North East Fife Area Committee Date: 2nd March 2011 Agenda Item No: 6 Housing & Neighbourhood Performance Monitor Report by: Derek Muir, Head of Housing & Neighbourhood Services Wards Affected: 17, 18, 19, 20, 21 Purpose The purpose of this report is to inform elected members on the performance of Housing & Neighbourhood Services for Quarter 3, 2010/11. This will include Property Management, Housing Management and Homelessness. Recommendation(s) The Committee is asked to note the report and consider the issues of significance highlighted for the local area. Resource Implications There are no resource implications for Fife Council. Legal & Risk Implications There are no legal or risk implications for Fife Council. Policy & Impact Assessment The Housing & Neighbourhood Service performance contributes to the Big 8 Council priorities (increasing access to housing, support to vulnerable people) and the Council’s Standard Delivery Plan (SDP)/Business Plan. Consultation The performance information is reviewed by the Tenant Scrutiny Forum. 1.0 Background The report will show performance for our key indicators for Quarter 3 10/11 against previous recorded data. This will be shown in the form of graphs which can show trends, narrative will be included in the report to support the information on the graphs. Where targets are set these are included. 2.0 Issues The Service is currently reviewing the Housing & Neighbourhood Service Plan and setting new targets for key performance indicators. Targets set will take account of the challenge to achieve top quartile results, and top performing council status, thereby improving on our excellent grades achieved from the Scottish Housing Regulator from their inspection in September 2010. The Service Plan will be submitted to the Housing & Communities Committee in May 2011 for approval, this will form the basis of the area planning and performance management framework for the Service which will be included in our future Area Performance Monitors for 2011/12. The new Covalent performance management system is being introduced across the Council and should be fully operational by Quarter 1, 2011/12. This will be the main source for monitoring our performance. Committee should be aware that the Area Performance Monitors will be reviewed by the Service in line with the new system, with the most likely change being the presentation style of future reports. 3.0 Conclusions Repairs performance throughout Fife has improved within Quarter 3 considering the increased number of urgent repairs due to the severe weather. Allocations made throughout Fife are currently meeting all target for all categories, including homelessness, waiting and the transfer list. The number of empty properties within Fife continues to reduce each quarter which has an impact on the amount of rent loss due to voids. This is the same for North East Fife; the number of empty properties has reached the Area target this quarter. However some other areas within Housing Management need to improve to meet the Area targets. The allocations made to homessless households has improved since Quarter 1 and the performance now exceeds the Area target, this should be monitored over the next quarter to ensure there is an even distribution of the allocations made in North east Fife. List of Appendices: 1. Housing and Neighbourhood Services Performance Monitor for Quarter 3, 2010/11. Background Papers: The following papers were relied on in the preparation of this report in terms of the Local Government (Scotland) Act, 1973: Scottish Housing Regulator - housing performance standards Audit Scotland statutory performance indicators guide 2009/10 Report Contact: Report Contact: Morag Boyter Colin Gilbert Team Leader, Resources County Buildings 2nd Floor, Rothesay House St Catherine Street, Cupar Glenrothes Tel: 08451 555 555, ext 450394 Tel: 08451 555 555, ext 444539 Email: Email: Appendix 1 FIFE COUNCIL Housing & Neighbourhood Services Performance Monitor North East Fife Quarter 3 – October to December 2010 1.0 Property Management and Standards 1.1 Percentage of BUILDING SERVICES jobs completed within timescale: Building Services - Overall Performance 96% 94% 92% 90% 88% Qtr 1 Qtr 2 Qtr 3 Qtr 4 Qtr 1 2008/09 Qtr 2 Qtr 3 Qtr 4 2009/10 NE Fife Qtr 1 Qtr 2 Qtr 3 2010/11 Fife No target set as this is included in section 1.2 ‘All Contactors’ Fife comments: The total number of repairs completed in Quarter 3 for Building Services is 31357; this is 10% more repairs than the same time last year. Due to the severe weather conditions in December the number of ‘urgent’ repairs’ increased by 60% from last year to 9912, the Service placed a priority on these and 96% were completed within target time. Overall 93% of Building Service repairs were completed within timescale throughout Fife. North East Fife comments: The number of repairs completed in Quarter 3 for Building Services is 3715 in North East Fife. The overall percentage completed within timescale is 91%. It should be noted the priority in December was ‘urgent repairs’ due to the severe weather and this category performed at 95%, this is an excellent performance considering the number of repairs increased by 45% from the same time last year. 1.2 Percentage of ALL CONTRACTORS jobs completed within timescale: All Contractors - Overall Performance 96% 94% 92% 90% 88% 86% Qtr 1 Qtr 2 Qtr 3 Qtr 4 Qtr 1 2008/09 Qtr 2 Qtr 3 Qtr 4 Qtr 1 2009/10 NE Fife Qtr 2 Qtr 3 2010/11 Fife Target: 96% Fife comments: The total number of repairs completed in Quarter 3 for ‘All Contractors’ is 34441. The overall performance is 93% completed within timescale. Over 9000 ‘urgent repairs’ were reported due to the severe weather in December and these were classed as priority by the Service, over 95% were completed within target time, this is an excellent performance considering 60% more urgent repairs were reported in comparison to the same time last year. Nearly 7000 responses have been received to date for the repairs survey and the customer satisfaction level stands at 92%. North East Fife comments: The number of repairs completed in Quarter 3 for ‘All Contractors’ is 3998 in North East Fife. The overall performance is 90% for repairs completed in timescale. It should be noted the priority in December was ‘urgent repairs’ due to the severe weather and this category performed at 94% on time, this is an excellent performance considering the number of repairs increased by 31% from the same time last year. 1.3 Percentage of House Sales completed within 26 weeks: Percentage of sales completed within 26 weeks 100% 80% 60% 40% 20% 0% Qtr 1 Qtr 2 Qtr 3 Qtr 4 Qtr 1 2008/09 Qtr 2 Qtr 3 Qtr 4 2009/10 NE Fife Qtr 1 Qtr 2 Qtr 3 2010/11 Fife Target: 95% Fife comments: The average number of weeks to complete sales is 19. The number of house sales in Fife is 25 for Quarter 3. All sales were completed within target time showing 100% performance. North East Fife comments: The number of sales in North East Fife is 3. All sales were completed within target time showing 100% performance. 2.0 Housing Management 2.1 Number of empty houses: Area 90 Number of Empty Houses Fife 800 80 750 70 700 60 650 50 600 40 550 30 500 Qtr 1 Qtr 2 Qtr 3 Qtr 4 2008/09 Qtr 1 Qtr 2 Qtr 3 2009/10 NE Fife Fife Target: 658 Qtr 4 Qtr 1 Qtr 2 Qtr 3 2010/11 Fife Area Target: 64 Fife comments: We had 581 empty properties at the end of the Quarter 3 - the lowest number of empty properties recorded for more than 5 years. This is due to continued success in letting longer term voids. The rent lost due to houses sitting empty is £1,274, 243 so far this year, or 2.02% of the total income. This is £150k less than the same time last year. We are continuing to work on letting longer term voids through Estate Action. For example, Areas are targeting their resources on estate improvements work identified through the walkabouts, and are tackling empty sheltered housing with a programme of conversions and active marketing. We have made significant improvements in our voids performance this year, and have almost reached our current target of 2% rent lost. We want to be in the top 25% of Scottish authorities on letting empty houses and we are aiming to match the Scottish average of 1.5% next year. North East Fife comments: North East Fife has 65 empty properties as at Quarter 3. This is an excellent improvement from the same time last year as the number of empty properties is reduced by 22%. As with the rest of Fife the Area is showing continued progress to reduce the number of empty houses. 2.2 Properties let within 4 weeks: Properties Let within 4 weeks 40% 35% 30% 25% 20% 15% 10% Qtr 1 Qtr 2 Qtr 3 Qtr 4 Qtr 1 2008/09 Qtr 2 Qtr 3 Qtr 4 Qtr 1 2009/10 NE Fife Qtr 2 Qtr 3 2010/11 Fife Target: 42% Fife comments: We have let 1884 properties so far this year and 38% of these were let within 4 weeks, with 71% allocated within 8 weeks. Letting properties faster would also help us reach our aim of being in the top 25% of Scottish Authorities for voids. The work done to take a ‘Lean’ approach to letting empty houses, reducing the time taken for each step of the process is to be rolled out to all partners in May this year and this will increase the number we let within 4 weeks. However, as we are successful in letting the properties that have been empty for a long time, this has the effect of increasing these letting time figures. North East Fife comments: To improve the performance for the number of properties let within 4 weeks we are producing fortnightly monitoring reports to keep an accurate account of void properties. We continue to work in partnership with Building Services to improve performance, and are currently working on a process that will provide us with data to show us at what stage each property is at any given time. 2.3 Current tenant arrears as a Percentage of Net Debit: Percentage of Net Debit 11% 10% 9% 8% 7% 6% 5% 4% Qtr 1 Qtr 2 Qtr 3 Qtr 4 Qtr 1 2008/09 Qtr 3 Qtr 4 2009/10 NE Fife Fife Target: 8.0% Qtr 2 Qtr 1 Qtr 2 Qtr 3 2010/11 Fife Area Target: 4.5% Fife comments: While this graph shows an increase in the net debit due for Quarter 3, the context is that the measure is taken on 31st December, when we have not applied any payments over the holiday closure, and the 2nd annual free period follows. The arrears have shown an improvement at Quarter 3 in the past 3 years, but not by as much as we would want to see. A recent benchmarking seminar showed that while our approach and processes are good, our outcomes place us among the bottom 25% of Scottish authorities. This is not where we want to be: we are firmly behind an agenda to improve and seek to move into the top 25%. We will step up the rate of improvement as our service restructure is implemented. The current target for Fife is 8% and we are aiming to match the Scottish average of 6% mid-point next year as a start. The additional income from this will help support business plan objectives of increased access to housing. As plans develop, we will keep members apprised of any changes which might affect tenants and staff and updated Area targets. North East Fife comments: We are working to improve our performance in dealing with high arrears cases, assisting tenants to sustain their tenancy by making suitable payment plans. It is a priority for the Area to reduce the number of arrears cases and those in the court system by taking firmer actions for those tenants that do not respond to our advice and support. We are also using a period report which we update to show actions, contacts and letters sent to tenants in arrears. This should improve our period contacts and guide us to the next stages in the process whether it is reaching agreements, pushing a court action referral or instigating an eviction request. 3.0 Access to Housing and Homelessness 3.1 Number of households assessed as homeless or potentially homeless: Number of Households Assessed as Homeless Area Fife 90 920 820 80 720 70 620 60 520 50 420 40 320 Qtr 1 Qtr 2 Qtr 3 Qtr 4 2008/09 Qtr 1 Qtr 2 Qtr 3 Qtr 4 Qtr 1 2009/10 NE Fife Qtr 2 Qtr 3 2010/11 Fife Annual Target: 3508 Fife comments: Fife has seen a steady decline in the number of households assessed as homeless over the past 3 Quarters. Despite this good news numbers remain at the highest level since 2008/09. This is a result of the 2012 agenda to abolish Priority Need giving more allocations to statutory Homeless Households with the consequent decrease in opportunities on the Housing List. Fife Council is developing a “Prevention First” approach to reduce the dependence on the Statutory Powers to provide housing solutions and alongside this it is projected that allocations to Homelessness will be able to fall by 2015. There are still a number of groups within the age band 18 to 39 to be taken out of the test of vulnerability by 31st December 2012 and this will result in a rise in 2011. North East Fife comments: North East Fife Area has seen households assessed as homeless drop in line with the Fife wide position. The trend is likely to continue in line with the overall Fife position. 3.2 Percentage of cases reassessed as homeless within a 12 month period: Homeless Reassessed within 12 months 14% 12% 10% 8% 6% 4% 2% Qtr 1 Qtr 2 Qtr 3 Qtr 4 Qtr 1 2008/09 Qtr 2 Qtr 3 Qtr 4 Qtr 1 2009/10 NE Fife Qtr 2 Qtr 3 2010/11 Fife No Target Fife comments: The percentage of cases reassessed within 12 months is 6.67% for Quarter 3. The rise in Quarter 3 for Fife is not significant and the position is under regular review to ensure that any remedial action required can be taken quickly. North East Fife comments: At 5.56% North East Fife is below the Fife average. This is good performance. 3.3 Percentage of allocations made to homeless people: Allocations made to homeless households 70% 60% 50% 40% 30% 20% Qtr 1 Qtr 2 Qtr 3 Qtr 4 Qtr 1 2008/09 Qtr 2 Qtr 3 Qtr 4 2009/10 NE Fife Fife Target: 50% Qtr 1 Qtr 2 Qtr 3 2010/11 Fife Area Target: 50% Fife comments: Allocation to Homeless Households continues to be on target for the year and it is expected that the outturn for the year to 31st March 2011 will be on target at 50%. North East Fife comments: Significant improvement from the 1st Quarter which now brings us into the 50% Homeless target area which we need to achieve for allocations to homeless for the year. The allocations made to homeless households to date is 55% in North East Fife. 3.4 Households in temporary accommodation: Bar Line Average Length of stay In Temporary Accommodation - days 40 300 35 30 250 25 20 200 15 10 150 5 0 100 Qtr 1 Qtr 2 Qtr 3 Qtr 4 2008/09 Hostels Targets: Hostels: 30 days Qtr 1 Qtr 2 Qtr 3 Qtr 4 2009/10 B&B FF: 200 days Qtr 1 Qtr 2 Qtr 3 2010/11 Furnished Flat B & B: 10 days Fife comments: Across Fife the total leaving temporary accommodation has fallen compared with the previous period. This reflects difficulties in making allocations of permanent tenancies due to the poor weather during December. The length of time spent in accommodation has remained fairly consistent, as staff continue to work to identify housing options for homeless customers. North East Fife comments: In North East Fife the use of all forms of temporary has remained fairly consistent with the previous period to enable the council to meet its duty to offer accommodation to all entitled applicants, although the departure of one long-term customer has increased the average stay statistic for furnished flats.