NEURAL NETWORKS: A SOFTWARE ENGINEERING PERSPECTIVE A Thesis Presented to the Faculty of the School of Computer Science Kennedy-Western University In Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements for the Degree of Doctor of Philosophy in Computer Science by David C. Waterman Leominster, Massachusetts 1 Abstract of Dissertation NEURAL NETWORKS: A SOFTWARE ENGINEERING PERSPECTIVE by David C. Waterman Kennedy-Western University THE PROBLEM The composition of an associative memory is a process or device for learning or memorizing an association between an input pattern and an output pattern (Looney, 1997). Traditional statistical methods employed to process pattern associations on large data sets, due to their serial nature, are complex and computationally expensive. These methods are subject to limitations in their noise rejection capabilities and are severely limited in their ability to handle local memory corruption and device failures. Parallel models of distributed memories, such as Neural Networks, are modeled after biological memory systems. Neural networks are extremely powerful parallel processing systems. They can be trained to classify, match, or complete complex patterns. Neural Networks are used in signal detection, adaptive signal filtering, array signal processing, and signal compression. Neural Networks have been employed to solve constrained optimization problems and time series simulation and prediction. Neural Networks are modeled as dynamic parallel systems and their analysis is deeply rooted in complex, numerous, and diverse fields of mathematics more suitable to the Mathematician or Physicist than the Software Engineer. Software Engineers schooled in the algebra of algorithms and data structures will avoid using complex theoretical or mathematical models. The typical software engineer is more interested in function over form and implementation detail rather then mathematical theory. The goal of this paper is to make these powerful Neural Network systems available to the Software Engineer, to bridge the gap between the complex theoretical world of mathematical modeling to the practical implementation of Software Engineering. METHOD Neural Network Architectures, that is, their topologies, learning methods, recall methods, and activation functions were selected for analysis and their mathematical and operational characteristics were developed programmatically. These Neural Network building blocks were developed using the ANSI C programming language and synthesized on a personal computer using off-the-shelf hardware and software components. The review of the literature focused on the fundamentals necessary to build neural network processing elements, topologies, learning and recall methods, and activation functions. The goal of this study was the development of a practical software implementation for the complex mathematical properties of Neural Networks. FINDINGS There are numerous Neural Network topologies of varying complexity. The programmatical building blocks of Neural Networks developed in Chapter 2 were assembled as a system and run as a software simulation. Based on their similarities and ease of synthesis, the Neural Network architectures chosen for simulation were the Discrete Hopfield Model and the Discrete Bi-Directional Associative Memory Model. The key issues revealed were the computational complexity, spurious attractor states, crosstalk, activation function anomalies, and storage capacity limitations of the neural models selected for simulation. An area for further investigation is the construction of neural memories in VLSI hardware and their implementation on the next generation massively parallel hardware systems. An additional area of further research is the aid and impact of Neural Networks in the fields of Computational and Artificial Intelligence. TABLE OF CONTENTS METHOD 3 FINDINGS 4 CHAPTER 1 1 INTRODUCTION/IMPORTANCE OF THE STUDY 1 PURPOSE OF THE STUDY ERROR! BOOKMARK NOT DEFINED. OVERVIEW OF THE STUDY ERROR! BOOKMARK NOT DEFINED. PROBLEM STATEMENT ERROR! BOOKMARK NOT DEFINED. RATIONALE OF THE STUDY/DEVELOPING AN HYPOTHESIS ERROR! BOOKMARK NOT DEFINED. SCOPE OF THE STUDY ERROR! BOOKMARK NOT DEFINED. DEFINITION OF TERMS 1 REVIEW OF RELATED LITERATURE 2 CHAPTER 2 2 BACKGROUND AND HISTORICAL PERSPECTIVE 2 NEURAL NETWORKS PROPERTIES 2 SYNTHETIC NEURAL DEVICES ERROR! BOOKMARK NOT DEFINED. MCCULLOCH-PITTS NEURAL LINEAR DISCRIMINATION ERROR! BOOKMARK NOT DEFINED. COMPONENTS AND TERMINOLOGY ERROR! BOOKMARK NOT DEFINED. CONSTITUENT ELEMENTS ERROR! BOOKMARK NOT DEFINED. NEURAL NETWORK COMPONENTS ERROR! BOOKMARK NOT DEFINED. NEURAL NETWORK ACTIVATION FUNCTIONS ERROR! BOOKMARK NOT DEFINED. LINEAR THRESHOLD FUNCTION ERROR! BOOKMARK NOT DEFINED. STEP FUNCTION 3 RAMP FUNCTION ERROR! BOOKMARK NOT DEFINED. BINARY SIGMOID ERROR! BOOKMARK NOT DEFINED. BIPOLAR SIGMOID (HYPERBOLIC TANGENT) ERROR! BOOKMARK NOT DEFINED. GAUSSIAN FUNCTION SUMMARY OF ACTIVATION FUNCTIONS TOPOLOGY FEEDFORWARD, FEEDBACK 5 6 ERROR! BOOKMARK NOT DEFINED. ERROR! BOOKMARK NOT DEFINED. LAYERS 7 COMMON NEURAL NETWORK TOPOLOGIES DEFINED. ERROR! BOOKMARK NOT INSTAR, OUTSTAR SINGLE LAYER MULTI-LAYER RANDOMLY CONNECTED NETWORKS SUMMARY OF TOPOLOGIES ERROR! BOOKMARK NOT DEFINED. ERROR! BOOKMARK NOT DEFINED. ERROR! BOOKMARK NOT DEFINED. ERROR! BOOKMARK NOT DEFINED. ERROR! BOOKMARK NOT DEFINED. NEURAL NETWORK LEARNING ERROR! BOOKMARK NOT DEFINED. HEBB’S CONTRIBUTIONS ARE IMPLEMENTED IN MOST NEURAL NETWORK ARCHITECTURES TODAY. ERROR! BOOKMARK NOT DEFINED. NOTATION ERROR! BOOKMARK NOT DEFINED. NEURAL NETWORK LEARNING MECHANICS DEFINED. SUPERVISED VS. UNSUPERVISED STRUCTURAL VS. TEMPORAL ON-LINE VS. OFF-LINE OFF-LINE ON-LINE NEURAL LEARNING AND RECALL ERROR! BOOKMARK NOT ERROR! BOOKMARK NOT DEFINED. ERROR! BOOKMARK NOT DEFINED. ERROR! 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BOOKMARK NOT DEFINED. SCALAR PRODUCT MATRIX PRODUCT MATRIX TRANSPOSE ORTHOGONALITY LINEAR SEPARABILITY CROSS-TALK CAPACITY LIMITATIONS OF DATA ASSOCIATIVE NEURAL NETWORKS ERROR! BOOKMARK NOT DEFINED. ERROR! BOOKMARK NOT DEFINED. ERROR! BOOKMARK NOT DEFINED. ERROR! BOOKMARK NOT DEFINED. ERROR! BOOKMARK NOT DEFINED. ERROR! BOOKMARK NOT DEFINED. ERROR! BOOKMARK NOT DEFINED. ERROR! BOOKMARK NOT DEFINED. ERROR! BOOKMARK NOT DEFINED. ASSOCIATIVE TASKS ADDRESSABLE MEMORIES ERROR! BOOKMARK NOT DEFINED. ERROR! BOOKMARK NOT DEFINED. ADDRESS-ADDRESSABLE MEMORY CONTENT-ADDRESSABLE MEMORY ERROR! BOOKMARK NOT DEFINED. ERROR! BOOKMARK NOT DEFINED. AUTO-ASSOCIATIVE NEURAL NETWORKS DEFINED. ERROR! BOOKMARK NOT DISCRETE HOPFIELD NEURAL NETWORK ERROR! BOOKMARK NOT DEFINED. CONSTRUCTION OF THE DISCRETE HOPFIELD NEURAL NETWORKERROR! BOOKMARK NOT DEFINED. OPERATION OF THE DISCRETE HOPFIELD NEURAL NETWORK BOOKMARK NOT DEFINED. ERROR! STORAGE PHASE OF THE DISCRETE HOPFIELD NEURAL NETWORK ERROR! BOOKMARK NOT DEFINED. PATTERN INPUT PHASE OF THE DISCRETE HOPFIELD NETWORK ERROR! BOOKMARK NOT DEFINED. RECALL PHASE OF THE DISCRETE HOPFIELD NEURAL NETWORK ERROR! BOOKMARK NOT DEFINED. HOPFIELD SIGNUM FUNCTION IDIOSYNCRASIES ERROR! BOOKMARK NOT DEFINED. HETERO-ASSOCIATIVE NEURAL NETWORKS DEFINED. ERROR! BOOKMARK NOT DISCRETE BI-DIRECTIONAL ASSOCIATIVE MEMORY (BAM) BOOKMARK NOT DEFINED. CONSTRUCTION OF THE DISCRETE BAM OPERATION OF THE DISCRETE BAM ERROR! ERROR! BOOKMARK NOT DEFINED. ERROR! BOOKMARK NOT DEFINED. PATTERN INPUT PHASE OF THE DISCRETE HOPFIELD NETWORK ERROR! BOOKMARK NOT DEFINED. RECALL PHASE OF THE DISCRETE BAM ERROR! BOOKMARK NOT DEFINED. BAM ACTIVATION FUNCTION ERROR! BOOKMARK NOT DEFINED. SOURCE CODE FOR DISCRETE HOPFIELD SIMULATOR BOOKMARK NOT DEFINED. SOURCE CODE FOR DISCRETE BAM SIMULATOR NOT DEFINED. ERROR! ERROR! BOOKMARK SUMMARY OF CHAPTER 3 ERROR! BOOKMARK NOT DEFINED. CHAPTER 4 ERROR! BOOKMARK NOT DEFINED. DATA ANALYSIS ERROR! BOOKMARK NOT DEFINED. DEVELOPMENT SYSTEM DESCRIPTION DEFINED. HARDWARE SOFTWARE NEURAL DATA REPRESENTATION ERROR! BOOKMARK NOT ERROR! BOOKMARK NOT DEFINED. ERROR! BOOKMARK NOT DEFINED. ERROR! BOOKMARK NOT DEFINED. TRAINING SET DATA REPRESENTATION DEFINED. ERROR! BOOKMARK NOT AUTO-ASSOCIATIVE TRAINING SET (GRAPHICAL) ERROR! BOOKMARK NOT DEFINED. AUTO-ASSOCIATIVE TRAINING SET (VECTOR) ERROR! BOOKMARK NOT DEFINED. AUTO-ASSOCIATIVE TRAINING SET (ANSI C) ERROR! BOOKMARK NOT DEFINED. HETERO-ASSOCIATIVE TRAINING SET (GRAPHICAL) ERROR! BOOKMARK NOT DEFINED. HETERO-ASSOCIATIVE TRAINING SET (VECTOR) ERROR! BOOKMARK NOT DEFINED. HETERO-ASSOCIATIVE TRAINING SET (ANSI C) ERROR! BOOKMARK NOT DEFINED. HETERO-ASSOCIATIVE INPUT PATTERNS ERROR! BOOKMARK NOT DEFINED. HETERO-ASSOCIATIVE OUTPUT PATTERNS ERROR! BOOKMARK NOT DEFINED. ANALYSIS OF THE DISCRETE HOPFIELD NEURAL NETWORK BOOKMARK NOT DEFINED. ERROR! ANALYSIS PROTOCOL ERROR! BOOKMARK NOT DEFINED. HOPFIELD NEURAL NETWORK LEARNING CAPABILITY ERROR! BOOKMARK NOT DEFINED. HOPFIELD NEURAL NETWORK NOISE IMMUNITY PROTOCOL ERROR! BOOKMARK NOT DEFINED. HOPFIELD NEURAL NETWORK CAPACITY PROTOCOL ERROR! BOOKMARK NOT DEFINED. HOPFIELD NEURAL NETWORK ANALYSIS RESULTS ERROR! BOOKMARK NOT DEFINED. TEST HOPFIELD FOR INDIVIDUAL TEST PATTERN RECALL BOOKMARK NOT DEFINED. ERROR! TEST PATTERN ‘0’: ERROR! BOOKMARK NOT DEFINED. TEST PATTERN ‘1’: ERROR! BOOKMARK NOT DEFINED. TEST PATTERN ‘2’: ERROR! BOOKMARK NOT DEFINED. TEST PATTERN ‘3’: ERROR! BOOKMARK NOT DEFINED. TEST PATTERN ‘4’: ERROR! BOOKMARK NOT DEFINED. TEST PATTERN ‘6’: ERROR! BOOKMARK NOT DEFINED. TEST PATTERN ‘9’: ERROR! BOOKMARK NOT DEFINED. TEST PATTERN ‘X’: ERROR! BOOKMARK NOT DEFINED. TEST HOPFIELD FOR INDIVIDUAL TEST PATTERN RECALL SUMMARY ERROR! BOOKMARK NOT DEFINED. TEST HOPFIELD FOR TEST PATTERN NOISE IMMUNITY BOOKMARK NOT DEFINED. STABLE POINTS IN PATTERN STATE SPACE ERROR! ERROR! BOOKMARK NOT DEFINED. TEST HOPFIELD FOR TEST PATTERN NOISE IMMUNITY SUMMARY ERROR! BOOKMARK NOT DEFINED. TEST HOPFIELD FOR CAPACITY ERROR! BOOKMARK NOT DEFINED. ANALYSIS OF THE DISCRETE BI-DIRECTIONAL ASSOCIATIVE MEMORY ERROR! BOOKMARK NOT DEFINED. ANALYSIS PROTOCOL ERROR! BOOKMARK NOT DEFINED. BAM NEURAL NETWORK NOISE IMMUNITY PROTOCOL ERROR! BOOKMARK NOT DEFINED. BAM NEURAL NETWORK CAPACITY PROTOCOL ERROR! BOOKMARK NOT DEFINED. BAM NEURAL NETWORK ANALYSIS RESULTS DEFINED. ERROR! BOOKMARK NOT TEST BAM FOR INDIVIDUAL TEST PATTERN RECALLERROR! BOOKMARK NOT DEFINED. TEST PATTERN ‘0’: ERROR! BOOKMARK NOT DEFINED. TEST PATTERN ‘1’: ERROR! BOOKMARK NOT DEFINED. TEST PATTERN ‘2’: ERROR! BOOKMARK NOT DEFINED. TEST PATTERN ‘3’: ERROR! BOOKMARK NOT DEFINED. TEST PATTERN ‘4’: ERROR! BOOKMARK NOT DEFINED. TEST PATTERN ‘6’: ERROR! BOOKMARK NOT DEFINED. TEST PATTERN ‘9’: ERROR! BOOKMARK NOT DEFINED. TEST PATTERN ‘X’: ERROR! BOOKMARK NOT DEFINED. TEST BAM FOR INDIVIDUAL TEST PATTERN RECALL SUMMARY ERROR! BOOKMARK NOT DEFINED. TEST BAM FOR TEST PATTERN NOISE IMMUNITY NOT DEFINED. ERROR! BOOKMARK TEST BAM FOR TEST PATTERN NOISE IMMUNITY SUMMARY BOOKMARK NOT DEFINED. TEST BAM FOR CAPACITY TEST BAM FOR TEST CAPACITY SUMMARY ERROR! ERROR! BOOKMARK NOT DEFINED. ERROR! BOOKMARK NOT DEFINED. SUMMARY OF CHAPTER 4 ERROR! BOOKMARK NOT DEFINED. SUMMARY ERROR! BOOKMARK NOT DEFINED. CHAPTER 5 ERROR! BOOKMARK NOT DEFINED. BIBLIOGRAPHY ERROR! BOOKMARK NOT DEFINED. Page 1 Neural Networks: A Software Engineering Perspective Chapter 1 Introduction/Importance of the Study Definition of Terms Page 2 Neural Networks: A Software Engineering Perspective Review of Related Literature Chapter 2 Background and Historical Perspective Neural Networks Properties Page 3 Step Function Page 4 Page 5 Gaussian Function Page 6 Summary of Activation Functions Page 7 Layers Page 8 Page 9 Page 10 Page 11 Hopfield, J.J., & D. Tank. “Neural Computation of decisions in Optimization Problems.” Biological Cybernetics, 1985. 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