Oxfordshire Clinical Commissioning Group Physician Associate Training Placements Reading University is seeking practices who would be willing to host one or two trainee Physician Associate students in their practice for their year 1 placements. The Year 1 placements are scheduled to take place from the week commencing 7/3/16; the second rotation of these would commence on 16/5/16. We are hoping that most practices will have a student for both of these 10 week blocks. Students will be expected to attend approximately 9-5 on Mondays and Tuesdays and to undertake the following: 1. At the beginning of the 10 weeks, the student will mostly observe They can rotate between different GPs (if applicable), nurse-run clinics, and other associated activities to see wide variety of patients and experiences 2. After a few weeks, the student will start practising directed histories and physical exams on selected patients and presenting to the GP supervisor. Approximately equivalent to early medical student level skills and supervision GP supervisor will be asked to observe a small number of student-patient interactions to ensure communication and history/physical skills are acceptable. The student will present the patient to the GP supervisor in the room with the patient, and they will discuss differential diagnosis, treatment/management plan in collaboration with the patient. Students will be expected to document at minimum a short summary of the consultation for the medical record – they may do full documentation at the guidance of the GP supervisor. 3. Student should consult with/present at least 2 patients per hour by the end of the placement The students will choose 2 cases each week to discuss in further depth with the GP supervisor. Students will have a small number of procedures they will need to be observed performing – this might be done by a nurse or by a GP. GP supervisor will provide formative feedback to the student in the form of informal discussion at least twice during the 10 weeks as well as a mini-CEX (Clinical Evaluation Exercise) halfway through. GP supervisor will provide summative feedback to the student at the end of the placement in the form of a mini-CEX (Clinical Evaluation Exercise). 1 Funding £200 per week will be available to GP practices for hosting a student 2 days a week in the first year. The amount of contact time with the GP supervisor will vary over the attachment (less to start with due to sitting in with other team members, more in the latter stages of the placement because the student will be seeing patients themselves and then presenting/discussing with the GP), it is estimated that supervisor contact time is likely to be in the order of 15-20 hours per week. Second year placements are more time-intensive to the supervisor, given that the student will be present 4 or 5 days a week and there will be a greater requirement for assessment and feedback. The intention is that Reading University will increase the amount of remuneration in line with the requirements of a second-year placement, and they have already submitted a bid for more money from HETV for the following year. Further Information Further information about the training that Physician Associate students will receive can be accessed here: Centre for Inter-Professional Postgraduate Education and Training (CIPPET) Postgraduate Diploma Physician Associate Dr Simone Magee (Academic Director) © University of Reading www.reading.ac.uk For more information and to confirm your interest in hosting a student placement please contact Simone Magee at s.magee@reading.ac.uk and copy in Rosie Rowe rosie.rowe@oxfordshireccg.nhs.uk 2 3