Notes on simple water accounting of the Karkheh Basin Mac Kirby and Mohammed Mainuddin May 2006 1. Introduction In this note, we describe a demonstration simple water account for the Karkheh Basin. It must be emphasised that this is a demonstration water account. The main purpose is to aid understanding of how the basin works, and to point to areas where improved data would help further that understanding. We have used values for rain, landuse, flow, etc., supplied to us, but we think some of these values are questionable. The models linking rain to flow are tentative in many sub-catchments. Nevertheless, if used with great care (and scepticism and testing of the results) the account may aid understating of how the basin works. The Karkheh Basin Focal Project of the Challenge Program on Water and Food aims to explore threats, opportunities and trade-offs in water access and impact on agricultural productivity and hence poverty / livelihoods and environment. To address the aims, they want a model that integrates hydrology with social uses and benefits of water. It must be quick and easy to develop, modify and run, and must run using the limited data available in the Karkheh. It must be capable of looking at the tradeoffs amongst uses, opportunities such as increased irrigation, and threats to the water resource such as land use change and climate change. Here, we describe a demonstration level water account part of an overall model. It is based on a similar water account of the Mekong, developed in a companion Basin Focal Project. The Karkheh demonstration water account is in Excel. If this demonstration is seen as valuable, the account can be improved with better data and calibration. The calibration methods are built into the Excel spreadsheet. 2. Basic hydrology and outline of simple water account Basic hydrology, irrigation and land use The Karkheh Basin covers about 60,000 km2, and is drained by the River Karkheh and its tributaries. Near the downstream end of the Karkheh is a major dam, built recently for irrigation supply. Downstream of the dam, the river discharges into a swamp, where most of the remaining water is consumed as evapotranspiration. Presumably, there is discharge form the swamp into the Tigris-Euphrates during extreme floods. The rainfall is around 400 mm per year in much of the catchment, falling mainly in the winter (November to March), with almost no rain in the late summer. The flow, like the rain, is seasonal, but without the pronounced peaks, as shown in the figure below. Doab flow and rain 400 Flow Rainfall, mm 300 Rain 200 100 0 0 50 Month 100 150 Simple water account The simple water account is a mixture of data and model. Climate and flow data constrain the water balance in and between subcatchments, but do not give all the elements in the water balance nor account for the transfers and storages within and between elements of the water balance. Simple, physically plausible models are used to account for the transfers and storages, and thus complete the water balance (to the level of resolution of interest – which is lumped by subcatchment and monthly). The data are not regarded as without error (we will point out where there are problems for further investigation), and the physically plausible transfer and storage models also balance out inconsistencies in the data (which may or may not be errors, and in any event it is not always clear faced with inconsistencies where the error may be). The development of the simple, physically plausible models for storages and transfers is essentially performed manually, subcatchment by subcatchment. This demands a good appreciation of the data. The simple water account has two parts: - a hydrological account of the water flowing into the basin (primarily rain), flows and storages within the basin, and water flowing out of basin (primarily as evapotranspiration and discharge to the sea); - a further partitioning of the evapotranspiration into the proportion of evapotranspiration accounted for by each vegetation type or land use, including evapotranspiration from wetlands and evaporation from open water. The simple hydrological account is based on a monthly timestep, this being considered adequate for our purpose. The account is a top-down model (Vertessy et al around 2000), based on simple lumped partitioning of rainfall into evapotranspiration and runoff. This is done at the catchment level, with no spatial separation into different vegetation types. Runoff flows into the tributaries and into the Karkheh, with downstream flow calculated by simple water balance. During high flows, some of the flow is stored in the channels. Inflows are stored in Lake Karkheh, and are balanced by evaporation and discharge at the dam. Water is spilled if the capacity of the dam is exceeded. Units: Rain, evapotranspiration and potential evapotranspiration are given in mm. River flows and storages, and lake storage, are given in mcm (million cubic metres). 1 mcm is equivalent to one metre over one square kilometre. 1000 mcm = 1 bcm (billion cubic metres) = 1000 m over 1 km2 = 1 km3. Rainfall / evapotranspiration / runoff The partitioning is based on an idea of Lu Zhang, which in turn is derived from the reasoning of Budyko (which applies to average annual runoff), with the addition of a storage of which varies from month to month. Rainfall (P) plus irrigation (Ir) is first partitioned at the surface into the runoff (Ro) and infiltration (I), where conservation must be observed: P Ir I Ro 0 (1) Rainfall plus irrigation is the supply limit, whereas the unfilled portion of a generalised storage, Ssmax, is the capacity limit governing the partition and includes soil storage and small surface stores. A Budyko-like equation is used to smooth the transition from the supply limit to the capacity limit: 1 P Ir S s max a1 a1 (2) a1 S s max 1 P Ir S s max The following figure shows that this equation makes a sharper transition from the supply limit to see capacity limit with larger values of the parameter a1. I 1.2 Supply limit, P +Ir Capacity limit, S s max 1 5 I / Ss max 0.8 2 0.6 1 0.4 0.5 0.2 0 0 0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5 3 (P +Ir ) / S s max Figure. Behaviour of the runoff infiltration partition equation with different values of the parameter a1. The evapotranspiration depends on the potential evapotranspiration (ETpot, capacity limit) and the surface storage (Ss, supply limit). Although soil and other surface stores are not differentiated, the implication is that evaporation occurs from small ponds, puddles, and the soil surface, whereas transpiration comes from deeper soil storage. A similar equation to the above, with a second adjustable parameter a2, is used to smooth the transition from the supply limit to the capacity limit: 1 a2 a2 S st t I ET pot ET (3) a2 t t ET pot 1 S I ET s pot This equation also behaves as shown by the figure with the obvious changes to the parameters. The surface storage is increased by the infiltration and decreased by the evapotranspiration and a drainage-to-baseflow component, DB: S st S st t I ET DB (4) Baseflow is negligible in most of the tributaries of the Karkheh, so the drainage-tobaseflow component was mostly assumed to be zero. The lower part of the Black Karkheh has a small baseflow, and there DB was assumed to be proportional to the surface storage (that is, it varied from month to month). River flow and storage River flow is modelled as a series of reaches, with mass balance observed between reaches. Thus, the reach outflow, Qo, is given by the inflow, Qi, plus any tributary flows, Qt, plus the runoff, Ro (as calculated above), plus a baseflow component, Bf, less any diversion (for industrial or agricultural use), less any losses (evaporation, seepage), plus the change in reach storage Sr: Qo Qi Qt Ro B f D L S r (5) The reach storage is taken to be a function of the inflow: c2 (6) S r c1Qi where c1 and c2 are parameters. The change in reach storage is the difference between reach storage at two timesteps: (7) S r S rt S rt t The reach storage is recovered as river flow during recession. Reach storage is not particularly important in the Karkheh, and we have set C1 to zero everywhere, thus setting reach storage to zero. The monthly baseflow, Bf, was ignored here. It appears not to be important in the Karkheh, with river flows often falling to near zero during the late summer. Small storages We suspect that there is considerable small storage capacity within the Karkheh basin. Firstly, there is a considerable area of irrigation in each subcatchment and, since the irrigation is (presumably) out of phase with the rain, water must be stored. Secondly, the flows are much smoother than the rainfall and generally lag the rainfall, and this can only happen if water is stored in the winter and released later. The soil and channel storage referred to above do not provide adequate storage to account for this and, in any event, do not smooth the rainfall to mimic the flows. We do not necessarily assume that the catchment storage is in the form of managed reservoirs. We assume small storages, SD, that fill and empty according to: S Dt MIN S D,Max , S Dt t Ro E S r D c3 S Dt t (8) The maximum function gives the capacity limit of the storages. The other terms are inputs and output, defined above expect for the evaporation, E. The final term gives a slow leakage (or controlled release) from storage, at a rate governed by the adjustable parameter, c3. This final term is a working hypothesis which gives the right form of behaviour. Whether it is physically reasonable in the Karkheh we do not know, nor do we know if the values of the parameters are plausible. We have assumed that enough water must be supplied from the dam not just to satisfy diversion demand, but also to fill the river storage by the amount implied by the irrigation diversion flow. The evaporation is given by: (9) E c4 ET0 S Dc5 The term c4ET0 accounts for evaporation demand from open water, and c4 is often assumed to be 0.7. The term SDc5 is the conversion from storage volume to surface area and c5 will often be around 2/3 (because volume is proportional to the cube of the depth, whereas the evaporating surface area is proportional to the square of depth). Karkheh dam The Karkheh dam became operational in 2000. This is after the period for which we have climate and flow data. Therefore we are not able calibrate a model for the dam. Xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx add stuff about dam? Balance checks The spreadsheet has two checks of the overall water balance for each sub-basin. The first check is that the sum of the monthly rain over the full period equals the sum of the monthly evapotranspiration plus the sum of the monthly runoff plus the difference in the surface storage, Ss, between the beginning and end of the period. The second check is that for each sub basin the sum of the monthly inflows equals the sum of the monthly losses to discharge, evaporation from storages and diversions plus the difference in storages between the beginning and end of the period. In the present version of the spreadsheet, we have not checked the balances carefully. Some gaps in the flow data and some other modifications to the spreadsheet have led to slight errors and inconsistencies in the balance checks. These have yet to be sorted out. Note also that annual averages reported in the spreadsheet do not always compare as they should because of gaps: the flow data, for example, sometimes have gaps, and the average measured flow data is thus not always for the same period as the average calculated flow data. Irrigation demand and supply The spreadsheet can, in principle, handle many irrigated crops, limited only by the column capacity of Excel. The area of irrigated crops is also limited by the total land area in a sub-basin, and by the volume of water available. We use a crop factor approach, in which the crop factor, KC, is 0 when there is no crop, or takes a value often about 1 when there is a crop. The basis of this approach is given in FAO 56 (Allen et al.) and companion publications. We assume here that crops are always well watered, and that the area cropped is limited when water supply is limited. Thus, decreases in crop production result from reduced area, not reduced yield. The crop water demand per unit area for n crops is: IrrDemand K c1 ET0 K c 2 ET0 ...... K cn ET0 (12) where KC1…n are the crop factors for each crop. The irrigation demand is summed for the following 12 months, in order that a full year's demand may be compared with a full year's supply. The total area, ATI, that may be supplied for all irrigated crops is given by: SD (13) ATI MIN ATI max , IrrDemand where the MIN function limits the area irrigated. The individual area for crop i is: AiI ATI Ai max (14) ATI max and the volume, Di, diverted to supply crop i is: An I ( K cn ET Pen ) A1I ( K c1 ET0 Pe1 ) A2 I ( K c 2 ET0 Pe 2 ) (15) Di ...... IE1 IE 2 IE n where IE1….n is the total irrigation efficiency (ie accounting for all losses between the diversion point and the use of water by the crop) and Pe1….n is the effective rainfall. The individual diversions, Di, to each crop are summed to give the total diversion, D: D D1 D2 ...... Dn (16) Partitioning of dryland evapotranspiration by land use / vegetation type Equation (3) gives an estimate of the monthly evapotranspiration for each catchment which is constrained by and consistent with the measured outflows. This can be partitioned into the evapotranspiration from each land use / vegetation type in several ways, using vegetation water use modelling principles. The FAO CROPWAT model is a suitable candidate, since it is a simple model closely based on observed crop water use, and has been applied all over the world. Andah et al (2003) used SWAP. As well as providing a better estimate of the partition, it would also provide an independent check of the rainfall-evapotranspiration-runoff partitioning of the simple hydrological model. At this stage, we have used a simple pro-rata partitioning based on some country land use statistics. AiD ETiD ETTD (17) ATD where AiD is the ith dryland land use, and ATD is the total dryland area. We emphasise that this simple partitioning is not a restriction in the spreadsheet accounting. It is merely an expedient used here for this demonstration. Using something like the FAO CROPWAT approach is quite easy to implement. 3. Data used This is a brief summary only of the input data. Input data were based what was to hand as simple, consistent datasets. - Rainfall and potential evapotranspiration were supplied by Mobin. - Reach flows supplied by Mobin. - Some basic statistics for areas of forest, grassland and cropping (dryland and irrigation) were supplied by Mobin. Problems The water account has several problems, none of which prevent it fulfilling the main aim of aiding understanding of how the basin works. Most of the problems are in the individual subcatchments and will be dealt with in section 4. The balance checks should be improved. Using the spreadsheet The spreadsheet is developed by adding extra worksheets for extra catchments or subcatchments. On a new worksheet, the rain and flow are first added, and the overall catchment, irrigation and dryland areas are added. The calculations are then done in two stages. Firstly, the runoff parameters a1 and a2 (cells L10 and L11) are adjusted so that the summed calculated discharge equals the summed observed discharge. This is based on the requirement that, over a long period when storages can be ignored, the locally generated discharge from a subbasin must approximately equal the runoff less any local diversions and open water evaporation losses. In the small screen-grab below, a1 and a2 are manually adjusted so that sumcalcdisch approximately equals sumobsdisch. Parameters Smax 0.5 a1 0.84 a2 0.84 a3 0 Totals Fitting: adjust the parameters so sumobsdisch 5197 <------------ this cell equals sumcalcdisch 5245 <------------ this cell years 1990-2000, not 1994approximately is good enough Next, the c3 parameter is adjusted to minimise sum dev - the summed squared deviations between observed and calculated discharge. The parameter is adjusted using Solver. We expected Smax also to be important, but it turns out to only weakly influence the summed squared deviations between observed and calculated discharge, and solver usually does not change it. Parameters c1 c2 c3 Smax c4 0.2 0.6 0.342468948 1000 0.7 Totals Fitting: minimise sum dev 135623 <------------ this cell sums (o-e)^2 subject to the parameters years 1990-2005, not 1994 c5 0.67 Closs 1.00 4. Components and results in detail We were given climate and flow records for 15 subcatchments in the Karkheh basin. We added the marshes at the base of the basin as a 16th area. The subcatchments and flow gauge points are shown in the figure below. Doab The Doab subcatchment has an area of 7514 km2, including 1676 km2 of irrigated land; the flow gauge is 21-115. As mentioned in section 2 on small storages, we do not know whether our assumptions regarding small storages within the catchment are plausible. The calculated and measured flow record is shown below. Discharge Discharge obs 600 mcm/mo discharge calc 400 200 0 0 50 Months 100 150 The main mismatch between observed and calculated flow is missing the peak in the third year – this will be seen in several other records in the northern part of the basin. Calculating water use amongst the land uses is problematic. The irrigation area of 1676 km2 would, at full irrigation (ie actual ET = potential ET) and an irrigation efficiency of, say 50 % (including losses to evaporation from storages), require on the order of 3000 mcm, which is approximately equal to all the rain falling on the catchment. Clearly, either the area is not all irrigated at once, or it is irrigated at a very small supplemental rate of perhaps 50 – 100 mm per year. We have assumed a very small supplemental rate of irrigation and that most of the irrigated area is of summer crops, but we do not know what the actual rates and area are. The calculated water use for the main land uses and for the discharge is shown below. losses (evaporation etc) Discharge Forest etc Irrigation Grazing Dryland Pole Chehr The Pole Chehr subcatchment has an area of 3015 km2, including 390 km2 of irrigated land; the flow gauge is 21-127. As mentioned in section 2 on small storages, we do not know whether our assumptions regarding small storages within the catchment are plausible. The calculated and measured flow record is shown below. Discharge Discharge obs 800 discharge calc mcm/mo 600 400 200 0 0 50 Months 100 150 The calculated water use for the main land uses and for the discharge is shown below. losses (evaporation etc) Forest etc Discharge Grazing Dryland Irrigation Note that here, and in several other catchments, the discharge is a larger proportion of the water balance than might be expected based on worldwide catchment behaviour. This might be because the winter dominance of the rain leads to a greater saturation excess runoff than is usually seen, or might point to inconsistencies in the data. Doabe Merek The Doabe Merek subcatchment has an area of 1241 km2, including 109 km2 of irrigated land; the flow gauge is 21-133. As mentioned in section 2 on small storages, we do not know whether our assumptions regarding small storages within the catchment are plausible. The calculated and measured flow record is shown below. Discharge Discharge obs 150 mcm/mo discharge calc 100 50 0 0 50 Months 100 150 The flow peak of the third last year is not captured, as well as that of the third year (as mentioned in Doab). The calculated water use for the main land uses and for the discharge is shown below. losses (evaporation etc) Forest etc Discharge Grazing Irrigation Dryland Ghor Baghestan The Ghor Baghestan subcatchment has an area of 3937 km2, including 538 km2 of irrigated land; the flow gauge is 21-143. As mentioned in section 2 on small storages, we do not know whether our assumptions regarding small storages within the catchment are plausible. The calculated and measured flow record is shown below. Discharge Discharge obs 400 discharge calc mcm/mo 300 200 100 0 0 50 Months 100 150 The calculated water use for the main land uses and for the discharge is shown below. losses (evaporation etc) Discharge Forest etc Irrigation Grazing Dryland Holilan The Holilan subcatchment has an area of 4240 km2, including 302 km2 of irrigated land; the flow gauge is 21-147. As mentioned in section 2 on small storages, we do not know whether our assumptions regarding small storages within the catchment are plausible. The calculated and measured flow record is shown below. Discharge Discharge obs 1500 mcm/mo discharge calc 1000 500 0 0 50 Months 100 150 The calculated water use for the main land uses and for the discharge is shown below. losses (evaporation etc) Forest etc Grazing Discharge Dryland Irrigation Dartoot The Dartoot subcatchment has an area of 2573 km2, including 112 km2 of irrigated land; the flow gauge is 21-157. As mentioned in section 2 on small storages, we do not know whether our assumptions regarding small storages within the catchment are plausible. The calculated and measured flow record is shown below. Discharge Discharge obs 300 mcm/mo discharge calc 200 100 0 0 50 Months 100 150 The behaviour of this small catchment is very different to that of nearby catchments. The flow is less smooth, and there appears to be a modest base flow. The calculated water use for the main land uses and for the discharge is shown below. losses (evaporation etc) Discharge Irrigation Forest etc Dryland Grazing Tang Sazin The Tang Sazin subcatchment has an area of 2881 km2, including 87 km2 of irrigated land; the flow gauge is 21-159. As mentioned in section 2 on small storages, we do not know whether our assumptions regarding small storages within the catchment are plausible. The calculated and measured flow record is shown below. Discharge Discharge obs 2000 discharge calc mcm/mo 1500 1000 500 0 0 50 Months 100 150 The calculated water use for the main land uses and for the discharge is shown below. losses (evaporation etc) Discharge Forest etc Irrigation Grazing Dryland Kaka Reza The Kaka Reza subcatchment has an area of 1133 km2, including 133 km2 of irrigated land; the flow gauge is 21-169. As mentioned in section 2 on small storages, we do not know whether our assumptions regarding small storages within the catchment are plausible. The calculated and measured flow record is shown below. Discharge Discharge obs 300 mcm/mo discharge calc 200 100 0 0 50 Months 100 150 Two features of the data for this catchment are problematic: - the peak flow for the third winter occurs about three months later than the peak rainfall. This is the only year in which that happens. No plausible model can account for this. - the observed discharge is a very high proportion of the rainfall (almost 2/3), which is very unlikely. See also the pie chart below. Futhermore, getting the base flow right for this catchment required a rather higher deep drainage from the soil than is likely. The calculated water use for the main land uses and for the discharge is shown below. losses (evaporation etc) Forest etc Grazing Discharge Dryland Irrigation Cham Anjir The Cham Anjir subcatchment has an area of 1634 km2, including 106 km2 of irrigated land; the flow gauge is 21-175. As mentioned in section 2 on small storages, we do not know whether our assumptions regarding small storages within the catchment are plausible. The calculated and measured flow record is shown below. Discharge Discharge obs 300 mcm/mo discharge calc 200 100 0 0 50 Months 100 150 Again, this catchment has a very high observed discharge (see pie charts below). Getting the base flow right for this catchment required a rather higher deep drainage from the soil than is likely. The calculated water use for the main land uses and for the discharge is shown below. losses (evaporation etc) Forest etc Discharge Grazing Dryland Irrigation Pole Dokhtar The Pole Dokhtar subcatchment has an area of 6762 km2, including 441 km2 of irrigated land; the flow gauge is 21-183. As mentioned in section 2 on small storages, we do not know whether our assumptions regarding small storages within the catchment are plausible. The calculated and measured flow record is shown below. Discharge Discharge obs 1000 mcm/mo discharge calc 500 0 0 50 Months 100 150 The calculated water use for the main land uses and for the discharge is shown below. losses (evaporation etc) Discharge Forest etc Irrigation Grazing Dryland Jelogir The Jelogir subcatchment has an area of 4115 km2, including 158 km2 of irrigated land; the flow gauge is 21-185. As mentioned in section 2 on small storages, we do not know whether our assumptions regarding small storages within the catchment are plausible. The calculated and measured flow record is shown below. Discharge Discharge obs 3000 mcm/mo discharge calc 2000 1000 0 0 50 Months 100 150 Apart from the peak in the third summer, the match here is good. The calculated water use for the main land uses and for the discharge is shown below. losses (evaporation etc) Discharge Forest etc Irrigation Grazing Dryland Pole Zal The Pole Zal subcatchment has an area of 332 km2, including 1 km2 of irrigated land; the flow gauge is 21-189. As mentioned in section 2 on small storages, we do not know whether our assumptions regarding small storages within the catchment are plausible. The calculated and measured flow record is shown below. Discharge Discharge obs 300 mcm/mo discharge calc 200 100 0 0 50 Months 100 150 The data for this catchment are problematic: - the observed discharge is greater than the rainfall (almost twice as much), which obviously is very impossible. In estimating the contribution of this catchment to downstream, we used the observed flow data, assuming that the error lies elsewhere. The calculated water use for the main land uses and for the discharge is shown below. losses Forest etc Irrigation Dryland Grazing (evaporation etc) Discharge This is essentially fictitious and should be ignored. Paye Pol The Paye Pol subcatchment has an area of 2678 km2, including 28 km2 of irrigated land; the flow gauge is 21-191. As mentioned in section 2 on small storages, we do not know whether our assumptions regarding small storages within the catchment are plausible. The calculated and measured flow record is shown below. Discharge Discharge obs 3000 mcm/mo discharge calc 2000 1000 0 0 50 Months 100 150 The discharge for this catchment is higher than is likely – see also pie chart below. The calculated water use for the main land uses and for the discharge is shown below. losses (evaporation etc) Forest etc Discharge Grazing Irrigation Dryland Abdol Kha The Abdol Kha subcatchment has an area of 1872 km2, including 371 km2 of irrigated land; the flow gauge is 21-193. As mentioned in section 2 on small storages, we do not know whether our assumptions regarding small storages within the catchment are plausible. The irrigation supply is based on small storages, whereas in this catchment they could be taken run-of-river: this is an area for future improvement of the water use account. The calculated and measured flow record is shown below. Discharge Discharge obs discharge calc mcm/mo 3000 2000 1000 0 0 50 Months 100 150 Note the missing flow records for the first four years. The calculated water use for the main land uses and for the discharge is shown below. losses (evaporation etc) Discharge Forest etc Irrigation Grazing Dryland The discharge for this catchment is less than the inflow from upstream. In terms of water use, therefore, this catchment consumes more water than falls as rain, and discharge is not a component of the rainfall. We show discharge as zero. Hamidieh The Hamidieh subcatchment has an area of 931 km2, including 295 km2 of irrigated land; the flow gauge is 21-199. As mentioned in section 2 on small storages, we do not know whether our assumptions regarding small storages within the catchment are plausible. The irrigation supply is based on small storages, whereas in this catchment they could be taken run-of-river: this is an area for future improvement of the water use account. The calculated and measured flow record is shown below. Discharge Discharge obs discharge calc mcm/mo 3000 2000 1000 0 0 50 Months 100 150 The calculated water use for the main land uses and for the discharge is shown below. losses (evaporation Discharge etc) Forest etc Grazing Dryland Irrigation The discharge for this catchment is less than the inflow from upstream. In terms of water use, therefore, this catchment consumes more water than falls as rain, and discharge is not a component of the rainfall. We show discharge as zero. End / marshes The end (discharge) subcatchment has an area of 6709 km2, and includes some of the Horal Azim (spelling as per supplied jpg map, but other spellings seem preferred elsewhere) wetland. We have not been given figures for the area of irrigation, but have assumed that it is 295 km2 (as for Hamidieh). There is no flow gauge. We have been given few data of land use for this subcatchment, so we have assumed: - that there is 1000 km2 of irrigation; - that the marshes occupy up to 2000 km2, and have a capacity of up to 20000 mcm (ie are 10 m deep when full to capacity); - that the relationship between volume, Vm, and area, Am is non-linear with the volume falling more rapidly than the area, given by c6 V Am Am max m (18) Vm max where Vmmax, is the maximum volume and Ammax is the maximum area, c6 is a constant, taken to be 0.1 The evaporation from the marshes is given by E c 4 ET0 Am (19) which is the same as equation (9) but with the area of the marshes taken directly. The calculated flow record is shown below. Discharge Discharge obs 400 mcm/mo discharge calc 200 0 0 50 Months 100 150 The calculations show that the marshes may well have discharged a small volume of water into the Tigris in wet years. The annual average was, according to this calculation, about 180 mcm per year (0.18 km3). This figure should not be treated as relaiable, since we have assumed the areas and other parameters for the marshes and the irrigated area, but it gives a feel for the behaviour. The calculated water use for the main land uses and for the discharge is shown below. Discharge Irrigation losses (evaporation etc) Dryland Grazing Forest etc Note that the evaporation from the marshes is a large component of the water use in this catchment. 5. Example use As a demonstration, we examine the consequences of the Karkheh dam. The dam has a capacity of 7800 mcm and is just above Paye Pol. The dam will be used to supply irrigation districts of up to 3200 km2, which is about 1600 km2 more than we have assumed was developed prior to the dam. We assume that the dam discharge equals the demand from the irrigation areas downstream (which is in turn calculated from the area, the crop factor, the potential ET, and an irrigation efficiency, as given by equations (12) to (16)), plus volumes in excess of the storage capacity. The downstream irrigation districts take from the river what they require, subject to the available flow. (To see how this is done, refer to the spreadsheet.) We emphasise that this example is for demonstration only. We have assumed far too much for this to be treated as realistic. We have assumed no allowance of flows (either volume or timing) to the marshes. - Furthermore, it has been done quickly and not properly checked. The flow for Paye Pol (ie dam discharge) is shown below. Discharge Discharge obs 3000 mcm/mo discharge calc 2000 1000 0 0 50 Months 100 150 The flow is obviously substantially changed from that calculated previously (above), which matched the observed flow reasonably well. The calculated flow at Hamidieh is shown below, and again is substantially changed from the previous picture. Discharge Discharge obs discharge calc mcm/mo 3000 2000 1000 0 0 50 Months 100 150 The discharge from the marshes is now zero in all years except a tiny discharge (7 mcm) in one month in the fourth year), as shown below. Discharge Discharge obs 400 mcm/mo discharge calc 200 0 0 50 Months 100 150 The water use in the final catchment shows that the irrigation water use has increased substantially, and the evaporation from the marshes has dropped substantially (from an annual average of 3258 mcm to 1531 mcm). The area of the marshes is also calculated to diminish substantially. losses Discharge (evaporation etc) Forest etc Grazing Dryland Irrigation 6. Next - more work on model - Link with social issues - Use! 7. Conclusions A very simple spreadsheet model with few adjustable parameters has produced plausible runoff and river flow behaviour in the Karkheh Basin. If desired it could be further developed. 8. Acknowledgements 9. References