The Constitution of The Bowling Green State
Classical Singers Forum
Our mission is to provide an informational forum to educate voice majors for future
endeavors on and off campus through the experiences and professional opinion of the
faculty and their colleagues.
Article I. Name of the Organization
Section 1.
This organization shall be known as the Bowling Green State
University Classical Singers Forum (known hereafter as Classical
Singers Forum).
Article II. Affiliation with other groups
Section 1.
Professional Affiliation- Sigma Alpha Iota, Musician Wellness group,
Phi Mu Alpha, and ProMusica
Article III. Purpose, Aims, Functions of the Organization
Section 1.
To address questions of voice majors and to prepare voice majors for
future endeavors on and off campus.
Section 2.
To provide an informational forum to educate Voice Majors on the
steps necessary to have a professional career within Classical Music.
Section 3.
To benefit from the experiences and professional opinion of our
faculty and their colleagues.
Section 4.
To create a sense of unity with all voice majors, and ultimately create
a community among singers.
Article IV. Membership Requirements
Note: This Article should include everything needed to be a member of
your organization. These requirements might include, but not limited
to, GPA, attendance, applications, and failures to meet these terms.
Section 1.
Must be a Classical Singer
Section 2.
Members must come to 75% of the presentations
Section 3.
Members must pay $10 per year, or $5 per semester, or $3 per
Section 4.
All members must be in good academic and professional standing
with the University and its affiliates.
Article V. Officers
Section 1.
The officers in this organization will be the President, Vice-President
of Administration, Vice-President of Finance, Vice-President of
Marketing/Public Relations.
Section 2.
Each officer shall assume his/her duties following completion of the
election process for that office. A term shall last one year. The only
exception to this is the replacement of an officer in the event of a
vacancy (please refer to Section 7 of this article). The election process
is to occur at any sensible point in the year, a time agreed upon by the
Advisor and Officers. The offices may be divided into up to two
different general elections throughout the year, but all offices shall be
fully serving for as much of the year as possible.
Section 3.
No member may hold the same office for more than two terms. Also,
no member may hold more than one office at a time.
Section 4.
a. The President’s responsibilities are to:
1. Insure clear communication between the Advisors, Director,
officers, and members.
2. Oversee operations of the forum.
3. Maintain order in all meetings.
4. Assist in establishing communication between the presenters
and the organization
5. Delegate and oversee all officer responsibilities.
6. Run officer meetings
7. Vote only in the case of a tie (not including the President’s
vote). This includes officer meetings and general votes.
b. The Vice-President of Administration’s responsibilities are to:
1. Assist the president and officers in any way needed
2. Check the organizations’ e-mail daily and respond within a
timely manor.
3. Responsible for any and all paperwork involved in the
presentations or overall forum.
4. In charge of new member registration
5. Communicate with outside associations
c. The Vice-President of Finance’s responsibilities are to:
1. Take charge of all organizational finances and accounts
2. Keep track of all budgeting and finances while the group is
on a trip or doing something that requires funds
3. Account for all money brought in by the organization
4. Keep ledger current and available for an Advisor or officer
request within five business days
5. Pay bills and collect all receipts.
6. Communicate details of funds with the forum and officers
7. Organize trips in conjunction with budgets available.
d. The Vice-President of Marketing/Public Relations are to:
1. Provide publicity for presentations and general meetings
2. Work with VP of Administration and VP of Finance to plan
trips and organize the itinerary.
3. Keep website up to date with latest information.
4. Update social media websites (i.e. Facebook page, twitter,
website etc.)
5. Publish press releases pertaining to activities and events
Section 5.
Any member of the group may be appointed to a non-voting position
of the officer committee. Presidential appointment and a majority vote
by officers shall create a new position.
Section 6.
Any officer visibly negligent in fulfilling his/her duties can be subject
to impeachment. The President must give at least one-week notice to
the officer subject to impeachment. Should the President be negligent
in fulfilling his/her duties, a majority vote from the entirety of the
other officers as well as at least a one-week notice to the President
will suffice as an initiation of the impeachment process. The officer in
question is permitted ample time prior to the vote to explain his/her
actions. The other officers and Advisors vote to impeach beginning
with the highest office and ending with the Advisors, requiring a
majority vote to remove.
Article VI. Faculty Staff/Advisor
Section 1.
The Advisor for the Classical Singers Forum will be a full-time voice
faculty member in the College of Musical Arts. The duties of the
Advisor are to advise the officers and to assist the officers at their
requests. The Advisors are to be an advocate for the forum in all
circumstances pertaining to education or the betterment of the forum
at large. The Advisors are bound to this constitution as all members
of the Classical Singers Forum are.
Article VII. Meetings
Section 1.
Officer Meetings
Officers of the Classical Singers Forum will meet bi-weekly unless a
majority is in agreement not to hold a meeting. Two meetings in a row
may not be cancelled by this process. Membership must be aware of
location and time of regularly scheduled officer meetings. All meetings
will be open to members unless previously stated that it will be a
closed meeting. The President may call any meeting temporarily
closed at any time.
Section 2.
Professional Presentations
Workshops will be held on weeks that there is not an officer meeting.
At the officer meetings the content of the workshop will be selected
and must agree with the mission of the Classical Singers Forum.
Article VIII. Finance
Section 1.
Section 2.
Section 3.
All money will appear in the chapter budget and shall pass the ledger
as kept by the Vice-President of Finance. The ledger must be made
available to the Advisors and officers at any time.
Any cash flow in regard to fundraisers, merchandise sales, programs,
private donations, corporate sponsors, or any other activities will be
reported directly to the Vice-President of Finance.
The Vice-President of Finance will compile a complete yearly budget
for the organization at the close of his/her term, and this budget will
serve as a review of the finances, separate from those reviews
ordained by the University.
Article X.
Section 1.
Any member of the Classical Singers’ Forum may propose
amendments to this constitution in writing. Amendments will be
voted upon at a meeting of general membership.
Section 2.
Written notice of any proposed amendment are to be known to the
organization’s officers no later than ten days before the general
meeting. The proposed amendment are to be known to the general
membership one week before the general meeting.
Section 3.
Any constitutional amendment will be amended by a majority vote of
general membership. However, in order for a vote to occur, at least
two-thirds of the membership must be present at the general meeting.
Article XI: Ratification
Section 1.
This constitution will be adopted when approved by a three-fourths
vote of the general membership. Notification of the ratification
proceedings will be made at least one week in advance. This
constitution will take effect immediately upon approval.
Revision Date: ______________