Name:________________________ Date: ___________ Period: ________ Vertical Bar Graph A bar graph is a great way to understand a relationship between two or more things when you don’t necessarily care about the exact numbers involved. With a bar graph, you can looking quickly at the graph and understand some important information about the topic of the graph. It is important that every graph has a title and that both the x-axis and the y-axis indicate what each one measures. A vertical bar graph shows the relationship as columns from bottom to top. The top of the column indicates how many. Feet Tallest Mountain in Mountain Range 16000 14000 12000 10000 8000 6000 4000 2000 0 Rainier (Cascades) Mitchell (Appalachians) Gaither (Ozarks) Tallest Mountain The example vertical bar graph above doesn’t indicate exactly how tall each mountain is but it does tell the height relationship among some major mountain chains in the United States. The graph indicates that Mount Rainier in the Cascade Mountains is taller than Mount Mitchell in the Appalachian Mountains and that Mount Rainier is over 14,000 feet high. 1. Approximately how tall is Mount Gaither? ________ 2. What is the name of the tallest mountain in the Cascades? ________ 3. List the mountains in ascending order by height. 4. About how much taller is Mount Mitchell than Mount Gaither? ______ 5. In this graph the x-axis indicates ________________________ and the y-axis indicates _______________________ . Name:________________________ Date: ___________ Period: ________ Horizontal Bar Graph A bar graph is a great way to understand a relationship between two or more things when you don’t necessarily care about the exact numbers involved. With a bar graph, you can looking quickly at the graph and understand some important information about the topic of the graph. It is important that every graph has a title and that both the x-axis and the y-axis indicate what each one measures. A horizontal bar graph shows the relationship as rows from left to right. The right end of the row indicates how many. Changes in Nebraska Population 10-Year Interval 1880 1910 1940 1970 2000 0 500000 1000000 1500000 2000000 Population The example horizontal bar graph above shows how the population of Nebraska has changed every ten years since 1860. The lowest red line shows the population for the year 2000; the one above, 1990; third from the bottom, 1980; the one above, 1970; and so forth. Reading this graph, for example, shows that the population of Nebraska reached just over 1 million people in 1890, where 1890 is one bar below the label 1880. 1. When did the population of Nebraska first exceed 1.5 million? 2. What are the three time periods when the population didn’t change much? 3. What happened to the population between 1930 and 1940? __ 4. What happened to the population between 1880 and 1890? __ 5. How long did it take for the population to return to its 1930 level? Name:________________________ Date: ___________ Period: ________ Independent Practice – Temperature Vertical Bar Graph Average January Temperature for Selected U.S. Cities 80 Degrees F 60 40 20 0 -20 Answer the following questions based upon the information in the graph. 1. Which city has the coldest January temperature? _________________ 2. Which city has the warmest January temperature? _______________ 3. What is the approximate temperature difference between: a. Omaha and Tampa b. Atlanta and Dallas c. Omaha and Bismark ______ d. Fairbanks and Duluth 4. List the three warmest cities in order, starting with the warmest. 5. List the five coldest cities in order, starting with the coldest. Name:_____________________ Date: _________ Period:______ Calories Calories in Fast Food Items 900 800 700 600 500 400 300 200 100 0 Menu Items Independent Practice – Calories Vertical Bar Graph Answer the following questions based upon the information in the graph. 1. Which menu item contains the most calories? _________________ 2. Which menu item contains the least calories? _________________ 3. About how many calories more is a large fries than a cheeseburger? _ 4. Which sandwich has the most calories? ______________________ 5. What is the ratio of the calories in small fries versus large? About __ 6. About how many calories does the cheese in a cheeseburger add? ___ 7. What combination of a sandwich, fries and shake has the most calories? 8. Estimate the number of calories in a meal of a cheeseburger, medium fries and a small shake. ______________________ Name:______________________ Date: ___________ Period: __ Votes for Candidate by Precinct 6 Precinct 5 4 McCain Obama 3 2 1 0 2000 4000 6000 8000 Number of Votes Independent Practice – Voting Horizontal Bar Graph Answer the following questions based upon the information in the graph. 1. How many precincts are represented in this graph? ______ 2. How many candidates are represented in this graph? ___ 3. In which precinct did Obama get less than 2000 votes? ___ 4. In which precinct did Obama get more than 6000 votes? _ 5. In which precinct did McCain get more than 4000 votes? _ 6. How many precincts did Obama win? __ 7. How many precincts did McCain win? ___ 8. About how many voters are in Precinct 3? ___ 9. About how many more votes did Obama get in Precinct 5? _ 10. _________________________________________ Just using the information on this graph, who was the winner in the city where these precincts are located? ____________________ Name:______________________ Date: ___________ Period: __ Sales of Video Games by Quarter - 2008 Quarter 4 3 Superhero Football Adventure 2 1 0 50 100 150 Thousands Sold Independent Practice – Sales Horizontal Bar Graph The Wowie Video Game Company sells three popular video games: a superhero game, a football game and an adventure game. They track sales by quarter of the year where a quarter of a year is three months. The first quarter begins in January. Retail sales of popular video games increase greatly in the fourth quarter because of the Christmas holiday. Answer the following questions based upon the information in the graph. 1. How many adventure games were sold in the 2nd quarter? _ 2. Which game sold the best in the 1st quarter? ________ 3. List the games in order of increasing sales in the 4th quarter. 4. Which game sold the least in the 2nd quarter? 5. Which game sold more than 100,000 copies in one quarter? 6. One game showed a steady increase in sales throughout 2008. Which game was it? ____________ 7. Which game sold the most in 2008? __________ Name:______________________ Date: ___________ Period: __ Make a Vertical Bar Graph Mr. Edison’s class sold candy bars to raise money for the local homeless shelter. In the first week they sold 40; second week, 65; third week, 70; and the last week, just 50. Using the grid above, make a vertical bar graph for this data. Give the graph a title. Label the x (horizontal) and y (vertical) axis properly. 1. Which week did the class sell the most? ____________________ 2. Which week did the class sell the least? ____________________ 3. How many more candy bars did they sell in the second week than in a. The first week? ______ b. The last week? ______ 4. How many candy bars did they sell in total? ____________________ 5. They candy bars cost $0.50 each and were sold for $1 each. How much profit did the class make? Name:______________________ Date: ___________ Period: __ Vertical Bar Graph Practice Walk – 35 The school principal wants to reorganize rules for using the school entrance road at the beginning and end of the day. The principal has surveyed the students about their mode of transportation. Using the grid above, make a vertical bar graph for this data. Label the x (horizontal) and y (vertical) axis properly and provide a title. Answer the following questions. 1. In this graph the x-axis represents _____________________ . 2. In this graph the y-axis represents _____________________ . 3. What happens if you reverse the x-axis and the y-axis? . 4. What is the ratio of students who take the bus versus those that arrive by car? ______________ . 5. What is the ratio for all three modes of transportation? ______ . Name:______________________ Date: ___________ Period: __ Make a Horizontal Bar Graph Mr. Edison’s class sold candy bars to raise money for the local homeless shelter. In the first week they sold 43; second week, 47; third week, 58; and the last week, 65. Using the grid above, make a horizontal bar graph for this data. Give the graph a title. Label the x (horizontal) and y (vertical) axis properly. 1. Which week did the class sell the most? ____________________ 2. Which week did the class sell the least? ____________________ 3. How many more candy bars did they sell in the last week than in c. The first week? ______ d. The third week? ______ 4. How many candy bars did they sell in total? ____________________ 5. They candy bars cost $0.40 each and were sold for $1 each. How much profit did the class make? 6. What trend in sales does this bar chart show? ____________________ Name:__________________ Date: ___________ Period: ______ Making a Horizontal Bar Graph Middle School Basketball Team – Points Scored Game Score 1 2 3 4 5 6 22 27 18 24 22 25 Using the grid above make a horizontal bar graph for this data. Label the x (horizontal) and y (vertical) axis properly. The title is already provided. Answer the following questions. 1. In this graph the x-axis represents . 2. In this graph the y-axis represents ______________________ . 3. In this graph the length of each horizontal bar represents . 4. What is the average number of points per game? . 5. How many games did the team win? . 6. Did the team improve during the season? . 7. How do you know the answer to Question 6 from looking at the graph? Name:______________________ Date: ___________ Period:____ Name: ___________________________________ Date: ______ Animal Speed (mph) Cheetah 70 Antelope 60 Elk 45 Ostrich 43 Giraffe 32 Using the grid above, make a horizontal bar graph for this data. Label the x (horizontal) and y (vertical) axis properly and provide a title. Answer the following questions. 1. In this graph the x-axis represents _________________________ . 1. In this graph the x-axis represents _____________________ . 2. In this graph the y-axis represents _____________________ . 2. In this graph the y-axis represents __________________________ . 3. How many animals run faster than 40 miles per hour? ___________. 3. How many animals run faster than 40 miles per hour? ___________ . 4. Which animal can run 60 miles per hour? ____________________ . 4. Which animal can run 60 miles per hour? _____________________ . 5. What is the ratio of the speed of an antelope versus the speed of an elk? 5. What is the ratio of the speed of an antelope versus the speed of an elk? . . 6. 6. 7. 7. Which animal is the slowest of this group? ____________________ . Which animal is the slowest of this group? _____________________. How much faster is a cheetah than an ostrich? How much faster is a cheetah than an ostrich? .. Did you remember to show the units (mph) in your label? © Answers Vertical Bar Graph 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 2100 feet Mount R ainier Gaither, Mitchell, Rainier About 12,000 feet The x-axis represents the tallest mountain in the mountain range and the y-axis represents the height in feet. Horizontal Bar Graph 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 1980 1890-1900; 1940-1950; 1980-1990 Population declined More than doubled Approximately 30 years, until 1960 Independent Practice – Temperature Vertical Bar Graph 1. Fairbanks 2. Honolulu 3. a. 40 degrees b. about the same c. 10 degrees d. 20 degrees 4. Honolulu, Miami, Tampa 5. Fairbanks, Duluth, Bismark Independent Practice – Calories Vertical Bar Graph 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. Large shake Small fires About 250 calories Fish sandwich 1:2 About 50 calories Fish sandwich, large fries, large shake 1100 - 1300 © Independent Practice – Voting Horizontal Bar Graph 1. 6 2. 2 3. 3 4. 5 5. 5 6. 2 7. 4 8. About 4,000 9. About 2,000 10. O ba m a Independent Practice – Sales Horizontal Bar Graph 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 50,000 Superhero Superhero, football, adventure Football Adventure Adventure Adventure Make a Vertical Bar Graph Class Sales of Candy Bars Number sold 80 70 60 50 40 30 20 10 0 1 2 3 4 Week Number 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 2nd week 1 st week a. 25 b. 15 225 $112.50 © Making a Vertical Bar Graph Student's Favorite Ice Cream Flavor Number of Students 10 8 6 4 2 0 Vanilla Chocolate Bubblegum Smurf Strawberry Flavors 1. The flavor of ice cream 2. The number of students 3. The number of students who like the flavor of ice cream 4. Chocolate 5. Bubblegum and Smurf 6. 21 students Vertical Bar Graph Practice Modes of Transportation to School 70 hiart3er of Students 60 50 40 30 20 10 0 Walk Bus Car Transportation Mode 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. The kind of transportation The number of students Horizontal bar graph 58:26 ~= 2:1 35:58:26 ~= 4:6:3 © Make a Horizontal Bar Graph Sales of Candy Bars Week Number 4 3 2 1 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 Number Sold 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. Week 4 Week 1 a. 22 b. 7 213 sold $127.80 Trend is sales increasing over time Making a Horizontal Bar Graph Middle School Basketball Team – Points Scored Number of Points Scored Game Number 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 5 10 15 20 25 1. The number of points 2. The game number 3. The number of points scored in the game 30 4. Averag e points per game is 23 5. Cannot tell from this data 6. Team did not improve during the season © 7. We know that the team didn’t improve because the bars do not increase in length over the season from Game 1 to Game 6. Horizontal Bar Graph Practice Top Running Speed of Animals Giraffe Animal Elk Ostrich Antelope Cheetah 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 Speed (mph) 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. Speed in mph Animal 4 Antelope 60:45 = 4:3 Gi raffe 27 mph © 80