Antenna Theory ECE5324 Lab 1 Design and Testing of A Patch Microstrip Antenna Jeff Spiegel and Nick Nielson Version – 2/18/2016 Table of Contents 1 2 3 Objective .............................................................................................................................................. 1 Procedures ........................................................................................................................................... 2 Analysis ................................................................................................................................................ 4 3.1 NETWORK ANALYZER ........................................................................................................................ 4 3.2 ANECHOIC CHAMBER ......................................................................................................................... 7 4 Simulation ............................................................................................................................................ 9 5 Conclusions .........................................................................................................................................10 Table of Equations EQUATION 2-1: U-SHAPED SLOT DESIGN EQUATIONS..................................................................................... 2 EQUATION 4-1: GUIDE WAVELENGTH FOR LEXAN AT 5.5 GHZ ....................................................................... 9 Table of Programs PROGRAM 2-1: COMPUTING THE DESIGN DIMENSIONS.................................................................................... 2 Table of Tables TABLE 2-1: TABLE 2-2: TABLE 3-1: TABLE 3-2: TABLE 4-1: TABLE 4-2: DESIGN DIMENSIONS FOR THE U-SHAPED SLOT ANTENNA........................................................... 2 THREE ANTENNAS BUILT ............................................................................................................... 3 FREQUENCY RESPONSES FOR THREE ANTENNAS .......................................................................... 4 TRANSMITTING AND RECEIVING ANTENNA FREQUENCY MATCHES ............................................. 7 DEFINING THE FDTD GRID ........................................................................................................ 10 ELECTRICAL MATERIALS ............................................................................................................ 10 Table of Text TEXT 2-1: PROGRAM RUN RESULTS ................................................................................................................. 2 1 Objective A dual frequency patch antenna will be designed. The frequencies in our case are those of the wireless PC network 802.11 standard, namely 2450 MHz and 5500 MHz. To achieve both frequencies in a single design, we must include two sections in the patch that make up two distinct antennas. Section 1: (10 pages) 1 2 Procedures Of the alternative geometries for the patch antenna, we chose to use the U slot architecture. The U slot has the advantage in that it only requires a single antenna feed for both frequencies. The L patch or Folded Slit antenna on the other hand requires two feeds.1 Equation 2-1: U-Shaped Slot Design Equations f1 c / (4*(L1+W1)) f2 c / (4*(L2+W2)) where L1 and W1 are the lower operational frequency dimensions of the outer larger antenna where L2 and W2 are the higher operational frequency dimensions of the inner antenna By fixing one of the dimensions we can solve for the other dimension. Table 2-1: Design Dimensions for the U-Shaped Slot Antenna Frequency 2450 MHz 5500 MHz Length (fixed) 2 cm. 0.9 cm. Width (dependent) 1.1 cm. 0.46 cm. Program 2-1: Computing the Design Dimensions fprintf('\n__________ Inputs ____________\n') f1 = 2450e6 f2 = 5500e6 c = 3e8 L1 = 0.02 L2 = 0.009 % Outer length in meters % Inner length in meters fprintf('__________ Results ____________\n') W1 = eval(solve('f1 = c/(4*(L1+W1))','W1')) % fprintf('Width for f1 is: %g\n',W1) W2 = eval(solve('f2 = c/(4*(L2+W2))','W2')) Text 2-1: Program run results __________ Inputs ____________ f1 = 2.45e+009 f2 = 5.5e+009 c= 300000000 L1 = 0.02 L2 = 0.009 __________ Results ____________ W1 = 0.010612 1 PIFAs for Internal Mobile Phone Antennas, s.2.2.2, p.27 Section 1: (10 pages) 2 W2 = 0.0046364 The capacitive fringing effect tends to make an antenna appear to be 2-4% longer than it is so designing a slightly shorter antenna is reasonable. One of the problems with these very small dimensions is manufacturing the antenna. In retrospect it would have been better to acquire one of the Radio Shack etching kits to make the layout. The etching kits works by making a transparency with the desired patch design. Then the transparency is placed over the copper board and exposed to UV light. Finally the etching chemicals remove the exposed areas while the copper is preserved behind the inked transparency regions. We built three types of antennas. Table 2-2: Three antennas built Material Styrofoam Lexan Lexan Substrate thickness 3/8” = 9.5 mm 3/8” = 9.5 mm 1/8” = 3.2 mm Permittivity ~ 1.0 ~ 4.0 ~ 4.0 The rule of thumb in the design is that the wavelength must be much greater than the substrate thickness. By using a higher permittivity material, the wavelength in the material will be smaller, so we can get by with a thinner substrate. The disadvantage is that there will be lower gain and higher power loss in the material as opposed to using air as the substrate. Lexan is a low permittivity material, but not as low as air.2 Figure 2-1: Strofoam 3/8” Lexan 3/8” and Lexan 1/8” Substrate Antennas 2 Section 1: (10 pages) 3 3 Analysis The bandwidth and efficiency of a patch antenna increase with substrate thickness and decrease with permittivity. Hence, increasing thickness and minimizing permittivity produce greater bandwidth. 3.1 Network Analyzer The first stage of the analysis was measuring the S11 or reflection coefficient on the Network Analyzer. The grid setting was set to 10 dB drop per grid. The ‘Return Loss’ is a measure of the amount of power not reflected, i.e. radiated by the antenna plus any losses in the material. Table 3-1: Frequency Responses for Three Antennas Antenna Measured Low Frequency (GHz) Zin @ Low Freq (Ohms) Return Loss (~dB) Measured High Frequency (GHz) Zin @ High Freq (Ohms) Return Loss (~dB) Styrofoam 3/8” substrate Lexan 3/8” substrate 2.55 42-j20 13 7.5 21+j20 19 1.83 1.7 – 1.9 BW 2.5 94+j31 7 42+4.5j 25 30-j6 7 5.5 to 8 Wide Bandwidth 5.5 72+j 20 Lexan 1/8” substrate Here are a list of observations and explanations for the three antennas: Figure 3-1: Styrofoam 3/8” on Network Analyzer Section 1: (10 pages) 4 Sytrofoam 3/8” Substrate This antenna had the best return loss or gain. The Styrofoam substrate has permittivity close to air that had lower losses than the Lexan sustrate. Due to the difficulty in cutting copper tape on Styrofoam, the patch had a lot of bumps. These contributed to a small amount of RL, 5 dB, across the intermediate frequencies due to some reflection at all of these bumps. The shorting copper tape came loose just above the patch area leaving a 2 mm gap. Due to the high frequency of operation this gap is still a virtual short. Figure 3-2: Lexan 3/8” Substrate Low Frequency Section 1: (10 pages) 5 Figure 3-3: Lexan 3/8" Substrate High Frequency Lexan 3/8” Substrate Thick substrate produced wide bandwidth at both low and high frequencies The return loss was not so great at the low frequency due to the very thick substrate Section 1: (10 pages) 6 Figure 3-4: Lexan 1/8” Substrate Lexan 1/8” Substrate The thin substrate produced a good return loss. The low and high dual frequencies were very accurate. This antenna was showing a third band at 4.4 GHz. There are two possible causes. The curved nature of the right side may have induced some reflection or a small slit I placed in the right side in trying to straighten it would be the source of some reflection. The RL is about 10 dB or half that of the high frequencies. 3.2 Anechoic chamber The second stage was to place the antenna into the anechoic chamber to measure the radiation pattern at the two frequencies. The noise floor in this room is about –70 dBm. The measurements were done with the 1/8” Lexan substrate antenna because the frequencies best matched the receiving antennas. Table 3-2: Transmitting and Receiving Antenna Frequency Matches Signal Generator 2.45 GHz 5.5 GHz Section 1: (10 pages) Antenna Transmitter Frequency Patch Lexan 1/8” at 2.45 GHz Patch Lexan 1/8” at 5.5 GHz Antenna Receiving Frequency Dipole at 2.45 GHz Waveguide receiver good from 4.2-5.6 GHz 7 The Waveguide Antenna was within the right frequency range and read the 180-degree radiation pattern we expected at 5.5 GHz. The rectangular waveguide is often used as a probe as for near-field measurement, because of its compact size.3 Figure 3-5: Ftheta Ratiation Pattern measured with 4.2-5.6 GHz Waveguide Ftheta Ratiation Pattern measured with 4.2-5.6 GHz Waveguide 90 1 120 60 0.8 0.6 150 30 0.4 0.2 180 0 210 330 240 300 270 3 Antenna Theory and Design, Stutzman and Thiele, p.290 Section 1: (10 pages) 8 On the other hand, the dipole receiver was designed to receive at 2.35 GHz. Our target design frequency was 2.45 GHz. We didn’t seem to have a good receiver here. Perhaps we could have tried using one of the other patch antennas as the receiver instead of the dipole! Figure 3-6: Ftheta Ratiation Pattern measured with 2350 MHz Dipole Ftheta Ratiation Pattern measured with 2350 MHz Dipole 90 1 120 60 0.8 0.6 150 30 0.4 0.2 180 0 210 330 240 300 270 4 Simulation By applying FDTD it is possible to predict the frequency response of the patch antenna. I will use the XFDTD tool from REMCO. Matlab FDTD and IDLJ are available too. 4 For accurate results cell size should be smaller than 1/10 the wavelength. Best to use the guide wavelength, which is reduced by permittivity and the maximum frequency to get the minimum cell size. Equation 4-1: Guide Wavelength for Lexan at 5.5 GHz Wavelength2 = c/f2 = 5.5555 cm GuideWavelength = Wavelength2 / sqrt(Eeff) = 2.2227 cm. Cell edge size = 1/10 * GuideWavelength = 2.2227 mm. 4 Multimedia CD-ROM Lvl 1 Multimedia Center (ML) TK6565.A6 M283 2002 Section 1: (10 pages) 9 Next we compute the number of cells in the x, y, and z directions. Setting the patch length in the x direction, the patch width in the y direction, and the substrate thickness in the z direction, we compute the following dimensions. We choose a worst-case free space boundary of 1/3 the Wavelength around the patch for the absorbing outer boundary. 5 Table 4-1: Defining the FDTD Grid X increment Y increment Z increment Spatial Increment (mm) 2.73 2.73 2.73 Space Dimension (# of cells) 23 19 19 # X cells # Y cells # Z cells The number of cells in each direction is found from the length, width, or thickness plus 2x the free space boundary divided by the cell size. Next we add the various electrical materials and their permittivity or conductivity. Table 4-2: Electrical Materials Material Lexan Copper Conductivity S/m 5.813e7 Permittivity 4 - 5 Conclusions The main advantage of the patch antenna is that radiation is directed outward instead of into the head of a cell phone user. The patch may also be less noticeable than a helix dipole antenna and may be within the housing of the cell phone. The frequencies of this design, 2.45 GHz and 5.5 GHz, are that of the wireless PC. The patch in this case can be placed on the side or back of the PC directing radiation away from the laptop user. An alternative to the patch antenna was the non-uniform pitch angle helix antenna. At these higher frequencies manufacturing a small helix antenna and varying the pitch angle precisely was more difficult in our opinion to produce than the dual frequency patch antenna. Due to the high frequencies of operation, virtual shorting of the antenna is possible as we saw with the Styrofoam substrate. Also low permittivity Styrofoam produced a higher gain antenna than the Lexan plastic, though it was more difficult to attach an SMA connector to this material. 5 XFDTD User’s Manual, s.3.1.2, p.13 Section 1: (10 pages) 10