
7726 Feliciana Lane
Spring, Texas 77379-7218
Mr. Wilson is a senior exploration and development geologist with more than 35
years of E&P experience. This was gained at a major oil company, a service
company, and by consulting. He has explored and developed in deltaic and
deepwater clastics, carbonates, and in thrust belt settings. He is skilled in prospect
generation and evaluation. In addition he has worked for more than 25,000 hours at
the wellsite. He is well versed in integrated reservoir and enhanced oil recovery
studies and reserves calculations. He is proficient in use of Petra, Petraseis, Petrel,
and has used Geographix and Geoframe. Mr. Wilson owns perpetual licenses in
Petra, Kingdom 2D-3D Pak and PetraSeis. Designed and provided operational input
during drilling of conventional and lateral wells.
2012 - Present
Linc Energy
Consulting Geological Advisor
 Mapping High Island Field reserves, identifying PUD’s for infill drilling.
Hess Corporation
Senior Consulting Geologist
 Completed a large regional unconventional play evaluation project for an
international oil company. Correlated tops and bases of key pay intervals
using Petra and exported picks to Petrel for geophysicist. Made well-based
structure and Isochore maps for pay intervals. Selected intervals for
geochemical sampling based on well log motifs. Wrote a Petra-based
transform formula to generate a grid and used it to calculate estimated oil in
place. Constructed paleo-facies map montages and associated deliverables
using available publications. Compiled Petra database, extracting core,
directional survey and test data from well reports and Mudlogs. Eventual goal
was to design lateral wells to complete in the organic shale interval.
Kinder Morgan Oil & Energy
2010 - 2011
Senior Consulting Geologist
 Completed mapping and reserves assessment of a large CO2 source field in
Colorado, which supports major tertiary recovery in the Permian Basin and
other areas. Predicted faulting and compartmentalization that previously were
not mapped in field extension. Based on new map results recommended
reprocessing of select 2D seismic lines, which proved predicted structure and
led to 3D shoot of entire extended field area. Picked well locations and
designed horizontal wells to complete in pay zone with optimum porosity
interval exposure, using Petra and Excel spreadsheets. Provided operational
input during drilling of vertical pilot hole and angle building of lateral interval.
Compiled subsurface evidence of CO2 accumulation on a regional basis and
generated CO2 leads and prospects in Utah, Montana, Wyoming, Arizona and
Texas, establishing exploration opportunities for the client company and an
expanded exploration program.
Revised Petrel model for Peruvian oil field for major international oil company.
Jannah Hunt Oil Company
Consulting Reservoir Modeler
 Constructed reservoir model using Petrel in Sana'a, Yemen for Al-Nasr oil
field, in cooperation with staff and management of Jannah Hunt Oil Company.
New reservoir model proved superior to previous model developed by
Schlumberger modelers. Calculated recoverable hydrocarbon reserves in
Petrel and up-scaled new model for simulation in Eclipse by reservoir
simulation engineer. Presented findings and results in partner meeting,
recommending well locations for 2010-2011 drilling program. Designed
deviated and lateral wells using Petrel.
Knowledge Reservoir, Inc., Houston
2006 - 2009
Senior Consulting Geologist
 Evaluated Mesozoic prospect in Denver Basin, Colorado.
 Generated new prospects and recommended previously shelved prospects for
ExxonMobil datarooms.
 Exploration for hydrocarbons in Block 31, offshore Surinam for Maersk Oil and
Gas in Copenhagen. Generated leads in multiple horizons and recommended
3D surveys in two areas using Petrel to develop several prospect models.
 Exploration for hydrocarbons in Mustang Island block, offshore shelf.
Generated deep lead using Petra and SMT.
 Reservoir assessment, Bolton Field, Mississippi. Mapped multiple horizons,
measured remaining hydrocarbons.
 Reservoir studies, Cañadon Seco, Cañadon Leon, Zona Central – Bella Vista,
San Jorge Basin, Argentina. Correlated and mapped multiple horizons using
Petrel and Geoframe and generated reservoir models with Petrel.
Maersk Oil, Copenhagen, Denmark
Senior Consulting Geologist
 Explored for hydrocarbons in Block 31, offshore Surinam in Maersk office in
Copenhagen, Denmark. Incorporated well logs and 2D seismic to generate
delta/pro-delta facies models using Petrel in sand wedges identified by
consulting sequence stratigrapher. Generated leads in multiple horizons and
recommended 3D surveys in two lead areas.
Gaffney, Cline & Associates, Houston/Alton UK
Senior Consulting Geologist
 Reserves confirmation and reservoir assessment for various companies in
India, Russia, United Kingdom, and Argentina. Quantified reservoir volumes
for 31 reservoirs using Petra and Petrel.
Ryder-Scott Company, Houston
2004 - 2005
Senior Consulting Geologist
 Estimation of reserves for domestic and international companies in offshore
Gulf of Mexico, China (CNOOC and SINOPEC), and Colombia (Ecopetrol).
Quantified reserves for 23 fields and reservoirs.
Coastline Operating, Houston
Senior Consulting Geologist
 Generation of prospects in Texas Gulf coast and presentation to potential
investors. Identified two medium-risk stepouts and a lead adjacent to a
previously developed drillable prospect.
Avanti Consulting Company, Houston
2000 - 2003
Senior Consulting Geologist
 Evaluated reservoirs for enhanced oil recovery in deepwater fan and
carbonate environments in Sánchez Magallanes, Chiapas-Copano, and Luna
Fields, Mexico using sequence stratigraphy to define packages. Identified
large low resistivity and fractured reservoir reserves.
 Conducted reservoir description and mapping of Sotchemyu-Talyu Field, FSU.
Identified complex reservoir drive mechanism.
 Conducted regional field reviews and developed Texas Gulf Coast analogs for
Burgos Basin fields in Mexico. Reviewed and edited detailed database
description, including well and seismic library offered in basin study.
PDVSA Petroleos de Venezuela S.A.
1997 - 1999
Senior Consulting Geologist
 Integrated LL-03 reservoirs study in the Maracaibo Basin, Venezuela, with
team of expatriate and Venezuelan national geologists, geophysicists,
petrophysicists and reservoir engineers. Mentored Venezuelan national
petrophysicist, geologist and geophysicist in the application of sequence
stratigraphy to regional and reservoir stratigraphy. Correlated and mapped
reservoirs using sequence stratigraphy to characterize reservoir sands,
identifying optimum flood patterns.
J. L. Wilson & Associates, LLP, Houston
Independent Consulting Geologist
 Evaluated leads and plays in various onshore and offshore North and West
African countries. Developed several leads and field re-entry proposals for
estimated reserve adds of 80 MMBOE.
The Wellsite Company [Cambrian Group], Houston
1996 - 1997
Senior Consulting Geologist
 Operations geologist overseeing mud and wireline logging activities.
Conducted pore pressure logging and pressure hunts.
J. L. Wilson & Associates, LLP, Houston
Independent Consulting Geologist
 Regional analysis and preparation of reports for studies in Oriente Basin,
Ecuador, and western Malvinas Basin, Argentina, and South American SubAndean trend. Presented six Neuquen Basin field re-entry candidates
(85MMBO risked) to US-based clients.
Mobil Oil, USA, Houston
1981 - 1995
Senior Staff Geologist
 Developed leads and plays in offshore northern Borneo for joint venture
participation. Developed geological model of Baram-Sarawak to high-grade
lease blocks for drillable prospects. Generated Baram Delta-Sarawak leads
based on geological model in joint effort with geophysicist. Recommended
participation to management for estimated 300 MMBO risked opportunity.
 Identified high potential, low-risk concessions in Colombia, Ecuador, and Peru.
Mapped and ranked Magdalena Basin (350 MMBO risked) prospects for major
oil company. Evaluated Napo Basin, Ecuador, pre-Cretaceous hydrocarbon
potential and identified leads (est. 5 TCFG unrisked) and recommended three
blocks for acquisition in 1994 bid round.
 Evaluated hydrocarbon potential in San Jorge Basin and assessed
Magallanes Basin blocks offered in Argentina 1992 bid round. Identified 80
MMBO risked potential in San Jorge Basin. Developed new play strategy in
previously unexplored pre-Cretaceous San Jorge basin area for 300 BCFG
potential. Assessed Magallanes seismic and well data and recommended
participation in 1992 bid round.
 Generated leads and prospects in Ellenburger, Atoka, Strawn and Delaware
Sands in the Delaware Basin. Increased production in existing fields in the
Southwestern Permian basin.
Participated in numerous successful
completions and drilled productive infill wells in Eunice, Wantz, Mag-Sealy,
Kermit, North Vacuum, Caprito, Dimmit, Slash Ranch, and Warwink South
Fields with reserve adds of 75 MMBO. Mapped and drilled successful South
Barstow field extension for 40% recoverable reserves increase.
 Generated leads and prospects in the Yegua, Kennedy, Frio, Olmos,
Woodbine and Wilcox trends Gulf Coast Texas. Resulted in two Wilcox
discoveries (400 BCFG each), one Olmos discovery (40 MMBO) and one
Kennedy Limestone discovery (70 MBO). Mentored geology summer student
who, as the result of my guidance and suggestions, selected a Masters thesis
topic dealing with deep, low porosity gas reservoirs.
 Generated forty-nine leads and prospects in Glen Rose, Edwards, James,
Knowles, Rodessa, Smackover and Cotton Valley trends for estimated 250
MMBO (risked) potential.
New Albion Resources Company, San Diego
Chief Geologist
Developed geothermal leads and conducted geothermal reservoir evaluations
and reserves assessments at Nyland, Brawley, Heber and East Mesa
geothermal fields. Mapped geothermal framework based on surface fault
evidence, gravity and magnetic anomalies, fumaroles an other geothermal
surface evidence.
Koppers Company, Inc.
1976 - 1981
1973 – 1976
Conducted coal, lead and petroleum exploration programs on corporate timberlands
in Missouri, Tennessee, Pennsylvania and New York. Made two gas discoveries and
multiple coal mining operations. Responsible for sale of 42,000 acres of Federal coal
leases at Kaiparowits Plateau, Utah to major Mining company.
Georgia Natural Resources Department
1971 – 1973
Conducted surface mapping for proposed sanitary landfill site and interstate
routes I-20, I-85 and 285 spur through Callaway Gardens. Conducted special
problems studies involving soil and rock instability related to roadway
B.S., Geology, University of Georgia, Athens, 1966
M.S., Geology, University of Georgia, Athens, 1971
Spanish, basic conversational