DISABILITY INSURANCE Guidelines Update 2012 MetLife Disability Insurance is dedicated to providing the best possible underwriting experience for brokers and clients. As part of this commitment, we are undergoing a thorough update of our medical underwriting guidelines by evaluating how we underwrite medical conditions and identifying where we can make better offers. This document includes the medical conditions we have recently updated. Those with no major changes are in black. Those with improvements are in green and include a brief explanation of what’s changed. Turn the page for an interactive Table of Contents. MetLife Metropolitan Life Insurance Company 200 Park Avenue New York, NY 10166 metlife.com As of 12/21/2012 For Producer Use Only. Not for Public Distribution. L1212295828[0214] Page | Disability Insurance Medical Underwriting Update 2012 Press Control + Click on the subject you would like to learn about. ABDOMINAL AORTIC ANEURYSMS (AAAS) ..........................................................................................................................6 ACHILLES RUPTURE .........................................................................................................................................................6 ACHILLES TENDONITIS .....................................................................................................................................................6 ADRENAL INSUFFICIENCY..................................................................................................................................................6 ANEMIAS ......................................................................................................................................................................6 ANKYLOSING SPONDYLITIS................................................................................................................................................6 ANTIPHOSPHOLIPID ANTIBODY SYNDROME..........................................................................................................................6 ANXIETY DISORDERS .......................................................................................................................................................7 AORTIC ROOT DILATATION ...............................................................................................................................................7 ARNOLD CHIARI MALFORMATION......................................................................................................................................7 ARTERIOVENOUS MALFORMATIONS ...................................................................................................................................8 ATRIAL PREMATURE CONTRACTIONS (APCS) .......................................................................................................................8 ATHLETIC HEART SYNDROME ............................................................................................................................................8 AV BLOCKS ...................................................................................................................................................................8 BENIGN PROSTATIC HYPERTROPHY ....................................................................................................................................8 BREAST DISORDERS ........................................................................................................................................................9 BRUGADA .....................................................................................................................................................................9 BUNION .......................................................................................................................................................................9 BURSITIS.......................................................................................................................................................................9 CARDIOMYOPATHY .........................................................................................................................................................9 CAROTID ARTERY ANEURYSM ...........................................................................................................................................9 CAROTID BRUITS ............................................................................................................................................................9 CAROTID INTIMA-MEDIA THICKNESS ...............................................................................................................................10 CAROTID OR VERTEBRAL ARTERY DISSECTION ....................................................................................................................10 CAROTID STENOSIS .......................................................................................................................................................10 CARPAL TUNNEL ..........................................................................................................................................................10 CATARACTS .................................................................................................................................................................10 CELIAC DISEASE ...........................................................................................................................................................10 CEREBRAL ARTERY ANEURYSM ........................................................................................................................................10 CERVICAL CANCER ........................................................................................................................................................11 CERVICAL OR THORACIC DISC DISEASE ..............................................................................................................................11 CERVICAL OR THORACIC SPRAIN/STRAIN ...........................................................................................................................11 CHALAZION .................................................................................................................................................................11 CHIROPRACTIC MAINTENANCE ........................................................................................................................................12 CLUB FOOT .................................................................................................................................................................12 COARCTATION OF THE AORTA .........................................................................................................................................12 COCCYX DISORDERS ......................................................................................................................................................12 COSTOCHONDRITIS .......................................................................................................................................................12 CREST SYNDROME ........................................................................................................................................................12 DEPRESSION ................................................................................................................................................................13 DEQUERVAIN’S TENOSYNOVITIS ......................................................................................................................................13 As of 12/21/2012 For Producer Use Only. Not for Public Distribution. L1212295828[0214] Page | DEXTROCARDIA ............................................................................................................................................................13 DIASTOLIC DYSFUNCTION...............................................................................................................................................13 DISCOID LUPUS ............................................................................................................................................................13 DRUSEN .....................................................................................................................................................................13 DUPUYTREN’S CONTRACTURE .........................................................................................................................................13 EBSTEIN'S ANOMALY.....................................................................................................................................................13 EHLERS-DANLOS SYNDROME ..........................................................................................................................................14 EOSINOPHILIC FASCIITIS .................................................................................................................................................14 EPICONDYLITIS .............................................................................................................................................................14 EPISCLERITIS ................................................................................................................................................................14 FATTY LIVER ................................................................................................................................................................14 FLAT FEET ...................................................................................................................................................................14 GALLBLADDER DISORDERS..............................................................................................................................................14 GLAUCOMA.................................................................................................................................................................14 GYNECOMASTIA ...........................................................................................................................................................14 HAMMER TOE .............................................................................................................................................................14 HEART CHAMBER ENLARGEMENT ....................................................................................................................................14 HEMOCHROMATOSIS ....................................................................................................................................................15 HEPATITIS B ................................................................................................................................................................16 HEPATITIS C ................................................................................................................................................................16 HIP DISORDERS ............................................................................................................................................................16 HYPERCOAGUABLE DISORDERS........................................................................................................................................16 HYPERPARATHYROIDISM ................................................................................................................................................16 HYPERTENSION ............................................................................................................................................................16 HYPOPLASTIC LEFT HEART SYNDROME .............................................................................................................................17 HYPOTHYROIDISM ........................................................................................................................................................17 ILLICIT SUBSTANCE ABUSE ..............................................................................................................................................17 KIDNEY CANCER ...........................................................................................................................................................17 KNEE LIGAMENT SPRAIN ................................................................................................................................................17 KNEE MENISCAL TEARS .................................................................................................................................................17 KNEE REPLACEMENT .....................................................................................................................................................18 LATTICE DEGENERATION ................................................................................................................................................18 LIPIDS (CHOLESTEROL, TRIGLYCERIDES) .............................................................................................................................18 LONG QT SYNDROME ...................................................................................................................................................18 LUMBAR DISC DISEASE ..................................................................................................................................................18 LUMBAR SPRAIN/STRAIN ...............................................................................................................................................18 MACULAR DEGENERATION .............................................................................................................................................18 MARFAN’S ..................................................................................................................................................................18 MARIJUANA ................................................................................................................................................................18 MELANOMA ................................................................................................................................................................19 MICROALBUMINURIA ....................................................................................................................................................19 MIXED CONNECTIVE TISSUE DISEASE ...............................................................................................................................19 MORTON’S NEUROMA ..................................................................................................................................................19 NEVI ..........................................................................................................................................................................19 OVARIAN CANCER ........................................................................................................................................................19 PACEMAKERS...............................................................................................................................................................20 PANCREATIC CANCER ....................................................................................................................................................20 PATELLAR DISLOCATION ................................................................................................................................................20 As of 12/21/2012 For Producer Use Only. Not for Public Distribution. L1212295828[0214] Page | PATELLOFEMORAL SYNDROME OR PATELLAR TENDON RUPTURE............................................................................................20 PATENT DUCTUS ARTERIOSUS (PDA) ...............................................................................................................................20 PERIARTERITIS NODOSA .................................................................................................................................................20 PERICARDITIS...............................................................................................................................................................20 PERIPHERAL ANEURYSMS ...............................................................................................................................................21 PHEOCHROMOCYTOMA .................................................................................................................................................21 PLANTAR FASCIITIS .......................................................................................................................................................21 POLYCYSTIC OVARY SYNDROME (PCOS) ...........................................................................................................................21 POLYMYALGIA RHEUMATICA (PMR) AND TEMPORAL ARTERITIS............................................................................................21 POLYMYOSITIS .............................................................................................................................................................21 PRESCRIPTION DRUG ABUSE ...........................................................................................................................................21 PROSTATITIS ................................................................................................................................................................21 PROTEINURIA ..............................................................................................................................................................21 PSORIASIS ...................................................................................................................................................................21 PSORIATIC ARTHRITIS ....................................................................................................................................................21 PTERYGIUM.................................................................................................................................................................22 PULMONARY EDEMA .....................................................................................................................................................22 PULMONARY ATRESIA ...................................................................................................................................................22 RENAL ARTERY STENOSIS ...............................................................................................................................................22 RETINAL DETACHMENT ..................................................................................................................................................22 SARCOIDOSIS ...............................................................................................................................................................22 SCLERITIS ....................................................................................................................................................................23 SCLERODERMA.............................................................................................................................................................23 SHOULDER REPLACEMENT .............................................................................................................................................23 SHOULDER SEPARATION / DISLOCATION ...........................................................................................................................23 SICK SINUS SYNDROME..................................................................................................................................................23 SPINAL DEFORMITIES (SCOLIOSIS) ....................................................................................................................................23 SPINOCEREBELLAR DEGENERATION ..................................................................................................................................23 SPONDYLOSIS ..............................................................................................................................................................24 SPONDYLOLISTHESIS......................................................................................................................................................24 STROKE ......................................................................................................................................................................24 SUPRAVENTRICULAR TACHYCARDIA (SVT) .........................................................................................................................25 SYNOVITIS...................................................................................................................................................................25 SYSTEMIC LUPUS ERYTHEMATOSUS ..................................................................................................................................25 TARSAL TUNNEL SYNDROME...........................................................................................................................................25 TENDONITIS ................................................................................................................................................................25 TETRALOGY OF FALLOT ..................................................................................................................................................25 THORACIC AORTIC ANEURYSM ........................................................................................................................................25 THORACIC AORTIC DISSECTION .......................................................................................................................................25 THORACIC OUTLET SYNDROME .......................................................................................................................................26 THYROIDITIS ................................................................................................................................................................26 TRANSIENT ISCHEMIC ATTACKS (TIAS) .............................................................................................................................26 TRANSPOSITION OF THE GREAT ARTERIES ..........................................................................................................................26 TRICUSPID ATRESIA.......................................................................................................................................................26 TRIGGER FINGER ..........................................................................................................................................................26 UTERINE CANCER .........................................................................................................................................................27 VENTRICULAR PREMATURE CONTRACTIONS (VPCS) ............................................................................................................27 VENTRICULAR TACHYCARDIA ..........................................................................................................................................27 As of 12/21/2012 For Producer Use Only. Not for Public Distribution. L1212295828[0214] Page | VISCERAL ANEURYSMS ..................................................................................................................................................28 VISUAL IMPAIRMENT.....................................................................................................................................................28 WEIGHT LOSS ..............................................................................................................................................................28 WOLFF-PARKINSON-WHITE (WPW) ...............................................................................................................................28 UPCOMING UPDATES .......................................................................................................................................... 29 FOR MORE INFORMATION ................................................................................................................................... 30 Then As of 12/21/2012 Now For Producer Use Only. Not for Public Distribution. L1212295828[0214] Date of Update Page | Then Now Date of Update If specific criteria are met, AAAs not 10/22/12 treated with Surgery or Endovascular Stent that are small in applicants over age 50 can be possibly considered with an exclusion rider. Abdominal Aortic Aneurysms (AAAs) All untreated Abdominal Aortic Aneurysms were a decline regardless of size or age of applicant. Achilles Rupture No major improvements in ratings. 6/22/12 Achilles Tendonitis No major improvements in ratings. 6/22/12 Adrenal Insufficiency No major improvements in ratings. 11/30/12 Anemias Individuals with a history of Megaloblastic anemia were offered with an extra premium for up to five years after resolution. Individuals with a history of Megaloblastic anemia due to folic acid deficiency may be standard at 1 year after recovery. And individuals with a history of Megaloblastic anemia due to B12 deficiency may be standard at 2 years after recovery. Applicants with Anemia due to pregnancy or menstruation were declined for hemoglobin under 10. Anemia of pregnancy with hemoglobin of 9.6 mg/dl or greater may be standard. Anemia due to menses may be standard for women with a hemoglobin of 9.6 mg/dl or above. No specific underwriting guidelines for anemia due to insufficient dietary intake of iron were in the manual possibly resulting in unnecessary declines or rated offers. Applicants with stable, mild anemia due to low dietary intake of iron, such as for those on vegan diets, and who are asymptomatic may be standard. Ankylosing Spondylitis No major improvements in ratings. No specific guidelines existed, Guidelines now exist and after an Antiphospholipid possibly resulting in unnecessary initial 2-year declination period Antibody Syndrome declines or inconsistent high substandard offers. As of 12/21/2012 5/25/12 2/24/12 8/24/12 offers may be made for the more favorable cases. For Producer Use Only. Not for Public Distribution. L1212295828[0214] Page | Then Anxiety Disorders Now Guidelines for Simple and Social Applicants with a history of Simple Phobia did not exist, possibly or Social Phobia with mild disease resulting in unnecessary declines. may be offered, with Standard being available for the most favorable cases of Simple Phobia. Applicants with Generalized Anxiety Disorder were usually declined. Mild cases of Generalized Anxiety Disorder may be offered coverage (an extra premium rating, rider and, in some situations, a limited benefit period would apply) depending on the severity of initial symptoms and the time since resolution of those symptoms. Applicants with a history of Obsessive Compulsive Disorder or Post Traumatic Stress Disorder were usually declined. The most favorable cases of Obsessive Compulsive Disorder or Post Traumatic Stress Disorder, with durable histories of continued stability and without a history of work absence may be offered coverage (an extra premium rating, rider and limited benefit period would apply) Aortic Root Dilatation Guidelines did not exist, which 5/4/12 Arnold Chiari Malformation 3/30/12 As of 12/21/2012 If specific criteria are met, aortic may have resulted in unnecessary root dilatation may possibly be considered; a rated policy and an declines. exclusion rider may apply. Ratings may be able to be reduced and benefit periods increased if the aortic root size has been stable for a period of time. Guidelines did not exist, possibly Guidelines now exist, possibly resulting in unnecessary declines. resulting in offers for the most favorable cases. Date of Update 6/29/12 For Producer Use Only. Not for Public Distribution. L1212295828[0214] Page | Arteriovenous Malformations Atrial Premature Contractions (APCs) Athletic Heart Syndrome Then Now No guidelines were covered in the prior Manual for non-surgical treatment of AVMs of the brain, possibly resulting in unnecessarily high substandard offers or declines. Guidelines are now provided for non-surgical treatment of AVMs of the brain, increasing the likelihood of a lower-rated substandard offer. All applications from individuals with a history of subarachnoid hemorrhage due to AVM of the brain and with no residual symptoms were declined for at least 5 years after surgical treatment, and then both high and low percentage ratings and a limited benefit period were applied. Offers may now be made as soon as 2 years after surgical treatment for those who have fully recovered from subarachnoid hemorrhage due to AVM of the brain, and thereafter either only low or no percentage ratings and no limitations on benefit period are applied. Mainly considered individuals if APCs were noted incidentally (asymptomatic) and with a normal heart; otherwise assessed on an individual case by case basis. Individuals with mild symptoms, a structurally normal heart, and not on treatment, can be considered for standard. No credits were allowed. Credits are now available for a normal echocardiogram. Applicants may be considered standard. No specific guidelines existed, possibly resulting in unnecessary declines or substandard offers. Date of Update 10/19/12 3/16/12 Individuals with no to mild symptoms and with some forms of ratable heart disease can be considered with an additional small rating. 12/21/12 AV Blocks Reviewed. No major changes 2/10/12 Benign Prostatic Hypertrophy Reviewed. No major changes 5/25/12 As of 12/21/2012 For Producer Use Only. Not for Public Distribution. L1212295828[0214] Page | Breast Disorders (Including abscess/ cellulitis; fibroadenoma; hamartoma; mastitis; fibrocystic disease; mastodynia; lipoma; abnormal mammograms; macromastia; breast augmentation; cysts, etc.) Then Now Many breast disorders were not covered in the Manual, possibly resulting in unnecessary declines or rated/ridered offers. Guidelines are now available in the Manual for most breast disorders, resulting in consistent decisions and the best possible offers. Date of Update 1/6/12 Brugada Reviewed. No major changes 6/29/12 Bunion Bursitis Reviewed. No major changes 6/22/12 For recurrent cases, 30, 60 and 90 For recurrent cases, 90-day EP day EP policies were only policies are available at Standard available with a 180 day modified rates, without a rider, beginning 6 exclusion rider. months to 1 year after symptoms resolve. 12/21/12 Individuals with completely All cases of dilated cardiomyopathy whether present resolved dilated cardiomyopathy for at least 3 years may be offered or resolved were a decline. with an extra premium and limited benefit period and standard may be possible if over 5 years. 5/25/12 Cardiomyopathy All cases of hypertrophic cardiomyopathy were a decline. Carotid Artery Aneurysm Carotid Bruits As of 12/21/2012 Individuals with hypertrophic cardiomyopathy who are stable for at least 5 years and meet the most favorable criteria may be offered with an extra premium and a limited benefit period. No guidelines were covered for Guidelines are provided for carotid carotid artery aneurysms that artery aneurysms that were were repaired, possibly resulting repaired, increasing the likelihood in unnecessarily high substandard of a lower-rated substandard offer. offers or declines. No specific guidelines existed, Specific guidelines are provided, possibly resulting in unnecessary increasing the likelihood of lowerdeclines or high substandard rated substandard offers. offers. For Producer Use Only. Not for Public Distribution. L1212295828[0214] 9/21/12 7/27/12 Page | Then Now Carotid Intima-Media Thickness No specific guidelines existed, possibly resulting in unnecessary declines or high substandard offers. Specific guidelines are provided for Increased Carotid Intima-Media Thickness, increasing the likelihood of Standard or lower-rated substandard offers. Carotid or Vertebral Artery Dissection No guidelines were covered, Guidelines are provided, increasing possibly resulting in unnecessarily the likelihood of a lower-rated high substandard offers or substandard offer. declines. 9/21/12 Carotid Stenosis No specific guidelines existed, possibly resulting in unnecessary declines or high substandard offers. Applicants with chronic symptoms were declined. Specific guidelines now exist, increasing the likelihood of lowerrated substandard offers. 7/27/12 Applicants with symptoms can be considered on an individual basis, with the best cases offered disability income insurance with an exclusion rider. 8/10/12 Applicants with full recovery after surgery could qualify for a Standard offer after 2 years. Applicants with full recovery after carpal tunnel surgery may qualify for a Standard offer after 1 year. Unoperated bilateral senile cataracts with normal to mild visual impairment were given a general eye rider and a rating. Unoperated bilateral senile cataracts with normal to mild visual impairment are given a specific cataract rider. Carpal Tunnel Cataracts Celiac Disease Cerebral Artery Aneurysm As of 12/21/2012 Operated bilateral senile cataracts with normal to mild Operated bilateral senile cataracts visual impairment post surgery with normal to mild visual were given a general eye rider impairment post surgery are placed for 3 years. standard after 6 months. No major improvements in ratings. All applications from individuals with a history of surgical correction of a cerebral artery aneurysm and with no residual symptoms were declined for at least 5 years after treatment. Offers may now be made as soon as 2 years after complete obliteration of a cerebral artery aneurysm by any means for persons who have fully recovered. Percentage ratings were applied at all durations after the declination period that followed surgical correction of a cerebral artery aneurysm. Percentage ratings are not applied beyond a few years after the declination period that follows complete obliteration of a cerebral artery aneurysm. For Producer Use Only. Not for Public Distribution. L1212295828[0214] Date of Update 7/27/12 10/26/12 4/6/12 9/21/12 Page | Cervical Cancer Cervical or Thoracic Disc Disease Cervical or Thoracic Sprain/Strain Chalazion As of 12/21/2012 Then Now In cases of in situ (Stage 0), 90day elimination period policies would be offered with a modified exclusion rider 6 months after completion or treatment. Individuals with Stage 0 cervical cancers applying for 90-day elimination period may be eligible for a Standard offer. Stage 1a cervical cancer had a postponement period of 5 years after diagnosis. Individuals with Stage 1a cervical cancer may be offered a policy with a rider after as little as one year post-treatment and a Standard policy may be available after 3 years. Stage 1b cervical cancer cases were always declined. Stage 1b cervical cancer cases with favorable prognostic features may be offered rated policies after 5 years and Standard offers after 9 years. After a single episode of symptoms treated without surgery, an exclusion rider would apply if the episode resolved less than 4 years before applying. In the same situation, an exclusion rider would be applied if the episode resolved less than 3 years prior to application. After that a Standard offer could be considered. If an individual had any residual These cases can be considered for symptoms after surgery, a decline an offer based on the severity and was recommended. stability of the residual symptoms. In the most favorable cases an exclusion rider would be applied, while others may be offered with increased premiums and/or benefit period limits along with the exclusion rider. All instances were given an The most favorable cases (no work exclusion rider if the most recent absence nor need for physical episode resolved less than one therapy or similar treatments) can year ago. be considered for a Standard offer, even if the episode resolved recently. No major improvements in ratings. For Producer Use Only. Not for Public Distribution. L1212295828[0214] Date of Update 2/17/12 11/30/12 11/30/12 9/28/12 Page | Then Now Chiropractic Maintenance Anyone undergoing routine chiropractic maintenance, with any visits within the year before applying, was given an exclusion rider. The most favorable cases (no significant history of spinal impairment and truly receiving routine maintenance) can be considered for a Standard offer if stable and symptom-free for at least 3 years. Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease (COPD) No major improvements in ratings. 2/17/12 Club Foot No major improvements in ratings. 6/22/12 Coarctation of the Aorta Coccyx Disorders No major improvements in ratings. 6/15/12 No major improvements in ratings. 12/21/12 Costochondritis Crest Syndrome As of 12/21/2012 No major improvements in ratings. No major improvements in ratings. For Producer Use Only. Not for Public Distribution. L1212295828[0214] Date of Update 11/30/12 12/21/12 6/29/12 Page | Depression Then Now All cases of Adjustment Disorder with Depressed Mood were issued with exclusion riders for mental/nervous disorders and at least a 35% rating. Applicants who have recovered from very mild cases of Adjustment Disorder with Depressed Mood, and who have had at least 3 years without symptoms or treatment can qualify for standard rates. All cases of Minor (subclinical) Depression were issued with exclusion riders for mental/nervous disorders and at least a 35% rating. Minor Depression is given much more individual consideration. Ratings are based on severity of symptoms, treatment and time since recovery. Those with minimal or mild cases may qualify for Standard rates after durable recovery off of treatment for at least 3-5 years. Some will require an exclusion rider. Date of Update 9/21/12 DeQuervain’s Tenosynovitis Dextrocardia No major improvements in ratings. 8/10/12 No major improvements in ratings. 6/8/12 Diastolic Dysfunction No major improvements in ratings. 5/18/12 Discoid Lupus No major improvements in ratings. 6/29/12 Drusen There were no guidelines for drusen which may have resulted in unnecessary general eye riders being placed on the policy. For applicants under age 40, if specific criteria are met, best cases may be considered with a specific rider for macular degeneration. Applicants with chronic symptoms were offered disability insurance with extra premiums, limited benefit periods and exclusion riders. For applicants over age 40, if specific criteria are met, best cases may be considered for a standard policy. Applicants with chronic symptoms 8/10/12 can be considered on an individual basis, with the best cases offered disability insurance with an exclusion rider. Dupuytren’s Contracture Ebstein's Anomaly As of 12/21/2012 Applicants with full recovery Applicants with full recovery after after surgery for Dupuytren's surgery for Dupuytren's may qualify could qualify for a Standard offer for a Standard offer after 1 year. after 2 years. No major improvements in ratings. For Producer Use Only. Not for Public Distribution. L1212295828[0214] 11/2/12 5/18/12 Page | Then Now Ehlers-Danlos Syndrome No major improvements in ratings. Date of Update 6/29/12 Eosinophilic Fasciitis No major improvements in ratings. 6/29/12 Epicondylitis Episcleritis No major improvements in ratings. 8/10/12 No major improvements in ratings. 12/21/12 Guidelines did not exist, possibly resulting in unnecessary declines or rated/ridered offers. Flat Feet No major improvements in ratings. 6/22/12 Gallbladder Disorders No major improvements in ratings. 11/2/12 Glaucoma No major improvements in ratings. 9/28/12 Gynecomastia No major improvements in ratings. 1/6/12 Hammer Toe No major improvements in ratings. 6/22/12 Heart Chamber Enlargement No guidelines existed, which may The most favorable cases may have resulted in unnecessary possibly be standard and specific declines or substandard offers. criteria for other scenarios may result in improved substandard offers. 9/7/12 As of 12/21/2012 Guidelines now exist, and the most favorable cases may be standard. 1/20/12 Fatty Liver For Producer Use Only. Not for Public Distribution. L1212295828[0214] Page | Then Hemochromatosis Now All applicants with a history of Proposed insureds with hereditary treated hereditary hemochromatosis and good hemochromatosis were a decline. compliance with treatment program, normal liver function tests, iron saturation and ferritin tests, and without complications can be offered disability income insurance after 2 years of stability and may even be standard after 5 or more years of stability. All applicants with untreated hereditary hemochromatosis were a decline. As of 12/21/2012 Date of Update 7/20/12 Proposed insureds with a type of hemochromatosis that is known to carry a lower risk who are untreated but with normal liver function, iron saturation and ferritin tests, and without complications can be offered disability insurance at standard rates after 1 year of stability. Those individuals with untreated hereditary hemochromatosis that is known to carry a higher risk who have normal liver function, iron saturation and ferritin tests, and without complications, can be offered disability insurance at an extra premium charge and with a limited benefit period after 5 years of stability and a standard policy after 10 years of stability. For Producer Use Only. Not for Public Distribution. L1212295828[0214] Page | Hepatitis B Then Now Applicants with a history of hepatitis B who had fully recovered (negative surface antigen) could be considered for a rated policy with an exclusion rider after one year and for a Standard policy after 2 years. Those with a history of hepatitis B who had a full recovery within 6 months of the infection, can be offered a policy with an exclusion rider after 6 months, and a Standard policy after 1 year. Individuals with a history of chronic, inactive infection (“carriers”) and normal liver function tests could be offered a rated policy with an exclusion rider and a 2-year benefit period. Those with well-established chronic, inactive infection, and normal liver function tests may be offered a policy at Standard rates with an exclusion rider. Those with a history of chronic hepatitis B which resolved to inactive infection after treatment, and who, at the time of application had abnormal liver function tests, would be declined. Proposed insureds with a history of chronic hepatitis B which resolved to inactive infection after treatment and who, at the time of application, have abnormal LFTs, may be considered for a rated policy. Date of Update 1/27/12 Hepatitis C No major improvements in ratings. Hip Disorders Applicants with a history of hip replacement surgery 1 to 3 years ago could be offered a policy with +50% extra premium, a 2year benefit period limit and an exclusion rider. These same individuals may be offered a 90 or 180 day EP policy with an exclusion rider only, if there are no residual symptoms and no concerning underlying cause. 8/31/12 Hypercoaguable Disorders No specific guidelines existed for the various hypercoagulable states, possibly resulting in unnecessary declines or inconsistent high substandard offers. All cases of hyperparathyroidism were declined until surgery was completed. Guidelines now exist and after an initial 2-year declination period offers may be made for the more favorable cases. 8/24/12 Favorable cases where the applicant's personal doctor has not recommended surgery may be considered for a rated offer with a rider and limited BP. 4/13/12 Hyperparathyroidism Hypertension As of 12/21/2012 4/13/12 No major improvements in ratings. For Producer Use Only. Not for Public Distribution. L1212295828[0214] 3/23/12 Page | Then Hyperthyroidism Now No major improvements in ratings. Date of Update 6/29/12 No major improvements in ratings. 5/18/12 (Multinodular Goiter, Toxic Adenoma, Grave’s Disease) Hypoplastic Left Heart Syndrome No major improvements in ratings. Hypothyroidism Illicit Substance Abuse No major improvements in ratings. Kidney Cancer 6/8/12 11/30/12 All applicants with a history of kidney cancer were declined for at least 7 years after treatment. Offers may now be made starting 5 years after completing treatment for the more favorable cases. At 7 to 10 years after completing treatment, percentage ratings were generally very high for early-stage kidney cancer and, for those of very early stage, limited benefit periods were often short. At 7 to 10 years after completing treatment, percentage ratings are generally much lower for earlystage kidney cancer and, for those of very early stage, limited benefit periods are longer. 10 years after completing treatment for early-stage kidney cancer, moderately high percentage ratings still often applied, and limited benefit periods were often still short. 10 years after completing treatment for early-stage kidney cancer, percentage ratings are either no longer applied or are very low, and limited benefit periods are either longer or not applied. Knee Ligament Sprain No major improvements in ratings. Knee Meniscal Tears As of 12/21/2012 Applicants with a history of meniscal tear were offered standard rates 2 years after symptoms resolved, whether treated surgically or not. 3/2/12 8/17/12 Cases of non-recurrent cartilage tear may receive a standard offer 1 year after symptoms resolve, regardless of the manner of treatment. For Producer Use Only. Not for Public Distribution. L1212295828[0214] 8/17/12 Page | Then Now Date of Update 8/17/12 Knee Replacement No major improvements in ratings. Lattice Degeneration There were no guidelines for If specific criteria are met, standard lattice degeneration which may may be available have resulted in unnecessary general eye riders being placed on the policy. Guidelines for cholesterol did Pre-pregnancy levels are used not consider the normal changes preferentially when underwriting associated with pregnancy, pregnant women, usually resulting possibly resulting in less in more favorable offers. favorable offers. 11/2/12 Long QT Syndrome No major improvements in ratings. 6/29/12 Lumbar Disc Disease With any history and no surgery, an exclusion rider was applied. All instances were given an exclusion rider if the most recent episode resolved less than one year ago. Lipids (cholesterol, triglycerides) Lumbar Sprain/Strain A Standard offer may be considered 11/30/12 after at least 3 symptom-free years The most favorable cases (no work 11/30/12 absence nor need for physical therapy or similar treatments) can be considered for a Standard offer, even if the episode resolved recently. With a history of multiple After 2 symptom-free years, a episodes treated without surgery, Standard offer may be possible. an exclusion rider always applied. If specific criteria are met, some Macular Degeneration The old guidelines placed a general eye rider on most cases cases will have a specific rider for of macular degeneration. macular degeneration applied. No major improvements in ratings. Marfan’s Marijuana As of 12/21/2012 3/30/12 11/2/12 6/29/12 In addition to any rating for If the applicant otherwise qualifies 11/30/12 marijuana use, tobacco smoker for non-smoker rates, then no rates also applied even when the additional smoker rates are applied. applicant was not a tobacco user. For Producer Use Only. Not for Public Distribution. L1212295828[0214] Page | Melanoma Then Now Within each stage, all cases were rated similarly, not allowing for more favorable offers for lower risk. Within each stage, individuals with more favorable features are given more favorable ratings. Early stage melanomas were generally rated higher and the durations before offers could be made were often longer. With favorable features, early stage melanomas generally have lower ratings and durations before offers are possible is shorter. Higher stage melanoma lesions were often declined permanently or, if offers were possible, durations before offers could be made were very long, ratings were higher, and benefit periods very limited. Offers are now possible for cases with higher stage lesions with favorable features. And, in general, durations before offers are shorter, ratings are lower, and benefit periods are longer. Date of Update 2/10/12 Microalbuminuria No major improvements in ratings. 2/24/12 Mixed Connective Tissue Disease No major improvements in ratings. 6/29/12 Morton’s Neuroma No major improvements in ratings. 6/22/12 Nevi In cases of dysplastic nevi (DN), a Standard may be available, rider was always applicable with a depending upon the number of DN, history of any number of DN. the age of the client, and the family history of melanoma. 2/3/12 Ovarian Cancer As of 12/21/2012 In cases of dysplastic nevi (DN) the rider applied was for any disease of the skin. If a rider is needed in cases of dysplastic nevi, it is limited to only neoplasms of the skin. All cases beyond stage 1a were considered uninsurable. Cases beyond stage 1a may be considered on an individual basis after 10 disease-free years. Ovarian borderline tumors or tumors "of low malignant potential" were not part of our guidelines and may have been rated as invasive cancer, resulting in harsher ratings and/or more declines. Ovarian borderline tumors are considered separately from invasive ovarian cancers and the more favorable types may qualify for rated offers as soon as 3 years after completion of treatment and for Standard offers as early as 8 years after completing treatment. For Producer Use Only. Not for Public Distribution. L1212295828[0214] 2/3/12 Page | Then Now Pacemakers Always declined. Will be considered on an individual basis for a possible substandard offer. Pancreatic Cancer Patellar Dislocation No major improvements in ratings. Applicants were offered standard rates two years after symptoms had resolved, whether treated surgically or non-surgically. Cases of non-recurrent patella dislocation may receive a standard offer 1 year after symptoms resolve, regardless of the manner of treatment. 8/17/12 Patellofemoral Syndrome or Patellar Tendon Rupture Guidelines did not exist, possibly resulting in an unnecessary exclusion rider. Guidelines now exist and the most favorable cases may be offered standard. 8/17/12 Patent Ductus Arteriosus (PDA) Applicants with unoperated PDAs Individual consideration will be were a decline. given to applicants with small, uncomplicated PDAs that do not require surgery and the more favorable cases will be able to be offered. 7/27/12 Periarteritis Nodosa No major improvements in ratings. 6/29/12 Pericarditis Applicants who are asymptomatic and with incidental findings of small pericardial effusions were a decline. Applicants with incidental findings of small, asymptomatic pericardial effusions may be considered for disability with an exclusion rider. Applicants with a history of pericardial effusions where surgery was required were always a decline. Individuals two years post successful surgery for complications of pericarditis who are asymptomatic and completely recovered may be considered for a policy with an extra premium and limited benefit period, and after 5 years may be offered standard. As of 12/21/2012 Date of Update 9/7/12 4/27/12 For Producer Use Only. Not for Public Distribution. L1212295828[0214] 7/27/12 Page | Then Now Date of Update For iliac or femoral artery aneurysms 12/21/12 Peripheral aneurysms For iliac or femoral artery aneurysms that have not been that have not been repaired, offers surgically repaired, those that may be made after 5 years after were due to atherosclerosis were discovery of those due to declined, and no specific atherosclerosis, and for those of guidelines were provided for other cause, specific guidelines are those of other cause. provided, increasing the likelihood of a lower-rated substandard offer. No guidelines existed for treated lower extremity artery aneurysms other than femoral, and then only if they were due to trauma or were congenital, and only if treated by surgery. Guidelines exist for treated femoral as well as iliac and popliteal artery aneurysms, of any cause, and whether treated surgically or by an endovascular procedure, increasing the likelihood of a lower-rated substandard offer. Pheochromocytoma All applicants with a history of Offers may be made as soon as 1 surgically treated femoral artery year after surgical treatment of a aneurysm were declined for at femoral artery aneurysm. least 2 years after treatment, and Thereafter, only a rider would be a limited benefit period was applicable without a limited benefit imposed if within 5 years since period or a percentage rating. treatment. A percentage rating always applied. No major improvements in ratings. 12/21/12 Plantar Fasciitis No major improvements in ratings. 6/22/12 Polycystic Ovary Syndrome (PCOS) No guidelines existed, possibly resulting in unnecessary declines or rated/ridered offers. All cases were a decline. Polymyalgia Rheumatica (PMR) and Temporal Arteritis Polymyositis Prescription Drug Abuse Guidelines for Polycystic Ovary Syndrome now exist, and the most favorable cases may be standard. 1/20/12 Offers are now possible beginning 2 years after completion of treatment for those who are completely recovered. 5/4/12 No major improvements in ratings. No major improvements in ratings. 6/29/12 11/30/12 Prostatitis No major improvements in ratings. 5/18/12 Proteinuria No major improvements in ratings. 2/24/12 Psoriasis No major improvements in ratings. 4/27/12 Psoriatic Arthritis No major improvements in ratings. 4/27/12 As of 12/21/2012 For Producer Use Only. Not for Public Distribution. L1212295828[0214] Page | Then Now Pterygium No major improvements in ratings. Date of Update 12/21/12 Pulmonary edema No major improvements in ratings. 12/21/12 Pulmonary Atresia No major improvements in ratings. 5/18/12 Renal Artery Stenosis No specific guidelines existed, possibly resulting in unnecessarily high substandard offers or declines. Specific guidelines now exist, increasing the likelihood of a lowerrated substandard offer. 8/17/12 Retinal Detachment There were no guidelines for unoperated retinal detachment which may have resulted in unnecessary declines. If specific criteria are met, a specific rider for retinal detachment would be applied. 11/2/12 Operated retinal detachment had With one episode treated a modified general eye rider successfully, standard may be placed on the policy. available after one year (an exclusion rider would be applied for the first year following surgery). With a history of two or more episodes, if specific criteria are met, Standard may be considered 3 years after successful surgery (an exclusion rider would be applied for the first year following surgery) Sarcoidosis As of 12/21/2012 Stable stage I individuals would only be considered for a Standard offer if they had been stable for at least 5 years and were applying for 180-day EP. Stable stage I applicants can be considered for a Standard rating after 4 years of stability and for policies with EPs as short as 60 days. Stage II individuals with (infiltrates on chest X-ray) were declined. Stage II applicants may qualify for a rated policy if they have normal pulmonary function tests, no current symptoms, and have been stable for at least 5 years. For Producer Use Only. Not for Public Distribution. L1212295828[0214] 3/9/12 Page | Then Now Scleritis No specific guidelines existed, possibly resulting in unnecessary declines or substandard offers. If the cause is known and specific criteria are met, applicants can be considered after one year with an eye rider and a rating based on the specifics of the causal condition; if the cause is unknown and specific criteria are met, applicants may be considered after two years with an eye rider. Scleroderma Shoulder Replacement No major improvements in ratings. 6/29/12 No guidelines existed, possibly Guidelines now exist and the most resulting in unnecessary declines. favorable cases may be offered with an exclusion rider. 8/10/12 Shoulder Separation / Applicants with a history of more Applicants who have recovered than 2 episodes of dislocation or fully after multiple episodes of Dislocation Date of Update 12/21/12 8/10/12 separation were offered disability insurance with an exclusion rider for the shoulder. dislocation or separation, whether treated surgically or not, may be offered a Standard policy for 90 or 180 day EP policies after 3 years symptom-free. Sick Sinus Syndrome Always declined. Applicants with sick sinus syndrome stable for at least one year will be considered on an individual basis for a possible substandard offer. 9/7/12 Spinal deformities (scoliosis) Applicants with moderate spinal curvatures (21-40 degrees) applying for 90 day EP policies were always rated 30% and had an exclusion rider. If no significant symptoms, a 90 or 180 day EP policy may be offered at Standard rates with an exclusion Rider. 12/21/12 Any surgery for scoliosis precluded offers of disability insurance for a period of 5 years after recovery. For surgical intervention without the insertion of prosthetics (such as Harrington rods), the postponement period is 3 years, after which a policy may be offered with a +30% rating and an exclusion rider. Spinocerebellar Degeneration As of 12/21/2012 No major improvements in ratings. For Producer Use Only. Not for Public Distribution. L1212295828[0214] 6/15/12 Page | Then Spondylosis Spondylolisthesis Stroke Now Individuals under age 50 who have incidentally-detected spondylosis would be offered a policy with a modified exclusion rider, covering related disability with a 90 or 180 day elimination period and a 2 year benefit period. After a single episode of symptoms treated without surgery, an exclusion rider would be applied if the symptoms resolved less than 4 years prior to application. After a single episode of symptoms treated without surgery, an exclusion rider would be applied if the symptoms resolved less than 4 years prior to application. After a single episode of symptoms of spondylolisthesis treated without surgery, an exclusion rider would be applied if the symptoms resolved less than 4 years prior to application. Other than for strokes due to oral contraceptives, applications from individuals with a history of most forms of Stroke were declined. All applications from individuals with a history of stroke due to oral contraceptives were declined for at least 3 years after the stroke. As of 12/21/2012 Date of Update Similar cases can be considered for a 11/30/12 Standard offer. An exclusion rider would be applied if the symptoms resolved less than 2 years prior to application. After that a Standard offer may be considered for the most favorable cases. Similar cases can be considered for a 11/30/12 Standard offer. In the same situation, an exclusion rider would be applied if the symptoms resolved less than 3 years prior to application. After that a Standard offer may be considered. After an initial declination period, depending upon the specific reasons for a stroke and upon any associated disorders, offers may now be made for persons who have fully recovered without residual neurologic deficit from most forms of stroke. 7/13/12 Offers may now be made as soon as 1 year after a stroke for persons who discontinue use of oral contraceptives and fully recovered without residual neurologic deficit from a stroke attributed to use of oral contraceptives. For Producer Use Only. Not for Public Distribution. L1212295828[0214] Page | Supraventricular Tachycardia (SVT) Then Now Single episodes of SVT even if asymptomatic were postponed for one year. Individuals with infrequent SVT episodes of short duration who are asymptomatic or very minimally symptomatic and without underlying heart disease can be offered. Date of Update 4/13/12 Recurrent SVT successfully controlled with medication can be offered. Recurrent SVT controlled with medication was a decline. Applicants treated with successful ablation can be considered standard after two years. Guidelines for treatment with ablation were not specifically provided likely resulting in unnecessary declines or ratings. Synovitis No specific guidelines existed, possibly resulting in unnecessary declines or substandard offers. Specific guidelines are now available 12/21/12 which will consistently allow for the most favorable offers possible. Systemic Lupus Erythematosus No major improvements in ratings. 6/29/12 Tarsal Tunnel Syndrome Tendonitis No major improvements in ratings. 6/22/12 For recurrent cases, 30, 60 and 90 day EP policies were only available with a 180 day modified exclusion rider. For recurrent cases, 90-day EP policies are available at Standard rates, without a rider, beginning 1 year after symptoms resolve if treated non-surgically. If treated surgically, all EPs are available at Standard rates 6 months after complete recovery. Tetralogy of Fallot No major improvements in ratings. Thoracic Aortic Aneurysm No specific guidelines existed which may have resulted in unnecessary declines. Thoracic Aortic Dissection As of 12/21/2012 No specific guidelines existed which may have resulted in unnecessary declines. 12/21/12 5/18/12 If specific criteria are met, Thoracic 11/30/12 Aortic Aneurysm treated with surgery or endovascular stent may be considered. An exclusion rider may apply. If specific criteria are met, Thoracic 11/30/12 Aortic Dissection due to trauma may be considered. An exclusion rider may apply. For Producer Use Only. Not for Public Distribution. L1212295828[0214] Page | Then Thoracic Outlet Syndrome Thyroiditis Transient Ischemic Attacks (TIAs) Now Applicants who had not been Applicants who have been treated treated surgically were given an non-surgically may qualify for a exclusion rider regardless of standard offer after 5 years current symptoms. symptom-free. No major improvements in ratings. All applications from individuals with a history of a TIA were declined for at least 5 years after the TIA. Offers may now be made after a much shorter declination period after a TIA. After the declination period, no specific guidelines for any form of TIA were covered, possibly resulting in unnecessary substandard offers or declines. After the declination period, specific guidelines are provided for most scenarios in which TIAs may occur, increasing the likelihood of an offer – substandard or possibly even Standard – in the most favorable situations. Date of Update 8/10/12 6/1/12 7/13/12 Transposition of the Great Arteries No major improvements in ratings. 5/18/12 Tricuspid Atresia Trigger Finger No major improvements in ratings. 5/18/12 As of 12/21/2012 Guidelines did not exist, possibly resulting in unnecessary exclusion riders. Guidelines for Trigger Finger now exist and the most favorable cases may be offered Standard. For Producer Use Only. Not for Public Distribution. L1212295828[0214] 8/10/12 Page | Uterine Cancer Then Now Applicants with a history of any type of uterine cancer were declined for at least 7 years after treatment. For favorable cases, offers may now be made beginning 1 year after completion of treatment for the most common form of uterine cancer– endometrial adenocarcinoma At 7 to 10 years after completion of treatment, percentage ratings were generally very high for uterine cancer of any type and limited benefit periods were often short. At 7 to 10 years after completion of treatment, percentage ratings are much lower or not applied for early-stage endometrial adenocarcinoma and, for very early-stages, benefit periods are either longer or not limited. Beyond 10 years after completion of treatment for uterine cancer of any type, moderately high percentage ratings were often still applied, and limited benefit periods were sometimes still short. Beyond 10 years after completion of treatment for early-stage endometrial adenocarcinoma, percentage ratings are no longer applied and benefit periods are either longer or not limited. Ventricular Premature Individuals were mainly considered if VPCs were noted Contractions (VPCs) Individuals with mild symptoms, no evidence of heart disease or incidentally (asymptomatic) and hypertension, and not on with a normal heart; otherwise treatment can be considered for assessed on an individual case by standard if only occasional VPCs or case basis. possibly with a small rating if only a few VPCs. No credits were allowed. Ventricular Tachycardia As of 12/21/2012 Date of Update 3/23/12 3/16/12 Credits are now available for a favorable exercise stress test. No major improvements in ratings. For Producer Use Only. Not for Public Distribution. L1212295828[0214] 4/13/12 Page | Then Visceral Aneurysms Now For splenic or renal artery aneurysms that have not been surgically repaired, the prior manual declined those due to atherosclerosis and provided no specific guidelines for those of other cause. Date of Update For splenic or renal artery aneurysms 12/21/12 that have not been repaired, offers may now be made 5 years after discovery of those due to atherosclerosis and, for those of other cause, specific guidelines are provided, increasing the likelihood of a lower rated substandard offer. Visual Impairment All applicants with a history of a Offers may now be made as soon as surgically treated renal artery 1 year after surgical treatment of a aneurysm were declined for at renal artery aneurysm, and least 2 years after treatment, and thereafter although a rider would be then a limited benefit period was applicable, neither a limited benefit imposed if within 5 years since period nor a percentage rating are treatment. A percentage rating applied. was always applicable. No major improvements in ratings. 9/28/12 Weight Loss No major improvements in ratings. Wolff-ParkinsonWhite (WPW) A standard offer was not available for WPW with minimal symptoms or occasional SVT (supraventriuclar tachycardia). After two years, a standard offer can be considered for favorable cases with stable minimal symptoms and/or SVT controlled with medication. No offer was available for WPW associated with a history of frequent or prolonged symptoms. After two years of good control with no further symptoms, an offer for a history of WPW with frequent or prolonged symptoms can be considered with a rating and limited benefit period. Favorable cases may be considered for a standard offer after six years. WPW treated with radio frequency ablation (RFA) was not covered in the manual, possibly resulting in unnecessary declines. WPW with RFA is now covered in the new manual and a standard offer can be considered after one year for favorable cases, after successful RFA with no use of antiarrhythmic medication and no recurrence of symptoms and/or arrhythmias. As of 12/21/2012 2/17/12 For Producer Use Only. Not for Public Distribution. L1212295828[0214] 1/13/12 Page | Upcoming Updates Adjustment Disorders Adrenal Insufficiency Aortic Aneurysms BRCA Coagulopathies Crohn’s Disease Diverticulitis Gastritis Hearing Loss Immune Disorders Kidney Stones Lyme Disease Mitral Stenosis Osteoarthritis Osteoporosis/Osteopenia Peptic Ulcer Disease Raynaud's Substance Abuse Syncope Underweight Vertigo Weight Loss Surgery As of 12/21/2012 For Producer Use Only. Not for Public Distribution. L1212295828[0214] Page | For More Information Monthly Underwriting Alerts provide further details about the conditions and how our underwriting guidelines were improved. Career representatives: find the Alerts on iMetlife, FieldFIRST or iMetLife Resources under Products > Disability Income > Underwriting. Brokers and independent representatives: contact your DI Wholesaler or internal sales partner. If you have any questions, please call the DI Resource Line at 800-929-1492. As of 12/21/2012 For Producer Use Only. Not for Public Distribution. L1212295828[0214] Page |