Committee minutes 21.03.12

Ramblers: Bromley Group
Registered Charity No. 1093577
Minutes of a meeting of the Committee
held on Wednesday 21 March 2012
at 7 Hayes Chase at 7.30 pm
Roy Bareham, Richard Bickell, Anne Clark & Lawrie Smith (in the Chair)
Nicky Ashley, Annie Brough, Chris Dee-Crowne & Philip Wall
Minutes of the last meeting held on 20 September 2011
Agreed without amendment.
Matters arising
There were no specific matters arising, although it was agreed that the AGM in
November had been well attended and had run very smoothly.
Treasurer’s report
Anne presented the income & expenditure account to date which showed current net
assets standing at £2,687 – with a slight deficit for the period of £3.77.
It was noted that Kent Area’s Treasurer had written to Anne as follows:
“I have received the results of Centre's annual review of reserves. Reserves are targeted
at 60%, with anything above 80% being flagged up as requiring action. As your
reserves are over 80%, I have to ask you if you could discuss the matter locally and
decide whether any action is required. For example, you may decide to spend surplus
funds on a charitable project, or decide that funding for the second half of the year
needs to be reduced. In deciding your response, please have a look at where you are
now, and what you would expect the position (particularly on reserves) to be at the end
of this current financial year.”
Anne then presented a projected income & expenditure account for the year to 30
September 2012, which indicated a general fund to be carried forward of £2,683. In
order to achieve a 60% reserves figure, it was noted that income to 30 September would
need to be reduced by £500, or expenditure increased by the same figure.
It was agreed that there should be no expenditure on a charitable project – as suggested
by Kent Area – but that Anne would keep our income from walk donations under review
and suggest a time when they might be halted to ensure our reserves at the end of the
year are sufficiently low (AC).
Secretary’s report
Annie had reported a) that phone enquiries to her had reduced to about one every three
weeks and b) that Costswolds in Orpington had offered its store as a venue for our 2012
AGM - and that she would be happy to make the necessary arrangements.
It was agreed to accept Costwolds’ kind offer (AB).
Walks & programme matters
Richard confirmed that the April to July programme contained a good variety of walks
and that he had encountered no real problems with putting the programme together.
It was agreed, given the rising cost of fuel, that the committee would consider an
increase in the suggested mileage donation if petrol prices were to rise too much higher.
It was also agreed that such donations were aimed at covering fuel costs only.
Countryside matters
It was noted that the Keston Countryside Day was being held on 8 July (2pm – 5pm), but
agreed that it was impossible to measure its benefits in terms of additional membership.
Agreed that anyone wanting to volunteer to help run a stall should contact Lawrie.
Footpath matters
Nothing of significance to note.
Membership matters
It was noted that membership was currently around 30 less than in February 2010, when
computerised figures were kept for the first time, but that our walking membership
appears to be increasing, based on the number of people turning up regularly for
Social events
Lawrie confirmed that those attending last year’s quiz seemed to enjoy the evening and
that he would be very happy to organise another over the autumn/winter period.
Noted that Annie was organising another walk in central London on 28 June, followed by
an Open Air Theatre performance in Regent’s Park.
Also noted that a petanque fun-day was planned for 8 September.
It was agreed that Lawrie would ask Chris if she would be happy to organise a
Christmas walk/lunch again this year (LS/CDC).
Website matters
Roy reported that there were no particular issues to raise and that our walks continued
to be sent to Central Office and Kent County Council for their websites.
It was agreed that Roy would consider how best to ensure that someone in his absence
would be able to ‘operate’ the website and deal with any issues that might arise (RB).
Kent Area
Lawrie mentioned that it was Bromley’s turn to host Kent Area’s AGM in 2014 and that
early thought needs to be given to a suitable venue with good access by car/train and
with a 4/5 mile circular ramble close by.
Any other business
It was reported that a dog owned by one of our members had bitten a postman on a
recent walk and that Lawrie would consider any implications and report back to the next
meeting (LS).
Following a refusal to agree to a Bromley Ramblers member’s request to advertise her
evening class via our email circulation (and her later comment that she would no longer
lead walks as a result), it was agreed that the right decision had been taken and that
emails would not be used for such purposes.
Lawrie to circulate any paper produced by the Greater London Forum on its future
role/structure for discussion at the next meeting (LS).
Dates of future meetings agreed as:
7 June
12 September
10 November (AGM)
3 December
Annie to be asked to booked the Arts Centre (LS/AB).