Jau-Ching Wu, MD: Neurosurgeon Profile & Publications

神經外科 醫師
吳昭慶 醫師
Jau-Ching Wu, M.D.
台北榮總 神經外科 主治醫師
陽明大學 醫學院 講師
內視鏡手術 Endoscopic Surgery
顯微腦瘤手術 Microscopic Brain Tumor Surgery
微創神經脊椎手術 Minimally Invasive Spine Surgery
人工椎間盤手術 Total Disc Replacement
美國杜克大學醫學中心 (Duke University Medical Center, Durham)
美國加州大學洛杉磯分校 (University of California, Los Angeles)
美國加州大學舊金山分校醫學中心 (University of California, San Francisco)
SCI 論文發表
1. Chen YC, Wu JC, Chen TJ, Wetter T. A publicly available database
dramatically accelerates academic production. BMJ 2011/01/13. [SCI]
2. Chen YC, Yeh HY, Wu JC, Haschler I, Chen TJ, Wetter T. Taiwan's National
Health Insurance Research Database: Administrative health care database
as study object in bibliometrics. Scientometrics 2011;86:365-80.
[Online version]
3. Tu TH, Wu JC*, Huang WC, Guo WY, Wu CL, Shih YH, Cheng H. Heterotopic
ossification after cervical total disc replacement: Determination by
computed tomography and effects on clinical outcomes. Journal of
Neurosurgery: Spine [SCI]
4. Wu JC, Liu L, Chen YC, Huang WC, Chen TJ, Cheng H. Ossification of the
posterior longitudinal ligament in the cervical spine: An eleven-year
comprehensive national epidemiology study. Neurosurgical Focus
2011;30(3):E5. [SCI]
5. Meyer SA, Wu JC*, Mummaneni PV. Laminoplasty Outcomes: Is there a
difference between patients with degenerative stenosis versus those with
the ossification of posterior longitudinal ligament? Neurosurgical Focus
2011;30(3):E9. [SCI]
6. Meyer SA, Wu JC, Mummaneni PV. Mini-Open and Minimally Invasive
Transforaminal Lumbar Interbody Fusion: Technique Review. Seminars in
Spine Surgery 2011;23(1):45-50. [OVID]
[Online abstract]
7. Wu JC, Huang WC, Chen YC, Tu TH, Tsai YA, Huang SF, Huang SC, Cheng H.
Acidic Fibroblast Growth Factor for Repair of Human Spinal Cord Injury: A
Clinical Trial. Journal of Neurosurgery: Spine 2011. [SCI] (accepted)
8. Upadhyaya CD, Wu JC*, Haid RW, Traynelis VC, Tay B, Coric D, Trost G,
Mummaneni PV. Analysis of the Three FDA-IDE Cervical Arthroplasty Trials.
Journal of Neurosurgery: Spine 2011. [SCI] (accepted)
9. Upadhyaya CD, Wu JC*, Chen TC, Balamurali G, Mummaneni PV. Avoidance
of Wrong Level Thoracic Spine Surgery: Intraoperative Localization with
Preoperative Percutaneous Fiducial Screw Placement. Journal of
Neurosurgery: Spine 2011. [SCI] (accepted)
10. Chen YC, Wu JC*, Liu L, Chen TJ, Huang WC, Cheng H. Ventriculo-Peritoneal
Shunt in Children and Inguinal Hernia: A Nationwide Cohort with Eight-Year
Follow-Up. Pediatrics 2011. [SCI] (accepted)
1. Chen YC, Chen TJ, Wu JC. What if access to medical service is nearly free?
"Self-referral" patterns exist in free market system and vary by disease. BMJ
2010/12/13. [SCI]
[Response, electronic version]
2. Lee CC, Wu JC, Huang WC, Shih YH, Cheng H. Herpes zoster cervical myelitis
in a young adult. Journal of Chinese Medical Association 2010;73:605-10.
3. Potts M, Wu JC*, Gupta N, Mummaneni PV. Minimally invasive tethered cord
release in adults: a comparison of open and mini-open approaches.
Neurosurgical Focus 2010;29(1):E7 [SCI] [SCI]
4. Ko CC, Tsai HW, Huang WC, Wu JC*, Chen YC, Shih YH, Chen HC, Wu CL,
Cheng H. Screw loosening in the Dynesys stabilization system: radiographic
evidence and effect on outcomes. Neurosurgical Focus 2010;28(6):E10.
5. Wu JC, Mummaneni PV. Using lumbar interspinous anchor with
transforaminal lumbar interbody fixation. World Neurosugery
2010;73:471-2. [SCI]
6. El-Sayed IH, Wu JC*, Ames CP, Balamurali G, Mummaneni PV. Combined
transnasal and transoral endoscopic approach to the craniovertebral junction.
Jnal lumbar interbody fixation. Journal of Craniovertebral Junction and Spine
2010;1:44-8. [PubMed]
7. Wu JC, Huang WC, Mummaneni PV. Prestige cervical arthroplasty Techniques
in orthopaedics 2010;25:108-13. [OVID]
[Online abstract]
1. Fay LY, Wu JC*, Huang WC, Shih YH, Cheng H. One-stage posterior resection
is feasible for a holovertebral aneurysmal bone cyst of the axis: a case report
and literature review. Surgical Neurology 2009;72:s80-5 Reivew [SCI]
2. Wu JC, Huang WC, Huang MC, Tsai YA, Chen YC, Shih YH, Cheng H. A novel
strategy for repairing preganglionic cervical root avulsion in brachial plexus
injury by sural nerve grafting. Journal of Neurosurgery 2009;110:775-85.
[PMID: 19119881]
1. Wu JC, Huang WC, Chen YC, Shih YH, Cheng H. Stabilization of subaxial
cervical spines by lateral mass screw fixation with modified Magerl's
technique. Surgical Neurology 2008;70(S1):25-33. [SCI]
2. Wu JC, Huang WC, Cheng H, Liang ML, Ho CY, Wong TT, Shih YH, Yen YS.
Endoscopic transnasal transclival odontoidectomy: a new approach to
decompression: technical case report. Neurosurgery 2008;63(1):ONSE92-4.
3. Lee MJ, Chen CJ Cheng CH, Huang WC, Kuo HS, Wu JC, Tsai MJ, Huang MC,
Chang WC, Cheng H. Combined treatment using peripheral nerve graft and
FGF-1: changes to the glial environment and differential macrophage
reaction in a complete transected spinal cord. Neuroscience Letter
2008;433:163-9. [SCI]
[PMID: 18291581]
4. Wu JC, Huang WC, Tsai YA, Chen YC, Cheng H. Nerve repair using acidic
fibroblast growth factor in human cervical spinal cord injury: a preliminary
phase I clinical study. Journal of Neurosurgery Spine 2008;8:208-14. [SCI]
[PMID: 18312071]