CAPCODE - IMPLEMENTATION OF THE FR 1895363 (NMEA SIMULATOR) CAPCODE subject CapCode Title :implementation of the FR 1895363 (NMEA simulator) Author : c.rosay Document ID : Document1 Version : A modified on : 2/18/2016 2:13:00 AM IMPLEMENTATION OF THE FR 1895363 (NMEA SIMULATOR) 1 history of changes ............................................................................................... 2 2 document description .......................................................................................... 2 3 Document retrieval .............................................................................................. 2 Page 1 / 5 CAPCODE - IMPLEMENTATION OF THE FR 1895363 (NMEA SIMULATOR) 1 HISTORY OF CHANGES date version subject author 2 DOCUMENT DESCRIPTION This document is the resolution documentation for the FR 1895363 (NMEA simulator improvement: saving user’s data). 3 DOCUMENT RETRIEVAL The last version of this document is available in html format in the documentation section, subsection low level requirements. 4 DESCRIPTION OF THE FEATURE REQUEST The modifications done are not saved. Every time the simulator is launched, the default value (hard coded) are set. Implement a way to save the user's data and reload them at next start of the NMEA simulator. The data to be saved are: - the relative wind direction and force - the boat speed and bearing - the boat position (WGS 63) 5 IMPLEMENTATION OF THE SOLUTION 2 solutions are possible: 1. to save the data in the capcode configuration file 2. to save the data is a specific simulator xml file (location to be defined) in both cases each time the button Post Change is pressed, the all fields a sent to the NMEA bus. This is done in the procedure postChanges() in the of the package capcode.simulation. Create a private procedure called saveChangesToPreferences() in the of the package capcode.simulation. Solution 2: 1) Reference a XMLParser from package capcode.xml (project capcode.basics). 2) Create a simulator.xml in configuration folder <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="no"?> <preferences EXTERNAL_XML_VERSION="1.0"> <boat bearing="290" latitude="N43°24'56.878" longitude="E003°37'12.150" speed="4"/> <wind direction="330" force="14.5"/> </preferences> 3) in create a saveChangestoPreferences() procedure 4) in postChange() call saveChangesToPreferences() 5) in initWindow(String title), implement the code that read the preference. Page 2 / 5 CAPCODE - IMPLEMENTATION OF THE FR 1895363 (NMEA SIMULATOR) 6 CODING Mylyn view of the changes performed on the code for this modification XMLParser was also modified to change the coding of the XML file from ISO-8859-1 to UTF-8 to take into account the special char “°” (deg) for longitude and latitude. This will create a side effect with the reading of ccmap, using the same XMLParser. TODO: to check if the ccmap file are still readable. List of changes: 7 VERIFICATION Junit test case FR1895363 were created. Result ok. Coverage: /** * init the window * @param title : title of the window * modified to implement @tag FR_1895363 * (reading of the preferences) */ private void initWindow(String title){ simToolBox.setUpdator(this); Page 3 / 5 CAPCODE - IMPLEMENTATION OF THE FR 1895363 (NMEA SIMULATOR) getJFrame().setTitle(title); XMLParser pref = new XMLParser(); try { //@tag FR_1895363 //load the preferences pref.load("configuration/simulator.xml"); //save the values getJTextFieldWindForce().setText(pref.getElement("//wind").getAttribu te("force")); getJTextFieldWindDirection().setText(pref.getElement("//wind").getAtt ribute("direction")); getJTextFieldBoatSpeed().setText(pref.getElement("//boat").getAttribu te("speed")); getJTextFieldBoatBearing().setText(pref.getElement("//boat").getAttri bute("bearing")); getJTextFieldLongitude().setText(pref.getElement("//boat").getAttribu te("longitude")); getJTextFieldLatitude().setText(pref.getElement("//boat").getAttribut e("latitude"));; } catch (ParserConfigurationException e) { // TODO Auto-generated catch block e.printStackTrace(); } catch (SAXException e) { // TODO Auto-generated catch block e.printStackTrace(); } catch (IOException e) { // TODO Auto-generated catch block e.printStackTrace(); } setVisible(true); } /** * post the changes to the simToolBox. * */ public void postChanges() { try { simToolBox.boat.getAngle().setValue( Double.parseDouble(jTextFieldBoatBearing.getText())); simToolBox.boat.getSpeed().setValue( Double.parseDouble(jTextFieldBoatSpeed.getText())); simToolBox.boatOnGround.getAngle().setValue( Double.parseDouble(jTextFieldBoatBearing.getText())); simToolBox.boatOnGround.getSpeed().setValue( Double.parseDouble(jTextFieldBoatSpeed.getText())); simToolBox.magneticWindHeading.getAngle().setValue( Double.parseDouble(jTextFieldWindDirection.getText())); simToolBox.magneticWindHeading.getSpeed().setValue( Page 4 / 5 CAPCODE - IMPLEMENTATION OF THE FR 1895363 (NMEA SIMULATOR) Double.parseDouble(jTextFieldWindForce.getText())); double trueWindBearing = simToolBox.magneticWindHeading.getAngle() .getValue() - simToolBox.boat.getAngle().getValue(); simToolBox.trueWind.forceToDirectionAndSpeed(trueWindBearing, simToolBox.magneticWindHeading.getSpeed().getValue()); simToolBox.trueWind.reverseComputation(); simToolBox.longitude.setAsString(jTextFieldLongitude.getText()); simToolBox.latitude.setAsString(jTextFieldLatitude.getText()); //save the preference every time a change is posted //@tag FR_1895363 saveChangesToPreferences(); } catch (Exception ex) { ex.printStackTrace(); } } /** * save the changes to a preference file (xml) * implementation of the @tag FR_1895363 */ private void saveChangesToPreferences() { //reference a XMLParser XMLParser pref = new XMLParser(); try { //load the preferences pref.load("configuration/simulator.xml"); //save the values pref.setAttribute(pref.getElement("//wind"), getJTextFieldWindForce().getText()); pref.setAttribute(pref.getElement("//wind"), getJTextFieldWindDirection().getText()); pref.setAttribute(pref.getElement("//boat"), getJTextFieldBoatSpeed().getText()); pref.setAttribute(pref.getElement("//boat"), getJTextFieldBoatBearing().getText()); pref.setAttribute(pref.getElement("//boat"), getJTextFieldLongitude().getText()); pref.setAttribute(pref.getElement("//boat"), getJTextFieldLatitude().getText());; } catch (ParserConfigurationException e) { // TODO Auto-generated catch block e.printStackTrace(); } catch (SAXException e) { // TODO Auto-generated catch block e.printStackTrace(); } catch (IOException e) { // TODO Auto-generated catch block e.printStackTrace(); } "force", "direction", "speed", "bearing", "longitude", "latitude", } The exception cases were not covered. Test case has to be upgrated to see how the software react in case of a bad or missing simulator.xml file. Page 5 / 5