English III
You will have 3 class days in which to plan and write a critical literary analysis essay for a major grade. This essay must be done in class. If you are absent on any of the 3 class days, you will be required to come before or after school to make up this assignment BEFORE the holiday break unless there are extenuating circumstances approved by the teacher. This assignment requires that you not only understand the dark romantic elements in a piece of literature but also that you are able to organize and compose on the spot. Grading will focus on accuracy and development of ideas through textual support and organization.
You will prove in a multi-paragraph essay that your short story is typical of the dark romantic genre by discussing one of the symbols and the mood of your chosen piece.
Choose One
“The Raven” pp.312-317
“The Masque of the Red Death” Handout
“Where Is Here” pp. 325-332
Day 1: Planning – Monday, November 14 th
Create notes for your essay using class notes, study guides and literature books.
These notes should include background information on the author, a summary of the chosen literary piece and textual support regarding the symbol(s) and mood of the piece.
At the end of the period all notes will be collected and returned the following class day.
Day 2: Composing - Tuesday, November 15 th
Your notes will be returned from the previous day. These notes and your textbook are the
ONLY source you may use to write your essay.
At the end of the period all notes and writing will be collected and returned the following class day.
Day 3: Literary Analysis – Wednesday, November 16 th
Your notes and essay will be returned from the previous day. These notes, essay and your textbook are the ONLY source you may use to write your essay.
At the end of the period, you will turn in your rough draft essay and notes for grading. The essay will be graded for a MAJOR GRADE.
Guidelines for organizing your essay are on the back.
English III
Literary Analysis Organization
Dark Romantic Essay
Begin your literary analysis broadly and narrow your topic toward the end. There are two simple ways to begin your introduction: discuss the author’s background or discuss the dark romantic genre.
After discussing the author or genre, include a brief synopsis or summary of the short story you have chosen.
End your introduction with a clearly worded thesis statement. A thesis statement should include what you will be discussing in the essay.
Example Thesis: In “The Fall of the House of Usher” Edgar Allan Poe uses a sinister and disturbing mood, as well as a symbolic crack within the Usher house to establish this story as a dark romantic piece of literature.
Introduction Set-Up
Broad Beginning: Discuss Author Information (Poe Background pp. 288-290, Joyce Carol
Oates pg. 324) or The Dark Romantic Genre & Elements (Gothic Notes Given to You)
Narrow: Summary of the short story (3-4 Sentences ONLY)
Thesis (Includes what the focus of your paper is about. Should include author name, title of short story and mood and symbol you will be discussing.)
Body Paragraph One: Mood
Topic sentence introducing the mood of the piece. Example: The mood of “The Fall of the House of Usher” is sinister and disturbing.
Describe the mood of the piece. Use the 8.2 format to discuss mood.
Use textual evidence from the piece that PROVES the mood. When using text evidence, include the page number following the sentence in which the quote takes place (ATE
Format). Example: When describing the house in which Roderick Usher lives, “there was an iciness, a sinking, a sickening of the heart,” Poe establishes a sinister, evil mood (264).
Use examples from the piece that help create the mood: imagery, setting, details, characterization. Example: Poe continues to develop a disturbing mood through his description of Roderick Usher as having, “a cadaverousness of complexion…” (267).
Body Paragraph Two: Symbolism
Topic sentence introducing the symbolism of the piece. Example: One of the main symbols in “The Fall of the House of Usher” is the decaying, cracking house as a symbol of the Usher family.
Use textual evidence from the piece that relates the symbol to what it symbolizes. When using text evidence, include the page number following the quote. Use the 8.2 format to discuss the symbol.
Explain or discuss what the symbol(s) represent and how symbolism is typical of the Dark
Romantic genre.
Not a summary
“Connect the dots” to show that the piece is typical of the dark romantic genre.
English III
Student Name: ________________________________________
Title of Piece: _________________________________________
Mood of the piece: Body Paragraph #1
Notes on Mood (Include direct quotations with page numbers and examples of support.)
Symbolism in the piece: Body Paragraph #2
Notes on Symbolism (Include direction quotations with page numbers and examples of support.)
English III
Author Background OR Dark Romantic Background Information: You need very little information for this. This is part of your introduction only. Do not take much time on this!!
Edgar Allan Poe: pp. 288-290
Joyce Carol Oates pg. 324
Important Plot Details (For Summary): This is also for your introduction only. Do not spend much time on this part! You only need to write 3-4 sentences within the introduction to summarize.
Attach additional pages if needed. Your notes are a separate grade, and they are the ONLY source of information you may use to
write your literary analysis.
English III