financial research and management reporting.
For functional areas, please see chart below.
Company Name:
The Gemini 3 Group, Inc.
Points of Contact
Linda Blakemore, 540-602-7900 lblakemore@gemini3group.com
Company Background:
G3G is a Woman-Owned Small Business (WOSB) that began operations in
2010. Headquartered in Stafford, Virginia, G3G brings a team of talented,
experienced professionals to help their clients effectively and efficiently
manage their programs. Specific G3G service offerings are firmly grounded in
program management, logistics and acquisition support, Information
Assurance (IA), programming support and Financial/Budgetary Analysis. G3G
currently serves as the programmatic, logistical, and technical support for the
United States Marine Corps (USMC)’s Public Affairs Systems. With a
professional team of specialists equipped to meet the challenge of the most
complex tasks placed in our hands, G3G places great emphasis on recruiting,
hiring, training, and motivating employees who demonstrate the requisite
skill sets and qualifications to produce high quality work.
Capability/Area of
G3G’s mission is to consistently deliver the best products and services to
customers, partners and the community; on time within budget; to commit
to those products and services we value as our core competencies; and to
provide a shared commitment to customers, partners, community and each
other; maintaining a “Valued Trust”.
G3G’s program / project management core competencies are centered
around the Project Management Institute Project Management Body of
Knowledge (PMI PMBOK) and recognized Product Lifecycle (PLM) Processes
and include:
ManTech – Team Members / Capability / Experience
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Description of products
(deliverables) provided.
Management, operations & administrative support
Procedural / process templates
Business Case Analyses
Cost Effectiveness
Analysis of Alternatives
DoN Probability of Performance (PoPs) packages
Independent Logistics Assessments (ILAs)
Product Quality Deficiency Reporting (PQDR) and warranty
 Acquisition documentation support
 Life Cycle Cost Estimate development
 Information Assurance support
 JCIDS documentation
3.11 Quality Assurance (QA) Support
3.12 Information Systems (IS) Development, Information Assurance (IA), and
Information Technology (IT) Support
3.16 Acquisition Logistics Support
3.17 Supply and Provisioning Support
3.20 Program Support
3.21 Functional and Administrative Support
3.22 Public Affairs and Multimedia Support
Programmatic support, business/financial management, and administrative
Company Name:
The Greentree Group
Points of Contact
1360 Technology Court, Suite 100
Beavercreek, OH 45430
Floyd Baldwin
(937) 490-5514
Last 3 years services
experience listed by
functional area and
specific Program
Company Background:
Capability/Area of
Founded in early 1993, our corporate headquarters is located in
Beavercreek, Ohio; near Wright-Patterson AFB, OH with support
offices at various client locations located throughout the United States.
The Greentree Group, a small business, is a professional consulting
services company focused on applying state-of-the-art analytical,
technical, and performance/compliance-based methodologies to
deliver program management financial management, and information
technology support to our clients.
ManTech – Team Members / Capability / Experience
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Last 3 years services
experience listed by
functional area and
specific Program
Description of products
(deliverables) provided.
Company Name
Functional Areas
3.1 Research and Development Support
3.2 Engineering, System Engineering and Process Engineering Support
3.3 Modeling, Simulation, Stimulation, and Analysis Support
3.5 System Design Documentation and Technical Data Support
3.6 Software Engineering, Development, Programming, and Network Support
3.7 Reliability, Maintainability, and Availability (RM&A) Support
3.8 Human Factors, Performance, and Usability Engineering Support
3.9 System Safety Engineering Support
3.10 Configuration Management (CM) Support
3.11 Quality Assurance (QA) Support
3.12 Information System (IS) Development, Information Assurance (IA), and
Information Technology (IT)
3.14 Interoperability, Test and Evaluation, Trials Support
3.16 Acquisition Logistics Support
3.17 Supply and Provisioning Support
3.18 Training Support
3.20 Program Support
3.21 Functional and Administrative Support
Status Reports
Strategic Plans
Technical Analysis Reports/Studies
Program Plans
Quality Control Plans
Risk Management Plans
Test Reports
Test Plans
Business Intelligence Reports
Project Management Plans
Work Breakdown Structure
Plan of Actions and Milestones
Logical Data Models
Design Documents
Configuration Management Plans
Migration Plans
Capacity Plans
User’s Guides
Staffing Plans
Working Group Agendas
Meeting Minutes
After-Action Reports,
Logistics Business Capability Reports
Point/White/Decision Papers
In Progress Reviews (IPRs)
Contract Funds Status Reports
Funds and Manpower Expenditure
Interface Requirements Plan
Feasibility Assessment
Interface Details Documentation
Business Process Reengineering
Training Materials
Application Source and Object Code
Software Version Description (SVD)
Software Design Document (SDD)
The Kenjya Group, Inc.
ManTech – Team Members / Capability / Experience
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Points of Contact
Company Website
Company Background
Capability/Area of
Tim Donnelly (Director, Business Development)
Richard Homann (Proposal Manager) richard.homann@kenjya.com
Wally Clark (Vice President, Operations) Harley.clark@kenjya.com
The Kenjya Group is a Service-Disabled Veteran-Owned Small Business that
provides professional service solutions for the Department of Defense and
the Intelligence Community. We specialize in Cyber Solutions, National
Security, Engineering Services and Strategic Planning, and Acquisition
Support. These four divisions align to meet the technical, management, and
operational requirements of our customers in a high tempo, dynamic
environment. We currently have both prime and subcontracts within the
Intelligence Community and Department of Defense. Kenjya is the premier
small business program manager whose 10+ years of experience and
dedication to our customers ensures secure mission success.
Cyber Solutions
 Network Security Monitoring, Detection and Analysis; Defense
Evaluation & Testing; Vulnerability &Threat Analysis
 Cyber Exercise & Planning
 Threat Mitigation
 Threat Situational Awareness & Targeting Packages
Engineering Services
 Hardware Asset Management
 Software Refresh Strategies
 Cryptographic Modernization and Infrastructure Gap Analyses
 Audit & Monitoring
 Test Requirements Development and Analysis
 COOP Planning
 Secure Configuration Management
 On-site and Remote System Evaluation
 System Integration and Test Plan Assessment
 System Administration in a Virtual Environment
 Network Analysis and Mitigation Strategies
 Test and Evaluation
 DoDAF Architecture
Acquisition Support
 Program Management Support
 DoD 5000 Series Support
 PEO Support
 IC Capability Requirements
 Business Case Analysis
 Financial Management
 Strategic Planning & Tailoring
 Milestone Decision Facilitation & Support
 Joint Capabilities Integration & Development System (JCIDS)
Acquisition Documentation
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 Risk Management
 Performance Monitoring
 Requirements Management
 Logistics Management
 Earned Value Management
 Cost Estimating
 Project Scheduling
National Security & Strategic Planning
 Strategic Planning and Policy
 Program Management DoD 5000 Series & PEO Support
 Requirements Definition
 Social Network Analysis, Exploitation, and Engagement
 Project Scheduling
 Milestone Decision Facilitation
 IC Capability Requirements
 Business Case Analysis
 Financial Management
Last 3 years services
experience listed by
functional area and
specific Program (see
below for list of functional
3.1 Research and Development Support: Kenjya engineers conduct research
and development activities, from concept through deployment, developing
secure networks through construction of DODAF artifacts (network and
interface diagrams), implementing and testing virtual networks, testing
secure protocols, and providing leadership to the improvement and test of
defense-in-depth measures, to include Audit & Monitoring and Secure
Configuration Management architectures on a classified contract.
3.2 Engineering, System Engineering and Process Engineering Support:
Kenjya provides Systems Engineering and Software Development services in
support of the Intelligence Community (IC). Working in an agile development
environment our team is responsible for developing innovative prototypes
and quick reaction capabilities into supportable and sustainable solutions
that directly support IC 24 X 7 operations. Efforts entail interacting with
customer(s) to define user requirements, development of Used Cases,
defining system architecture and external dependencies, promulgating
project schedule, creating product mock-ups that are used to visualize
customer requirements, developing software code, integration & testing,
developing product SOPs, etc.
3.4 Prototyping, Pre-Production, Model-Making, and Fabrication Support:
Kenjya liaises with mission analysts, collection operators and corporate staff
to determine and identify mission capability gaps and requirements for a
classified program. These were subsequently used in developing specifically
engineered interactive system prototypes that were used to determine
various technical feasibility approaches and user interaction.
3.5 System Design Documentation and Technical Data Support: Kenjya
ManTech – Team Members / Capability / Experience
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provides system design documentation and technical data support on
Acquisition Category I and III programs, Quick Reaction Capabilities, and
prototypes for a classified program. Specifically, support is provided in the
requirements gathering, execution of technological and operational analysis
and its subsequent documentation. Artifacts include CONOPS, System
Security Plans, System Engineering Plans, System Test Plans, Information
Support Plans, DoDAF architectures, Test and Evaluation Master Plans,
Interface Control Documents, etc.
3.6 Software Engineering, Development, Programming, and Network
Support: Kenjya is responsible for the software engineering and
programming of several classified ACAT III programs. Using developed Used
Cases, pre-defined system architectures and, at times, product mock-ups,
Kenjya’s software developers developed scalable systems, often using
asynchronous processing, to achieve performance efficiency. In doing such,
Kenjya focused on eliminating redundancy operations and incorporating the
use of automation where feasible. Other actions taken include:
Establishing a solid build automation strategy that automatically
prepares the build, generates code when necessary, compiles, executes
test cases, packages and then distributes the application
Defines the dependencies of the applications: which libraries or
subsystems are needed, what the connections between these are, how
they are initialized and configured and what libraries are the libraries
depending on
Install and setup a proper integrated development environment and let
this work together with the build automation tool and all other required
components (e.g., Servlet container, modeling tools, etc.)
Determine and set up the best suited platform and basic environment for
the application (component management and configuration, logging,
testing, other development-related tools)
Find a fitting persistence technology, set up the development, test and
production system including all configuration options
Select the UI technology and get all required additional libraries and
environments working together
3.7 Reliability, Maintainability, and Availability (RM&A) Support: Kenjya
provides RM&A support for a classified program. During the early system requirements
and design phase (i.e. pre-system acquisition) Kenjya works in concert with Acquisition
Logistics Divisions to accurately capture and incorporate critical RM&A elements to
ensure deployed systems are developed to achieve a measureable increase in mission
capabilities. The coordination of activities occur throughout the system’s lifecycle (system
development, production, manufacturing, operations & support) and focus on identifying
potential failure mechanisms and incorporate appropriate system design changes early
on, manufacturing quality to avoid design degradation, and monitoring fielded systems to
ensure continuous system operations.
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3.10 Configuration Management (CM) Support: Kenjya collaborated with
partners in the DoD, IC, and other Government agency communities to
identify and articulate gaps in key cryptographic modernization capabilities;
and orchestrated the development, implementation, and operation of a
Configuration Management capabilities and requirements management
process that operates in conjunction with established business processes. We
provide document management to support configuration management of
capability documents throughout the classified program’s lifecycle.
3.11 Quality Assurance (QA) Support: Kenjya performs an overall review and
assessment of planned classified customer efforts including quality
assurance, identifying relevant factors, to include duplication of effort and
conflicts with existing or planned architectures and potential improvements.
3.12 Information System (IS) Development, Information Assurance (IA), and
Information Technology (IT) Support: Kenjya’s classified support includes the
range of activities needed for the enterprise to enforce, comply with, and
support the DoD and IC IA security directives, policies and procedures. Our
extensive experience includes technical, functional, and managerial IA
services that maintain data/system confidentiality, integrity, and availability.
Additionally, Kenjya has been integral in developing C&A policy for the IC,
performing security technology assessments, conducting security incident
responses, performing computer network defense for multiple IC customers ,
performing system and enterprise security architecture and engineering,
conducting vulnerability assessments, and providing cross-domain solutions.
Kenjya’s IA services are underpinned by our firm understanding of national
security policies and public law; innate ability to leverage research
breakthroughs and distributed operations; and the ability to ensure provided
solutions were scalable, interoperable with other key IA systems and across
multiple domains, and secure in order to deliver precise IA information at the
speed, agility, and security that the global information network requires to
safeguard a net-centric information environment. Our team has a broad,
varied, and successful track record in managerial IA services. We contribute
to publications on IA security compliance, policy development, and interagency coordination for the DoD and IC.
3.14 Interoperability, Test and Evaluation, Trials Support: Kenjya brings
demonstrated competencies to deliver the complete range of test and
verification proficiencies and includes reach back to project teams working at
COCOMs, testing and C&A professionals, and developers of mission-critical IC
applications. This experience and reach back reduces program certification
risk and avoids rework, saving the government time and money. Our practice
and expertise includes IV&V services, IA support for C&A, SOA testing and
deployment, and use of automated test tools.
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Kenjya’s Test and Evaluation Support includes:
Beta Testing
Functional and performance testing
Interoperability testing
Vulnerability testing
Penetration testing
Compliance and Conformance testing
Integration testing
Security assessment testing
Regression testing
IA certification and accreditation testing
Certification Test and Evaluation (CT&E) testing
Preliminary Test and Evaluation testing
Independent Verification and Validation (IV&V)
Reliability Testing.
3.16 Logistics Support: Kenjya is responsible for the property and material
coordination involved with maintaining effective classified customer
communications within the various material management teams, Sensor,
Infrastructure and Network Deployment as well as peripheral teaming
organizations to ensure tracking and shipping accuracy for all sensor and
network mission deployments. We track requisition processing and
receivables to ensure availability and to enable accurate and timely payments
for affiliated vendors and mission teaming partners.
3.18 Training Support: Kenjya provided instruction in all areas of Integrated
Defense Acquisition, Technology and Logistics Life Cycle Management for a
classified program. We developed instructional materials and instructed
students on the JCIDS, Defense Acquisition Systems and the Planning,
Programming, Budgeting and Execution processes. Classes were tailored
according to the students’ knowledge levels with more in-depth instruction
provided to the Senior Levels.
Kenjya has also provided executive and senior management consultant
support to cyberspace operations planning and exercise development that
directly improved cryptologic and cyberspace mission integration and
command and control on a classified contract. Our personnel provided
specific support in:
Cyber workshops and other focused analytical efforts by capturing
tradecraft learned during the event.
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Collaboration with classified customer on Training Portfolio led to
building analytic scenarios for Cyber Analysis classes.
3.20 Program Support: Kenjya provides program-level support to Senior
Acquisition Executives/Defense Acquisition Executives, Program Executive
Offices and Program Management Offices. The support provided by our
DAWIA Level III (Program Management, Logistics, T&E) and Project
Management Professionals assist PMs in ensuring industry best practices are
being employed by development (support) contractors; programmatic data is
accurately captured and reported; critical project milestones, budgetary
constraints, schedules, technical requirements and long range plans are
identified and established; management of PMO calendars and meetings
tracking needs for PMO Award Fee process; creation and maintenance of
Program Cost Estimating Analysis for all program projects; and disposition of
Contractor Acquired Property
Description of products
(deliverables) provided
3.21 Functional and Administration Support: Kenjya provides functional
and administration support to Senior Acquisition Executives/Defense
Acquisition Executives, Program Executive Offices and Program
Management Offices on multiple classified programs that includes:
 Tracking contractor performance associated with Award Fees
 Management of calendars and meetings
 Disposition of Contractor Acquired Property
 Conference set ups
 Routine staffing
 Network Security Monitoring, Detection and Analysis; Defense
Evaluation & Testing; Vulnerability &Threat Analysis
 Threat Situational Awareness & Targeting Packages
 Software Refresh Strategies
 Cryptographic Modernization and Infrastructure Gap Analyses
 Test Requirements Development and Analysis
 Continuity of Operations Plans
 Secure Configuration Management
 On-site and Remote System Evaluation
 System Integration and Test Plan Assessment
 Computer Network Analysis and Mitigation Strategies
 IC Capability Requirements
 Business Case Analysis
 Acquisition Documentation
 Acquisition Cost Estimates
 Acquisition Project Scheduling
 Acquisition Requirements Definition
 Project Schedules
 IC Capability Requirements Definition
 Business Case Analyses
ManTech – Team Members / Capability / Experience
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Company Name:
The MIL Corporation
Points of Contact
Larry Wise, lwise@milcorp.com, 301-863-4606
Thomas Hammett, thammett@milcorp.com, 301-809-5459
Company Background:
Established in 1980, The MIL Corporation provides innovative financial,
technical, and business solutions to Federal government agencies and
commissions. Dedicated to excellence, service, and support, MIL recognizes
that the customer relationship is the cornerstone to success. That cornerstone
is part of the structure of a full service team, strengthened by an internal
network of creative and highly skilled professionals.
We’ve been recognized by our clients and industry professionals alike for our
integrity, commitment, and expertise across our three major service areas—
financial management and systems, information technology, and C4
Capability/Area of
Last 3 years services
experience listed by
functional area and
specific Program
Description of products
(deliverables) provided.
Company Name
Research and Development Support; Engineering, System Engineering and
Process Engineering Support; System Design Documentation and Technical
Support; Software Engineering, Development, Programming and Network
Support; Configuration Management Support; Quality Assurance Support;
Training Support; Program Support; and Functional and Administrative
3.1 Research and Development Support
3.2 Engineering, System Engineering and Process Engineering Support
3.5 System Design Documentation and Technical Data Support
3.6 Software Engineering, Development, Programming, and Network Support
3.10 Configuration Management (CM) Support
3.11 Quality Assurance (QA) Support
3.12 Information System (IS) Development, Information Assurance (IA), and
Information Technology (IT)
3.18 Training Support
3.20 Program Support
3.22 Public Affairs and Multimedia Support
Research and Development Support; Engineering, System Engineering and
Process Engineering Support; System Design Documentation and Technical
Support; Software Engineering, Development, Programming and Network
Support; Configuration Management Support; Quality Assurance Support;
Training Support; Program Support; and Functional and Administrative
The Millennium Group International, LLC
ManTech – Team Members / Capability / Experience
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Points of Contact
Jeffrey Rocha, CEO, 703-260-6710, jeffrocha@tmgi.net
Company Website
Company Background
The Millennium Group International, LLC (TMG) is a reputable management
consulting and professional services firm. TMG is based in the Washington,
DC area and has served business, non-profit and government clients since
1998. TMG partners with clients seeking to improve performance through
analysis of existing business problems, development of improvement plans,
and facilitation of implementation. TMG is a trusted, well-respected
management consulting partner noted for our exemplary credentials,
objective advice and recommendations, and our consultant’s specialized
business experience and expertise.
Program Management, Training and Development, Change Management,
Business Process Improvement, Program Evaluation & Compliance, Technical
Assistance, Human Capital Consulting, Financial Management, IT Support
Capability/Area of
Last 3 years services
experience listed by
functional area and
specific Program (see
below for list of functional
Description of products
(deliverables) provided
In the past 3 years, TMG has provide the following support for our clients:
3.8 Human Factors, Performance, and Usability Engineering Support
3.10 Configuration Management (CM) Support
3.11 Quality Assurance (QA) Support
3.14 Interoperability, Test and Evaluation, Trials Support
3.16 Logistics Support
3.18 Training Support
3.20 Program Support
3.21 Functional and Administration Support
3.22 Public Affairs and Multimedia Support
Strategic communications support, Technical writing, Case management,
Financial support, Training delivery, Instructional design, Administrative
support, User acceptance testing, Requirements management and
development, Business process improvements, Technical assistance,
Assessments, Strategic planning, Governance, IT support, Benchmarking,
Metrics, Cost estimation
Company Name
The Prometheus Company, Inc.
Points of Contact
Waldon Jue, CEO, juew@prometheusco.com, 301-866-5934
Company Website
Company Background
Prometheus is a professional services firm which has provided technical and
management support to DoD and commercial clients since 1990.
ManTech – Team Members / Capability / Experience
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Capability/Area of
Program Management services to acquisition programs specializing in
financial management, program planning, logistics management, and
operations support. Services provided to domestic and foreign military sales
Last 3 years services
experience listed by
functional area and
specific Program (see
below for list of functional
Program Management
• Cost/Schedule Performance Measurement
• Risk Assessment and Management
• DoD Acquisition Management Milestone Documentation
• Economic Analysis and Program Life Cycle Cost Estimation
• Security Assistance Program Management (Foreign Military Sales case
• Logistics Support Planning and Assessment
Program Planning and Budget Development
• Support of all phases of PPBES
• Develop Project / Budget / Work Breakdown Structures
• Conduct budget impact assessments and reports to external agencies
• Prepare budget exhibits and review budget data entry and tracking
• Technical support of POM Issue Papers
• Congressional Inquiry / Budget Mark responses
Fiscal Execution and Financial Management
• Execute appropriated and non-appropriated funds
• Financial analysis in support of data calls and audits
• Reconcile expenditure data
• Conduct mid-year and execution reviews to ensure fiscal compliance
• Develop financial status reports
• Facilitate, track and report contracting actions
Systems Implementation Support, Business Process Improvement
• Devise Navy ERP system and reporting solutions tailored to agency
business processes and compliance requirements
• Incorporate and document best practices
• Provide customized user training
• Business Process Improvement
• Change Management
N00421-13-C-0015, Functional Area 3.16 Logistics Support –
Prometheus provides case management, financial analysis, and logistics
planning/assessment in support of foreign military sales (FMS) to the Royal
Malaysian Air Force (RMAF); monitoring programmatic status to determine
case performance (implementation and execution).
N00178-05-D-4663-M805, Functional Area 3.20 Program Support –
Prometheus provides business/financial management and advisory services
for United States Navy (USN) and International Business/Foreign Military
ManTech – Team Members / Capability / Experience
Page 379 of 419
Sales (FMS) in support of the NAVAIR F/A-18 and EA-18G Program Office
(PMA265). These services assist Product Managers in the technical and
analytical oversight of the IPT through the ongoing review/action of program
planning; contract management; budget formulation & execution; account
auditing/reconciliation; FMS case planning, initiation, execution, and closure;
economic impact analysis; and business process analysis.
N00421-10-D-0017, Functional Area 3.21 Functional and Administration
Support –
Prometheus provides operational support to NAWCAD 10.2, Comptrollerdirected common financial system implementation/sustainment and process
efforts. Responsibilities include accurate data entry and comprehensive
electronic document management utilizing automated government systems,
transactional accounting processes, business process documentation,
deficiency identification, analytical support, remote training support across
NAVAIR sites, and liaison support with the NAVAIR Business Office and Navy
ERP Program Office.
The Ryan Corporation – Company does not have an active
Company Name
Subcontract with ManTech
Company Name
The University of Texas at Austin
Points of Contact
The Office of Sponsored Projects (OSP);
Susan W. Sedwick; Associate Vice President for Research and Director
Company Website
Company Background
Higher Education / Research Funded Management
Capability/Area of
For OSP: Management of Research Funded Projects
Last 3 years services
experience listed by
functional area and
specific Program (see
below for list of functional
3.1; Research and Development Support
ManTech – Team Members / Capability / Experience
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Company Name
Thomas & Herbert Consulting LLC
Points of Contact
Rodney Thomas
Chairman and Chief Executive Officer
Thomas & Herbert Consulting LLC
301.370.7328 (mobile)
703.248.8116 x202 (corporate)
703.248.8320 (fax)
1901 North Moore Street
Suite 700
Arlington, VA 22209
Company Website
Company Background
Capability/Area of
Last 3 years services
experience listed by
functional area and
specific Program (see
below for list of functional
Founded in 1996, T&H is a CMMI Level 3 certified Veteran-Owned Small
Business with an impeccable track record for delivering solutions that
improve our clients' business. We deliver solutions that support
Government's top priorities in Healthcare, Housing, Intelligence and Security
and Defense. An award-winning company, T&H consistently exceeds client
requirements and expectations. We have received local and National
recognition as one of the top performing and most admired companies in the
Nation. T&H has been engaged by a diverse list of esteemed clients to
support many of the Nation's most important initiatives. T&H is a valuesbased company. Our values, which include People, Integrity, Quality and Fun,
are embraced and demonstrated by our team of highly skilled, experienced
and friendly staff. Please visit our web site to see how we are making a
positive impact in the lives of Americans.
Systems Development and Integration
Technical Assistance
Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) (implementing ERP system)
Enterprise Architecture
Data Analytics
Cyber Security
Business Transformation
Business Intelligence
Program Management
Grants Management
3.1 Research and Development Support
 HUD iNtegrated Assessment Subsystem (NASS)
 VHA Enterprise Systems Management (ESM) Business Architecture
Process Modeling --Enterprise Systems Management (ESM) Business
Architecture Blueprint
 IRS PRIME Modernization
ManTech – Team Members / Capability / Experience
Page 381 of 419
Bureau of Economic Analysis International Accounts IT Modernization
and Full Lifecycle IT Support
3.2 Engineering, System Engineering and Process Engineering Support
 IRS PRIME Modernization
 Bureau of Economic Analysis International Accounts IT Modernization
and Full Lifecycle IT Support
3.3 Modeling, Simulation, Stimulation, and Analysis Support
 Army Logistics Modernization Program
 VHA ESM Business Architecture Process Modeling
 Bureau of Economic Analysis International Accounts IT Modernization
and Full Lifecycle IT Support
3.4 Prototyping, Pre-Production, Model-Making, and Fabrication Support
 HUD iNtegrated Assessment Subsystem (NASS)
 Bureau of Economic Analysis International Accounts IT Modernization
and Full Lifecycle IT Support
3.5 System Design Documentation and Technical Data Support
 CMS Security Testing & Evaluation
 HUD iNtegrated Assessment Subsystem (NASS)
 VHA Enterprise Systems Management (ESM) Business Architecture
Process Modeling --Enterprise Systems Management (ESM) Business
Architecture Blueprint
 IRS PRIME Modernization
 Bureau of Economic Analysis International Accounts IT Modernization
and Full Lifecycle IT Support
3.6 Software Engineering, Development, Programming, and Network
 Army Logistics Modernization Program
 Bureau of Economic Analysis International Accounts IT Modernization
and Full Lifecycle IT Support
 HUD iNtegrated Assessment Subsystem (NASS)
3.10 Configuration Management (CM) Support
 Army Logistics Modernization Program
 VHA Health Services Provider Systems (HPS), Crosscutting and
Interagency Health Systems (CIHS), Business Reference Architecture
(BRA), and Business Architecture Integration (BAI)
3.11 Quality Assurance (QA) Support
 VHA Enterprise Systems Management (ESM) Business Architecture
Process Modeling --Enterprise Systems Management (ESM) Business
Architecture Blueprint
 IRS PRIME Modernization
3.12 Information System (IS) Development, Information Assurance (IA), and
Information Technology (IT) Support
 HUD Acquisitions Business Process Reengineering and Change
ManTech – Team Members / Capability / Experience
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Army Logistics Modernization Program
Bureau of Economic Analysis International Accounts IT Modernization
and Full Lifecycle IT Support
 HUD iNtegrated Assessment Subsystem (NASS)
3.14 Interoperability, Test and Evaluation, Trials Support
 CMS Security Testing & Evaluation
 HUD iNtegrated Assessment Subsystem (NASS)
 VHA Enterprise Systems Management (ESM) Business Architecture
Process Modeling --Enterprise Systems Management (ESM) Business
Architecture Blueprint
 IRS PRIME Modernization
 Bureau of Economic Analysis International Accounts IT Modernization
and Full Lifecycle IT Support
3.18 Training Support
 HUD iNtegrated Assessment Subsystem (NASS)
3.20 Program Support
 CMS Security Testing & Evaluation
 HUD iNtegrated Assessment Subsystem (NASS)
 VHA Enterprise Systems Management (ESM) Business Architecture
Process Modeling --Enterprise Systems Management (ESM) Business
Architecture Blueprint
Company Name
Thomas Group, Inc.
Points of Contact
Dan Hampton, dhampton@thomasgroup.com, (972) 401-4257
Sheila Steindorf, ssteindorf@thomasgroup.com, (972) 401-4415
Thomas Group’s change management and continuous process improvement
methodology, Process Value Management ™ (PVM ™), has been applied to
the Navy Modernization Process for the past 5 years. PVM is a fundamental
management technique that aligns and integrates all process participants
through use of a process-based Leadership Vision, a unique brand of Value
Stream Mapping, the identification, classification, prioritization and removal
of cultural and business process barriers and a linked set of process metrics
that permit Leadership to drive process improvements to the desired
improved state. PVM will be used to also integrate established Navy best
practices, such as LEAN and Six Sigma, to achieve Modernization process
improvement in all participating Warfare Enterprises.
Provide leadership, coaching, counseling, continuous process improvement,
and performance metrics support to SEA04RP necessary to achieve business
process and culture change required to institutionalize the Navy
Modernization Process in all Warfare Enterprises.
Company Background
Capability/Area of
ManTech – Team Members / Capability / Experience
Page 383 of 419
Functional Areas: Program Management- Provide leadership, coaching and
counseling to maintain the program strategic and tactical focus, help develop
action plans, manage pending action items, facilitate communications ,
document the process and solve problems.
Coaching- Provide coaching to complete the transition plan to permanent
ownership of the NMP as outlined in the CONOPS.
Leadership- Assume the management role of the NMP within SEA04RP and
provide the nucleus around which a permanent SEA04 Process
Administration function will be established.
Counseling- Provide executive assistance to the NMP Flag Lead, the chairman
of each Board, and the Process Administrator (SEA04RP) to implement the
Roles and Responsibilities outlined in the NMP One Book and CONOPS. Assist
SEA04RP and NMP Boards to optimize NMP capabilities by participating in
and facilitating NMPT meetings to achieve the overall objectives including
several unfinished items such as capture of Modernization return costs to
enhance the accuracy of Cost Benefit Analysis (CBA) and ROI decisions.
Last 3 years services
experience listed by
functional area and
specific Program
Company Name
Performance Metrics- Provide guidance on deployment of process metrics
and establish ownership for metrics management within SEA04RP to support
the Entitled Process institutionalization. Provide a set of management tools
for Navy leadership that helps guide NMP efforts and characterizes the
health of the process.
US Navy SEA04RP, Robert Stout, 202/781-0888, robert.i.stout@navy.mil
SHIPMAIN’s objective was to increase the efficiency of Naval Surface Ship
Maintenance processes without compromising effectiveness at either the
NAVSEA headquarters location or the associated shipyards located around
the world. Defining a common planning process for surface ship maintenance
and alterations was an essential aspect of the program and a disciplined
management process with objective measurements was established to
measure progress from the baseline state as measured in 2002 .Finally, the
improved processes were institutionalized and a continuous improvement
methodology was established.
Navy Modernization Process (NMP), a follow-on program to SHIPMAIN, shifts
from process planning and development to a focused effort on
implementation of the NMP across all stakeholders and within the process
administrator organization (SEA04RP).
Tidewater Technology Group – Company does not have an
active Subcontract with ManTech
ManTech – Team Members / Capability / Experience
Page 384 of 419
Company Name:
TIE Today, Inc.
Points of Contact
Contracts: Douglas K. Tyson -Director of Contracts,
Technical: Christine M. Frank- CEO & President,
Company Background:
Incorporated in the State of Florida effective 2/14/2005. Over the past
nine years, TIE has developed an impressive portfolio of diverse
customers both Government and private sector including the Bureau for
International Narcotics and Law Enforcement Affairs, Defense Equal
Opportunity Management Institute (DEOMI), Naval Air Warfare
Center Training System Command (NAWCTSD), Naval EducationTraining
Command (NETC), Naval Services Training Command
(NSTC), Center of Naval Air Technical Training Unit (CNATU), Army
Corps of Engineers (ACE), Loch Harbor, Inc., Allied Technology Group,
Inc. (ATG), and Cline-Morin Associates, Inc., to name a few. In
December 21, 2012, TIE was notified by the U.S. Department of
Veterans Affairs (VA), Center for Veterans Enterprise (CVE) that itsstatus
as a Service-Disabled Veteran-Owned Small Business
(SDVOSB) was verified by the VA and that TIE had been added to the
Veteran Business Database. TIE became eligible to participate in
Veteran's First Contracting Program opportunities with the VA and
other government agencies as a Certified SDVOSB. In May 2013, TIE
became SBA self-certified as an Economically Disadvantaged Womenowned Small Business.
Capability/Area of
Last 3 years services
experience listed by
functional area and
specific Program
TIE qualifies as an SDVOSB/EDWOSB under a number of NAICS
Codes, e.g. 238210,425110,511210,541330,541511,541512,
and 611710.
TIE Today's expertise includes program management, process
improvement, administrative services, training and education, computer
based training (CST), Interactive Courseware (ICW), Computer Aided
Instruction (CAl), Web Based Training (WBT), Interactive Multi-Media
Instruction (IMI), Electronic Performance Support Systems (EPSS), PC
Simulation, Computer Services, Integration, Electronic Classrooms
(ECRs), Video Teleconferencing (VTC), Networks, Graphic Design,
Instructional Services, Quality Management Systems (OMS), and
Revision and Maintenance of Training Products.
1. Functional Area 3.2 Engineering, System Engineering and
Process Engineering Support
• N61340-12-D-7219-0002: Aviation Pilot and Aircrew SME support
• ATGITIE-A001-01: Design & install electronic '
classrooms; develop and conduct training
2. Functional Area 3.3 Modeling, Simulation, Stimulation, and
Analysis Support
• N61340-12-D-7219-0002: Updated aviation helicopter
simulation events
ManTech – Team Members / Capability / Experience
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3. Functional Area 3.5 System Design Documentation and
Technical Data Support
• N61340-12-D-7219-0002: Updated aviation training
design documentation
• ATGrriE-A001-01: Developed facility and design
4. Functional Area 3.6 Software Engineering, Development,
Programming, and Network Support
• ATGrriE-3058-01: develop and program web
based evaluation programs
• N61340-12-D-7219-0002: Program LMS changes;
packaging; service classified networks
• ATGrriE-A001-01: Design, install and update networks
5. Functional Area 3.7 Reliability, Maintainability, and Availability
(RM&A) Support
• ATGrriE-A001-01: Conduct RM&A analysis
6. Functional Area 3.8 Human Factors, Performance, and
Usability Engineering Support
• ATGrriE-3058-01: Coordinate language translations
and cultural awareness in support of human factors;
Learning Management Usability trade-off analysis
• ATGfTIE-A001-01: Provide IT engineering support
7. Functional Area 3.9 System Safety Engineering Support
• N61340-12-D-7219-0002: Update aviation safety training
8. Functional Area 3.10 Configuration Management (CM) Support
• ATGfTIE-3058-01: Perform CM for learning objectives
and courseware content
• ATGfTIE-A001-01: Maintain CM of design and
installation drawings
9. Functional Area 3 Functional Area.11 Quality Assurance (QA)
• ATGfTIE-3058-01: Develop and maintain ISO 9001:2008
Procedures to support project
• N61340-12-D-7219-0002: Develop and maintain ISO
9001:2008 Procedures to support project
• ATGrriE-A001-01: Develop and maintain ISO 9001:2008
Procedures to support project
10. Functional Area 3.12 Information System (IS) Development,
Information Assurance (lA), and Information Technology (IT)
• ATGrriE-3058-01: Development, implementation,
training and support of the Learning Management System
N61340-12-D-7219-0002: Maintain classified networks
at three Naval Air Stations
• ATGfTIE-A001-01: Provide IATs in support of IT projects
11. Functional Area 3.16 Logistics Support
• N61340-12-D-7219-0002: Maintain IT asset inventories
• ATGrriE-A001-01: Coordinate drop shipments and
ManTech – Team Members / Capability / Experience
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12. Functional Area 3.18 Training Support
• ATGrriE-3058-01: Analyzed, Designed, Developed,
Implemented and Evaluation the DOS International Law
Enforcement Leadership Development course
• N61340-12-D-7219-0002: Conduct revision &
maintenance of the Navy Helo training systems
• ATGrriE-A001-01: Develop and conduct training
13. Functional Area 3.191n-Service Engineering, Fleet Introduction,
Installation & Checkout Support
• ATGrriE-A001-01: Assist with installation of VOl
solution for the Navy
14. Functional Area 3.20 Program Support
• ATGrriE-3058-01: Support INL PMO IPT as lSD advisors
ATGrrlE-A001-01: Support ATG/NETC Stakeholders
Company Name:
Points of Contact
TMC Technologies of West Virginia Corp.
- formerly Galaxy Global Corporation
Carlos F. Martinez
Vice President
(304) 816-3602
Mary Robinette
Contracts Administrator
(304) 816-3612
Company Background:
Capability/Area of
TMC Technologies is an Information Technology (IT) services company with
significant contract experience at both Federal and State government levels.
Our customer base includes Department of Justice (DoJ), National
Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA), Federal Bureau of
Investigation (FBI), Department of Defense (DoD), and numerous large prime
contractors (including ManTech). Our reputation for delivering cost effective
and high quality IT services is validated by customer satisfaction references
and repeat business with our customers over long periods of time.
 Program/Project Management
 Biometrics
 Database Design/Development
 Data Warehousing
 Business Intelligence
ManTech – Team Members / Capability / Experience
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Last 3 years services
experience listed by
functional area and
specific Program
System Design/Development
Software Design/Development
Software Verification and Validation
Software Test and Evaluation
Web Design/Development
Metrics Collection and Analysis
System Operation and Maintenance
Technical Writing
Quality Assurance
WV PO#P033354A
SP470108A-0004 - SP4701-11-A-0003
ManTech – Team Members / Capability / Experience
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WV PO#P033354A
SP470108A-0004 - SP4701-11-A-0003
Company Name
Toyon Research Corporation
Points of Contact
Thomas Geyer, tgeyer@toyon.com, 703-674-0612 X 13
Marcy Lindbery, Mlindbery@toyon.com, 805-968-6787 X123
Company Background
Systems engineering analyses in support of critical infrastructure protection. This includes vulnerability
analyses, threat studies, analysis of alternatives, definition of protective architectures, emergency HVAC
control measures, technology assessments, and sensor integration.
Apply the system engineering expertise to the entire range of problems and solutions associated with
critical infrastructure protection.
Capability/Area of
3.1 Research and Development Support
3.2 Engineering, System Engineering
ManTech – Team Members / Capability / Experience
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3.3 Modeling, Simulation, and Analysis Support
3.5 System Design Documentation and Technical Data Support
3.6 Software Engineering, Development, Programming, and Network Support
Last 3 years services
experience listed by
functional area and
specific Program
Customer: Department of Defense. GSA Contract # GS-23F-0041P. POC: Aaron Lewis. (202) 708-6250. Title:
IT Support for Command and Control. Toyon Research leads a development team to derive requirements,
develop, install, and maintain software in support of an emergency operations center.
Customer: Naval Surface Weapons Center, Dahlgren, VA. Roger Gibbs. (520) 284-1013. Contract through
Lockheed Martin. (#7100040656) Title: JECP Requirements Analysis. Toyon is conducting a requirements
analysis for the Modeling and Simulation portion of the Joint Expeditionary Collective Protection (JECP)
Customer: Department of Homeland Security Science and Technology Division. Anne Hultgren. (202) 2545656. Contract HSHQDC-07-C-00021. Toyon is the lead systems integrator for the Anaheim test bed of the
DHS Regional Technology Initiative. In this program, the federal government is working to see how stateof-the-art CBRNE protection technologies can be transferred to stated and local governments to support
critical infrastructure protection.
Company Name:
TQI Solutions, Inc.
Points of Contact
Tom Quinn quinn_tom@tqiinc.com
Company Background:
TQI Solutions is a small Service-Related Disabled Veteran Owned Small
Business (SDVOSB) company in business for 5 years and incorporated in the
state of Virginia. We have a current staff of 16 staff members and average
annual revenues of $3.0 million over the last 3 years. The TQI Solutions’ office
address in Hampton Roads is: TQI Solutions Inc., 870 N. Military Hwy, Suite
112, Norfolk, VA 23502. Since the inception of our Hampton Roads office
more than 5 years ago, TQI Solutions has been engaged in equitable and
collaborative relationships with small, and large, businesses in the Hampton
Roads Virginia and Lexington Park Maryland regions, whether priming or subcontracting to them.
Capability/Area of
JCIDS Documentation
- Initial Capability Document (ICD)
- DOTMLPF Change Recommendation (DCR)
- Capability Development Document (CDD)
- Capability Production Document (CPD)
Metric Development
- Key System Attributes (KSA)
- Key Performance Parameters (KPP)
DODAF Architectures
- System Engineering
ManTech – Team Members / Capability / Experience
Page 390 of 419
- Network & Hardware Requirements
- Information Support Plan
Planning, Programing, Budgeting & Execution
Acquisition Strategy development
Identify Program Milestones
Conduct Risk Assessments
Program Metrics
Developmental Testing
Coordination with MDA and other stakeholders to perform required
program reviews
Propose program and budget for POM submission
Develop solutions to execution problems, recommend changes to
Review, identify and capture real world aspect of program execution
Prepared quarterly Program Performance and Budget Execution Reviews
Defense Acquisition
System Engineering
- DODAF Architectural Views
- Network & Hardware Requirements
- Information Support Plan
Information Assurance
- SSAA Development
- CT&E Testing
Integrated Support
- ILS Products
- Help Desk
- Training
- Implementations
Test & Evaluation
- T&E Master Plan
- Developmental Testing
- Coordination with Joint Interoperability Test Command (JITC)
ManTech – Team Members / Capability / Experience
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Last 3 years services
experience listed by
functional area and
specific Program
3.2 Engineering, System Engineering and Process Engineering Support
3.3 Modeling, Simulation, Stimulation, and Analysis Support
3.7 Reliability, Maintainability, and Availability (RM&A) Support
3.10 Configuration Management (CM) Support
3.12 Information System (IS) Development, Information Assurance (IA), and
Information Technology (IT)
3.14 Interoperability, Test and Evaluation, Trials Support
3.16 Acquisition Logistics Support
3.18 Training Support
3.20 Program Support
3.21 Functional and Administrative Support
Description of products
(deliverables) provided.
JCIDS Documents, Development of DODAF Architectures, T&E Documents,
Development of requirements and requirements documents, Acquisition
Program Management Documents, development and implementation of
strategic plans
Company Name:
Trenchant Analytics, LLC
Points of Contact
Michael L. Szymanski
(571) 218-4637 (office)
(703) 981-0880 (m)
We assist commercial and government clients with the maturation and
transition of emerging and advanced technologies. The two company
principals possess a combined 50+ years experience in program and business
management from their work within Department of Defense and Department
of Homeland Security research and development environments. Our primary
focus is providing program management and business consulting services to
deliver advanced technology solutions for countering current and projected
national security threats.
Systems Integration, Program Management, Technical Writing, Cost
Estimating, Acquisition Management, Contracting Administration (including
BPA Proposal Development and Source Selection), Financial Management
3.1 Research and Development Support
3.2 Engineering, System Engineering and Process Engineering Support
Company Background:
Capability/Area of
Last 3 years services
experience listed by
functional area and
specific Program
Programs: SETA support to DARPA AEO (support to all programs of Special
Operations Forces interest), DIRO (support to all programs of US Air Force
interest), STO (classified program support), and TTO (TX, T3 and PCAS
Programs). PM/SE support to DHS S&T portfolio of programs for countering
ManTech – Team Members / Capability / Experience
Page 392 of 419
all IED types (emplaced, personnel- and vehicle-borne)
3.14 Interoperability, Test and Evaluation, Trials Support
3.15 Measurement Facilities, Range, and Instrumentation Support
Programs: TTO (TX, T3 and PCAS Programs). PM/SE support to DHS S&T
portfolio of programs for countering all IED types (emplaced, personnel- and
3.20 Program Support
3.21 Functional and Administrative Support
3.22 Public Affairs and Multimedia Support
Description of products
(deliverables) provided.
Programs: SETA support to DARPA AEO (support to all programs of Special
Operations Forces interest), DIRO (support to all programs of US Air Force
interest), STO (classified program support), and TTO (TX, T3 and PCAS
Programs). PM/SE support to DHS S&T portfolio of programs for countering
all IED types (emplaced, personnel- and vehicle-borne)
Programmatic support, systems engineering, business/financial management,
and administrative support on behalf of Government Program Managers.
Deliverables consist of status reports, test and evaluation analytical reports,
analysis of developer designs, submission of draft correspondence and
briefing materials, developer contract performance evaluation reports, and
budget execution status and financial reporting.
Company Name
Tri Star Engineering, Inc.
Points of Contact
Kevin Anderson - 812-277-0208
Melvin Reed – 812-277-0208
Company Website
Company Background
Capability/Area of
Tri Star is a Minority-Woman Owned, Small Business, which is ISO
9001:2008 Certified and strives to continually innovate ourselves as a
ready resource of expertise in a multitude of governmental and
industrial disciplines. We can provide services in a timely, affordable,
and highly professional manner while sustaining the local, regional and
national growth of our clients, our company and our team.
Tri Star has focused on growing work in the Spectrum, Cyber, and
Expeditionary warfare domains through support of advanced radar
systems, electro-optic and Infra-red force protection systems, counterIED systems and Information Assurance and Network Attack support
services. Tri Star’s support includes radio frequency (RF) systems such
as the SPS-49 Radar as well as electronic warfare systems such as the
ManTech – Team Members / Capability / Experience
Page 393 of 419
AN/SLQ-32 and the Surface Electronic Warfare Improvement Program
(SEWIP) but also we support millimeter wave enhancements and
infrared (IR) systems such as the Thermal Imaging Sensor System
(TISS). Tri Star employs experts in countermeasure capabilities
currently being used by the Fleet for both shipboard and airborne
applications, Tri Star Engineering personnel have performed threat
analysis, system analysis, system design and development, system test
and evaluation, data collection and analysis, computer simulation
design and development.
Last 3 years services
experience listed by
functional area and
specific Program (see
below for list of functional
Non-personal professional, technical and management support services in
the areas of document review, data maintenance and distribution,
document and image processing, data entry, logistics support, program
management support, configuration and financial management, and
administrative management. 3.0,3.1,3.2,3.3,3.4,3.5,3.6,3.7,3.8
N00178094-D-4146 FC 08
The contractor shall provide engineering support, design and development,
prototyping, fabrication, troubleshooting and repairs, system configuration,
program support, and quality assurance to support AEWDS division.
N00178-04-D-4146 FC17
3. Provide services that potential span the entire spectrum of mission areas
supported by the activities and technical capabilities that comprise the
various ordering offices. Services provided under this contract may include
new product areas, programs, or missions assigned to these activities during
the life of the contract. Core equities within the product areas cover the
range of technical skills over the entire life cycle of a warfightng capability.
Description of products
(deliverables) provided
3.1.1-day-to-Day Operations, Planning, and Cradle to Grave Acquisition,
3.1.2-Contractor and Product Performance Support, 3.2.1-Technical Support,
3.2.2 –Configuration & Design Review Support, 3.3. Budget and Financial
Mngmt,3.4 Production Support, 3.4.2- GFP/GFI Support, 3.4.4-Configuration
Support, 3.5 Acquisition Mngmt, 3.5. Procurement Process Support,3.7
Environmental Management 3.8 International Information Technology,
N00178-04-D-4146 FC18
Company Name
Triton Services, Inc.
Points of Contact
Scott Chapman, scott.chapman@tritonsvc.com, 703.629.7586
Rick White, Richard.white@tritonsvc.com, 443.716.0600 x312
Company Website
Company Background
Incorporated in Maryland in 1994, Triton is a Veteran-owned, Small Business
(SDB). Headquartered in Annapolis, MD; it has facilities strategically located
ManTech – Team Members / Capability / Experience
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Capability/Area of
Last 3 years services
experience listed by
functional area and
specific Program
Description of products
(deliverables) provided
at various locations throughout the United States. Additionally, Triton holds a
Top Secret Facility Security Clearance and is a Seaport-e award holder in all
geographic zones.
Triton’s core competencies include information systems, communication
systems, systems engineering, and electronics manufacturing. Ongoing
efforts have include software development and life cycle support, Business
Process Reengineering (BPR), database management, data warehousing,
knowledge management, data visualization, desktop and helpdesk support,
and systems engineering services. Triton systems development work has
included analysis, architecture, design, systems integration, installation, and
life cycle support. Triton has partaken in technology insertion efforts, the
development of network operation/control centers, information assurance,
cloud and agile computing solutions, and the design and management of
LAN/WAN networks for voice, video, and data. Specialty technical services
areas include acquisition management, logistics, programmatic support,
configuration management, financial modeling, systems engineering,
training, test/evaluation, and risk management. Additionally, Triton is the
sole GSA-Schedule holder for the Liferay family of open-source portal
development products.
1. SPAWAR PMW 240 - Navy Knowledge Online Modernization: 3.1, 2,
5, 6, 8, 10, 12, 18, 20.
2. Center for Surface Combat Systems – CSCS Training Support: 3.3, 5,
8, 14, 15, 18, 19.
3. NSWCPCD and NAVSEA (PMS-377) – LCAC and Ship-to Shore
Connector Advanced Systems and Concepts (AS&C) Program Support: 3.1,
2, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 13, 14, 15, 18, 19, 20, 21.
1. SPAWAR PMW 240 - Navy Knowledge Online Modernization. Triton
provide expertise in the installation, integration and modification of the new
portal based on the existing. Ensures the Portal replicates existing
functionality within the Government environment to meet Government
requirements. Participation as a SME in engineering reviews with the
hosting data center and/or NKO staff. Triton provides expertise in solving
issues relative to functionality and performance of the portal solution.
Triton works closely with the existing NKO Team in migration of current
portal user base and content into the new product. Triton is providing
sufficient documentation/tutorials/training with adequate details to allow
for long-term life-cycle support by the NKO Team. Triton is working with and
assisting the NKO Team to prepare for all reviews and tests. Triton has
developed the migration modules necessary to move all content from the
existing NKO Portal (based on ATG Portal) into the new Open Source based
Portal (Liferay). This includes transfer of thousands of pages of content,
documents, users, and groups. Triton has conducted training of NKO staff on
development, portal administration, and system management. Triton
continues to support NKO staff to develop effective training to train the
hundreds of site administrators using the portal
2. Center for Surface Combat Systems – CSCS Training Support. Triton
presently supports the development, delivery and maintenance of training
ManTech – Team Members / Capability / Experience
Page 395 of 419
materials and supports the delivery of instruction in the LCS Training Facility
(LTF) in the areas of the Bridge, Mission Control Center (MCC), Integrated
Control Center (ICC), Readiness Control Officer (RCO) and the Mine
Countermeasures Mission Package. We provides Subject Matter Expert
(SME)/instructors in the development and delivery of these training
materials, training material modifications and training scenarios as specified
in the Training Project Plan (TPP) or based upon CSCS LSO guidance, as
applicable. In addition Triton supports preventive and corrective
maintenance of the LTF. We also provide highly qualified instructors at the
Naval Training Facility Great Lake supporting “A” Schools.
3. NSWC Panama City Division - LCAC and Ship-to Shore Connector
Advanced Systems and Concepts (AS&C) Program Support Triton provided
support to the Advanced Systems and Concepts (AS&C) Program to evaluate
applicable technologies capable of meeting USN, USMC, and Special
Operations Command requirements. Triton provided NSWC PCD support to
NAVSEA PMS 377, PMS 317, and PMS 325 and ONR for future Seabase
connectors and Expeditionary ships and craft, in platform and technology
areas. This included engineering and programmatic support to activities
conducting the design, acquisition, testing, evaluation and/or production of
the SSC, MLP, T-Craft, and the ONR Advanced Skirt and Advanced Lift Fan.
Company Name
Trusted Mission Solutions Inc.
Points of Contact
Grace Jhong
Company Website
Company Background
12+ years IT services federal contractor with a top secret facility clearance;
one of the few small businesses with both SEI CMMI Level 3 and ISO 20000
IT services, including software development and maintenance, infrastructure
management, and mobile computing.
Capability/Area of
Last 3 years services
experience listed by
functional area and
specific Program (see
below for list of functional
Have performed these for various programs at multiple agencies, e.g.,
Department of State, SBA, Department of Justice and Department of Health
and Human Services
3.6 Software Engineering, Development, Programming, and Network Support
3.12 Information System (IS) Development, Information Assurance (IA), and
Information Technology (IT) Support
3.18 Training Support
Description of products
(deliverables) provided
software applications and lifecycle documentation
ManTech – Team Members / Capability / Experience
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TWD Associates – Company does not have an active Subcontract with
Company Name
Company Name
Ultra Electronics, 3eTI
Points of Contact
Sunny DeMattio
Sr. Marketing Manager
Company Website
Company Background
Ultra Electronics, 3eTI® is a leading provider of military-grade secure
communications that enable critical systems security, infrastructure security,
and facilities management for the Defense, Government, Utilities and
Industrial markets worldwide. Our solutions form robust, cyber-secure, wired
and wireless sensor networking systems that modernize and integrate
disparate legacy systems across widespread bases and facilities to increase
productivity, and provide a path towards lower operational costs. 3eTI’s
product portfolio includes net-centric and OEM solutions that enable
comprehensive data protection for a wide-range of defense and industrial
applications such as secure wireless mesh networks, industrial sensor
networks, cyber security, and perimeter security solutions approved for use
by the most stringent and demanding customers, including the U.S. military.
Capability/Area of
Critical systems security, infrastructure security, and facilities management
3.5 System Design Documentation and Technical Data Support
3.7 Reliability, Maintainability, and Availability (RM&A) Support
3.12 Information System (IS) Development, Information Assurance (IA), and
Information Technology (IT) Support
3.14 Interoperability, Test and Evaluation, Trials Support
3.16 Logistics Support
3.17 Supply and Provisioning Support
3.20 Program Support
3.21 Functional and Administration Support
Last 3 years services
experience listed by
functional area and
specific Program (see
below for list of functional
3.5 System Design Documentation and Technical Data Support
3.7 Reliability, Maintainability, and Availability (RM&A) Support
3.12 Information System (IS) Development, Information Assurance (IA), and
Information Technology (IT) Support
3.14 Interoperability, Test and Evaluation, Trials Support
3.16 Logistics Support
ManTech – Team Members / Capability / Experience
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3.17 Supply and Provisioning Support
3.20 Program Support
3.21 Functional and Administration Support
EtherGuard L3 – A complete end point security solution for embedded
systems. EtherGuard L3 offers government-grade Layer 3 encryption that
focuses on preventing sophisticated industrial control system (ICS) cyberattacks by providing defense-in-depth (DID) cyber security for machine-tomachine (M2M) and embedded systems connectivity. EtherGuard L3 is
designed to prevent malware such as Stuxnet or outside and insider attacks
from targeting defense and industrial environments, as well as countering
the inadequate security which commonly exposes networks and critical edge
devices to exploitation. EtherGuard L3 integrates encryption, authentication,
access control, anti-denial-of-service, deep-packet-inspection (DPI), intrusion
detection and prevention, central network management, and key
management for multi-layer DID protection. The EtherGuard L3 is available as
a device or integrated OEM module, to enhance situational awareness for
critical applications and empower network managers to achieve the everelusive balance between security and operations.
EnergyGuard – Located at the edge of the network, EnergyGuard is designed
to protect critical edge devices by acting as “personal bodyguards”, providing
DID protection from cyber (including network) and physical attack. It does
this by integrating a number of discrete protection mechanisms together to
assure regulated access and communication with the more vulnerable and
critical control and monitoring devices.
The EnergyGuard unit is comprised of a government-grade secure wireless
radio for network connectivity, a network boundary protection device, and a
universal access controller. EnergyGuard provides wired and wireless
network connectivity to allow facility wide remote management over
redundant links. The universal access controller supports a wide range of
industrial control protocols (including MODBUS, LonWorks, BACnet, HTTP,
etc) and has universal inputs and outputs to allow remote communication to
industrial equipment. These points include chemical, radiological and nuclear
monitors, power management, pumps, fans, lighting controls, HVAC system
control, energy meters, facility controls, and steam traps. In fact almost any
system that includes a sensor, meter or controller can be interfaced to and
protected by EnergyGuard.
VirtualFence – A government-certified virtual perimeter and critical
infrastructure monitoring system that provides real-time video surveillance in
a remote, intelligent package with built in analytics. The system allows a user
to leverage video analytics technologies in a wireless mesh video network
configuration to better protect facilities and operations.
ManTech – Team Members / Capability / Experience
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VirtualFence provides a custom network of sensors (video, access card,
motion sensors, etc.) and secure wireless communication capabilities
designed to increase situational awareness and to improve force protection
in a highly volatile environment. VirtualFence is a complete system design
which typically includes a site survey and architectural design as part of the
system development and wireless video cameras are installed throughout the
installation as required. This protects critical infrastructure through secure,
rugged, outdoor, low-cost-to-install camera/RF units with auto-detection
capability and user-settable tripwires. The open architecture maximizes
current and future investments in video surveillance systems.
AirGuard WiMesh (802.11 robust secure wireless) AirGuard WiMesh
networks offer a high performance portfolio of secure wireless mesh devices
relied upon by military and industrial applications for continual connectivity
and optimal security at all times. Eliminating the need for costly cabling,
WiMesh networks offer uncompromised voice, video, and data
communications in stringent and hard to reach environments, reducing
overhead and deployment costs without any compromise in fail-safe security
Company Name:
United States Tower Services, LTD
Points of Contact
Ken Milller, General Manager
Quentin Ellis, Director of Business Development
David Tucker, Director of Operations
United States Tower Services is a forty one year old privately held Vietnam
Veteran owned small business based in Frederick County, Maryland. The
company’s business encompasses the sales, construction, installation,
inspection, maintenance, repair, service and support of communications
towers, antenna array systems and related facilities.
USTS is a qualified and preferred HF antenna erection contractor for all the
Andrews/Granger HF antenna products. Extensive experience in the erection
and care of Phombic, “V” and “Sloping V”, log periodic, RLPA, discone, conical
Monopole, Monocone, Curtain Array, Dipole, Yagi, Spiracone, loop arrays and
numerous other types of lathe and small HF, VHF, UHF and microwave dish,
wire or rod element antennas and all types of transmissions towers.
FAA Tower Installation RCAG
Raytheon – 800 Tower reconfigure
Fairfax County – Install 96 antennas
DHS/FEMA – Tower installation
General Dynamics – Tower installation
USACE – Tower installs Honduras
JHU/APL –Tower install
FAA – Tower install
Company Background:
Capability/Area of
Last 3 years services
experience listed by
functional area and
specific Program
ManTech – Team Members / Capability / Experience
Page 399 of 419
DHS/USCG – tower repais
DOD – Special antenna design
X – Special Antenna Design
Description of products
(deliverables) provided.
Antenna Tower Installation and Removal
Tower Repair and Maintenance
Structural Analysis
Structural Upgrades
Cell or PCS Sweep Reports
Company Name
Universal Solutions International, Inc.
Points of Contact
Mrs. Jamil Trotter, Contracts Manager
Mr. Robert Lovett, VP Business Development
Company Website
USI is a Service-Disabled Veteran-Owned Small Business (SDVOSB) recognized for
its proven and demonstrated expertise as a professional service provider for
information technology support, logistics, program management, system engineering,
and capability development functional areas. Started in 2006 by retired U.S. Army
Colonel, Daniel “Dan” Wolfe, USI supports multiple government agencies including
DoD, DHS, and DoS. USI is currently serving DARPA, DTRA, RDECOM,
TRADOC, and DNDO in mapping solutions to requirements, solving their toughest
problems in requirement definition, concept development, architecture, material
development, capability demonstration, system of systems integration and technology
transition. Expertise includes multi-service and other agency coordination and
planning, as well as international market development.
USI is comprised of highly professional, innovative, flexible, and results driven
personnel, hired for their superior professional experience. USI combines skilled
personnel, proven past performance, on-the-ground management oversight with
comprehensive processes in support of the mission. USI has a foundation of,
accountability, superior performance, innovation and military operational knowledge.
USI’s approach is to aggressively, professionally and innovatively maintain and
improve the customer’s capability to be responsive and proactive by streamlining,
synchronizing and integrating worldwide product training, equipping, repair services,
lifecycle support and product transition support.
USI’s most valuable asset is the quality of our personnel. USI’s mission support
methodology leverages people, processes and knowledge that will directly support
customer mission goals and objectives. Similarly, USI’s initial objective is to build
and maintain a dedicated team of highly qualified professionals to provide support
through teamwork, loyalty and dedication, in support of our Soldiers.
ManTech – Team Members / Capability / Experience
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Capability/Area of
USI has proven core capabilities in multiple information technology areas. USI’s
teams of subject matter experts provide support to government and commercial
clients with outstanding results. Areas of expertise include:
Areas of Expertise
Last 3 years
services experience
listed by functional
area and specific
Program (see
below for list of
functional areas)
Description of
Information Assurance
Knowledge Management
Portal Development & Maintenance
Technology Scouting & Identification
Information Security
Technology Demonstration
Electronic/Cyber Warfare
Data Collections/Mining
3.12 Functional Area - Information System (IS) Development, Information Assurance
(IA), and Information Technology (IT) Support and Administration Support - Human
Terrain System Knowledge Management and MAP HT System
3.16 Logistics Support- Rapid Equipping Force (REF) Field Services Support (FSS)
3.20 Program Support - NAVSEA Tactical Applications and Management/
1. As Program Integrator for the HTS MAP-HT social cultural and geospatial
analysis suite, USI provided project oversight and management, as well as
hands-on IA support at the tactical and implementation level. USI’s technical
engineers worked with strategic network management teams in CENTCOM
AOR to ensure the suite connects completely with the SIPR, CENTRIX and
NIPR mission networks.
Work performed under this contract is similar in scope as described in the
functional area for Information Assurance, conduct IA analysis, develop,
recommend, and implement, monitor, update and maintain, IA practices,
procedures, equipment, algorithms and hardware.
2. For the REF FSS contract, USI FSTs are responsible for providing complete
lifecycle sustainment of all ISR and like equipment associated with the REF
program. Which includes over 45 different projects and capabilities which
include; LOS transmitters on aerostat platforms and Wi-Fi unmanned ground
sensors, terrestrial sensors, processing servers, communications gear that
integrates multipurpose cameras thermal and infrared, antenna installation on
rigid and portable mast systems with associated power capability and
solar/alternative power programs. These FSTs are responsible for installing
and integrating REF systems/network at FOBs and COBs. USI management
team has multiple contacts at the NIE events to gather the newest information
on incoming technology to share with the FSTs.
The work performed under REF FSS contract is relevant to the work that will
be performed under the logistics support effort in the areas of program
management, lifecycle support maintenance and status reporting,
identification of warfighter requirements, manpower and financial
management/reporting, and systems training.
ManTech – Team Members / Capability / Experience
Page 401 of 419
3. USI assisted DARPA in maintaining technological superiority of the U.S.
military by bridging the gap between fundamental discoveries and their
military use. USI provides program management and support services to the
Tactical Ground Reporting (TIGR) System PMO, including program
consulting, technology assessment and integration, strategic planning, budget
management, business, and analytical support. Additionally, USI provides
technical support in the form of information technology and expert network
Work performed under this contract is similar in scope as described in the
functional area for Program Support to apply business, financial management
and technical disciplines to support warfighter missions.
Company Name:
University of Maryland
Points of Contact
Center for Risk and Reliability
Prof. Ali Mosleh, Director
Company Background:
Research and Educational Institution
Capability/Area of
Systems Reliability, Risk Analysis, System Safety, Human Factors, Software
Reliability, Physics of Failure, Data Analysis, Project Risk Management
Last 3 years services
experience listed by
functional area and
specific Program
3.1 Research and Development Support
3.7 Reliability, Maintainability, and Availability (RM&A) Support
3.8 Human Factors, Performance, and Usability Engineering Support
3.9 System Safety Engineering Support
Company Name
URS Federal Technical Services, Inc.
Points of Contact
Steve Neigh and Eric Braese
Company Website
Company Background
URS Corporation is a leading provider of engineering, construction and technical
services for public agencies and private sector companies around the world. The
Company offers a full range of program management; planning, design and
engineering; systems engineering and technical assistance; construction and
construction management; operations and maintenance; information technology; and
decommissioning and closure services. URS provides services for federal, oil and gas,
infrastructure, power, and industrial projects and programs.
ManTech – Team Members / Capability / Experience
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Capability/Area of
Last 3 years services
experience listed by
functional area and
specific Program
URS has successfully delivered professional support services in the areas of
Program Management, Acquisition, Engineering and Engineering
Management, Logistics Support and Financial Management to the
Government for over fifty years. Our experience in defense acquisition
support demonstrates a disciplined and proven approach to the successful
execution of systems acquisition programs from ACAT ID to IVT. Our
experience includes all milestone decision points and acquisition phases,
from concept exploration and program definition through engineering and
manufacturing development, production, fielding/deployment and for major
upgrades. We have a working knowledge of the requirements and standards
that apply to acquisition program support and documentation, including the
latest Federal Acquisition Regulations (FAR), DoD FAR Supplement and Navy
Acquisition Procedures (NAPs), DoD 5000 Series Directives, Instructions and
Regulations and DoN implementing instructions. We apply this knowledge,
along with our intimate knowledge of the Program Offices we support, to
tailor our services to return the highest value to the Government.
3.1 Research and Development Support
3.2 Engineering, System Engineering and Process Engineering Support
3.3 Modeling, Simulation, Stimulation, and Analysis Support
3.4 Prototyping, Pre-Production, Model-Making, and Fabrication Support
3.5 System Design Documentation and Technical Data Support
3.6 Software Engineering, Development, Programming, and Network Support
3.7 Reliability, Maintainability, and Availability (RM&A) Support
3.8 Human Factors, Performance, and Usability Engineering Support
3.9 System Safety Engineering Support
3.10 Configuration Management (CM) Support
3.11 Quality Assurance (QA) Support
3.12 Information System (IS) Development, Information Assurance (IA), and
Information Technology (IT) Support
3.13 Inactivation and Disposal Support
3.14 Interoperability, Test and Evaluation, Trials Support
3.15 Measurement Facilities, Range, and Instrumentation Support
3.16 Logistics Support
3.17 Supply and Provisioning Support
3.18 Training Support
3.19 In-Service Engineering, Fleet Introduction, Installation & Checkout Spt
3.20 Program Support
3.21 Functional and Administration Support
3.22 Public Affairs and Multimedia Support
Description of products
(deliverables) provided
Company Name:
U.S. Information Technologies Corporation
ManTech – Team Members / Capability / Experience
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Points of Contact
Company Background:
Capability/Area of
Last 3 years services
experience listed by
functional area and
specific Program
4800 Westfields Blvd, Suite 250
Chantilly, VA 20151
Craig Proulx cproulx@usinfotech.com
703 216-4974
Small Business, Seaport Prime Zone 2, 3, 6
125 Oracle Certified Professionals (OCPs)
NAICC Code: 541511, 541512
DUMS #: 788708969
Oracle Consulting: Oracle DBA, Oracle OID, Oracle SOA, OBIEE, Oracle RAC, EBusiness Suite, cMRO, Oracle Federal Financials, ERP, Oracle Fusion
Middleware, JAVA, Oracle GRID, Data Warehousing,
3.6 Software Engineering, Development, Programming and Network Support
3.12 Information Systems (IS) Development, Information Assurance(IA) and
Information Technology (IT)
Company Name:
Vickers & Nolan Enterprises, LLC (VNE)
Points of Contact
Jim Pierce
Director Business Development
50 Tech Parkway, Suite 103
Stafford, VA 22556
Office: (540) 288-8606 x 436
Cell: (540) 287-7747
FAX: (540) 288-8608
Founded in 2004, VNE is a SDVOSB entity with extensive experience in the
Intelligence Community providing analytical, engineering, technical, logistics,
operations and training support services. VNE has earned a reputation for
exceptional performance as an engineering and training services company in
the Department of Defense (DoD) Intelligence Community. Our expertise,
experience, and small size have enabled us to provide agile, responsive, and
innovative support to our customers. We execute our mission with a
comprehensive understanding of the data availability and requirements for
the design, development, and integration of systems and software solutions,
as well as a unique training curriculum that enables our students to excel at
both intelligence gathering and analysis across all levels of the community.
At our core is a comprehensive understanding of intelligence processes and
the data used by Intelligence Collectors and Managers. We perform systems
integration, software development, intelligence analysis, and training
supporting operations for the DoD, Office of Naval Research (ONR),
Department of Homeland Security (DHS), and Federal Bureau of Investigation
(FBI). We have leveraged our experience to develop an end-to-end tactical
intelligence training curriculum to improve mission preparedness. VNE’s
Company Background:
ManTech – Team Members / Capability / Experience
Page 404 of 419
Capability/Area of
Last 3 years services
experience listed by
functional area and
specific Program
Description of products
(deliverables) provided.
personnel are cleared up to the TS/SCI level, and have extensive experience
as analysts, instructors, engineers, and Subject Matter Experts (SME) for AllSource Intelligence, Signals Intelligence (SIGINT), Geospatial Intelligence
(GEOINT), Electronic Warfare (EW), and Counter Radio Controlled Improvised
Explosive Device (RCIED) systems.
VNE has earned an excellent reputation by performing many of the Seaport-e
services across a variety of Naval programs over the past eight years. VNE’s
primary strengths include requirements analysis, capabilities assessments,
technical studies, research and development, systems and software
development/integration/engineering, testing and evaluation, acquisition
management, logistics management support, program management support,
configuration management, and training.
ONR Prime Contract N00014-09-C-0150 Automated Collection Planning (ACP)
Tool, October 2008-May 2012
3.1 Research and Development Support
3.2 Engineering, System Engineering and Process Engineering Support
ManTech Subk IDIQ 6006-19 Integration and Support to PMMI, November
2007- November 2014
3.5 System Design Documentation and Technical Data Support
3.6 Software Engineering, Development, Programming, and Network
3.10 Configuration Management (CM) Support
3.12 Information System (IS) Development, Information Assurance (IA),
and Information Technology (IT) Support
3.14 Interoperability, Test and Evaluation, Trials Support
SAIC Subk IDIQ 8001-13, August 2008-September 2012
3.14 Interoperability, Test and Evaluation, Trials Support
3.16 Acquisition Logistics Support
3.20 Program Support
SAIC Subk BOA P0100307787, April 2010-May 2013
3.18 Training Support
Patricio Enterprises Subk 11-VNE-1089-001, October, 2011- September 30,
3.2 Engineering, System Engineering and Process Engineering Support
3.14 Interoperability, Test and Evaluation, Trials Support
Research and Development Support (3.1). For the Office of Naval Research
(ONR), VNE developed the Automated Collection Planning (ACP) Tool to
automate the manpower-intensive collection planning and Collection
Management (CM) processes.
Engineering, System Engineering and Process Engineering Support (3.2).
Since program inception in 2005, VNE has provided systems engineering
expertise for USMC Counter Radio Controlled Improvised Explosive Device
(RCIED) Electronic Warfare (EW) (CREW) system integration into various
military platforms, including the family of High Mobility Multi-Purpose
Wheeled Vehicles (M1151 and M1114), Medium Tactical Vehicle
Replacement (MTVR), Logistics Vehicle System (LVS), Light Armored Vehicle
(LAV), and the family of Mine Resistant Ambush Protected (MRAP) vehicles.
Efforts include placement of the system within the vehicle, vehicular and
ManTech – Team Members / Capability / Experience
Page 405 of 419
system power, mounting hardware, and antenna locations. Systems
engineering tasks include best placement of the systems with respect to the
vehicle, crew and mission; the most effective location of antennas to include
CREW system and other antennas located on the vehicle for friendly
communications; ease of system access; ease of installation; and ease of
servicing and maintenance while maintaining access to other system controls
on the vehicle consistent with the mission. The integration issues for the
CREW system include, as an example, radiation hazard stand-off distances for
vehicle crew safety.
System Design Documentation and Technical Data Support (3.5). VNE
performs design and real-time National integration of Marine Corps tactical
Signals Intelligence (SIGINT) data into the National Data Stores (Real Time
Regional Gateway (RT-RG)) via subcontract to ManTech (formerly MTCSC,
Software Engineering, Development, Programming, and Network Support
(3.6). VNE develops leading edge technologies based on intricate
understanding of customer requirements and mature knowledge of the
best techniques and products currently available. VNE performed as the
lead software developer for the Space and Naval Warfare Systems Center
Atlantic (SSCA) Gallipoli Project. The Gallipoli software tool is an alerting
system for USMC Intelligence Analysts that is designed for, and built to run
on, the USMC Technical Control and Analysis Center (TCAC). Gallipoli uses a
list of known targets, builds associations, and immediately alerts the
Intelligence Analyst of activity. The data passing through the tool can
connect with any of the current intelligence databases, so it does not
interfere with post-mission analysis. Gallipoli is designed to operate in
conjunction with existing tools and enhance the Intelligence Analysts’
ability to collect useful data on real targets.
System Safety Engineering Support (3.9). VNE personnel, as part of its
oversight of the TCAC hardware engineering and integration effort, analyze
system safety hazards, to include the use of hazardous materials, in the
development of Safety Assessment Reports and Cautions/Warnings that
must be incorporated into system Technical Manuals and training material.
We work closely with system engineers to ensure that all power, radiation,
hazardous materials, and mechanical hazards are addressed. Our personnel
prepare Safety Assessment Reports, Hazard Analysis Reports, and
Programmatic Environmental Safety and Health Evaluations (PESHE) in
support of Marine Corps programs.
Configuration Management (CM) Support (3.10). VNE personnel are
responsible for maintaining configuration management of all system
hardware installations and software loads in support of several USMC
Intelligence programs. VNE personnel provide hardware configuration
management, to include the development, of Engineering Change Proposals
(ECP), participation in Physical Configuration Audits (PCA) and Functional
Configuration Audits (FCA), the baselining and tracking of hardware
configurations from integration/assembly through demilitarization/disposal,
coordination/oversight of engineering drawings, and development of
provisioning technical documentation.
ManTech – Team Members / Capability / Experience
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Information System (IS) Development, Information Assurance (IA), and
Information Technology (IT) Support (3.12). For several USMC Intelligence
programs, VNE personnel create system software installation loads for
Windows XP, Solaris 8, Solaris 10, and Windows Server 2003. Installation
consists of image restores as well as media to update previous loads to the
current configuration. Image restores are used for quick system recovery,
while updates allow installation of new virus definitions and Information
Assurance Vulnerability Management (IAVM) patches with minimal downtime. Image loads and updates are assembled, managed, and disseminated
by VNE personnel. The software loads consist of over 100 software
applications, and the software is loaded on over 100 servers (Solaris 8, Solaris
10, and Windows Server 2003) and 400 laptops (Windows XP). VNE also
provides systems administration, to include generation of quarterly software
updates for all systems in response to IAVM findings and virus definition
updates required for system Certification and Accreditation (C&A), as well as
the documentation required to support these updates. Our personnel
provide CM, to include periodic checks of all software against the National
Vulnerability Database to identify any application security problems. Defense
Information Systems Agency (DISA) Security Technical Implementation
Guides (STIG) and National Security Agency (NSA) Guides are used to lock
down system applications, databases, and operating systems in accordance
with DoD security guidelines. VNE generates and updates vulnerability risk
documentation and associated Plans of Action and Milestones (POA&M) as
part of the C&A process for systems operating on the Secret Internet
Protocol Router Network (SIPRNet), NSA Network (NSANet) and Joint
Worldwide Intelligence Communications System (JWICS). Our personnel
verify that system auditing is enabled and functioning effectively for each
application to ensure audit integrity. We document and correct security
and/or application problems in accordance with each program's CM Plan.
Interoperability, Test and Evaluation, Trials Support IS (3.14). Each quarter,
VNE personnel test new system configurations and conduct interoperability
testing on external system dependencies for USMC Intelligence systems to
ensure proper functionality. For the USMC CREW program, VNE provides
overall management of test support including effectiveness testing,
interoperability testing, and friendly communications fratricide testing.
VNE’s lead engineer supervises the USMC CREW test section, which includes
four test engineers, twelve engineers and scientists from John Hopkins
University Applied Physics Lab (APL), as well as four additional Field Service
Representatives (FSR), supporting the maintenance of seven test vehicles and
fourteen CREW test systems and ancillary equipment. For the CREW
program, VNE provides coordination of all test activities concerning ranges,
vendors, and Government personnel; and performs test setup, conduct,
documentation and reporting. Our personnel also provide logistics support
during test events. VNE provides engineering and employment expertise for
various CREW systems under test, in the areas of performance, reliability,
and suitability for USMC use. Our personnel act as Intelligence and EW
Subject Matter Experts (SME) and provide engineering expertise for the
USMC CREW program. We also evaluate new technologies, techniques, and
ManTech – Team Members / Capability / Experience
Page 407 of 419
threats to be defeated with future CREW systems.
Logistics Support (3.16). VNE provides all aspects of logistics support
throughout the programmatic life-cycle, to include development of
maintenance concepts and supportability planning, system safety/human
factors engineering, logistics documentation and technical manual
development, determination of sparing levels, hardware engineering and
integration, hardware configuration management and control, fielding
preparation and conduct, coordination of on-site support, post-fielding
maintenance actions, and demilitarization/disposal. VNE has provided all of
these services to the USMC TCAC program since 2008.
Training Support (3.18). VNE creates and conducts detailed courses of
instruction on SIGINT/EW to USMC Radio Battalions (RadBn), Intelligence
Battalions, Marine Tactical Electronic Warfare Squadrons (VMAQ), Marine
Corps Special Operations Command (MARSOC), and USMC Intelligence
Schools. Current courses include Tactical Analysis, Collection Management,
Critical Thinking, and Electronic Attack Mission Planning.
Program Support (3.20). VNE develops programmatic and acquisition
documentation to include requirements documentation/analyses, system
specifications, requirements specifications, performance specifications,
requirements traceability matrices, risk/impact assessments, Acquisition
Plans/Strategies, Transition Plans, Phase-Out Plans, PESHEs, Acquisition
Program Baseline Agreements (APBA), Life-Cycle Cost Estimates (LCCE), and
Test and Evaluation Master Plans (TEMP). VNE has provided all of these
services to the USMC TCAC program since 2005.
Company Name
VT Halter Marine, Inc.
Points of Contact
Robert Camp
Myrtis Foster
Company Website
Company Background
Capability/Area of
VT Halter Marine, Inc., a subsidiary of Vision Technologies Systems, Inc (VTS),
is an internationally-acclaimed shipbuilder, with over 60 years of experience
operating three shipyards with deepwater access to the US Gulf of Mexico.
VT Halter Marine, Inc. utilizes cutting-edge technologies to design and build
high-quality maritime products. It is noted for being the largest designer and
builder of small to medium-sized ocean-going vessels in the US for many
years. VT Halter Marine shipyards have delivered over 3,000 vessels to
commercial and government clients worldwide. With the capability to build
small fast vessels as well as medium-sized ships up to 50,000dwt, VT Halter
Marine can deliver vessels in steel, aluminum or composites in a variety of
hull forms. VTHM recently purchased a 12,000 Metric Ton floating dry dock
for the Pascagoula yard and has commenced ship repair operation.
ManTech – Team Members / Capability / Experience
Page 408 of 419
Last 3 years services
experience listed by
functional area and
specific Program (see
below for list of functional
3.2 – CON/RO Car Carrier for PASHA
3.5 & 3.7 – ILS tasks related to delivery of Howard O. Lorenzen (T-AGM 25) to
3.9 - OPC Proposal for USCG
3.10, 3.11 & 3.14 – Design, Fabrication, Test & Delivery of ENFMC vessels to
US Navy in support of an FMS contract to Egypt.
3.14 – Acceptance Trials for T-AGM 25.
3.18 – Crew training for ENFMC sailors.
3.19, 3.20 & 3.21 - Construction and delivery of T-AGS 66 for NAVSEA
3.22 – Press Releases for contract awards, ship launches, christenings and
Description of products
(deliverables) provided
Info not required per Jennifer.
Company Name:
Washington Technology Group, Inc.
Points of Contact
Rhawkins@wastechgroup.com/ Shamm@washtechgroup.com /
Company Background:
Information Assurance, Network Operation and Maintenance, Data Center
COOP development
Information Assurance, Network Operation and Maintenance, Data Center
COOP development
Capability/Area of
Last 3 years services
experience listed by
functional area and
specific Program
3.6 Software Engineering, Development, Programming, and Network Support
– customer: PACAF
Description of products
(deliverables) provided.
Monthly Status Report
Quality Control Plan
LAN Management
Systems Integration Support
Vulnerability Assessment
Monthly Status Report
Quality Control Plan
Coordination/Staffing Package
Task Order Management Plan
3.12 Information System (IS) Development, Information Assurance (IA), and
Information Technology (IT) - customer: BIMA
ManTech – Team Members / Capability / Experience
Page 409 of 419
Company Name
Base-line Assessment Plan
Commercial Data/Products
Reports Documentation
System Operational and Verification Test (SOVT)
WaveTech Engineering LLC – Company does not have an active
Subcontract with ManTech
Company Name
Whitney Bradley & Brown (WBB)
Points of Contact
Email: WBBDHSS&TSETAIDIQResponseTeam@wbbinc.com
Contracts: Denise Ross, dross@wbbinc.com, 703-448-6081 x124
Technical: Deana Hess, dhess@wbbinc.com, 703-448-6081 x914
Company Website
Company Background
Whitney Bradley & Brown (WBB) is a leading solutions provider for the
Department of Homeland Security, Defense Department, and other Federal
Government agencies facing difficult mission-critical challenges. We combine
corporate intellectual capital, in-depth industry knowledge and thought
leadership with specialized expertise in lean full systems engineering life cycle,
Program Management services, rigorous analytical capabilities, Agile
Transformation, Resource Planning and Management, and Big Data Analytics.
For over 30 years, WBB professionals have delivered sustainable, measurable
results and helped hundreds of clients successfully manage their most complex
mission-critical business problems. WBB has become a trusted partner in the
areas of Transformative Change, Enterprise Planning and Execution, and Mission
Performance Optimization. Our focus is on providing the information our clients
need to make an informed decision and take appropriate action.
Capability/Area of
WBB provides a full spectrum of advisory and on-site support at DHS
headquarters and in numerous component organizations, including Customs and
Border Protection (CBP), National Protection and Programs Directorate (NPPD),
Science and Technology (S&T), Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE), US
Citizenship and Immigration Services (USCIS), US Secret Service (USSS) and US
Coast Guard (USCG).
• Lean Program & Project
• IT Transformation/ Modernization
• Full-life cycle Acquisition Support
• Concepts Development
• Enterprise Architecture
• Operational & Cost Analysis
• Compliance & Audit Remediation
• Big Data Analytics
• Security Engineering
• Workforce Transformation
• Requirements Management
• Emerging Technologies (Mobile,
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• Agile Transformation
Cloud, Cyber)
• Financial Management
Last 3 years services
experience listed by
functional area and
specific Program
3.2 Engineering, System
Engineering and Process
Engineering Support
DHS US SS for Information Resources
Management (IRM) Division: Provide system
engineering support to complete the systems
engineering activities required by DHS System
Engineering Life Cycle (SELC) across all stages
of the SELC.
KC-46 Program Office Standard Operationing
Procedures to include systems engineering
process descriptions.
Required AD-102 Documentation
Mission Needs Statement (MNS)
Program Management Plan (PMP)
SELC Project Tailoring Plan (PTP)
Project Schedule (Integrated
Master Schedule (IMS))
Communication Plan
Capabilities Development Plan
Acquisition Plan
Process Documentation (“As Is”)
Process Documentation (“To Be”)
Process Gap Analysis
Concept of Operations (CONOPS)
Alternatives Analysis (AA) Plan
Alternatives Analysis (AA) Report
Operational Requirements
Document (ORD)
Functional Requirements
Document (FRD)
Requirements Traceability Matrix
Risk Management Plan
Configuration Management Plan
Training Plan
Test and Evaluation Master Plan
Developmental Test Plan
Test / Use Cases
Acceptance Test Plans (ATP)
Test Reports
Program Evaluation Objectives
and Study Plans
Installation Plan
Interim Authority to Test (IATT)
Authority to Operate (ATO)
Life Cycle Cost Estimate (LCCE)
Cost Estimation Baseline
Document (CEBD)
Acquisition Program Baseline
Integrated Logistics Support Plan
FIPS 199 Security Categorization
Privacy Threshold Analysis (PTA)
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3.3 Modeling, Simulation,
Stimulation, and Analysis
3.4 Prototyping, PreProduction, Model-Making,
and Fabrication Support
3.5 System Design
Documentation and
Technical Data Support
3.6 Software Engineering,
Development, Programming,
and Network Support
3.7 Reliability,
Maintainability, and
Availability (RM&A) Support
3.10 Configuration
Management (CM) Support
3.11 Quality Assurance (QA)
Privacy Impact Assessment (PIA)
E-Authentication Workbook
Systems Security Plan (SSP)
Contingency Plan
Security Requirements
Traceability Matrix (SRTM)
Security Accreditation Package
Technical Review Completion
WBB SME designated as Lead Technologist
within the Visualization, Modeling and
Simulation Branch, Joint IED Defeat
Organization (JIEDDO)
3d Modeling and Simulation Products in direct
support of deployed SOF forces; Urban modeling,
COIC Enterprise Geospatial Database; Automated
Threat Vulnerability Assessment
Briefings and Reports
OPNAV N43 Fleet Readiness
Advanced concepts and prototyping
capabilities to the IED problem set. Developed
innovative products and services to meet
unique warfighter requirements (JIEDDO)
OPNAV N43 Fleet Readiness
IED Damage Assessment Model, SMEs on
insurgency recruiting and recidivism, Discrete
Simulation Model and introduced predictive
analysis technologies
Software Development (JIEDDO COIC)
Developed code to ingest specific data sets for
analytical fusion and analysis
Currently developing RMS RAM-C document
for PMS-420.
Required document within JCIDS process.
OPNAV N43 Fleet Readiness
Saudi F-15: Supervise and control the
validation/verification of the entire tech order
Quality control tech orders and control
changes resulting from incorporation of ECPs
and changes driven by engineering and flight
Coordinate with the entire acquisition team to
ensure the TO library stays abreast with and is
concurrent with development and fielding and
use of the weapon system
Develop plans for facilities and support
requirements for fielding of F-15SA aircraft
and base activation at 5 sites in Saudi Arabia
Manage support equipment requirements
documents (SERDs) for development, test, and
stock listing of new support equipment for the
In support of ICE: Quality Assurance initiatives
IT Infrastructure (Atlas) PMO
QA Plan, QA audits, QA briefings
In support of USSS: Quality initiatives for
Information Resources Management (IRM)
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3.12 Information System (IS)
Development, Information
Assurance (IA), and
Information Technology (IT)
3.13 Inactivation and
Disposal Support
3.14 Interoperability, Test
and Evaluation, Trials
3.15 Measurement Facilities,
Range, and Instrumentation
3.16 Logistics Support
WBB SME served as J6 to JIEDDO Counter IED
Operations/Intelligence Integration Center
(COIC); Currently, IT Enterprise Plans and
Projects Lead
B-52, F-22, C-17, C-5, HC/MC130Recap, KC-X,
F-15 Information Support Plan and IA strategy
C-17 Production Shutdown Study, MQ1/MQ9
GFE Disposal
WBB leads the contractor Operational Test
and Evaluation (OT&E) efforts for the Student
and Exchange Visitor Program (SEVP) Systems
Management Unit (SMU)
F-22 Test Range Optimization Study
Saudi F-15: Create acquisition logistics
documentation to satisfy (tailored) 5000.02
documentation requirements
Analyze and create logistics plans and
contractual requirements for support of the F15SA weapons system
Enterprise IT Policy, SOPs, CONOPs
C-17 Report, MQ1/MQ9 briefing and ACCESS
Data Base
Mission based test design; develop operational
test scenarios to evaluate Measures of
Effectiveness (MOE), Measures of Performance
(MOP), and Measures of Suitability (MOS); assess
conflicts of interest; and provide quantitative
and qualitative evidence as to the suitability of
the system
Integrated Test Team; Test and Evaluation
Working Integrated Project Team
Identify and develop approaches for conducting
non-traditional Operational Test events
In theater(s), provided all logistic support to
deployed JIEDDO Personnel
Provide logistics support for obtaining and
controlling GFE support equipment and other
assets needed by the prime contractor for
Production and Test activities
Provide senior-mentor expert advice on all
logistics-related topics to the USAF leadership
team up to 3-star level.
COIC Facilities Lead; Led ~$20M new
construction projects inside the COIC; Also, on
a rotating basis, WBB personnel served as
Logistic Chief for deployed JIEDDO teams
(~100 personnel).
Support planning and documentation for
modernized Coast Guard logistics support
processes and provide recommendations that
streamline those logistics support processes
consistent with Coast Guard logistics
transformation guidelines
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3.18 Training Support
Since JIEDDO COIC's inception, WBB personnel
have provide SMEs to serve as instructors on
Attack the Network Methodologies, Tools and
Operations and Training Division
Provides training support to military,
government, and corporate professionals.
Attack the Network (ATN) scenario
development in support of the Military
Services, the Joint community, CTC, and
exercises such as Unified Endeavor, Spartan
Resolve, and Mojave Viper.
Support 275 mobile training team (MTT)
deployments per year including teaching
personnel from NATO and Coalition forces
how to identify threat network composition,
activities, TTPs, vulnerabilities, and how to
produce actionable intelligence for operations.
Support Intelligence Community (IC),
Department of Defense (DoD) and Services
communities to focuses on Subject Matter
Expertise, knowledge transfer, staff training
integration, exercise support
3.19 In-Service Engineering,
Fleet Introduction,
Installation & Checkout Spt
3.20 Program Support
NAVAIR PMA-205 Aviation Training Systems
Training Modules
Intelligence analytical request for support to
downrange warfighter
Exercise and pre-deployment scenario
Curriculum Development products
Course Certification
Platform instruction Briefing modules
Learning Management System (LMS) &
Interactive Multimedia Instruction (IMI) Modules
Fleet Introduction Support
F-15 SA Site Activation
In support of ICE: WBB managed IT
Infrastructure (Atlas) PMO, Detention and
Removal Operations (DROM) PMO, ICE
Tactical Communications Business Office
(TCBO). WBB supports Student and Exchange
Visitor Program (SEVP), and the Law
Enforcement Information Sharing Initiative
WBB provides acquisition management, program
management, financial management, and
systems engineering support for programs
throughout DHS; all program support and
documentation provided in compliance with DHS
acquisition regulations such as Acquisition
Directive [AD] 102-01, DHS System Engineering
Lifecycle [SELC], and the DHS Capital Planning
and Investment Control [CPIC].
In support of CBP: WBB supports the Wireless
Program Office Diretorate (WSPD)
In support of USSS: WBB provides IT Program
Management and Systems engineering
support for Information Resources
Management (IRM) Division
OPNAV N96 and N98
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3.21 Functional and
Administration Support
In support of ICE: WBB managed IT
Infrastructure (Atlas) PMO, Detention and
Removal Operations (DROM) PMO, ICE
Tactical Communications Business Office
(TCBO). WBB supports Student and Exchange
Visitor Program (SEVP), and the Law
Enforcement Information Sharing Initiative
In support of CBP: WBB supports the Wireless
Program Office Diretorate (WSPD)
OPNAV N96 and N99
3.22 Public Affairs and
Multimedia Support
F-22 Strategic Communications
In support of ICE: WBB managed IT
Infrastructure (Atlas) PMO, Detention and
Removal Operations (DROM) PMO, ICE
Tactical Communications Business Office
(TCBO). WBB supports Student and Exchange
Visitor Program (SEVP), and the Law
Enforcement Information Sharing Initiative
In support of CBP: WBB supports the Wireless
Program Office Diretorate (WSPD)
Comprehensive technical support; requirements
analysis; market research; D 102-1 required
documentation; CPIC requirements;
Manage efforts of delivery vendors to include
EVM; monitor and report on project risk,
schedule, costs, and performance metrics; assist
as needed in testing and evaluation of products
Risk Management
Administrative Support: Perform clerical,
secretarial, and office management tasks
(maintaining program files and contact lists,
monitoring calendars, coordinating meetings,
tracking data calls, coordinating travel and
training, and taking minutes).
Articles for Publication, Communications Plans,
Share Point Sites
Develops communication strategy; implements
processes for stakeholder analysis and
management, quality and standards, internal and
external information distribution, and
performance reporting and dashboards.
Produces briefings, fact sheets, web content, and
other documentation.
Quarterly Magazine and social media sites
OPNAV N97/Team Subs Undersea Warfare
Company Name
W R Systems, Ltd.
Points of Contact
Audree Hughes, Ahughes@wrsystems.com, 757-858-6000 xx 256
Amy Morris, amorris@wrsystems.com, 757-858-6000 xx255
W R Systems, Ltd. (WR), was designed for the successful completion of both
small and large systems engineering projects for our customers. WR’s
organizational structure and management techniques are aptly tailored for
the provision of high-quality technical solutions. This is achieved through a
basic philosophy of listening to our customers and engaging the most highly
qualified and innovative technical experts and giving them the support of an
experienced and capable management team. WR provides a wide array of
services in support of navigation, radar, and communications systems,
including hardware and software design; sensor and system integration;
troubleshooting and repair; testing, evaluation, and certification; module test
and repair; and a host of tailored logistics, technical documentation, and
training services.
Company Background
WR is an ISO 9001:2008 registered and a CMMI Maturity Level 3-rated
ManTech – Team Members / Capability / Experience
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company. By using processes that comply with our Quality Management
System, we are able to provide world-class, integrated systems. Our
solutions range from simple single-user applications to mission-critical,
enterprise-wide hardware and software distributed systems.
combination of our innovative, leading-edge solutions and solid core
processes ensures that customer satisfaction and quality solutions are
consistently achieved.
Capability/Area of
1.Research and Development Support
2. Engineering, System Engineering and Process Engineering Support
3. Modeling, Simulation, Stimulation, and Analysis Support
4. Prototyping, Pre-Production, Model-Making, and Fabrication Support
5. System Design Documentation and Technical Data Support
6. Software Engineering, Development, Programming, and Network Support
7. Reliability, Maintainability, and Availability (RM&A) Support
8. Human Factors, Performance, and Usability Engineering Support
10. Configuration Management (CM) Support
11. Quality Assurance (QA) Support
12. Information System (IS) Development, Information Assurance (IA), and
Information Technology (IT) Support
14. Interoperability, Test and Evaluation, Trials Support
16. Logistics Support
17. Supply and Provisioning Support
18. Training Support
19. In-Service Engineering, Fleet Introduction, Installation and Checkout Support
20. Program Support
Last 3 years services
experience listed by
functional area and
specific Program
Program Name:
(Seaport e Vehicle) Common Mobility System (CMS)
Technical and Engineering Support
Contract Number/Task Order Number: N00178-05-D-4654
Contracting Activity
Naval Surface Warfare Center (NSWC) Dahlgren
Functional Areas: 1.Research and Development Support, 2. Engineering,
System Engineering and Process Engineering Support, 3. Modeling,
Simulation, Stimulation, and Analysis Support, 4. Prototyping, PreProduction, Model-Making, and Fabrication Support, 5. System Design
Documentation and Technical Data Support , 6. Software Engineering,
Development, Programming, and Network Support , 7. Reliability,
Maintainability, and Availability (RM&A) Support
10. Configuration Management (CM) Support , 11. Quality Assurance (QA)
Support , 14. Interoperability, Test and Evaluation, Trials Support , 16.
Logistics Support , 17. Supply and Provisioning Support , 18. Training Support
, 19. In-Service Engineering, Fleet Introduction, Installation and Checkout
20. Program Support
WRSystems provided systems engineering solutions related to situational
awareness, navigation, and information management systems to support
ManTech – Team Members / Capability / Experience
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development of the Integrated Tactical Mobility System (ITMS) including a
tactical computer and peripherals. Included in this effort was the design and
development of Engineering Development Modules (EDMs) for the ITMS.
EDMs use common architectures, hardware, software, and a human system
interface for operations of land vehicles and maritime craft. The EDM
integrated land vehicles and maritime craft functionality to include
engineering, navigation, communications, sensors, tactical decision aids, and
common situational awareness. This provides immediate access to userfriendly functions that enable the operator to effectively monitor and/or
control multiple craft systems. WRSystems supported the design,
development and maintenance of the Geospatial Information & Services
(GI&S) software that CMS utilizes for maritime platforms. WRSystems
supported the production of the integral Computer On Module (COM)
Express computer, Transfer Input/Output (XIO) Node, and other ITMS
components. Our cohesive systems engineering approach validated that
each stage of the system life-cycle was planned, executed, monitored, and
evaluated to ensure the needs of our customer are met ahead of schedule
and on or below budget.
Company Name
Wyle Laboratories, Inc.
22309 Exploration Drive
Lexington Park, MD 20653
Points of Contact
Kim Austin - Technical
Program Manager & Coordinator
Tina Norris - Contracts
Sr. Contracts Manager
Company Website
Company Background
As one of the nation’s leading providers of specialized engineering, scientific,
and technical services to the Department of Defense, NASA, and a variety of
commercial customers, Wyle serves its customers in the areas of test and
evaluation; systems engineering and information technology; life cycle and
acquisition program management; Integrated Logistics Support (ILS), life
sciences research; space medical operations and engineering; and
qualification testing for natural and induced environments.
The company is headquartered in El Segundo, California, employs
ManTech – Team Members / Capability / Experience
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approximately 4,600 employees at more than 50 facilities nationwide, and
generates annual revenues of approximately $1.1 billion. Wyle comprises
three operating groups: Aerospace Group (AG), Science, Technology and
Engineering (STE), and CAS, Inc.
Capability/Area of
R&D, Systems Engineering, Prototyping, Technical Data, S/W Engineering,
RM&A, Human Factors, Systems Safety, CM, IS/IT/IA, Test & Evaluation,
Acquisition, Logistics, Training, In-Service Engineering, Acquisition/Program
Support, and Multi-Media Support
Last 3 years services
experience listed by
functional area and
specific Program
3.1, 3.4 – Air 5.1.2 Test & Evaluation
3.2, 3.18, 3.20, 3.21 – PMA 265/F/A-18 & PMA 231/E-2
3.11 – E3
3.14 – Reliability Information Analysis Center
3.16 – Air 6.0
Description of products
(deliverables) provided
R&D, Systems Engineering, Prototyping, Technical Data, S/W Engineering,
RM&A, Human Factors, Systems Safety, CM, IS/IT/IA, Test & Evaluation,
Acquisition, Logistics, Training, In-Service Engineering, Acquisition/Program
Support, and Multi-Media Support
Company Name:
Xpace, LLC
Points of Contact
paul@xpace.net, diane@xpace.net
Company Background:
Xpace's roots are in the pharmaceutical industry, where we developed the
OLAP back-end used by many medium-sized pharma companies for sales
analytics. We may be useful wherever large databases are to be managed
with limited hardware.
Managing big data on small platforms; custom ETL and data validation
Capability/Area of
Last 3 years services
experience listed by
functional area and
specific Program
3.1 Research and Development Support
3.5 System Design Documentation and Technical Data Support
3.6 Software Engineering, Development, Programming, and Network Support
3.12 Information System (IS) Development, Information Assurance (IA), and
Information Technology (IT)
Description of products
(deliverables) provided.
Aeolus, a back-end toolkit to manage large tables, OLAP cubes, and
structured text (XML). For ManTech, we've developed custom ETL tools for
MFOQA (Navy flight QA), and provided an Aeolus-based implementation of
the MFOQA database, with billions of rows and thousands of columns.
ManTech – Team Members / Capability / Experience
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Company Name:
ZanttZ, Inc.
Points of Contact
Rob Powell, rpowell@zanttz.com, 703-628-7342
Company Background:
ZanttZ, Inc. was created to commercialize a next generation of training,
testing, and security solutions for enterprise and Government networks.
ZanttZ' solutions are based on more than 5 years in Government-funded
research in cyber security. Our founders and senior staff have extensive
experience in network operations, advanced technology development, and
scientific cyber research.
Advanced cyber solutions and custom software development in the areas of
network traffic generation, network virtualization, network introspection,
cyber training, cyber exercise, and cyber defense.
3.2 Engineering, System Engineering and Process Engineering Support
3.3 Modeling, Simulation, Stimulation, and Analysis Support
3.5 System Design Documentation and Technical Data Support
3.6 Software Engineering, Development, Programming, and Network Support
3.11 Quality Assurance (QA) Support
3.12 Information System (IS) Development, Information Assurance (IA), and
Information Technology (IT)
Capability/Area of
Last 3 years services
experience listed by
functional area and
specific Program
Description of products
(deliverables) provided.
Cyber Training Platform delivered to Navy as part of IT Continuum Training
Program and Zanthenon traffic generation tool delivered to OSD for use on
DOD Cyber Range and OSD Capstone Cyber Training Program.
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