Royal Holloway University of London INFORMATION BOOKLET FOR DIRECTORS OF GRADUATE STUDIES Directors of Graduate Studies Information Booklet CONTENTS Directors of Graduate Studies The Graduate School Forum Staff in Exams and Research Degrees Monitoring PGR academic progress – quick reference Regulations and Code of Practice Generic Skills Programme Annual Review and Upgrade of Postgraduate Research Students Annual Review of Postgraduate Programmes Research Degrees Examinations Appendix 1: Some Student Admin Processes a) Admissions b) Scholarships c) Enrolment & Induction d) Changes in student enrolment status Appendix 2: Contacts in Central Administration Appendix 3: Appointment of Examiners for the Examination of Research Degrees This booklet is intended as a reference document: it indicates the areas under the responsibility of a Director of Graduate Studies and provides some relevant information. Please note that the role of Director of Graduate Studies may vary from department to department. Francesca Chiarelli 2 Examinations and Research Degrees Directors of Graduate Studies Information Booklet DIRECTORS OF GRADUATE STUDIES Each department has a Director of Graduate Studies (DoGS) who is responsible for the academic welfare of postgraduate students in the department. Some departments may decide to appoint two separate DoGSs responsible for taught and research programmes respectively. DoGSs are appointed by the Head of Department. Duties of Directors of Graduate Studies as indicated on the Code of Practice: Ensuring that a departmental file is maintained for each research student; Ensuring that a departmental handbook containing information about postgraduate programmes, procedures and resources is available to all members of the department; Co-ordinating and maintaining an up-to-date record of departmental admissions procedures in respect of postgraduate programmes, ensuring that these comply with College guidelines; Arranging an appropriate departmental induction for all postgraduate research students; Ensuring that supervisors submit reports of annual and other interim reviews of the work of postgraduate research students according to the procedures laid down in the Code of Practice, taking appropriate action if reviews do not take place or if the outcomes are unsatisfactory; Ensuring that students participate in relevant training programmes; Appointing advisers and ensuring that the supervisor’s name is logged on Banner within four weeks from the student’s commencement date; With the supervisor, ensuring adequate supervision is maintained in the event of the appointed supervisor being unavailable; Seeking special permission from the Vice-Principal (Academic Affairs) before an offer is made if it is necessary to charge an overseas or privately-funded applicant a supplementary fee; Ensuring that College feedback questionnaires are collected from students and summarising the generic feedback for consideration by the department; Approving appointment of examiners for viva examinations of MPhil and PhD degrees on behalf of the department board, prior forwarding to Exams and Research Degree Office. Duties may vary slightly from one department to the other, therefore it is advisable to refer to this booklet for general reference rather than as a definite statement of what DoGSs are expected to do. Francesca Chiarelli 3 Examinations and Research Degrees Directors of Graduate Studies Information Booklet Email distribution lists of all DoGSs are maintained by the Postgraduate Administrator (Exams and Research Degrees), and can be found in the College email address list under: Arts – DoGS, HSS – DoGS, Science – DoGS. List of current DoGSs can also be found on the College website: Directors of Graduate Studies. Newly appointed DoGSs should notify the Postgraduate Administrator so that the distribution list and the information on the web are kept up to date. THE GRADUATE SCHOOL FORUM From the College Committees Handbook: “The Graduate School Forum is an opportunity for staff and students to discuss all aspects of the graduate student experience and for the Dean of the Graduate School to consult with relevant stakeholders. It comprises the Dean of the Graduate School, Directors of Graduate Study, postgraduate students and senior staff responsible for the development of the College’s graduate provision. Issues are taken forward either managerially, or through the Dean’s membership of key academic committees”. The Forum meets once per term during the academic year, and the dates are set in the College Calendar. Chair to the Forum is the Dean of Graduate School, Professor Robin Walker; Secretary to the Forum is Ms Charlotte Verney, Academic Development Services. STAFF IN EXAMS AND RESEARCH DEGREE EMILY PLUMLEY CAROLINE BECK ALEX BORRETT Head of Section (Maternity leave) Acting Head of Section Acting Exams Office Supervisor KATIE BARKE MANI CHHETRI FRANCESCA CHIARELLI MARINA MOHIDEEN-MOORE Upgrades and research degrees administration Visiting Examiners Research Councils; advisory role for students Administration of Generic Skills Programme As regards queries about submissions and research degrees examination, please email RESEARCHDEGREES@RHUL.AC.UK . MONITORING ACADEMIC PROGRESS Guidelines on the Annual Review and the Upgrade processes can be found in the Research Degree Regulations under ‘Reviews of academic progress’ (Section 9). Francesca Chiarelli 4 Examinations and Research Degrees Directors of Graduate Studies Information Booklet N.B. All RCUK-funded students who withdraw or have their registration terminated after 12 months from the start date of the award will count in the Submission Survey as non-completion. At a glance: First attempt at upgrade within 20 months from start date – but earlier if the student is funded by the Research Councils; Final decision on upgrade to be reached before the end of the 2nd year (FT) or 4th year (PT); At the beginning of the 3rd year (FT) or 5th year (PT), the student should either register onto the PhD or as writing up towards the MPhil. More information can be found later in this booklet. REGULATIONS & CODE OF PRACTICE 1) College Regulations and the Code of Practice can be found and consulted on the web: Postgraduate Regulations are applied to taught postgraduate programmes (for example: Master’s, Diplomas, Doctorate in Clinical Psychology). Research Degrees Regulations are applied to MPhil and PhD programmes. The Code of Practice does not have a regulatory role, but indicates what is recommended as best practice by the Quality Assurance Agency. The Code applies only to students on research degrees programmes and relevant academic staff. Code of Practice and Regulations will assist and guide in the following key areas: Responsibilities of the student, the supervisor(s), the advisor and the DoGS (Code of Practice); Timescale for Annual Review - every 12 months for full- and parttime students (Research Degrees Regulations); Timescale for the Transfer of Registration from MPhil to PhD - by the end of the second year if full time, or the fourth year if part time (Research Degrees Regulations); Membership of panel for both Annual Review and Transfer of Registration (Research Degrees Regulations and Code of Practice); Francesca Chiarelli 5 Examinations and Research Degrees Directors of Graduate Studies Information Booklet Requirements in relation to training in research and transferable skills (Code of Practice); Maximum period of registration: up to 4 years full time or 7 years part time for students who have commenced the programme on or after September 2006 Research Degrees Regulations) (NB: the earliest submission date between the Research Council and the College applies); Completion, submission and examination of MPhil and PhD theses (Research Degrees Regulations); Appeals (Research Degrees Regulations). Enquiries and advice on Regulations and the Code of Practice should be addressed to the Assistant Registrar of the Faculty: Science: Charlotte Verney Arts: Marina Beck HSS: Gail Turner GENERIC (RESEARCH) SKILLS PROGRAMME Research Councils, HEFCE and other interested parties such as the Quality Assurance Agency have strongly recommended that universities enhance their skill-development provision for research students. The Graduate School has sought not only to respond to the national agenda regarding postgraduate skills provision but also to design a programme that will actively meet the needs of our diverse doctoral community. The programme tackles issues relevant to research students such as research project planning, communication and presentation skills, academic networking, communicating with the media and other non-academic organisations and career-related advice. Each academic session courses are advertised on the Graduate School website and students can register onto their choice of courses by email. Students have the opportunity to select from a choice of generic or Facultyspecific subjects offered by external facilitators. A programme of training sessions is compulsory for all research students (except those on their writing-up year), and it is up to the supervisory team to establish the appropriate diet of courses for each individual student. Research skills training for students in the first three years of their study should normally consist of up to 10 working days in each academic year (or 30 over the three years). Attendance at the agreed courses should be registered on the Research Training Log and signed off as part of the Annual Review process. Completion of the required training courses is required for successful upgrade from MPhil to PhD. Francesca Chiarelli 6 Examinations and Research Degrees Directors of Graduate Studies Information Booklet The administrator for the Research Skills Programme is Mrs Marina MohideenMoore. The Dean of the Graduate School, Professor Robin Walker, is the Programme Director. ANNUAL REVIEW AND UPGRADE OF POSTGRADUATE RESEARCH STUDENTS Guidelines on the Annual Review and of the Upgrade processes can be found in the Research Degree Regulations under ‘Reviews of academic progress’ (Section 9). Procedure. The outcome of the Upgrade interview should be notified to Exams and Research Degrees by completing and returning the appropriate form. The form should be downloaded from the web and returned electronically to If the upgrade is successful, the Exams and Research Degrees Office processes the information on Banner and writes to the student. If the upgrade is unsuccessful, the office contacts the relevant DoGS and supervisor to discuss options with the Department before writing to the student. Please note: 9.1 “Each student’s academic progress will be formally reviewed at least once every 12 months [whether the student is registered full or part time], unless the student has interrupted his/her studies under the provisions of Section 5 of these regulations and is consequently unavailable to attend a review within 12 months, in which case a review will take place not more than two months after the student has formally resumed his/her studies.” The review panel should comprise the supervisor(s), the personal advisor and at least one other academic outside the supervisory team (9.4). It is advisable, wherever difficulties are anticipated, that the Director of Graduate Studies or another senior member of the department is present. The timescale for the first attempt at upgrade is set under ‘Registration on Research Degree Programmes’: 7.2 “A student wishing to upgrade his/her registration to the degree of PhD must successfully complete a formal review under the provisions of Section 9 of these regulations. The first attempt to upgrade must be undertaken within the first 20 months of full-time study, or the first 40 months of part-time study. If the student is not successful on the first attempt, s/he may be granted a second and final attempt before the end of the second year of full-time study, or the fourth year of part-time study”. N.B. All RCUK-funded students who withdraw or have their registration terminated after 12 months from the start date of the award will count in the Submission Survey as non-completion. In summary, this is a suggested timescale for best practice. Francesca Chiarelli 7 Examinations and Research Degrees Directors of Graduate Studies Information Booklet First attempt at upgrade within 20 months from start date – but earlier if the student is funded by the Research Councils; Final decision on Upgrade to be reached before the end of the 2nd year (FT) or 4th year (PT); At the beginning of the 3rd year (FT) or 5th year (PT), the student should either register onto the PhD or as writing up towards the MPhil. Below are guidelines on recording the outcome of the review: 9.9 “The panel will record the outcome of the review and its recommendations using the relevant form issued by the Academic Registrar. A copy of the form will be kept on file in the department or school together with copies of the materials submitted by the student and any other documents which have contributed to the panel’s decision. A copy of the form will also be given to the student. If the purpose of the review is to consider the student for upgrading to the degree of PhD, the student will also be sent formal notification by the Academic Registrar of the outcome, its implications for the student’s registration at the College and, if appropriate, the right to appeal against the decision under the provisions of Section 21 of these regulations.” In case of non-satisfactory progress, please note the following: 9.10 “If it is decided that the student has not made satisfactory progress, or if there is concern that the student will not reach the required standard and/or be in a position to submit the thesis within an appropriate timeframe, the panel will recommend a course of action and provide the student with written guidance on the reasons for their concerns and what would need to be done by the student in order to address them.” 9.11 “The outcomes of all reviews will be considered by the Board or other appropriate committee of the department or school. If the panel has identified concerns about the student’s progress, the Board will consider the panel’s recommendations and may decide to hold a further formal review and/or to invite the Head of Department or School to issue the student with a formal warning under the provisions of Section 10 of these regulations.” ANNUAL REVIEW OF POSTGRADUATE PROGRAMMES The Academic Development Team administers programme reviews and queries should be directed to the Faculty Assistant Registrar. There are two separate forms for taught and research programmes. Information and relevant forms can be found on the website: RESEARCH DEGREES EXAMINATION The Examination and Research Degree Office administers submission of MPhil and PhD theses. Please note that students need to be fully enrolled at the time of submission of the thesis (i.e., they need to have completed the online sign up and have paid fees for the academic year); once the thesis is submitted, students will Francesca Chiarelli 8 Examinations and Research Degrees Directors of Graduate Studies Information Booklet still be required to complete the online sign up to keep their enrolment ‘live’. However, students who expect to submit by the end of October normally will not be required to pay tuition fees for that academic year, but only to complete the online sign-up. All information on the procedure and relevant forms can be found on the web: Research Degrees Examination. Re-submission fee. At the point when a student is officially given notification (in writing) that their PhD/MPhil examination outcome is ‘Re-submit within 18 (PhD) or 12 (MPhil) months’, the student will be billed a Tuition/Re-submission fee of the appropriate magnitude. More information on this can be found on the web: Re-submission If the established period expires (12/18 months), the student will be considered to have failed the second attempt and therefore be excluded from the College. If an extension to establish the period (12/18 months) is agreed on the basis of extenuating circumstances, the agreement includes an extension to the fee and therefore no further payment would be required. Francesca Chiarelli 9 Examinations and Research Degrees Directors of Graduate Studies Information Booklet APPENDIXES 1) Some Student Admin Processes a) Admissions b) Scholarships c) Enrolment and Induction d) Changes to enrolment status 2) Contacts in Central Administration 3) Appointment of Examiners for the Examination of Research Degrees Francesca Chiarelli 10 Examinations and Research Degrees Directors of Graduate Studies Information Booklet 1) Some Student Admin Processes ADMISSIONS The Admissions Office oversees and processes all applications for admission to study at College. Monitoring individual applications, as well as seeking advice on comparing overseas qualifications to UK ones, should be done through this office. More information and application forms for both taught and research programmes can be found on the web. SCHOLARSHIPS Scholarships are administered centrally, mainly by the Assistant Faculty Managers, the Postgraduate Administrator (Exams and Research Degrees), Royal Holloway International and UK Recruitment. The following table is intended for reference: College Scholarships Research Councils International Scholarships Hilda Martindale New Horizon (PGT Master’s 3+1 Scholarship Wentworth Golf Bursary Student Talented Athlete Recognition Scheme (STAR) Choral and Organ Scholarships Faculty Assistant Managers Postgraduate Administrator RHI Fair Access Coordinator, Recruitment UK Sport Development Executive Admissions and Music Dept Information can be found on the website: Sources of funding. International scholarship information is also on the web: International scholarships. If prospective students are asking for financial support (whether or not additional to a scholarship), please refer them to Student Support, where the Financial Advisor and the Funding Advisor will be able to provide specific support – A guide on alternative funding is also accessible through the student portal: all applicants can log onto the portal using their ID number (RHUL Campus Connect). ENROLMENT & INDUCTION New and returning students are required to enrol for each academic year of attendance. New and returning students are required to do: ONLINE SIGN UP Francesca Chiarelli 11 Examinations and Research Degrees Directors of Graduate Studies Information Booklet Through the Student Portal, (please be aware that students will be required to sign a declaration about Intellectual Property as part of the online sign-up process); PAYMENT OF TUITION FEES At College Induction or via Epay: New students are also required to attend: COLLEGE INDUCTION Student Records (Students and Academic Services), organizes College Induction; information is posted on the web in August:; DEPARTMENTAL INDUCTION AND COURSE REGISTRATION (IF RELEVANT). Returning students are only required to do the online sign up and payment of fees (and register for courses in the case of taught programmes) in order to complete enrolment for the academic year. New research students are expected to attend the Graduate School Induction as well as the day session offered by Information Services (Library and Information Technology) on how to best use College resources. Information is posted on the enrolment webpage in each September. CHANGES TO STUDENT ENROLMENT STATUS All relevant forms should be downloaded from the web: Changes in enrolment forms. Please ensure that these forms are used as they are amended to reflect current regulations and procedures. All forms should be emailed electronically to Changes can happen in the following ways. 1) INTERRUPTION OF STUDIES. The Postgraduate Administrator authorises all requests for interruptions from research degrees; for Master’s students, only those funded by RCUK will be authorised by the Postgraduate Administrator. Please note: Research students can apply for a retrospective period of interruption, as long as the start date falls within the same academic year. Students funded by RCUK will not be able to apply retrospectively for a period of interruption, as they are not allowed to receive any maintenance during this period – in fact, they will be expected to return any money paid in advance. Students in their writing-up year can apply for a period of interruption or extension depending on the ground on which the request is made: for cases where it is necessary to stop working altogether, an interruption should be requested; in cases where more time is required, an extension should be requested. In both cases, the request will be considered at senior management level by either the Faculty Dean of Francesca Chiarelli 12 Examinations and Research Degrees Directors of Graduate Studies Information Booklet the Vice Principal for Academic Affairs. If an extension is requested and granted, the student will be liable for tuition fees for the relevant period of enrolment. College Regulations do not allow for a period of interruption longer than two calendar years within the same degree programme: a period beyond two years needs to be requested by the Head of Department as a waiver of regulations. In case of an external funding body, there may be further restriction to those imposed by College Regulations as regards the allowed period of interruption (i.e., the ESRC does not allow more than one year). If a student will need to interrupt beyond what allowed by the funding body, s/he will be able to maintain her/his registration at College, but will lose the award. Moreover, the termination of the award may count as non-completion in the Submission Survey. During a period of interruption, students are not given access to College facilities and should not attend lessons of any type or receive supervision. Therefore, this procedure cannot be used to ‘buy time’ towards completing the degree: if progress is an issue, this should be discussed with the Postgraduate Administrator or the Assistant Registrar to the Faculty. 2) WITHDRAWAL FROM PROGRAMME. As with interruptions, all withdrawals from research degrees are authorised by the Postgraduate Administrator, as are withdrawals from Master’s programmes if the student is RCUK funded. 3) CHANGE OF MODE OF ATTENDANCE (FULL- TO PART-TIME, PART- TO FULL-TIME). This process is administered entirely between the department and Student Records. Please note: overseas student who are in the UK with a student visa will not be able to renew it if not enrolled full time. 4) CHANGE OF TAUGHT POSTGRADUATE PROGRAMME. This process is administered by the relevant academic department(s), the relevant Assistant Registrar(s) and Student Records. 5) TRANSFER OF DEPARTMENT/PROGRAMME FOR RESEARCH DEGREES. This is a more complex change as it has consequences on the REF (former RAE) of the department. It must be treated as an individual case, rather than a change in enrolment, and advice should be obtained by the relevant Assistant Registrar as well as the Postgraduate Administrator. If possible, it might be advisable for the student to withdraw from the original programme and enrol onto the new one. This way the new department will have more control over academic progress and timely completion. In case of a transfer, it is advisable to draft a memo of agreement and have it signed by all parties involved. Francesca Chiarelli 13 Examinations and Research Degrees Directors of Graduate Studies Information Booklet 2) Contacts for Student Administration Student Administration Centre (Crossland Bungalow): Enrolment Tuition Fee invoices Certification letters Changes to student enrolment CAS number for current overseas students Administration of College Awards and Prizes Student Housing Graduation Ceremonies Fee Payment Centre (Founder’s West 141): Tuition and accommodation fee payments Payment enquiries International Office (Founder’s West 139): Advice to international students Visa applications International loans (such as the US government one) Exams and Research Degrees (Huntersdale 1-16): All examination for UG, PGT and PGR students Special exams arrangements Requests for transcript / confirmation of award Upgrade process for research degrees Administration of RCUK funding Regulatory and pastoral advice to PGR students Francesca Chiarelli 14 Examinations and Research Degrees Directors of Graduate Studies Information Booklet 3) Nomination of Examiners for the Examination of Research Degrees Student fills in their part of the PhD Entry form and gives it to Supervisor Examiner not approved. Director of Graduate Studies asks Supervisor to nominate new examiner Supervisor fills in appropriate details and then passes it on to the Board of the department or school for approval Missing information is provided Director of Gradate Studies signs off the approval on behalf of the department Board and sends form to Exams If information is missing Exams contact supervisor, student or Director of Graduate Studies Form is checked by Exams to make sure all necessary information has been completed Memo and relevant details are sent to the Dean of the Faculty for approval Memo sent back to Exams Office If approved Exams informed that Examiner has been approved If rejected Supervisor nominates new examiner Exams informed that Examiner has been rejected and the reason why Exams tells supervisor and sends out pack to Examiner Exams tell supervisor and DoGS Examiner rejects appointment Examiner sends back acceptance form Thesis dispatched to examiners once both acceptance forms received Francesca Chiarelli 15 Examinations and Research Degrees