A Stable Comparison-Based Sorting Algorithm to Accelerate Join-based Queries Hanan Ahmed-Hosni Mahmoud, and Nadia Al-Ghreimil Abstract— Sorting is an integral component of most database management systems. The performance of several DBMS and DSMS queries is dominated by the cost of the sorting algorithm. Stable sorting algorithms play an important role DBMS queries. In this paper, we present a novel stable sorting algorithm. The algorithm scans the unsorted input array and arrange it into m sorted subarrays. This scan requires linear time complexity. Kway merge then merges the sorted subarrays into the final output sorted array. The proposed algorithm keeps the stability of the keys intacted. The M-way merge requires O m log m time complexity. The proposed algorithm has a time complexity , in the average case, in the order of O (m log m)) element comparisons. Experiments are performed showing the proposed algorithm to outperform other stable sorting algorithms join-based queries. Keywords—Stable sorting , auxiliary storage sorting, Sorting. I. INTRODUCTION A stable sort is a sorting algorithm which when applied two records will retain their order when sorted according to a key, even when the two keys are equal. Thus those two records come out in the same relative order that they were in before sorting, although their positions relative to other records may change. Stability of a sorting algorithm is a property of the sorting algorithm, not the comparison mechanism. For instance, quick Sorting algorithm is not stable while Merge Sort algorithm is stable, inspite that both algorithms might have used the same comparison technique. Sorting is an integral component of most database management systems (DBMSs). sorting can be both computation-intensive as well as memory intensive. The performance of several DBMS queries is often dominated by the cost of the sorting algorithm. Most DBMS queries will require sorting with stable results. External memory sorting algorithms reorganize large datasets. They typically perform two phases. The first phase produces a set of files; the second phase processes these files to produce a totally ordered output of the input data file. An important external memory sorting algorithms is Merge-Based Sorting where input data is partitioned into data chunks of approximately equal size, sorts these data chunks in main memory and writes the “runs” to disk. The second phase merges the runs in main memory and writes the sorted output to the disk. Our proposed algorithm partitions the input data into data chunks that is already sorted, and then writes these runs to the disk. Secondly, it merges the runs in main memory and writes the sorted output to the disk.. External memory sorting performance is often limited by I/O performance. Disk I/O bandwidth is significantly lower than main memory bandwidth. Therefore, it is important to minimize the amount of data written to and read from disks. Large files will not fit in RAM so we must sort the data in at least two passes but two passes are enough to sort huge files. Each pass reads and writes to the disk. CPU-based sorting algorithms incur significant cache misses on data sets that do not fit in the L1, L2 or L3 data caches [32]. Therefore, it is not efficient to sort partitions comparable to the size of main memory. This results in a tradeoff between disk I/O performance and CPU computation time spent in sorting the partitions. For example, in merge-based external sorting algorithms, the time spent in Phase 1 can be reduced by choosing run sizes comparable to the CPU cache sizes. However,this choice increases the time spent in Phase 2 to merge a large number of small runs. In this paper, a new stable sorting algorithm that reduces, simultaneously, the number of comparisons, element moves, and required auxiliary storage will be presented. Our algorithm operates when used as an internal sort, in the average case, with at most m log m element comparisons, m log m element moves, and exactly n auxiliary storage. no auxiliary arithmetic operations with indices will be needed, where m is the average size of the subarrays produced from the input array in linear time as will be indicated, n is the size of the input array to be sorted. The proposed algorithm has been tested in extensive performance studies. Experimental results have shown that when the proposed algorithm is adapted to sort externally, it accelerates the computation of equi-join and non-equi-join queries in databases, and numerical statistic queries on data streams. The benchmarks used in the performance studies are databases consisting of up to one million values. In the following sections, the proposed algorithm, and the computational requirement analysis will be presented in details. The proposed algorithm with the proof of stability will be presented in section 2 analysis of the time complexity will be carried in section 3 analysis of external version of the proposed algorithm will be discussed in section 4. Experimental results are presented in section 5. Conclusions and references will follow. should give preferences to Si to that from Sj , I< j whenever a tie occurs between them. This will be discussed further in the following section. II. THE PROPOSED STABLE SORTING ALGORITHM The main idea of the proposed algorithm is to divide the elements of the input array into some disjoint segments σ0, σ1, . . . , σ m, of equal lengths L, where L is equal to n/m, such that all elements in a segment σi is sorted according to its key. The sorted array is obtained by Mway merging these segments. The New Proposed Algorithm Algorithm StableSorting { // the first part of the proposed algorithm is the stable formation of segments, an additional m subarrays SUB j ( j ranges from 1 to m) of length L elements are required// i=1 // i is set to the first element of the input array// DOWHILE (n ≥ i) { STEP1: Read elementi from the input array; STEP2: j=1; append =0; Do until (append =1 or j>m) { IF elementi ≥ Last-element in subarray SUBj; THEN {append elementi to SUBj; append = 1;} ELSE append = 0} IF (append = 1 ) THEN {i++ ; goto STEP1}; Else { append elementi to tem subarray SUBt M-way-merge(SUBt and SUBm) into MERGEDSUB; Subdivide(MERGED-SUB) into 2 subarrays SUBm ans SUBt,; go to STEP2} } // the second part is to M-way merge the resultant sub arrays// M-way-merge(SUBj) into final output array } There is some issues that have to be considered to guarantee stability. First, The input array has to be scanned in sequential order from first elemnt to last elemnt. Subarrays are formed one at a time starting from left to right. A new subarry is only formed if the existing subarrays could not meet the condition to append a new element from the original input array.In order to determine where to place a specific element in the subarrays, the element should be placed in the first subarray (from left to right) that meets the condition that this element is greater than or equal to the last element in the subarray. Also, some issues have to be considered in merging. the m-way-merge operation that produces the output list C, selects values from subarrays S1, S2, …Sm III. MERGING In this section, the M-way-merge algorithm is going to be discussed. 2-way-merge is discussed first to show complexity measures and stability issues of the algorithm. The discussion is then generalized to the proposed more general case of m-way-merge. Merging is the process whereby two sorted lists of are combined to create a single sorted list. Originally, most sorting was done on large database systems using a technique known as merging. Merging is used because it easily allows a compromise between expensive internal Random Access Memory (RAM) and external magnetic mediums where the cost of RAM is an important factor. Originally, merging is an external method for combining two or more sorted lists to create a single sorted list on an external medium. The most natural way to merge two lists of m1 and n1 presorted data values is to compare the values at the lowest (smallest) locations in both lists and then output the smaller of the two. The next two smallest values are compared in a similar manner and the smaller value outputted. This process is repeated until one of the lists is exhausted. Merging in this way requires m1+n1-1 comparisons and m1+n1 data moves to create a sorted list of m1+n1 elements.The figure below illustrates an instance of this natural merge operation. The order in which each value in the A and B list is selected for output to the C list is labelled by their subscript in the second listing of A and B. Merging in this manner is easily made stable. In addition, this lower limit is guaranteed regardless of the nature of the input permutation. A merge algorithm is stable if it always leaves sequences of equal data values in the same order at the end of merging. For example, if we have the set of indexed values in the A list and the B list as follows. Subarrays A and B If the merge algorithm is such that it keeps the indices of a sequence of equal values from a given list in sorted order, i.e. they are kept in the same order as they were before the merge as illustrated in the output example for the above input, the merge algorithm is said to be stable. Otherwise, the algorithm is said to be unstable. Output when the merge operation is stable is illustrated as follows there is no indices or any other hidden data structures required for the execution of the algorithm. Auxiliary storage for The proposed sorting algorithm O (n) The resultant of the merge operation VI. Stability is defined such that values from A are always given preference whenever a tie occurs between values in A and in B, and that the indices of equal set of values are kept in sorted order at the end of the merge operation. The proposed m-way-merge operation can be implemented as a series of 2-way merge operations with preserving stability requirements, or can be merge m lists in the same time. The 2-way-merge operation can be generalized for m sorted lists. Where k is some positive integer > 2. m pointers can be used to keep track of the next smallest value in each list during the merge operation. It will be shown that the minimum number of comparisons you can do when merging m sorted lists, each consisting of L data items is nlog2(m) - (m-1), where n = mL. III. TIME COMPLEXITY Scanning the elements of the input array of n elements and divide it into m sorted subarrays is done in linear time, requires O n comparison and O n moves. The size of each of the m subarray is of size L which is equal to n/m, which leads to the conclusion that the time complexity of the m-way-merge is n log L. therefore the time complexity of the proposed algorithm is O (n log m)+n)) which results in time complexity of n log m, where m is much smaller than n. ANALYSIS OF THE STABILITY OF THE PROPOSED ALGORITHM In order to prove that the proposed algorithm is a stable sorting algorithm, it should be proved that the restriction we imposed on the divison of the original array into subarrays keeps the stability intact. It should also be proved that restrictions imposed on the m-way-merge operation meet the stability condition. The following example illustrate the technique of the proposed algorithm. This illustration will help understanding the mechanism of the new sorting algorithm and will help also in the required proofs. 4 2 10 15 3 10 15 7 8 1 17 Original array 4 SUB1 10 15 15 2 SUB2 3 10 17 7 SUB3 8 16 18 1 SUB4 9 9 6 SUB5 Merge subarrays SUB4 and SUB5 into SUB4,5 IV. ANALYSIS OF NUMBER OF MOVES Scanning elements and moving them to their appropriate subarray requires n moves. M-way-merge algorithm will require n moves. Therefore number of moves of the proposed algorithm proportional to n. 1 6 SUB4,5 9 Subdivide SUB4,5 into SUB4 and SUB5 1 SUB 4 V. SPACE COMPLEXITY There is extra auxiliary storage equal to an array of the same size as the input array. Clever implementation of this algorithm can decrease the required auxiliary storage. required for The proposed stable sorting algorithm, but 9 SUB5 (SUBt) 6 9 9 16 18 9 9 6 External memory sorting algorithms reorganize large datasets. They typically perform two phases. The first phase produces a set of files; the second phase processes these files to produce a totally ordered permutation of the input data file. An important external memory sorting algorithms is Merge-Based Sorting where input data is partitioned into data chunks of approximately equal size, sorts these data chunks in main memory and writes the “runs” to disk. The second phase merges the runs in main memory and writes the sorted output to the disk. Our proposed algorithm partitions the input data into data chunks that is already sorted, and then writes these runs to the disk. Secondly, it merges the runs in main memory and writes the sorted output to the disk. External memory sorting performance is often limited by I/O performance. Disk I/O bandwidth is significantly lower than main memory bandwidth. Therefore, it is important to minimize the amount of data written to and read from disks. Large files will not fit in RAM so we must sort the data in at least two passes but two passes are enough to sort huge files. Each pass reads and writes to the disk. Hence, the two-pass sort throughput is at most CPU-based sorting algorithms incur significant cache misses on data sets that do not fit in the L1, L2 or L3 data caches. Therefore, it is not efficient to sort partitions comparable to the size of main memory. This results in a tradeoff between disk I/O performance and CPU computation time spent in sorting the partitions. For example, in merge-based external sorting algorithms, the time spent in Phase 1 can be reduced by choosing run sizes comparable to the CPU cache sizes. However, this choice increases the time spent in Phase 2 to merge a large number of small runs. In this paper, the proposed algorithm is adapted to perform external sorting using run sizes comparable to the available RAM size to minimize time required for the second part of the algorithm which is the final merging operation.. This is done by assuming the input array to be sorted is stored in a file on the hard disk called FILE1. FILE1 is much larger than main memory available. Assume available main memory is g bytes. We copy the first g/2 of FILE1 to the main memory. The other g/2 of the main memory is divided into m blocks. We perform the proposed algorithm on the portion of File1 in the main memory, the output will be stored in the m blocks in the main memory, the output will be sorted during the second VII. PERFORMANCE STUDY Performance study is being carried on and it comprises two folds. First fold studies the performance of the proposed algorithm as an internal sorting algorithm and compared its performance to other well known internal sorting algorithms. The second fold studies the performance of the external sorting version of the proposed algorithm comparing its performance to other external sorting algorithms. Also the external version is used as a sorting algorithm for carrying join based queries on large databases and compare the performance of such technique with the performance of join based queries using other external sorting algorithms. 8 Mergsort execution time in milliseconds VI. EXTERNAL SORTING VERSION OF THE PROPOSED ALGORITHM part of the proposed algorithm ( the merged part). The g/2 bytes of the sorted output will be stored back in FILE1 instead of its first g/2 bytes. Then we repeat the same procedure on the next g/2 bytes from FILE1 until the whole file is exhausted. The second part is to m-waymerge the sorted g/2 chunks of FILE1. The merge procedure is done externally. proposed algorithm witm m=4 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 1000 2000 3000 4000 5000 6000 7000 8000 number of keys (a) 8 k-way merge sort execution time in milliseconds The last element is 6 and there is no place to put in any of the 4 subarrays so we have to use the temporary subarray SUBt . proposed algorithm (m=8) 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 1000 2000 3000 4000 5000 number of keys (b) 6000 7000 8000 REFERENCES 8 execution time in milliseconds Quick sort proposed algorithm (m=4) [1] 7 6 [2] 5 [3] 4 [4] 3 2 [5] 1 1000 2000 3000 4000 5000 6000 7000 8000 [6] number of keys [7] (c) Fig. 3: Comparing The proposed sorting algorithmwith : (a) Mergesort, (b) k-way Mergesort, and (c) quicksort [8] [9] Mergsort k-way merge sort Quick sort 8 [10] proposed algorithm (m=16) proposed algorithm (m=8) proposed algorithm (m=4) execution time in milliseconds 7 [11] 6 [12] 5 4 [13] 3 [14] 2 [15] 1 1000 2000 3000 4000 5000 6000 7000 8000 number of keys [16] Fig. 4: The running times of sorting algorithms in milliseconds for a number of keys to be sorted ranging from 1000 to 8000 keys each key is 20 characters long. 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