Problemset Title Chapter Quiz Introductory Text Question 1 __________ is NOT an example of an industrial advancement that has lead to the discovery of important archaeological sites. Type: Hint: Multiple Choice Feedback for all incorrect answers: Question 2 How do you find archaeological sites? Answer Graded As Road construction Incorrect Deep plowing Incorrect The development of the internet Correct Dam building Incorrect Developing subway systems Incorrect Feedback One of the longest running remote sensing projects is located in __________. Hint: Type: Multiple Choice Question 3 Feedback for all incorrect answers: How do you find archaeological sites? Answer Graded As Tanzania Incorrect China Incorrect Spain Incorrect France Correct Argentina Incorrect Feedback Aerial photography and satellite imaging are examples of __________. Hint: Type: Multiple Choice Question 4 Feedback for all incorrect answers: How do you find archaeological sites? Answer Graded As publication Incorrect seriation Incorrect excavation Incorrect remote sensing Correct altimetry Incorrect The theoretical ideal of archaeological survey is to __________. Hint: Type: Multiple Choice Feedback for all How do you find archaeological sites? incorrect answers: Feedback Question 5 Answer Graded As record traces of ancient settlement that are similar to modern human populations Incorrect record all traces of ancient settlement in the area Correct destroy all evidence of ancient peoples Incorrect observe evidence of ancient settlements without excavation Incorrect develop new remote sensing techniques to use in the future Incorrect Feedback Which of the following is true of settlement archaeology? Hint: Type: Multiple Choice Feedback for all incorrect answers: How do you find archaeological sites? Answer Graded As It is an older technique for studying ancient civilizations, but is not highly valued among modern archeologists. Incorrect It allows archaeologists to examine relationships among different communities and trading networks. Correct It rarely allows archaeologists to develop a sense of an ancient peoples' worldview. Incorrect It is not frequently used because archaeologists do not concern themselves with how ancient peoples exploited their natural environments. Incorrect It is a technique that is only used to analyze ancient civilizations throughout South and Central America. Incorrect Feedback Question 6 Over 5,000 structures and activity areas were recorded after __________ was mapped by George Cowgill and Rene Millon. Type: Hint: Multiple Choice Feedback for all incorrect answers: Question 7 Site Answer Graded As Thorpe Incorrect Angkor Incorrect Ur Incorrect Teotihuacán Correct Cairo Incorrect Feedback Digitized maps and remote-sensing devices provide data for __________. Hint: Type: Multiple Choice Feedback for all incorrect answers: Answer Site Graded As Feedback LANDSAT Incorrect CRM Incorrect GIS Correct vertical excavation Incorrect seriation Incorrect Question 8 __________ is considered a strategy of last resort due to the recent destruction of the archaeological record? Type: Hint: Multiple Choice Feedback for all incorrect answers: How do you dig up the past? Answer Graded As Excavation Correct GIS Incorrect LANDSAT Incorrect Remote sensing Incorrect Altimetry Incorrect Feedback Question 9 The __________ form of excavation is particularly difficult to conduct in caves and rock shelters. Type: Hint: Multiple Choice Feedback for all incorrect answers: How do you dig up the past? Answer Graded As geometric Incorrect sampling Incorrect stratigraphic Correct vertical Incorrect horizontal Incorrect Feedback Question 10 Which of the following is an effective for excavating early human sites throughout East Africa? Type: Hint: Multiple Choice Feedback for all incorrect answers: How do you dig up the past? Answer Graded As Geometric method Incorrect Sampling excavation Incorrect Stratigraphic excavation Incorrect Vertical excavation Incorrect Horizontal excavation Correct Feedback Question 11 It is NOT true of Ceremonial sites that __________. Hint: Type: Multiple Choice Feedback for all incorrect answers: Archaeological sites Answer Graded As they were primarily used for ceremonial purposes and religious observances Incorrect some of these sites formed part of the larger community Incorrect they consist of areas where prehistoric peoples killed game animals and butchered meat Correct statuaries are often associated with these sites Incorrect Feedback artifacts used in ceremonial rituals are frequently part of these sites Incorrect Question 12 The ultimate objective of archaeological excavation is __________. Hint: Type: Multiple Choice Question 13 Feedback for all incorrect answers: Archaeological sites Answer Graded As to find as many artifacts as possible Incorrect to preserve the landscape by using primarily nonintrusive techniques Incorrect to uncover primarily ceremonial sites to better understand the worldview of ancient civilizations Incorrect to record three-dimensional relationships throughout a site and provide a context for each discovery Correct to identify ancient civilizations existing throughout North America and Europe Incorrect Feedback __________ provides a timescale that is the foundation for all archaeological research. Hint: Type: Multiple Choice Question 14 Feedback for all incorrect answers: How old is it? Answer Graded As Relative chronology Correct Total data stations Incorrect The law of association Incorrect The law of superposition Incorrect Dendrochronology Incorrect It is possible to correct radiocarbon dates using __________. Hint: Type: Multiple Choice Feedback for all incorrect How old is it? Feedback answers: Answer Graded As potassium-argon dating Incorrect dendochronology Correct thermoluminescence dating Incorrect accelerator mass spectrometry Incorrect fission track dating Incorrect Feedback Question 15 ___________ is considered the most widely used dating method for dating the past after 40,000 years. Type: Hint: Multiple Choice Feedback for all incorrect answers: How old is it? Answer Graded As Potassium-argon dating Incorrect Dendochronology Incorrect Thermoluminescence dating Incorrect Accelerator mass spectrometry Incorrect Radiocarbon dating Correct Feedback