جامعة الزقازيق كلية الطب Zagazig University Faculty of Medicine Department of Anesthesia & Surgical Intensive Care Degree: Diploma in anesthesia & surgical intensive care Programme Specification 2012/2013 Date: 3 /2012 A-Basic Information 1- Programme : Diploma in Anesthesia & 2- Final Award: surgical intensive care (AIDI) Diploma degree (Dipl.) in Anesthesia & surgical intensive care. 3- Programme type: Single Double √ Multiple 4-Responsible Department: Anesthesia & surgical intensive care department. 5- Programme duration: 1 academic year. 6- Number of Programme Courses: 3courses Pharmacology (AIDI 01), Physics & clinical measurments (AIDI 02) and Anesthesia & surgical intensive care (AIDI 03), 7-Coordinator: Prof. Dr. / Doaa Mohamed Farid . 8-External evaluator: Prof .Dr. / Mohamed Emad Eldine . 9-Last date of programme specifications approval: 3/ 2012 10- Programme management team: Prof. Dr./ Abeer El Sawy . Prof. Dr./ Howaida Kamal . 1 1-Programme aims: The aim of this programme is to build the competencies of the postgraduate candidate to undertake comprehensive up-to-date practices of Anesthesia & surgical intensive care in a professional manner, to provide the knowledge and skills essential for the training and practice in the field of anesthesia & surgical intensive care. 2- Intended Learning Outcomes (ILOs): By the end of the Diploma programme in the Anesthesia& surgical intensive care candidate will be able to: A- Knowledge and Understanding KU1. Discuss the physical laws that control fluids, gases, volumes & pressures that affect the practice of anesthesia . KU2.Discuss the methods of measurement of cardiac out put, temperature &different physiological items . KU3. Describe the best methods of dealing with all tools & machines that used in the practice in a manner that display understanding how to deal with them . KU4.Discuss the inhalation anesthetics & nonvolatile anesthetic agents . KU5.Discuss neuromuscular blocking agents, cholinesterase inhibitors, & anticholinergic drugs . KU 6.Discuss adrenergic agonists & antagonists , hypotensive agents , local anesthetics & adjuncts to anesthesia. KU 7.Discuss airway management & preoperative preparation of the patient . KU 8.Discuss the anesthetic management of the patient in different cases of general anesthesia . KU 9.Discuss regional anesthesia & postoperative pain management . KU10.Discuss the management of Cardiopulmonary resuscitation, early postoperative period. 2 B: Intellectual Skills IS1. Integrate facts about function of different organs & effect of anesthetic drugs . IS2. Integrate facts about function of different anesthetic compounds and pathological conditions inside the body . IS 3. Analyze and evaluate the knowledge to solve medical problems in preoperative ,operative & postoperative time . IS 4. Join different types of knowledge to solve the professional problems. IS 5. Evaluate & manage risks in the professional practices of Anesthesia & surgical ICU . IS 6. Take professional decisions in different situations of anesthesia & surgical ICU. IS 7. Integrate facts about function of anesthetic machines & apparatuses. C- Professional/practical skills PS1 Work effectively in a group in surgical theater. PS2 Deal with different surgical & anesthetic procedures & complications . PS3 Use anesthetic devices & machines effectively . PS4 Write professional reports (anesthetic sheet) and evaluate some laboratory tests & interpret them. D- General &Transferable skills GS1. Discuss freely about most of medical problems. GS2. Use information and communication technology effectively. GS3. Solve problems related to work management and among colleagues. GS4. Practice the different types of effective communication. GS5. Evaluate him /herself and assess the personal educational needs. GS6. Use different resources to gain knowledge and information. GS7. Develop rules and indicators to evaluate the performance of others. GS8. Work in a team and lead teams in different professional situation. GS9. Manage the time effectively. GS10. Learn by self and in a continuous manner. 3 3. Academic standards: 3a. Generic academic Standards of Postgraduate Programmes prepared by National Authority of Quality Assurance and Accreditation of Education (NAQAAE). المعاييرالقياسية العامة لبرامج الدراسات العليا التي أعدتها الهيئة القومية لضمان جودة التعليم واالعتماد (2009)فبراير 3b. External reference (Benchmarks) (attached): Fellowship degree in Anesthesia & surgical ICU Programme of The Higher Committee of Medical Specialties . 3c. Matrices: i- Comparison between the ILOs of the Faculty of Medicine Zagazig university Diploma (Dipl.) in Anesthesia &surgical ICU programme and that of the Generic Academic standards of postgraduate programmes prepared by National Authority of Quality Assurance and Accreditation of Education. Generic academic standards of master ILOs of the programme Diploma in Remarks Anesthesia & المعايير األكاديمية العامة لبرامج الدراسات العليا intensive care ()برامج الماجستير programme, Faculty of medicine, Zagazig University المعرفة و الفهم-1 النظريات و األساسيات المتعلقة بمجال التعلم و كذا في-أ .المجاالت ذات العالقة المبادئ األخالقية و القانونية للممارسة المهنية في-ب .مجال التخصص مبادئ و أساسيات الجودة في الممارسات المهنية في-ج .مجال التخصص 4 KU1, KU2 KU3, KU4 KU5, KU6 KU7 100 % is fulfilled KU8د -تأثير الممارسة المهنية علي البيئة والعمل علي الحفاظ 100% is fulfilled 100% is fulfilled 100% is fulfilled KU9علي البيئة وصيانتها KU10 المهارات الذهنية IS1, IS2أ -تحليل و تقييم المشاكل في مجال التخصص وترتيبها وفقا ألولوياتها. IS3, IS4ب -حل المشاكل المتخصصة IS5ج -تقييم المخاطر في الممارسات المهنية في مجال التخصص. IS6د -التخطيط لتطوير األداء في مجال التخصص. IS7ه -أتخاذ القرارات المهنية في سياقات مهنية متنوعة. المهارات المهنية PS1, PS2أ -اتقان المهارات المهنية األساسية و الحديثة في مجال التخصص. PS3, PS4ب -كتابة و تقييم التقارير المهنية. GS1 GS2, GS3 GS4, GS5 GS6, GS7 GS8 GS9 GS10 المهارات العامة و المتنقلة أ -التواصل الفعال بأنواعه المختلفة ب -استخدام تكنولوجيا المعلومات بما يخدم الممارسة المهنية. ت -التقييم الذاتي و تحديد احتياجاته التعليمية الشخصية. ث -استخدام المصادر المختلفة للحصول علي احتياجاته التعليمية الشخصية. ج -العمل في فريق و قيادة فرق في سياقات مهنية مختلفة. ح -إدارة الوقت بكفاءة. د -التعلم الذاتي و المستمر. 5 ii- Comparison between the ILOs of the Diploma (Dipl.) Programme in Anesthesia & surgical intensive care, Faculty of medicine, Zagazig University and Egyptian Fellowship of Anesthesia & surgical intensive care. ILOs in Egyptian Fellowship of ILOs in Diploma of Approximate Anesthesia & ICU programme . Anesthesia & achievable ILOs intensive care programme Faculty of medicine, Zagazig 60% of knowledge & skills 40% & of training courses University 1. Preoperative assessment, Premedication, Anesthesia & Intensive care equipments, KU 7-10 70% IS 1-7 PS 1-4 Monitoring & safety. GS 1-10 100% 2.Induction, Intraoperative, Postoperative, & High dependence care. 3.Regional Anesthesia. Please Write here 4.Management of Trauma. which 5.Obestetric, pediatric, & Elderly KU, IS PS and GS 60% 100% 50% Anesthesia. 6. Pain Management. 20% 7. Neuro-& Vascular- anesthesia 0% 6 8. Day surgery, Orthopedic, & Diagnostic Anesthesia. 9.Maxillofacial/Dental, ophthalmic Please Write here 100% which KU, IS PS and GS 10% Anesthesia 70% 10.Ear, Nose, & Throat. 11.Orthopedic/Urology/Gynecology& 60% General surgery Anesthesia.(+/Transplantation) 12.Cardiac/ thoracic &Vascular Anesthesia. 13.Management of Respiratory Please Write here 0% which KU, IS PS and GS 100% & Cardiac Arrest. 13. Infection control & Critical 0% incidences. 7 4- Programme structure: Course units Teaching hours AIDI 01 1-10 AIDI 02 1-7 AIDI 03 1-3 weeks Academic year 32 1st part 1 h x 32 w = 32 h 2 h x 32w = 64 h 3 h x32 w = 96 h + Attendance of 64 operative lists. (2daysx32w = 64 lists) 64 X6 h = 384 h +20 night shifts in 32 1st part 32 2nd part Emergency room (8 h each / course ) (obligatory) . Total NB: 192 + 384 = 576 h +20 32 night shifts in ER (8h) (obligatory) 3 COURSES ARE TAKEN IN simultaneous TIME. 5. Programme courses explained in programme structure . CODE NO. AIDI 03 AIDI 02 AIDI 01 UN IT ES TITEL 1. 2. Airway management General anesthesia (GA) 3. Special anesthesia. 1. 2. 1. 2. 3. 4. HOURES THEORE PRAC TICAL TICAL 4 56 36 Physics Clinical measurement Inhalation anesthetics Nonvolatile Anesthetic Agents Neuromuscular Blocking Agents Cholinesterase Inhibitors 24 8 8 10 8 384 +20 shifts in ER - NO OF WEEKS TOTAS 1 18 384 +20 shifts in ER / 13 course + 96 theoretical 24 8 4 5 6 3 4 2 5. Anticholinergic Drugs 4 2 6. 8 4 7. Adrenergic Agonists & Antagonists Hypotensive Agents 4 2 8. 9. 10. Local Anesthetics Adjuncts to Anesthesia Variable Drugs 4 7 9 192 2 3.5 4.5 32 total 6- Programme admission requirements Obtain Bachelor Degree in Medicine and Surgery. (M.B.B.Ch) 7- Regulations for progression and programme completion At the end of the Academic Year * Fulfillment of the log book (Attendance, effective discussion in seminars, performance in practical theater). * Pass Examination of the courses . 9 8- Evaluation of programme intended learning outcomes Evaluator 1- Exams results 2- Students Tool Results analysis Report Questionnaires 4-Stakeholders 3-Graduates after achieving Questionnaires – group Diploma degree discussion *- teaching staff. * - Hospitals where -Interviews graduates are -Internet Contact working -Phone calls *- Nongovernmental Questionnaires hospitals . *- Ministry of health 5-External Evaluator Questionnaires Sample All the students All the students 10 at least 10 at least 9- References: A)- Essential Books: -Morgane (2006):Clinical Anesthesiology, McGraw-Hill, USA. -Flash on Anesthesia :Hesham M EL A-zzazi . B)- SUGGESTED MATERIALS: -Browsing web sites of Anesthesia & surgical ICU : www.Zu.edu.eg, Entrez pubmed -Medical journals : ICU J, Anesthesia J , Br J of Anesthesia , Experimental pharmacology. 10- Supports for Candidates and their Learning: Candidates and their learning are supported in a number of ways: Printed copies of the programme and Anesthesia ICU courses (Candidates aware of the ILOs and requirement of the Diploma degree in Anesthesia &ICU . Availability of University central library. Availability of the Faculty postgraduate library Availability of the Department Postgraduate library. Availability of the faculty digital library. Availability of the other educational resources included in every course. 10 11- Methods used for improving the programme: Peer teaching observations and feedback to the programme management team and the coordinator (written reports at the end of the courses). Faculty appointed external examiners. Candidates evaluation of teaching (Questionnaires). Contact with Suez canal University asking for their support. 12- Committee with responsibility for monitoring and evaluating quality: Internal Evaluators: 1- Random sample of stuff of Anesthesia & surgical ICU Department. 2- Member from Quality unit in the faculty: Assist prof\ Abeer Albiomy khalefa. External Evaluator : Prof. Dr. Mohamed Emad El dine : Faculty of Medicine – Suez canal University 13- Regulations of assessment by-laws of the Diploma (Dipl) degree postgraduate of the faculty of medicine. 1. Anesthesia &Surgical ICU (AIDI 03) 1- Attendance of at least 75% of the teaching courses. 2- Log book fulfilled and approved by the head of the department. Tools Written exam Oral exam Practical exam Total marks Mark 160 2 Papers (80 each) 120 120 400 Percentage of the total mark 40 % 30 % 30 % NB: Examinations are conducted twice yearly (months 5 & 11) 2. Physics (AIDI 02) 1- Attendance of at least 75% of the teaching courses. 2 - Log book fulfilled and approved by the head of the department Tools Written exam Oral exam Practical exam Mark 40 60 --- 11 Percentage of the total mark 40 % 60 % 00 % Total marks 100 3 . Pharmacology (AIDI 01). 1-Attendance of at least 75% of the teaching courses. 2-Log book fulfilled and approved by the head of the department. Tools Written exam Oral exam Practical exam Total marks Mark 40 60 --100 Percentage of the total mark 40 % 60 % 00 % 14- Rules for awarding the Diploma Degree in Anesthesia & surgical ICU: * Candidates must pass the final exam of courses : Anesthesia & surgical intensive care (Anesth.1), Physics & clinical measurements 1(Anesth. 2), Pharmacology 1(Anesth.3) . (at least 60% ). 12