STUDIES ON MODEL PREDICTABILITY IN VARIOUS CLIMATIC CONDITIONS: AN EFFORT USING CEOP EOP1 DATASET KUN YANG, KATSUNORI TAMAGAWA, PETRA KOUDELOVA, TOSHIO KOIKE Department of Civil Engineering, University of Tokyo, Hongo 7-3-1, Bunkyo-ku, Tokyo 113-8656, Japan The Coordinated Enhanced Observing Period (CEOP) project provides an integrated, globally covered dataset. The CEOP EOP1 dataset covers the period from July to September, 2001. Using this dataset, this study investigates some aspects concerning GCM predictability by model ~ observation comparison and model inter-comparison at CEOP-reference sites. The model outputs are comparable to observations for air temperature, humidity and net radiation while deviate far for surface temperature, surface energy budget and precipitation. The model inter-comparison shows good agreements for air temperature, humidity, net radiation, and soil heat flux, while quite different values for other variables. These differences are not only caused by model errors, but also by the footprint mismatch between the model grid and the spatial scale represented by in-situ observations. We suggest that each variable may have a different spatial variability, and models tend to well predict variables that have a low spatial variability. INTRODUCTION The Coordinated Enhanced Observing Period (CEOP) project provides an integrated dataset consisting of in-situ data, satellite data, and model output at numerical weather prediction centers. This globally covered dataset offers a unique opportunity to study physical processes in various climatic conditions around the world, and makes possible to investigate the predictability of GCMs in various conditions. Currently, CEOP EOP1 (July ~ September, 2001) dataset has been available. This study focuses on comparisons between in-situ observations and Model Output Location Time Series (MOLTS) from NASA-GEOS3 (Goddard Earth Observing system, version 3) and from NASA-GLDAS (Global Land Data Assimilation System) for 16 GEWEX Continental-scale Experiments (CSE) reference sites. As shown in Fig.1, these sites are marked with number 3 (Mongolia), 9 (Himalayas), 10 (South China sea), 15 (North Slope of Alaska or NSP), 17 (Berms-spruce), 18 (Fort Peck or Ftpeck), 19 (Bondville), 20 (Southern Great Plains or SGP), 23 (Caxiuana), 25 (Manaus), 26 (Rondonia), 27 (Brasilia), 28 (Pantanal), 30 (Lindenberg), 31 (Cabauw), 34 (Tropical Western Pacific-Manus or TWP-Manus). ANALYSIS METHOD To evaluate the predictability of model outputs, two indexes are introduced: one is the 10-day mean value of each variable, and the other is the 10-day mean diurnal cycle of 1 2 each variable. The variables of interest are surface temperature, air temperature, air humidity, surface radiations, surface heat fluxes, and precipitation. Figure 1. CEOP reference sites To account for the diurnal cycle in a period, the mean value for a variable specific hour i can be calculated as follows xi 1 ni xi , j , ni j 1 (1) The mean value for a variable 24 ni x xi , j 24 x at a x in the period can be calculated by ni , (2) 1 24 1 ni xi , j , 24 i 1 ni j 1 (3) i 1 j 1 i 1 or x where i is the index of hour and ni is the number of available data of variable x at hour i in the period. Eq.(2) and Eq.(3) give the same mean value if no data are missed. However, if some data were missed, the result from Eq.(2) can be sensitive to the number and the value of missed data. An example is the net radiation at BALTEX-Lindenberg, where the net radiation was calculated from four radiation components. Because some observed data of shortwave radiation at noon were missed, some high values of net radiation were thus missed. As a result, the 10-day mean values of net radiation from Eq.(2) is unrealistically low, as shown in the left panel of Fig.2, while the values from Eq.(3) reasonably comparable to the output of two NASA models, as shown in the right panel of Fig.2. 3 Therefore, we adopt Eq.(3) to calculate 10-days mean values and compare it with model outputs. 200 Net radiation - 10-days averages - "old" ] -2 GLDAS GEOS3 DAO Observation 150 100 50 Rnsfc [wm 0 200 Net radiation - 10-days averages - "new" GLDAS DAO GEOS3 Observation 150 100 50 180 200 220 240 (a) averaged from Eq.(2) 0 260 Julian day 180 200 220 240 260 (b) averaged from Eq.(3) Figure 2. 10-day mean net radiation from observation, NASA/GEOS3 and NASA/GLDAS at Lindenberg during CEOP EOP1 COMPARISONS BETWEEN MODEL OUTPUTS AND OBSERVATIONS Fig. 3 shows the comparison of 10-day mean values of 10 variables between GLDAS output and in-situ observations at the 16 CEOP reference sites. Similarly, we can compare the 10-day mean diurnal cycle (not shown). In general, the comparisons show good agreements for air temperature (Tair), humidity (qair), and surface net radiation (Rnsfc), while very inconsistent for surface temperature (Tsfc), net shortwave radiation (SWn), net longwave radiation (LWn), surface sensible heat (Hsfc), surface latent heat (lEsfc), soil heat flux (Gsfc), and precipitation (prec). The following gives a preliminary analysis on these results. Footprint mismatch GCM outputs represent an average over ~100km grids, while observations usually carried out at a point-scale or patch-scale. If the point-scale observations cannot represent a mean over a GCM grid, then it is not surprising that the model out is not consistent with observations. Viewing the fact that some variables agree with observations while others do not, we speculate that each variable may have a different spatial variability. Several factors may determine their spatial variability. (1) Surface heterogeneity like land cover, soil type and terrain variability. They are the major factors determining the spatial scale of the surface variables like surface temperature and soil moisture, surface wind, and energy budget. (2) Spatial heterogeneity such as convective cloud and rainfall. Their scales are associated with the shortwave and longwave radiations. (3) Horizontal advection. If the wind is very weak, the surface air temperature and humidity would strongly determined by surface conditions and thus have a spatial variability similar as surface temperature; however, strong horizontal advection plays a role in upscaling these variables, and makes them represent an average over a large area. (4) Physical internal relationships. Shortwave radiation can be reduced by cloud while longwave radiation can 4 be enhanced by cloud. As a result, the net radiation can represent a spatial scale larger than that for individual radiation components. Soil heat flux is affected by many factors such as soil thermal properties and soil moisture, but the dominant factor is the surface net radiation and thus has a scale close to that of the net radiation. (5) Observing approach. Although surface energy budget has a spatial heterogeneity similar to surface temperature and soil moisture, heat fluxes measured by the eddy-correlation technique usually represent values averaged over the distance 100-200 times the sensor’s reference height in the upwind direction, so the measured turbulent fluxes have a scale much larger than that for the surface temperature and the soil moisture. Therefore, we propose the schematic of the spatial variability of each variable in Fig. 4 310 310 (b) Tair 305 305 GLDAS-output air temperature (K) GLDAS-output surface temperature (K) (a) Tsfc 300 295 290 285 280 275 300 295 290 Lindenberg Cabauw Mongolia China_sea Himalayas SGP Bondville Ftpeck Rondonia Manaus Pantanal Caxiuana Pantanal BERMS_Spruc Brasilia BERMS_Spruc NSA TWP_Manus Lindenberg Cabauw Mongolia China_sea Himalayas SGP Bondville Ftpeck Rondonia Manaus Caxiuana Brasilia NSA TWP_Manus 285 280 275 270 270 270 275 280 285 290 295 300 Observed surface temperature (K) 305 270 310 275 305 310 (d) SWN -2 GLDAS-output net shortwave radiation (W m) (c) qair -1 285 290 295 300 Observed air temperature (K) 350 25 20 GLDAS-output air humidity (g kg) 280 300 250 15 200 10 5 Lindenberg Cabauw Mongolia China_sea Himalayas SGP Bondville Ftpeck Rondonia Manaus Caxiuana Pantanal Brasilia BERMS_Spruc NSA TWP_Manus 150 100 50 Lindenberg Cabauw Mongolia China_sea Himalayas SGP Bondville Ftpeck Rondonia Manaus Caxiuana Pantanal Brasilia BERMS_Spruc NSA TWP_Manus 0 0 0 5 10 15 Observed air humidity (g kg-1 ) 20 25 0 50 100 150 200 250 300 Observed net shortwave radiation (W m-2 ) 350 400 Figure 3. Comparison of 10-day mean values between GLDAS output and in-situ observations at 16 CEOP reference sites 5 250 0 (f) Rnsfc -50 Mongolia China_sea Himalayas SGP Bondville Ftpeck Rondonia Manaus Caxiuana Pantanal Brasilia BERMS_Spruc NSA TWP_Manus 200 -2 Cabauw GLDAS-output net radiation (W m) -2 GLDAS-output net longwave radiation (W m) (e) LWN Lindenberg 150 100 -100 50 0 -150 150 -100 -50 Observed net longwave radiation (W m-2 ) -50 0 0 China_sea Himalayas SGP Bondville Ftpeck Rondonia Manaus Caxiuana Pantanal Brasilia BERMS_Spruc NSA TWP_Manus 50 100 150 Observed net radiation (W m-2 ) 200 200 250 (h) lEsfc -2 GLDAS-output surface latent heat flux (W m) (g) Hsfc -2 GLDAS-output surface sensible heat (W m) Cabauw Mongolia -50 -150 150 100 100 50 0 Lindenberg Cabauw Mongolia China_sea Himalayas SGP Bondville Ftpeck Rondonia Manaus Caxiuana Pantanal Brasilia BERMS_Spruc NSA TWP_Manus -50 50 0 Lindenberg Cabauw Mongolia China_sea Himalayas SGP Bondville Ftpeck Rondonia Manaus Caxiuana Pantanal Brasilia BERMS_Spruc NSA TWP_Manus -50 -50 100 0 50 100 Observed surface sensible heat (W m-2) 150 -50 0 25 (I) Gsfc 50 100 150 Observed surface latent heat flux (W m-2 ) 200 (j) Rainfall -1 GLDAS-output precipitation (mm day) -2 GLDAS-output surface soil heat flux (W m) Lindenberg 50 20 15 0 Lindenberg Cabauw Mongolia China_sea Himalayas SGP Bondville Ftpeck Rondonia Manaus Caxiuana Pantanal Brasilia BERMS_Spruc NSA TWP_Manus 10 -50 5 Lindenberg Cabauw Mongolia China_sea Himalayas SGP Bondville Ftpeck Rondonia Manaus Caxiuana Pantanal Brasilia BERMS_Spruc NSA TWP_Manus 0 -50 0 50 Observed surface soil heat flux (W m-2 ) 100 0 5 10 15 Observed precipitation (mm day-1 ) 20 Figure 3. Comparison of 10-day mean values between GLDAS output and in-situ observations at 16 CEOP reference sites (Continued) 25 6 Point 1m Spatial variability Moisture, Tsfc 1km Hsfc, Esfc Rainfall 10km Rsw, Rlw, Cloud Rnsfc, Gsfc, HPBL Tair, qair 100km Grid Figure 4. Spatial variability of each variable represented by the point-scale observations Because the air temperature (Tair), humidity (qair), surface net radiation (Rnsfc) and soil heat flux (Gsfc) can represent mean values over an area much larger than that for other variables, the footprint mismatch problem can be alleviated to some extent for these variables; therefore, they should be closer to GCM outputs than other variables. We note that the modeled Gsfc in Fig. 3 deviates far from the observations. However, this does not mean our analysis on its spatial variability is definitely wrong. The Gsfc cannot be directly measured and thus it is derived from the energy budget equation, so any error in other energy fluxes would be added to the term Gsfc, which may make its value unrealistic. On the other hand, the inconsistency for highly variable quantities such as the surface temperature cannot be simply attributed to the problem of GCM predictability. Modeling uncertainties 310 25 (a) Tair (b) qair 305 -1 GEOS3 air humidity (g kg) GEOS3 air temperature (K) 20 300 295 15 290 285 280 Lindenberg Cabauw Mongolia China_sea SGP Bondville Ftpeck Rondonia Manaus Caxiuana Pantanal 275 10 5 Brasilia BERMS_Spruc Lindenberg Cabauw Mongolia China_sea SGP Bondville Ftpeck Rondonia Manaus Caxiuana Pantanal Brasilia BERMS_Spruc 270 0 270 275 280 285 290 295 GLDAS air temperature (K) 300 305 310 0 5 10 15 -1 GLDAS air humidity (g kg ) 20 25 Figure 5. Comparison of 10-day mean values of variables having low spatial variability between GLDAS and GEOS3 at 13 CEOP reference sites 7 250 100 (d) Gsfc GEOS3 surface soil heat flux (W m) (c) Rnsfc -2 GEOS3 net radiation (W m ) -2 200 150 100 Lindenberg Cabauw Mongolia China_sea SGP Bondville Ftpeck 50 Rondonia Manaus Caxiuana Pantanal Brasilia 50 0 BERMS_Spruc Lindenberg Cabauw Mongolia China_sea SGP Bondville Ftpeck Rondonia Manaus Caxiuana Pantanal Brasilia BERMS_Spruc 0 -50 0 50 100 150 -2 GLDAS net radiation (W m ) 200 250 -50 0 50 -2 GLDAS surface soil heat flux (W m ) 100 Figure 5. Comparison of 10-day mean values of variables having low spatial variability between GLDAS and GEOS3 at 13 CEOP reference sites (continued) Fig. 5 and Fig. 6 show the comparison between the outputs of two NASA models, respectively, for variables having a low and a high spatial variability. At Himalayas, NSA and TWP-manus sites, different land properties are set in the two models, so the comparisons at the three sites are removed. Fig. 5 clearly indicates that the model outputs give close values for the variables with a low spatial variability (Tair, qair, Rnsfc, Gsfc), and thus have small uncertainties. 350 0 (a) SWn (b) LWn GEOS3 net longwave radiation (W m) -2 -2 GEOS3 net shortwave radiation (W m) 300 250 200 150 100 50 Lindenberg Cabauw Mongolia China_sea SGP Bondville Ftpeck Rondonia Manaus Caxiuana Pantanal Brasilia -50 Lindenberg Cabauw Mongolia China_sea SGP Bondville Ftpeck Rondonia Manaus Caxiuana Pantanal Brasilia BERMS_Spruc -100 BERMS_Spruc 0 0 50 100 150 200 250 300 -2 GLDAS net shortwave radiation (W m ) 350 400 -150 -150 -100 -50 -2 GLDAS net longwave radiation (W m ) Figure 6. Comparison of 10-day mean of variables having high spatial variability between GLDAS and GEOS3 at 13 CEOP reference sites 0 8 150 200 (d) lEsfc -2 GEOS3 surface latent heat flux (W m) -2 GEOS3 surface sensible heat flux (W m) (c) Hsfc 100 150 100 50 Lindenberg Cabauw Mongolia China_sea SGP 0 Bondville Ftpeck Rondonia Manaus Caxiuana Pantanal Brasilia 50 0 Lindenberg Cabauw Mongolia China_sea SGP Bondville Ftpeck Rondonia Manaus Caxiuana Pantanal Brasilia BERMS_Spruc BERMS_Spruc -50 -50 -50 0 50 100 -2 GLDAS surface sensible heat flux (W m ) 150 -50 0 50 100 150 -2 GLDAS surface latent heat flux (W m ) 200 310 (e) Tsfc GEOS3 surface temperature (K) 305 300 295 290 285 280 275 Lindenberg Cabauw Mongolia China_sea SGP Bondville Ftpeck Rondonia Manaus Caxiuana Pantanal Brasilia BERMS_Spruc 270 270 275 280 285 290 295 300 GLDAS surface temperature (K) 305 310 Figure 6. Comparison of 10-day mean of variables having high spatial variability between GLDAS and GEOS3 at 13 CEOP reference sites (continued) On the other hand, Fig. 6 shows the model outputs give quite different values for the variables with a high spatial variability (SWn, LWn, rainfall, Hsfc, lEsfc) except Tsfc, and thus have large uncertainties. Even though the modeled 10-day mean values of surface temperature are closed to each other, but its diurnal cycle is not consistent in the two models (not shown). Therefore, the model predictability is associated with the spatial variability of each variable. SUMMARY Based on the analysis of CEOP EOP1 dataset, we speculate that each variable has its own spatial variability and thus the GCM performance cannot be simply evaluated by comparing model output with point-scale observations. The uncertainties in modeling results may be related to the spatial variability of variables.