Program Canadian Society for Italian Studies Annual Conference 2006 Held in conjunction with the Congress of the Humanities and Social Sciences and with the sponsorship of the Canadian Federation for the Humanities and Social Sciences, Canadian International Development Agency, Italian Cultural Institute of Toronto, and the Mariano A. Elia Chair in Italian Canadian Studies York University Toronto, Ontario May 27 – May 29, 2006 Congress Theme The City: A Festival of Knowledge Saturday, May 27 (Accolade East Building) 8:45 WELCOME (Room 011) 9:00 -10:30 CONCURRENT SESSIONS DANTE (Room 011) Organizer: Cristina Perissinotto (University of Ottawa) Chair: Randy Scott (York University) Antonio Rossini (University of Windsor) "Dante fra la ‘donna strana’ e la 'donna forte’: la filigrana biblica dell’invettiva di Cacciaguida contro le donne fiorentine" Guido Pugliese (University of Toronto at Mississauga) "'Vedere quadruplo' in Dante" Filippo Salvatore (Concordia University) "I migliori fabbri del parlar materno: Arnaut Daniel e Dante" or DEVELOPMENTS IN 20TH-CENTURY POETRY, CARTOONS AND FILM (Room 013) Organizer & Chair: Eugenio Bolongaro (McGill University) Claudio Clivio (Concordia University) "La linea ligure nella lirica del Novecento" Corrado Federici (Brock University) "The City as Absent Referent in the Poetry of Eugenio Montale" Erika Papagni (McGill University) "Dante a fumetti: il lavoro di Marcello Toninelli" Yuri Sangalli (The University of Western Ontario) "Rural Heroes, From the Peplum to the Spaghetti Western" 10:30 – 11:00 COFFEE BREAK 11:00 – 12:30 CONCURRENT SESSIONS FROM ROMANTICISM TO VERISMO (Room 011) Organizer: Sandra Parmegiani (The University of Western Ontario) Chair: Rosalind Kerr (University of Alberta) Anna Makolkin (CREES, MCIS, University of Toronto) " Paolo Mantegazza, the Italian Freud" Francesco Minervini (Università di Bari) "Tipologie dell’eroe tragico: Alfieri, Foscolo, Manzoni" Sandra Parmegiani (The University of Western Ontario) "Foscolo, Locke, and 'l'antimetafisica Inghilterra'" Paul Salvatori (University of Ottawa) "Giacomo Leopardi and the Happiness of Man" or HISTORY AND POLITICS (ROOM 013) Organizer & Chair: Roberto A. Ventresca (King's University College, The University of Western Ontario) Mauro Marsella (York University) “Modern Rome’s Cultural Primacy in the Thought of the Italian ‘Universal Fascists’” Francesca Paduano (Scripps College, Claremont, CA) "Oriana Fallaci: fenomeno storico-politico o giornalismo di parte?" and TRANSLATION: THEORY AND PRACTICE I Organizer & Chair: Enrico Vicentini (TDSB) Celestino De Iuliis (Independent Scholar, Toronto) “Some Reflections on Translating Dante's Divine Comedy” Anthony Mortimer (University of Fribourg) “‘Difficult to Construe’: Translating Michelangelo” 12:30 – 2:00 LUNCH 2:00 – 3:30 CONCURRENT SESSIONS: THE RENAISSANCE CITY - JOINT SESSION WITH THE CANADIAN SOCIETY FOR RENAISSANCE STUDIES (Room 011) Sponsored by the Canadian Federation for the Humanities and Social Sciences Organizer & Chair: Konrad Eisenbichler (University of Toronto) Rosa Maria Giusto (Università di Napoli "Federico II") "La città di Filarete/ Filarete's City" John Nassichuck (The University of Western Ontario) "La tradition de l’éloge de Florence dans la Cleopolis de Quinziano Stoa" Rosalind Kerr (University of Alberta) "Reflections of the Ideal Renaissance City in an Ideal Renaissance Theatre" or ITALIAN CANADIAN STUDIES I (ROOM 013) Organizer & Chair: Gabriele Scardellato (York University) Francesca L'Orfano (Carleton University) “Immigrazione in Canada: The Films of Paul Tana” Anthony Cristiano (Dalhousie University) "A Self-conscious Mise-en-scène: An Italian-Canadian Film Experience" William Anselmi (University of Alberta) “Still smouldering after all these years: Roman Candles revisited, Part I" Lise Hogan (University of Calgary) “Still smouldering after all these years: Roman Candles revisited, Part II” 3:30 - 4:00 COFFEE BREAK 4:00 - 5:30 CONCURRENT SESSIONS HUMANISM AND RENAISSANCE (Room 011) Organizer: Cristina Perissinotto (University of Ottawa) Chair: Randy Scott (York University) David Bellusci (Dominican College Ottawa) "Gaspero Contarini and 'Amplitude'” Sally Hickson (Brock University) "Mantegna 500: The Anatomist of Sleep, Dreams and Visions" Francesco Divenuto (Università di Napoli "Federico II") "Utopia di un’idea urbana: Napoli da Alfonso I a don Pedro di Toledo" Robert Buranello (College of Staten Island, CUNY) "Zoppino's Pious Persuasion" or ITALIAN CANADIAN STUDIES II (Room 013) Organizer: Gabriele Scardellato (York University) Chair: Mauro Buccheri (York University) Konrad Eisenbichler (University of Toronto) “‘Prima ch’el mondo crolasse per la guerra’: Il ricordo della città natale in Gianni Angelo Grohovaz” Anne Marie Miraglia (University of Waterloo) "Les objets-signes chez Nino Ricci et Bianca Zagolin" Gabriele Scardellato (York University) “Invisible City: College Street Little Italy and Immigrant Byways” Monica Stellin (Wilfrid Laurier University) “Italian Literature in Canada in the Twenty-First Century” 5:30 - 7:00 Dinner Break 7:00- 9:00 Culture in the Italian Canadian Community (Room 011) (Sponsored by the Mariano A. Elia Chair in Italian Canadian Studies, York University) Organizer: Gabriele Scardellato (York University) Chair: Jana Vizmuller-Zocco (York University) Jerry Ciccoritti, film director and Antonio D'Alfonso, writer and publisher, will speak about their work Alessandra Piccione and Sergio Navaretta, film makers, will discuss their docudrama Looking for Angelina Sara Angelucci (photographer and videographer), Carlo Cesta (sculptor), Carmelo Arnoldin (sculptor) will present "Who's Your Nonno(a)?: Italian Canadian Artists and Their Muse(s)" Sunday, May 28 (Accolade East Building) 9:00 - 10:30 CONCURRENT SESSIONS: ITALIAN CANADIAN STUDIES III (ROOM 011) Organizer: Gabriele Scardellato (York University) Chair: Robert Buranello (College of Staten Island, CUNY) Christopher Larkosh-Lenotti (University of Connecticut) “Italo-Québecois Writing Through the Contexts of Diversity" Angelo Principe (Independent Scholar, Toronto) “A ‘Scandal’ Among ItalianCanadian Fascists in Montreal, 1933” Olga Pugliese (University of Toronto) “Beautifying the City: 1960s Artistic Mosaics by Italian Canadians in Toronto” or TRANSLATION: THEORY AND PRACTICE II (ROOM 013) Organizer & Chair: Enrico Vicentini Charles Le Blanc (Université du Québec en Outaouais): “La critica come totalità speculativa: Filosofia e traduzione” Manuela Scarci (University of Toronto) “Translating the Koran” Patrizia Bettella (University of Alberta) “Reflections on Teaching Translation at the Fourth-year Level” 10:30 – 11:00 COFFEE BREAK 11:00 – 12:00 KEYNOTE ADDRESS (ROOM 011) : MATTEO SANFILIPPO (UNIVERSITÀ DELLA TUSCIA) "IMAGES OF CANADIAN CITIES IN ITALY: THEN AND NOW" INTRODUCER: ROBERTO PERIN (GLENDON CAMPUS, YORK UNIVERSITY) SPONSORED BY THE CANADIAN FEDERATION FOR THE HUMANITIES AND SOCIAL SCIENCES AND THE ITALIAN CULTURAL INSTITUTE OF TORONTO 12:00 – 1:30 LUNCH 1:30 – 3:15 CONCURRENT SESSIONS PANEL DISCUSSION ON THE CURRENT STATE OF ITALIAN STUDIES IN CANADIAN UNIVERSITIES AND HIGH SCHOOLS (Room 011) Chair: Olga Pugliese Panelists: Ernesto Virgulti (Brock University) Carmela Colella (Brock University) Anna Moro (McMaster University) Lydia Rende (Italian Cultural Institute of Toronto) Angela Nadin Piscitelli (Dante Alighieri Academy) or ETHNICITY AND HISTORY (Room 013) Organizer: Marino Tuzi (Seneca College) Chair: TBD Marino Tuzi (Seneca College) "The Criminalization of the Italian as a Form of Social Management Policy" Howard Doughty (Seneca College) "Imperial Marginalization in Roman Britain from Julius Caesar to the Emperor Hadrian" Abdy (Abdollah) Zahiri (Seneca College) "Investigation of Iranian-Canadian and Italian-Canadian Diasporas in Fiction" 3:15 – 3:30 COFFEE BREAK 3:30 – 4:45 CSIS ANNUAL GENERAL MEETING (Room 011) 5:00 York University PRESIDENT’S RECEPTION 7:30 SOCIETY BANQUET Monday, May 29 morning (Accolade East Building) 9:00 - 10:30 CONCURRENT SESSIONS THE CITY: A FESTIVAL OF KNOWLEDGE (Room 011) Organizer: Daria Valentini (Stonehill College) Chair: Patrizia Bettella (University of Alberta) Maria Laura Mosco (University of Toronto) "Culture, Ideology, and the Image of the City in Post-WWII Italian Literature. Rome: A Case Study" Daria Valentini (Stonehill College) "Alla ricerca della madre, alla riscoperta della citta': la Napoli di Elena Ferrante in 'L'amore molesto'" Paola Basile (Lake Erie College) "Uno sguardo su Roma: la donna irraggiungibile di Fellini" or HISTORY, EMOTION AND HUMOUR IN 20TH- CENTURY CULTURE (Room 013) Organizer: Eugenio Bolongaro (McGill University) Chair: Stefano Giannini (University of Calgary) Beatrice Barbalato (Université catholique de Louvain) "Il ruolo del faire valoir nella pièce di Vincenzo Cerami Il comico e la spalla" Anna Chiafele (University of Toronto) "Storia e finzione ne Le maschere di Luigi Malerba" Michael Meneghetti (University of Iowa) "'Emotion' as History: Martin Scorsese's Italianamerican" Eugenio Bolongaro (McGill University) "Becoming Subject: Intersections of Ontology and Ethics in Italo Calvino's Le cosmicomiche" 10:30 – 11:00 COFFEE BREAK 11:00 – 12:30 CONCURRENT SESSIONS: LINGUISTICS (APPLIED AND DESCRIPTIVE) (ROOM 011) Organizers & Chairs: Jana Vizmuller Zocco (York University) & Marina Frescura (York University) Roberta Iannacito Provenzano (Laurentian University) "Conceptual Blending, Humour and the L2 Classroom" Marina Frescura (York University) "'Beh, ... niente.... ecco...': Discourse Markers and Information Management" Gabriella Colussi Arthur (York University) and Enza Antenos-Conforti (Montclair College) "Beginners' Level Textbooks for Italian in the North American Market: Ten Years Later" Giuliana Salvato (University of Toronto) "Gesture in Second Language Acquisition and Cross-Cultural Communication" or IMAGINATIVE INTERTEXTUALITY: DIALOGUES, INFLUENCES, AFFINITIES AND BORROWINGS IN 20TH-CENTURY CULTURE (Room 013) Organizer & Chair: Eugenio Bolongaro (McGill University) Cristiana Furlan (McGill University) "Mal d'Africa di Bacchelli: le vicende di Gaetano Casati, un onesto eroe italiano" Paolo Chirumbolo (McMaster University) "L'avanguardia informale di Sanguineti tra letteratura e arti figurative" Zubin Meer (York University) "Gramsci’s Five Theses on Italian Social Structure and Change: From Feudalism to Fascism" Giuliana Sanguinetti Katz (University of Toronto) "Silenzi e rituali in Marta Morazzoni" Monday, May 29 afternoon and evening (Vari Hall Room 1152A) The City as Target: Diaspora and Transnational Migration MULTIDISCIPLINARY SESSIONS ORGANIZED BY THE CANADIAN SOCIETY FOR ITALIAN STUDIES TOGETHER WITH THE ASSOCIATION OF CANADIAN JEWISH STUDIES AND THE CANADIAN ASSOCIATION OF HISPANISTS AND SPONSORED BY THE CANADIAN FEDERATION FOR THE HUMANITIES AND SOCIAL SCIENCES , THE CANADIAN INTERNATIONAL DEVELOPMENT AGENCY, AND THE ITALIAN CULTURAL INSTITUTE OF TORONTO Organizers: Olga Pugliese, Gabriele Scardellato, Marina Frescura, Jana Vizmuller-Zocco (CSIS), Dan Heller (ACJS), Jerzy Kowal (CAH) 2:00 - 3:30 SESSION 1: THE ITALIAN, JEWISH, AND HISPANIC IMMIGRANT EXPERIENCE IN LITERATURE Chair: Margarita Feliciano (Glendon Campus, York University) Panelists: Pierre Anctil (University of Ottawa) Luis Torres (University of Calgary) Steven Hayward (John Carroll University) 3:30 - 3:45 COFFEE BREAK 3:45 - 5:45 SESSION 2: ETHNI(CITY): NEGOTIATING LANGUAGE AND IDENTITY IN THE CONTEMPORARY CANADIAN CITY. Chair: Randal Schnoor (York University) Part (a): Museums and Memory: The Representation of the Immigrant Experience in Canada Panelists: Mauro Peressini (Curator, Museum of Civilization) Stanislao Carbone (Jewish Heritage Centre of Western Canada) Part (b): Language and Identity Panelists: Leo Davids (York University) Jana Vizmuller-Zocco (York University) Michol Hoffman (York University) 7:00 - 9:15 p.m. Session 3: Issues in Urban Immigration Chair: Gabriele Scardellato (York University) Panelists: Shaul Bassi (University of Venice) Julio Torres-Recinos (University of Saskatchewan) Luigi Bruti Liberati (University of Milan) Matteo Sanfilippo (University of the Tuscia region) Program and local organizers for the CSIS conference: Olga Pugliese, Marina Frescura, Gabriele Scardellato, Jana Vizmuller-Zocco