Notices 24th January 2016otu

Invitation to confession
God invites us to reconciliation and holiness. Let us turn our minds,
hearts and bodies to receive the grace of reconciliation on the way
to holiness.
Lord, you created us in your own image.
Forgive us when we do not honour your image in us
and the world that you gave us. Lord have mercy.
Jesus, you invite us to be perfect
as our heavenly Father is perfect.
Forgive us when we fail to be holy to be people of integrity
and to respect human rights and dignity. Christ have mercy.
Lord of life, not of death of peace, not of war
of light, not of darkness
forgive us when we become instruments of war, death and injustice
and fail to build a community of love. Lord Have mercy.
Merciful God, Forgive us our sins, fill us with your grace and
holiness. Make us apostles of love wherever we go.
This we pray through Christ, our Lord. Amen.
May God who loved the world so much that he sent his Son to be our
Saviour, forgive you your sins and make you holy to serve him in the
world through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen.
-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Students Exploring Marriage
This is a British educational charity with a Christian ethos, taking
married couples into secondary schools, mainly Year 10, for pupils to
quiz them on their relationship - to explore what it is like to be
They are seeking married couples who would be happy to come into
school several times a year, people who could act as ‘facilitators and
people to support them by praying. If you would be interested in
finding out more, please would you contact Mrs Heather Oliver, or 07731-506928.
Epiphany 3
Sunday 24thJanuary 2016
We welcome everyone to our church this morning especially any
visitors from St. Andrew’s Church, Laverstock. If you are visiting, or a
newcomer to the parish, please make yourself known to a sidesperson or one of the clergy after the service as we would like to
welcome you personally.
You are invited to receive communion with us. If you would prefer a
prayer or blessing, please bring a book with you to the altar so that
we shall know. If you would like to receive communion in your pew
please let a churchwarden know before the service begins.
Should you wish to support the church financially there are gift aid
envelopes in the church, or alternatively you may prefer to give to the
collection during the offertory hymn. The money goes towards the
work of the Parish. 5% of this collection will support other Christian
We keep quiet in preparation for the service once the organ stops
Lord Jesus Christ who said to your apostles ‘Peace I leave with
you, my peace I give to you.’ Look not on our sins but on the
faith of your church, and grant it the peace and unity of your
kingdom, where you are alive and reign with the Father, in the
Unity of the Holy Spirit, one God, now and forever. Amen.
The Vicar:
Tel: 01722 333564
The Curate:
Tel: 07745 731729
Parish Administrator:
Tel: 07925 108856
Parish Website:
1 Peter 2: 9-10
Matthew 5: 1-16
Revd. Becky Roberts
Revd. Heather Leppard
Mrs. Linda Baker
Would you please PRAY for:
 Bishop Eliaba Lako Obed, Diocese of Lainya in South Sudan.
 all the parishes in the Lyme Bay Deanery.
 Harnham Free Church and all its members.
 those who live in Upper Street and Tylers Close.
 those who are sick, and all who care for them, especially
Beryl Rumens, Sarah, Brian Duke, Keith Parker,
Andrew Senior, Christine and Sue Barnes (Arundale).
 those who have died especially Sylvia Gault,
Celia Mercer, Diana Smith, Gordon Jones,
Margaret Reed and Brother Damian.
“Pictures and Pancakes”
Tuesday 9th February, 7.00pm in the Church Hall.
An evening of fun to include: displays of the
photograph competition entries, slide show of
the 2015 events, picture quiz of Harnham and
Salisbury for all ages and some delicious
Please sign up on the lists in church.
"The Big Coffee,Cake and Card Sale”
Saturday 13th February, 10.00am – 12.00noon in the Church Hall.
An opportunity to buy your Easter, birthday and all other cards and
help the Sudan Medical link. The MU will be serving Coffee and
cakes to help provide holidays for families in need.
A taste of Africa – next Sunday
Sunday 31st January in the Parish Hall from noon.
Suggested donation as a minimum of £7 per person.
A variety of stews and sides, Polenta and orange cake,
fruit and Chai.
Please book your meal by signing at the back of church today.
Dates for your diaries:
Ash Wednesday Service
Wednesday 10th February. All Saints, 7.30pm.
Annual Parochial Church Meeting (APCM)
Tuesday 12th April, Church Hall at 7.30pm.
MONDAY – 25th January 2016
Celia Mercer’s funeral at All Saints.
3B’s in the Church Hall.
TUESDAY – 26th January 2016
Morning Prayer at All Saints.
Bible Study in the Meeting Room. All Welcome.
No Evening Prayer tonight, back next week.
WEDNESDAY – 27th January 2016
Morning Prayer at St.George’s.
St.George’s Toddler Group in the Church Hall.
Celtic Evening Prayer at 102 Coombe Road.
(Reflective said service with liturgy from Iona).
THURSDAY – 28th January 2016
Holy Communion at St.George’s.
Bible Study at Brympton.
SATURDAY – 30th January 2016
10-12noon Coffee Morning at All Saints.
SUNDAY – 31st January 2016
Holy Communion at All Saints.
Communion in the Church Hall.
African Lunch in the Church Hall.
“The Filling Station” Try us at Bodenham on Wednesday
27th January at 7.30 pm. David Paterson and Jannie Redman can
offer lifts.
Christian Aid Representative Vacancy
If you might be able to take over the role of our parish representative
for Christian Aid and arrange the annual street collection, please
contact David Paterson on: 01722 421737.