Area of interaction focus

7L1/8L2Unit 1 Assessment Task
Area of interaction focus
Significant concept(s)
Which area of interaction will be our focus?
Why have we chosen this?
What are the big ideas? What do we want our
students to retain for years into the future?
Human Ingenuity
Language is a foundation for everyday
life, human interaction and general
 The creation and use of language
as a means of communicating.
 Exploring grammatical patterns as
a way of building and creating
Communication with others is
exclusively dependent on some form of
MYP unit question
How can we benefit from learning a foreign language?
Is learning a symbol/character-based language different to
learning an alphabet based language?
Written Assessment Task
Create a cartoon consisting of two or more people meeting each other. The
people should introduce themselves to each other. The speech
bubbles/captions should be written in both characters and pinyin.
The highest marks will be awarded to pupils who:
Communicate their meaning clearly and effectively.
Effectively use the language and sentence structures that the pupil
has learnt during this unit (and other units that are related to this piece
of work).
Effectively link together structures/sentences from different chapters
and take risks at creating new, accurate ideas from the sentences the
pupil already knows.
Include at least 15 different Chinese characters (including 我,你,他/
The below table should help as a guide on how to achieve the top marks (8/8):
7–8 Information is communicated clearly and effectively and the layout makes the message
of the work clear.
5–6 Although information is communicated clearly, there are some problems with some of
the more complicated sentence structures. There are good ideas but they are not always
completely accurate.
3–4 There has been some difficulty in communicating the intended information; sentences
and ideas are repeated and not always related to the task. There are some problems with
the layout.
1–2 Information is not communicated clearly and ideas used are not related to the task. The
layout makes it very difficult to read and understand.
7L1/8L2Unit 1 Assessment Task
7–8 fēi cháng hǎo
好 - Excellent
Information was communicated extremely clearly and effectively, the content was
accurate and the layout made the message of the work very clear.
5–6 hěn hǎo
很 好 - Very good
Although information is communicated clearly, there were some problems with some
of the more complicated sentence structures. There were good ideas but they were not
always completely accurate.
3–4 hǎo
好 - Good
There has been some difficulty in communicating the intended information; sentences
and ideas are repeated and not always related to the task. There are some problems with
the layout.
1–2 bú gòu hǎo
不 够 好 - Not good enough
Information is not communicated clearly and ideas used are not related to the task. The
layout makes it very difficult to read and understand.
7L1/8L2Unit 1 Assessment Task
fēi cháng hǎo
非 常 好 - Excellent
Information was communicated extremely clearly and effectively, the content was
accurate and the layout made the message of the work very clear.
fēi cháng hǎo
非 常 好 - Excellent
Information was communicated extremely clearly and effectively, the content was
accurate and the layout made the message of the work very clear.
fēi cháng hǎo
非 常 好 - Excellent
Information was communicated extremely clearly and effectively, the content was
accurate and the layout made the message of the work very clear.
fēi cháng hǎo
非 常 好 - Excellent
Information was communicated extremely clearly and effectively, the content was
accurate and the layout made the message of the work very clear.
fēi cháng hǎo
非 常 好 - Excellent
Information was communicated extremely clearly and effectively, the content was
accurate and the layout made the message of the work very clear.
fēi cháng hǎo
非 常 好 - Excellent
Information was communicated extremely clearly and effectively, the content was
accurate and the layout made the message of the work very clear.
fēi cháng hǎo
非 常 好 - Excellent
Information was communicated extremely clearly and effectively, the content was
accurate and the layout made the message of the work very clear.
7L1/8L2Unit 1 Assessment Task
fēi cháng hǎo
非 常 好 - Excellent
Information was communicated extremely clearly and effectively, the content was
accurate and the layout made the message of the work very clear.
fēi cháng hǎo
非 常 好 - Excellent
Information was communicated extremely clearly and effectively, the content was
accurate and the layout made the message of the work very clear.
fēi cháng hǎo
非 常 好 - Excellent
Information was communicated extremely clearly and effectively, the content was
accurate and the layout made the message of the work very clear.
fēi cháng hǎo
非 常 好 - Excellent
Information was communicated extremely clearly and effectively, the content was
accurate and the layout made the message of the work very clear.
fēi cháng hǎo
非 常 好 - Excellent
Information was communicated extremely clearly and effectively, the content was
accurate and the layout made the message of the work very clear.
fēi cháng hǎo
非 常 好 - Excellent
Information was communicated extremely clearly and effectively, the content was
accurate and the layout made the message of the work very clear.
fēi cháng hǎo
非 常 好 - Excellent
Information was communicated extremely clearly and effectively, the content was
accurate and the layout made the message of the work very clear.
7L1/8L2Unit 1 Assessment Task
fēi cháng hǎo
非 常 好 - Excellent
Information was communicated extremely clearly and effectively, the content was
accurate and the layout made the message of the work very clear.
hěn hǎo
很 好 - Very good
Information was communicated clearly, there were one or two problems with some of
the more complicated sentence structures. There were good ideas but they were not
always completely accurate.
hěn hǎo
很 好 - Very good
Information was communicated clearly, there were one or two problems with some of
the more complicated sentence structures. There were good ideas but they were not
always completely accurate.
hěn hǎo
很 好 - Very good
Information was communicated clearly, there were one or two problems with some of
the more complicated sentence structures. There were good ideas but they were not
always completely accurate.
hěn hǎo
很 好 - Very good
Information was communicated clearly, there were one or two problems
with some of the more complicated sentence structures. There were good
ideas but they were not always completely accurate.
hěn hǎo
很 好 - Very good
Information was communicated clearly, there were one or two problems
with some of the more complicated sentence structures. There were good
ideas but they were not always completely accurate.
7L1/8L2Unit 1 Assessment Task
3–4 hǎo
好 - Good
There has been some difficulty in communicating the intended information; sentences
and ideas are repeated and not always related to the task. There are some problems with
the layout.
3–4 hǎo
好 - Good
There has been some difficulty in communicating the intended
information; sentences and ideas are repeated and not always related
to the task. There are some problems with the layout.
3–4 hǎo
好 - Good
There has been some difficulty in communicating the intended
information; sentences and ideas are repeated and not always related
to the task. There are some problems with the layout.
3–4 hǎo
好 - Good
There has been some difficulty in communicating the intended
information; sentences and ideas are repeated and not always related
to the task. There are some problems with the layout.
3–4 hǎo
好 - Good
There has been some difficulty in communicating the intended
information; sentences and ideas are repeated and not always related
to the task. There are some problems with the layout.