Molekylär genetik TFB113 - ( 4p )

Molekylär genetik TFB1 13 - ( 4p )
Molecular genetics
Advancement level: D
Novel aspects of procaryotic cell regulation
Procaryotic molecular and cell biology have been at the forefront of fundamental discoveries
in molecular biology for last 40 years. Bacteria are perfect model organisms because of small
genome and rapid growth rate. Studies with bacteria resulted in recent progress in the
understanding of the regulation of complex biological processes.
Bacteria live in changing environment and must respond to this. They employ unique
strategies to survive during various conditions.
The objective of the course is to present advances in the knowledge about the molecular
mechanisms of the procaryotic cell regulation and answer the question:
How bacteria respond to changing environments?
The principles of transcriptional control are assumed to be known from basic courses.
The focus of this course is on novel regulatory systems discovered in recent years.
We will discuss the common procaryotic signal transduction mechanisms and the metabolic
controls that rely on the ability of cells to accurately respond to the levels of nutrients and
product in the cell and in the environment.
We will learn about a novel regulatory system using cyclic nucleotides (c-di GMP).
We will also study the most fascinating recent results concerning controls at the level of
translation and degradation by small RNAs. Small RNAs represent the key regulators of
environmental adaptation and virulence-gene expression.
Lectures, seminars and discussion of recent literature.
Course content:
Overview of regulatory mechanisams: Operons under promoter control, operons under
attenuator control, operon regulation by translational control, catabolite repression, the
stringet response.
Regulation of gene expression by sigma factors.
Regulation of gene expression via signal transduction pathways.
Epigenetic gene regulation in the bacteria. Role of DNA Adenine methylation in regulating
bacterial gene expression and virulence.
RNA molecules in gene regulation: Riboswitches and the role of noncoding RNAs in gene
control. Small RNAs, coordinators of adaptation processes in bacteria.
The role of RNAs in the regulation of virulence-gene expression.
Course literature:
Singleton Paul: Bacteria in Biology, Biotechnology and medicine 5th edition, John Wiley and
Sons, LTD
Madigan M.T., Martinko J.M.:Brock Biology of Microorganisms 11ed Pearson, Prentice Hall
Actual articles:
Wion, D., Casadesus, J 2006 N6-methyl-adenine: an epigenetic signal för DNA-protein
intereaktions Nature Revievs Microbiology Vol 4:183-192.
Low, D.A., Weyand, N. J., and Mahan, M.J.2001. Roles of DNA Adenine methylation in
regulating bacterial gene expression and virulence . Infection and Immunity, Vol 69 :
Casadeus, J. Low, D. 2006 Epigenetic Gene Regulation in the Bacterial World. Microbiolofgy
and Molecular Biology Reviews, Vol 70: 830-856.
Tucker, B.J., Breaker, R.R.2005. Riboswitches as versatile gene control elements. Current
Opinion in Structural Bilology, Vol.15:342-348.
Winkler, W.C.2005.Riboswitches and the role of noncoding RNAs in bacterial metabolic
control. Current Opinion in Chemical Biology. Vol 9:594-602.
Storz G.,Haas, D. 2007. A guide to small RNAs in microorganisms. Current Opinion in
Microbiology. Vol 10:93-95.
Gottesman, S. 2005. Micros for microbes:non-coding regulatory RNAs in bacteria. Trends in
Storz,G., Opdyke, J.,A.,Zhang, A. Controlling mRNA stability and translation with small.
noncoding RNAs. Current Opinion in Microbiology, Vol7:140-144.
Repoila, F.Majdalani, N., Gottesman, S. 2003. Small non-coding RNAs, co-ordinators of
adaptation processes in Escherichia coli: the RpoS paradigm. Molecular Microbiology,
Vol.48: 855-861.
Wasserman, K.,M. 2002. Small RNAs in bacteria: Diverse regulators of gene expression in
response to environmental changes. Cell, Vol 109:141-144.
Toledo-Arana,A., Repoila, F., Cossart, P. 2007: Small noncoding RNAs controlling
pathogenesis.Current Opinion in Microbiology, Vol10:182-188.
Romby, P., Vandenesch, F., Wagner, G.,H. The role of RNA in the regulation of virulencegene expression. Current Opinion in Microbiology, Vol.9:2219-236.
Complement literature
Articles of students individual choice
Examination: Written examination 4p
TFBI 13 (H - 2007)
Lokal :Myrstacken
Vecka 35
On 29/8
Introduktion (GM)
Kontrollmekanismer-grundläggande principer.
Delas ut literatur till repetition och komplettering
av basala kunskaper inom område
Le .Grupp I formulerar frågor till "grundläggande
Le. Grupp II jobbar med svar till frågor
10.15 - 12.00
S. Grupp I och II Redovisning, diskussion (GM)
On 12/9
F. Epigenetiska mekanismer i genkontroll (GM)
Delas ut studieliteratur och frågor (ingår i
examination" Tema I")
Fre 14/9
S. Inledning till Tema II:
RNA-molekyler i genreglering
Studieliteratur delas ut
Vecka 36
On 5/9
To 6/9
Vecka 37
Vecka 38
Studenter jobbar med tema II
Vecka 39
On 26/9
To 27/9
Le. Grupp II formulerar frågor till tema II
Le .Grupp I jobbar med svar till frågor
10.15 - 12.00
S. Grupp I och II. Redovisning, diskussion (GM)
Inledning till "Tema III" s-RNA i kontroll av
patogenes "Studieliteratur delas ut
Vecka 40
Studenter jobbar med tema III
Vecka 41
Må 8/10
Le. Grupp I formulerar frågor till tema III
(lämnas för Grupp II i "Dialog låda"
On 10/10
S. Grupp I och II Redovisning för tema III (GM)
Studenter får hemtenta uppgift
Vecka 42
Studenter jobbar med hemtenta uppgift
Vecka 43
Ti 23/10
S. Kursutvardering.
Lämna hemtenta