Role of non-neuronal changes in learning / activity based plasticity. – MAINTENANCE!!!! One is Brenda's 1994? Paper showing the correlation between synapse number and astrocyte Vv. The other is Jeff's astrocyte persistence paper. Discussed already????? Regulation of Astrocyte Plasticity Is this redundant? This was mentioned in the section on non-neuronal plasticity and perhaps should merely be elaborated more in that section there are two studies that might be discussed in more detail either in that section or here. Tj's ensheathment paper fits in this discussion. The point of putting it here is by way of a segue into a discussion of the tendency to ignore non neuronal (or even nonsynaptic) changes. BILL, IT SEEMS THAT MOST OF THIS PARAGRAPH PROVIDES FURTHER SUPPORT FOR THE NON-GLOBAL (METABOLIC) EFFECT OF ACTIVITY ON PLASTICITY, BUT DOESN’T SAY MUCH ABOUT “DIFFERENT TYPES OF PLASTICITY. MAYBE YOU CAN INTEGRATE IT INTO OTHER PARTS OF THE TEXT, OR MOVE THE WHOLE THING….. Although differential experience can induce widespread plastic changes within the brain, the concept that different kinds of plasticity occur in different situations, and suggests that the type and location of the plasticity is dependent upon the nature of the experience (Morris et al., 1989; Klintsova & Greenough, 1999). As discussed above, motor training experiences that involve the development of motor skill induce changes in synapse number within the cerebellar and motor cortices while extensive repetition of unskilled movements causes non-neuronal changes, but no change in synapse number (Black et al., 1990; Kleim et al., 1996; Kleim et al., 1998c; Kleim et al., 2002b). Similarly, the acquisition of skilled forelimb movements resulted in reorganization of forelimb movement representations within motor cortex (Nudo et al., 1996; Kleim et al., 1998a) while extensive repetition of unskilled movements (Plautz et al., 2000; Kleim et al., 2002a) and forelimb strength training (Remple, et al., 2001) were without effect. In contrast, strength training increased synapse number in the ventral spinal cord but motor skill training was without effect (Kleim, et al., 2001). Differential patterns of plasticity can also be observed across types of learning that seemingly use similar neuronal pathways. For example, motor skill training does not alter synapse number within the deep cerebellar nuclei (Kleim, et al., 1998) whereas eye blink conditioning does CAN’T END SENTENCE LIKE THIS (Bruneau, et al., 2001). BUT WHO IS SAYING THAT THESE DIFFERENT FORMS OF ACTIVITY ARE UTILIZING THE SAME AREAS??? CAN WE BE MORE SPECIFIC ABOUT “DEEP CEREBELLAR NUCLEUS”?? Even within a specific learning experience plasticity can be found within some brain regions but not others. DOESN’T THIS SIMPLY SAY THAT NOT ALL BRAIN AREAS ARE INVOLVED IN ALL BEHAVIORS? Complex housing causes dendritic hypertrophy in visual and sensory cortices but not in prefrontal or temporal cortex (Kolb ref). SAME ISSUE AS ABOVE. Skilled forelimb reach training causes a reorganization of movement representations and an increase in synapse number within the caudal IS THIS EQUIVALENT TO PRIMARY MOTOR CORTEX? forelimb area but not within the neighboring rostral WHEREAS THIS IS SUPPLEMENTARY MOTOR CORTEX? IF SO, THERE ARE CLEAR REASONS WHY CHANGES MIGHT BE EXPRESSED IN CAUDAL AND NOT ROSTRAL AREAS forelimb area (Kleim, et al., 2002). THIS SEEMS OUT OF PLACE, IMPORTANT, BUT NOT IN THE RIGHT SPOT. Interestingly, reach training induced increase of field potential in forelimb contralateral to preferred limb (vs. ipsilateral) in layer II/III (Rioult-Pedotti, et al., 1998), suggesting a selective strengthening of horizontal cortical connections associated with learning new motor skills. Complex motor training is associated with an increase in synapse number within the cerebellar cortex (Kleim, et al., 1998) but not within the deep cerebellar nuclei (Kleim, et al., 1998). REDUNDANT FROM ABOVE. The specificity of the plasticity can even be reduced to subpopulations of neurons within the same brain region. For example, complex housing causes dendritic hypertrophy within cerebellar Purkinje cells but not granule cells (Floeter and Greenough, 1979). Reach training causes dendritic hypertrophy within layer II/III of the motor cortex that is restricted to a specific class of pyramidal cells (Withers and Greenough, 1989). Finally, plasticity can even be observed to be restricted to specific afferents onto individual neurons. Complex motor skill training causes an increase in parallel fiber synapses onto Purkinje cells but not climbing fibers (Kleim, et al., 1998). Eyeblink conditioning causes an increase in the number of excitatory synapses within the anterior interpositus without alter inhibitory synapse numbers (Bruneau, et al., 2001). Similarly strength training causes an increase in excitatory but not inhibitory axosomatic synapses within the ventral spinal cord (Kleim, et al., 2001). THIS PREVIOUS SECTION IS JUST KIND OF PATCHY, USEFUL BUT NOT CONSISTENT WITH SPIRIT OF PAPER. THESE CONCEPTS SEEMS TO GO WITH THIS SECTION: Synaptic specificity supported by “synaptic tag” that is localized and protein-synthesis independent (Frey and Morris, 1997). Fits concept of metaplasticity in that history of synapse (even sub optimal stimulation patterns) pre-disposes synapse to subsequent modification. Could consider integrating notion of differential parameters necessary/sufficient to induce LTP (emphasize model of learning, not that it is equivalent or necessary for) in multiple areas of the brain. That one type of stimulus does not result in the same effect in numerous areas of the brain suggests (obviously) differential make-up of that area and surely different mechanisms. This notion would simply parallel our argument of different “types of plasticity” (as defined anatomically), with physiological correlates (Yun, et al., 2002); (Trepel and Racine, 1998). This goes on the end or might be placed elsewhere: A note on Long-term potentiation CHANGE ORDER TO REFLECT MORPHOLOGICAL CHANGES ASSOCIATED WITH LTP (EB, MS) AND SUPPORTED BY AS. Engert and Bonhoeffer have reported apparent synaptogenesis in vitro in association with LTP induction. High-frequency stimulation produced enhanced growth of filopodia-like protrusions in CA1 slices (viewed with 2-photon), an effect that was blocked by NMDAR antagonism (Maletic-Savatic, et al., 1999). ALSO WORK OF ANDERSEN AND SOLENG (Andersen and Soleng, 1998) WHO SHOWED SYNAPTOGENESIS ASSOCIATED WITH LTP AND SPATIAL LEARNING (THEY SUGGESTED BIFURCATION/BRANCHING OF EXISTING SPINES) END WITH EMPHASIS THAT LTP IS A NEURONAL MODEL OF LEARNING. At least 3 studies, HOWEVER, dissociate LTP from spatial behavior and morphological change. The primary point I want to make is the apparent dissociation of LTP from EC effects on synapses published by J. Tsien in Nature Neuroscience. This suggests that LTP and synaptogenesis are independent phenomena. I am not sure what the range of the evidence is or the weight of it (e.g., other more recent work that bears on this issue, most of which are likely to have cited both of the above studies (Tsien and E-B) and hence should be locatable via the science citation index, which I have not used for the last million years), but the dissociation to me seems most powerful-synapse addition may mediate LTP, but synapse addition need not involve an LTP-like process for its induction. IS THIS THE VENUE TO EVEN BRING UP FRAGILE X/FMRP???? On the Horizon: A Role for Protein Synthesis at the synapse Since the first report of morphological evidence for protein synthesis at the synapse (Steward & Levy, 1992) there has been a growing body of literature investigating this phenomenon. Some forms of synaptic and dendritic protein synthesis have been shown to be activated by metabotropic glutamate receptors (mGluR) in some cases (e.g., Weiler & Greenough, 1993; Weiler et al., 1994, 1997; Eberwine PNAS-still in press?) and by NMDA receptors as well (Sheetz et al., 2000). Proteins synthesized at synapses include the fragile X protein FMRP and calcium/calmodulin-dependent protein kinase II (CAMKII). FMRP has also been shown to be necessary for the mGluR-dependent synthesis, which is not observed in FMR1 knockout mice (cite Spangler abstract). Plasticityinducing forms of electrical stimulation have been shown to trigger the transcription and transport of mRNA for the protein ARC to dendritic sites of stimulation, where it is translated (Steward and Worley references). mGluR1 activation, ARC synthesis and CAMKII activity have been proposed to be involved in various forms of plasticity (Huber/Bear work; Steward; Mary Kennedy), although details of the specific functions of synaptic or dendritic protein synthesis are still under investigation. Do you think we need to say anything more here? The chapter is really not "about" this, and I am not sure (but open to suggestions) what additional data makes sense to include. In summary, brain plasticity appears to be a phenomenon that is not restricted to elements that are neuron-specific. In fact, it could be argued that neuronal plasticity is but a small fraction of the overall changes that occur in response to experience and that we are just beginning to understand the importance of these other forms of brain plasticity. A big waving of our hands to and draw grand conclusions, followed by speculations on direction….. CHAPTER WORKING NOTES: MSVs—Kara; TJ; specialized synaptic morph changes. Tissue cultures lacking astrocytes—how good a model? Lack of synapse formation in cultures without astrocytes (Ullian, et al., 2001). Moreover, even when synapses do form, they are functionally immature. Obvious implications on studies of “synaptic plasticity” in vitro. NOT SURE WE HAVE TIME FOR THIS NOR IS THIS NECESSARILY CONSISTENT WITH UNDERLYING THEME OF THE PAPER. Lack of astro part of ECM. Lack of basis for TPA, other actions probably involved in synaptogenesis. MMP3, MMP6, MMP9 (Metalomatrix proteins), stromolysin, gelatinase. Roles of Astros, ECM, TPA, etc. in synaptogenesis; adhesions; rec aggregation DEFINITELY NOT ENOUGH TIME FOR THIS. Incorporate Harris, Matus, Segal. Motility and shape issues. Put together a model, slow accumulation of synapses via overproduction-selection as a basis for the stable long-term substrate of memory; plus fast shape changes, PSD size, perfs, interpret multiple synapses from local and wiring diagram view. DONE TO AN EXTENT, NIX THIS SECTION?