Appendix 1 The model used within the topology optimization routine is presented below. It was implemented and solved using the commercial software COMSOL. A list of parameters and corresponding values is given in Table A1. The total immobilized biomass ( Xim ) is the actuator variable. It is defined based on a design parameter, , that will be varied in the routine iterations. (1- ) represents the fraction of carrier used by the immobilized biomass (Eq. A1). max Xim (1 )Xim (A1) The plasmid bearing immobilized biomass, i.e., the fraction of immobilized biomass that possesses the genetic information necessary to the production of the desired protein, can be determined by multiplying the total immobilized biomass by the plasmid loss factor p, thus implying a constant factor of plasmid loss (Eq. A2). Xim (1 p)Xim (A2) The transport of the suspended (free) biomass, glucose and ethanol is carried out by fluid convection and diffusion, and is mathematically described by the Equations (A3) to (A6), X imact where act accounts for the fact that not all immobilized cells are actively growing. X im X im X imact X im Pc uX f (1 2 3 ) act X f DX f 2 X f X im X im Vr (A3) X act X P uX f ( 1 2 3 ) act im im c X f DX 2 X f f X im X im Vr (A4) X im X im Pc uG F1 O2 act act X f DG 2G YX /G YX /G X im X im Vr (A5) X act X im Pc uE YE / X 1 3 act im X f DE 2 E YX / E X im X im Vr (A6) The growth rates for each of the pathways (Eq. A7 - A9) consist of modified Monod equations where Ki ' and ki ' are saturation and regulation constants which have been recalculated in order to obtain explicitly defined functions which are mathematically equivalent to the implicitly defined expressions proposed in the work of Zhang et al. (1997). ki ' in Eq. (A7) and (A8) have no physical meaning. The term (1 tanh(G)) in Eq. (A9) operates as switch function that tends to 0 when the glucose (G) concentration is high and to 1 when G approaches zero. G 1 ka'G K1' G kb' ka'G (A7) 2 2,max G 1 kc'G K 2' G 1 k c' k d 'G (A8) 3 3,max E 1 tanh(G) K3 E (A9) 1 1,max In a topology optimization routine, the optimization function is, by default, minimized. As in the case of the presented work, it is desired that the protein product rate (Eq. A10) is maximized rather than minimized, a negative signal is added when writing the optimization function Ф (Eq. A11) X P R p ( 2 2 3 3 ) im c X f Vr (A10) ( ) Rp (t)dV (A11) Table A1 – List of model parameters Parameter Description act X im Fraction of active immobilized cells (Brányik et al., Value Unit 0.62 gXim.gC-1 g.L-1 2004) Pc/Vr Carrier mass/reactor volume (Brányik et al., 2004) 13.6 p Plasmid loss factor (Zhang et al., 1997) 0.05 YFX/G Yield coefficient of biomass on glucose for glucose 0.12 gX.gG-1 0.48 gX.gG-1 3.35 gE.gX-1 0.65 gX.gE-1 32.97 units.gX-1 fermentation (Zhang et al., 1997) YOX/G Yield coefficient of biomass on glucose for glucose oxidation (Zhang et al., 1997) YE/X Yield coefficient of ethanol on biomass for glucose fermentation (Zhang et al., 1997) YX/E Yield coefficient of biomass on ethanol for ethanol oxidation (Zhang et al., 1997) α2 Protein yield coefficient for glucose oxidation (Zhang et al., 1997) α3 Protein yield coefficient for ethanol oxidation (Zhang et 33.80 units.gX-1 0.38 l.h-1 0.25 l.h-1 0.10 l.h-1 al., 1997) μmax,1 Maximum specific growth rate for glucose fermentation (Zhang et al., 1997) μmax,2 Maximum specific growth rate for glucose oxidation (Zhang et al., 1997) μmax,3 Maximum specific growth rate for ethanol oxidation (Zhang et al., 1997) K1’ Saturation constant 1.8.10-1 g.L-1 K2’ Saturation constant 10-2 g.L-1 ka’ Enzyme pool regulation constant - 4.0.10-3 - kb’ Enzyme pool regulation constant 2.3 - kc’ Enzyme pool regulation constant 20 - kd’ Enzyme pool regulation constant 2.9 - Appendix 2 Table A2 - Simulation Parameters Parameter Description Value Unit dp Pressure drop 0.1 Pa DXf (+) Diffusion coefficient 1.10-10 m2.s-1 DG Diffusion coefficient for glucose 1.10-9 m2.s-1 DE Diffusion coefficient for ethanol 1.10-9 m2.s-1 DP Diffusion coefficient for the product 1.10-9 m2.s-1 l Reactor length 1.2e-2 m w Reactor width 1.2e-2 m h Reactor height 1e-3 m η Fluid viscosity 1e-3 Pa.s Ginlet Glucose feed concentration 1e-3 – 1 g.L-1 The diffusion coefficient for the suspended biomass (cells) can be estimated by the Einstein-relation for diffusion, D kB T /(6a), where a is the radius of the cells and kB is Boltzmann’s constant. This estimates a coefficient of 4.4·10-14 m2s-1(a = 5 very small diffusion coefficients may result in very steep μm, T = 300K). However, concentration gradients, and for the numerical optimization method to resolve these gradients, a lot of computer memory is needed. As a consequence, we have had to increase the diffusion coefficient DXf(+) to 10-10 m2s-1 and DE=DG=DP=10-9 m2s-1 for the optimization to be doable.