INTERNATIONAL SUMMER SCHOOL – EMR’2013 « Modelling and control using Energetic Macroscopic Representation Application to hybrid electric vehicles and others » Lille1 University – Science and Technology EMR’13 Summer School, 9-11 September, 2013 followed by the doctoral school of “Engineering Science”, 11-12 September 2013 The PhD students who attend to both EMR’13 and the doctoral school of engineering science, will receive 3 ECTS from the doctoral school of Lille1 University, if they succeed the assessment. 08h30 09h00 09h30 10h00 10h30 11h00 Monday September 9th : "EMR and fundamentals" (room TBD) -- Welcome and registration -Welcome session - Introduction (Dr. W. Lhomme, Prof. B. Lemaire-Semail, Univ. Lille1, France) Oral session 1: From the causality to the EMR – From the EMR to the control (session chair: Dr. W. Lhomme, Univ. Lille1, France) "About energy and causality principles" (Prof. A. Bouscayrol, Univ. Lille1, France, Prof. A. Rufer, Ecole Polytech. Fédérale de Lausanne, Switzerland) "Energetic Macroscopic Representation" (Dr. P. Barrade, Ecole Polytech. Fédérale de Lausanne, Switzerland, Dr. W. Lhomme, Univ. Lille1, France) "Inversion-based control" (Dr. X. Kestelyn, Ecole Nationale Supérieure d’Arts et Métiers, Prof. P. Sicard, Univ. du Québec à Trois-Rivières, Canada) -- Coffee break -- 13h00 Oral session 2: Basic examples (session chair: Prof. B. Lemaire-Semail, Univ. Lille1, France) "EMR and inversion-based control of an electric vehicle" (Dr. L. Silva, National University of Río Cuarto, Argentina, Dr. W. Lhomme, Univ. Lille1, France) "EMR and inversion-based control of a renewable energy conversion system" (Dr. L. Boulon, Univ. du Québec à Trois-Rivières, Canada, Prof. A. Bouscayrol, Univ. Lille1, France) -- Lunch -- 14h30 Group 1 14h30 Group 2 14h30 Group 3 18h00 Simulation session 1: Modelling, Introduction to simulation (1 case study to choose among the following) room TBD " Electric vehicle using EMR and SimulinkTM: part 1, EMR " (EV) (Dr. T. Letrouvé et al., Univ. Lille1) " Wind energy conversion system using EMR and SimulinkTM: part 1, EMR " (WECS) (Prof. A. Bouscayrol et al., Univ. Lille1) " Photovoltaic system using EMR and SimulinkTM: part 1, EMR " (PV) (Dr. W. Lhomme et al., Univ. Lille1) -- End of day 1 -- 11h30 12h00 Tuesday September 10th : "EMR and applications" (part I) (room TBD) Oral session 3: Applications to Hybrid Electric Vehicles (HEV – 1) (organized by MEGEVH) (session chair: Prof. D. Hissel, Univ. Franche-Comté, MEGEVH, France) 09h00 "Model-based control of a complex hybrid electric prototype vehicle for on-road testing " (Dr. T. Letrouvé, Dr. W. Lhomme, Prof. A. Bouscayrol, Univ. Lille1, N. Dollinger, PSA Peugeot Citroen, France) 09h30 "Modelling and control of an electric vehicle combining Bond Graph and EMR" (Dr. L. Silva, National University of Río Cuarto, Argentina, Prof. A. Bouscayrol, Univ. Lille1, France, Dr. R. Trigui, IFSTTAR, France) 10h00 "EMR and inversion-based control of series-parallel HEV with EVT" (Dr. Y. Cheng, PSA Peugeot Citroën, France, Prof. S. Cui, Harbin Institute of Tech., China, Prof. A. Bouscayrol Univ. Lille1, Prof. C. Espanet, Univ. Franche-Comté, Dr. R. Trigui, IFSTTAR, France) 10h30 "to be defined" 11h00 -- Coffee break -- Oral session 4: Applications to Hybrid Electric Vehicles (HEV – 2) (organized by MEGEVH) (session chair: Dr. Y. Cheng, PSA Peugeot Citroën, MEGEVH, France) 11h30 "EMR and inversion-based control of an ICE vehicle " (L. Horrein, Prof. A. Bouscayrol, Univ. Lille1, France, Dr. Y. Cheng, PSA Peugeot Citröen, France) 12h00 "to be defined" 12h30 "EMR of an automatic subway for an energetic study" (C. Mayet, Dr. P. Delarue, Prof. A. Bouscayrol, Univ. Lille1, France, Dr. J. N. Verhille, E. Chattot, Siemens, France) 13h00 -- Lunch -- 14h30 Group 1 14h30 Group 2 14h30 Group 3 18h00 09h00 09h30 10h00 10h30 11h00 11h30 12h00 12h30 13h00 14h30 18h00 09h00 12h30 14h00 18h00 Simulation session 2: Inversion-based control, Introduction to simulation (the participants will complete the case study they have chosen the day before) room TBD " Electric vehicle using EMR and SimulinkTM: part 2, inversion-based control " (EV) (C. Dépature et al., Univ. Lille 1) "Wind system using EMR & SimulinkTM: part 2, inversion-based control" (WECS) (Dr. P. Delarue et al., Univ. Lille 1) " Photovoltaic system using EMR and SimulinkTM: part 2, inversion-based control " (PV) (A. Castaings et al., Univ. Lille 1) -- End of day 2 -Wednesday September 11th : "EMR and applications" (part II) (room TBD) Oral session 5: Other Applications (1) (session chair: Dr. J. Trovão, Institute Seperioro de Coimbra, Portugal) "EMR of modular multilevel converters" (N. Cherix, Ecole Polytech. Fédérale de Lausanne, Switzerland) "Open-winding multiphase machines with two different storage sources" (Prof. E. Semail, Dr. N.-K. Nguyen, Ecole Nationale Supérieure d’Arts et Métiers, France) "Meta-heuristic optimization methods and EMR for controllers" (M. J. Blondin, Prof. P. Sicard, Univ. du Québec à Trois-Rivières) "to be defined" -- Coffee break -Oral session 6: Other Applications (2) (session chair: Dr. L. Boulon, Univ. du Québec à Trois-Rivières, Canada) "Optimal energy management by EMR and meta-heuristic approach for multi-source electric vehicles" (Dr. J. Trovão, Institute Seperioro de Coimbra, Portugal) "EMR of piezoelectric actuators used in forging processes" (Dr. C. Giraud-Audine, Ecole Nationale Supérieure d’Arts et Métiers, Prof. B. Lemaire-Semail, Univ. Lille1, France) "to be defined" -- Lunch -PhD students and other volunteers (room TBD) "Practical session": EMR and Inversion-based control – From modelling to the real implementation (for student only) Dr. F. Giraud, Univ. Lille1, France "eV platform of the L2EP": presentation and demonstration of a power HIL simulation -- End of the day -Thursday September 12th : "Doctoral school on Engineering Science" (room TBD) Free activity of the PhD students (and other volunteers) From the exercises defined in round table, the students will apply the EMR-IBC methodology. They will prepare some PPT presentations in order to explain their approach and main results -- Lunch -From the PPT presentations prepared, each student must present to the audience the results of the exercises they have worked on. -- End of the day --